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geg5g4 Approved For Release 2000/Q426.R4A-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 ECONOMIC INTELLIGENCE COMMIlitt SUbcommittee on Petroleum MILITARY CONSUMPTION OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTS MO-SW/TET E= 1960-61 EIC-PSC-WP If (Limited Distribution) Army Declass/Release Instructions on File 1 April 1962 m ENT NO. 1 NO CHANGE IN CLASS. [ 1 DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE: AUT I 1: HR 70-2 DATE: . REVIEWER: S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 This material contains information affectinl 111,9 national defense of the United States wilhin the meaning of the espionage laws, Title 18, USC, Secs. 793 and 794, tllo transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is, prohibited by law. Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 Approved ForRelease2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 FOREWORD This report provides estimates of the consumption of petroleum products by the military services of the countries of the Sim-Soviet Bloc for the years 1960 and 1961. Previous reports have covered the years 1950-55 (EIC-PSC-WP 1) 1 April 1956), 1956-57 (EIC-PSC-WP 2, 1 March 1958), and 1958-59 (EIC-PSC-WP 3, I March 1960). No attempt has been made to revise the eetimates contained in these earlier reports. In this report, as in EIC-PSC-WP 3, the estimates of consumption of petroleum producte by Naval Air Forces of the Sino-Soviet Bloc have been included under Appendix B, Naval Forces. In previous reports, EIC-PSC-WP 1 and E1C-PSC-WP 2, such estimates have been included under Appendix C, Air Forces. Thus, current estimates and estimates given in EIC-PSC-WP 3 for the Naval and Air Forces are not strictly comparable with those given in EIC-PSC-WP 1 and EIC-PSC-WP 2. The report was prepared under the sponsorShip of the Economic Intelligence Committee Snbcommittee on Petroleum to meet a designated research deficiency. It is intended that the report serve medbers of the intelligence community in the preparation of petroleum supply/demand studies concerning the countries of the Sino-Soviet Bloc. - 1 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 Approved For Release 2000/0842.91ES1AMDP79S01100A000200190001-8 OONTENTS , IltA4LOtiOn *00? 04,0000004000100000?9000 Ri,timates of Consumption oa o anot pad. NCO*** * 1. Ao,,ead.i.ves Appenlioc A. Consumntion of Petroleum 2roducts by the Ground Fors of the Sino-Soviet Bloc ? 04 e nfj 4?? 000400 B. Consumption of Petroleum 2ro1uots by toe Naval ForceE, of the Bino-Sovoet Bloc 0?069?00 oyeefeJAA Co Consumotion of Petroleum Products by tne Air Forces of the Sino-Soviet Bloc ? . 1131) Votimated Consumption of Petroleum Products by the Military Forces of the Sino-Soviet Bloc,. by Force and by Country, 1960-61 . Estimated Consumption of Petroleum Products by the Military Forces of the Sino-Soviet Bloc, by Country and by 51k11 of Product 193)-61 o m 0 ? ?000,000 9004 000 ? ?0114 ?C 4 40 13 Estimated Consumption of Petroleum Products by the Ground Fores c4f the Soviet Amyl 1960-61 . ? ? 00900 000042?4 O? 0 4 Estimated Consumption of Petroleum Products by the Ground Forces of the Soviet Army, by Type of Unit, 1960 ? . 5 Estimsted Consumption of Petroleum Products by the Ground Forces .11!' the Soviet Army, by Type of Unit, 1961 . . A-4. Estimated Consumption of Motor Gasoline by the Ground Forces of the Soviet !Army, by Type of Unit, 1960 . ?0 0 0 C 0 C Estimated Consumption of MOtor Gasoline by the Ground Forces of Soviet Army, by Type of Unit, 1961 . 8, A-6. Estimated Consumption of Xesel notl by the Grow:4 Forces of the oolet-Army, by Type of Unit, 1960 00 400000090000 Estimated Consumption of Diesel Fuel by the Grouild Forces of the iJoviet Army, ty Type of Unit, 1961 . 0000 0000900009 0 A-B. Estimated Consumptton of Patroleum Products by *ale Ground Fortes of the European SatelUteo, by Ccontry and by Type of Product, 196G-61 . 490009 00 604 COO 0 00 0 0 006060 C 0 la. 4.-1, Est:Ousted Consumption of Petroleum Products .12- Ohe Ground Foloes of Communist China and the Asiatio Satellites, by Country ani Typo. of Product, 1960401 . . ? . 