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Approved For Release 1999/09/21.: CJA-RDP79T00935A000400320002-4 INTELLIGENCE MEMORANDUM RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN THE MERCHANT SHIPBUILDING INDUSTRY IN POLAND CIA/RR IM-455 16 August 1957 WARNING THIS MATIMIAL CONTAINS INFORMATION A 'ECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE LAWS, TITLE 18, USC, SECS 793 AND 791, THE TRANSMISSION OR RELATION OF WHICH IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Office of Research and Reports Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP79T00935A000400320002-4 Approved For Release.1999/09/21: CIA-RDP79T00935A000400320002-4 CONTENTS Page Summary . . 1. Production During 1956 . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2. Elimination of the Bottleneck in Production of Diesel Engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3. Expansion of Shipyards . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1. Independence from the Council of Mutual Economic Assistance (CWA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendixes Appendix A. Production of Merchant Vessels in Poland, 1956 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Appendix B. Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix C. Source References . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Following Page Poland. Production of Merchant Ships, by Shipyard, 1956 ........................... 2 Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP79T00935A000400320002-4 Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP79T00935A000400320002-4 CIA/RR IM-L+55 (ORR Project 35.1970) RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN THE MERCHANT SHIPBUILDING INDUSTRY IN The merchant shipbuilding industry in Poland is preparing to in- crease its sales of merchant vessels** to the Free World and already has accepted an order from a Swiss firm for a 35,000-deadweight-tone tanker not included in the Polish First Five Year Plan (1956-6o). Such sales to the Free World manifest the growing confidence of Poland in the capabilities of its new shipbuilding industry.4 Contributing to the improved position of the shipbuilding indus- try in Poland are the following developments: (1) major steps toward eliminating the bottleneck in production of diesel engines to supply Polish shipyards, (2) plans to expand the capacity of Polish shipyards, (3) the declaration of independence of the Polish shipbuilding industry from the Council of Mutual Economic Assistance (CEMA -- Sovet Ekonomi- cheskoy Vzaimopomoshchi), and (4) the actual accomplishment by the in- dustry in 1956. * The estimates and conclusions contained in this memorandum repre- sent the best judgment of ORR as of 15 July 1957. ** The term merchant vessel as used in this memorandum includes mari- time vessels, fishing vessels, and inland vessels. This memorandum covers Polish production of maritime vessels and fishing vessels only. Production of inland vessels is considered negligible. *** The deadweight tonnage (DWT) of a vessel is the carrying capacity (in tons of 2,2JO pounds) of the vessel. It includes the crew and their effects and all items of consumable or variable load such as stores, fuel, and cargo. The deadweight tonnage is the difference in tons be- tween full load displacement and light ship displacement. Light ship displacement is the weight (in metric tons) of the vessel complete, ready for service in every respect, including permanent ballast and liquids in the machinery at operating levels but excluding the crew and their effects and any items of consumable or variable load such as stores, fuel, and cargo. **** The first maritime cargo vessel produced by a Polish shipyard was the Soldek, completed in 1949. Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP79T00935A000400320002-4 Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP79T00935A000400320002-4 The Polish record of shipbuilding during 1956 was impressive. Polish production during 1956 included 57 merchant vessels* with a total value estimated to have been 1955 US $71 million..