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Document Creation Date: 
November 9, 2016
Document Release Date: 
December 9, 1998
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Publication Date: 
August 1, 1961
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PDF icon CIA-RDP79S01046A000800090007-8.pdf106.87 KB
Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000800090007-8 OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND REPORTS Control Staff Control Sheet SECRETNOFDB?VJMITE Series Number CIA/RR A. ERA 61-6 Classification Q DISSEM ABROAD Date of Document August 1961 Number of Copies 150 Copy No. Recipient Date Returned 1 AD RR 29 Au 61 S 6( DD I ? 3 St P C file copy 3 4 a ec! d in St PC 30 Aug 61 /. c3 1~1 8" 25X1A9a 25 a '2 6 6 3 4/ P- A d F R l 1999/09/08 CIA pprove or e ease : -KDP795U1U4bAU - Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-R 46A000800090007-8 9 August 1961 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chef, Printing and Services Division, OL FROM e Chief, Publications Staff, ORR SUBJECT a Dirseminatioa of CIA/RR A. ERA 61-6, Soviet ._ roa (Project 43.. 28 '3), S.crst O '3R /L1nattsdfNo farsaetr Abroad 1. Attached is the dissemination list for subject report. It is requested that copies #I - #3 be forwarded immediately to the Publications Staff, ORR, and that the remaining copies be held until you are notified by St/P/C to make the distribution. 2. The Analysis Branch Document Division, OCR, is advised of this dissemination by copy of this memorandum and will notify you promptly should any changes in the list be necessary. Accordingly, unless such notice is received, the dissemination requested should be initiated. Attachment Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000800090007-8