0 ? , ? Xstwated Consomption of Petroleum Products by the Naval Forcos of the USSR sod the EUropean Sateaites, by Country and by Type 4:4...zoroduct,, 00 fa 9?0? t 40 t 00000,10 - 13 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 Tables_Scontinued) 3-2. Estimated Consumption of Petroleum Products by the Naval :Forces of Communist China, North Korea, and North Vietnam, by Country sad by Type of Product, 196061. . .......?.?..?.. C-1. Estimated Consumption of Petroleum Products by the Air Forces of the USSR, according to Description and Location of Unit and by Type of Product, 1960 . ?000?0000 OOOOOO 0'44100 0 15 0-2. Estimated Consumption of Petroleum Products by the Air Forces of the European Satellites, by Country, by Unit, and by Typo of Product, 1960 . ? ...??. ?O? 4 OOOOOOO 40,000 17 0-3. Estimated Consumption of Petroleum Products by the Air Forces of Communist China, Mongolia, North Korea and North Vietnam, by Country, by Unit, and, by Type of Product, 1960 OOOOO 0 0 0 19 c..40 Estimated Consumption of Petroleum Products by the Air Forces of the USSR, according to Description and Location of Unit and by Type of Product, 1961 . ........ . 000000000 0 20 0-5. Estimated Consumption of Petroleum Products by the Air Forces of the European Satellites, by Country, by Unit, and by Type of Product, 1961 . . . . ? ? . . ? ? . . ............ . . 21 C-6. Estimated Consumption of Petroleum Products by the Air Forces of Communist China/ Nbngolia? North Korea and North Vietnam, by Country, by Unit, and by Type of Product, 1961 . . . . . . . . . 23 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 Approved For Release 2000/002?-9d*-4DP79S01100A000200190001-8 I. Introduction The estimates of consumption of petroleum products by the military forces of the Sino-Soviet Bloc were developed independently by the appropriate intelligence components of the U.S. Departments of the Army, navy, and Air Force. The particular responsibilities for the preparation of consumption estio-tes for similar consumers in the Sino-Soviet Bloc are as follows: Army - Appendix A. Consumption of petroleum products by the ground forces of the Sino-Soviet Bloc. Navy - Appendix B. Consumption of petroleum producte by the navel forces, afloat and ashore, of the Sino-Soviet Dice. In addition, estimates of consumption of petroleum products by the naval air forces of the Sino-Soviet Bloc are included in Appendix B. Air Force - Appendix C. Consumption of petroleum products by the air forces(excluding navel Air) of the Sino-Soviet Bloc. Included in such consumption estimates are reenirements.for.petroleum products by civil aviation and. aircraft engine testing. The estimates presented in this report were derived from calculations based on probable numbers and types of equipment, the estimated use thereof, and the consumption of petroleum products per unit of time ordistance. The margin of error is estimated to be plus or minus 15 percent for any and all of the estimates of consumption. The term Sino-Soviet Bloc refers to the following countries: the USSR, Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hunaery, Poland, Rumania, Communist China, Mongolia, north Korea, and north Vietnam. The term USSR and EuraameleSatellites refers to the USSR, Albania, Bulgeria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Rumania. The term Commpnist China and the Aaiatic,Satellites refers to Communist China, Mongolia) North Korea, and ?bah II. Fetimates of ConEmptioa, The estimates of coneumption of petroleum products by the Army, Navy, ;.nd Air Forces of the countries of the Sino-Soviet Bloc for the years 1960 and 1961 are summarized in Table 1. Estimates of consumption, according to country and to type of product are summarized in Table 2. A detailed explanation of the assumptions made and methodology used to derive the estimates has been excluded from the appropriate appendixes since the assumptions and methodology are essentially the same an those that have appeared in previous reports. .9cssieripararc* ,x1?31. * The estimates of consumption represtnt the best available information aa of 1 January 1962. - 1 - S-3-CeR-E-T Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 Table 1 Zzt-azta..1 Conalzmi;;J:= a-2 Petroleum Ptcoduts by the El1:It-11T Forces of the Sino-Soviet Bloc, by Force and by Country 1960-61 Consume USSR ccechoslovskiaoeastGe'PlsndRumaniaqhinaMonLiaKoreaVietnaTotal Thousand MOtrio Tons Communist North North 1.