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T 2002/ 0/2 C A-t / 1 :CI "RETRDP79T" 22 February 1957 Copy No. .131 CURRENT DOCUMENT NO. INTELLIGENCE I : DELLGE 1^; C+_/;s5. ac~~ r_ CLASS. CHANGED TO: i NEXT REVIE."dDti, AU-111-1- ATO-2 DA 7 BULLETIN rE. _ REVIEWER: C OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 004, j State Dept. review completed 2002/10/21 : CIA-RDP79T~ TOP SECRET / XVOOZ/0//XZXX/`//~~~ 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/10/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO03000020001-5 Approved For Release 2002/10/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO03000020001-5 r CONTENTS 25X1A 2. COMMUNIST INFILTRATION OF INDONESIAN ARMY J) 25X1A IV6. INDIA MAY ENCOURAGE MORE PRIVATE FOREIGN 25X1A 25X1 D 25X1A Approved For Feleas #003000020001-5 1. FRENCH MAY TAKE DRASTIC STEPS TO AVERT ECO- NOMIC CRISIS 3. SUKARNO ANNOUNCES "CONCEPT" INDO- NESIAN GOVERNMENT INVESTMENT 25X1A . HANOI ADMITS CONTINUED POPULAR DISCONTENT (page 11). ANNEX- -Conclusions of the 'Watch Re ort of the Intelligence Advisor Committee 25X1A 22 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 Approved For Releas - A003000020001-5 25X1A 25X1A App A' or +2elease 2002/10/21 : CIA-RDP79TOO975Ad 1z FRENCH MAY TAKE DRASTIC STEPS TO AVERT ECONOMIC CRISIS 25X1A 25X1A French finance minister Paul Ramadier's plan to cut the 1957 budget by $744,300,000 may be the beginning of a serious effort to stave off an economic crisis. Ramadier is reported to have proposed that$286,000, - 000 be cut from military expenses by an immediate demobilization of 100,000 troops from the forces now in Algeria. Such a cut, however, would be strongly opposed by the minister of defense and Resident Minister in Algeria Lacoste on the grounds that it would endanger France's pacification ef- fort in Algeria. The Mollet government has attempted to cope with inflation by substantial increases in imports, but at the costof bringing France's gold and dollar reserves down to a minimum working level. France's trade deficit for January was about $174,000,000 and the director of the Treasury be- lieves the French economy faces a,, complete collapse" if this rate of loss continues. A reduction of imports, which might rectify this situation, would at the same time be contrary to the proposed liberalization of trade under the Common Market. Stringent economies in expenditures would also force a cutback in proposed plans for revamping the army and development of North Africa. Moreover, an airing of France's financial difficulties may offer the right center an op- portunity to launch an attack on the Mollet government. While the French disclaim any intention of launching aid discussions during Mollet's visit to Washington 22 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 Approved For Release 20&XiI'A : CIA-RDP79T00975AO03000020001-5 Approved For 25X1A on 26-27 February, Ramadier may be trying to underline France's problem and to dramatize its willingness to econo- mize in the hope that serious aid discussions will arise in the course of talks on European defense, the Middle East and Eurafrican investments. 22 Feb 57 Approved Fo Current Intelligence Bulletin 25X1A Page .4 Approved For 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 2. COMMUNIST INFILTRATION OF INDONESIAN ARMY Indonesian Communists appear to be making progress in penetrating army units in Java, particularly in the highly strategic Djakarta and West Java com- mands. the chief of staff 25X1 C in the Djakarta command is pro-Communist, and a Commu- nist regimental commander in West Java is said to be exert- ing considerable influence on the territorial commander. Although right-wing officers in West Java still outnumber the Communists, the daily arrest or reassignment of anti- Communist officers for involvement in the "Lubis plot" is giving the Communists additional opportunities. 25X1 25X1 Control of the army has been a priority Communist goal in Indonesia having equal importance with the subversion of the peasant and laboring classes. Until 1956, the army- -and particularly the West Java and North Sumatra commands- -provided the principal brake on Communist influ- ence in Indonesia. 22 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 Approved For Release 2002/1 2 X(:1o(A-RDP79T00975A003000020001-5 Approved For 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 3. SUKARNO ANNOUNCES "CONCEPT" OF NEW INDONESIAN GOVERNMENT President Sukarno's 21 February an- nouncement of his "concept" for more effective government in Indonesia is a blow to parliamentary government and an important gain for the Communists. Sukarno, calling for an entirely new system of government, said that Indonesia's problems were the result of its adher- ence to Western-style democracy and its toleration of oppo- sition. He proposed the establishment of an "advisory council" to direct the activities of a "mutual aid" cabinet, and participation by the Communist Party in both organizations. According to Sukarno, the council is to be a "reflection of the community," representing such groups as labor, women, youth and the armed forces, while the cabi- net would be composed of representatives of all parties in parliament. This system, Sukarno claims, would create conditions in which all Indonesians could live as "one big family" in an "atmosphere of national peace." The successful