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Approved For FaM~as o -ECRET0975 X500500001-0 25X1 10 February 1952 25X1 DOS REVIEW COMPLETED I Copy No. 49 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO, . NO CHANGE IN CLAS$'~i DECLASSIFIEL) I~ CLASS. CHANGED TO: Twf NEXT RE:V1EW DATE: DAT. 7~.1!~( DATE. ~ y~ R>=VIEWER: -F--1 Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 TOP SECRET 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/09/02 : CIA-RDP79T00975A000500500001-0 Approved SUMMARY FAR EAST Chinese postpone Sino-Soviet Friendship Week indefinitely (page 3). SOUTH ASIA 2. Soviet Government demands recall of Pakistani Embassy official in Moscow (page 3), NEAR EAST - AFRICA 3. 4.. Syria's difficulties blamed on French influence (page 5. Syrian Government may fall by end of March (page 5).. 6, Britain takes initiative to open negotiations with Egypt (page 6). 7.. Wafd accused of supporting recent riots in Egypt (page 6),. WESTERN EUROPE 8. Comment on reaction to Austrian Foreign Minister's speech (page 7). 25X1A 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/09/02 : CIA-RDP79T00975A000500500001-0 Approved FAR EAST 1. Chinese postpone Sino-Soviet Friendship Week indefinitely: 25X1A The Sino-Soviet Friendship Association's headquarters in Peiping announced on 7 Febru- ary that "Sino-Soviet Friendship Week" had been postponed until further notice. The post- ponement was attributed to the demands of the present nation-wide campaign against corruption, waste, andbureaucracy. The announcement stated that "appropriate celebrations" should be held on 14 February, the anniversary of the signing of the Sino-Soviet treaty of 1950, and that propaganda designed to promote understanding of the treaty should be carried out. Comment: The motive for this postponement is obscure, but this action alone is not sufficient evidence of a cooling of Sino-Soviet relations. Peiping may be telling the truth in stating that it is too occupied with its current anti-corruption campaign to do justice at this time to a special drive for Sino-Soviet friendship. SOUTH ASIA 2. Soviet Government demands recall of Pakistani Embassy official. in Moscow: 25X1A The Soviet Government has demanded the recall of a Third Secretary from the Pakistani Embassy in Moscow. According to the Pakistani Foreign Office, the demand was made on trumped up charges, and the Karachi government is consider- ing retaliatory expulsion of a member of the Soviet Embassy. Soviet police reportedly held the Pakistani official for questioning and tried to extract confidential information from him in return for his release. Comment-. This is the first known instance of serious diplomatic friction between' the USSR and Pakistan although Soviet propaganda has occasionally been unfriendly. The reason for the Soviet action is unclear. The USSR is presumably aware of the fact that this incident will increase the suspicion already felt by Pakistani government leaders. -3- f 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/09/02 : CIA-RDP79T00975A000500500001-0 25X1 25 I pAoved F NEAR EAST - AFRICA 4. Syria's difficulties blamed on French influence: 25X1A Former Syrian Foreign Minister Arslan, recently Minister to Ankara, attributed Syria's current difficulties to France's policy of seeking to exploit the country. He charged that this had been made possible by American and British acknowledgement that Syria and Lebanon belonged to the French sphere of influence. 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/09/02 : CIA-RDP79T00975A000500500001-0 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/09/02 : CIA-RDP79T00975A000 00500001-0 The Minister stated that France maintains its control over Syria primarily through the "Banque de Syrie et Liban" and through influence over the Syrian army. He further chargedthat the French had deliberately killed the potentially important Syrian- Iraqi trade agreement and had also opposed Syrian acceptance of US economic assistance. According to the Minister, Army Chief of Staff Shishakli is becoming increasingly unpopular, can get no responsi- ble people to join his government, and keeps control only by force. Comment: 25X1 France considers its position in Lebanon andSyria as privileged and wishes to strengthen it even at the expense of the US and Great Britain. French support of Shishakli has been generally assumed. At present, rumors in the Near East suggest, however, that Shishakli's "puppet" Chief of State, Fawzi Selo, might receive French assistance in attempting to end Shishakli's power. 5. Syrian Government may fall by end of March: The present Syrian Government which is under 25X1 A I the control of Chief of Staff Shishakli, cannot last beyond March. 25X1 the breach between army leaders and politicians is wt ening an ere are signs 25X1 of dissension between Shishakli and Colonel Fawzi Selo the Chief of State whom he recently installed. Comment.- Shishakli has been in virtual control for over two year s despite several efforts to remove him. Recent reports indicate increased dissatisfaction and new plots to dispose of Shishakli. There is no indication, however, that his re- moval by force would necessarily resi-It in anything but the establish- ment of a new military dictator. -5 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/09/02 : CIA-RDP79T00975A000500500001-0 6. Britain takes initiative to open negotiations with Egypt,. 25X1A 25X1A 25X1 25X1 The 26 January riots in Cairo were financed to the extent of 10,000 Egyptian pounds, or $29,000, by secret funds taken from the Ministry of Interior by the Wafd Secretary General Sera eddin, who was at that time Secretary of the Interior. these funds were given to Socialist leader Ahmad Husayn, currently under arrest for his part in the riots. It is also reported that auxiliary and regular police helped incite students to anti-British action on the day of the riots. Comment: While the Wafd, according to the American Ambassador in Cairo, is now spreading the story that palace intrigue and British bribery of police caused the riots, the Wafd is at least guilty of indirect involvement. It deliberately fomented anti-British sentiment during past months and openly permitted the extremists to police, who are directly responsible to the government, did not oppose the mobs on 26 January and at times joined with them. 25X1 organize into freedom battalions, the 25X1 -6- 25X1A reports that "Eden seemed more willing to try to work something, out on the Sudan than at any previous time I have talked with him.' Comment: Previously Britain, though it wanted talks with the' new Egyptian Government to begin quickly, had been awaiting word from Prime Minister Maher. On the Sudan question, London has so far not substantially altered its position that real concessions to the Egyptian demands are impossible because of their probable effects on the Sudanese. Foreign Secretary Eden instructed the British Ambassador in Cairo on 8 February to take the initiative in opening negotiations with Egyptian Prime Minister Ali Maher. Ambassador Gifford . Wafd accused of supporting recent riots in Egypt: Approved For Release 2003/09/02 : CIA-RDP79T00975A000500500001-0 25AW rovId For Release 2003/09/02 : CIA-RDP79T00975A009500500001=0 WESTERN EUROPE 8. Comment on reaction to Austrian Foreign Minister's speech: The Austrian Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor are annoyed over Foreign Minister Gruber's recent policy address, which has been under violent Communist attack for some days. Fearing a strong Soviet protest to the Allied Council, the government has officially denied the implications drawn from Gruber's speech. These were that Austria (a) has made proposals to the West to meet any Russian move to partition the country, (b) has, decided to refer the Austrian question to the UN, (c) expects to place at the disposal of the Americans a number of Austrian divisions, and (d) intends to interfere with supplies for Soviet enterprises. The Foreign Minister's speech has revitalized Communist allegations that Austria is being remilitarized and has probably worsened the unfavorable atmosphere for the introduction of new proposals by the West for an Austrian settlement. While the govern- ment may be reluctant to drop Gruber while he is under fire, his none-too- strong.;. position in the cabinet appears to have been further jeopardized. The Western High Commissioners in Vienna have cautioned the Foreign Minister that it is inadvisable to refer to possible utilization of Austrians in Western defense plans. 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/09/02 : CIA-RDP79T00975A000500500001-0