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z 25 YEAR Saniti ed Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79S0101 lA000900020012-6 s~-C?R~-~ sECUR IKTxON I OFFICIALS OINLY E C O N MV x SC-38: SOVIET BLOC CAPNSIMMIs AND PRC$ABCOCO RS S Or ACTION 7F EIECTACP+Ip t3ACTy IC WARVARC (313LOW 30,000 KILOCYCLES) APPENDIX A: ECONC! C FACTORS EICR12-Sl. 20 April 1953 . WARM RBIS MATERIAL COMPAINS INFORMATION AFPE THE NATIONAL DEFENSE or TRR Ck sii STMS W ?BIN THE NEAIOL C' THE ESPIONACZ LAW, Ti'TIE 188, USC, SECSQ 793 AND 794, TOM TRANSMISSION OR RELATION OF WSI i IN ANY MANNER TO AN WAUTHORE,SD PERSON IS PROM= BY LAW; Prepared by the EIC Subca?nmitfise on Electronics and Telecommunications on the Basis of EIC-R12 ECONOMIC INTELLia E ComwWo US OFFICIALS ONLY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79S0101 lA000900020012-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000900020012-6 Staten nt of C zicurrence This sppendlx to M-38 has been approved by the B300 sentatives of the Departments of the Arby's the Navy, the Air Forces and State and c CIA. 3E-C-RE-T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000900020012-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000900020012-6 S-B-C-R-Z-T I. Introduction . . . . . . . O 11. Sim Resources in Telecommmuiestiom . . 2 A. Bloc Telecoaanunications Facilities.. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 B. Bloc Production of Telecaasmaanications Equipment, . . . . 5 C. Adeq.aecy of Electric Power Supply . . . . 9 D.' Bloc Telecommunications Manpower Resources ?. ? . 9 M. Bloc Capabilities for Expended Electromagnetic Wurfue 10 A. Diversion of Telecommun3:cati ons Facilities from Normal. Ser ? A~ ? ? ? ? ? . ? ? ? ? ! O ? ! ? ? ? ? ? O . O O O 10 B. Diversion of Resources to Production of ElectromegOetic Warfare Equipment . . . . . . . a ? ? O 13 0. Diversion of iaanpoWer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O 14 D. Increasing Present Capabilities Over the Next Two Years 14 XV? Vulmrability of the Bloc to Retaliatory Electromagnetic Wazifaare . . O . . . ? . : ? ? . . . . . O 7 . . O . . . O ? 15 1. Tabulation of Estimates on the Soviet Bloc ' leleeormiunlcatia,ne System (Radio, Telegraph,, Telephone, Telephoto),, 19146, 1950-52 16 2. Tabulation of Reported Soviet Bloc International Telo- cammuunications Circuits, 1 January 1952. . . . . . . . . . . 17 Estimated Th mber of Transmitters Used for Rediobroadcaabsting by the Soviet Bloc, 15 January 1953 ? . . . . o o 0 ? . o . 0 18 s-E-C-R-E-T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000900020012-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79S0101 lA000900020012-6 S-E-C-R-E-T Tsbtilaticn of Data on Soviet Bloc l'nternational. Antral Radio- b1"astdreasting Servi3ces, 1 Jlaauary 1953 ? ? 19 5. - Estimate of the number and. Character of Soviet Bloc Aural Radiob d rog casting Reception Jhcilities, 1952-53 . . . . . . , 20 Total Estimated Output of Electron TQbes in the Soviet Bloc, 1951-521P 1955 ? . . . . . ? 7. Estimated Production of Microwave R di a o Equipment in East GBIUMW. 1949_55 . . . . . e . . . . . . 21 igure leccmmanicationg Come rage of the Soviet orbit fFigure 2.7 Soviet Orbit Aeronautical & MGritime, commonicatioae and. Radio-navigational-aids Trmnam tting-station Locations 5-E -C R E-T p Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79S0101 lA000900020012-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000900020012-6 SIC-R]2-81 S-E-C-R-E-T SECtmm MCRMATIOR is-38: mm BLOC CAPS AND PRCBAl Z CORMS or ACTICIII CMA L0,000 1CIIACYOLES) , APPENDIX At ECO C FACTS I.? Introduction. I. From on, economic point of view, the rapid telecommunication, resources of the Soviet Bloc mfr be regarded as consisting of two princi- pal components: (a) the radio and wire in being, which Include (i) the rating equipment such as transmitters, telephone lines, monitor-control stations, etc.; (U) the tecbuical personnel vbo operate and maintain this equipment; and (iii) the essential services and ?au plies notably. electric power, needed to operate the system; and (b) the communications equipment industry, including its plant facilities, manpower, and supporting sources of essential materials and power. 