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Approved For Release 2006/ 3 1 0826AOU300010006-5; 103 25X1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY : I NdWL---., THE SITUATION IN VIETNAM Information as of 1600 29 September 1966 NSA review completed 25X1 PREPARED FOR THE NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL FURTHER DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS NOT AUTHORIZED Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T00826AO01300010006 Appr 29 September 1966 HIGHLIGHTS Further evidence has been obtained indicating Viet Cong plans to attack US air bases in South I. The Military Situation in South Vietnam: Contact between US Marines and North Vie namese Army forces continues in the mountainous area south of the DMZ in Quang Tri Province (Paras. 1-3). Search-and- destroy Operation MONTEREY began yesterday in Quang Tin Province in an area where nearly 1,000 Communist troops are reportedly operating (Para. 4). Viet Cong sapper units are planning to attack allied air bases as evidenced by captured maps, documents, and prisoners (Paras. 5-7). Weekly review of South Vietnam battle statistics (Para. 8). II. Political Developments in South Vietnam: According to e press, trie special Vatican representative who arrived in Saigon yesterday has requested a meetin with Premier Ky (Para. 3). III. North Vietnamese Military Developments: There is nothing 6f significance to report. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T00826A0013000100106-5 Appro Communist Political Developments; There is nothing of significance to report, 25X1 25X1 ANNEX: South Vietnam Battle Statistics 1963 t ru week of 18-24 Sept 1966: -Weapons and Personnel Losses -Viet Cong Attacks and Incidents 29 September 1966 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T00826AO013000110006-5 Approved F release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T0082161300010006-5 NORTH ?Dong Hoi ~tSavannakhet VIETNAM UIC OPE 'ATI N' 10 'CEREY SOUTH VIETNAM 29 SEPTEMBER 64014 US 41C OPERATION f tAt1 IE U 25 50 75 10OM~1e5 n 25 5~) ... 0 K~iameters Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T00826AO01300010006-5 25X1 Appr I. THE MILITARY SITUATION IN SOUTH VIETNAM 1. More than 50 North Vietnamese soldiers were reported killed yesterday in two sharp clashes with US Marines of the 4th Marine Regiment participating in Operation PRAIRIE in an area just south of the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). 2. Early yesterday, nine Marines were wounded in an encounter with an estimated company-size Com- munist force. Tough fighting continued for most of the day in an area known as the "rockpile," a valley with two sharp pinnacles of rock in the center, strad- dling vital trails leading to North Vietnam and Laos. The Marines, with support from US artillery and tac- tical air strikes, dislodged the Communist troops from their well dug-in positions. 3. A US Marine command post was shelled on two separate occasions yesterday with an unknown number of heavy mortar rounds. These attacks killed one American and wounded 43 others. 4. One battalion of US Marines began Operation MONTEREY yesterday in an area about 34 miles west of Tam Ky. This search-and-destroy operation will attempt to locate the headquarters of the 3rd North Vietnamese Army Regiment, one subordinate battalion, aid one Viet Cong local force battalion--with an estimated total strength of 990 men--believed to be operating in the mountainous area of north-central Quang Tin Province. No contact has been reported with enemy forces. Communist Intentions to Attack Air Bases 5. Three detailed maps of the Da Nang Air Base were discovered recently during a search of a house in Da Nang. A large weapons and explosive cache were also found. The most detailed map shows all the buildings and roads of the base as well as the sur- rounding area. The map is keyed with 50 numbers and descriptions of such key areas. as the South Viet- namese Air Force Headquarters, communications towers, and alert crews quarters. The flight line is also outlined in detail. 29 September 1966 25X1 App4oved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T00826A00130001000q-5 25X1 Ap Proved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T00826A00130001000 6. This is the second such report concerning maps of the Da Nang Air Base. Other captured documents and prisoner reports have indicated that Da Nang, Chu Lai, and Tan Son Nhut Air Bases are targets for destruction. 