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`~'/////~/~/C~rbv~~l'b~b~r R~kJ~~ 2063702/27 ECIA RDP79~~~'9~'G5~1 6 December 1957 Copy No o ~ ~ ~ CUR~~NT IIVTEB.LIGEIV~E BULLEYIRd DOCUME~IT N0. rJ'J Ctt,~N:;E Iv CLASS. 1 . C?i:CLAS:,iI: tL?D CLT,': ~ ~~D~., AUTN ~y DATE. ~ f3EvIEWER __ CSFFICE ~F ~UIt~E1~lY Ii~ITEILLIGE~ICE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 25X1 DIA and DOS review(s) completed. %/ TOP SECRET // / 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP79T /// 25X1 gpproved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP79T00975A003400290001-2 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP79T00975A003400290001-2 Approved For lease - ~A 03400290001-2 25X1A CONTENTS 1o KHRUSHCHEV URGES WEST TO RECOGNIZE STATUS QUO 25X1A IN EASTERN EUROPE 25X1A ~v 3o COMMUNISTS HAMPERED BY BERLIN'S FOUR-POWER ,~ 4o SPAAK PROPOSES SPECIAL NATO MINISTERIAL CONFER- 5o GREEK TACTICS FOR CYPRUS DEBATE OUTLINED 25X1A LJ/~ Ih 25X1A 0 25X1A 7, GHANA DECIDES ON DIPLOMATIC EXCHANGE WITH USSR 25X1A ~"~ 8o INDONESIA LIKELY TO BE FORE RECEPTIVE TO BLOC 25X1A ANNEX--Conclusions of the Watch Report of the Intelligence Advisory Committee 25X1A 6 Dec 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin 25X1A Page 2 Approved For Relea~~0~/02/27 :CIA-RDP79T00975A003400290001-2 Approved Fo - 03400290001-2 1o KHRUSHCHEV URGES WEST TO RECOGNIZE STATUS QUO IN EASTERN EUROPE 25X1 ~ ?mment on o In a statement to a group of ambassadors at a Burmese embassy reception on 3 December, Soviet party chief Khrushchev called for Western recognition of the sta- tus quo in Eastern Europe as the "important thing" in ldssen- ing East-West tensionso He disparaged the "hopes" of the West that .Communist control can be changed and called on the West to give up such an objective in exchange for a Soviet agreement not to attempt to change the system of government in capitalist countries o In reply to a question regarding the USSR's role if a Communist revolution took place in a capital- ist state, Khrushchev asserted that the Soviet Union would not intervene, but would give the revolutionaries "sympathy:' I~hrushchev reiterated that the question of .German reunification must be settled directly by the Federal Republic and the East German regime and asserted that the USSR would not discuss the question even if the West "waited a hundred years:' The party chief also repeated the Soviet proposal that the .NATO and Warsaw pact powers might be able to conclude a nonaggression agreement and the view that fur- ther progress in the UN disarmament talks depends on "bal- ancing" the UN Disarmament Commission. When- Ambassador Thompson pointed out the difficulty of serious negotiations in a further enlarged body, Khrushchev suggested that the size of the commission could be reduced in such a way as to "balance" its membership. The ambassador believes that Khrushchev's remarks reflect Soviet long-range concern over the situation in Eastern Europe and fear of renewed satellite uprisings. Mos- cow may feel that the present international situation has im- proved the chances of gaining Western recognition of Soviet hegemony ovex Eastern Europeo 6 Dec 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 25X1 gpproved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP79T00975A003400290001-2 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP79T00975A003400290001-2 3. COMMUNISTS HAMPERED BY BERLIN'S FOUR-POWER STATUS 25X1A 25X1A Comment en? er in s s us as a city under quadripartite control is inhibiting measures the EEast German regime considers essential to close the .sector bo.rde~' .between Eat"t and. Weslr Ber- lin 25X1 25X1 C the USSR had 25X1 C given Party First Secretary Walter Ulbricht a free hand to 25X1 solve the Berlin problem, but there is evidence indicating that he was warned not to violate the city's quadripartite status. apid and drastic measures are required to halt black marketing, stop the flow of cur- rency and refugees to West Berlin, and obstruct the activity of Western agents. In a further move to enhance East -Ger- man sovereignty, Soviet officials at the Berlin Air Safety Center an 4 December rejected for the third time an Amer- ican request for clearance far a courier flight between Ber- lin and Warsaw on the grounds that. such clearance can be given only by the German Democratic Republic, which, Soviet officials say, has full control over its air spaceo The Rus- sians then made an informal offer to submit American requests for the "consideration of the authorities of the German Demo- cratic Republic!' -The Allied position is that the USSR, as one of the four occupying powers, is the only responsible authority in East Germany. 25X1 A 6 Dec 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 Approved For Release 2003/~~1:f~lA-RDP79T00975A003400290001-2 4, SPARK FROFOSES SPECIAL NATO MINISTERIAL CONFERENCE IN MARCH 25X1 A Comment on: Secretary General Spaak's proposal for a special NATO ministerial conference next March to work out a unified military policy seems designed to speed up action by member governments on MC-70--the paper on the essen- tial forces needed to carry out NATO's military mission-- which is to be completed late in January. :[n the draft of his report to be made at the 16-18 December NATO meeting, Spaak voices concern over the widening gap between forces requirements and coun- try commitments. He feels that foreign, defense, and finance ministers and .NATO military authorities should. meet to analyze the MC-70 conclusions and agree on a distribution of commit- ments