2. The present physical capabilities of the Bloc for waging electro- magnetic warfare are determined simost exclusively by the first component: namely, the radio and wire cammounication systems in being, particularly the quuantity, tecbnicsl characteristics, and geographic distribution of the operating equipment. These capabilities, moreover, could be Increased by diverting com inications resources now used for a variety of, purposes to the specific task of waging electromagnetic varfam. In the present estimate, therefore, the electronics industry is important prImarily in assessing, the Bloc's ability to improve and expand its present capabilities S-B-C-R-E-T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000900020012-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000900020012-6 sw -%41 $ $-C-R-L-T either by way of suaaament3ng the diversion of existing communications resources or as an alternative to such diversion. ZI. Bloc Resources in Telecaamumicetidns. A. Bloc Telecommunications Itailities. 3. To support its varied activities over same 12 million square miles, the Soviet Bloc operates an extensive co dex of rapid camnutnics. tions facilities. These facilities serve the do?estic9 antra-Blocs and International needs of the Bloc countries. At practically all important military headquarters swine and radio facilities are readily available. The principal wire and radio facilities of the bloc are shown on the acccrrazr3ring naps (Figures 1 and 2*). Figure 1 shows the pri nci. pal wire lime and more than 29300 fixed radio station locations; Figure 2 shows the. location of over 1,000 aeronautical radio compamication stations. (212 with radio navigation aid facilities).. 333 maritime radio- commw=1ce- tion stations, and 103 maritime radio navigation aid facilities. The stations spotted on Figure 2 all operate or serve mobile radio units (aircraft, vessels, and vehicles). 5. All transmitters capable of emitting radio signals are potential jammers. It is estimated that the Bloc "s wire and radio carmunicatiirn systems; es a whole comprises same 9,600` significant transmitters. A complete bra of this total by type of service (for exaapley radio broadcasting, navigation aids,, etc.) is not availabiea but Table 1 smmoarizes certain Following pi 21. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000900020012-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000900020012-6 aggregate statistics on the Bloc's telecommunications system. e 6. The basic telephone and telegraph system of each Bloc coun- try, emplaying both vim and radio, is Integrated nationally and services primarily the state authority. Each of these in turn shove source lategra- ticn into one massive Bloc-wide system with Moscow as the /Focal pointo The basic system serves the general political., social, camo,ercial, and military needs of the Bloc. In addition,, there are fu ctioa-al systems, in the main connected with the basic system., which meet the need for security., police, industrial, aeronautical,, naritim8, meteorological, and military operations. 7. In the basic system alone there are believed to be over 30 main centers In the USSR with heavy concentrations of radio and wire. facilities, 14 in Coa nist Chins, and same 36 in the other Bloc corm- tries. For the bundling of international point-to-point radio and wire ccmmunicationsp there-are believed to be 12 gateway cities" In the 'CSSRp 28 in Communist China, aM 30 in the other Bloc countries. Table 2 Is n tabulation of reported Bloc international telecoiiimications car- cults. It .shows not only the extent of the coverage but also the relation between the use of wire and radio for those circuits. 8. Large areas east of the Urals and north of the Trans-Siberian Railroad, as well as wide. areas of Cc' moist Chinas, resin uncovered by Table 1 f'o7.lows on p. 16. Gateway cities are cities with through- internatic l radio and/or wire cbeunneis is, Table 2 follows on P. 17, 3 ~~ 7Y ~~r qr fy~ ~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000900020012-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000900020012-6 S-E-CRS-~l' wire lines or are only thinly covered. In these areas, rapid corsnunice- tions depend largely or wholly on radio. 9. Bloc dependence on radio is not limited to the areas lacking wire lines. Mobile units (such as vehicles, aircraft,* and ships) are almost completely dependent on radio for rapid caeomtnications and certain nrevigational services. 