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25X1 OCI No. 0509/66 Copy No. 50 COMMUNIST STATEMENTS REGARDING INTERVENTION IN VIETNAM AND POSSIBLE NEGOTIATIONS 30 April 1966 25X1 25X1 SECRE GROUP I Exclud&d ,,m outomotic downgrodinp and d.clotuficotion S EC R E" 'proved Release 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79T0 A0 Approved For Release 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79T00826A000600010046-9 Approved For Re1e 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79T00826A(00010046-9 THIS MATERIAL CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECT- ING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE LAWS, TITLE 18, USC, SECTIONS 793 AND 794, THE TRANSMIS- SION OR REVELATION OF WHICH IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. Approved For Release 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79T00826A000600010046-9 Approved*i- Releas CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Washington 25, D. C. 30 April 1966 MEMORANDUM Attached is a compilation of Communist statements on possible direct military interven- tion in the Vietnam situation, and on possible negotiations toward a settlement, received since our biweekly report (OCI No. 0508/66) issued 15 April 1966. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 200 ~l9T00826A000600010046-9 Approved'e`r Relea SUMMARY NEGOTIATIONS INTERVENTION USSR Moscow's position on nego- Moscow continues to re- tiations has not changed, iterate its well-worn pub- Soviet leaders remain un- lic expressions of support willing to make any public for the DRV, display of differences with Hanoi on this question. China The Chinese continue their Peking continues to imply adamant opposition to any that there will be no Sino- negotiated settlement of US war unless the US attacks the Vietnam question ex- China. cept on the Communist terms. DRV Several official statements by senior DRV officials dur- ing the past two weeks have made it clear that Hanoi's position on settling the war has not changed. Speeches by Vietnamese leaders at the recent National Assembly meeting in Hanoi re-empha- sized the DR-V's determina- tion to continue to prose- cute the war until a set- tlement on Communist terms can be brought about. In addition, Vietnamese pro- paganda has continued to stress that the US must ac- cept all of the DRV's four- point proposal if a set- tlement is to be achieved. Particular emphasis has been given to US acceptance of point three of the pro- gram which calls for deal- ing with the Liberation Front as the sole genuine representative of the South The North Vietnamese have made no significant state- ments on the subject of inter- vent ion during the past two weeks. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 6A000600010046-9 Approved 46r Release 200&&Cl7lAL C 79T 26A000600010046-9 25X1 NEGOTIATIONS INTERVENTION DRV Vietnamese people. It ap- Cont'd pears that Hanoi is holding out for US acceptance of this point as a prerequisite to a settlement of the war. NFLSV Although the Liberation Front The Liberation Front has made has made no significant state- no significant statements on ments on the negotiations the subject of intervention issue during the last two during the past two weeks. weeks, there can be no doubt that its position on settling the war has not changed. Approved For Relea A000600010046-9 25X1 Approved i r Relea r 2QQ&FMCMEW7qI0~ 6A000600010046-9 COMMUNIST STATEMENTS ON INTERVENTION IN VIETNAM Page Selected Soviet References to Intervention I-1 Selected Chinese Communist References to 1-2 Intervention COMMUNIST STATEMENTS ON NEGOTIATIONS IN VIETNAM Selected Soviet References to Negotiations N-i Selected Chinese Communist References to N-2 Negotiations Selected North Vietnamese References to N-3 Negotiations 25X1 25X1 Approved For Rele 826A000600010046-9 Approved For Release 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79T00826A000600010046-9 25X1 COMMUNIST STATEMENTS ON INTERVENTION IN VIETNAM Selected Soviet Pu lic Statements Selected Soviet Priva a atements 25X1 21 April66: During a speech in Hungary Soviet Minister of Defense Malinovskiy, after directly referring to Chinese obstruction of So- viet aid to Vietnam stated, "despite all dif- ficulties we are aiding the heroic Vietnamese people in their fight against the aggressors and we shall con- tinue to do so as long as there is need of assistance." This is Moscow's. standard position of support for the North Vietnamese. The So- viet charge d'affaires in Cuba stated that the Soviet Union "would continue to give all the help necessary to Vietnam until final vic- tory over the imperialist aggressors." 