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Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP79T00827A000300060002-7 MEMORANDUM FOR: Mr. Houston Larry -- I understand you are DC1/D0 this weekend. I will keep Watch office in- formed of my reachability, but for your information as well, I will be around home all day Saturday, except for brief trip to emplane my wife for Milwaukee, In case everybody signs off on this and wants it printed forthwith. Sunday I have to go to p.ehoboth to collect a daughter, but will be back ca. 2300, will check with Watch office,' and can come in and put the paper into Reproduction if it is desired oob Monday. " 11 FOR'/ NO; ~QI REPL ACE9~FURM 10? i41 I AJ f, c/ W W41t.N MAY PP ri tr 14,) Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP79T00827A000300060002-7 . Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP.Z9T 827A0003000600 17 June 1966 MEMORANDUM oral Counsel Lawrence Draft STATINTL ugh- sent me his suggestions for changes in the draft reply for Lawrence, along with word that he had been over the draft we dis- cussed Thursday, and did not wish to see it again until you three gentlemen had put your chop an re- visions resulting from his input. 2. 1 an trying to keep the changes visible and separate so that those involved will not be re.-reading all the same material half a dozen times. The copies which were circulated this mor- ning, as well as the attached, show the changes which were made as a mmrt result of yestedday's meeting. The attachment further shows the changes requested by the Director, marked in the margin so that you can find them rapidly if you have already absorbed this morning's copy. J 1 H 1 IIV 1 L 3. This latest version has been circulated only to ZOCI, DDI, GC, and m1m and Con- STATINTL sander Moran. Messrs. Moran and inform me they have some suggestions which they w ll be sen- ding either to Mr. Reins or to no. Next edition, I propose, will be a clean complete re-type for re--subsission to ICI. STATINTL C$/Pres, OCI 7810 Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP79T00827A000300060002-7 Approved.-For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDPJ9 ,Qp827A000300060002-7 17 June 1966 Attached is a draft reply for Mr. David Lawrence, revised in accordance with the suggestions of DDCI, Executive Director, and General Counsel. A clean, complete revision will be printed and circulated after such further review and changes as DCI may direct. CS/Pres, OCI DC I DDC I ExDir OGC OGC/ LC DDI DOC I A/DCI(Cdr.Moran) Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP79TQ0827A000300060002-7 Approved.:For Re ease 2000/08/15: CIA-RD, 9TQ0827A 39-9@ 9-2-7 (Note: To distinguish between. the two sets of ques- tions, those on, yellow paper have retained their original numbers from 1 through 42, while those on white paper are numbered Wl through W12. The supplementary questions on white paper have been answered first be- cause the answers provide a more general introduction to the subject.) (W1) Q: Can you describe the role of the Central Intelligence Agency in general terms? A:. The Congress of the United States did that in the National Security Act of 1947, the same act which established the Department of Defense and the National Security Council. This legislation also created the position of Director of Central Intelli- gence, with responsibility for coordination of the total foreign intelligence effort of the U. S. Gov- >n effect ernment, an.dAmade the DCI the principal foreign intelligence adviser to the President and the NSC. The prime responsibility of the Central Intelligence Agency is to obtain, produce, and disseminate intelligence essential to our national security. Specifically, the National Security Act says that the CIA is " corre- late and evaluate intelligence relating to the national security, and provide for the appropriate dissemination of such intelligence within. the Gov- ernmen.t..." The Act assigned five functions to the CIA, under the direction of the National Security Council. First, the CIA is responsible for advising the NSC---and of course the President--on intelligence Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP79T00827A000300060002-7 Approved or je ease 2000/08/15: CIA-RDe9TQP827A000300060002-7 00 matters related to national security. Second, the CIA is responsible for coordinating all foreign intelligence activities. Third, the Agency isJJre- and 015seminaliah wi fbn one Gavernmen sponsible for the production Aof finished national intelligence. Fourth and fifth, the CIA undertakes "such services of common concern." as may be deter- mined by the NSC--services, that is, which are useful to all the components of the government's intelligence community--an.d is authorized to per- form such other functions as the NSC might direct. (W2) Q: Is this role essentially one of in- formation. gathering? Would a more descriptive title be "Cen.tral Infor- mation Agency?" A: our principal responsibility is to gather, specifically, that information which relates directly to national security problems and objectives. The United States Information Agency deals with information in the broader sense of the term, and distributes it outside the government. It is useful both to their operations and to ours to preserve this distinction. There is a further point of professional semantics involved: "intelligence," as we use the term, refers to information which has been carefully evaluated as to its accuracy and significance. It is the important process of evaluating the accuracy and assessing the significance in terms of national security which makes the difference in our terminology between "information" and "intelligence." -2- Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP79T00827A000300060002-7 Approved,R-b,@ 2OSM&JkC4A4t?P7Q7003-D0060002-7 other available information on the same subject, and analyzed and evaluated by competent experts in. that particular field, we call it "finished in.telli- gence.'g When, in addition., it represents the agreed conclusions of the entire intelligence community-- the intelligence components of the Department of State, the Department of Defense, and the FBI and AEC if it should fall within