10. Radio also is used heavily between maMr points within the Bloc which are connected by wire. The USSR employs radio more intensively and extensively than any other country in the world. Communist China's use of radio is relatively i conseciuential, as compared with, that of the USSR, but low-powered radio stations of 1 kilowatt nr less are located at many wire junctions and supplement wire facilities. The European Bloc, on the other band, apart from Albeaits ' where facilities are meager, is well served by wire facilities, and radio is not generally employed for points connected by wire lines. 11. The Bloc mans aural radiobrcadcasting systems are heavy users of radio, The Bloc domestic services use a minimum of over 400 radio transmitters, employing a wide range of powers and operating in the three major frequency bends below 30,000 kilocycles -- the law, the ,medium, and the high. Statistics an these services are shown in Table 3.a It is believed that some of these transmitters are at time employed in the * Sable 3 follows on p. 3.8. - 4 - s-E-C R E-T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000900020012-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000900020012-6 %W11 Iftle S-E-C-R E-T jamming operation. The international service is itself considerable, though the number of transmitters employed for this service alone is not known. Table k gives some measure of the meignitude of this service 12. The wire line plays an increasingly significant role in Bloc mass aural domestic radiobroadcasting service. Wire lines are used to relay broadcasting programs between same cities. More important,-hov- ever,, is the use of wire lines for the distribution of broadcasting programs to loudspeakers.. Such wire lines are generally independent and separate from the wire lines used for telephony and telegraphy. In the vicinity of radiobroadcasting stations wire lines con at the stations directly with the associated loudspeakers. The wire link is also used to transmit programs to more distant wire diffusion exchanges to which loudspeakers in the latter area are connected. Other remote areas are served by wire diffusion exchanges which pick up programs by radios ampli- fy them, and distribute these signals to wired loudspeakers. Table 5 gives estimates of the number and character of Bloc reception facilities for 1952 and 19530.E B. Bloc Production of Telecommunication Equipment. 13. The electronics Industry of the Soviet Bloc comprises an eati- n ted 120 to 150 plants in the USSR and over 135 plants in East Oermeinye Czechoslovakia,, and Hungary. Approximately 85 percent of the plaints are e 4 o Vows on p. 19. Table 5 follows on p. 20, -5- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000900020012-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79S0101 lA000900020012-6 S49-04R-R- T su ed In a iaa ]y at cad Vrafte s and sajor Whasasoblies, and the =wLinGer Is p tatIca of t0ss . Bed other cctnpooaa1 parts. 14. Its is estinated that the total prroductim at the electronics tm strt at the Bloc In 1952, a ased is vatvtr ter at US prices sae $750 ai1Uo. ~,pp~roaLtat?ly three-fourths at the electronics equip- =at ps~odsosd Is the Bloc Is a1]rooated to adlitsmy needs, and the remsin- ing =w-tear tb to civilise iwds.. 15. 'mss Bloc produces nearly all of. Its own transmitter equipment. most of the production is from 12 known plants in the USSR, but East German and Rungerien production is also significant. East Berman produd- tion for the period 1950-52 was approximately 600 transmitters with a total rated power exceeding 20500 kilowatts. Of particular importance because of their high power were 9 units ranging from 100 to 500 kilowatts and 17 aunts slanging from 3 to. 50 kilowatts. Hungarian factories are reported to have produced 700 transmitters (5 of vhich angled between 120 and 135,kilowatts) for the t during 1949-51. 