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Publication Date: 
October 6, 1954
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Ilse CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 25X1 25X14 0 25X1;/ 1 25X1 State Department review completed //e ' ? W' ? ' ? s ' DT ? ? 6 October 1954 Copy No. CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN - DOCUMENT NO. AM- NO CHANGE IN CLASS 11 DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE: AUTN: HR 70-2 DATE: 1 jjLK- REVIEWER: Office of Current Intelligence Approved FoIease 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP79T009701700450001-3 25X1A SUMMARY GENERAL 1. Bohlen feels Moscow is soft-pedaling Formosa "commitment" (page 3). FAR. EAST 25X1 Railroad construction sought for coastal province opposite Formosa (page 4). SOUTHEAST ASIA 4. Bao Dai implies he will retain Diem as premier (page 6). 5. Recent assassination in Laos linked to Thai-subsidized Laotian prince (page 6). NEAR EAST - AFRICA 25X1 7. Americans endangered by Moroccan terrorism (page . EASTERN EUROPE 8. Yugoslavia weighs Soviet proposal for higher-level trade talks (page 8). WESTERN EUROPE 9. Comment on West German politician's call for zonal all-German elections (page.9). 25X1 6 Oct 54 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 2 Approved For Relea - 5AO01700450001-3 Approved Fo1 Iease - 001700450001-3 25X1A GENERAL 1. Bohlen feels Moscow is soft-pedaling Formosa "commitment": 25X1A 25X1 mosan liberation campaign. Ambassador Bohlen feels that these incidents indicate a fear that undesirable implications have been read into Khrushchev's speech and that the government is attempting to,soft-pedal the degree of Soviet public commitment. Comment: Moscow's caution on the Formosa issue is consistent witch its policy of avoiding commit- ments in Asia which might conflict with the achievement of higher-priority cold war objectives in Europe. Khrushchev's pledge of support by the "Soviet people" was made in the con- text of a statement of sympathy for the Chinese Communists' desire to liberate "their long-suffering brothers" rather than a Soviet commitment to a military campaign. Khrushchev made no mention of the kind, extent or timing of this support. toast to his regime's etermination to "liberate" Formosa.. Also, a Soviet censor in Moscow, in an unusual procedure, took pains to point out to an Associated Press correspondent that Khrushchev's Peiping speech had stated that the "Soviet people" rather than the "Soviet Union" supported China's For- At a Chinese "Liberation Day" celebra- tion in Moscow, Malenkov, Molotov and Voroshilov pointedly ignored the Chinese Communist ambassador's 6Oct54 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 3 Approved For Releas~I 0 92/03: CIA-RDP79T00975AO01700450001-3 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO01700450001-3 3. Railroad construction sought for coastal province opposite Formosa: government would begin railroad construction in Fukien Province opposite Formosa ahead of schedule because coastal shipping is "obstructed" by the United States and the Chinese Nationalists (see map, p. 5). The delegate also said the province's highways have been considerably improved. and a "sea dike" has been filled between Amoy and the mainland to facilitate transportation and to consolidate coastal defense. The Fukien provincial delegate to the recent National People's Congress in Peiping expressed the "hope" that the . Comment: Deprived of coastal ship- ping, its traditional communications means, Fukien now largely depends on poor highways for supplies brought into the province. The principal route runs from Shangjao on the Chekiang-Kiangsi railroad, 250 miles to Foochow. Even a short 100-mile branch 6 Oct 54 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 4 Approved For Release2fASA2/03 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO01700450001-3 Approved For'R'I leas!c 2003/12/03: 25X1A 116 120 K N G S U 12 32 N NANKING H U P E H SHANGHAI ' ~ ? ~ NUHU r. / HANKOW A N- H W E I 1. ~ J a 1 y~G HANGCH0 GHAT 4 ~N J NINGPO P ? o r-?~ e ) r' C H E,: .I A N G SHAN N(4 YU ob NANCHANG SHAN .. {LIHSIEN t '. S(A TA CHEN CHEKIANG SH~,NGJAO ' " CHANGSHA12s r"" ? ... -..._. '"?,?,? - r'y API SHAN 2II 0 r / _. o WENCHOU ? rUNG-T'OU SHAN ?PEl CHI SHAN C, K I A N G S I ?NAN CHl SHAN ' HENGYANG HIENOU / ,TAI SHAN o l 1 CH(H-CHU TAO ;SPIDER ISLAND) / F U K I N ? STUNG-YUNG (YIN SHAN) U ' lid s PEIKANTANO i .MAC ?pAI CH'UAN FOOCHOW H UAG-CHUAN TAO C CHANGTING _ (TUNGKUEN) l A!TANTAO KEELUNG 1 PWU-CH'IU TAIPEI (OCKSEU) I o L.~ ~?--~ 1?J ! $4CNINMEN K W A N G T U N G AMOY (QUEMOY) / 24 -24 L NEW CAUSEWAY t4. FORMOSA CANTON SWATO PESCAD~ ORES IS (T A I W A N) TAKAO 5 October 1954 -..1 SOUTH CHINA COAST (incl. FORMOSA) MACAO HONG KONG ti la,