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Approved For Release 2006/11/09: CIA-RDP79T00937A000100030076-5 25 January 1952 STAFF W.-17RAWTM W. 183 SUBJECT : O--2 Estimate of Chinese Communist Capability to Sup??ort An Invasion of Southeast Asia REFERS"ICEa 0-2 Memo for AD/ONE, Chinese Communist Capabilities against Indochina," 17 January 1952 1. 'NIE-55, dated 7 December 51, gave the Chinese Com- munists the capability to support logistically approximately 100,000 men in an invasion of Indochina and 50,040 in an invasion of Burma. The Ch'.nese Communists were not given the cpability to su! port logistically s ich ground operations in Burma and Indochina con, currently as long as the Korea- war continued, NIE-35, published in June, l951,.also contained the 0?2 estimate that the Chinese Communists could support 100,,000 men in an invasion of Indochina. 2. On b January 1952,1 Inueried this estimate of Chinese Communist capabi tyo sw~ CONFIDENTIAL 25X1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICE OF NATIONAL ESTTIATj~S 3, In responsel ONE queried 02 on 10 January 1952,. 0-2 replied,in a memorandum of 17 January 1952 that the Chinese Cnists now had the capability, to support logistically 150,000 troops for an invasion of Indochina, and. 50,000 troops for an invasion of Burma, and that such operations could be conducted concurrently even though Korean operations 25X1 on the present or an intensified,scsle continued. 1. To determine the re on for this rather substantial increase in estimated capability, inter- viewed Cola Duesenberry, Lto Colo Bailey, an CAP to c an of 0-2, Eastern :Bra---cho The substance of this discussion followst "ARMY Declass/Release Instructions On File" VOCUMENTNO. NO CHANGE IN CLASS. 1:J 11 DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: T S(G NEXTREVIEW DATE; 0 CONFIDENTIAL AUTETH: HA 70-2 Approved For Release 2006/11/09: CIA-RDP79T00937A000100030076-5 Approved For Release 2006/111 ME 7A000100030076-5 WNMA a. O-2 stated that they were presently completing their contribution for NIE-35/l, and that this document would present in detail such documentary evidence as 0-2 had in su-port of their now estimate. -This contribution is due in ONE, lonely, 28 January. b. 0-2 stated that since December they have received information (1) of a significant irnproveiaent in the effectiveness, vigor, and coordination of recent Viet Minh attacks in Tonkin; (2) of an increase in Chinese Communist troop strength along the Indochina border; and (3) (most imrortant in terms of the matter under discussion) of a substantial Chinese Commaanist logistical buildup and significant improvement In supply routes and facil- ities into Indochina, in particular the improvement of railroads leading south from Kwangsi Province to the Indochina border. 25X1 c. In addition, 0-2 gavel a co of a mgrno of a Pentagon conference of 1I January 3.9521 1 Although c , esen r 25X1 stated that.-the extreme y pessimistic . remarks should be treated with reserve and that 0-2 did no shars the present "excitement" over the Indochina situation, 25X1 remarks clearly influenced 0-21s new estimate of Chinese Con=n. niet capabilities4 The key points of the I I conference 25X1 are as follo at (1) who had briefed US G-2 in November, 19 1, had been justifiably optimistic. But later information on Chinese Communist aid in October indicated that this assistance had "suddenly" increased "by ten times that given previously ha this occurred all at once." (2) There was an explantion in some detail of of Improvements in south China supply routes and facsl- ities. (3) The buildup of supplies in Indochina was not far above the needs of the Viet Minh and was suf- ficient to supply "100,000 additional _4Troop7 O A . for a period of two months." (b) "150s000 Chinese Communists could enter Indo- china In one month and 50,000 could enter in one to two weeks." Slig= CONFIDENiAl Approved For Release 2006/11/09: CIA-RDP79T00937AO00100030076-5 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/11 Owl UF N-ri i~A000100030076-5 II 11 ~ //--~ 6o Another reason for 042?s six-week change of line may stem from the fact that there has been a known gradual improve- ment in Communist capabilities in south China since June 1951, when G'2 prepared its contributi.,n for N!E-350 t'2 did not take cognizance of this improvement in the preparation of NIE-55 (November-December 19513, and mfr have taken, the present occa- sion to revise their existing estimate, which in fact dates bick to June, 19510 70 We believe that the revised O.2 estimate more accurately reflects current Chinpse Cormwmist, ca abilit es than did the one presented in NIEQ55n 25X1 a3- CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2006/11/09: CIA-R?P79T00937AO00100030076-5