16. It is estimated that the Bloc produced 64 million eieetirxt tubes of all types in 1952, nearly 3 million of which were transmitting and otter special tubes (see Table 6),e There is no indication that the Bloc cos inicetion transmitter program has been hampered WW-shortages of tube manufacturing facilities since 1950. In fact,, East Germany has a Cape,- city to produce transmitting tubes which is currently not being fully utilized because of lover planned requirements. Table 6-f-0-1 -TOW on p. 21. - 6 -- S-E-ORE-T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79S0101 lA000900020012-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000900020012-6 %%W1 Nme 8-E-C-R B-T 17. A significant developaaent tending to reduce the Bloe?s vulnerability, to radio jai" 4ng is the production during the lest 3 years of microwave radio relay equipment of predominantly eight-chsnrsel type. This equipment permits highly directional transmission at extremely high frequencies,. with relay stations required at line-ct-sight distances. It provides much greater security from. hostile interference and enemy interception. It is estiamted that the Bloc has produced about 2,700 microwave equipment units (each unit comprising a tranamittef and a receiver), during the period 1949-52. Approximately 1,750 units were produced in East Geraainy (see Table 7),e and the remainder are believed. to have been produced in the URSSR. There is no evidence of microwave :equipansnt production in the Satellites other than East Qermww, 18, Production of eU types of civilian radio receivers in t1>ces Bloc increased from slightly more than 1 million sets in 1918 to about 1..6 million sets, in 1951.E During the same period the output of short- Veve receivers decreased from 825,000 to roughly 650,000 sets. This decrease does not Indicate en special difficulty encountered by the Bloc in producing short-wave sets, but probably reflects an effort to reduce the availability of radio sets capable of receiving Western broadcasts beamed to the Soviet and Satellite people. Table 7 o laws on p. 21 Of the 1.6 million receivers produced in 19519 450,000 were relatively insensitive crystal receivers. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000900020012-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000900020012-6 19. Bloc production of telecommunications wire line equipment is adequate to maintain existing wire ctnieation systems and to expand them in accordance with published plans. However, despite the rapid expansion or wire and cable plants since 1918, the Bloc is dependent on imports for 20 percent of its wire and cable. Production of wire could be greatly increased if raw copper were diverted from other uses. The Bloc requires an estimated 84,000 metric tons of copper,, for its current production of both com+ mnicatione and industrial wire and cable.' This requirement represents over 30 percent of the Bloc's production of copper., estimated at 2685000 metric tons. Bloc production of copper is supplemented by an estimated 80,000 metric tons of imported copper. 20. Soviet dependence on Western imports of critical electric and electronic test equipment is rapidly decreasing. In 1951 the estimated total of imports was $14 million, or 2 percent of Bloc production of electronic equipment. However, these 'imports included large shipments of transmitter equipment end tubes, items for'which the Bloc is not estimated to be currently dependent on foreign sources. 21. Present trade controls have kept the Bloc's imports of elec- tropic equipment below the 1951 level. However, significant quantities of materials and certain machines required-in the manufacture of tubes and components are still being imported% teeny of the materials moving in this tracde,v such as refractory metals and diamond dies,, are 'difficult to inter- diet effectively because of the smell tonnages. involved. -8- B-E-C Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000900020012-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000900020012-6 V NMO 8,B-C--R-3-r1' C. Adegnacsr of Electric P" r Sly. 22. 'te amount of electric enerW cc auaoed by rapid coven mications facilities w d In the of electronic sq t neat is a small peraents of the totall, electric energy produced in any one of the Bloc can tries. There are no indications of a sborUgR of electric power for the operation of the Bloc's con nunicatiaa facilities and the support- iag electronics industry. 23. Electric porter services are available from central stations to most of the Bloc area west of the Urals and to certain-limited areas in the Asiatic part of the Bloc. In ,regions without central station supply, power must be obtained Prams, more localized sources such as genera- tors or batteries. Consequently, in large areas or Siberia and China it my be difficult to assure reliable rapid communications services under conditions of sudden heavy demand. D. BLOC -.Telecommunications Manpower - Pesources. 