the purview of those agencies--then. it is "n.ational intelligence." In short, we find that we need a terminology which can be more precise and more limiting than. the broad concept of "information." (W3) Q: People seem to have the impression that yours is a big "spying" organization, staffed by spies. Is that anywhere near a correct impression? A: This is, of course, the popular view of any intelligence organization, but in reality our job is to provide intelligence information to U. S. Government officials on matters affecting the national security so that they may know, in a timely way, what the real news is behind the events which become public around the world. A great proportion of this work amounts to bringing expert knowledge and scholarly analysis to bear in a way which has nothing in common with the heroes of modern spy fiction. Of course, much of the world's area and population is controlled by governments operating closed societies, in which they seek to conceal their activities and objectives. Some classical espionage may be required, to determine when and how these activities Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP79T00827A000300060002-7 -3- Approved Fori.Retedse 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP0(7A000300060002-7 and objectives might threaten us. But to preserve We cannot make public any the proper perspective: a breakdown of how many people are in headquarters and in the field, or how many gather information and how many analyze it, but the man who joins CIA has far less chance, in the course of his career, of identifying with James Bond or The Spy Who Came In From the Cold," than he does of identifying with an academic researcher, economist, scientist, statistician, administrator, accountant, or supply officer. (W4) Q: Another idea is that the CIA is in the business of stirring insurrections or starting and maybe running little wars. Is that impression justified? A: This, again, is a popular misconception. Our major business is the gathering of national intelligence, and so-called covert operations are a relatively minor part 4:4ur. Qirexail :activities against Communism. Furthermore, a glance at today's headlines should make it obvious that the leaders of our government expect us to forestall or help combat insurrections, not stir them up. The gov- ernment, after all, is organized on a pretty logical basis: Secretary Rusk is in charge of foreign policy and foreign relations, Secretary McNamara, together with the Secretaries of the individual -4- Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP79T00827A000300060002-7 Approved For `Riley 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP79J0 827000300060002-7 services and the Joint Chiefs, runs the armed forces; CIA has and 4..e enough to do coordinating intelligence without running any wars. (W5) Q: Do your information activities cover the globe? A: Our intelligence responsibilities are world- wide. (W6) Q: Why is information On this scale important to the U. S.? Is it necessary as an-aid in shaping policies of this nation with its worldwide interests and worldwide aid programs? A: Factual and unbiased intelligence information on activities going on around the world is necessary to officials of the U.S. Government on a timely basis, so that they may use it as one of the many elements which go into the decisions they have to make. At a minimum, we must have certain basic information on hand on virtually every country in the world, against some sudden need. Country X -- you name it -- may appear remote and totally unrelated to our national security, but it is nevertheless impossible to state with certainty that detailed information about Country X will not become necessary to our government on a crash basis some day. STATINTL wie,[i tine nation's embassies overseas and its consulates? Is that work a supplement to the diplomati c and consular service, or in competition with it? Approved For Release 2000/0845: CIA-RDP79T00827A000300060002-7 Approved Flo - W ease 2000/08/15: CIA-RDPJSTQA827A000300060002-7 STATINTL (W8) Q: Is your role in information-gathering different from that of the intelligence services of the armed forces? A: Our finished national intelligence derives from the work of all of the elements of the intelligence community, which includes the intelligence services of the armed forces. Foreign service officers provide the Department of State with political intelligence, commercial attaches are responsible for economic infor- mation, the military attaches sent military intelli- genceto their respective services, and for that matter there are agricultural attaches and labor attaches. All of them provide departmental intelligence for the specific needs of specific departments. The CIA has been added to supplement and expand the collection and fill any gaps. It has a broader charter for all types of intelligence necessary in. the national interest, was and--as * mentioned at the outset (Wl.)--the added Approved For Release 2000/08th5 : CIA-RDP79T00827A000300060002-7 Approved Fes- R Tease 2000/08/15: CIA-RDR 9T M27A000300060002-7 statutory responsibility to "correlate and evaluate in.telligen.ce relating to the national security, and provide for... appropriate dissemination." For example, a piece of political intelligence from one country, and the army attachd's report from another country, may add up to a conclusion. Of major significance to the National Security Council, or specifically to the AEC. It is CIA's respon- sibility to see to it that the two halves do get added up in Washington to make the whole, and furthermore that the finished evaluation reaches the department which needs it. (W9) Q: Does machinery exist to correlate all of the information that flows into Washington? A: Yes--formally, the United States Intelli- which is advisory to the gen.ce Board, or USIB. This Board, Director of Central Intelligence and under his chairmanship, Xk- ,_1.a .