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'Approved For Re'e 2002/11/19: CIA-RDP79T00975A300350001-1 TOP SECRET 25X1 State Dept. review completed 25X1 Copy No.. C 1130 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN CURRENT INTELLIGENCE RELATING TO NATIONAL SECURITY 25X1 GROUP 1 EXCLUDED AND DE AU IOON NCRADIND TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2002/11/19 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO08300350001-1 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/11/19 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO08300350001-1 Approved For Release 2002/11/19 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO08300350001-1 Aooroved F r Release 2002/11/19 :CIA-RDP79T00975A00830 350001 -1 11 June 1965 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN CONTENTS 1.. Vietnam: Current situation report. (Page 1) 25X1 2. Dominican Republic: Rebels charge Imbert forces with new atrocities. (Page 3) 4. Indonesia: Sukarno continues to exert steady pressure to bring the army into line with his leftist policies. (Page 5) 5. Rumania: The revised statutes of the Rumanian Communist Party illustrate the party's nationalist outlook. (Page 7) 6. Peru: Pro-Cuban Movement of the Revolutionary Left may have begun guerrilla operations. (Page 8) 25X1 7. Notes: East Germany - Berlin; Kashmir; Aden; Bolivia. (Page 9) 4 10d Approved Fo Release 2002/11/19: CIA-RDP79T00975A0083003 0001-1 25X1 j j 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved for Release 2002/11/19: CIA-RDP79T00975A008300350001=1 Muang 'Sakon Nakhon Ma `. l E N PH ONG' , Cao Lan 1 ? DPhuo1II CORPS Truc Gia RUtC`Tat Special core V D N) tEN Hu, GS AA O:NY F 7th Division I >~Khanngltk Hu' a.e W YEN men HOE Iph GGN L U'N0 KHAN Li ?Xuan Lo (3INH TI?y TUYEN J DaLat? 1 "L ~D1 NINH In, 1 THC Arv y-T-- Phan Rang TPU N rhuoi'Bien Special Zone PHUOC ?Ham - - - TIIY Tan BOB CU LAO Muang Nakhon PhanomThakhek a ..._. ? oKampot Chaoc ` >plia Tien Muang Ubon %arin Chamrap Kompong Thom o (- 21st,Di AN BOUNDARY REPRESENTATION IS NOT NECESSARILY AUTHORITATIVE \ NORrN Dong Ho, tyrs rNA ?~ r DEMARCATION LINE 'rlr _ BO HO Su Quang Tri T......e o r. . I`CORPS J` o-ba gang (Tourane) O N G N A M o FYoi An 'Stung Treng ;~Kratie Phuoc Binh Thanh - n Lo DAC S Division 'Nin o hoocBin CAPITAL MILIIBAR Dls-rRlCT 1LIEU,-- IV CORPS 1stbn 0 22d Dtvfsi'on Pleiku An Tua .:. Con Son (Paulo Condore) o CON SON CON SON 0 Ban McThuot \ KHAN11 ~j 23d Divisio 7 Nhon ?Song Cau PHU YEN -Tuy Hoa o o?Nha Trang s t II CORPS SOUTH VIETNAM MILITARY BOUNDARIES As of 8 March 1965 mWimmim Corps boundary Special zone boundary ....... Division boundary Hop Tac area 46993 FO )5 100 Miles 50 75 160 Kilometers A roved For Release 2002/11/19 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO08300350001-1 11 June 55 UENTRAI, T ,N T'. RTTT.T.TPTTV 1VInn Ai3i3rove For Release 2002/11/19: CIA-RDP79TOO975AO08300350001-1 25X1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 11 June 1965 . Approved *Vietnam-, (Information as of 4:30 AM EDT) The Military Situation in South Vietnam: Fight- ing continues in the Dong Xoal area of Pliouc Long Province, 60 miles north of Saigon, where govern- ment forces are still attempting to recapture the town. A government Ranger battalion has now reoc- cupied the district headquarters compound and re- captured two artillery pieces seized by the Viet Cong. The Viet Cong force involved, now estimated as a full regiment, had successfully chewed up two waves of an earlier relief force as it debarked from helicopters in the landing zone. Casualties in the action are not yet fully known, particularly among the 250-300 South Vietnamese in the garrison at the time of the attack, but losses are believed heavy. Of 20 US personnel in Dong Xoai when attacked, 13 wounded have been evacuated, one has been confirmed killed, and six are missing and presumed dead. Eleven other Americans are miss- ing and probably killed in the reinforcement opera- tions. Eight of them were crew members of two helicopters which were destroyed. The Ranger bat- talion now in the area has lost 30 killed and 15 wounded sofar. The Viet Cong force is being subjected to in- tensive air strikes in an effort to dislodge them from the town. Political Developments in South Vietnam- No progress has been reported toward easing the po- litical crisis in Saigon. Various generals, acting under their mandate to try to reconcile opposing factions, have been sounding out religious leaders on 11 June 65 Release 2002t I it 19 . CIA-REW?MOMA0008 001-1 25X1 Approved For lease 2002/11/19 : CIA-RDP79T009008300350001-1-- NORTH VIETNAM CHINA ~"r 1 IoN. !