& Ground Forces 1,585.4 4.,-;"; 26.2 51.6 29.3 15.3 44.7 30.2 349.2 , v 20.0 1G.4 2,177.0 Naval Forces b/ 2,537.9 8.6 26.4 0 31.3 0 48.9 29.9 247.1 0 18.4 6.3 2,954.9 Air Forces 7,314.( 5.5 54.6 156.8 32.5 14.1 180.1 38.4 394.6 1.2 120.5 0.5 8,313.3 Total 2/ 11,441.7 2..82..2 107.2 238.6 93.1 ELI. RILL 98.5 290-L2 102 .t32..?.. 1341?112.1 ,45?_54 1961 Ground Forces 1,462.8 4.8 28.8 56.8 32.4 15.5 50.9 33.2 349.2 0 20.0 16.4 2,070.8 Naval Forces bi 2,681.2 12.4 28.5 0 33.8 0 50.7 27.7 262.1 0 18.4 7.7 3,122.6 Air Purees 7,602.2 7.3 71.1 208.6 53.4 16.5 211.8 13.1 392.9 3.0 89.1 1.6 8,695.7 Total e 118.112LE gia 128" 265.4 119.6 324 $13.4 224 1,004.2 51L,..0 127.5 25.7 13,882.1 a. Because or rounding, totals may not always equal the sun of components. b. Includes consumptIon by Naval Air. S-B-0-B-E-T Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 Table 2 ilatmat Cc n of Vetroleuis ." of the Sino-Soviet Bloc, by Country and by Type of Product 1960.6i Thous Metric Torz Lubrican ---17;a3-74: Year Countr. Aviation Gas J. btor saline Jet Fuel Diesel Fuel Residual Fuel 011 1 USSR b 721.' 14396.7 7,259.0 1,020. 9 127.0 11i. 1.7 Albania 0.2 4.2 4.9 9.0 001 0.5 18.9 Bulge-via 4.7 27.1 47.3 20.2 5.9 2.0 107.2 Czechoslovakia 21.1 14.0 130.1 40.4 o 3.0 208.6 East Germany 6.0 22.6 24.9 33.7 3.6 2.2 93.1 Hungary 5.0 7.1 8.1 7.6 0 1.5 29,k Poland 17.0 38.0 163.7 39.5 12.2 3.4 273.7 Rumania 9.6 26.8 25.8 20.9 13.3 2.2 98.5 Communist China 61.7 324.9 396.3 161.8 24.2 22.0 990.9 Mongolia 1.2 0 O o 0 0 1.2 North Korea 7.2 21.0 108.8 20.2 0 1.6 158.9 North Vietnam 0.8 15.6 0 6.2 0 0.9 23.6 Totfq n/ 8c6.1 1 8.0 2,221:2 1,;379.9 9761 166.3 134445.7 1961 USSR 692.5 1,270.5 7,562.1 1,207.2 888.5 125.4 11,746.2 Albania 0.7 4.5 6.1 11.0 1.6 0.6 24.5 Bulgaria 5.9 29.2 6207 22.5 5.9 2.2 128.4 Czechoslovakia 24.2 15.0 178.4 44.4 3-3 265.4 East Germany 11.8 24,8 39.8 36.9 3.6 2.7 119.6 Hungary 5.6 7.1 10.0 7.7 0 1.7 32.0 Poland 18.0 4203 1953, 41.9 12.0 3.9 313.4 Rumania 9.6 28.5 26.0 22.0 10.5 2.3 99.0 Communist China 60.1 325.2 391.3 181.5 24.2 22,0 1,004.2 Mongolia 3.0 0 0 0 3.0 North Korea 4.8 20.3 80,8 1909 0 1,5 127.5 North Vietnam 1.6 15.65 7.5 0 1.0 25.7 ota12/ 837.8 71 n A nc2.g 11602.5 01,1.6 _ 2 146,,6 0 b. Because of rounding, totals may not always equal the sum of components. Tnc*?.elolor; cmsvmpt4tr, .Pne.,m^t7t rat4,..1.1 Approved For Release 200b/8/2 : IA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 S-E-C-R4;-T Appendia A Table A-1 Estimated Consumption of Petroleum Products by the Ground Forces of the Soviet Army 1960-61 Metric Tons Location of Units Motor Gasoline Diesel Fuel Lubricants Total USSR 1,079,428 190,990 63,537 1,333:955 East Germany 1610536 Llo,688 10,099 212,323 Hungary 21,402 7,339 1,434 30,175 Poland 9,067 2,987 602 12,656 Total 1,271:433 242 004 75,672 1,589,109 USSR 962,934 187,218 57,524 1,207,676 East 0srsamy 161,536 40,688 10,099 212,323 Hungary 21,402 7,339 1,434 30,175 Poland 9,067 2,987 602 12,656 Total 1,154,939 238,232 69,659 10462,830 - 4 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 e of Unit Approved For Release 200A1gp..i.q,IA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 Table A-2 Estimated Consump- -on of Petroleum Products by the GI - of the Soviet Army, by Type of Unit 4-960 Mbtor Gasoline Diesel Fuel Line Divisions 39 Matorized Rifle 24 Tank 39 Mbchanized 61 Rifle 9 Airborne Total 157,017 96,276 197,088 2100461 10,765 671,607 Support 5 Gun Arty. Div. 6,675 7 Brealahrou42 Arty. Div., 26,307 5 corps Troops 7,123 20 CA Any liffRear 230,640 7 Tank Army w.