implementation of Sukarno's "concept" rests largely on the reaction of the army, the polit- ical parties, and the non-Javanese areas. Chances of general army support--at least in Java--seem good. Recent changes in army leadership have rendered major elements more amen- able to Sukarno's policies, and his offer of army representation on the council may meet the objections of anti-Communist ele- ments. The adherence of several important political parties, 22 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 Approved For Re 1 ACIA-RDP79TOO97SA00 000020001-5 Approved For Release200"VVZ/10/21 particularly the two largest Moslem parties, the Masjumi and the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), is in doubt. The Masjumi has consistently refused to participate in a regime that included Communists, and the NU is reportedly divided on the issue of Communist participation in government. Un- less it develops that former vice president Hatta is given an important position and greater autonomy is guaranteed to the provinces, the presently disaffected areas are not likely to accept the president's proposals. 25X1A 22 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 Approved For Release 2002/1QgXC:1?(A-RDP79T00975A003000020001-5 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/10/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO03000020001-5 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2002/10/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO03000020001-5 Approved Foil 6. INDIA MAY ENCOURAGE MORE PRIVATE FOREIGN INVESTMENT 25X1A Indian finance minister Krishnamachari has admitted that the Second Five-Year Plan (1956-61) may have to be extended to seven years. Rather than extend the period of the plan, India may modify its policies in favor of private foreign invest- ment. Krishnamachari recently told Sir Jehangir Ghandy, director of Tata Iron and Steel Co., that the Five- Year Plan could be met only if approximately $2 billion were made available from foreign sourbes. in the next four years, and added that he doubted such funds would be made available by foreign governments. Krishnamachari had tentatively agreed that after the elections Tata and the Kaiser interests would be permitted to construct a large jointly owned shipyard despite the fact that shipbuilding is reserved for the public sec- tor of the economy. While Prime Minister Nehru and the Corn- gress Party have committed their prestige to developing a socialistic pattern of society as well as to the successful ful- fillment of the plan in five years, they might be willing to re- duce the emphasis on socialization if convinced that such a policy would attract the foreign capital needed to fulfill the plan goals. 22 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 25X1 Approved For Release 2I/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975A003000020001-5 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Rel ase 2002/10/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975603000020001-5 7. HANOI ADMITS CONTINUED POPULAR DISCONTENT Although there have apparently been no outbreaks in North Vietnam on a scale comparable to last November's upris- ings, which were suppressed by the ar- my, the population continues restive in certain areas. The party organ Nhan Dan, in late January admitted hew.dem- onstrations against the authorities in some villages of Ha Tinh Province, not tar from the scene of the 1956 disorders. The article states that dissatisfied peasants, demanding return of their prop- erty confiscated during land reform, rioted and surrounded the homes of Communist cadres. Hanoi has sought to conciliate the popu- lation by pushing a "mistake-correction" campaign. Many landlords have been "reclassified" and some of their prop- erty has been restored. Hanoi is also reinstating party personnel who had been purged and reorganizing party cells which had been "wrongly dissolved." The populace is impatient of delays in implementing "mistake-correction;" and the Communists are finding it necessary to appeal for calm and understand- ing. Concurrently, the regime is giving notice of its determi- nation to act forcefully against any new demonstrations. The Nhan Dan article warns that "energetic measures" must be taken against those "who aim to rise up against the party and government. " 22 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 Approved For Release 2002/12M (l PIA-RDP79T00975A003000020001-5 Approved Fo - 3000020001-5 25X1A 25X1 ANNEX Watch Report 342, 20 February of the Intelligence Advisory Committee Conclusions. on Indications of Hostilities... On the basis of findings by its Watch Committee the Intel- ligence Advisory Committee concludes that: A. No Sino-Soviet Bloc country intends to initiate hostilities against the continental US or its possessions in the imme- diate future. B. No Sino-Soviet Bloc country intends to initiate hostilities against US forces abroad, US allies or areas peripheral to the Orbit in the immediate future. C. A deliberate initiation of hostilities in the Middle East is improbable in the immediate future. The crucial issues of. Israeli withdrawal and Suez Canal control, as well as continuing tensions in the area, constitute possibilities for violence. 25X1A 22 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 12 Y&N A - 020001-5 -1ease W91 - CIA Approved For