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Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010010-0 Top Secret DIRECTORATE OF INTELLIGENCE Industrial Facilities (Non-Military) Basic Imagery Interpretation Report Kremenchug Petroleum Refinery Kremenchug, USSR 25X1 DATE _ NOVEMBER 1968 COPY 92 PAGES 14 Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010010-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010010-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010010-0 DISPOSITION DATE(S) STOCK LEVEL 1 MINIMUM MAXIMUM 10 CUT TO COPIES 0 DATE 1-75 CUT TO COPIES DATE COPIES DESTROYED CUT TO COPIES DATE CUT TO COPIES DATE CUT TO COPIES DATE MASTER DATE DATE NUMBER OF COPIES DATE NUMBER OF COPIES MO. DAY YR. RECEIVED OR ISSUED RECD D ISSN D BAL MO. DAY YR. RECEIVED OR ISSUED RECD ISSD BAL 12 12 68 Di5t. Unit #101-110 10 10 TITLE NPIC SEC. CLASS. LOCATION Nov. -1968 -----TSIT-/K------ Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010010-0 RECORD COPY NO. PUB. DATE LOCATION DATE RECEIVED ILOCATION COPY Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010010-0 DATE NUMBER OF COPIES OATF REC NUMBER OF COPIES MO. DAY YR. Approved For Release 2008/0 6/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010010-0 eC?u ISS?D B__ Approved For Rele Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010010-0 ur SLLKH RUFF Kremenchug Petroleum Refinery UTM COORDINATES GEOGRAPHIC COORDINATES 36UWV316466 49-10-20N 033-26-40E MAP REFERENCE COMIREX None 25X1 25X1 NO. WAC-P I C r25X1 0233-35F 2nd RTS. USATC 200, Sheet M0233-20HL, 4th edition, Jun 66, Scale 1:200,000 LATEST IMAGERY USED NEGATION DATE (If required) The Kremenchug Petroleum Refinery is one of the newer Soviet refineries being built in accordance with the standardized design which was reportedly accepted for use in 1959. Construction of the refinery support facilities was started late in 1961, and work on the components within the refinery began in 1962 or early 1963. The first indications that the refinery was in production were noted on photo coverage of August 1966. The primary dis- tillation facilities now in operation indicate that the annual crude oil charge capacity of the refinery is approximately six million metric tons. The primary and secondary refining units in operation indicate that the refinery is presently producing straight-run and blended gasolines, various grades and blends of fuel oil, and probably light ends and asphaltic products. The large areas of active construction will possibly include lube oil and petrochemical plants. -11- TOP SECRET RUFF. RCS - 13/0071/69 Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010010-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010010-0 W 04 ~o a < C7 a x L 4, cc '? aL l~_y~ r9 "1 ~ a ? h R F o O 2 "`~SSS ` E JJ\ Y ? \ N? O H !? w \ 40 Aid M W U 01 Q 7 l U o z ? G ? I i o LL ~?o s o o zo - I `5?y J r LL a ~?~ ? 4~` 0 o 0 r i E E , , /J = av a W `~ d T -~y 5 o o 'e w1 V O o n : ~, a o r l r? D T ro ? = .. u.. ~. a >W IF = G' dQ ~O ? o a z ~.?.a w zz aW W? e o d 'v ` ui m oz s o s t 3 d a w ? e 60 O a r a _ Z 0 w o'~ _ 'o 20 o v ~N y p `.. /l of YYY !~ . de ~~ :2:~:;?~~P:> :v:?>i:;?i:;: ~ o c S' Z o 3 E 1 Z 0 co w Z ?y z ? ? Q ?t O ao a 3 10 v o U Q ~..~ ~.~ AA U c 7 aU ??C2F. -2- TOP SECRET RUFF 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010010-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010010-0 TOP SECRET RUFF IMAGERY ANALYSIS SERVICE INTRODUCTION The Kremenchug Petroleum Refinery is located approximately 5 nautical miles north-northeast of the center of Kremenchug. The primary and second- ary refining units in the refinery appear to be complete, but a large percentage of the total area of the refinery complex is still very actively under construction. On completion, the areal extent of the fenced, inte- grated facilities will be approximately 1,100 acres. The maximum dimensions of the refinery are approximately 8,230 by 6,720 feet. The refinery was situated at Kremenchug in order to process crude oil produced in the Ukraine, and more specifically in the Dnepr-Donets Basin region.2/ The crude oil is transported to the refinery by railroad and by a network of pipelines between Kremenchug and the various fields located in the basin.3/ Plants and facilities which are located adjacent to the refinery and are directly associated with it include a heat and thermal power plant (no BE listing), a water treatment plant (no BE listing), an unidentified chemical plant (no BE listing), and