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W Zi Approved Rfise 200TOOP CS-Ec ETl5AQ 700450001-8 0 21 December 1962 Copy No. C -' wj -? 25X1 GROUP 1 Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification Approved For Release 201YCYP : U75A006700450001-8 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/05/16 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO06700450001-8 Approved For Release 2002/05/16 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO06700450001-8 Approved For Releas 2002/05/16 :CIA-RDP79T00975 006700450001-8 A f% 21 December 1962 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN CONTENTS 1. Cuba: Leadership may be considering a major political decision. (Page 1) 2. USSR-Congo: Soviets attempt to block UN ac- ceptance of US military aid to UN operations in the Congo. (Page 2) 3. Finland-USSR: Finns will purchase modern So- viet jet fighters. (Page 3) 5. Peru: Three Cubans identified among leaders of the 17 December strike. (Page 5) 7. Notes: Sudan. (Page. M1J1JI VVGU rVI RCICiIJ~C LVVLIVJI 10 V11k-RL/r/.71 VV.7I JM1 VO/ VV'FJVVV 1-O // 25X1 I 25X1 25X1 U Approved For Release CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 21 December 1962 DAILY BRIEF Cuba: There are further straws in the wind suggesting tha something may be brewing within the Cuban leadership, possibly a major political decision. recent crisis than any other Havana daily. Castro himself has been pointedly absent from jf traction. Instead, according to Havana radio, Castro ~j held one of his increasingly frequent informal meetings / with university s dents, presumably discussing j ideological matters lll~ Approved For Relea a 2002/05/16 CIA-RDP79T00975 006700450001-8 25X1 17 December, the Havana newspaper Revolution card the full text of the 15 December Peiping's People's Daily editorial, the most explicitly anti- Soviet statement yet published in Communist China. In the Sino-Soviet bloc, only North Korean and Al- banian papers have reprinted the Chinese statement. It almost certainly could not have been reprinted in Havana without Fidel Castro's approval. A Western observer in Havana has commented that Revolucion reflected Castro's views more faithfully during the speech since 1 November. pubTclunctions since Mikoyan's departure on 25 No- vember. He has not been out of the limelight for so long a period since last February and March during the maneuvering that led up to the purge of veteran Com- munist Anibal Escalante,1and has not made a public G 19 December, Che Guevara replaced Fidel Castro on short notice and without explanation as the principal speaker at a sugar workers' plenum. For three weeks Castro had been billed as the main at- iii iii i i i i i i .................. i i i i i i i i i i i vii~ iii ~i~~ i 25X1 Approved For Release 06700450001-8 j USSR-Congo: Soviet UN representatives have told UN Secretary neral U Thant that if US aid to the UN Congo operation is accepted, Soviet military aid should also be accepted. By this tactic the USSR is apparently attemptir, to block UN acceptance of US military assistance. Soviet propaganda has called the forthcoming US military mission to the Congo an attempt to strengthen American influence in that country and an effort to assure a political solution favorable to US interests. (M scow has consistently opposed the UN Congo operation. The USSR probably hopes that continued UN failure to end the Katanga secession will lead to replacement of the pro-West Adoula government by a radical regime more willing to terminate the UN operation and to rely on Sovie military and economic assistance to unify the country) Th Adoula government is planning to open a diplomatic mission in Moscow early next year. The USSR re-established its embassy in Leopoldville shortly after the formation of the Adoula government, but this will be the first Congolese mission in Moscow. Adoula has probably been under pressure from Moscow to establish a mission. He also probably hopes to mollify his opponents, and at the same tim to impress upon the US the urgency of his need for help. 21 Dec 62 DAILY BRIEF 25X1 25X1 A Approved For Releas - 06700450001-8 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release - 06700450001-8 Finland-USSR:Fiinland has decided to go through with the purchase of modern Soviet jet fighter air- craft equipped with weapons proscribed by the 1947 peace treaty. (All the signatories to the treaty, except Canada, have agreed to reinterpret it so that Finland may have such weapons. Since 1960 Finland has arranged to purchase some Soviet military equipment. 21 Dec 62 DAILY BRIEF 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/05/16 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO06700450001-8 Approved For Release 2002/05/16 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO06700450001-8 25X1 Approved For Releas 2002/05116 : CIA-RDV1%f FU 975 UUb(UU400001-8 U j j * ru: Three Cuban nationals have been identi- fied, among the leaders of the 17 December strike violence at the US-owned Cerro de Pasco mine in La Oroya. One of the three Cubans has also been active in promoting the seizure of ranchland in the Peruvian highlands by Andean Indians. Communist-led Indians were said to have planned to synchronize a major new seizure campaign with the violence against Cerro de Pasco. No such incidents have been reported yet. 21 Dec 62 i Approved For Release DAILY BRIEF 5 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/05/16 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO06700450001-8 Approved For Release 2002/05/16 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO06700450001-8 - nhh.-...,...a C.... ~..1..~~... A7/AG/lG /'`IA DflD7OTAAO7GA AG7AAAGAAAl Q 25X1 ON" NOTES u n: cabinet reshuffle announced by Pres - i ation in the o 25X1;.:/ 25X1 NI 21 Dec 62 7 j Approved For Relea a 2002/05/16 CIA-RDP79T00975 006700450001-8 25X1 ident Abboud on 20 December is unlikely to produce any significant changes in government policy. The reshuffle--largely a matter of reassigning portfo- lios--appears to be primarily an effort to improve efficiency. Two civilians were added to the- predom- inantly military. body, but this is unlikely to satisfy -opposition demands formuch Pater civilian artic- Approved For Re$s THE PRESIDENT The Vice President Executive Offices of the White House Special Counsel to the President The Special Assistant for National Security Affairs The Scientific Adviser to the President The Director of the Budget The Director, National Aeronautics and Space Administration The Department of State The Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Counselor and Chairman of the Policy Planning Council The Director of Intelligence and Research The Treasury Department The Secretary of the Treasury The Under Secretary of the Treasury The Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of Defense The Secretary of the Army The Secretary of the Navy The Secretary of the Air Force The Assistant Secretary of Defense (International Security Affairs) The Assistant Secretary of Defense The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy Chief of Staff, United States Air Force Chief of Staff, United States Army Commandant, United States Marine Corps U.S. Rep., Military Committee and Standing Group, NATO Supreme Allied Commander, Europe Commander in Chief, Pacific Commander in Chief, Atlantic The Director, Defense Intelligence Agency The Director, The Joint Staff The Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff The Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of Army The Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of Navy The Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force The Department of Justice The Attorney General The Federal Bureau of Investigation The Director The Atomic Energy Commission The Chairman The National Security Agency The Director The United States Information Agency The Director The National Indications Center The Director Approved For -8 25X1 25X1 Approved For Relea 2002T CIffCR(ET5AO067 50001-8 Approved For Release 201YOP: q 49MC 1 75AO06700450001-8