which might be more binding on the member countries than present Annual Review procedure. Spaak's suggestion is designed to facilitate decisive action on politically sensitive subjects, by bringing to- gether political, economic, and military officials at ministerial level at the outset of planning for whose implementation they would later be responsible. Spaak views the March conference as preparatory to decisions which would be taken at the regular spring NATO ministerial meeting usually held in Mayo The proposal has some :points in common with recent British ideas on the need for a revised .NATO strategy that "makes sense" and is economically feasible 25X1A 0 D~:~c 9`~ Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 Approved For Rel - 003400290001-2 Approved Fo 5n GREEK TACTICS FIR CYPRUS DEBATE OUTLINED 25X1 comment on: Greek Foreign -Minister Averoff appears willing to accept postponement until next year of the UN Cyprus debate, scheduled to follow the current debate on Algeria. He will be particularly receptive to postponement if the UN requests implementation of last February's General Assembly resolution calling far continued negotiations toward asettle- mento Greece has consistently interpreted the proposed nego- tiations as involving only representatives of Britain and Cyprus. Postponement of the debate would serve Greed interests by preventing Turkey from specifically being recognized as a participant in the dispute. The Greek govern- ment might even take the position that postponement affords a means for deferring a decision until Britain has a labor govern- ment, which would be mare favorably disposed toward self- determination for Cyprus than is the present government. ]fn any UN Cyprus debate, the Greeks, pressed by Archbishop Makarios, are certain to bring up the issue of alleged British atrocities on Cyprus. London has in- dicated adesire for a short, smooth debate but has warned that if Greece raises the atrocities question, Britain will re- ply by presenting evidence that Athens and Makarios have been connected with past violence on Cyprus. 6 Dec 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 25X1A Approved For Rel 1? - 3400290001-2 25X1 gpproved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP79T00975A003400290001-2 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP79T00975A003400290001-2 Approved FOrlRnln~cn ~nn~in~i~~ ? rin_Rnp~aTnna~~nm3400290001-2 7~ GHANA DECIDES ON DIPLOMATIC EXCHANGE WITH USSR 25X1~omment on: Prime .Minister Nkrumah of -Ghana plans to announce, probably about 15 December, that his government will establish diplo- matic relations with the USSR "in due coursed' However, ,Accra apparently does not intend to ex- change representatives until the latter part of next year, Permanent Secretary for Defense and External Affairs Adu says the USSR was told that a personnel shortage precluded acceptance of a. Soviet diplomatic estab- lishment in the near future and that the Ghana government would not enter-such a relationship until after its trade mission visits the Soviet Union "next July:' Adu appeared confident"th~.t~any Soviet effort to advance the timing of the exchange could be fare- stalledo 6 Dec 57 Current .Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 Approved For 25X1A Approved F ease - 03400290001-2 $. INDONESIA LIKED TO BE MORE RECEPTIVE TO BLOC AID 25X1A 25X1AComment on> Indonesia can be expected to be in- creasingly receptive to Soviet .bloc offers of economic and technical as- sistance in view of the anti-Dutch drive which is almost certain to create a serious vacuum of technical talento According to two reliable sources, the Indonesian embassy in Moscow has been approached by Soviet officials with an offer of ships. According to another source, the .Soviet em- bassy in Djakarta has requested permission to hold an atomic exposition in 195$ and has also asked if it may send survey teams to Indonesia to test land and water for radio- activityo .Approximately 1, 000 Soviet j eeps have been delivered under a contract signed about a year ago for the purchase of 4,0000 Ln addition, the Soviet aid agreement for $100,000,000 is still awaiting implementation. Faced with the probable loss of -Dutch and Australian pilots and technicians, the Indonesian national air- line is seeking the services of other foreign personnels The British embassy in Djakarta has received a report that Indo- nesia has asked Poland to provide pilots and maintenance menu 6 Dec 5? Current intelligence Bulletin Page 10 Approved For Release 2003/~i~7~~CIA-RDP79T00975A003400290001-2 25X1 gpproved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP79T00975A003400290001-2 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP79T00975A003400290001-2 25X1A Approved For~le ANNEX 25X1A Watch Report 383, 5 December 1957 of the Intelligence Advisory Committee Conclusions on Indications of Hostilities On the basis of findings by its Watch Committee, the Intelligence Advisory Committee concludes that: A. No Sino-Soviet bloc country intends to initiate hostil- ities against the continental US or its possessions in the immediate future. Bo No Sino-Soviet bloc country intends to initiate hostil- ities against US forces abroad, US allies or areas pe- ripheral to the orbit in the immediate future. C. A deliberate initiation of hostilities in the Middle East is unlikely in the immediate future. However, tensions in the Middle East continue to create possibilities for serious incidents. 25X1A 6 Dec 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 12 Approved For R~ 25X1A