211. 'Through stepped-vp training programs, the R bad by-1950 largely overcame the mare critical postwar shortages of skilled Workers. It is estimated that $,600 electrical engineers from-college level insti- tutions, and 109000 technicians from advanced communications schools,, are now being graduated annually. 25. The Soviet Bloc :vat1.d not encounter a serious manpower shortage in increasing its electromagnetic warfare activities. On total number of workers in the BRoc electronics and telecoms nications manufacturing indus- tries is estimated as 292,000 for 1951, with an increase to 3729000 by the 91- 8 -IE-C RE-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000900020012-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000900020012-6 S-E-C'A-E-T end of 1952. Personnel engaged in operating the coseinications facilities of the 4YSSR, exclusive of military personnel, are estimated at 600,000. An additional source of trained manpower is available in the military ser- vices and in the radio anateur grorap. Bloc Capabilities for Expended Electrameetic Warfare. A. Diversion of Telocoamunieations Facilities from Normal Service. 26. Radio below 30,000 kilocycles is only one of the several media available for rapid communications; and even where it is the sole medium, it is not in every case indispensable. By use of reserve trans- mitters, rationalizing facilities and services,, and diverting traffic to alternate mediae it is believed that the Bloc could increase its current jampiing effort (estimated to involve to date. the variable use of some 900 different transmitters) now directed against reception of foreign broad- casts ' to . Bloc audiences. While it is estimated that roughly 1,000 to 2,000 additional transmitters could be employed for janaoing' purposes without significantly impairing rapid ccmmmnications services, the actual extent to which additional transmitters could be diverted to janamdng depends on the number of hours of jaanriing operation; the time of day; the target area; and the location, power., and frequency of the transmitters available. In any case., transmitters would be drawn from the estimated 9,600 total sig- nificant transmitters distributed throughout the Bloc. 27. It is not possible to determine the precise diversion of trans- mitters which each of the methods discussed be~.ov might provide. NNW of S-E-C-R-E T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000900020012-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000900020012-6 W S-E-C-3-E-T the methods are based in part on analogical comparisons with worldwide operationsi standards. Also, some of the methods may already have been partially introduced in support of the current Soviet jamming operatIon. a. Use of Reserve Transmitters. Most countries provide reserve transmitters for their main radio stations in order to insure continuity of service. There are some 2,300 reported radio station locations in the Soviet Blocs each of which probably has at least two transmitters. It is also likely that the Bloc has a considerable number of transmitters in strategic reserve. In addition,,'there are probably a number of transmitters actually in service which are potentially an additional reserve. These trans- mitters include units engaged in dun Wr traffic to conceal operational surges in traffics other typos of deception traffic,, and use of live cirrcuits for training radio operators. b. Rationalization of Transmitter Facilities. It is estimated that there are hundreds of lightly loaded , services which do not require the use of their transmitters on a 2k-hour, stand-by basis and could consequently provide mares hours of jamming service. An actual release of such transmitters might be' obtained by reducing the number of transmitters at a single location operating In dif- ferent services. Additional transmitter time also could be released by increasing within limits the speed of telegraphic transmission and/or the channel capacities served by a single transmitter. Ste:-C-R B-T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000900020012-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000900020012-6 S E-C R E-T c'. fansmItters Released by Acceptance of D*le d Service. The rationalization of transmitter facilities would be greatly pseisted by flattening out the 211-hour traffic load curve and accepting