-ate-i - -te e-, meets every week, or more often if necessary, to coordinate the work and review the conclusions of all of the intelli- gence components in. the U. S. Government. It con- sists of: The Deputy Director of Central Intelli- the Director as chairman --~v-rl-~ lie--tom gen.ce, who represents CIA so 'that is uncommitted; the Director of Intelligence and Research, Department of State; the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency; the Director of -7- Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP79T00827A000300060002-7 Approved Fir Rase 2000/08/15: CIA-RDFTQ0027A000300060002-7 the National Security Agency; an. Assistant Direc- tor of the Federal Bureau of Investigation; and the Assistant General Manager for Administration of the Atomic Energy Commission. The heads of Army, Navy, and Air Force intelligence meet with the Board as observers. USIB assigns intelligence priorities to see to it that there are no gaps in, our coverage, and ensures that the judgments which go forward to the President are finished, national intelligence. It should be emphasized, ,L-?rt~-r-e~.,.ze, however, that the task of correlation and coordination. starts long before the product reaches USIB for final review. More and more, as we develop and refine the concept of an. intelligence community, the analysts and the specialists in One component are in, constant touch and interchange with their opposite numbers in. the other departments and agencies, so that the national intelligence process begins as soon as the raw in- formation. reaches Washington., if not before. (W10) Q: It is really possible to refine down, to fixed conclusions the vast amount of information that you receive? Is this machinery so geared that quick action can, follow when the flow of information suggests impending danger or trouble? Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP79T00827A000300060002-7 Approved o - R ease 2000/08/15: CIA-RDPZOTQ0827A000300060002-7 A: We are geared to receive information, pro- duce in.telligen.ce, and react 24 hours a day, seven days a week; nobody in. the Agency, from the analysts to the Director, is guaranteed a night's uninter- rupted sleep, or an. unbroken. weekend. As for reaching firm conclusions, in. many cases this can. be done by the expert analysts avail- able, backed up by our storehouse of background knowledge. There will always, of course, be the "un.knowables"--questions which have no definitive answers, possibly because the future is open to the effects of many variables, or because the future depends on. decisions which certain foreign. states- men. may not even have made yet. Who will succeed Mao Tse-tung? When., and by whom, will there be a successful coup in Country X? Our policy makers need and request our best answers on. the " ables." This we do in our National Intelligence Estimates. From what we do know, the best thinking available in. the entire intelligence community makes rational inferences about the -with vary, in.g degrees of confidence, and an occasional foot- note reflecting an individual dissent from the agreed opinion. Many such estimates are produced Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP79T00827A000300060002-7 Approved Flo F ase 2000/08/15: CIA-RDI TW27A000300060002-7 routinely and annually, on a predetermined schedule; some are produced in times of crisis in a matter of hours. All are geared to the needs of the policy makers for information.. All reflect the greatest possible professional skill and dispassionate ob- jectivity we can. bring to bear. We grind no axes, and we do not permit ourselves to become advocates of specific policies in preparing our estimates. Our job is to provide the facts and the judgment. All aspects of every estimate get the fullest consideration, by the working groups which begin the drafting, by the Board of National Estimates--a group of distinguished senior officers of long experience and proven competence in diverse fields of govern- ment--and by the United States Intelligence Board. In the end, the National Intelligence Estimate is the report of the Director of Central Intelligence to the President and the National Security Council. (Wll) Q: Do you work largely in a vacuum, with little or no contact with the rest of the government? A: By no means. It s"uld inherent in the concept of a Central Intelligence Agency that any branch of the government which needs information can call on. us for it. Similarly, when we need -10- Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP79T00827A000300060002-7 Approved Fo ease 2000/08/15: CIA-RDPj9TQ27A000300060002-7 - F expertise to-help-us in. evaluation, or in-the accom- plishment of any of our missions, we will not hesitate to go anywhere in the government or outside it, within the limitations of security, where we might expect to find. the necessary help. But our closest ties, of course, are within. the intelligence community, departments and agencies of the U. S. Government. and to the ther (W12) Q: To whom does your organization report? Are accounts supervised or audited? Does anyone in. Congress know of what activities you are carrying on.? A: That question--or rather, those questions-- are a big order and an important one. Let us summarize the answers first, and then expand on them in greater detail. We report our substantive intelligence to the National Security Council, pre- sided over by the President, and to other components of the executive and legislative branches as he may direct--cabinet departments, congressional committees, even individual legislators who may have a need for briefings. Discussion of our activities, our methods, and our sources, however, is another matter, because Public Law 80-253 of 1947(the National Security Act) requires the Director of Central Intelligence to protect the sources and methods of the entire intel- ligence community. CIA's operations are authorized and approved in the first instance by a special NSC committee representing the President and the Secre- -lla- Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP79T00827A000300060002-7 Approved F R ase 2000/08/15: CIA-RDR709TG0827A000300060002-7 taries of State and Defense. The Director is authorized and directed to make complete disclosure on the legis- lative side to two special subcommittees of the Senate and two similar subcommittees in the House. In addition, the President has appointed a most knowledgeable and distinguished Board, composed