a concrete products and batch plant. The last installation is incorrectly identified in the Basic Encyclopedia as the Kremenchug U/I Installation Status and Activity The following is a generalized construction history of the refinery and associated facilities. No detailed chronological accounting of the con- struction of the various items of equipment or facilities is presented in this report; however, specific items are noted to illustrate significant points of development in the complex.. December 1961 - Survey of the refinery appeared to be completed as evidenced by faint tracings counter to the general agricultural pattern in the area. No construction activity was noted in the refinery area. Con- struction was in very early stages at the thermal power plant and the con- crete products/construction support area. Road beds for the rail spurs into the complex were being constructed in the general direction of the refinery. July 1963 - The concrete products/construction support area and the workers' housing area were nearly completed. Most of the earth work and several of the buildings at the thermal power plant were completed. In the -3- TOP SECRET RUFF Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010010-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010010-0 TOP SECRET RUFF IMAGERY ANALYSIS SERVICE refinery area, foundation excavations for the primary distillation units had been dug, and work had started on the main tank farms. June 1964 - In the refinery area, the buildings and associated equip- ment for the primary distillation unit were in place, but the distillation columns had not been erected. The secondary refining units were in early stages of construction. Pipeline ditching was evident in several areas. The water treatment facilities were in the mid-stage of construction. Work was proceeding at a moderate rate on the thermal power plant, and construc- tion on the nearby unidentified chemical plant had been started. July 1965 - The major refining units were nearly completed, and the main steamlines and pipelines were in late stages of construction. The highest level of construction activity appeared to be in the storage and transfer areas. The thermal power plant was essentially complete except for the cooling towers. The associated chemical plant appeared to be completed. August 1966 - The basic refinery was essentially complete and in operation as indicated by the burning of waste gases at +he flare tower. The possible petrochemical and tube oil areas were in very early stages of construction with work proceeding at a relatively high rate. The water treatment plant was completed and in use. November 1967 - No significant changes were noted in the basic refinery components. Construction in the possible petrochemical and lube oil areas was continuing at an accelerated rate, but identification of the components was not possible because of the early stage of construction and the small scale of the photography. The crude oil storage area was also being expanded. March 1968 - Status of construction in the possible petrochemical and lube oil areas appeared to be at least in the mid-stage,. and construction activity appeared to have decreased, probably due to winter conditions. The .small scale of the photography precluded identification of the various items of refinery equipment. Operational Functions The date of the initial production at the Kremenchug Petroleum Refiner can be placed in a relatively narrow time frame. On photo coverage of~ there were no indicators of production activity and on coverage of the waste gas flare tower was.i"h operation. On. all missions subsequent to August 1966, atmospheric emissions, flares and rail car activity have been observed at the refinery. -4- TOP SECRET. RUFF Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010010-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010010-0 TOP SECRET RUFF The placement of this refinery on-stream varied somewhat from the usual Soviet method, as deduced from photography. Generally, it has been observed that the refineries are placed into production as the various units are completed. At this refinery, it appeared that all of the basic units, including the primary and major secondary refining equipment, were completed before any indicators of operation were apparent. A distinct second phase of construction, which included the possible petrochemical and lube oil areas, was then begun at an accelerated rate which was continued at least through 