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Approved For Rele 2~~m'6 : ~],~~35A00`+9~0530001-9 30_ August 1951 .25X1 ~~~ 25X1 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLE~'IN DOCUMENT NO: NO CHANGE IN CLASS. [ ; DECLl1SSIFIEb i .CLASS. CHANGED To: TS S C NEXT REVIEYY BATE: b ~ f DAT~1.!'l~..lr,.?.5~, REVIEWER: J 25X1 25X1 Office of Current Intelligence CEN'TRA.L 1NTELLIGENCF AG.E~TCY -2.5X1 State Department review completed TOP ~ SECRET Approved For Release 2004/01/16 :CIA-RDP79T00975A000300530001-9 Approved For 25X1A SUMMAR Y GENERAL 1p French expect to curb Vietanamese at fan Francisco (page 3)0 2a Rnd?nesia hesitant over signing Japanese treaty (page 3)a USSR New Soviet tactic expected in East-West trade campaign (page 4), 25X1 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2004/01/16 :CIA-RDP79T00975A000300530001-9 Approved For 25X1A ~GEI~iER,f~,L. 25X1A 1 0001.-9 The French Minister for the :Associated States. has "guaranteed'' that Vietnam's Premier Tian Van Huu and other Associated States representatives at-the. San Francisco conference 25X1A will "not get out of linen " The French are highly. critical of Hun's .public statements on a security pact and reparations from .Japans They feel,. how- ever, that I3uu's remarks. were probably intended for domestic. consumption in Vietnam, Comment: French irritation over Huu' state- menu is probably due to a desire to avoid any issue that might. further com- plicate the San Francisco c?nferenee or prejudice the future international prestige of Vietnamo ` France origi~aally asked. for two. billion dollars in reparati?ns from Japan, but later bargained this claim against other con.- cessions, fncluding representation for the Associated. States. at San Francisco, If other countries present~re~paration claims at San Francisco,. however, the French can be expected to renew their demandso ~~ While'~the French are as anxious. as the Vietnamese for additional funds to balance Vietnam's shaky budget, they are aware of Japan's inability to pay combined reparations; 2d on is hesi ant outer si in Ja anese treat A spokesman 'of "the .Indonesian Foreign Office , told the US Ambassador that Indonesia will probably object chiefly to the reparations clause of the Japanese peace treaty. If this clause is. . . not altered as clesire~, Indonesia will seek "some sort of campensatian, ~' probably in the form of economic concessions. from the US, in return for signingo 25X1A Approved For Release 2004/01/16 :CIA-RDP79T00975A000300530001-9 25X1A Approved For R The ambassador ,notes. that Indonesia's signs- tore will depenal to a .considerable extent upon deveimpments in San Francisco and upon the reaction thereto of the Indoanes~ian press andpolitical leadersa There is already a .strong threat. of dissea~sion within Indonesian s largest par- ty -- the Masjumi -- which may make it somewhat difficult for the govern meet to obtain. approval for signing the treatyo USSR. 3o New Soviet t~.ctic,e,~pect~rl ;n Fact West rac;P c~m?p ;ono ma ang it workd .. the countries. of the Soviet 4rbito In its present form the EPU acts as a clearing house for trade among Marshall Plan countrieso The embassy believes that a proposal of this. type would. fit into the strategy of the USSR's East-West trade campaign: now under way in Western Europe It would dramatize the Soviet claim that Russia is ready to cooperate ixn a general revival of this tradeo If the res- ponse proved favorable, the Soviet Union would hope to open up a :new field of action in its effort to weaken Western trade controlso This action might be designed to widen the .split between US trade policy and the desires of certain Western European countries to coa~ti~nue trade in essential commodities; In the: embassy's view, however, the disruptive possibilities of .such a proposal are slight9 given the functional nature ?f EPU itself as a European clearing house and the interest European- states have in k' The US Embassy in Moscow is inclined to credit. rumors that the Soviet Union. is considering a proposal for a new orgaanization patterned after the European Payments Union but also including p .~~a- wide clearing house would be in line with current M?scow.attes to portxay the USSR as attempting to improve East-West tradeo However, the USSR. has usually carried on its non-t7rbit economic relations by bilateral agreements f om_n_,em*? A Soviet proposal for a Euro e 25X1A Approved For Release 2004/01/16 :CIA-RDP79T00975A000300530001-9 2gp(p~rgved For anct has .joined few post-war ia~t~rrnatioa~al organizations of any sorta '~ithin the Soviet prbt, the USSR could yet up a~a EFU type of organization even-:though the ruble is already freely convertible throughout the Orbit> 25X1 25X1A Approved For Release 2004/01/16 :CIA-RDP79T00975A000300530001-9 25X1 gpproved For Release 2004/01/16 :CIA-RDP79T00975A000300530001-9 Approved For Release 2004/01/16 :CIA-RDP79T00975A000300530001-9