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25X1A I A 25X1A pproved For Relase 2Q03,Lti0P2: 6QEMA00020000 21 July 1951 25X1 Copy No. Z - CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BLLETIN DOCUMENT 000001, NO CHANGE IN CLASS. [ I DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO; TS S C A% NEXT REVIEW DATE: REVIEWER: Office of Current .Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 25X1 25X1 25X1 Army and State Department review(s) completed. TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975A000300200001-5 Approved Fort 25X1A SUMMARY GENERAL US-Philippine treaty of alliance.sugge tcd (page Sao Current views on European Army concept (page 3). Opposition to adxni.asi nn of Greece and Turkey in NATO conti.nu .s (page 4).. Comment on b NEB EAST ssin.aUion of King Ahduilah (page 5), Britain wanes US to withhold Iranian aid (page 7). EA4TERN EUROPE 8. Yugoslavs fear possible consequences ' of West:Prn, support of Italian, claims to Trieste (page 8). LAT.' AMERICA 10- 'U ,i,. . Cl 1e;f of St f to discuss military mead-ers with UN a.na.d US officials (page 9)a 25X1A 25X1A 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975A000300200001-5 Approved For 25X1A 25X1A GENERAL I- US-Philippine treaty of alliance suggested In the opinion of US Ambassador Cowen, a bilateral US- Philippine pact of alliance would help substantially to allay unfavorable Philippine reactipn to the draft Japanese ea e t p c reaty. Such an arrangement would quiet Philippine fears over the resurgence of Japanese military power and serve as a "face-saver" in the current uproar over the peace treaty. 1nmt Although popular protest continues against the reparations clause in the Japanese peace treaty, the Philippine Government, vidently realizing that the US is adamant on the reparations issue, is now directing its criticisms against the inadegate security provisions of the treaty. President Quirino told his Council of State on 17 July that adequate controls to safeguard Philippine security are more important than reparations, and that, since the treaty fails to provide sufficient guarantees, it is therefore unacceptable to the Philippines, If the government can turn public attention toward the security problem and subsequently negotiate a US-Philippine alliance, it will have neatly resolved the dilemma created by its extravagant public demands for reparations. 25X1A 2. Current yi .w on European Army concept. The Italian representative to the NATO council of deputies expresses skepticism that an effective European Army can be formed. The Netherlands Foreign Minister states that his government is still unconvinced that such an army is desirable. The Italian, representative believes thathe French view a European Army primarily as a means of insuring French hegemony over Germany and Italy and that national differences would prevent real progress toward European 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975A000300200001-5 Approved F 0200001-5 25X1A 25X1A integration in any field unless the US constantly participated as the "honest broker. " The Dutch Minister remains "very skeptical" of the Army's success and the sincerity of present German cooperation, CoLUragnti The views of the Italian representative go beyond those expressed to date by the Italian Government. The Nether- lands is not represented at the European Army Conference, and its opposition stems from dislike and distrust of French leadership on the continent and, to a lesser extent, ~t e fear of a rebirth of German power. The Freh have recently shown new enthusiasm for their original proposal for a European Army which was designed to avoid the re-establishment of a German national army and particularly of the German General Staff The Germans appear willing to accept the European Army idea, once German denditions --b chiefly in regard to size of units are met, The Italians support the French.proposal in principle, only if the implementation of the European force does not delay Western defense. The UK remains cool to the European Army concept, but proba~ily will accept a compromise of the proposals recently made at the Petersberg and Paris talks. In the event of UK approval and adherence to the concept of a European Army, as well as more evident. US interest to counterbalance France and krmany, the Dutch will be more ready to participate in the discussions for organizing the Army. General. Eisenhower believes that the solution of the problem of European defense is impossible until the German problem Is solved, and states that the time has come to pre4p for immediate action. urke linNATO continues - I In the NATO deputies' discussion of 16 July,. the Netherlands and Portugal supported the Norwegian position against the admission of. Greece and Turkey to NATO. The Netherlands pointed out that to admit Greece and Turkey would be to lose the homogeneity of the present regional group in NATO and to change it into a purely military alliance- 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975A000300200001-5 Approved Forj Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975A000300?00001-5 25X1A Portugal, Belgium and the Netherlands agreed with other NATO countries on the military necessity for using Greek and Turkish tro6ps in the Mediterranean, but reiterated their suggestion for a regional alliance tied to NATO through "reciprocal obligations, r' in effect through a military liaison. CoWment., The crux of the difficulty is the requirement for unanimous NATO agreement on the admission of new members. The small NATO countries are heartened in their opposition by the reluctant attitude of France, whose final, decision awaits the formation