% ?~ ~r,.. 3~ 0-1 STRIKE TARGETS 10 JUNE 1965 CHAP LE Army Barracks 1F ~ 1 D M ~' SOUTH k\ VIETNAM -Approve Fn r RP lease 2002/11/19 : CIA-RDP79T00975A008300350001 0 CO DINH Thermal Power Plant VINH Supply Depot VINH Army Barracks 11 une 6.5 CENTRAL NTELLI EN E RTTT,T.F.TT f Approved For Release 2002/11/19 : CIA-RDP79T00975A008300 50001-1 convening a conference to try to iron out differences with the government. The generals also discussed the situation among themselves yesterday, but re- portedly reached no firm decisions. Quat told Deputy Ambassador Johnson yesterday that there are some differences among the generals over whether they should seek a "minimum solution" of the cabinet deadlock or a "clean sweep. " Thus far, twat appears to have done little to try to influence the military's thinking The Air Strikes in North Vietnam: On 10 June, US aircraft struck the army barracks at Chap Le and Vinh, a supply depot at Vinh, and the Co Dinh thermal power plant. The damage inflicted on these targets varied from moderate to heavy. One US Navy aircraft crashed and burned during the attack on the power plant. The pilot is presumed lost. US armed route reconnaissance missions flown on 10 June were hampered by poor weather. Pilots report, however, that eight bridges were damaged or destroyed, a ferry and two radar sites were damaged, and about 16 buildings at the Muong Sen supply depot near the Laos border were hit. No road traffic was observed. 25X1 25X1 0 M 11 June 65 j Ap roved Fo Release 2002/11/19 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO08300 50001-1 25X1 25X1 A'pproved For lease 2002/11/19 : CIA-RDP79T00975A00830034001-1 I *Dominican Republic: (Information as of 4:30 AM EDT) The rebels are E ensifying their psychological offensive by charging that Imbert's forces have com- mitted new atrocities and appealing for loyalist mili- tary defections. About 40 persons may have been killed near the town of Villa Mella, north of Santo Domingo, between 22 May and 5 June. Loyalist military leaders are denying any complicity in the mass executions, but rebel accusations have put Imbert on the defensive. US Embassy officials believe that some of the execu- tions were carried out by loyalist military and police to avenge rebel atrocities committed during the early days of the insurrection. The new allegations of loyalist atrocities may prompt the UN Security Council to re-examine the effectiveness of the Organization of American States (OAS) in the Dominican crisis. The OAS Human Rights Commission is currently investigating the executions and OAS Secretary General Mora reportedly wants a committee of criminologists to assist the commission. In a recorded speech broadcast yesterday after- noon, Juan Bosch cited the Villa Mella incident as demonstrating that "the final hour of the generals is near." He urged the rank and file of the loyalist mili- tary to go over to the rebel side before it was too late. Rebel army chief Lora Fernandez, in a similar appeal on Wednesday, promised that deserters from Imbert's forces would not be punished for their earlier "mistakes." Meanwhile, mobile Dominican police units are being deployed to three provincial capitals to deal with any pro-rebel demonstrations and violence that might occur in the interior on 14 June. Yesterday a rebel newspaper stated that the date would be an appropriate one for a "spontaneous mobilization of the masses." At the same time, however, the newspaper prepared the grounds for the mobilization's failure by charging that the US Embassy was trying to provoke incidents which would result i re ressive measures by the Imbert ~,rovernm nt. so 2 5 X 1;~? MP roved For Release 2002/11/19 CIA-RDP79TOO975AO08300350001-1 25X1 MOO", 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/11/19 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO08300350001-1 Approved For Release 2002/11/19 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO08300350001-1 In a recent address to the Defense Institute, Sukarno suggested for "further study" the creation of a "fifth armed force" composed of volunteers. This presum- ably is a variant of the Communist demand for the arm- ing of "peasants and workers" to