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Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1091A000100050013-2 .r. :dward tried ;taf if Member 4ational Security Council .xecutive Office Building Ir. Harold Saunders 12- e aonorable Miriam C. Camps Acting Ch Policy Planning 'Clomcil Department of State Mr. John R. Curtis, ]cutive Secretary Staff wiesz watioaal security council :,x cuti e office Building 1r. Rent Crane worei Sri Policy Adviser to the Vice President Room 294 xecutive Office Huilding `.tit.. Paul. rT. McCracken hair:an "-ouncil of Econos iic A :vi .er: xecutive Office Building 4r . i,ugen( k -residential outheast Asia Soc Economic Development xecutive Of fi. ce Bui lding the honorable U. A1e.~i Johnson Jnder Secretary for Political iiffz )epartnt of State Nr, John P, Walsh special Assistant to the Secreta and Executive Secr?+ta y o Department epartent of State ?4r,. Philip J. Farley Deputy Azsistant Secretary Politico-Military Affairs Department of State rr. Arthur A. Hartman Special Assistant to the Under Secretary and Staff Director NSC Under Secretaries Committee Vepartzent of State - / c( 9-tk-(~~ 0 if ~ Policy Planning Council f St g t a : . o iepr ..rs "(Sr The 11onorable David D. Assistant Secretary Bureau of African Affairs I Department of 5t,~at,t W LL? M.6 . c. Rob 'rl. t Moore Deputy %ssistant Secretary Bureau of African Affairs Department of State L)7M.r. Tao as 1.1. . Qui -sy Deputy Assistant Secratar; Bureau of African Affair 3epartr nzt of Sta Africa Jmr. ffi l li tm HI . Witt Staff Director NSC Interdepartmental Group for O r . Samuel Z. -`eq Deputy Assistant Secre Bureau of Africm Department of State 51-Mr. William %Ilitn~an Director, Office of Inber-Africa Affairs Bureau of African Affairs Department of State M . John F. toot Country Director, Morocco, Spanish Sahara, Tunisia bureau of Africam Departnrit of Stated f:. 5 r. Matthew J. Lora Country Director, "triopia, Republic, Sudan Bureau of African Department of State ApK flq~Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1091A000100050013-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1091A000100050013-2 John A. McKesson (, t 3 Country Director, Congo (Kinshasa), Con -go ( raz aville) , Rwanda, Burundi, Malagasy Republic, Mauritius urea.u of African Affaira Department of State 4r. Nicholas Feld Country Director, enya, ychelles, Uganda Bureau of African Affairs Department of State G3 ir. Robert W. Staff Dirccto William W. Tha a3 (i r . cial Assistant for Bcoraoric Affa Tanzania, Bureau of T; st i f -and. Pacific affairs Department of State r . William F. Courtney Economic Adviser Office of Inter-African Affairs ureau of African., Affairs Department of State W. Holmes try Director, Southe odeSiaa, Malawi r Zax'ia, i oZakicyuW, ?Port's quas 3 Guinea f bfrican Affairs Department of State Waldemar B. Cac g Coultrf Direc South West Africa, Swaziland Bureau of at Asian f fairs Country Director, ~5 r. Richard 3. Finn aci f South Africa, Department of St t' otho, Botswana, ureau of African Affairs Department of State Assistant Secre Bureau of East A Af f airs Department of Ls s actor 7i Deputy isssis Bureau of as Affairs Department of th rop Secretary ,sian and Pacific r. waliia m H. Sulliv Deputy Assistant Seer Bureau of East Asian ari Af fairs Departiint of State Du .ling NSC Interdepartmental m r. Robert W. Barnett Deputy Assistant Secretary Bureau of at Asian and Pacific Affairs Department of State East Asia and Pacific Departs tt of State (,c f Mr . .'dward B. ;asters Country Director, Indonesia Bur-au of East Asian and Pacific Affairs a, Departzf 3n t of . Jar-;e F. Leonard unt.rv Director, Xorea. (i)Mr. Thomas J. Corcoran. '3~.o4 c~ Country Director, Laos, Bureau of at Asian and Pacific Bureau of :,ast Asian and Pacific Affairs Department of State Af fairs )enart ent of to Bureau of -Cast Asian and Paci Affairs Department of State Country Director, Thai O Mx. -loncri ff J. ~VMr. -:iauric: D. Bear. Country Dir, ctor, Malaysia, Singapore Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Af f airs Department of State Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1091A000100050013-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1091A000100050013-2 Acting Country Director a soviet Union :ureau of European Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs Department of State 7 Mr. Paul Acting Di Bureau oepartmnt of Sta ..2 Department of Stu, Fir , ort r D. t of tein country Director, United, Kingdom Communist Affair, s and Pacific Affairs he Honorable H rtin J. .1 illanbr Assistant Secre Bureau of Europe Department of Sta teen ~rsi .