1967. Based on the identification of the equipment now complete and in operation, it can be assumed that the present products of the refinery include straight-run and blended gasolines, various grades of fuel oil, and probably blends of straight-run gasoline and fuel oil.. Also, various light ends and asphaltic products are probably being made. Physical Features The following table lists the functional areas and facilities within the refinery. Also, a brief listing of the facilities at the heat and thermal power plant and the water treatment plant are presented because of the close association of these plants with the refinery. Precise identifi- cation of much of the refining equipment was not possible because of the small scale and/or quality of the imagery covering the complex. The ten- tative identifications of equipment are based on the overall aspect of the refinery, the relative positions of the units, and the generalized published listings of the standardized units to be found in the newer type Soviet refineries built since 1959. Approximate dimensions.of the primary distillation columns are also presented in the following table. -5- TOP SECRET RUFF Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010010-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010010-0 TOP SECRET RUFF TOP SECRET RUFF FIGURE 2. KREMENCHUG PETROLEUM REFINER -6- Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010010-0 TOP SECRET RUFF .... .............. 00 00 ONSTRUCTIOM :SUPPORT AND : :STORAGE AREA: HEAT AND THERMAL POWER PLANT -7- TOP SECRET RUFF ? uQ 88 0 0000 0 0000 o n 00 00 00 0000 ......... .......................... ,............~ .. .................................. .... ?o ?%ira a i 0000 F o" 0000 Eu um~~ Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010010-0 n~ a l D 10 0 0 0 y{ :? E 0 0 0 CI UUU tI ......................................................................... Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010010-0 UNIDENTIFIED CHEMICAL PLANT CRUDE OIL AND PRODUCTS STORAGE TRANSFER FACILITIES OPEN STORAGE-CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL AREAS OF CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS SHIPPING AND STORAGE PROBABLE ALKYLATION UNIT PRODUCTS AND INTERMEDIATES HANDLING AND STORAGE STORAGE AND SUPPORT PRIMARY DISTILLATION U/I PROCESSING SECONDARY PROCESSING UNIT PROBABLE SECONDARY PROCESS AREA U/C ADMINISTRATION LEGEND REFINERY EQUIPMENT PROCESSING BUILDING DURUM HEAT EXCHANGERS, COOLING COILS OR ACCUMULATORS ? COOLING TOWERS C) STRUCTURES UNDER CONSTPUCTION Q STORAGE TANKS is SEMI BURIED TANKS HORIZONTAL TANKS ? FILTER AND TREATMENT BASINS Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010010-0 TOP SECRET RUFF IMAGERY ANALYSIS SERVICE Table I Equipment and Facilities at the Kremenchug Refinery Complex (.Items are keyed to Figure 3) Area Functional Description Equipment* Crude Oil and Products 19 cylindrical tanks, diam Storage 110 ft (33m) 12 semiburied/mounded tanks, diam 130 ft (39m) I cylindrical tank U/C, diam 110 ft (33m) 6 semiburied tanks U/C, diam 130 ft (39m) 10 cylindrical tanks, diam 80 ft (24m) 2 semiburied tanks, diam 70 ft' (21m) I cylindrical tank U/C, diam 80 ft (24m) I cylindrical tank, diam 50 ft (15m) 10 horizontal tanks, length 20 ft (6m) 7 support buildings I large excavation, probably for tanks g Transfer Facilities 3 loading racks each serving 2 tracks and 5 additional tracks continuing through the loading area 2 semiburied tanks, diam 80 ft (24m) 2 cylindrical tanks , diam 30 ft (9m) I cylindrical tank, diam 20 ft (6m) II storage and support buildings 2 possible medium tank bases/ basins -8- TOP SECRET RUFF 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010010-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010010-0 TOP SECRET RUFF IMAGERY ANALYSIS SERVICE Area Functional Description Equipment* C Open Storage D Areas of Construction I tank/gasholder, diam 80 ft (Possible Petrochemical (24m) and Lube Oil Plants) II cylindrical tanks, diam 50 ft (24m) I cylindrical tank, diam 40 ft (12m) I cylindrical tank, diam 35 ft (10.5m) 7 cylindrical tanks, diam 20 ft (6m) 25 horizontal tanks/treatment drums (not measured) 42 small columns/pieces of U/I equipment/tanks (not measured) 12 process buildings 34 storage and support buildings I cooling tower structure with 11 units 2 flare towers 19 buildings U/C I tank base U/C E Products Shipping and 13 cylindrical tanks, diam 25 Storage ft (7.5m) I possible tank/tank base, diam 60 ft (18m) 3 small U/I pieces of