which the army has made some concessions in Sumatra. In a speech to the Communist Party Central Com- mittee in mid-May, party chairman Aidit proposed that NASAKOM councils be established for each of the armed forces to supervise military subordination to state policy. Subsequently, an unidentified Communist official was quoted as saying that the idea is to develop a "political commissar system," similar to that in Communist countries, which would operate between national and area command levels. (continued) Approved For Release 2002/11/19 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO083003 0001-1 25X1 Indonesia: Sukarno is continuing to exert relatively quiet but steady pressure to bring the army into line with his leftist policies. On 1 June he opened a ten-day indoctrination course for 16,000 national and provincial civil and military of- ficials in "NASAKOM-ism"--the philosophy of promot- ing the collaboration of nationalist, religious, and Com- munist elements within the government. This indoctri- nation course is in addition to the program of the De- fense Institute, where Communists are regular lectur- ers, and to other indoctrination courses for both civil and military officials given by the Communist-domi- nated National Front and KOTRAR, the NASAKOM-ized "Supreme Command for Retooling the Apparatus of the Revolution." Approved 11 June 65 Release 2002/11/19: CIA-RDP79T00975AO083003500 25X1 Approved For elease 2002/11/19 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO083003 0001-1 25X1 The only effective, although diminishing, anti-Com- munist army activity is in the provinces. In North Sumatra, where the Communists have made rapid prog- ress toward controlling the province, the army is at- tempting to keep going at least one anti-Communist newspaper and has plans for anti-Communist political activity. In East Java, where there still appears to be a grass-roots Muslim offensive against the Commu- nists, the army and police have not yielded to leftist 11 June 65 6 Approved Fo Release - 50001-1 25X1 ? Approved For R lease 2002/11/19 .CIA-RDP79T00975A008300350 01-1 25X1 j j i. Rumania: The recently issued draft of the revised statutes of the Rumanian Communist Party illustrates 0 ' d the party s nationalist outlook. The statutes specifically charge that the army is to be educated for "defending revolutionary victories, the nation's borders, independence, national sover- eignty, and peace." 0 The revised statutes also appear intended to estab- lish a basis for the further evolution of Rumanian na- tional Communism. The preamble now states that the party "bases all its activity on Marxist-Leninist learn- ing, applied creatively to the conditions and specific peculiarities of our country." The draft includes a number of features presently unique to the Yugoslav party, the pioneer of national Communism. For example, the party chief is desig- nated secretary general, candidate party member- ship has been eliminated, and party members are limited to "only one post of political leadership.... whether in the party or state organs." The draft statutes are to be formally approved at the Rumanian party's Fourth Congress, scheduled to open on 19 July. 11 June 65 0 25X1 A ro ed For elease 2002/11/19 CIA RDP79T00975A0083003 0001 1 v 25X1 VV Chitnbotel M GIFIG OCEAN Huancavelica? Piscci Ica PERU ? Avacucho Approximate Location of Attack CHILE 9269994 RD 0 L I V I A Approved For elease 2002/11/19 .CIA-RDP79T00975A0083003 0001-1 25X1 j j *Peru: j he pro-Cuban Movement of the Revolu- tionary Left (MIR) may have begun long-delayed guer- rilla operations 1 j 25X 25X1 a group of guerrillas had at- tacked two ranches and a mine near Huancayo in Peru's central zone. Two cases of dynamite were taken from the mine. Lima newspapers give varied accounts of the attacks, but most report that two bridges were also destroyed. 