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25X1 16 September 1955 Copy No. I9 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO.. Lam.. NO CHANGE IN CLASS. C 1 DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE: AUTH: H870 DATE? %Y_ --'-REVIEWER IF State Dept. review completed Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY V///////"/,04wse 2W6Q&INEG#-CW79TWlfl4z~IWIIIIIZIIIIO 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO02200130001-2 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO02200130001-2 Approved Feel se 2004/07/08 m - WA002200130001-2 25X1A CONTENTS 1. USSR MAY PROPOSE BALTIC SECURITY ARRANGEMENT IN FINNISH TALKS (page 3). 2. CONTINUATION OF MOROCCAN IMPASSE SEEN (page 4). 3. 'EGYPT TO ADOPT NEW POLICY TOWARD SUDAN (page 5) 16 Sept 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 Approved For Rel Le 2004/07/08 - CIA-RDP79T00975A002200130001-2 25X1A Approved FQReIe 0A002200130001-2 1. USSR MAY PROPOSE BALTIC SECURITY ARRANGEMENT IN FINNISH TALKS During the current Soviet- Finnish talks, the USSR will make a proposal for "de- fense of the Baltic" together with some adjustment with regard to the Porkkala naval base or the Karelia area, N O R ..W A Y S W E D E N All, 0P / Prewar D Boundary 1 ~ r'JPechenga f v, / c L..~/ Prewar Boundary .r\ / \. r' > e US S R L 0' 'Vaasa Mikky SAREN75 SEA i i i KARELIA j SA/MAA LAKE CANA , VYborg LADOGA The American ambassador in Helsinki believes Pres- ident Paasikivi has reason to expect the USSR will make concessions during his Moscow visit that will be welcomed in Finland, and will not ask enough in exchange to provoke polit- ical division in Finland. Comment The Baltic de- fense arrange- ment may refer to a report- ed Polish plan for a confer- ence of Poland, East Ger- many, the USSR, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland to discuss among other things bans on the establishment of bases by non-Baltic pow- ers and on atomic installa- tions in the Baltic area. Although major Soviet concessions to Fin- land are unlikely at this time, the USSR might grant Finland rights to use the Saimaa canal or make some concessions re- garding the Porkkala base area. 16 Sept 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 Approved For RelZ 164/07/08 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO02200130001-2 25X1 25X1A Approved Fq&Rel4 2. CONTINUATION OF MOROCCAN IMPASSE SEEN A high French official in Rabat informed 25X1 A the American consulate general on 13 September that he did not expect any important action on governmental re- forms 'before 15 days." He added that the departure of Sultan Mohamed ben Arafa was still uncertain. Some French settlers are urging uni- fied armed action to prevent Ben Arafa's departure. A Protectorates Ministry official stated on 13 August that the much-publicized letter from French president Coty inviting Ben Arafa to withdraw was ordered destroyed by Premier Faure under pressure from Foreign Minister Pinay and Defense Minister Koenig. Comment Present indications are that if the in- decision as to the removal of the sultan is prolonged, serious outbursts .of violence may be expected. 16 Sept 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 Approved For ReIeQA4/07/08: CIA-RDP79T00975A002200130001-2 Approved Fir Rel 057 A002200130001-2 25X1A 3. EGYPT TO ADOPT NEW POLICY TOWARD SUDAN 25X1A Egyptian foreign minister Fawzi told Ambassador Byroade on 13 September that Egypt will take all possible steps to see that a "neutral atmosphere" is created in the Sudan in connection with Sudanese self- determination, Fawzi said his government will make it clear to the Sudanese that the decision Egypt wants is that which the Sudanese consider in their own best interests. Comment Indications of a new Egyptian policy, in which gestures of friendship are replac- ing earlier threats and attempts at subversion aimed at obtaining" Egyptian-Sudanese union, have been noted since the resignation on 26 August of Major Salah Salim, the Egyptian minister for Sudan affairs. Cairo's new tactic has been reflected in the tone of its radio broadcasts on the Sudan, and the ftUnese in their broadcasts have in turn protested friendship for Egypt. This new Egyptian tactic probably springs in part from a desire to influence the course of current Sudanese-Egyptian negotiations on the distribu- tion of the Nile waters. 16 Sept 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 25X1A Approved For ReI ass 2004/07/08 ? CIA_RDP79Tn0975A002200130001-2