7. Two well-trained and newly reinforced Viet Cong Sapper Battalions--the 402nd and the 409th-- 4re the units that would probably have the mission of attacking the installations in I Corps. An at- tack on these bases, if timed to coincide with a major operation in the field, could seriously re- duce and disrupt allied reaction capabilities. Weekly Review of South Vietnam Battle Statistics 8. The week of 18-24 September compared with the week of 11-17 September: I. Viet Cong Incidents Time At- Regimental Battalion Period tacks size size 11-17 Sep 26 0 2 18-24 Sep 18 0 0 Time Company Period size Harassment Terrorism 11-17 Sep 3 600 50 18-24 Sep 1 394 18 Time Sabo- Propa- Anti- Total Period tage ganda Aircraft Incidents 11-17 Sep 40 42 192 950 18-24 Sep 19 16 165 630 29 September 1966 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T00826A001300010006F5 Appro Killed Wounded Missing/ Captured II. Casualties VC/NVA GVN 11-17 Sep 18-24 Sep 11-17 Sep 18- 7 25 1,165 172 98 =-- ----- 424 280 108 242 53 71 TOTALS 833 1,407 649 449 US FREE WORLD Sep 11-17 Sep 18-24 Sep 11-17 Sep l8-24 Killed 96 142 3 8 Wounded 583 825 18 28 Missing/ Captured 5 3 0 0 TOTALS 684 970 21 III. Weapons Captured VC/NVA GVN 11-17 Sep 18-24 Sep 11-17 Sep 18=T4 Sep Individual 284 Not 184 39 Crew-Served 18 Re 2rrted 7 0 29 September 1966 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T00826A00130001000q-5 Oproved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T00826A0013000100q II. POLITICAL DEVELOPMENTS IN SOUTH VIETNAM 25X1 .Vatican Representative Seeks Meeting with Premier Ky 3. Archbishop Pignedoli, Pope Paul VI's special envoy to South Vietnam, today requested a meeting with Premier Ky, according to the press. Vietnamese Gov- ernment sources reportedly indicated that Ky would probably agree to meet the Vatican representative, but that no specific date had been set. The archbishop, who arrived in Saigon yesterday, apparently intends to sound out government as well as clerical leaders on the papal encyclical on peace. He is scheduled to attend a conference of South Vietnamese Catholic leaders tomorrow. 29 September 1966 25X1 Appr4ved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T00826A00130001 Q006-5 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T00826AO01300010006-5 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T00826AO01300010006-5 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T00826AO01300010006 1. There is nothing of significance to report. 29 September 1966 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T00826AO01300010006-5 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T00826AO01300010006-5 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T00826AO01300010006-5 Appt 7. A recently captured North Vietnamese officer reports that Chinese engineers are cons ruc- ting coastal defense sites on Cat Ba Island near Haiphong. His statements have been supported by analysis of photographs of the northeast coastal area. Chinese units may also be participating in road construction and improvement in the North Viet- nam - South China border area. 8. All the evidence continues to point to a logistic support role for the Chinese forces in North Vietnam. As the construction projects are completed the Chinese engineering-type units may return to China. There is some evidence that a few of the smaller units already have gone. 29 September 1966 proved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T00826AO0130001 25X1 Appt V. COMMUNIST POLITICAL DEVELOPMENTS 1. There is nothing of significance to report. 29 September 1966 25X1 App4oved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T00826A00130001000q-5 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T00826AO01300010006-5 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T00826AO01300010006-5 Approved Forelease 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T008001300010006-5 Weapons Losses 30,00 AUGUST 1298 Personnel Losses (Excluding Wounded) V G iet Cong/PAVN VN/US/other F ee World AUGUST 6781 \/*%%11399 18-24 Sept 19:64 JUL AUG 'SEP 1966 US CasuatIies to Date ; Killed 5.222; W?unded? 20548, Captured 74 Missing 64011 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T00826AO01300010006-5 Approved For?6,Rlease 2006/03/17: CIA-RDP79T0082'6M01300010006-5 165 AA Fire 16 Propaganda 19 Sabotage 18 Terrorism 64010 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T00826A001300010006-5 Approved For Lase 201 6'23/17' f llWa `9T00826- 1300010006-5 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP79T00826A001300010006-5 TOP SECRET