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Approved For Remise 20T40JR : T975A 600120001-4 25X1 1 April 1964 25X1 Copy Nc,o C TELI C7E, CE DOS, USMC reviews completed GROUP 1 Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification Approved For Release TP08MblMT00975A007600120001-4 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO07600120001-4 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO07600120001-4 Approved For Rel ase 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP79T00975A00760 120K't Q 0 r ME j N ME 1 April 1964 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN CONTENTS 1. Brazil: Anti-Goulart movement appears to be spreading. (Page 1) 2. South Vietnam : Viet Cong singling out key of - ficials for assassination. (Page 3) 25X1 4. Notes: Cyprus; South Korea - Japan; British Guiana. (Page 25X1 4 j Approved For Ref ase 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP79T00975A0076 A ... --A C- w o l 2004/07/08 t-1 A RDP79T00975 00760 12~~ a4 ease I CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 1 April 1964 DAILY BRIEF *Brazil: The anti-Goulart revolt which began yesterday appears to be spreading. The rebellion was sparked by army units under command of General Mourao Filho, head of the Fourth Military Region in Minas Gerais State. Mourao has demanded President Goulart's resignation, justi- fying this move as necessary to stop the growing Com- munist influence in Brazil. At last report, Mourao's troops were moving to the State border. Governor Magalhaes Pinto has issued a proclamation support- ing the action against Goulart. Other units, includ- ing the air force base in Belo Horizonte, reportedly were joining the rebellion. In Sao Paulo, there are indications that Second Army Commander General Amaury Kruel is prepar- ing to join the movement. Sao Paulo Governor Adhemar de Barros, a bitter Goulart foe, is also expected to throw his support behind the rebels along with several other governors. First Army units from Rio de Janeiro have been ordered to move against Mourao. No immediate fighting has been reported, but the possibility of violence appears to be increasing. All army and navy units are on full alert. The situation remains tense and confused in Rio where pro-Goulart forces are expected to make a strong stand. A general strike called by the Communist- dominated General Workers Command appears to be ME lease 2004/07/08: CIA-RDP79T00975A00760 1?b09 -4 %%% ------------ N MWO NO WX 'N W "M 1::::: NEER !e1ease 2004/07/08 - CIA-Rr)P79TOO975AO0760C 120(ftfl partially effective. Meanwhile, Governor Lacerda's police began rounding up Communist labor leaders. Army Chief of Staff Castello Branco, leader of a strong opposition movement in the armed forces, is expected to make known his plans momentarily. His decision could well be the determining factor in any showdown between Goulart and the military. 25X1 I Apr 64 DAILY BRIEF 2 0/1 NMI Aooroved For Re ~ase 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP79TOO975AO076001?00(2_W1 E South Vietnam: The Viet Cong appear to be sin- .gling out key officials for assassination in an effort to hamstring the Ehanh regime's prograrn for placing better qualified leaders in the countryside. On 29 AUrch a Communist road mine was electri- cally detonated under a jeep carrying the commander of the Vietnamese 7th Division, an especially effective unit located. in the hard-pressed Mekong delta area. The commander's vehicle was singled out for attack from a four-vehicle convoy, but he escaped injury. In an incident last week, the Viet Cong killed the highly regarded chief of the critical Dinh Tuong Prov- ince, also in the delta. Recent Viet Cong terrorism has also been con- centrated on hamlet and village chiefs. If the Viet Cong campaign continues, rural authorities may be- come increasingly reluctant to provide "grass roots" 25X1 leadership by day-to-day exposure in the less secure areas. [ 1 Apr 64 DAILY BRIEF 3 lease 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP79TOO975AO076001200TAl 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO07600120001-4 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO07600120001-4 ------------ ------------- - Approved For Rel se 2004/07/08: ::79T00975A007 0(QWbb1-4 ? j P/M NOTES M/l/ I 0 25X1 W I Cyprus: Refusal by UN officers of a Greek Cypriot request for advance notification of planned patrols by UN forces probably will be followed by other Greek Cypriot attempts to limit the freedom of action of the peace-keeping force. Athens has announced willing- ness to withdraw the Greek Army contingent from Cyprus if Ankara will withdraw the Turkish contingent --a move apparently designed to assist Makarios his campaign to have the Turkish unit withdrawn. I 1 Apr 64 DAILY BRIEF 5 MMEMMEM111i 6Q.Qr12QO01-4 25X1 M ME' ApprovedForRe ase2004/07/08:CIA-RDP79TOO975AO0760312601-4 South Korea - Japan: The South Korean Government has called for a "cooling-off period" on normalizing re- lations with Japan. During this time, administration strong-man Kim Chong-pil is to lead an effort to under- cut domestic opposition to fhe Tokyo negotiations. Be- cause the current Japanese Diet session will probably end in mid-May, the cooling-off period will have to be short if a ratified settlement is to be achieved this year.-F 25X1 British Guiana:-, The new'British governor intends ON to override opposition from Premier Jagan's People's Progressive Party (PPP) to new general elections under proportional representation--a system decreed by London last October, but one the PPP fears may result in its ouster. The governor says he will issue orders directly to the civil service if--as could be inferred from earlier PPP statements- -Jagan's administration 25 does not cooperate in the election. British- appointed electoral officers are expected to arrive today in 25X1 WEE/1,11 I Apr 64 5`1 DAILY BRIEF 12~g~ljl Approved For Re a 2004/07/08 :CIA-RDP79T00975A 00120001-4 THE PRESIDENT Executive Offices of the White House Special Counsel to the President The Special Assistant for National Security Affairs The Scientific Adviser to the President The Director of the Budget The Department of State The Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Counselor and Chairman of the Policy Planning Council The Director of Intelligence and Research The Treasury Department The Secretary of the Treasury The Under Secretary of the Treasury The Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of Defense The Secretary of the Army The Secretary of the Navy The Secretary of the Air Force The Assistant Secretary of Defense (International Security Affairs) The Assistant Secretary of Defense The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy Chief of Staff, United States Air Force Chief of Staff, United States Army Commandant, United States Marine Corps U.S. Rep., Military Committee and Standing Group, NATO Supreme Allied Commander, Europe Commander in Chief, Pacific Commander in Chief, Atlantic The Director, Defense Intelligence Agency The Director, The Joint Staff The Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff The Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of Army The Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of Navy The Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force The Department of Justice The Attorney General The Federal Bureau of Investigation The Director National Aeronautics and Space Administration The Administrator The Atomic Energy Commission The Chairman The National Security Agency The Director The United States Information Agency The Director The National Indications Center The Director Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP79T00975A007600120001-4 25X1 25X1 Approved For Releasdj2/%jW/0jLwj@W@Q 00975AO07600120001-4 Approved For Rel a 2001/OP: cSECRET75A00 0120001-4