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se 209ff0W!N,&1G-j?W79T00 0-01. F-- I ~ ~ ff/ ?December ,as, Copy o,5 7 _1 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN CLASS. OX 0 DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS C NEXT REVIEW DATE: AUTH: H 7d- DATE: REVIEWER:4 Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY State Department review completed 25X1A Approved SUMMARY SOUTHEAST ASIA 2. Indonesian Gove.rnmerttstability believed still threatened (page 3). NEAR EAST' AFRICA 25X1 3. French wish to be.; included. in Iranian off settlement (page 4). 4. 25X1 5. British plan to meet new incidents in disputed area of ratan peninsula (page 5). EASTERN EUROPE 6. Yugoslavs deny unilateral intentions in Albania (page 6)q WESTERN EUROPE 7. Outlook for French ratification of EDC has changed (page 6). 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/10/15 : CIA-RDP79T00975A0009p0530001-3 25X1A 25X1 Approve SOUTHEAST ASIA 25X1A 2. Indonesian Qavcrnment stability believed still threatened. 25X1 a cabinet crisis is imminent and that :Indonesia continues to be threatened . with civil war. An emergency government re- portedly is to be established with Vice President Hatta as Prime Minister. Since there is "bad blood" between Hatta and President ,Sukarno .the former has asked Natsir, a former prime minister and leader of the Masjuml, whether he is prepared to be "drafted for the presidency." Appro 25X1A 25X1 25X1A Approved Comment. Political maneuvering has intensified since the cabinet commenced mea-cures against military officials respon- sible for the 17 October "political. action." Other reports do no suggest, J; however, that the downfall of the cabinet is imminent. Tensions are ex- pected to continue in Indonesia until .after the elections tentatively scheduled from April through July, but the threat of civil war is believed to have been averted. NEAR EAST - AFRICA 25X1A 25X1 25X1 3. French wish to be included in Iranian oil settlement: The French Petroleum Director has advised the American Embassy that France should be in- cluded in any talks on the Iranian oil problem. Declaring that France could use substantial quantities of crude oil and aviation gasoline, the director added that the government-controlled Compagnie Francaise des Petroles would wish to participate in any British-American group formed to produce, refine and market Iranian oil. Comment: Although France has cooperated with the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company preventing the movement of Iranian oil, French companies have been interested in oil purchases. 4. 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/10/15 : CIA-RDP79T00975A0009p0530001-3 25X1A Approve 25X1 25X1A 5. British plan to meet new incidents in disputed area of Arabian peninsula, In response to information that Saudi Arabia is planning to move a small force into the dis- puted Persian Gulf coastal region between Qatar and Oman, the British War Office is consid ring the temporary redeployment into the area of some armored cars from Habanaiya or the Suez Canal zone. Comment: The British Foreign Office has informed the American Embassy in London of its growing belief that force is the only answer to expanding Saudi Arabian activities in areas regarded as being under British control. The Embassy discounts the possibility of the use of force, but feels the British attitude indicates the extent of Foreign Office frustration over Arabian peninsula bou idary problems. Appro 25X1A 25X1A Approvo EASTERN EUROPE 25X1A 6. Yugoslavs deny unilateral intentions in Albania: The Yugoslav Minister in Athens has assured the Greek Government that Yugoslavia will not disturb the status quo in Albania. He said that in the event of an internal Albanian revolt the Yugoslav Government will act only in conjunction with .Albania's "other neighbors." The Greek Foreign Minister feels that the Yugoslav statement should be accepted. Comment: Yugoslavia's dependence on American aid and its desire to conclude satisfactory defense arrangements with Greece and other NATO countries virtually dictate such assurances re- garding future intentions toward Albania. At the same time, however, Yugoslavia is intent on strengthening its capability to overthrow the Hoxha regime or dominate any revolutionary Albanian Government. Despite the Greek profession of faith in Yugo- slav intentions, Albania will continue to 'be a vital point of issue between Greece, Italy and Yugoslavia. 25X1A WESTERN EUROPE 7. Outlook for French ratification of EDC has changed: The American Embassy in Paris reports that National Assembly deputies opposed to 'FDC, whose ranks have been growing, are now coming to regard a German national army under NATO control as more acceptable. Their spokesmen believe that an Assembly majority for such a solution can be found. Approve 25X1A 25X1A Approves Foreign Ministry officials state that Chancellor Adenauer's postponement of final Buadestag action on the Bonn and Paris treaties upsets the timing of French action. Although Assembly debate could still take place by late February, it may be postponed until May, particularly in view of the expected consideration in late March of a draft treaty for a European Political Community, and the prospective municipal el6dtions in April. Comment: Sentiment favoring a German national army :under NATO contro rT a-WeRr than German forces in EDC has also been voiced by German Social Democrats. 25X1A Approvod For Release 2003/10/15 : CIA-RDP79T00975A000900530001-3