of private citizens, to oversee the Central Intelligence Agency and for that matter the entire intelligence community, and to report regularly and directly to the President with their views on the conduct of the activities of the Central Intel- ligence Agency. Our requests for funds must be justified in detail to the Bureau of the Budget and approved in detail by special Appropriations subcommittees of House and Senate, and our comprehensive auditing procedures have to satisfy the standards of those who have approved the budget in the first place. Now, to go into these questions in greater detail: Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP79T00827A000300060002-7 Approved Foi.ReIase 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP7r OG 7A000300060002-7 The Central Intelligence Agency budget is reviewed fully by the Bureau of the Budget, which requires the same assurances and justifications for expenditures by intelligence agencies that it re- quires from any other part of our government. We are not immune from detailed examination of our re- quests by the Bureau, nor are we exempt from its skillful pruning knife. We have to go to Congress for our funds, just like other agencies. The only difference is that after our requests have been. the appropriate Congressional subcommittees, approved by iek 141407 ~~i'p~~~'~~'~"~"a"-m'~~~~ our specific appropria- tions are then concealed for passage with other appropriations, to deny the hostile intelligence services information about our activities which Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP79T00827A000300060002-7 Approved For Rase 2000/08/15: CIA-RDWTW27A000300060002-7 would be very useful to them. We have meticulous auditing procedures to ensure the tightest possible control over the expenditure of funds entrusted to the CIA. Secondly, if your question about those to whom we report includes the dissemi- nation. of the intelligence we have collected, we report in an, infinite variety of formats, tailored The Director often reports to specific purposes. 1-ee~-xe~ext directly and in. person, of course, to the President and the NSC. In additi.on., we have daily, weekly, and monthly publicati.on.s, some global in scope, some for a there will be specific country. In a crisis situation., frequent situation reports, sometimes as often as evor hour aroun~~T1e clock. We have memoranda, studies in depth, the which were described earlier, estimates and an encyclopedic compilation. of basic intelligence and fundamental data on. -just about any country you can, think of. This latter series, covering everything from the economic statistics and the sociological composi- tion of the country to its cabinet and its legal code, adds up to more than. 10 times the size of the Encyclopedia Britann.ica, and is still growing. Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP79T00827A000300060002-7 Approved For Reelease 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP'T0e27A000300060002-7 Various publications have dissemination lists, depending on their sensitivity and purpose, ranging from less than half a dozen. copies to more than 1,000. Our first and foremost customer is the President, followed by the cabinet-level officers who comprise the National Security Council. We also serve departments in. the Executive Branch which are not in the NSC, as their needs may re- quire. We disseminate widely, of course, within. the intelligence community. We serve U. S. mis- sions and commands overseas, and U. S. delegations at international conferences. As for the Legisla- tive, we give extensive briefings to com- mittees, subcommittees, individual members of Congress and committee staff personnel, both in the form of broad global reviews and in. response to requests for the intelligence appreciation. of specific situations. Thirdly, there is the intricate question of which governmental authorities are aware of CIA activities. S. intelligence agencies do not make policy, and undertake no actions, covert or otherwise, which are not con- sistent with U. S. policy and objectives as -13- Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP79T00827A000300060002-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP 9TG 27A000300060002-7 IWAO established by the appropriate officers of the Exec- There is a special committee C - utive Branch. auspices, representing the President, the Secretary of State, and Secretary of Defense, which sees to it th that CIA does not V-eelect- undertake any covert action which is not in consonance with at.. T - ~e-~eae~elee--~e-ee~+e#a3 :. the policies of the U.S. Government. In the field, as has be fie3d.,..a.s-..I men T the .. #eeea-?-L1Qr~xa+a..-.. earlier (W7), we are required to have the fore- knowledge and approval of the Ambassador. We also report fully, not just on. our ligen.ce findings but on. our operations, our plans, and our expenditures and funding requirements to and duly constituted subcommittees of the Appropriations Armed Services Committees of both the Senate and the house. s}~~~a~?-s~t~ee~-~x~~~4~e~-~..v.~.~~xa~.~.e.#ax~g The Director and his senior aides report regularly the-#eft+t#e---4-PePeP these four special subcommittees. The hPresidentor an x~~ eee~-e~-am a orize indeed instructed by him--to make full disclosure of U. S. in.telligen.ce activities and be completely responsive to their questions, no matter how sensi- tive. There have been suggestions that this ?nnthe contrary, oversight is sporadic and casual; in 1965, for instance, the Director and other senior CIA officers (and met a total of 34 times with these special subcommittees, so you on 19 occasions with other Congressional committees,) ererr~e}-brref~r~~-eaer~-~e~~~~.-daay-,--~~r-~~--t?~re-~ can see that there is a major effort to keep the C@ngress infe~-e~rae~es~xe~lirectoxhimse f inthhefirst1s informed. T he was on board, met 16 times with these special subcommittees. -14- Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP79T00827A000300060002-7 A'W r- 2Q99Jb d r ,$IA0q%22 49O 99964498-7 the subcommittees which are so sensitive that only a small percentage of the personnel in CI.A have access to them. ~~~~?