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28 December 1957 Copy No. CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN NO CHANGE IN CLASS. j' DECLASSIFIED ~' CLASS. CHANGED TO: T92014) 14EXT REVIEW DATE: AUTFi; t~F 7( 2 OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY STATE review(s) completed. WT XXIZ/// i'~200 05 6 : CIS RDP79T0~ ,poo TOP SECRET // - 2003/05/16: CIA-RDP79T 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/05/16 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO03400470001-2 Approved For Release 2003/05/16 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO03400470001-2 25X1A Approved For CONTENTS 96 1. INDONESIA SEEKING ARMS FROM YUGOSLAVIA AND SOVIET BLOC F_ I 25X1 A A2. JAPANESE-INDONESIAN SHIP AGREEMENT 1 771 25X1 25X1A 25X1A 4. POSSIBLE NEW SOVIET HEAVY BOMBER (page 6). 25X1 FIRE IN ALGERIA 25X1A 6. FRANCE SUGGESTS MOROCCAN MEDIATION FOR CEASE- 7. CHINESE COMMUNISTS PURGE TOP PROVINCIAL OFFICIALS IN CHEKIANG 25X1A 28 Dec 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 Approved For 25X1 Approved For I. INDONESIA SEEKING ARMS FROM YUGOSLAVIA AND SOVIET BLOC 25X1 A Comment on: sures have increased to accept arms from the bloc. The army is believed to be chiefly interested at present in small 25X1 25X1 C 25X1A onesia apparently has definitely decided to turn to Yugoslavia and the 25X1 C Communist bloc for arms. Indonesia is 25X1 C proceeding with plans to purchase mil- itary equipment from Yugoslavia, Czecho- slovakia, and Poland. Indonesia had roppe negotiations or the cash purchase of arms, explaining that materiel will be obtained on credit from Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia. American Ambassa- dor Riddleberger in Belgrade assumes that a 27 December visit to Tito by the Indonesian ambassador and a group of high-ranking Yugoslavs was the beginning of arms negotia- tions. Colonel Jani, Indonesian deputy army chief of staff, will head a purchasing mission to Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, and Poland, according to the American Embassy in Djakarta. The Indonesian army has long been eager to re-equip its forces. Although most army leaders would prefer to purchase equipment from the West, political pres- arms, ammunition, and army transport vehicles. Communist China has offered credit for arms purchases from communist bloc countries. 28 Dec 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 Approved For Releq 25X1A 25X1 C 25X1A Approved For 2. JAPANESE -INDONESIAN SHIP AGREEMENT 25X1 A Comment on: Japanese shipowners and an Indonesian government mission in Tokyo have reached agreement on general terms for the lease of Japanese ships totaling 75,000 tons for Indonesia's vital inter- island shipping traffic. A formal agreement was scheduled 25X6 25X6 to be signed on 27 December. The agreement authorizes the transfer by mid-February for a minimum of six months of 26 freighters of 2,000 to 4,000 tons. Small tankers of up to 5,000 tons will be transferred in a second stage, and large ocean-going ves- sels will be considered still later. Indonesian crews will be used whenever possible, but the ships will have Japanese mas- ters and officers. Charterage fees are to be paid in advance in pounds sterling. The Japanese ships will replace about half of the Dutch tonnage which has been withdrawn from Indonesian waters and thus ease the critical shipping shortage which has created serious food dislocations. Although Japan probably will be the major supplier of ships to Indonesia, Djakarta is looking to other areas, including the Communist bloc, to overcome its remaining shipping deficiencies. 28 Dec 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 Approved For Release /1/16 : CIA-RDP79T00975A003400470001-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/05/16 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO03400470001-2 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/05/16 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO03400470001-2 95X1 A Approved For Lease 2003/05/16 : CIA-RDP79T00975A0 3400470001-2 4. POSSIBLE NEW SOVIET HEAVY BOMBER 25X1A Comment on: Additional information on the long- distance flight described in the 24 December issue of Red Star indicates that the jet heavy bomber involved may have been a new Soviet aircraft. The article stated that "even for persons accustomed to being the first to see what is newly created in aviation, this air- plane is surprising by the perfection of its form and its colos- sal size." The flight was described as the first long- distance test of this aircraft, following numerous short test flights, The bomber flew an unspecified record distance with- out aerial refueling, at altitudes above 39,000 feet carrying "tens of tons" of fuel rather than "ten tons" as first reported. The "many hours" required for the flight suggest subsonic speed. 28 Dec 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 Approved For Release 3lf65/16 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO03400470001-2 Approved For Release 2003/05/16 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO03400470001-2 Approved For Release 2003/05/16 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO03400470001-2 25X1A Approved FoJ Ralease 20031051IG QA Rl;)P;EQT-0 3400470001-2 6. FRANCE SUGGESTS MOROCCAN MEDIATION FOR CEASE-FIRE IN ALGERIA Comment on: 25X1A- On instructions from Paris, the French Embassy in Rabat recently sounded out the Moroccan Government on the possi- bility of Moroccan mediation to bring about a cease-fire in Algeria, according to a source close to French Foreign Minister .Pineau. Premier Gaillard has obtained cab- inet approval for this limited response to last month's Moroccan- Tunisian offer of good offices to settle the conflict. Recent French-Tunisian difficulties- -particularly over the arms ques- tion-- ruled out acceptance of Bourguiba as an intermediary, at least for the present. Because Moroccan officials insisted that Tunisia must be kept informed, Gaillard did not follow up his embassy's approach immediately,. Pineau, however, may go to Rabat soon to discuss cease-fire negotiations. Pineau's confidant told the American Embassy in Paris on 24 December that the chances for negotiation of a cease-fire are "not bad." He claims an FLN military leader was recently in Rabat and "undoubtedly" discussed such a move. Gaillard is probably reluctant to take any step now which might prejudice Council of the Republic action on the Basic Statute for, Algeria recently voted by the National Assembly. There is already some fear that Minister for Algeria Lacoste and influential conservatives may influence the upper house to amend or vote down the statute, thereby throwing it back to the assembly. 28 Dec 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 Approved For Rele - 3400470001-2 7 1 25X1A Approved For 3400470001-2 7. CHINESE COMMUNISTS PURGE TOP PROVINCIAL OFFICIALS IN CHEKIANG 25X1A 25X1pe2mment on: Four members of the Chekiang com- mittee of the Chinese Communist party--at least two of whom were prob- ably party secretaries and one of whom was concurrently governor of the prov- ince--have een expelled from the party as "rightists," ac- cording to a Peiping broadcast of 26 December. The removal of these men from their government posts can be expected to follow in due course. mittee in its final stages. may even reach two or three members of the central com- The attack on these provincial party lead- ers is an indication that a drastic weeding out of the party called for by Secretary General Teng Hsiao-ping and other party spokesmen is picking up speed. This move follows a resurgence of publicity during the past week concerning the danger of permitting rightists to remain in the party. The purge is expected to claim up to 5 percent of the approximately 12, 700, 000 party members, and 25X1A 28 Dec 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 Approved For Rele - 3400470001-2