25X1 Approved For Release L009109104 - 600010046-9 Approved For Release 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79T00826A000600010046-9 25X1 ,elected Chinese Communist References to Intervention Selected Chinese Selected Chinese Public Statements private Statements Comments 22 April 1966: Mci I, the head of the Chinese jour- nalists delegation to the 4th plenary meeting of the secretariat of the Afro- Asian Journalists Associa- tion, declared that "If U.S imperialism insists on spreading the war and wants to have another trial of strength with the Chinese people, we will resolutely take up the challenge and fight on until final vic- 25X1 tory." Chinese propaganda continues to imply that there will be no Sino-US war unless the US attacks China. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Releaslp 2nn21nG1nd ? r1n-Rnp7gTnnR7annn0600010046-9 25X1 Approved For Rele 000600010046-9 Selected Soviet Public Statements COLUMNIST STATE NT ' ON EGOTIATION , IN VI TNAI.I Selected Soviet Statements on Negotiations Selected Soviet Private Statements 21 April 1966: Radio Mos- cow to North America statec; in a commentary, "the only way to solve the Vietnam problem is to recognize the demands of the North Viet- namese Loves n::lent and the National Liberation '7iront of South Vietnai."" Approved For Rele :ioscc-r`s public position on this question has not changed. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Rele - 000600010046-9 Selected Chinese Communist References to Negotiations 'Selected Chinese Public Statements 20 April 1966: NCNA de- nounced Senator Mansfield's 18 April proposal for Viet- nam negotiations as part of the US "peace talks hoax" and "nothing but a cover for widening the Vietnam war." It asserted that al- though Washington talks "glibly" about a peaceful solution, it insists that it will never withdraw "its aggressor forces" from 'South Vietnam and "will never recognize the Liberation Front as the sole legiti- mate representative of the South Vietnamese people." F I 26 April 1966: Chou En-lai told a correspondent of the Pakistani newspaper Dawn that there was no need for a new Geneva Conference as the Liberation Front 5-part statement embodied the sub- stance of the Geneva Ac- cords. He repeated Peking's demand that the US with- draw from Vietnam and recog- nize the Liberation Front as "the sole legal repre- sentative of the South Viet- namese people." Selected Chinese Private Statements Comments Peking continues its ada- mant opposition to any negotiated settlement of the Vietnam problem except on the Communist terms. 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/09/04-- - 6A000600010046-9 Approved For Release 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79T00826A000600010046-9 25X1 Selected North Vietnamese References to Negotiations Selected DRV Public Statements 15 April 1966: In a recent interview granted to a' Hungarian correspondent, North Vietnamese Premier Pham Van Dong expressed his views on negotiating the Vietnam war. He asserted that "the just stand of the DRV Gov- ernment and that of the NFLSV expounded in the lat- ter's 22 March 1965 state- ment have been shining even brighter and have en- joyed profound and broad international support. The NFLSV asserts itself more and more as the only au- thentic representative of the South Vietnamese people." Dong further declared that "if the US Government really wants a peaceful settlement, it must accept the four- point stand of the DRV Gov- ernment and prove this by actual deeds. It must ens unconditionally and for good all bombing raids and other war acts against the DRV. This is the only cor- rect way for a peaceful settlement of the Vietnai:i problem, it fully conforiu.s to the genuine interests Selected DRV Private Statements Comments The DRY Premier used the occasion of this interview to restate standard position on settling the war. I I Approved For Release - A000600010046-9 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79T00826A000600010046-9. Selected DRV Public Statements ;:;elected DRV Private Statements of the people and the honor of the US, as well as the interests of peace in Indo- china, southeast Asia,, and the world. 20 April 1966: Hanoi radio replayed recent statements at the National Conference of the New Zealand Communist Party Conference. The broad- cast praised the resolution of the Conference supporting the NFLSV as the "only body that has the right to re- present the South Viet- namese people" and that part of the resolution de- claring "full support for the four points advanced by the government of the DRV and the five points of the NFLSV in the statement of March 1965 as the only basis on which peace in Vietnam can be achieved." 