equipment 4 large storage buildings 3 support buildings F Probable Alkylation Unit 2 horizontal reactors 2 washing drums At least 5 towers/reactors/ scrubbers I process and compressor building with 3 tall, thin columns or vents 2 spherical tanks, diam 30 ft (9m) 3 horizontal tanks, length 80 ft (24m) -9- TOP SECRET RUFF 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010010-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010010-0 TOP SECRET RUFF IMAGERY ANALYSIS SERVICE Area Functional Description Equipment* F Probable Alkylation Unit 2 cylindrical tanks, diam 35 (Continued) ft (10.5m) 2 cylindrical tanks, diam 20 ft (6m) 2 small acid tanks (not measured) 7 support buildings G Products and Intermediates 10 cylindrical tanks, diam 45 Handling and Storage ft (13.5m) 9 cylindrical tanks, diam 40 ft (12m) 17 cylindrical tanks, diam 35 ft (I0.5m) 10 cylindrical tanks, diam 25 ft (7.5m) 2 cylindrical tanks, diam 20 ft (6m) 10 horizontal tanks/treatment drums, length 50 ft (15m) 5 support and possible blending buildings I building U/C H Storage and Support Area 5 buildings Open storage area Primary Distillation Area I primary distillation unit which contains 4 columns/ groups of columns -- I probable topping still 115' x 15' diam 2 vacuum stills diam 2 atmospheric stills 3 possible extraction columns for light ends 3 banks of cooling coils, heat exchangers and accumulators 3 pipe furnaces I compressor and control building -10- TOP : SECRET RUFF 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 ,25X1 Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010010-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010010-0 TOP SECRET' RUFF IMAGERY ANALYSIS SERVICE Area Functional Description Equipment* Primary Distillation Area I process building with 4 (Continued) horizontal tanks/treatment drums (probably for desalini- zation) I support building 6 small cylindrical tanks (not measured) J U/I Processing Area U/C 4 building foundations/equip- ment units U/C 3 buildings 3 cooling tower structures with a total of 8 units I circular basin K Secondary Processing Unit 2 groups of columns (total of 5 columns) I process building with 4 attached columns/reactors/ vertical flash drums 2 small U/I peices of equipment/ tanks 2 small furnaces I bank heat exchangers I compressor building 2 control/process buildings 2 cylindrical tanks, diam 50 ft (15m) L Probable Secondary 4 buildings Processing Area U/C 2 cylindrical tanks, diam 50 ft (15m) 8 cylindrical tanks, diam 40 ft (12m) 2 cylindrical tanks, diam 35 ft (10.5m) .5 cylindrical tanks, diam 20 ft (6m) M Administration Area 13 buildings I water tower -II- TOP SECRET RUFF 25X 25X Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010010-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010010-0 IU.P"SECRET RUFF IMAGERY ANALYSIS SERVICE Area Functional Description Equipment* Heat and Thermal Power Plant Boilerhouse and generator hall Gas plant At least 35 buildings 4 small cylindrical storage tanks 3 small possible cylindrical storage tanks 8 small horizontal tanks 2 cooling towers Water Treatment Plant 17 filter and treatment basins (3 outside of fenced area) 15 buildings I building U/C 6 chemical storage tanks *Note: Measurements are only approximate because of indistinct outline of the distillation columns on available photography. Storage tanks were measured in meters and then rounded off to the nearest five foot dimension. -12- TOP SECRET RUFF Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010010-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010010-0 iur SftKt I KUrr Maps and Charts 2nd RTS. US Air Target Chart 200, Sheet M0233-20HL 4th edition Jun 66, Scale 1:200,000 (SECRET -I3- TOP SECRET RUFF 25X 25X1 25X 25X Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010010-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010010-0 w r JtLKt I KUM I. Ebel, R.E., The Petroleum Industry of the Soviet Union, American Petroleum Institute, 1961 .(UNCLASSIFIED) 2. SHAPE/SUPINTREP No. 110, R.R. No. 70796, Pipelines, May 65, (NATO SECRET) 3. CIA/R.R., ER 63-3, Atlas of Transmission Pipelines for Natural Gas, U.S.S.R., Mar 63 (UNCLASSIFIED) 4. CIA/PID IB, P-269/64, Search for a Petroleum Refinery at Kremenchug, U.S.S.R, Jun 64 (TOP SECRET RUFF) Requirement EXSUBCOM - BR-N/001-69 -14- TOP SECRET RUFF 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010010-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010010-0 Top Secret Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010010-0