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7.00 004/0 T'01M975Z1 00, '00 31 March 1954 25X1 I 25 Copy Noa 84 s CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN t1AENTNO.1 Z: ... , NO CGHANGE IN CLASS. C1 DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO TS 8 0 NEXT REVIEW DATE: 20 0 9 AUTH: HR/ 70-2 DATE:,l1' /79 . REVIEWER: _II 25 25 00 II Office of Current Intelligence I CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 25 I ~ i i i DOS review(s) completed. DIA review(s) completed. 004 U1 P6 G'IA=CbP79T0097 25X1A Approved For Rele 2004/01/16: CIA-RDP79T00975A001 0170001-6 SUMMARY FAR EAST 1. Chinese Communist troop withdrawal from Korea seen unlikely (page 3). 25X1 2. SOUTHEAST ASIA 3. French look for new attack on Dien Bien Phu by 5 April (page 4). 4. Deterioration of Burmese-Thai relations noted (page 5). NEAR EAST - AFRICA 5. Israeli armed forces seen responsible for attack on Nahhalin (page 5). 6. Nasr may try to meet British condition for renewing Suez negotiations (page 6). LATIN AMERICA 7. Alerting of Guatemalan army against imminent "invasion" reported (page 6). 25X1A Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP79T00975A001500170001-6 Ap~44Q& For Rel~sp 2004/01/16 - - 0170001-6 M~O FAR EAST 1. Chinese Communist troop withdrawal from Korea seen unlikely: 25X1A The American consul general at Hong Kong believes that the Chinese Communists are unlikely to offer to remove their troops from Korea in return for the withdrawal of American forces. Withdrawal of both Chinese and UN forces would create a military vacuum which Rhee might: exploit to attack North Korea. The Communists think they could cope with any South Korean attack, but fear that if the South Koreans should be threatened with defeat, the United States would again intervene.. This in turn would lead to the resumption of an inconclusive war, which the Communists wish to avoid. The consul general concludes that, while the Communists at Geneva may represent troop withdrawal as a major objective, they would be likely to attach conditions unacceptable to the United States. Comment: This analysis is generally sup- ported by the course of last year's truce talks, in which the Communists insisted on American guarantees of South Korean observance of the truce. There is an outside chance of a Chinese troop withdrawal, on the assump- tion that South Korean president Rhee would lose American support in any unilateral operation against North Korea or that the United States would be isolated from.its allies in support of Rhee. However, the Communists apparently wish to avoid the risk of new hostilities. 25X1 2. 25X1A 31 Mar 54 Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO015p0170001-6 25X1A Approved For Rele - 170001-6 25X1 SOUTHEAST ASIA 25X1A 3. French look for new attack on Dien Bien Phu by 5 April: The American embassy in Saigon reports the French now believe a new major assault on Dien Bien Phu will be launched by 5 April. The nights will be completely dark after 2 April. The main defensive positions are now completely surrounded by enemy trenches and the southern re- doubt, Isabelle, is almost encircled. 31 Mar 54 25X1A Approved For Relea e - 00170001-6 Approved WV Meanwhile, the army attache reports that the French attack on a regiment of the 308th Division west of their defenses on 28 March was made by two paratroop battalions. The enemy suffered 400 killed and 1,000 wounded. Approximately 30 prisoners were taken. French casualties numbered 100 killed and wounded. 25X1A 4. Deterioration of Burmese-Thai relations noted: Ambassador Sebald in Rangoon reports that during his recent visit to Bangkok the Thai foreign minister said Thailand's relations with Burma were "at an all-time low." The Thai official was disturbed by reports that the Burmese government is pro-Communist and is actively cooperating with Peiping. Sebald comments that the Burmese are also suspicious of Bangkok. They are convinced that the Thai are engaged in smuggling operations in collusion with the Karen insurgents and the Chinese Nationalists in Burma. Comment,. Relations between Burma and Thailand, never cordial, have been aggravated recently by border incidents arising from Burmese army operations against the Chinese Nationalist guerrillas. The mutual and easily aroused suspicions between these two countries, whose interests are essentially the same, are illustrative of the obstacles facing the development of effective regional cooperation in Southeast Asia. NEAR EAST - AFRICA 25X1A . Israeli armed forces seen responsible for attack on Nahhalin,. b0170001-6 The American army attache in Amman believes Israeli armed forces planned and executed the raid on the Jordanian village of Nahhalin on 28 March. Approved FWf4eUa 00170001-g 1 Mar 54 Approved For ] 'el The attache, after visiting Nahhalin, says the raid has the earmarks of a military operation carried out by trained military personnel. The attack was patterned on previous 25X1 6. Nasr may try to meet British condition for renewing Suez negotiations: 25X1A Suez base, 25X1 Colonel Nasr intends to try immediately to meet the British condition..that order be restored in the canal area before further negotiations can be held regarding the Nasr will also attempt to play down the Revolutionary Command Council's new slogan that it must remain in power "until the enemy is driven from the country." The situation, however, requires that he make at least some use of the slogan, which was originated by junior officers. Comment: Nasr has previously indicated his desire for a quick Suez settlement in the hope of strengthening his political position: Accordingly, Nasr is likely, as soon as the council succeeds in firmly re-establishing its control, to attempt to improve relations with Britain by suppressing terrorism in the canal zone. LATIN AMERICA 7. Alerting of Guatemalan army against imminent "invasion" reported: 25X1A Commanding officers of army garrisons and the police in Guatemala City have been warned by the presidential office that an 25X1 - 6- Approved For Rele A e - 0170001-6 25X1 31 Mar 54 Approve~r~Ael a 2004/01/16: CIA-RDP79TO0975AO010170001-6 25X1 "invasion" of Guatemala is expected by 5 April, F_ 25X1 25X1 25X1 a tightening of internal security has been ordered for the army garrisons. Comment: The tightening of security could be designed to control potential antigovernment moves within the army. According to the American military attache in Guatemala, the loyalty of some top army officers to the Arbenz regime is wavering because of their concern over the growth of Communist strength in Guatemala. The Guatemalan government has in the past used foreign "plots"-to rally popular support and to justify repressive domestic policies. ,31 Mar 54 25X1A Approved For Relea e 2004/01 /16 : CIA-RDP79T00975A001 00170001-6