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M Approved For Rase 2003/04/11 : CIA-RDP79T00975A4W8500280001-7 TOP SECRET 4 October 1965 25X1 25X copy No, CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE ULLETIN CURRENT INTELLIGENCE RELATING TO NATIONAL SECURITY State Dept. review completed 25X GROUP ^ ~~11 C R ET EXCLUDED FflDM AUTOMATIC DOWNGRADING T ~/ C C AND DpDLAprove For Release 2003/04/11: CIA-RDP79T00975AO085 0 00 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/11 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO08500280001-7 Approved For Release 2003/04/11 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO08500280001-7 25 fj Approved F r Release 2003/04/11 :CIA-RDP79T00975A008500 80001-7 4 October 1965 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN CONTENTS 25 2. India-Pakistan: Current situation report. (Page 4) 3. Indonesia: Current situation report. (Page 5) 4. USSR: Supreme Soviet actions reinforce Brezhnev's leading position. (Page 6) 5. Greece: Stephanopoulos very pessimistic about future of his government. (Page 8) 25X1 7. Cuba: Guevara dropped from Communist Party hierarchy. (Page 11.) p j , f Annrovcrl For cease 2nninAill _ nnnl_7 nrvi 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/11 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO08500280001-7 Next 4 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/04/11 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO08500280001-7 25X j Approved For elease 2003/04/11 .CIA-RDP79T00975A008500280 01-7 *India- Pakistan: (Information as of 4:30 AM EDT) No major clashes have been reported along the front, but accusations of cease-fire violations continue from both sides and no break in the dispute appears near. Prime Minister Shastri acknowledged Friday's fighting in the Chhamb sector for the first time yester- day. He said that seven Pakistanis were killed and 20 wounded in an encounter with Indian forces there, and added that the Pakistanis have also provoked Indian counteraction by burning five villages near Khem Keran south of Lahore. Radio Karachi reports that Indian troops have burned a Pakistani village in the Lahore sector. The broadcast also accused India of brutally murdering prisoners and added that Pakistan is holding Indian soldiers who could meet the same fate. I I approximately 60,000 refugees have fled to Pakistani-held Kashmir. The In- dians reportedly have destroyed at least 27 villages on their side of the cease-fire line in an attempt to elimi- nate local resistance. The US Embassy comments that Pakistan faces a serious problem in withdrawing its troops because of expected Indian reprisals against local inhabitants. In a speech, yesterday, Prime Minister Shastri said that India would give all possible cooperation to the United Nations. He added, however, that peace would have to be on Indian terms, and reiterated India will not agree to a settlement contrary to its prestige and honor. 4 Oct 65 Approved For Release 2003/04/11 : CIA-RDP79T00975A008500280 01-7 25 / Approved For Release 2003/04/11 : CIA-RDP79T00975A008500280001-7 _ ? 7AMLAND - I PHILIPPINES da ALI .111" < . Jasaelten INDONESIA , M ' p BRUNEI "'^ > NGAS I(In ia( Pal+ Komada (inter-regional ALAYSL9 j BRUx~]. Trcary ima ,_~ command) boundary Medan (U.K.k< \ Kodam (military area G K 1ALP NATUNA command) boundary IT LUMpLtp, ISLANDS Region command headquarters SI A R$ '_ ,l~ VChing , HALAAHERA Manado ? Area command headquarters 2CC', 4JOMiies PULAU N o ? lX ? IAS Pakonbary; ~d ti 0 200 400 Ki,ometers , B}+kittmge fill onLa nak B 0 R IIIIIIY~,,~? T ore /... ? / Xll TERR. OF NEW GUINEA Paden g BE U SIBERUi `'. .,~ Ojambi ~. ?l ?,.. Xl i\Ba\Pa Pa BAN6KA \ e / X I X1111 (Tr. Terr. ,+r.) Su narnapura? ?~,, Plana raja C El E 8%F? lX-r Palembang ' am rt BILL / SD li-Sand jermasin ? ~ \ gURU C E R A M XVII Amboina NEW GUINEA G A T E ?' NDA SLANDS I ~ XV \. GHQ stv ? .. , V. 1 JAKARTA ar ~ 'v rrebon KEPULPUAN { 3 ARu MADURA ?Sam ang ""--? I i p VI A V A ?s ?rabajz S S[ R JoUlak` II ~... M tang Denpasar S U NDA S L A IDS WET4 Ba , j'lII FLORES MOR TERR. OE PAP LDMBDK SUMBAWA SUMBA FORTU.GLESE TI ~: XVI CHRISTMAS ISLAND IAustralia ~ ? Kupang 0 .. i AUSTRALIA' 49066 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/11 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO08500280001-7 Mr M": 2 5 X Approved For Blease 2003/04/11 : CIA-RDP79TOO975AO08500280 01-7 NER EVER: MEN ME/ *Indonesia: (Information as of 4:30 AM EDT) President Sukarno has apparently re-established his authority over the government and armed forces. Djakarta and most of Indonesia appear calm. All of Lt. Col. Untung's forces have reportedly surrendered, although Untung himself has evaded capture and may now be in Central Java with Col. Suherman., comman- der of dissident. forces which are still apparently f ight- ing in that area. In two., very brief pre-recorded speeches on 2 and 3 October,, Sukarno stated that he was well and carrying out the leadership of the country. He pro- visionally appointed leftist General Pranoto as adminis- trative chief of the army and General Suharto as opera- tional commander in charae of