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September 6, 1963
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Approved For Release 2004/07/16 : CIA-RDP79T00429A001200030008-6 No. 2347/63 (NT NTELL1GENCE AGENCY A'fice of Current otember 1963 1-111t-U ,IteTt hong t Asout CK MEMORANDUM g/kincao as an issue in the ino- 1. The question of Chinese tolerance of the con? tinued existence of Hong Kong and Macao as "colonial laves in Chinese territory has received periodic ntion in the dispute between Moscow and Peiping. rnshchev first introduced the question in his speech ! re the Supreme Soviet on 12 December 1962. Stung iping's repeated aspersions on Russian courage revolutionary fervor in the fight against "imperi- a "?particularly in connection with Cuba--he re- d the Chinese that they had themselves done nothinK the two colonies. fter stressing the seriousnessof the prov ented to Peiping by the existence of the two ' lavatories' on China's dor step, Khrushchev ed the Chinese for their wisdom in refraining fro ion until conditions were ripe. He declared it would te ludicrous" for anyone to condemn the Chinese for this display of patience, or to attempt to prod them into 4ction--as the Chinese had done to the Russians in con- nection with the Cuban crisis. Khrushchev then posed the rhetorical question of what would have happened if Mbscon 410 listened to "ultra-revolutionary loudmouths" at that 1 iptng responded guardedly on 8March withan iidirect blow at the Soviet Union in the form of an edi- torial attack on the US Communist Party. The editorial Approved For Release 2004/07/*6 CIA-RDP79T00429A001200030008-6 Approved For Release 2004/07/16 : CI ROPT9T00429A001200030008-6 used Khrus chev'e sarcastic jibes about Chinese caution in dealing with the colonies as a peg for a bitter dis- cussion of the "unequal treaties" by which the colonial powers?specifically including Tearist Russia -bad shorn the Chinese empire of rights and territory. 4. This commentary was followed by a rem of Peiping's intention to examine in good time a. treaties concluded by previous Chinese government to accept, revise., or abrogate them as it sees fit. The Chines* underscored the potential effect of such a review on the Soviet Union by aiming a rhetorical ques- tion at Khrushchev which implied that any general set- tlement of old treaties would be hard on Moscow. 5. As for Hong Kong and Macao, Peiping pursued a deliberate and generally moderate line in its relations with both. Although the Chinese protested a Hong Kong slum clearance project in January and caused a flurry of alarm in the Colonial Office, they did not press the issue after the British had taken notice of the complaint. -4eiping treated the problem of Chinese Nationalist ac- tivity in the Colony with similar restraint, following a ddmarche to the British chargd in Peiping during May which was probably intended mainly as an irritant in US-VK-OBC relations. During the Hong Kong water crisis last spring, the Chinese Communist authorities cooperated in efforts to work out alternate sources of supply. a. The renewed Russian attack on the Chinese re- garding the Bong Kong-Macao issue in Xzvestiya on 2 .iieptember is such sharper than Kbrushe v kks last December. Specific points made by the article, which seem certain to infuriate Peiping, include a ref- orence to the flight of refugees into Bong Kong, a com- ment that the Colony provides a base for the US Seventh Fleet, and a charge that Peiping is ignoring British ex ploitation of Chinese workers in Hong long. Pointing out that a "refreshing wind" has been blowing which has eliminated colonialism from GOA and West Irian, Moscow taunted the Chinese for continued inaction against Hong Kong and 'Cacao. The Russians said that Peiping has Limited itself to -meaningless curses," 7. Meson probable purpose in attacking se, on this issue is to expose Peiping's impotence and possible to goad the Chinese into futile pressu tics which would damage relations between Chino d Approved For Release 2004/07/16 : CIA-RDP79T00429A001200030008-6 Approved For Release 2004/07/16,.: QP79T00429A001200030008-6 at--particularly with the U. The &iseiana likely to, probably correctly, that the CMnee have too iinich at stake in continued economic relations with Hong Xong and Macao to seise the colonies at this time. Pei- ping has thus far maintained official silence concerning the Iv/0*U a article. Pro-Communist newspapers in Hong Kong ave avoided the subject except for one daily which played the story as an attempt by the USER to stir up trouble between Peiping and London. Approved For Release 2004/07/16 : CIA-RDP79T00429A001200030008-6