other delays in service. For exonplee s substantial number of transmitters could be released by the reduction of the number of points involved in direct interccaa=Aoication. d. Reduction of Nonessential. Services and Use of Alternative Maediaa Diversion of nonofficial private messages from point-ft- point rapid comnnications services to the postal medium would constitute a significant direct saving in radio transmitters as wall as an indirect saving by re leasing wire lines for essential comeunications o In addition, the Elm probably could divert a number of its 1121 transmitters en d in muss aural radiobrosdcasting. Some of theses transmitters are believed to participate in current Jamming operations. The reduction of eanral radio- broadcasting would be mitigated to now extent by the continued expztein of the extensive wire diffusion network developed for carrying programs to lcrmdspealers. This network is becoming increasingly less dependent on radio distribution of programs. Present dependence on radio for rebroadcasting to wire diffusion centers could be overcome by further extension of wire and by transporting program transcriptions by physical means. e. Rescheduling of Residual Radio Services. Tice services which the Bloc would continue to conduct., under extended electromagnetic warfare conditions, could be rescheduled as to time,, SE. C R-E-T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000900020012-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000900020012-6 areas frequency band, and/or, transmitter assignment In such a way as to provide optimmn availability for jamming operations B. Diversion of Aesources to Production of Elect tic 0 AL" Wait .re T .. ~? 28. It is believed that the Bloc electronics industry could provides for substantial increases in the production of transmitters for jaie"ing by cutting back nomessentlal electronics production. For eZOWle, the cost of producing 1,000 standard com-ications voice transmitters of 10 kilowatt power, which are entirely adequate for Jamming operation is estimated at approximately $22 million in US prices. This cost represents about 3 per- cent of the total and 12 percent of the nonmilitary production value of the Bloc electronics industry for 1952. The production of the first adds- tiona]. 1,000 transmitters possibly could be undertaken without serious displacement in the industry. Production of additional 1,000-unit incre- ments naturally would entail more serious diversion. of resources and elec- tronic equipment production. 29. The Bloc would encounter difficulty in expanding significantly its abort-term output of ccmmnnications cable and wire. Supplies of raw copper already are tightly allocated. Also, the Bloc is dependent for said 30 percent of its raw copper and 20 percent of its cable and wire on external sources. - 13 - S-E-C-R E-T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000900020012-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79S0101 lA000900020012-6 SE-C R E-T 0. Diversion of Manpower. 30. The cost of diverting technically trained manpower for the enlargement of electromagnetic warfare would be relatively snnlla Most of the requirements could be net by the reallocation of personnel in the existing caomnanications services and electronic equipment induatryo D, Thcreaaing Present Capabilities Over the Nsxxt 2 ~Se 31. The natural rate of growth of rapid communications facili- ties and of the production of the equipment and materials for these facilities would yield a sizable increase in the capability of the Soviet Bloc. The level of output for electron tubes, the best indicator of electronic capability, is expected to increase over 50 percent, measured in value terms, during the next 2 years (see Table 6). Rapid rates of expansion allc are acted for the production of microwave radio equip- ment ( Table 7) for the extension of wire diffusion networks (see Table 5), and for the construction of wire lines and coaxial cables. Some ineresses also are expected in existing wire line capacities. 