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Approved ReleaseT~/1 0 9Q75A005000160001-8 25X1 18 March 1960 Copy No. C 25X1 lailammmolml ram - F --Nlm DOCUMENT N0. 'IO I HAHDE IN CLASS. y 13MASSIFIED r!` ASS. CHANGED TO: TS S f Ra_+?IEW DAM f:? T R N~ 25X1 0 25X1 OF, Approved For Release 'Q (D134t 0975A005000160001-8 00 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO05000160001-8 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO05000160001-8 ~ ~ Approved ZXoj1 Re ease 2002/05/13 .CIA-RDP79T00 A005000160001-8 j j j DAILY BRIEF I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC Communist China - Indonesia: Peiping's Foreign Minister its harassment of Chinese who intend to repatriate. Chen Yi has called on. Djakarta "to conclude speedily an.agree- ment" by which Indonesia, would consent to avoid undue delay in the repatriation of Chinese and to provide more help in.financ- ing their return. Indonesia is unlikely to agree. to an increased financial share in the repatriation process, but it may reduce 25X1 I (Page 1) II. ASIA-AFRICA Algeria - Communist China-. & campaign by the Algerian rebels to establish diplomatic missions in friendly countries will include the development of the "closest possib le relations" with? 25X1 j 25X1 5000160001-8 NO ~iiiiiiiiaiaio a Approved ~ Rel ase 2002/05/13 CIA-RDP79T009 1 400160001-8 j j j 25X1 25X1 Communist China, Although the rebels are wary of Communist efforts to infiltrate their move- ment, they appear impressed by Peiping's potential as a source of funds and` materiel as well as of propaganda support: Peipin has openly .encouraged" Algerian r lstance..and: r.ecently 'cited th Algerian war as an example of "vital significance to the entire African liberation movement. " (Page 3) 25X1 III. THE WEST 25X1 25X1 18 Mar 60 DAILYBRIEF ii Approved For Rele se 2002/05/13: CIA-RDP79TO09 5AO05000166MA 8 j 1 j 25X1 Approved For Releasd T0099775A005000160001-8 I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC Peiping Asks Djakarta for Formal Agreement on Chinese Repatriation Peiping's Foreign. Minister Chen Yi complained in a let- ter to Djakarta on 15 March that many Chinese in Indonesia who desire repatriation. to the mainland. have been subjected to delay in travel and unnecessary restrictions on the amount of money and belongings they may take out of Indonesia. He said he doubted that such difficulties are "intended by the lead- ers of the Indonesian Government," but he requested the con- elusion of a six-point agreement which would include Indonesian .compensation for financial losses and provision of "shipping facilities" for the return of Chinese to the mainland. Chinese Communist. Ambassador Huang Chen has appar- ently been pressing. Djakarta privately along these lines. The public request for a formal agreement is probably intended to bring additional pressure on the Indonesian Government and prove to the Chinese in Indonesia that China is still actively en- gaged in promoting their welfare. Having secured an initial propaganda gain in the repatriation of some 6,000 Chinese, Peiping is probably anxious to have Djakarta. share in the cost of further repatriations. Although Indonesia can be expected to resist the negotiation of a formal agreement on the procedures for repatriation, it may reduce the harassment and speed the departure of return- ing Chinese. became difficult for them abroad. 25X1 that Communist China had gained a propaganda victory by providing Overseas Chinese with a haven in China when-things 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release - 0092 15000160001-8 18 Mar 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 1 Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO05000160001-8 Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO05000160001-8 25X1 Approved For Release 200 /05/13 : CIA-FfDP79T0Q5A005000160001-8 Algerian Rebel Diplomatic Offensive campaign by the Algerian overnment to estao- lish diplomatic missions in friendly countries will include the development of the "closest possible relations" with Communist China, Al- 25X1 though the. Algerians are wary of Communist efforts to in- filtrate their movement, they appear impressed by. Peiping's potential as a source of funds and possibly of materiel. CCommunist China will welcome closer contacts with the rebels and probably will attempt to increase Chinese influ- ence among the more extreme elements in the FLN. The Chinese have encouraged continued Algerian resistance and recently cited the Algerian war as an example "of vital sig- nificance in. the African people's fight for independence." Peiping views this "fight" as a desirable means both for. weakening "colonial powers" and for enhancing Communist China's reputation as champion of nationalist independence movements [The rebel. "diplomatic offensive" will reportedly empha- size the North African and Islamic character of the Algerian independence movement. The rebels want to demonstrate their willingness to continue the war in the wake of De Gaulle's recent emphasis on pacification, and they appear to view Peiping as a potentially lucrative source of material aid as well as propaganda support. has ob- 25X1 served that although no substantial arms shipments have reached the rebels from China, despite aid commitments made as long ago as January 1959, Peiping has provided funds and may provide more to compensate for the undeliv- ered arm 25X1 Although the Algerians plan to send a mission to the USSR and are "considering" the appointment of an ambas- sador there, Moscow is unlikely to change its policy of lim- iting relations to unofficial contacts 25X1 25X1 Approved For Relea;e5 02'/051"x3-: ClA-F DP79T00975A005000160001-8 18 Mar 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 3 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO05000160001-8 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO05000160001-8 Approved For Release"20ff2i05/11 IA=4FgT00975A005000160001-8 1 1 / Approved For Release 1 00975A005000160001-8