~-~e-w~~ei~-~ _'~ahcsz~uii#ees . One distinction should be made clear: he hirector is authorized to brief any Congressional committee having a proper jurisidictional interest in the subject on substantive global intelligence, and does. By law, however, he has 4-4raye been. given, the exclusive responsibility of maintaining the security of intelligence sources his and methods--and in. lfi relations with Congress, ? he has Ix been authorized by the President and by the National Security Council to discuss such details the four special subcommittees of our operations only with ~..oatir designated for this purpose, ~..~e-.-..k..x. , not with any others. This is not an arbitrary or bureaucratic limitation; we are safeguarding the lives of trusted agents and our own. staff people all over the world who contrib- ute to our Government's intelligence objectives. We owe it to them to take every precaution to pro- tect them---and we owe it to our Government to give hostile intelligence services no indirect hints or clues which might enable the opposition to take steps to blunt our intelligence operations, methods, and sources. Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP79T00827A000300060002-7 Approved F9 ,LRelease 2000/08/15: CIA-RDPT00827A000300060002-7 Finally, on the subject of oversight, should mention a number of reviews, including one standing group, which have been instituted by the Executive Branch. We have been examined in detail by Hoover Commission task forces, the Doolittle Committee, the Clark Committee, and several special investigating groups for specific purposes. Our activities are under continuing and full scrutiny by the President's Foreign. Intelligence Advisory Board, first established in January of 1956 as the Killian Committee, and now under the chairmanship of Mr. Clark Clifford. The present membership in- cludes Dr.. William O. Baker of Bell Telephone Labora- tories; Mr. Gordon Gray, former Special Assistant to President Eisenhower and one-time President of North Carolina University; Professor William Unger of Harvard; General Maxwell Taylor; Ambassador Robert Murphy, former Under Secretary of State; Mr. Frank Pace, Jr., former Secretary of the Army and former Director of the Bureau of the Budget; Dr. Edwin Land, head of the Polaroid Corporation; Admiral John Sides, USN (ret.); and Mr. Augustus Long, formerly the top executive of the Texas Company. This Board meets in full session about every six weeks to examine in detail, the work, the progress, -16- Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP79T00827A000300060002-7 Approved For RPiease 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP79T,J827A000300060002-7 and the shortcomings of the entire U. S. intelli- gence program. The meetings last two or three days and include comprehensive discussions with the Director and his axe---- senior officers, heads of other in.telli- gence compon.en.ts, and senior officials of the Gov- ernment who are our "customers." Upon completion of each such session, the Board reports to the President and makes recommendations for the improve- ment of the intelligence effort. In addition., the Board has a number of two-man or three-man panels and subcommittees to delve more deeply and on a full-time basis into specific aspects and cate- gories of intelligence work. -t "_`L-lie'-1?e ~-~ -i - 3 -1 -~ ~ Against that background, it must certainly be obvious that the activities of the Central Intelligence Agency are under continuing, frequent, and searching scrutiny by those charged with this function in both the Executive and Legislative branches of our Government. Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP79T00827A000300060002-7 Approved For$elease 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP7%0827A000300060002-7 (1) Q: While we know you can't tell us exactly how much money you spend on particular activities, could you give us an idea of how your appropriation is divided--that is, as between gathering of information .abroad and transmission of it to various parts of our government and information that is related to clandestine operations? Just the proportions might be interesting. We A: ??a-~cxr3r?-~~a-ave do not disclose that informa- special supervisory groups, tion except to the select_asersa.g-gs~a, because op- position intelligence a ~i- .ga..c~a services Lw,would find it useful. (First part of Question 2 omitted because it duplicates W2) (2) Q: Isn't it true, for instance, that much of the information that you gather isn't really secret at all, but that if someone were at the proper place at the proper time, he would be able to get the information in a normal way--as, for instance, a newspaper- man gets it? Y, a A: considerable part of the information used by the Agency in preparing its finished intelligence reports and radio, is derived from the foreign press/ from technical journals of foreign countries, and from official publications of these countries; we don't disregard information simply because it is not secret. Finished intelligence, however, consists of the expert correlation and interpretation of all the information we can obtain, by both overt and clandestine means. Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP79T00827A000300060002-7 Approved Fcelease 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP700827A000300060002-7 (3) Q: When the information is gathered, is it interpreted by somebody on the $pot, or is it brought to you in raw form so that you can feel sure it is factual rather than opinionated? A: We require the original report, or the original statement of the primary source, whenever we can get it. When this "raw material":.reaches us, it may be accom- panied by the opinions and interpretations of inter- mediaries through whom the information has passed, and by the informed comment and preliminary evaluation of our own collectors in the field, but these additions are clearly labeled as such. (4) Q: What is the importance of this type of information to the operations of our government? A : L T m ' of-mss ? -I---unde-rstand the q &n . : ? I t is our mission to provide the policy makers with the most accurate, most objective, and most comprehensive informa- tion available about the situation as