32. If the future potential for electromagnetic warfare were to receive greater erpbasio in Soviet production planning and in the reduc- tion of dependence on radio coma nicationa below 30,000 kilocycles, Soviet capabilities could be significantly increased. The extent and speed with which these future capabilities could be developed would depend, of course, *)n the priority which the Bloc placed on this program in relation to other production goals. - 14 8B-C RE-T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79S0101 lA000900020012-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000900020012-6 *MOO IV. Vulnerabil i of the BLOC to Retalia DOW Warfare 33. An assessment of tbs. vulnerability of radio circuits must consider two factors: the strategic essentiality of the service and the technical susceptibility of the circuit to jamining. 34. The loss of goverrmmnt camamad communication abomels In the Asiatic part of the Bloc and of radio navigational, radio control, and mobile radio coammssmnications services throughout the Bloc could be extremely serious in time of war or other emergencies. W der cold war coimditious tie loss of rapid radio ccumieanication would to some variable extent hamper the direction of Bloc affairs and would force the diversion of resources to the more rapid development of alternative means of coonommIcation. T s Bloc is ccupletely dependent on radio for the major portion of Its rapid ccxsmsnications east of the Urals and in Camrimist Chhim.. The Bloc also Is dependent on radio for long-range mobile opera- tional camrmmications, radio navigation, and radio control cbannels. 35. The present long-range civil radio network of the USSR bandies 15 percent of the traffic volume between the major cities along the Trans-Siberian Railroad and 80 percent of traffic north of the rail- road. The antenna parts of this system are equipped with numerous direc- ticnal,, higb-S"n antenna arrays which decrease susceptibility to jamming. Aeronautical and maritime networks are more vulnerable to jamming because of low power and lose directional antennas. 36. CM of the most important assets in readjusting to the loss of the civil high-frequency network would be the application of eight- l microwave, wants as substitutes for many essential. v ' ".bile radio - 15 - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000900020012-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000900020012-6 *%W IM04 3wF.-C-II-v- -T Tabulation of ratimates on the Soviet aoc Telecommunications System (Radio, Telegraph, Telephone, Telephoto) 1946, 1950-52 Basic System European Ca mist Satellites Chins 1. Kilometers of Wire J 3,000 (1952) 30,000 (1952) 600 (1952) (Thatsands) 2. Radiomirensmitters 7,150 (1952) 1,,250 (1952) 1,210 (1952) (Al]. Services) 30 Radio Transmitters 168 (1952) 105 (1952) 149 (1952) (Broadcasting Ser- vices) 4. 'Radio Stations in 1,490 (1951) 100 (1951) b 328 (1950) J point-to-point Service 5. Radio stations 1 - 9. kw 2 - 30 me 6. Radio stations 10 - 19 kv 2-30n 7. Radio Stations 20 law & Over 2 - 30 me 63 (1951) 41 (1951) NaAO 11 (1951) 8 (1951) 425 (1951) 17 (1951) 2 (1951) 8. Telephone Conver- 132 (1951) q %-&-I (1951) 6.5 (1951) 94tions Total All , Ts (Millions) 9. Tlegrarns, Total 283.5 (1951) All Wpas (Millions) 51. (1951) Voted to on. b. Nine of the stations in the point-to- X se 14.3 (1946) re ce for t3M European Satellites and 277 for Coajet Chirac are below the 1-kilowatt (kw mini== poser covered for, radios in lines 5 , 6 and 7 c? The USSR bas submitted a total of 1425 notifications to the Internation Teleccaa MIcations ibion ( 8) for call letters, for radio transmitters of 15-kw' power or more in the freq ency range from 6 to 13 megacycles (mc) . 16 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000900020012-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000900020012-6 S-E-C-R-E-T Tabulation of RRaported. Soviet Bloc International Teleccmm m1cationa Circuits J 1 3anuary 1952 . Country shown Contacted Radio Wire lumber of circuits with tither Bloc CombrIes Moor of Bloc ac#.~ct Countries Cantes Bedio & Radio 'wire Radio War We -N -L - 2k TSR 12 30 35 32 11 9 . 4 3 1 Albania 2 5 3 2 1 0 2 1 Past Austria 1 20 11 84 3 24 2 2 3 8tol.gaa 1 16 13 26 6 5 1 1 5 Chine, 28 30 73 42 15 14 2 2 1 Czechoslovakia 5 35 35 110 7 $5 4 2 3 Bast.Gorn any 3 16 11 7 7 2 0 7 1 Hung 4 27 21 55 8 28 3 3 3 Poland 8 22 21 39 19 Fomenia 6 17 19 30 19 a. Talmn frc B - , A-PPOUN C. S. Ntaober of Gatetaw Total NUmber of Cities in To eel lumber Circuits Country of Countries -17- S-E-C R E-T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000900020012-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000900020012-6 NOW moo S-E-C RR-T Table3 Estiz ted Nwaber of Transmitters Used for Fadiobroe d casting by the Soviet Bloc a/ (L . Low-Frequency: M = Media~m quenCy3 H Higb--~requsncy) 15 January 1953 NO. of Cities Having Fre- Traens- q*ency Country m ters Send USSR Albania East Austria ftishria China 87 Czaeacho- 14 East Oex ny Hungary = Poland nia, Power (in Kilowatts) .01-14 -12 20- 100-1 20o-" 500 & Over totals Totals L 8 13 13 9 1 44 167 M . 