** 1. Production During 1956. Production of merchant vessels by the shipbuilding industry in Poland during 1956 amounted to 112,000 DWT (96,000 gross register tons***), or 57 vessels ranging from 110-DWT fishing cutters to 10,000-DWT cargo vessels. In terms of vessels launched by the ship- building countries of the world as listed by Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Polish production ranked eleventh. It is estimated that the value of Polish production in 1956 was $71 million, compared with $58 million during 1955. Considerably more than three-fourths of the 112,000 DWT were produced by the Gdansk Shipyard. A cate- gorization of Polish production, by type of vessel and by shipyard, is shown in Appendix A. A comparison of Polish shipyards, in terms of production, is shown in the chart.**** 2. Elimination of the Bottleneck in Production of Diesel Engines. The most important single development in the shipbuilding in- dustry in Poland during 1956 was, perhaps, the great advance toward * This production is the total of vessels under construction and already completed. It therefore differs from production measured only on the basis of vessels launched or completed. Estimated cost of producing the same tonnage of similar vessels in the US. Dollar values are given in 1955 US dollars throughout this memorandum. ** Gross register tonnage (GRT) is a measure wherein the entire internal cubic capacity of the vessel is expressed in register tons (100 cubic feet to the ton). Not included in the measurement are certain spaces such as peak tanks and other tanks of water ballast, open forecastle, bridge and poop, hatchway excess, certain light and air spaces, anchor gear, steering gear, wheelhouse, galley, cabins for passengers, and other minor spaces specified by law. * Following p. 2. Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP79T00935A000400320002-4 Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP79T00935A000400320002-4 SECRET POLAND Production of Merchant Ships by Shipyard, 1956 (Thousand deadweight tons) SECRET Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP79T00935A000400320002-4 Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP79T00935A000400320002-4 the elimination of the bottleneck. in production of diesel engines for merchant vessels. The H. Cegielski Plant in Poznan already has. begun production of engines for deep-sea fishing cutters. This type of engine formerly was imported from Sweden and will be the first type of marine diesel engine to be produced in Poland. Until 1957, all marine diesel engines for vessels produced in Poland had to be imported in exchange for scarce foreign currency. i/Arrangements for production of marine diesel engines for maritime vessels have been completed under a licensing agreement with the firm of Sulzer Brothers, :Limited, in Winterthur, Switzerland. Initially the engines will be assembled from parts imported from Switzerland, and gradually these parts will be produced in Poland. The first engine under this license is scheduled to be completed in 1958. 0/ According to a Polish periodical, the number of diesel engines to be produced by Poland under the terms of the license from the Sulzer company is as follows /: Size of Engine Year 7, 800 Horsepower 11,700 Horsepower 1958 1 0 1959 2 0 1960 3 0 1961 11 0 1962 7 4 1963 5 6 1.96+ 5 10 1.965 5 10 The Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nue.rnber.g Aktiengesellschaft, Augsburg, West Germany, has contracted to supply five 4,800-horsepower marine diesel engines by 1958 for the 6,000-DWT freighters being built at the Szczecin Shipyard. In addition, the Sulzer company will deliver complete marine diesel engines for 10,000-DWT cargo vessels. 3. Expansion of Shipyards. By drawing up plans to add additional capacity in the form of shipbuilding ways, Poland has manifested confidence in the ability of its shipbuilding industry to produce and sell merchant vessels * For serially numbered source references, see Appendix C. Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP79T00935A000400320002-4 Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP79T00935A000400320002-4 on the world market. The Paris Commune Shipyard, Gdynia, plans to build additional ways north of its present site, one to accommodate 5,000- DWT vessels and the other 20,000-DWT vessels. Under they First Five Year Plan (1956-60), Poland is scheduled to rebuild the Vulcan Ship- yard, Szczecin, and to put into operation 2 shipbuilding ways which are suitable for vessels up to 25,000 DWT. The Vulcan Shipyard will produce its first vessel, one of 12,000 DWT, in 1960. 4+. Independence from. the Copncil. of Mutual Economic Assistance (CEMA). With respect to its shipbuilding industry,. Poland no longer is bound by CEMA. g The independence of action thus attained will give the shipbuilding industry in Poland a flexibility that it has hitherto not had. This flexibility is important because the plans of a shipyard to produce merchant vessels must be adapted to the needs and desires of the customers of the shipyard, and not the reverse. Poland in the future will follow its own course by building the merchant vessels it needs for its on merchant fleet and for export to countries of the S:ino-Soviet Bloc as well as for sale on the world market. The major customer of the shipbuilding industry in Poland will still be the USSR. Nonadherence to CEMA does not abrogate the Polish-Soviet trade agreement. Because sales to the Free World are a source of hard currency with which Poland can buy sorely needed im- ports,. however, it is expected that maximum efforts will be made by Poland to augment sales of vessels to the Free World. Vessels to the Free World, As if to show its confidence and an independence of CEMA plans and to demonstrate its desire for foreign orders, Poland has accepted an order for a merchant vessel that was not provided for in its First Five Year Plan (1956-60) and which is much larger than any the ship- building industry in Poland ever has produced. Because the Swiss Atlantic Line ordered a 35,000-DWT tanker from the Gdansk Shipyard, Poland has had to revise its First Five Year Plan to include produc- tion of this tanker. The Swiss representative who visited Poland to consummate this deal is reported to have discussed future production of four 35,000-DWT tankers and to have offered to provide engines for the tankers and even some investments for the shipyard. Work on the prototype is to begin in 1958. J Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP79T00935A000400320002-4 Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP79T00935A000400320002-4 The sale of a trawler to a British purchaser has been reported. 8/ Poland already has on its order books a sizable order from Brazil for merchant vessels valued at about $10 million. The types of vessels involved in this order, however, are those already in production in Poland -- 3,200-DWT colliers, 5,000-DWT tramps, and 110-DWT fishing cutters. 2 Poland also has made overtures to Ceylon, 10 Indonesia, ll and Chile 12 for the sale of various types of vessels but so far has not delivered any vessels to these countries. The 1956 Polish-Ceylonese trade agreement included a limit of #200,000 for vessels and fishing trawlers. 13 Indonesia is reported to have contracted for 5 small (about 1,000-DWT) vessels. 14+ The latest reported sale of vessels occurred on 13 July 1957, when official representatives of the Central. Maritime Office (Centrala Morska -- Centromor) signed a contract in Poland with Egyptian repre- sentatives for the sale of two 5,000-DWT and. two 3,200-DWT cargo vessels to be delivered to Egypt in 1958. 15 Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP79T00935A000400320002-4 Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP79T00935A000400320002-4 B?E-G-I-~-T APPPI+ pIX _A P1 ODUCTI;ON OF ME'RC US , L4 IN POLAND Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP79T00935A000400320002-4 Approved For Rel"sg 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP79T00935A00040032g002-4 0 a e.) .= u .