# ,y.astariL g,, Secretary ty Assistant at of European Affair or, Vietnaam Working. Group Dnt of State Alfred Puh- an Acting Deputy Assist Bureau of Europ De art .t of estate 7 Mr. Robert M. toaudry Staff Director C Inter parti onta.l Croup for European Affairs Depart.;nt of State ton Bureau of Iuroean Departmant of State ~ . E.J. iel Acting Country Director, Benelux Bureau of i~;uropewi Deartmnt of State tiler C. Johnpoll Acting Country Dtir, ctor, Ge Bureau of European Affair Depar Ireland, t~I.alta Bureau of r. uropean Affairs Departs nt Political-'Military Affairs alt J. McGuire ctor, NATO and Atlantic au of Europgat Affairs eparttient of State Mr. 21rah Director, OECD, f=?:uropean Atlantic Political-g Bureau of European Aff De art. it zit of Statue ity and rnoic affairs 3 The onor ,-le Jose h. J. sistant Secretary Bureau of dear Asian fairs Derart.erit, of Sta. Deputy Assist Bureau of Asian Aff ~5 .3r. Rodger P. Davies putt' Assistant Secretary Bureau of #e ar Lasstern and. South Asian Affair of S Mr. Stuart W. t oc'`?.woll Deputy Assistant Secretary Bureau of Near A t rn and South Asian ; affairs Department of State Approved For Release 1999/09/08 CIA-RDP79SO1091A000100050013-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1091A000100050013-2 1 . Sidney Sober Staff Director NSC Interde art iiental Group Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs Department of State A r. Chriatop er Van lfollen Country Director, Lr ia, Ceylon, Nepal, Maldive Islands ureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs eartsznt of State o or i L. Country Director, Bureau of wear 5aetern Asian Affairs Department of State n Mr, Alfred L. Atherton, Jr. Country Director, Israel an Israel Affairs tureau of dear Asian Affairs Depar rnent of St q1 Mr. l~alcott W. Seelye Country Director, Lebanon, Jordan, Syrian .rab Republic, Iraq bureau of Near Eastern and South AsiaA Department of Sta. r?. "azrms W. Spain Country Director, ?akist Afghanistan bureau of Near Asian Affairs partnnt Of State Mr. William V. Country Director, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Yerren, :-Lien Bureau of Near Asian Affairs De sartir nt of St 94- r. Frank Z. Cash, Country Director, Turkey Bureau of Near eastern and Sou Asian Affairs Departs ant of State a7) ---Hr. Richard 3, Parker Country Director, United Arm Republic Bureau of ;Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs Department of State i(, J The lionorablo Philip Assistant Secretary Bureau of EconomIc Department of State r. ` homimas 0. Enders Deputy Assistant Socre Interrnati oxaal monetary Bureau of EconoTjic AAff Departs nt of State Mr. Joseph A. Greenwald Deputy Assistant Secretary International Trade Policy Bureau of coo c Affairs Department of Statn Mr0 aowarr. . Worthingt Director Office of international Bureau of 7.cononJ..c Affa Department of State 14r. Rob s e? ,7F.: L. B. Director f ficn.3 of International Trade bureau. of 3conorrIc Affair Department of State ,o / I4r, Julius L, Deputy Assistant Secretary International eeourca:s ar -rood Policy f rconoc off a, Departm& t of to fr. James E. Akins Director Office of Fuels and n Bureau of Lconorc Affairs L) partLunt of State Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1091A000100050013-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1091A000100050013-2 tanly D. Schiff ctor ureau of uconoic Affair iepartm,nt of State "Mr. Fred U. Sanderson Director office of Food Policy and Programs Bureau of Econox:io Affairs partment of State pth tics enr Deputy Assistant Secretary 113 . ?. ransportation and TelecoD .iunications r_r. Kenneth ureau of Economic Affairs Departznt of State a1c rector John S. Meadows f International co adities !olyd ?'& Europ e orrice or vIa"C: cal /TT :e or c r .~~ l Samuel Transportation and 1 co n n lication llonOr seeretarv 3t reau of Economic affair Department of State 6he Honorable Jacob Canter Acting Assistant Secretary Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs eapartr.ent of State the onorable Thomas L. Hughes Director Bureau of Intelligence and esearc: De art ent of State Office of research and A alv for Africa Bureau of Intell.i nce and Research Department of State .arry W. Shlaudarnan Director of Rezearct4 and Analysis re au of pepartmn'. Mr . John ;:L . Director .ca of Bureau Departr LL '1. .4,* I i 1 Mr. . Martin Pac Acting Director ice of Researdi and Western Europa Bureau of Intelligence D partw n, t of State /, 1Er. rvill S. Director office of Reso for Near Ix Bureau of Into ii,nalvsis for and, .esarch 7tnalysis )nth Asia and Research D part en:t Of State f f ice of u :R. and Has, Bureau of Intel. Department of S Bureau of Internet octal organization Affairs Department of State Charles W. Yost United States Rpres to the United Nations Departs nt of State _ Thh Hlonorab ie Join A. Hannah Administrator Agency for International Development part nt of Sta JI Honorable Fatal G. Clark Assistant A .nistrator Office of Program and Policy Coordination Agency for International Developw'it Departs nt of Stato / I . Donor M. Associate Assis for Pro r arming and ` esou.r Budget ting Agency for international .eve 