-/Rear 47,838 Groups of Forces 26,700 Ministry of Defense 168,368 Total 2.11?.21. Miscellaneous 86,175 Total Soviet Army Ground Forces 1041434 - 5 - S-E-C-R-E-T 36,763 45,724 42,204 23,250 0 147,941 3,042 3,698 1,062 35,815 8,14 3,405 33,013 88,246 5,917 242,904 cas Metric Tons Lubricant Total 9,689 203,469 7,100 149,100 11, 965 251,257 11,686 245,397 538 11,303 110.2978 860,526 486 10,203 1,500 31,505 409 8,594 13,323 279, Tr8 2,797 58,746 1,506 31,613. 10,069 211,450 0,090 631,88T 4,604 96,696 Eam. I:A.5890109. Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 ype of Unit -- Line Divisions 36 Motorized Rifle 26 Tank 31 Mischsnized 26 Rifle 8 Airborne Total Non-Divisiona1 Support Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 S-E-O-R-Z-T Tabl- Bsti -ted Consuraption of Petroleum Products by the Ground Forces of the Soviet Army, by Type of Unit 1561 Motor Gasoline Diesel Fuel tts Lubricants Total 225,461 104,290 156,660 89,705 9,569 5 Gun Arty. Div. 6,675 5 Breakthrough Arty. Div. 18,791 5 Corps Troops 7,123 18 CA Army viRear 207,576 7 Tank Army v/Rear 47,838 Groups of Forces 26,700 Ministry of Defense 168,368 Total 'Alm Miscellaneous 86,175 Total Soviet Argy Ground. Forces 12..1.19.52 S. - S-E-C-R-E-T 55,038 48,446 33/556 9,954 0 146,994 14,025 294,524 7,637 160,381 9,511 199,727 4,983 104,642 478 10,047 36,634 769,321 3,042 - 486 10,203 2,642 1,072 22,505 1,062 409 8,594 32,464 12,002 252,042 8,111 2,797 58,746 3,405 1,506 31,611 33,013 10,065 211,450 83,739 28,341 222,0.1 7,499 4,684 98,358 238,232 69,659 1,462,830 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 Table A-4 Estimated Concticn cf Motor Gasoitne by the Ground Fo=e::; of soviet Army, by Type of Unit 1960 Vehic1e rbms.of Unit - Line Divisions Transport No. of Vehicles Fuel Consumed (jric tons) 39 Motorized Rifle 62,439 155,473 24 Tank 38,304 95,377 39 Mechanized 78,351 195,094 61 Rifle 83,570 208,089 9 Airborne 2,088 5,199 Total 2A114122 0201 Non'DivisionallEnt 2,500 10,150 6,225 25,274 5 Gun Arty. Div. 7 Breakthrou& Arty. Div. 5 Corps Troops 1,320 3,300 20 CA Army w/Rear 88,000 219,120 Tank Army wiRear 18,200 45,318 Groups of Forces 10,000 24,900 Ministry of Defense 41,524 103,135 Total 171J 694 Miscellaneous* Total Soviet Army Ground Forces 4.z6 446 N.A. 1,086,504 4....evrtn W ???????*??? Other Vehl les Total No. o. Vehicles Fuel Consumed NO. of Zzlhicles Fuel Consumed - iUniti) (Metric tons) - (Units (Metric tonsl_ 2,145 1,248 2,769 3,294 7,731 21.1-a8 625 1,435 4,778 16,000 3,500 2,500 81,541 altart EL222 Radars, motor boats, outboard motors, motorcycles, etc. - 7 - S-E-C-R-E-T 1,541; 899 1,994 2,372 5,566 12,375 64,584 38,552 81,120 86,864 9,819 281,939, 157,017 96,276 197,088 210,461 10,765 450 1,033 3,623 11,520 2,520 1,800 65,233 66.079 3,325 11,585 6,098 104,000 21,700 12,500 123,065 2-1.53.412i1 6,675 26,307 7,123 230,640 47,838 26,700 168,368 513,651 86,175 0.1.1a 1,22:4.413, Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 Z41-:;-11-L-T l'azlo 11.-5 Ew'.4z2r,a1 0* MfAor 7,3410.1, ne bV 4I'V'M4k ,cg 'h..0 Prmy, 1(14, ..19.001t..esem..11 1Walma:.[0.=*.i.111.MMM.=.1M., aialw.44.1VON.M,Nr. unit -.111??=11111=11156-11.7MINNIMS Line Divisions Tran Vehicles Other Vehicles Total Nd0 of Vehicles Fuel Consumed NO. of Vehicles nal Consumed No. of Vehicles 1141-taL FUel Consumed Friobtorized Rifle 89,656 223,243 3,080 2,218 92,736 225,461 26 Tank 41,496 103,325 1,352 071 d64 420 Phe 104,298 31 Mechanizes1 62,279 155;075 2,201 1,585 64,480 156,660 26 Rifle 35,620 88,694 1,404 1011 37;024 89,705 8 Airborne 1,856 4,621 6;872 4,948 8,728 9;569 Total R2201 5.7.11L2E.8. 14,909 24q 816 55, 69 Non-Divi.sioal Su rt 5 Gun Arty. Div0 2,500 6,225 625 450 3,125 6,675 5 Breakthrough Arty. atv. 7)250 18,053 /1,025 738 8,275 18,791 5 Corps Troops 1,320 3,300 4,,778 3,823 60098 7,123 la CA Army w/Rear 79)200 197,208 14,400 10,368 9316?0 207,576 7 Tank Army w/Bear 18,200 45A318 3,500 2?520 217700 47,838 Grope of Forces /0?000 24,900 2,500 1:800 12,500 26,700 Ministry of Defense 41,524 103,135 61541 65;233 1230065 168,368 Total 159994 _83j2E, g?Lila maan Miscellaneous* LA. w .A0 LA0 LA0 N.A. 86,11,5 Total ?Soviet Army Ground 'soaves 2132221 1.2.44M gilja 12.111.2212 ..,legicerome.....eildff Redars,otr b te, +" 0 Yer.itte,6M1.1,Seer?tx, - Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 le of Unit Line Divisions Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T Medium o. of Vehicles Units Tanks Table A-6 Estimated Consumption of Diesel Fuel by the Ground Forces of the Soviet Army: by Type of Unit ? 