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Approved For Re e G"132: 5AO 0 0280001-5 16 January 1952 I opy o. c q CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO. --4/7 NO CHANGE IN CLASS. CLASS. (>-IANGEc TO:r TS -Z-Z" N Aurfi: EXT REVIEW DATE. , I U rcl / ~ em r%4 Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY DOS review(s) completed. TOP SECRET 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/09/02 : CIA-RDP79T00975A000500280001-5 2. 3. SUMMARY S. Mossadeq warns of imminent financial collapse (page 5). GENERAL 25X1 0. 7. SOUTH ASIA 8. NEAR EAST - AFRICA 25X1 10. Possible Austrian Cabinet shifts reported (page 8). Ap~M2t1'For Preliminary Commonwealth finance talks show realism and determination (page 3). Indian Communists reportedly to move headquarters from Bombay to Calcutta (page 5). Reuters correspondent implicates British officials in Iran (page 6). EASTERN EUROPE Buying wave sparked by Radio Free Europe sweeps Prague WESTERN EUROPE 25X1A 25X1A (page 7). Approved For Release 2003/09/02 : CIA-RDP79T00975A000500280001-5 25X1 fpXc t*d F GENERAL 1. Preliminary Commonwealth finance talks show realism and determination: 25X1A In the technical dicussions preceding the Common- wealth Finance Ministers' meeting which began in 'Laifdonkon 15 January, the Canadian delegation noted a unanimous conviction that the sterling area must solve its own problems, and the recognition that. dollar aid from the United States would not provide the solution. According to the Canadian officials, there was agreement that convertibility of sterling should be restored as soon as possible, a goal previously regarded by many sterling countries as very distant. The emphasis in their specific recommendations for dealing with the shprt-term dollar crisis fell on domestic deflationary measures, rather than upon purely restrictive devices, such as direct cuts in import quotas. Final decisions on these suggestions will be taken during the Ministers' meetings now in progress. The United States Einbassy~ in London comments that "moderate" optimism over the long-term outlook for Britain and the sterling area is justified if the Canadian observations are borne out in the Ministers' talks. In the Embassy's view, the critical question is whether the conference will find the means to restore world confidence in sterling within the next six months. Comment: This report tends to refute earlier widespread comment to the effect that serious strains had developed among the sterling countries to the point of destroying the solidarity of the group. 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/09/02 : CIA-RDP79T00975A000500280001-5 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/09/02 : CIA-RDP79T00975A000500280001-5 Approved For Release 2003/09/02 : CIA-RDP79T00975A000500280001-5 25X1 Approve SOUTH ASIA 4. Indian Communists reportedly to move headquarters from Bombay to Calcutta: 25X1A be scoring successes. cutta area, where early election returns indicate that the Communists may The Communist Party of India will move its headquarters from Bombay to Calcutta within the next several months. Communist activity appears to be considerably stronger in the Cal- The US Consul General in Calcutta- feels that in view, of Communist agitation in the frontier areas near Sikkim and Bhutan, increased Communist Chinese activity in Tibet, and reported Indian Commu- nist plans for armed violence in the Assam areas near Burma, the establish- ment of headquarters in Calcutta would greatly facilitate Communist Party communication and control in these areas. NEAR EAST - AFRICA 5. Mossadeq warns of imminent financial collapse: 25X1 funds, except for those received from the International Monetary Fund, and that the government owed money for civil and military salaries and supplies. thirty days. Mossa eq stated that the government had used up all its available Prime Minister Mossadeq has informed the US Ambassador that Iran's situation is desperate and that without financial assistance government collapse and revolution would be certain within He insisted that, although he had not yet discussed the sale of Iranian oil with the USSR,. he would have to do so if he were not assured of American financial aid. He suggested that the Ambassador inform Washington that if he did not receive promise of such aid within five days, he would have to make a del with the Russians. 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/09/02 : CIA-RDP79T00975A000500280001-5 Apr v4For Comment: Mossadeq has not exaggerated his financial difficulties, but his warning of imminent collapse appears to' contain elements of blackmail. In making his plea, he was presumably motivated by a realization that a clash with the Majlis over the devaluation of the currency, a possible alternative, might bring about his fall. 6. Reuters correspondent implicates British officials in Iran,. 25X1A The Reuters correspondent currently under arrest for circulating false reports derogatory to Iran is being held incommunicado and has made "confessions" mentioning four members of the British Embassy staff as the sources of his information. The British believe that he will be given a "state trial" along Eastern European lines, probably before the parliamentary interpellation of Mossadeq scheduled for 21 January. Iranian Minister of Court Ala has stated that the correspondent, who was "being encouraged to talk, 11 has made statements which reflected adversely on members of the British Embassy staff. Comment: Those British Embassy officers mentioned in the "confessions, " in ividuals with much knowledge and exper- ience in Iran who have been concerned with political reporting, have been suspected by the Iranians of inciting the tribes to revolt. 7.1 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/09/02 : CIA-RDP79T00975A000500280001-5 g d For Release 2003/09/02: CIA-RDP79T00975A00050T280001-5 25X1 Q 25X1 8, EASTERN. EUROPE 9. Buying wave sparked by Radio Free Europe sweeps Prague 25X1A A buying.wave is sweeping Prague, set off, according to the American Embassy, by specu- lations on the possibility of a currency reform broadcast over Radio Free Europe. Purchases are so far selective, and buyers have concentrated on textiles, gold and 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/09/02 : CIA-RDP79T00975A000500280001-5 j%gd Fo diamonds sold on the free market. The Embassy feels that the broad- casts may provide the Czech regime with a scapegoat upon which to pin the necessity for more stringent economic measures against the population. Comment: Rumors of an impending currency ref orm have circulated for several.months in Czechoslovakia. A buying panic swept Budapest earlier this month. Economic conditions in both Hungary and Czechoslovakia make a future currency reform probable. WESTERN EUROPE 10. Possible Austrian Cabinet shifts reported-. 25X1A The directorate of the People's Party re- portedly decided at its 9 January meeting to replace all party members now serving in the Austrian Cabinet. The shake-up would involve e ante ery, the Foreign Office, the Ministries of Finance, Trade, Agriculture, and Education, the Office of State Secretary, and the Presi- dency of the Parliament. Party Chairman Julius Raab has allegedly been urged to assume the Chancellorship; if he accepts, Foreign Minister Gruber would be replaced by Chancellor Figl. The Embassy cautions that this report may indicate persisting uneasiness among People's Party leadership rather than clear-cut decisions to initiate far-reaching changes. Comment: If the reported Cabinet changes were to be confirmed at the party conference on 28-29 January, they would fortify the moderate leadership represented by Chancellor Figl and Chair- man Raab. The success of their pro-coalition policy will depend, however, on their capacity to maintain supremacy while still holding the party together. 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/09/02 : CIA-RDP79T00975A000500280001-5