of a government, The UK's agreement with the US Phsition. probably can serve as the opening wedge to achieve favorable action on the admission of Greece and Turkey. NEAR EAST 4. Comment on the assassination of King Abdul laho The assassination of King Abduliah of Jordan by a terrorist reportedly in contact with the former Grand Mufti of Jerusalem removes. a resolutely Ott-Communist, pro-Western ruler from the Arab Wild. The end of Abdullah? s influence will most immediately and directly, affect the British who rely on the British-trained, officered, and financed Arab Legion *e army of Jordan) as the only competent and dependable Arab army in the Near ,East. The confusion and possible disorders which may result can only benefit the anti-Western elements in the Near East- The sixty-nine year old king had many enemies both in the neighboring Arab states and in Jordan. Distrust and resentment of him stemmed from his apparent willingness to try to sign a treaty with Israel and from his sporadic attempts, in conjunction with his nephew, the Regent of Ira% to establish ;x Greater Syria, consisting of Jordan, Iraq, and Syria. The former Mufti, currently in% Lebannns is strongly anti-British. He had attempted to set up an independent Arab government in Palestine after the creation of Israel and has violently opposed 5 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975A000300200001-5 Approved Fora Release 2003/10/22: CIA-RDP79T00975A00030g200001-5 25X1A the incorporation of the major part of Arab Palestine into Jordan. Riad al-Solh, the former. Prime Minister QL ebanon who was assassinated in Amman on 16 July, was a contributor to the former Mufti' s funds. Unconfirmed rumors that a carload of. Leb4nse gunmen had been stopped at the Syrian border on their way to Jordan to avenge the death of Solh suggest the additional possibility of a connection between the two assassinations. Prince Naif, the king's "'second son, has been named temporary regent. Abdullah's eldest son Tallal, the heir apparent, is currently undergoing treatment in a mental institution in Switzerland. Under the terms of the constitution Tallal's mental condition precludes his becoming monarch, and his fifteen year old son Hussein accordingly is the legal successor. 25X1 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975A000300200001-5 Approved Fo 25X1A 25X1A Britain wants US to withhold Iranian aid 0001-5 The British.Ambassador in Washington has Informed the Department of State that his government assumes the US will withheld 25X1A Including the proposed 9 ? pillion dollar Export-Import Bank loan. Comments The Foreign Office has held consistently that British and US interests in the Iranian Situation are essentially the same, and that the US therefore ought fully to support British efforts to penalize irresponsible Iranian behavior. The Foreign Office has also been considering a trade embargo against Iran, but so fatr':tb have been no indications that the US would be asked to participate in such action. 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975A000300200001-5 25X1A Approved For 25X1A }001-5 EASTERN EUROPE Yugus~zy fear ss -le o?rn gueiees o Western au 'Mort of 1talfia% 1aims to Tr s e '25X1 Yugoslavia _has pratested to the US9 BritLgh and French I overoments against the western poi,icy for the return of Trieste, to Italy. The Yugoslav Government has warned the Western 25X1A PQwers that t1 its seriously weakens Yugoslaavia? s innterna onal position and encour?ag8s Italian irredentiists who are now eai.~'ng for the retu of all of Trieste as well as the Yugoslav citnea of Polar Istria and eveniahMti,? o. ports. The Foreign Office official who made the representa- tions to US'Amhas ador Afi.en stated that Moscow, through the Communist Parties In I yq Greece and Au stria9 wfb.s making every effort >> prevent a rapprochement he`Lween Yugoslavia and these counntries CaMM2BI The recent Western reaffirmation of the Mach 1948 ~ripairt to declaration was made to allay the curremt. . Italia agita' Lon over 71,eate which. was aroused by the refusal of the Allied P i,Ui :ry Government to recognize Italian Jurisdiction over Trieste courts, Yugoslav leaders are taking a, seriou view of the current Italian agitation over the %sue, probably because it eolncWWie,s with Italian demands for a revision of the military clauses of the Italan Peace Treaty. 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975A000300200001-5 Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975A0003002p0001-5 25X1A 25X1 LATIN AMERICA 25X1 A 10. Rraz ief of Si f to discuss mill, matters with UN and US officials: Brazilian Foreign Minister .eves da Fontoura has -informed the US Ambassador that the purpose Ge feral Cots Mont i.roes visit to the US is to discussa' the position of Brazil's armed forces. in relation to the UN and the US. Neves made it clear that d,,.s u.ssio of these points would inevitably bring forward the quest on of equipment for the, Braziilia n armed fo es The Foreign Minister also stated that the ge q ai had no tnstruo on s , than those An the Military f ield and ha may s ~, i :ag ,A n e5 a .e ~~ of US capita in .Braz J and re ae !.lru of x roleum equi m ~rA 11arL bi my field, to Co?e:o Genera! Gabs Mo Ii~n.os, Chief of the Armed Forces G e e. ?afl Staff a ?rlves in a New York on 23 ~u~y for a series of talks with UN off ic alk'jn New York and US officials in Washington. It is quite likely that, as these conversations proceed Goes Monteiro w bring up such economic matters as the question of oil refinery and factory equi anent -- as i. ndicated by the US Ambassador, 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975A000300200001-5