1960 & Aalt Guns* Fuel Consumed 'Metric tons Amy Tanks & Aslt Guns No. of Fuel Vehicles Consumed Unite, Metric tons TI2N6 Tank_Retrievers!!___ somme, ? --- es No. of Fuel Vehicles Consumed Unite Metric tons' Metric tons al ili..61?21e?=02?04.. No. of Fuel Vehicles Consumed 'Units Matric tons 39 Motorized Rifle 9,243 28/308 390 2,401 2:418 6,o54 12,051 36,763 24 Tank 60648 20,356 3,528 22:724 10o56 2,644 11,232 45,724 39 Mechanized 61 Rifle 5/772 7,625 17,675 23,250 3/939 24:236 0 117 0 293 0 9,828 7,625 132,2013 23,250 Total 22ag? ?212tk 1221&.. 21.221. 147,941 Bon-DivisiganUMMI 0 0 1,215 30042 1,215 3,042 5 Cun Arty. Div. 7 Breakthrough Arty. Div. 0 0 10477 3,698 10477 3,698 5 Corps Troops 0 0 424 1,062 11.213 1,062 20 CA Army v/Rear 1,360 4.9166 120640 31,649 14,000 35,815 7 Tank Army v/Rear 532 1,626 2,590 6,485 3,122 8,111 Groups of Forces 0 0 1,360 3,405 1,360 30405 Ninistry of Defense 2,159 60614 10,543 26,399 12,702 33,013 Total 110-2- XRAP(:! 0 0 340.024? IELT2 i 300 880146, ? Miscellianeous*** Total Soviet Army Ground Forces 33,339 LA. 101,995 Includes 1144t tanks, ** Includes mine clearing tanks, dozers, tracked AFC's: etc. *** Maintenance checks of tanks and assault guns in storage. 7,857 49,361 MIN1111.11?091111?41, N.A. LA 82ttual, - 9 - s=E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 5,917 242004 'gyve cs12.4:, ilfteinnS ,,crprar..itmemsena--marn=r.raza. . Motorized Rifle 26 Tank 31 Meohamzed 26 EMe vitn4-ml 5 5 5 7 Gun Arty. Div. ,PreaKtnrough Arty. TIW,, Corps Troops CA A.;:my w/ Rear ye Trak, Army ai,ies- Groups of Forces Ministry of Defensa Total Miscellaneous*** Total Soviet Arm Ground Forces Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 4 1, e JortluEoion a Diesel 51Iel by tde 6rouoi tees of the Soviet Army5 by Type of Unit Ailf-aUni* Po. or Vebieles LI---1.1.4faug!-- 13,272 7:202 41588 3:250 532 0 2,159 1 915 N.A. p gtl-ic trl?"7, -1.11-13 CKEIrt?GES?t. A .,WMY-43.;Eia'r?eriir---,.Efa"? nen.. Na=eo?wa?mrebeee? --? "el Gonswwd Luvr$ L. -.a.- Mo. of Vehicles (Unit0 Fuel Consumed (Metric tone) No. ox' Vehicles? (Units), 405645 560 1146 30472 22,064 3,822 23,518 15144 140055 3,131 19,268 93 9: 954 0 0 1009 0 0 0 10215 0 0:-2r 0 0 424 3:7% 0 110%66 1,626 0 2,590 0 0 1,00 60614 0 /Q, 543 1-542,2-A 0 "8-653 N.A0 72142.1 .6 2112 N.A. 1.32a Fuel No. of E'nel Consumed Vehicle's Consumed (Metric i3nits)____ipistric tong_ 105947 2,864 233 0 14 0414 30042 5011x 1,062 28,710 6,485 3,405 26,399 -1.11MV111651.r.412114, Includes light tilWABo IncliAes mine clearin6 t3 dozers, tva47;1-4ed A2W43; etc, Maintenance checks Qif taIAs end assault guns in storago. 1.01111, 11,364e.C. 171304 55,035 125168 48 446 7,312 330556 3:250 9:954 4J2,0`ig 1,215 35042 2;0444 424 15062 12,69C 325464 35122 8.111 S 1-2,360 3;405 33.'0.13 N.A. 7,11.99 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T Table A-8 Zet:L=ated Conaumption of Pet,7o1eum Produzto by the k.tcwilad rorces oZ the ZlIropean atUito, by Country aud, by Type of Peoduct 1960-61 MetrLe to ..,?44.3. 1961 Cmiatzz_., Albania Bulgaria Czochoslovaa East Germany RIIncgmy Poland Rumania Albarila Bulgaria Czechoslovakia - BUnry Poland 11,mAnia Total Motor Carsol 2,213 20,196 10:508 20,482 6555 31,380 220495 111 829 2,213 22:215 11:319 2E,5L0 6;555 35,660 24:745 125,257 Diesel Fuel 2,274 4,800 38,86,3 7,400 7,350 11,2P0 6,215 2,274 5,250 42;755 30138 7,410 12,750 6,837 85,414 308 1,254' 21420 1,396 1,419 2,130 1,476 '10 40 339 1,379 2,662 1,756 560 2,520 1,580 11,796 To4a1 4,795 26,250 51,796 29,278 15,324 Y,,730 30,186 4,826 28,844 56,756 32,424 15,525 50,930 33,162 222,467 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T Table A-9 Estimated Consumption of Petroleum Products by the Ground Forces of Communist China and the Asiatic Satellites, by Country and by Type of Product 1960-61 