it exists, together with whatever we can learn or project about possible impending developments. (5) Q: Since it has been stated that you yourselves do not make policy, would you say from your contacts with government officials that they have found the information valuable when they start to formulate particular policies? A:hty fn answer to both this and your preceding questions t there is one unique contribution Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP79T00827A000300060002-7 Approved Fcelease 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP700827A000300060002-7 which the CIA can make to the government officials who are faced with a choice among several possible policies. Precisely because the CIA is not committed to any one of the possible courses of action, our intelligence input'.to the ultimate decision process is objective, free from partisanship and advocacy. Our best indica- top officials of the tion of the usefulness of our reports to the p'gllVq'y! Administration and members of the Legislative Branch hq'r is the constant increase in the requests they levy on us for both current intelligence and our projective estimates. (6,7) Q: As we understand it, you do not operate within the United States in the matter of clandestine operations of any kind. Is that correct? Is this left entirely to the FBI? A: The Central Intelligence Agency is charged with conducting operations outside the country, whereas the FBI has as its principal mission the internal security of the United States and its possessions. There is, of course, close cooperation and considerable interplay between our organizations because we are combatting an international conspiracy whose operations and agents move back and forth between this country and foreign nations. The FBI and CIA therefore work very closely together and keep each other intimately informed on items of potential interest or concern to each other. This allows us to combat international conspiracy in -20- Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP79T00827A000300060002-7 Approved F -release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP7700827A000300060002-7 STATINTL the most effective possible manner. The division of responsibility for clandestine operations, of course, should not be confused with the perfectly overt con- tacts we have domestically, for example, with experts in the academic world to discuss international situations and exchange analyses. (8) Q: In working abroad, what is the system of contact that you have with our embassies and legations. Do you have any represen- tatives in any of the embassies? STATINTL Do you transmit any information directly to the embassies, or does it have to come to Washington and then be relayed back to the embassies or legations abroad? Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP79T00827A000300060002-7 Approved FcJelease 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP700827A000300060002-7 (10) Q: What comments have you had, in a general Way, from government officials as to the value of the information they have received through your system? A. shave already mentioned, he growing demand for our intelligence reports .t ao O'4~ ~~ ~? (11) Q: Prior to the establishment of the CIA, was there a feeling in the State Departmen4t and elsewhere that they were handicapped in getting information from other countries, while the governments abroad themselves carried on a constant information-gathering operation in our country as well as in Ij others? -f- ? W T+~ aw1~ Ok4 re's K I!= O=e s 7 +G ~Irr ~t /H ST a a ~iarl~ .....---- ~. A: You have o take into consideration, firstly, that the collection of intelligence is not the primary responsibility of the Department of State and the Depart- ment of Defense, and that the representatives they send abroad must operate in the open as recognized officials of the US Government. In effect, we are in a better position to obtain the intelligence we need because CIA is specifically organized for the clandestine collection of intelligence, and can give it first priority. If, by handicaps, you mean the obstacles which foreign governments place in the way~:of intelligence it mast be. collection., that foreign governments--both before and after the establishment of CIA--make every effort to preserve their essential secrets, just as we do, and that year by year security procedures become more sophisticated and more difficult to circumvent. -22- Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP79T00827A000300060002-7 Approved Fcelease 2000/08/15: CIA-RDPT00827A000300060002-7 On the other side of the coin, there are few if any countries in the world today which are as much of an "open society" as the United States. (12) Q: Do you collect information of a business nature, as well as that which concerns governmental operations? A: We collect any economic information which may be useful to the security interests of the US Government. We collect it exclusively for that purpose. (13) Q: Do you gather information about the operations of the governments themselves throughout a country? A: As , pointed out earlier, (W5, q) our interests and responsibilities are pretty comprehensive, ,.fit is although they may vary from country to country. = Obviously `hhPoSZlik~ ~conine yourself to a nation's foreign affairs, or the situation in the capital city alone, if you are responsible for assessing, for example, the stability of the regime, the health of a nation's economy, or the prospect for subversion in the boondocks. (14) Q: At what point do you feel that the in- formation gathered is of a nature':which requires you constantly to report it back to our government? We are speaking now only of information which would be avail- able to anybody who happened to live in the country, and does not involve clan- destine operations in any way. Approved For Release 2000/08X&: CIA-RDP79T00827A000300060002-7 Approved Fo elease 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP7% 0827A000300060002-7 -r dots A : -I--r-eferu back to the, distinction we make between information and intelligence.