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F3.EVIEW QF I~S~JR~NC~' P~O~L~MS This public~atiQ~ipraVides ~;perioc~c 'vie~vo~intern~l security yin unt~e~clevelgpec'countr~esvhe~e here is 2. threat fr?m_~omm~nist-supported znsurg~ncy; ' I)~,R~~'I'C~.~A'~I`~ ~Q~'ne ~I~'I'EL~~(~ENC. Office. ?~ -G;urrein.# "I:~t~~Igez~~e S#ate Department review eo~np~eted Approved For F~elease~2006/03/17 a GSA-F~E7R~~Tt3a4.2A~01~OQU coup ? Exclvded~fcorn a~to~+ot3c n odin~ ancf oQ~ssi{itaTipn Approved For Ruse 2006/03/17 :CIA-RDP79T00472AOfi~100050003-2 This Document contains information affecting the Na- tional Defense of the United States, within the mean- ing of Title 18, Sections 793 and 794, of the U.S. Code, as amended. Its transmission or revelation of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. The reproduction of this form is prohibited. Approved For Release 2006/03/17 :CIA-RDP79T00472A001100050003-2 Approved Foelease 2006~~/9~l~fi~FRDP79T004]'001100050003-2 This publication provides a periodic review of internal security in underdeveloped countries where there is a threat from Communist-supported insurgency. Congo 0 4 a o 0 0 British Guiana. Page D A o e o 0 0 1 o o o e o a a a 4 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 :CIA-RDP79T00472A001100050003-2 SECRET Approved For''lrelease 2006/0~'E7CR~'~RDP79T0047~i~R601100050003-2 ?CI No, 0581/65 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ?ffice of Current Intelligence l5 September 1965 INTELLIGENCE MEMC3RANDUM Review of Insurgency Problems 1. Conga The over-all military situation in the Congo continues to improve, but the activities of rebels in and around the Fizi :region on the northwestern shores of Lake Tanganyika are still of some concern. In the last few days there has been a spate 'of rumors suggesting that a rebel offensive may be in the offing Werth of Fizi, toward Bukavu, the largest city in the eastern Congo. Rebel activity above Fizi has in fact increased, but .its dimen- sions are difficult to measure. The Arzerican consul in Bukavu believes that rebel pressure is likely to grow in the coming weeks and thinker that rein- forcements for the region are needed. severe sera group o Cubans eve err ve ere in the last three weeks, ac- cording to a report from the US ambassador on 10 September. The Cubans may be planning to 3oin the Fizi partisans. At least four Cubans were known to be with the rebels last June.. Any substantial increase in the number of Cuban advisers in Fizi would vastly complicate the problems facing Colonel Hoare, the mercenary commander, whose Albertville- based offensive has now been postponed until late ~etober. In the .last few weeks Hoare has gradually built up his Albertville contingent. As of 28 August he had 250 South African and Rhodesian mercenaries in the city. H?-hopes to increase his force to 350 Approved For a ease 50003-2 Approved For ease 2006/03/'~~a~~Fi~P79T00472-X1100050003-2 before commencing operations toward Fizi. Although Hoare acknou-ledges that he is getting better logistic support than ever 'aefore, he is wor~:?1_ec3 about the relatively poo~^ ~aIIt~. ity of his current recruits . Apparently bac:~ ~~z?~~ icity about pay and working con- ditions in thz~ ^'cr~go has scared off the more able soldiers of fortune. Supporting Hoare are four Albertville- based T-2$ aircraft and a small fleet, now c?n- sisting of an old 75-foot steamer and fa high-speed motor boats. ~. British Guiana The pro-Communist Peoplegs Progressive Party .(PPP) probably is giving some paramilitary training to its activists, but thus far has engaged only isolated terrorist incidents. The most recent seri- ous incident occurred on 1 September when a bomb was thrown at a truck (reportedly supplied by US AID) .carrying 23 workers of the Ministry of Works and Hydraulics. Nine victims were hospitalized but no ose was killed. Three men found in the area of the explosion have been detained by the police. The PPP is currently experiencing a wave of internal dissension which is probably keeping it from developing a concerted and effective anti- government progxam. The sporadio incidents of sugar cane arson., property damage, and explosions are of considerable nuisance value, but so far they have not been serious or frequent enough to con- vince the British that they should postpone the constitutional convention sehedul?d for 2'November. This convention is expected to set the date for the colony's independence. The PPP wants to block independence under the present government, feeling that as head of an independent "Guyana," Premier Burnham will be in a better osition to re en PPP from re ainin owes. Approved For Release 2006/0 DP79T00472A001100050003-2 Approved Fo''t'~elease 2006/,~L7R~~-RDP79T004~A001100050003-2 4. Colom~a9.a The split between the orthodox Communist Party (PCC, sand t~ze Conununist Party/~tiTarxist- Leninist (PCC1tY~L~ ~~ay lead to efforts by each to outdo t~3e other in terrorist and guerrilla, activ- it ies , The PCC-PJiL, brapen with the PCC, as een seeping funds for guex~ri].la activity and urban terrorism, which it has already begun on a small scale. Approve 050003-2 Approved Fi'f1~Zelease 2006/~ 'L7R~1~-RDP79TOO~A001100050003-2 The government, already absorbed in dealing with new tensions arising from its xecently announced program of increased taxation and exchange reform, may have difficulty coun~tei ing an intensified Communist effort to exploit public discontent, It is equally possible, of course, that renewed vio- lence by Communists would result in such widespread revulsion that the government?s task would be easier. 5, Peru The resignation of the cabinet on 13 Sep- tember portends no threat to Presicaent Belaunde despite-the relative decline in stability. It does, however, play into the hands of the Movement of the Revolutionary Left (MIR}, whose guerrillas will undoubtedly benefit by political dissension in Lima. Counterinsurgency operations are continuing against the MIR but with little result thus far. In Cusco Department, where the southern grouping of MIR camps is located, government forces re- portedly have sealed of't' the general camp site area and are preparing far a major offensive against the guerrillas, An intense roundup of suspected subversives has been under wa in the department for several w?eks. Approve 050003-2 25X1 gpproved For Release 2006/03/17 :CIA-RDP79T00472A001100050003-2 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 :CIA-RDP79T00472A001100050003-2 Approved For`Release 2006/03/17 :CIA-RDP79T004701100050003-2 r-- Approximate Location of Quito _ ,~ gueiriila camp ,~ ' `~ECU~DQR> Trujillo Paramanga 1'_A(;IFfC C~C'EAN LtMAa 'Cama I , tipo~~~4? .~Andat aria }-Iuatacayo , ancavelica ~~-It,aiiuco '?Ica -, ~ Lake r~quipa CHILE 4si;4s,i rove or a ease 06/03/ - Approved For R+~ase 2006/0 Q DP79T004721100050003-2 Approved For Release 00472A001100050003-2