1op3nt Departn"ant of Mate search and Analysis 1 I ' 1The Honore~la Maurice J. 0%, I ei a`se ' '08: W TRY OA WA A 1'k 5 2b r:Y:P- nt Departmwnt of S Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1091A000100050013-2 Honorable R. Peter Straus Assistant Administrator Bureau for Africa Agency f or International Development Department of State (11T. Jerry Knoll Director of five of African Bureau for Af riso and Southern Agency for international Department of State -M~ The i onorable Jams P ' r. iI is Country Dire Paragaay r Bureau of In Department :crleg r, x rgenti r-Arerican A fairs State, t GMr.. Jack 3, Kubi o=h Country Director, Brazil :I3ureau of Inter-American, Affairs ;)apartment of State -Mr. inJ'oii n P. Yepi s z er eve omen % G Coordinator of Cuban A a. Assistant Administrator for Vietnam aureau for Vietnam. Agency for Intrnationa Department of State 1,1/6's flonorab ie Charles A. Meyer Bureau of inter-.ginerivaf Ar Department of State Bureau of Department A 5~r [ " Iu . Maw ax country Bureau of Inter-Amerio sistant Secretary and US Coordinator Alliance for Progress Bureau of Inter-A rioan Dart-ont of Sta Mr. David Szabo Douty Assistant (oon.oxti.o Policy Af fairs rotas Bureau of Inter-IMlerican Affairs aartnt of State Willia Broderick Staff Director C Inter oart1 ftal Group Bureau of Inter-American Affairs Depart nt of State ) e Honorable Joseph J. Jova U Representative to the Organization on the Ir t r-P.m rican Cott on Alliance for Progress Sur eau of Inter-Almerican Affair Department of State Department of /`14r. 'Ferry B. Sanders, country Director, Panama Bureau of Into r-A ri c On )eartxxt of State T n : lanor&bl Director AAf f airs *. Srd th U.S. Arms Control and 3isar t? t Agency Department of State 13(1-1r. Deputy U. S. Arms Cot Agency Department of state Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1091A000100050013-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1091A000100050013-2 f Lt . General John J. Davis Assistant Director Weapons Evaluation any Bureau U. S. Arms Control and daisarma. Agency Department of State m. Frecue x: i ck S. Icy l.e r~ Deputy Assistant Secxstary European and NATO Affairs International Security Affairs nt D nartment of Defense tLt. General Marshall S. Carter Director National Security n rtrnent of Defense Economics ureau U.S. Ar' is Control and Disar!a. ent lqovice e'&niral els C. Agency Director, Joint Staff Departnsent of State Joint Chiefs of Staff Department of Defense 'he Honorable Frank Shakespeare Director U.S. Information Agency Department of State t The :Honorable David Paclkard Deputy Secretary of 1~1f Assistant Secrota Intornat . Department o )3 Dr. Leslie Gelb Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary Policy Planning and _Ar:-:s Control International Security Affairs Department of Defense Dennis J. Doolin Deputy Assistant Secretary East Asia and Pacific Affairs Interna..tiona. Security Affairs Department of Defense O k. Harry 11. Schwartz Deputy Assistant Secretary Near East and .South Asian Affairs International Security Affairs Department of Defense Lt. General Joseph F. Carroll Director Defense Intelligenca Agency I carte ent of Defense M major Major General Grover C. Brown Z ssistant Director for Int lli ence Production Defense Intelligence Aqency Department of Defense * one Honorable Robert C. Sea rotary of the Air Force `Major General Ja.is M. Philpott Assistant Chief of Staf Irate l 1i anco Department of the Air 'F-The Honorable Stanley 11. .e or Secretary of the Army /' 3Ma jor General Joseph A. McChris -i} n A> sistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence ..of th P ajor General Wesley C. Franklin Deputy Assistant Chief of for Inte1Iigance mepartment o the Army Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1091A000100050013-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01091A000100050013-2 ral Thomas A . 14oorer Chief of Naval Operations United States Oavy 14 ear Admiral Frederick.- J. Assistant Chief of Naval (Inteliiganc ) United States Navy 1.4 Lng: r Il neral Leonard F . Chapman, Jr.. C;oaranandant of the Marine Corks Department of the Navy 4 he . iox or 1.e lienneth N. Davis, Assistant Secretary for and International business Department of Comnarce or. auer Li. Mayer Director, Office of Export Control Bureau of International Commerce Depart rent of Commerce orable David M. Kennedy of the Treasury 15kr. T. rage Nelson Director Office of International Cold Foreign xchan Office of the Secretary of the Treasury Department of the Treasury tS~I F. Lisle z idm a a nations Assistant Secretary for international f fairs rtment of the Treasury ,f-rhe onorable 'Clifford K. HHardda Secretary of Agriculture fo itant ecr aosources) pa.rtme:t of IS Mr. Frank M. Hand Office of the Secretary of Defense Room 3E867, Pentagon Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01091A000100050013-2