25X1 j 25X1 MEN [Preliminary indications are that the attacks were the work of the MIR. The MIR has three camps with a total complement of from 25 to 50 men in the area, most of whom were trained in Cuba and Com- munist China. it will be difficult for authorities to capture them.T) cause of the rugged terrain, and the fact that the guerrillas have the support of many nearby villages, (The guerrillas pose no immediate threat to the government. Security forces are well informed on the locations of the guerrilla camps. However, be- 11 June 65 8 25X1 25X1 25X1 E Approved For a ease 2U02711719 : - 01-1 25X1 ----------- - Approver Release 2002/11/19 : CIA-RDP79T00975A008300350001-1 .1AMMU ANO KAStOAIR AFGHANISTA PAKI$TAN 34236 11-83 200 J 650602 Ap roved For Release 2002/11/19 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO08300350001-1 - Motorable road - Track or trail Approved or Release 2002/11/19: CIA-RDP79T00975A00830 350001-1 NOTES East Germany - Berlin: The East Germans, pre- sumably with Soviet assent or encouragement, are trying to undercut Four Power rights to exclusive use of Berlin airspace. The eighth in a series of East German heli- copter flights in the Berlin Control Zone since 23 March occurred yesterday, when an East German aircraft penetrated airspace over the US Sector. On 9 June East German helicopters made two complete circuits of the borders around West Berlin and interfered with the landing patterns over the British airfield at Gatow. On both days the helicopters were observed landing in East Berlin at Johannisthal airfield--inactive for many years--for servicing. s mir: LI-he cans are becoming increasing-Ly aggressive along the cease-fire line in Kashmir, accord- ing to a member of the UN Observer Group. On 6 June the Indian Army occupied additional Pakistani territory in the Kargil area, where in mid-May it overran several Pakistani outposts. UN observers have been told by the Indian commander that he has no intention of withdrawing and in fact may further expand his perimeter. These Indian attacks, which may be in part a retaliation for the continued Pakistani military presence in the Rann of Kutch, seem likely in turn to rovoke Pakistani action at some other point along the line.] 11 June 65 0 25X1 25X1 .........~.~~~....~..~..~~.. Approved For Release 2002/11/19 CIA-RDP79T00975AO083003 0001-1 25X1 j j j j Aden: [T.he British High Commissioner to the Federation of South Arabia has issued new supplemen- tary emergency regulations to control increased ter- rorism in Aden, Both the. Aden Government and the j local nationalists have protested, and demonstrations j are likely. The new measures were introduced in 25X1 part to. facilitate the work of a British committee p1 which is to arrive shortly to begin to develop a con- stitution fora unitary state in South Arabiae *Bolivia: On 10 June a small army force reportedly occupied the Catavi-Siglo Veinte mine complex with- out resistance. More troops are nevertheless standing by, ready to move on the Huanuni and Colquiri mines if necessary. 25X1 25X10 j Approved Fo Release 2002/11/19 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO083003 0001 -1 25X1 Approved For Rel THE PRESIDENT The Vice President Executive Offices of the White House Special Counsel to the President The Special Assistant for National Security Affairs The Scientific Adviser to the President The Director of the Budget The Department of State The Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Counselor and Chairman of the Policy Planning Council The Director of Intelligence and Research The Treasury Department The Secretary of the Treasury The Under Secretary of the Treasury The Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of Defense The Secretary of the Army The Secretary of the Navy The Secretary of the Air Force The Assistant Secretary of Defense (International Security Affairs) The Assistant Secretary of Defense The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy Chief of Staff, United States Air Force Chief of Staff, United States Army Commandant, United States Marine Corps U.S. Rep., Military Committee and Standing Group, NATO Supreme Allied Commander, Europe Commander in Chief, Pacific Commander in Chief, Atlantic The Director, Defense Intelligence Agency The Director, The Joint Staff The Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of Army The Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of Navy The Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force The Department of Justice The Attorney General The Federal Bureau of Investigation The Director National Aeronautics and Space Administration The Administrator The Atomic Energy Commission The Chairman The National Security Agency The Director The United States Information Agency The Director The National Indications Center The Director Approved For Rele 25X1 25X1 Approver Releff3p0 C9 4rDP79 0 75AO08300350001-4 Approved For ReleTje I90:1 fG R RDP79T00975AO08300350001-1