20 April 1966: Hoang :,uoc Viet, President of the Viet- nam Federation of Trade Unions, stated in a speech that "there remains only one way out for the US im- perialists in their unjust war which is swallowing up Hanoi in its propaganda has eagerly replayed any pronouncements of support for its position on set- tling the war voiced by left wring and Communist elements throughout the world. Tliis is done chiefly in an effort to demonstrate that the Communist position in Vietnam does enjoy broad international support. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Rele - 00600010046-9 a, Approved For Rel - 6A000600010046-9 25X1 Selected DV Public Statements ever more money and unneces- sarily killing ever more sons of the American people--the US Government must put an end to the aggressive war in South Vietnam, withdraw all the troops of the US and its satellites, let the South Vietnamese people set- tle their own affairs them- selves according to the pro- gram of the NFLSV, the only genuine representative of the South Vietnamese people, put an end for good and un- conditionally to all bombing raids and other war acts against the DEW, and let the Vietnamese people decide by themselves the peaceful reunification of their coun- 25X1 try. 23 April 1966: The North Vietnamese party paper, Nhan Dan, condemned the re- cent proposal by Senator Mansfield for peace in Viet- nam. It called the new pro- posal part of the U3 "peace hoax" and warned the Viet- namese people that they must heighten their vigilance and stand prepared to cope with new steps the US "imperial- ists" in escalating the wa?. Selected D RV Private ta erients The Nhan Dan article also stressed Te third point of the DRV's four points which calls upon the US to recognize that any set- tling must be based on the program of the NI T 1_V. The stress on this point further suggests that the Vietnamese Communists do not fins: sat- 4,sfactory the ,IanslielEd formula for a : eetin to all "ele- ments" in South Vietnam I Approved For Release - A000600010046-9 25X1 25X1 aw Approved For Rille-ase 200-2.9-0-9.9-04. . GIA IRG1279TO I 26A000600010046-9 Selected DRY Public Statements The paper asserted that "the people of our entire country are determined to deal them more painful blows, so pain- ful that they can no longer bear them and will be forced to abandon their aggressive will and recognize the four- point stand of our government and the five-point stand 25X1 of the NFLSV." 25 April 1966: President o Chi Minh, addressing the DRV National Assembly, stated that "the only cor- rect solution to end this war has been expounded in my letter to the heads of states and governments of other countries. This "only correct solution" has also been pointed out in the five-point statement of the 25X1 NFLSV, the sole genuine representative of the South Vietnamese people. 25 April 196: Hanoi radio broadcast speeches at the DRV National Assembly meet- ing held from 16-22 April. In his speech to the assembly Premier Phan Van Don;; of- fered an analysis of North Selected DRV Private Statements involved in the fighting, an arrangement .wihich would include anti-Communist elements. The DRV ?resident has in the ?)a.,t months reerre~ to its January letter as the most recent and authorita- tive restatement of Hanoi's stan_'ard position on set- tlin6 the aar. In the Con- te?.t of the assembly meeting he offered this position as a direct challenge to the US and promised to continue the fighting until the US aggreea' to the North Viet- namese terms for a political settlement. 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79T00826A000600010046-9 OL Approved For Re A000600010046-9 25X1 Selected DfV Selected D .-,,.V Public Statements Vietnam's four-point pro- posal for settling the Viet- nam war. He insisted in his speech that the US riust accept all of the points and not just some of them. Ile asserted that since the US objected to the third point-- that dealing with the role of the Liberation Front in a settlement*t objected to all four points. Private Statements Comments 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79T00826A000600010046-9 25X1 Approved For Re``1oe/se 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79T00826AO 600010046-9 SECRET 25X1 SECRET Approved For Release 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79T00826A000600010046-9