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Approved For Releas 00310OP CISIEJRET75AO074 10001-4 25X1 10 January 1964 Copy Nq, State Dept. review completed GROUP 1 Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification Approved For Release 20Tap: CS ff 75AO07400410001-4 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/03/10 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO07400410001-4 Approved For Release 2003/03/10 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO07400410001-4 ---------- ........... Approved For Release 2)03/03/10 CIA-RDP79TOO975A)074MQ001-4 10 January 1964 Ml, CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN CONTENTS M Cyprus: Turkish leaders cite pressure to take stronger stand on Cyprus issue. (Page 1) 25X1 4. Ghana: Security services are undergoing ex- tensive shake-up. (Page 4) 5. Communist China - Africa: Chou En-lai has fa- vorably impressed hosts on his African tour. (Page 5) 6. Angola: Roberto may accept limited Communist aid for his nationalist movement. (Page 6) 7. Panama: Anti-US reaction may be prolonged. (Page 7) 0 M1 Approved For Release 2003/03/10 : CIA-RDP79TOO975AO 74MAbool -4 M M i I X! M! i i (Page 8) 25X1 8. Notes: Belgium - Communist China. A ---------- ~_l - - - ~IA IUUUI-14 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 10 January 1964 DAILY BRIEF 25X1 Cyprus: 1(rurkish leaders are warning US officials that they have-been under essure to take stronger action on the Cyprus issuff 4The chief of the Turkish General Staff has indi- cateXthat his government anticipates further trouble on the island following next week's London conference which he does not expect will produce a solution. The air force chief has privately cited Communist strength on Cyprus and stated. that Turkey is prepared to pre - vent the developme t f "another Cuba" just 40 miles off the Turkish coaal 4,110 Moscow's public support of the Greek Cypriot Ell position will severely strain Turkish-Soviet relations. The USSR has formally accused Turkey of being "in- terventionist." When asked to explain the charge, the Soviet ambassador in Ankara delivered a tirade and si;aixqd out without shaking hands wi Inonju F_ 25X1 e 2003/03/10: CIA-RDP79TOO975AOO 4025)001-4 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/03/10 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO07400410001-4 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/03/10 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO07400410001-4 Approved For Release 2 03/03/10: CIA-RDP79T00975 0710001-4 Ghana: 1. he attempt on Nkrumah's life last week apparently triggered an extensive internal shake-up which so far has focused on Ghana's security service More steps, possibly including the ar est of one or more ministers, are likely to follow 25X1 lthough there had been some build-up in the par press against the police even before the latest assassination attempt, the US Embassy believes the wholesale purge will shock most Ghanaians. In con- junction with other recent developments- -notably the scheduling of a constitutional referendum to convert Ghana formally into a one-party state--it could prompt already deeply disaffected moderate elements to plan action to remove Nkrumah. Included among these elements are many civil servants and some army officers and police officials 10 Jan 64 DAILY BRIEF 4 Approved For Releas 2003/03/10: CIA-RDP79T00975A00 402tlAj01-4 OM410001-4 the establishment of diplomatic relatio Communist China - Africa: ghou En-lai thus far in his African to-ur has favorably impressed his hosts; his visit to Tunisia is expected tQ_,result in Oasir told Ambassador Badeau he was surprised by Chou's quiet intelligence, reasonableness, and apparent willingness to accept the principle of non- alignment. Nasir also said he was relieved that Chou did not "attempt to mount an offensive" against the Soviet Unionj I 25X1 25X1 he Chinese leader returned to Africa on 9 Jan- uary after a nine-day side trip to. Albania. Chou's two-day visit to Tunisia was apparently arranged only in late December when Bourguiba agreed to announce the establishment of diplomatic relations during the visit. Bourguiba had indicated as far back as 1958 that he-planned to establish relations After leaving Tunisia, Chou is scheduled to Of - visit Ghana, Mali, and Guinea in West Africa. He will then swing through East Africa, stopping in the Sudan, Tanpny and Uganda, and possibly So- Mali and Ethiopi~a.)/ 10 Jan 64 DAILY BRIEF Approved For Release 2003/03/10 579TOO975A 07~"10001-4 Conroved For Re eas Approved For Releas Angola: Lljolden Roberto may accept some Commu- nist aid to help hinretain leadership of the Angolan nationalist move me j j 25X1 There is considerable dissension within Roberto's Con -based government-in-exile. The guerrilla campaign against the Portuguese in northern Angola has made little progress and many Africans are ques- tioning Roberto's competence as a leader. He is frus- trated at the failure of the African states to support him either materially or at the UN, as he expected.. He fears that some African nations may renew their backing of a rival left-wing organizatio\ hile no details of any Communist offers are avai ble, Roberto claims that arms, ammunition, and money are involvedo 007d00M10001-d 0074'10001-4 10 Jan 64 Approved DAILY BRIEF 074M)(11D001-4 25X1 j / j Approved For Release 2003/03/10: CIA-RDP79T00975 00@410001-4 p 4 25X1 I LJ/\ I *Panama: nti-US reaction in the wake of last night's riot is 1 ely to be prolonged ommunist agitators are attempting to keep tensions high and reportedly are planning to organ- ize student rallies this morning. Labor leaders are using the situati n to trigger a general strike planned for some month l Politicians with an eye on national elections in May will be tempted to internationalize Panama's complaints against the US--Panamanian radio sta- tions have already quoted President Chiari as stat- ing he will lodge a protest with the Organization Of American States and with the United Nation./ ast night's riot developed as an outgrowth of a disp a between US and Panamanian students over flying the flags of the two nations in front of a Canal Zone high school. Canal Zone police met resistance when they tried to move the Panamanian students out of the Zone. The students were joined by otherPn,- amanians at the border where the violence started/,! the Canal Zone in November 195 Zone has been an increasing source of contention, with the Panamanians insisting on this dual display. Recently the Canal Zone Government extended an earlier agreement on dual display to include addi- tional sites and to stipulate that neither flag could fly alone. Violence also followed a flag incident in he issue of flying the Panamanian flag in the lesterday's rioting damaged US official and pri- vate property but a crowd which had gathered outside the US Embassy dispersed early this morning without moving against the building. A number of Panama- nians are reported wounded and six dead; there have been no confirmed reports of American casualti 10 Jan 64 DAILY BRIEF 7 j Approved For Release - 0710001-4 Approved For Releas 2003/03/10 CIA-RDP79T00975 002Z6$10001-4 j j NOTES 25X1 j 0 Foreign Ministry official has indicated serious con- cern that a French move to recognize Peiping would generate strong pressures in Belgium to follow suit. 0 He noted that both government parties and Foreign 0 Minister Spaak already favor recognition in principle. 0 The official also implied that trade promotion feelers 0 the Belgians are now getting from the Chinese Commu- e gium - Communist China: senior Belgian NMI, SEE 1IJ_ La 1111,11E AL1111ULCLLU jJ1CaAUJC 1V1 1CGVt"111L1V1111V11l business and industrial interests. 25X1 10 Jan 64 DAILY BRIEF 8 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/03/10 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO07400410001-4 Approved For Release 2003/03/10 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO07400410001-4 Approved or RelM&V4M3/ 7 0975AO07400410001-4 ~~ -~ 210 //J Approved For Rely 79T00975AO07400410001-4 sa.2QQ3/ g rcw T, 1irl~t