Metric tons Com Motor Gasoline Diesel Fuel Laricants Total 1960 Communist China 308,000 24,500 16,700 349,200 North Korea 17,500 1,500 950 19,950 North Vietnam 150400 175 780 16,355 Total 340,900 26,175 18,430 385,505 Communist China 308,000 24,500 16,700 349,200 North Korea 17,500 1,500 950 19,950 North Vietnam 150400 175 780 16,355 Total 3110,900 26,175 18,4a0 385,505 - 12 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T Appendix B Table B-1 Estimated Consumption of Petroleum Products by the Naval Forces* of the USSR and the European Satellites, by Country and by Type of Product 1560-61 Year Count Aviation Gasoline Grades 100 Motor Gasoline Jet Fuel Diesel Fuel 1960 USSR Baltic Fleet Northern Fleet Pacific Fleet Black Sea Fleet Total Albania Bulgaria East Germany Poland Rumania Total Grand Total 10,000 7,000 12,000 6,000 352202 20,100 9,500 10,000 13,000 52,600 1,700 5,200 1,200 2,500 2,300 12,900 65,500 253,000 127,000 127,000 252,000 227,930 171,050 194,250 152,040 759,000 two. O 6,570 o 114,690 o 25,860 7,000 26,430 o 13,790 7,000 7_6629oo .????=o?????-?-'-,monintosi... -13- S-E-C-R-E-T ?7,340, ''.8321610 0.,W=11.11110mUmmion Metric tons Residual Fuel Oil Laricants Total 253,300 218,920 254,300 190,250 216 TX" 100 5,920 3,620 12,210 13,320 35,170 951,940 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 9,450 773,780 6,710 . 540,180 7,230 604,780 5,850 619,140 29,240 2,537,880 220 8,590 610 260420 620 31,300 800 A8,940 520 29,930 2,770 145,180 32p10 2,683k060 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 CRE Table B-1 Estimated Consumption of Petroleum Products by the Naval Forces* of the USSR and the European Satellites0 by Country and by Type of Product 191129.1.1,40.0. Av1atioi Gasoli Grades 100a2 1960-61 .(continued) Jet Fuel Year Country Motor Gasoline 1961 MR Baltic Fleet 9,000 19,600 2000000 Northern Fleet 11,000 10,200 200,000 Pacific Fleet 13,000 11,100 200,000 Black Sea Fleet 8,000 13,200 125,000 Totml 41 000 54 10Q 725.000 ....?.:,......_ _. Aibamta o 10900 o Bulgaria East Germany o o 5,440 1,24o o 0 Poland 700 2154o 7,300 Dim*nia 0 2,250 o Total __222 13,370 7,30o Grand Total 1211222 67,47o I32,212a Diesel Fuel Residual Fuel Oil 310,660 237,340 230,450 218,590 217,840 251,460 174,100 181,150 Alk221 8,620 16,500 28,280 27;350 14,46o _2411a 222.V.1222 888-940** 1,600 5,920 3,620 12,020 10,480 922,180 .ff IMO It Iltagrll. StIHROM. Including consumption by Iava2. Air. ** The decrease of the consumption of residual fuel oil in 1960-61 as compared to 1958-59 reflects the decommissioning of ships by the Navy. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 Metric tons Ldbricants Total 10,020 70740 7,670 60090 786,620 685,980 701,070 507,540 lun 2,621,210 280 12:400 660 280520 660 33,800 820 50,130 510 27:700 2E1221 2,83, 360 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T Table B:-2 Estimated Consumption of Petroleum Products by the Naval Forces* of Communist China, North Korea and North Vietnam, by Country and by Type of Product 1960-61 Metric to Year Cc*intry Aviation Gasoline Gra.e 100/95 Motor Gasoline Jet Fuel Diesel Fuel Residual Fuel Oil Laricants Total 1960 1961 Communist China North Korea North Vietnam Total Communist China North Korea North Vietnam Total 2,000 0 0 2000, 6:800 600 150 1152 6:800 600 17o 7,570 78,000 78,000 73,000 0 0 73.000 1320690 17,410 60o2o 156,1210 24116o 24,160 3:490 380 130 o 4 w 247,14o 18:390 6,300 d .32.3o 2,000 0 0 ????mmum? 152,280 17,410 7,360 177,050 24:160 24,160 ..1 30890 380 160 262)130 18,390 7,690 2.,_88210 mmilmomminalmwel?O. Including consumption by Navul Air. -15- S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/2VMARP79S01100A000200190001-8 Appendix C Table C-1 Estimated Consumption of Petroleum Products by the Air Forces of the USSR, according to Description and Location of Unit and by Type of Product 1960 Metric tons Description of Location of Unit USSR Aviation Gasoline -Grad7s3=22_001thanads_91_,_j_etFnelMotorCesolineDiesel Fuel Lubricants Total Soviet Air Forces* Training MAP Testing 264,278 44,768 4,616 20,951 24,182 40851,336 225,789 161,196 