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Approved For Reba 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP79T00937A00Q0030029-4 C E ' AL X 3T LLIGEUC A E ' C! *i c t L M l 1190. P-'7.. 7 UbMT: a > 14r 3mi-Sovj-at I-Imeat t t-be if D* world attm1bi nbas af'sa-M4 G1 aaI WE the USM qve 'era I e ?{i1.' IA4c,t'I ; c d w1ifr ra-S c r to it : . I t fr i . mac, in ;h ? by Irk vI of :: SaVomak in Jordan .1 the k?arden VIA,;.t of c o c i b I tmwd t o as U ac ., 1 va: t o ai ; .c s in thh Tin be2ore it its too lot*. , ' ' 9 ,YYA and the , . uve a 4.%ci&l ine f;~. t:,co oa oli tsl f'a b C F=4 Unity to do sea. If the Z a ut trump g in s p ( o aaz a.;ac o liked `-o -aup Mh a: ack aaC,. o t biea ftmimexas ie1 not am4- t1 t r he "triftsh itic in k but. &Ia o aii+ a a ?1? n r a : c s Of Q111; .M- . da m been dia ?,-user with 1m-gj ,6 i la DD/Pp W. O 1&0 concur ill team. DOCUMENT NO, t.,.....-~ NO CHANGE IN CLASS. C7 DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO; TS S NEXT REVIEW GATE:. Approved For Release 2000/08/07: CIA-RDP79T0093M111! OQ~I& D3 029-4 DATE: ZL I 0 Mr%AeImef%. n n al L ~r >( Approved For Releg 2000/08/07: CIP -RDP79T00937A0O p0030029-4 2. fte Soviet aspect of the campaign in the Yemen got um der w; y in 1955 with the 1 of the 1928 Soviet-Yemeni ftiewUhlp Tivaty. This was folloved by revival of Soviet Moc commercial activities , in ! id.1956, by a Soviet agmement to supply the with a large quantity of , probably h several times the 9 million toga paymwt which In to be made for Umm. Soviet shi my 'ae i opted by closu of the Sues Canal but have .eco' been x4esuaa ai.> S 50 Soviet Bloc technicians have been active in the Tin in the past six n hs and an agrmment for Soviet construction of a T ,ai port on the Red Sea was announced in re el-A i1 Juut a few daYs after the I i ira ntay rejected, as too 12 the milli in Amwican aid offered by the Richards missi MM PM1t devel. gat in addition to s iti bandlinp CC arms sbi s, will, reduce the 's d ence on the WWitish-ccutrolled port of Aden for its forei trade a 3 amThile, , which bas d much to enco faeiU.tate the deval t of Soy et-Te ti ties, with ? all enl activities of its c in MJlJtM7 training activities, including efforts to develop Yemeni f' . n capabilities Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP79T00937A000500030029-4 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP79T00937A0 500030029-4 asd s s toward provision of volunteers for the QrWd foams, area ntly continuing, Cairo Radio continues to provide stro pr s support to the Yemen's claims against the British in Adm. Moreover, the ians are reinsuring themselves by covert support to the " Yemeni" movement which was active in abortive ;>f coups against the Imm in 19W and 1955. 4. The ill and eccentric Imam ins suspicious of the intentions of + irc Ic scow, and probably still s his acceptance of aid from them in term of playing coo side inst the Nomver,, recent developments have at least tempwartly increased his susceptibility to Soviet and Lase attentives. Re is unhappy over the inability of the American-owned Yawn Development Caqpay to produce iwportant oil discoveries promptly, and unless the c is able to satisfy him fairly sow, his frustration could result in the icm of this sole a nt of American influence from the c . is also probably still sn ing over the fact that the Richards mission offered his country only owe of the million aid authorized for the Middle East. percent Finally, AacordJmg to a stelved-up iF4gptlan subversion ign against e itiah position in the Persian >. especially in ftmat and Owan -- is also -3m Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CI 9T00937A000500030029-4 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP79T00937A000500030029-4 he almost certainly coatis to lie that i Soviet wills as to help him p ?ovrides a unique oppwtunity for pv suing the easpaiga against the tish position in Aden to which he has committed himself A To what extent the rwtm will succumb to tiara Soviet influence is net yet certain. could probably still. with- draw his fo r isolatLLon and slam the door in the face of East, West, and Egyptians alike. ver, his quarrel with the British and ambitions for economic develo t T hing him in the other dlzectian,, in the absence of substantial Western political and economic support of the kind given to Saudi. Arabia and,, recently, to Jordan.. there appears to be a good ice that within a year or with the MM and to extricate hi ltn if be attempts to do so, the feet that his is a primitive, widely unpopular regime based a religious minority naMs him es cielly v ble to a strongly-backed plat to ovexthrow him. A VrocdsiaZ instrument for his replacemut by a leftist- ti list regi already exists in the Egyptian- backed "Free Y'e ni." m 'moo This Mm7ap, is still in contact * The a's ea r s to obtain Soviet suppcwt is refUcted in recent l.icity given by the nls to a yurported Soviet statement -- apparentl~y concocted by the Yemenis themselves -- cmdeming "British aWession in South T ." See e, the moan Protectorate.-/. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP79T00937A000500030029-4 Approved For RelWe 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP79T00937AO .(00030029-4 L with tiaaident c nta witbitn the Cate which have in the past re ly included even Crown Prince ZMr. 6. achiever by ftpt and the UMIR of a prepoMerant inf It nce over powex the Yawn would not in itself upset the balance of in the Middle lest. critical , it woulWasent d not counterbalance Sa 's recent r re it away from F&Mb. Yili l r, the prindtive 40.,000-man Yamesd army is unlikely to become a potent new force the area, even with the beat of $ovis arm tad! advisers -,. although it will become bed r able to harass the British in Aden and perbaps even the Saudis. Emmvw., a success in the Temen at this time w*LM be a great boost to _- and baps even Soviet -- mela and would help Airiscaw end Cairo sustain their ca ign in the Middle Bast at the time it appeared to be faltering. It would also serve to keep alive s 's dream of ev uafly astablishIM his control over the oil resources of the whole Arab world and w ruld extend the Soviet "presence" in the area another long south to the edAp of the Indian Ocem. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP79T00937A000500030029-4