restoring security. From the tone of his statemE~ntsi Sukarno seems unwilling to give up his Juggiing a-U-M- tween the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) and the army, and has refused to sanction an army crackdown on the PKI. Sukarno's public statements were followed by an outpouring of pledges of loyalty to him by the country's principal military and civilian leaders, including Air Marshal Dani who earlier supported the 1130 September" coup. Significantly, no loyalty statement has yet come from the PKI leadership. D. N. Aidit, PKI chairman., has not been heard from since the cou- began. p arno now appears convinced that the coup was masterminded by Dani and Deputy Premier Subandrio., and that the PKI was actively impli- cated. However, Sukarno has called for unity, absolved the air iorce of complicity, and still has given no indi- cation that he intends to deal harshly with the leaders of the 1130 September" movement.] 4, Oct 65 25X1 M 25X1NE I 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/11 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO08500280001-7 Approved For Release 2003/04/11 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO08500280001-7 Approved For Release 2003/04/11 CIA-RDP79T00975A0085002 0001-7 25 N USSR: The radical reorganization of the Soviet Government which was implemented by last week's session of the USSR Supreme Soviet has reinforced Brezhnev's position as first among equals in the collective leadership. a Although full details have not yet been made public, the Supreme Soviet enacted into law a reorgan- izat ion of Soviet industry which appears to adhere closely to the guidelines proposed in :Premier Kosygin's report to the central committee plenum on 27 September. Twenty-eight industrial ministries were approved, however, thus adding eight to those listed in Kosygin's speech. The last minute additions reflect the diffi- culties that have arisen in implementing the extensive administrative reform of Soviet industry. Brezhnev's appointment as a. member of the Supreme Soviet's Presidium provides him with an official government position, which will permit him to participate legitimately in high-level meetings with leaders of other governments. Khrushchev used the same office for this purpose until 1958 when he took on the position of premier in addition to his party position of first secretary. The promotion of Dmitry Polyansky from deputy to first deputy premier, a post he now shares with Kirill Mazurov, appears also to strengthen Brezhnev politically. Polyansky is known to be close to Brezhnev and was one of the major architects of the agricultural program put forward by the first secretary last March. His elevation reflects, at the same time, the government's intent to carry through with the agricultural reform pro- posed by Brezhnev. Polyansky's promotion leaves Aleksandr Shelepin, recently rumored to be a leading contender to replace 4 Oct 65 Approved For R UU1-/ L0 l~ 25 Approved For Release 2003/04/11 CIA-RDP79T00975A008500 80001-7 Brezhnev as party boss, as the sole Presidium member still only a deputy premier. Shelepin, however, is also a party secretary and head of the joint Party-State Control Committee. The failure to promote him to first deputy premier may reflect a reluctance to further enhance his power image. 25X I M m mi 4 Oct 65 7 Approved For Release 2003/04/11 CIA-RDP79T00975A0085002800 1-7 25 FMMMMM~ MIN ~=" LMMMM rmm~~~~ 7MMWMWMTM ON mg E Approved For f2elease 2003/04/11: CIA-RDP79T00975A0085002g Greece: ['rime :Minister Stephanopoulos is very pessimistic about the future of his government.] Z-Stephanopoulos, who won a 152 to 148 vote of confidence last week, told a US Embassy official that his position is "ultimately impossible" and said he had informed the King that he will not even present himself to Parliament next month unless he can pick up another eight deputies from among the supporters of former prime minister :Papandreou,j he prime minister sees himself as surrounded on the one hand by "gangsters"- -Papandreou and his son--and on the other by "blackmailers"- -the politi- cians who are jockeying for positions in the govern- ment.] [He emphasized to the US official that he was not a "king's man" and intended only to create the sta- bility necessary for new elections. Stephanopoulos insisted that he does not intend to revert to the police measures employed during the Karamanlis regime, but he noted that if the supporters of Papandreou and the Communist front United Democratic Left resort to violence he will react firmly] f3tephanopoulos commented that Papandreou's son and his supporters would be prepared to see Greece relax its NATO ties and seek a nonaligned position if they returned to power. He said that the leaders of the National Radical Union and the Pro- gressives had both expressed apprehension that cer- tain elements might be tempted to turn to the mili- tary to prevent this, 25 4 Oct 65 E FBI j r Approved For lease 2003/04/11 : CIA-RDP79T00975A00850028 001-7 25 Approved For ReI'e 2003/04/11 : CIA-RDP79T00975A000280001-7 IVI VII C6Lf ISU Turks Is. (U. K.) La Ve a' 14 AT (-` ') DOI