56,370 3,186 0 25:579 1,458 0 12,187 1,525 726 5,209,750 297,677 190,720 Civil Aviation 320,950 955:722 7,140 3,240 7:026 1,294,078 Total 634,612 45,133 Lia. 29234 66,696 30,277 31ala 6,992,2g2 East Geramm 5,698 0 146,537 3:332 1,456 330 157:353 Soviet Air rorces EHMEEE Soviet Air Forces 739 0 81,008 1,142 739 142 83:770 Poland Soviet Air Forces 617 0 78:395 1,463 639 196 81,310 Total Soviet Air. Forces 641,666 45:13/ 6 L..22221.0.3._ 720633 33,111 22,132 703140658 Excludes consumption by Naval Air. -16- S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/214CAAE4F79S01100A000200190001-8 Table C-2 Estimated Conaumption of Petroleum Products by the Air Forces of the European Satellites by Country, by Unit, and by Type of Product 1960 Metric tons Description of and Aviation Gasoline Location of Units Grades 100halemtFuedotor Gasoline Diesel Fuel Lubricants Total , Albania Air Force 0 0 4,688 238 108 Civil Aviation 243 0 0 0 0 Total 21-a. 0 888 gat 108 1221016A Air Force 2/373 0 43,299 1,547 702 Training 147 30 3,999 59 27 Civil Aviation 2,164 0 0 59 27 Total id04 ..V. 47/295 1,665 7.2k Czechoslovakia Air Force 4,986 0 73/743 3:094 1,404 Training 590 91 1/337 119 54 MAP Testing 1,458 4,360 19,375 0 0 Civil Aviation 9,590 - 0 29,681 238 108 Total 16,624 4,441 130,136 3,451 i,66n2 -17? S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : cIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 7 5,241 3 .246 107 48,028 7 4,269 35 2/305 222 aha 196 83,423 20 8,211 126 25,309 203 39,820 12kaka Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T Table C-2 Estimated Consumption of Petroleum Products by the Air Forces of the European Satellites by Country; by Unit, and by Type of Product 1960 continued Metric tons Description of and Location of Units Aviation -----OaaradeslO 617 Gasoline Motor Gasoline 833 Diesel Fuel 378 Lubricants 46 Total 24,837 sthadFuel 0 22,963 DASEEME Air Force.? Training 147 26 1,929 54 27 12 2,195 MAP Testing 364 0 0 0 0 5 369 Civil Aviation 4,862 0 0 78 36 78 5,054 Total 22.2E 26 glItIn 26..1 441 141 EilAi ASEEEE Air Force 434 0 7,140 357 162 18 8,111 Training 88 25 1,0014 118 54 2 1,291 Civil Aviation 4,503 0 0 78 36 72 4,689 Total 5,025 R2 _?.1411k 222 R2R 2R 14,091 Poland Air Forces* 4,475 0 116,990 Training 1,180 407 8,251 MAP Testing 0 2180 31,484 Civil. Aviation 8,721 0 0 3,749 118 0 214 Tots/ Adv. gm iikaga 4,081 Rumania Air Force 2,896 Training ? 833 Civil Aviation 5;673 Total 221.92 Total European Satellites 56,364 0 183 0 7,292 23;330 2,486 0 R2032i 397,8 1,785 59 119 1,963 12,916 1,701 262 127,177 54 29 10,039 0 86 33,750 97 141 9,173 1.0.152 11_8 .0013Q 810 84 280905 27 12 3,600 515 91 5:937 ?21, 5,866 Excludes constunption by Naval Air. Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : 8A-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 Cj agAINt 1,6142 4_414M Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 Table C-3 Estimated Consumption of Petroleum Products by the Air Forces of Communiat China, Mongolia, North Korea and North Vietnam, by Country, by Unit, and by Type of Product 1960 Mtric tons Description of and Location of Unite Aviation Gasoline Motor Gasoline Diesel Fuel Lubricants Total Grades l0095 Less than z'ade 95 Jet Fuel China ? Air Forces* 36,103 0 289,082 9,306 4,223 1,396 340,110 Training 2,108 411 10,745 472 216 62 14,014 MAP Testing 289 2,031 16,178 0 0 63 18,561 Civil Aviation 18:775 0 2,30,8 357 162 304 21,906 Total 57,275 2,442 3;,01.31A 11.1-32 4 601 394,591 14191V116_1_ ,1:825 Civil Aviation 10192 0 0 0 0 19 1,211 Total porth Korea LIE 1 211 Air Force 3,666 104,041 2,737 1,243 228 111,915 Training 1,247 62 4,715 59 27 25 6,135 Civil Aviation 2,273 0 78 36 36 2,423 Total 7,186 62 108,756 2,874 1,306 289 120,473 North Vietnam Air Force 795 0 59 27 12 893 Total 0 59 27 12 893 Total Communist China and _122_ Asiatic Satellites 66 448 12E29_26 24296---2- ?,145 Excludes consumption by Naval Air. - 19 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T Table C-4 Estimated Consumption of Petroleum Products by the Air Forces of the USSR, according to Description and Location of