(W2) If everything is quiet, there may be an occasional situa- tion report based largely on open information. If the situation has a direct relation to US national security interests, particularly in a crisis, we will be trying to get as close to "real:time" reporting as modern communications permit. (15) Q: In dealing with clandestine operations are you up against countermeasures taken by other governments to thwart the ac tivities of our own people? (16) Q: Do foreign governments operate within the United States through their clandes- tine operations differently than we do when agents of your office operate abroad? A: 4pref er not to discuss our methods even by indirect comparison. (17) Q: Would you say that the discovery of the atom bomb secrets or rather the getting of information of a secret nature both in this country and in England by the Rus- sian government was accomplished through clandestine operations; of an agency analo- gous to yours, and could it have been thwarted by activities on our part? In other words, do we have better measures now to protect our secrets than we had then? Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP79T00827A000300060002-7 Approved Fq Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP O0827A000300060002-7 our A: That answer is not in province, except for the fact that it was certainly a Soviet intelligence operation. (18, 19) Q: How do you cooperate with the intelligence agencies of the military services? Does each one of the armed services have its own intelligence units and operatives? Do they operate in foreign countries? Are they confined strictly to military information? Or is the CIA expected to collect this, too, in cases where the units of the armed services are not represented or do not have agents? A: The respective armed services collect depart- mental intelligence required by their respective services or the Department of Defense. We are responsible'for correlating intelligence on all matters of national security interest, across the board, have ?scribed how the intelligence community cooperates in reaching Specifically, ~t the machinery of the agreed conclusions. (W9' l )Q the United States Intelligence Board sees to that the efforts of and DIA complement and supplement each other. o) Q: Do you have any outside counsel or ad- visers? ;What is the nature of this activity? A: We have several panels of technical experts, inside and outside the government, to keep us informed on new developments and techniques which could be of use to On these panels are the best brains in this country, on usWe trzy virtually the entire range of human endeavor. We contract for h loo Win. speeeral --t-e l e l tatters., .__YYe.eca~ tr t a wherever i n~ the 'ITni States studies and research project --sor these can best be performed. J Approved For Release 2000/087?v8- CIA-RDP79T00827A000300060002-7 Approved FQ Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP-W00827A000300060002-7 We have found that patriotic citizens in all walks interest. We find this very gratifyingbecause it give the President, the Executive Branch and the Legislative !' Branch the very best information that can be made available. (21) Q: How long ago did the CIA begin to dis- close to congressional committees informa- tion about its activities? A: The Agency has been under legislative oversight since its establishment. (22) Q Have the congressional committees which have been in contact with CIA expressed any dissatisfaction over the years that they were not getting enough information? A: We have never withheld any information, sub- stantive or operational, from the '"'subcommittees. On some occasions, in fact, they have asked us not to give them the identities of very sensitive sources, because they did not wish to know, and we have complied. If you refer to dissatisfaction with the amount of in- formation which we have--rattier than the amount we give ,professional ln-cellIgei1VC ij - eration anywhere in the world is ever satisfied with the extent of its knowledge, and these gentlemen have been work,ng with us long enough so that I ^ they have acquired this same professional dissatisfaction. Approved For Release 2000/09t5: CIA-RDP79T00827A000300060002-7 Approved F r telease 2000/08/15: CIA-RDPF 00827A000300060002-7 (23) Q: Do you find that leakages of information have been detrimental to your operation in any respect? A: It is one of the first principles of the art that when another country learns or suspects that you have ob- tained information they were trying to keep secret, they will do everything possible to locate and destroy your source, and counter your method of operation. (24) Q: Do all the major countries operate intelligence services? A:`'know of no major country that does not. After all, it simply amounts to obtauhing information which you need to have. You might say that football teams and rival department stores operate intelligence services, for instance; they just happen to call them scouts or com- parison shoppers. (25, 26,):Q: Is there cooperation between the intelligence (27 ) systems of friendly countries and our own? If we collect information that is of vital importance to one of our allied countries, would it be transmitted to the State Depart- ment or Defense Department and to the proper governmental units abroad which are friendly to `us? To what extent is the cooperation between the intelligence agencies of allied governments a factor in the suc- cessful operation of intelligence activities by your unit? We- &rv A: ttm not at liberty to go into detail, but wherever it is of mutual interest and advantage, there is substantial cooperation among the intelligence services of friendly countries. Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP79T00827A000300060002-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDPT00827A000300060002-7 What was the origin of CIA? Was it born Q: (28) during wartime? Is it operatthen?ed any dif- ferently now than it was The Agency grew from the need to establish a A: objective intelligence organization in centralized and the experi- rimary impetus, of course, was peacetime. A p of Pearl Harbor, and the determination to ensure ence The requirement against such surprises in the future. for a centralized organization stemmed from the success- World War II of the office o f 1 experience-during fu The require- Strategic Services under General Donovathreat posed by ment was made all the more real by the became readily the USSR and international Communism which War II. There apparent shortly after the close of World general agreement within the Government that there was a agency in the was need for a nonpartisan coordinating g As a result, the CIA was created intelligence fied In same respects the the National Security Act of 1947. by Strategic our an- Office of ~peeia~ Services of World War II was CIA's responsi- it did not have cestor, but ~e~~'~'?'~'~>~~ coordinating the work of the entire intelli- bility for gence community, or our requirement for across-the-board coverage. ) (29, 300 (31 ) Q: What are the names of your different Do if you can give them to us? divisions, or is this you maintain Does mosteofayourdpersonnel live secret? abroad? Approved For Release 2000/08/15 :.aJ RDP79T00827A000300060002-7 Approved Four Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDR09T00827A000300060002-7 A: We have personnel abroad. ---c-a of er- (32, 33) Q: What can be said in answer to the criticism that dishonorable methods are used by the CIA? Do you consider that the CIA is an in- strument of the "cold war," and is justified in taking any measures to get information that are being taken by other governments in their efforts to get information inside the United States? A: We can be rough and unorthodox, a~erd-'~dt~~xvaera~~e...v We may be clandestine and devious, but we emphatically reject rithe ca word "dishonorable." o raab e." We same ideals but_wQ are, after all, ~e - e- a s, -3T - and codes as the rest of the nation. e..~e-remet~te-"e Secretary Rusk/in a press conference earlier this year: 11 ....... I would emphasize to you that CIA is not engaged in activities not known to the senior policy officers of the Government. But you should also bear in mind that beneath the vel of publiinc discussion, there is a tough struggle going the back alleys all over the world. It's a tough one, :it's unpleasant, and no one likes it, but that is not a field which can be left entirely to the other side. And so once in a while some disagree- able things happen, and I can tell you that there is a good deal of gallantry and a high degree of competence in those who have to help us deal with that part of the struggle for freedom." in Admiral Itaborn as President Johnson, when he was swearing Director of Central Intelligence on April 28, 1965, put it this way: of . We have committed our lives, our property, our resources and our sacred honor to the freedom and peace of other men, indeed to the freedom Approved For Release 2000/08/1 99 CIA-RDP79T00827A000300060002-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP T00827A000300060002-7 and peace of all mankind. We would dishonor that , we would disgrace all the sacrifices commiAmericanstmenthave made, if we were nthreatrto peace and every day vigilant against every freedom. That is why we have the Central intelligence Agency....." (34, 38) Q: Would you say that there is any essential difference between the methods used by the Army, Navy, and Air Force in their intel- et information abro adh t ligence units o g o ough CIA? and that which is used by the the Armed Services have intelligence units, does the CIA feel responsible for onsible f ion or the,of any belofavaluef tom the Armedt could possibly Services? 11 A: To summarize whata said earlier (particularly in reply to W8, 11, 18, and 19) CIA's intelligence re- quirements cover anything and everything related to national security, intelligence is our primary business, and we are specifically geared for the job. The services collect departmental intelligence for departmental pur- poses, their attaches operate under the liability of being known, and they have other missions which take priority over the collection of intelligence. (35 36 ) ou say that former d , (37 , Q: ) y On the whole, woul employees have maintained integrity sears? have not broken confidence over the years? Have you had many instances of defections? Do other governmental intelligence agencies have something of the same problem? A : The only answer which can be given to these questions is the general statement that the personnel of the Agency are of very high caliber and have shown great devotion to their -30- duties over the years. Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP79T00827A000300060002-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDPZBT00827A000300060002-7 (39-42) Q: To what extent does the CIA operate under direct instructions from the President oral Secretary of State? Are there some gene instructions given covering a number of ac- tivities? Do you have anything which might be called regulations to govern your activi- ties? Are these prescribed by the President or Secretary of State or any other Cabinet officer? In other words, to what extent do you operate under specific instructions in certain types of cases? A: To recapitulate, the Central Intelligence Agency operates under a charter consisting of the National Se- curity Act of 1947 as amended, which provides that we function at the behest and under the control of the President and the National Security Councils We are gov- erned by several layers of regulations known as the NSCID's or National Security Council Directives; the DCID's or Director of Central Intelligence Directives, which are issued in the name of the Director in his capacity as head of the entire intelligence community and chairman of the United States Intelligence Board; and, as in the case of any other governmental component, our own Agency regulations. Our missions are assigned by the President,.:the National Security Council or its elements, and USIB. Our activities are approved in advance and controlled by a special element of the NSC representing the President, the Secretary of State, and the Secretary of Defense. Approved For Release 2000/08/1?1-CIA-RDP79T00827A000300060002-7 Approved Four Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDPWT00827A000300060002-7 To sum it all may -P stress again that there are sufficient checks and balances, enough controls and