-- L l- rI rol '1 H r11 f1] P~ P~ Pq Pq m G4 Pa W Pa M Q Approved Fob Release 499/09/21 : CIA-RbP79T00935A00040032 d0t-4 D .fl CO u~ rn 'o -ooci o o.C,H cv 0 -Cl:t~ H Oj L-- 0000 00000 ?, Ow< cV N CI N N H OOCUON H N\Ora 0 0 H C"- (Y') CU r1 aD a-t H C\4 1 r'-',i\l CA aoA 8. ~ OF 0 H U'N tl- 00 co C4 HAD rl Oil rte--! r-I C`- rI H Cm '61 (ni w H a) in (L) to P Ea C) o @ ci) bO r 1 a~i a $"i aFHi W C) P co VW 16 w ca 4 - > 0 (0001 CO ? W cd r?I LC\ M Q~ H ~ rr-1 H C'7 M Lr\ UN r Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP79T00935A000400320002-4 () 0 H rH a) ,ZI cc CH ? ~ ac) '-0 9-, C) N cad ~ b ~ ~ ~ ~ ' c 0 o f w 11) Q) 4.1 r r V) d H Ord U P, a) ?, cn Cd r1 W P, 0 o to rd rd W 0 4-4 A U ?rl U) a) 41 IH 0 N OU O 2i 4D u] Li U Q1 d pp Cd r-1 Sw + ' RIUrd4a ,4 0 ~ DPt W A u '$dW-oc a CU O m ;i 4!S U ?r 0 4~) ) CH r a) r" ?. Cn RI o w PP, P, r'{ ,~ -P r1 ?r to a) rd D 0 a) cd -N c o o aa )) 4-4 W H V) -01 4 U cad ? 0 0 9 w S?, 4?-t H 03 U U] PI -I-) O a) 0 C!~ O a) r^I , -P 10 R w -1 10 -P ?r 4- a) O P, N a) a) rOi~ cd U ~} ~I 1- cd V) a) bi b.0 CH CH 4-) -H 0 +-1 rQ 4 ?ri 4p N =r1 (1) S 1 a) O ?r1 w ) aa)) rd H (1) `" -P d CH a) CH m H In 9 a) 1 M. -P Cd 0 O O O O 0 +) C P 0 -P 0 ad P, c' rd ro OH W 0) H o v ? c 0 o c P, chi] I w cad o 'c) b1ra ?rl d 1) 41 I~ U] U r-i N _ 0 O U a) t a) b.0 a) ri F-4 EQ r1 U 0 a) :V S1 $-1 a) 4 I R { Cf1 ~yp a) to Cf! ri W cd ~ a~ U ~ q O ? tll h Cd ) Cd k H u1 41 (~ ri N 3 rOft U A ? roe AQ) 1T6?'0R~lease2l ?99/A9%2c3 o CIA-RDP79T00935A000400320002-4 ~ Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP79T00935A000400320002-4 S-E-C-R-E-T APPENDIX B METHODOLOGY Data for the latter part of 1956 are based on reports received by CIA on a confidential basis from Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London. These reports were supported by many others from the Polish Press Summary of the US and British Embassies in Warsaw and the reports of the US Naval Attache' in Warsaw., Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP79T00935A000400320002-4 Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP79T00935A000400320002-4 S-E-C-R-E-T APPENDIX C SOURCE REFERENCES Evaluations, following the classification entry and designated "Eval.," have the following significance: Source of Information Information Doc. - Documentary 1 - Confirmed by other sources A - Completely reliable 2 - Probably true B - Usually reliable 3 - Possibly true C - Fairly reliable - Doubtful D - Not usually reliable 5 - Probably false E - Not reliable F - Cannot be Judged 6 - Cannot be judged "Documentary" refers to original documents of foreign governments and organizations; copies or translations of such documents by a staff officer; or information extracted from such documents by a staff officer) all of which may carry the field evaluation "Docu- mentary." Evaluations not otherwise designated are those appearing on the cited document; those designated "RR" are by the author of this report. No "RR" evaluation is given when the author agrees with the evaluation on the cited document. 1. Navy, Warsaw., 81-57, 21- Jan 57. C. Eval. RR 2. (tr from Zycie WarszE, 23 Jan 57. U) 2. Trybuna ludu,, 26 Sep 56. U. Eval. RR 2. 3. Przeglad mechaniczny, Mar 57. U. Eval. RR 3. 1. Navy, COMNAVGER. APO-403, serial no 43-5-57, 8 Feb 57- S. Eval. RR 3. (tr from Nordsee Zeitung, 2 Feb 57. U) Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP79T00935A000400320002-4 Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP79T00935A000400320002-4 5. Navy, Warsaw. 138-57, 8 May 57. C. Eval. RR 2. (tr from Trybuna ludo, 16 Feb 57. U) 6. Navy, COMNAVGER. APO-403, serial no 43-5-57 (3, above). 7. Trybuna ludu, 30 Mar 57. U. Eval. RR 2. Die Welt, 1 Apr 57. U. Eval. RR 3. Navy, COMNAVGER. APO-403, serial no 644-57, 24 Apr 57. U. 25X1A8a 9. Navy, Warsaw. 15-57, 14 Jan 57. C. Eval. RR 2. (tr from Trybuna ludu, 28 Nov 56. U) 10. State, Ceylon. Dsp 670, 24 Feb 56. U. Eval. RR 2. 11. State, Djakarta. Dsp 59, 30 Jul 56. OFF USE. Eval. RR 2. 12. State, Santiago. Dsp 459, 23 Dec 55. OFF USE. Eval. RR 2. 13. State, Ceylon. Dsp 670, 24 Feb 56. U. Eval. RR 2. 14. Navy, Djakarta. 88-56, 2 May 56. C. Eval. Rl3 2. 15. Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP79T00935A000400320002-4 Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP79T00935A000400320002-4 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP79T00935A000400320002-4