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se 20 ,971S ytW9T0 01 OOF 29 December 1954 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN AUTH: HR 70-2 DATE:, --rZ//mod _ REVIEWER: CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE: y,:RQLQ NO CHANGE IN CLASS. C} DECLASSIFIED DOCUMENT NO. -5 r' Office of Current Intelligence State Department reviewCENTRAL INTELLIGENCE completed AGENCY 25X1A Approved FrRele QAAjF - A001800510001-5 SUMMARY 25X1 FAR EAST 25X1 2. Japan plans no specific moves for Orbit relations (page 3). SOUTH ASIA 5. Afghan prime minister ?Daud rumored about to resign (page 5). EASTERN EUROPE 6. Rakosi appears to remain leading Hungarian Communist (page 6). 25X1A 29 Dec 54 .CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 2 25X For Relpase 25X1A Approved For - ele se 2004/03/11 : CIA-RDP79T009 001800510001-5 25X1 FAR EAST 25X1A 2. Japan plans no specific moves for Orbit relations: Japanese foreign minister Shigemitsu told Ambassador Allison on 27 Decem- ber that his government had no specific plans for establishing diplomatic rela- tions with the Communist bloc and would definitely consult the United States before considering any such arrangements with Com- munist China 29 Dec 54 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 3 25X1A Approved For Rele 5A001800510001-5 25X1A Approved For Rele CIA-R 001800510001-5 Shigemitsu asserted that much anti- American sentiment is based on the belief that the United States is preventing Japan from having normal trade and diplomatic ,contacts with "an important Asian neighbor." He said his govern- ment's action in easing restrictions on travel and trade with the Orbit would permit the Japanese to see for themselves the diffi- culties involved in dealing with the Chinese Communists and at the same time would remove one of the basic causes of anti- Americanism. Comment: Dealing with the Commu- nists may dispel some popular Japanese illusions that Commu- nist trade will provide a panacea for Japan's economic ills. 25X6 29 Dec 54 -CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN ]page 4 25X1A Approved For Rele - 5A001800510001-5 25X1A Approved FerwRelease 2004/03/1-~ - A001800510001-5 25X1 SOUTH ASIA 5. . Afghan prime minister Daud rumored about to resign: 25X1 25X1A g n prime minister Daud is o re- sign and to be replaced by his brother, Foreign Minister Naim. The embassy discounts the reports but states the possibility cannot be ruled out since Shah Wali Khan, the king's uncle, has warned the king of the dangers of Daud's present policy of accepting Soviet economic aid. 29 Dec 54 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 5 25X1A Approved For Rele 75A001800510001-5 F 71 25X1A Approved Fp,ReIe - 75 001800510001-5 Comment: Twice before Daud has been sent abroad or temporarily retired from politics when his actions be- came embarrassing to the ruling Afghan oligarchy. The king and the elder members of the 25X1 A royal family may now feel that Daud's dealings with the USSR and his outspoken support of Pushtoonistan will hinder forei policy planning with respect Lo the United States and Pakistan. EASTERN EUROPE 25X1A 6. Rakosi appears to remain leading Hungarian Communist: The acclaim accorded First Secretary Matyas Rakosi at the tenth anniversary 'celebration of the Hungarian parliament on 21 December testifies to his continu- ing us as the "strong man" in the Hungarian party hierarchy. According to the American minister, who was present at the cere- mony, Rakosi was greeted by the parliamentary deputies with stormy applause which made the reception accorded Premier Nagy and other speakers appear "exceedingly small." Comment: Rakosi's failure to appear in public in October and Novembeduring which time a party cau- cus re-emphasized support for the conciliatory. new course poli- cies and criticized "left-wing" opposition to this program, appeared at the time to represent a diminution in his power in the Hungarian Workers Party. His activities since his reappearance on 29 No- vember, however, suggest that he remains "first among equals" in the collective leadership of the Hungarian regime. Rakosi's resumption of public activity probably does not signify any change in the regime's present poli- cies. He has publicly supported the new course and called for an end to all opposition to it. 29 Dec 54 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 6 25X1A Approved For Rele TOIC lr_vv.+Ivj . -