Unit and. by Type of Product 1961 Metric tons Description of and L ocation of Units USSR Aviation Gasoline Jet Fuel Motor Gasoline iesel Fuel Lubricants Votal Grades 1. than _grade Soviet Air Forces* Training MAP Testing 213,091 47:937 3,177 21,165 17,056 4,616,596 200,357 192,364 44,863 3,186 0 20:358 10458 0 13,454 1,450 649 4,908,362 275;553 Civil Aviation 3j6,232 1,476,308 7,854 30564 7,851 .213,846 1,831,809 Total 601,037 38,221 6,485,625 222.221 ILEUM .23/404, East Germam Soviet Air Forces 7:5550 185,659 2:737 1,242 424 197,617 HungRry Soviet Air Forces 771 o 77,457 1,071 486 139 72,924 Polamd 3:923 o 88:397 10785 810 207 95,122 Soviet Air Forces Total Soviet Air Forces ?2:3-P-2-86 58,221 ?1?372.4 61,496 kLat' 24,174 lagagal Eludes consumption by Naval Air. - 20 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T Table C-5 Estimated Consumption of Petroleum Products by the Air Forces of the European Satellites. by Country, by Unit, and. by Type of Product 1961 Description of and Aviation Gasoline Metric tons Eocatio.z._L.s...if_tjL_Unia2Lades100LessthanadeJetFuelMotorGasolineDieselFuelLubricantsTotal 156 10 6,577 0 11 740 156 21 lall Albania Air Force 0 0 6,066 345 Civil Aviation 729 0 0 0 Total I& 0 6 066 15. Bu1ria 2,733 0 53,833 1,428 Air Force Training 147 30 7,337 59 Civil Aviation 2,990 0 1,539 79 Total 5.1?2, M 62,709 1,566 Czechoslovakia Air Force 6,580 0 125,632 3,332 Training 648 111 7,893 119 MAP Testing 729 4,282 11,366 0 Civil Aviation 11,828 0 33,529 238 Total 12,785 4,393 338,420 3689. East Germany 1,929 0 35,521 833 Air Force Training 123 26 2,000 54 MAP Testing 0 0 0 0 Civil Aviation 9,725 0 2,308 156 Total Rai 26 39,829 12043, - 21 - S-E-C-R-E-T 648 27 36 714. 1,512 54 0 108 IAA 378 27 0 72 ita Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 132 7 51 2...V. 58:774 . 7,607 4,695 71,076 315 137,37/ 21 8,846 97 16,474 245 45:948 .6.1 208,649 89 38:750 12 2,242 0 0 165 12,426 266 '3,418 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T Table C-5 Estimated Consumption of Petroleum Products by the Air Forces of the European Satellites by Country, by Unit, and by Type of Product 1961 (continued) Metric tons Description of and Aviation Gasoline Motor Gasoline Diesel Fuel Lubricants Total Location of Units Grades 106733- Less than Jet Fuel flIiinCMW Air Force Training Civil Aviation 385 93 5/094 0 28 0 7:434 1,004 1:539 357 3.3.8 78 162 36 la 2 85 8,356 1,299 6,832 Total 5:572 28 2.42:a '51 Poland Air Forces* 3,569 0 1570614 3:749 1:701 316 166:949 Training 1,160 417 8,561 118 54 28 10,338 NAP Testing 0 2,547 21,797 0 0 77 24,421 Civil Aviation 9:628 0 0 197 90 1,5 10,070 Total 14,357 2,964 187,972111_99A. 1,845 52-5 211,778 Rumania Air Force Training Civil Aviation 674 409 8,413 0 136 0 23,896 2,152 0 1:309 59 158 594 27 72 49 10 136 26,522 2,793 8,779 Total ps496 26,c48 1,526 ?23. 12/ Total European Satellites 67,586 02,021 12:786 50808 ?,o31 606,809 Exciudes consumption by Naval Air. -22 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T Table C-6 Estimated Consumption of Petroleum Products by the Air Forces of Communist China, MOngo1ia0 North Korea, and forth Vietnam, by Country, by Unit, aud by Type of Product Description of and Location of Units China 1961 Jet Fuel 299,498 11,726 40778 2,308 altail Mtor Gasoline 9,580 472 o 357 10,409 Diesel Fuel 4,347 216 162 4,725 Metric tons Lubricants Total Aviation Gasoline _ades 33,251 2,080 520 190914 252.2.62 Less than grade 95 0 433 1,927 0 2,360 949 53 324 12.371 347,625 14,980 7,272 23,065 32.3LAR Air Forces* Training MAP Testing Civil Aviation Total MbEgolia 2,990 0 0 48 3,038 Civil Aviation Total 2,990 48 _32911_ North Korea Air Force 2,266 0 77,034 2,142 972 16o 82,574 Training 864 47 3,775 59 27 la 40790 Civil Aviation 1,6170 0 39 18 26 1,700 Total 211 800809 2,240 1:017 204 89,064 North Vietnam 0 0 0 Air Force Civil Aviation 1,617 0 0 0 26 1,643 Total 1,617 0 0 0 0 26 Total Communist China and Asiatic Satellites 65,119 2407 ;39, U9 12,649 5,742 ,1,651 486,687 Excludes consumption by Naval Air. .23 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200190001-8