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Approved F~gjr Release OR/2SE TTOo2A0051001 - 25X1 18 May 1960 y- N No. M-INION I E11- - Niue $OSUMENT NO. /31 NO bANGE IN CLASS. p U#CLASSEFES9 CLASS, CN,NCtL TOs IS $ G NEXT RmYLW :?t.Th: 401 _...... ,.~, t UTN: h 76.2 DATFt JUN 19RO BEYIEYVENt 0 000 000r, 2 Approved For Re1ease.rO(pf21S T00975AO05100150001-8 0;0 State Dept. review completed 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/10/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO05100150001-8 Approved For Release 2002/10/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO05100150001-8 25X1 Approved ForRelea - 005100150801-8 Khrushchev might initiate action on way home from Paris leading toward separate East German peace treaty. Q Progress toward Cyprus settlement re- mains slow; Makarios reference to 'deadlock' apparently tactical. Indonesia- -Communists take initiative in mass demonstrations against Dutch reinforcement of New Guinea. Panama--Appeal to electoral tribunal causes further delay in announcement of 8 May presidential election results. Highlights of world reaction to summit developments- -Page 4. Approved For Release 2002/10/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO05100150001-8 25X1 25 Approved F 94;lp (ease 2002/10/21 : CIA-RDP79T00,A005100150001-8 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 1,8 May 1960 DAILY BRIEF I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC *USST Khrushchev may start action on a separate peace treaty w~ East Germany on his way home from Paris. To protract, without actually implementing, the threat of denying the: West the right of access to Berlin,. and to minimize the risks inherent in such a course, Khrushchev could use several devices such as setting a. date for an international peace treaty conference, initialing a draft treaty with the announced inten- tion of ratification at a later date, specified or unspecified, or stringing out the ratification process. This would give. further time to assess Western reaction, but would nonetheless. carry the USSR a significant and inexorable step further-toward a unilateral denunciation of Western rights in West Berlin. \\ Cyprus: UProgress toward a Cyprus settlement remains slow, 25X1 "IM but MakariioDs' 16 May statement terming the negotia- tensive efforts behind the scenes to reach agreement. Makarios' statement, outlining the problems still to be resolved, appears de- signed primarily to bolster his prestige on Cyprus and place the onus on London for the developing Cypriot economic problems. Accordingly, his warning that the Cypriots would be forced to al-40 ter their policy toward Britain unless London changes its atti- 25X1 tude in the. negotiations probably does not presage any immediate (Page 1) change in the security situation on the islan d. I 1010 M IMMIN SOMWE 25 :I 'NO l I II. ASIA-AFRICA \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\`\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\0000o0OO~~000~ ~~~~00~000~00~0~0~~00000000000\O\~~\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\O\\\O\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\O\\\\O~0000~O~0oOO\ 25 Indonesia-Netherlands: The Indonesian Communist party is benefiting from the mounting public indignation over the. an- nounced Dutch intention. to send reinforcements to Netherlands New Guinea in the near future. Anti-Dutch student demonstra- tions, coordinated by the Communists, occurred in. four major cities in Java over the week end. The government is aware. that the Communists are using the issue to increase their own pres- tige, but sees no way. to interfere with what purport to be spon- taneous expressions of patriotic. indignation. Meanwhile, in. an apparent show of force, the Indonesian Navy is conducting naval 25 and air exercises near New Guinea. III. THE WEST Panama: Announcement of the official results of Panama's '8 May presidential election, previously expected on 16 May, will be postponed pending a ruling by the election tribunal. Ricardo Arias, the government''s candidate, has filed charges of improper election procedures. The electoral law provides for a delay of as much as 15 days to determine the validity of challenged ballots. President de la Guardia and National Guard commander Vallarino are reportedly continuing to resist strong pressure. from leaders of the governing party to invalidate, the. election, which apparently was won by opposition candidate Roberto Chiari. Violence is pos- sible if winner. *For highlights of world reaction to summit developments, see Page4. \U 18 May' 60 DAILY BRIEF ii Approved For ReI ase 2002/10/21 CIA-RDP79T00975A 5100150001-8 2 111001 n \E1 Approved For ,,u I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC 111. ASIA-AFRICA Cyprus Negotiations Little progress has been reported recently in the negotiations between the British and the Cypriots. British Colonial Under Secre- tary Julian Amery has remained on Cyprus and is in contact with Archbishop M., akarios and Turkish Cypriot leader Fazil Kuchuk. Makarios has twice labeled the talks "deadlocked," most recently in a statement on 16 May. The Americanconsul general in Nicosia, however, reports that intensive efforts are being made behind the scenes in an attempt to find an acceptable compromise solution for the remaining problems,] LThe prolonged dispute over the total area of the British military bases to be retained by London after independence was settled in late April. The remaining problems involve: (1) the future of the bases if Britain abandons them, (2) the exact boundaries of the bases, (3) civil administration within the bases, and (4) British economic aid to the new republic