15 20 12 10 57 H 24 3.5 20 7 66 10 L M 4 1 5 H 5 L M 6 1 4 7 H 4 L M 1 H L M H L M H L M H L 110 3 1 21 10 4 3 2 6 1 1 1 14 3 5 1 3 M 1 3 H 1 L M 2 2 6 H 5 5 L M 2. 3 H 2 1 Totals 215 a. n i GAFF 3x E. UO -18- 4 2 114 35 1 21- 2 1 14 3 7 3 1 10 5 1 6 3 10 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000900020012-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000900020012-6 B-3-C-A-B-T Table 4 Tabu atioa of Data on Soviet Bloc tnternationsl Aural Radiobroadcasting Services J 1 Janueay 1953 No. of Cities Average Average No. of Frequency Band Broadcasting Number of Daily Different Used in Country Country Shown Programs per Frog am (Hours) Lsn?uagae Used Low Medium High WSR 4 229 102 35 Albania, 1 26 8 11 East Austria 1 x Btaigaria 1 30 18 11 x China 2 47 22 14 Czechoslovakia 1 55 29 14 East Germany 1 2 Hungary 1 46 27 12 x Poland 1 78 45 13 x Ew'*nia 2 16 10 9 . Totals 15 261 .a. in cm E - , A G. - 19 - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000900020012-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000900020012-6 Table 5 Estimate of the Ehmber and-Character of Soviet Bloc Aural Radiobroadcasting Reception Facilities 1952-53 1952 1953 wire Dif`Pusion systems WIMMf usi+on 8yrstems Country ExchanMs Loudspeakers Radio Receivers Exchanges Lotulspeakere Radio Receivers 36,500 109000,000 4,500,000 40,000 10,500, 59000,000 Albania 100 NoA. 19,000 100 A.A. 20,000 t].ge~ria 891 114, 595 250,000 1,100 143,000 260,000 China (Thousands) N.A. 1,000,000 (Thousands) NAB 1,000,000, Czechoslovakia LA. 500,000 2,600,000 N.A. 5009000 2,730,000 East Austria N,.A0 N.A. a/ 900,000 NA. W AO 950,000. East Germany N.A. N.A. a/ $,000,000 NA,. NoA. 4,100,000 H=6=7 NoA. 160,000 627,00o 190,000 635,E Poland 7,450 725,000 1,250,000 8,000 785,000 19330, Rwnanja 200 100,000 300.,000 300 150,000 310,000 Total Bloc 12,4461000 16,N5.900() A. The 2 estimates are from EIC R12, Appendix J. S. b. The 1953 estimates are projected from CHR estimates for previous years. c. Fragmentary reports indicate that wire-diffusion systems are also under development in these countries. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000900020012-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79S0101 lA000900020012-6 S-E-C R-E-T Table 6 Total Estimated Output of Electron Tubes in the Soviet Bloc of {Bats of Output at End o y ear) 1951-529 1955 A1l. Types Transmitting and Special Tubes Dumber of Tubas Dollar Value Dumber Year (MMiilions) ( pion $) Minims 1951 50 62 2.4 1952 64 82 209 1955 115 170 5.5 Oittpit and capac queer for because manufacturing variables. These figures are based on a forthcoming supplement to CIA/RR 7, The Electron Tube industry in the Soviet Bloc, 29 August 2. Ss MTICIkW OnLy. y sera adopted on the basis of the analysis of plant output rather than analysis of plant capacity. Table 7 Estimated Production of Microwave Audio Equipment in East Germany 1949-55 Amouat 1949-50 500 1951 500 1952 750 1953 18000 1954 18500 1955 1st a. Production is expressed in equipment units. Each unit includes a transmitter and receiver. - 21 - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79S0101 lA000900020012-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79S0101 lA000900020012-6 Soviet Orbit Aeronautical & Maritime Communications and Radio-navigational- aids Transmitting- station Locations Aeronautical radio-communication station Aeronautical radio-navigation-aid facility ? Maritime radio-communication (coastal) station o Maritime radio-navigation-aid facility Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79S0101 lA000900020012-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79S0101 lA000900020012-6 12646 CIA, 3.53 TELECOMMUNICATIONS' COVERAGE OF THE SOVIET ORBIT 0 International"Gateway"Communications City ? Main Communication Center ? Radio Station Location (Each dot represents a probable location of one or more radio stations each containing one or more radio trans- mitters operating on frequencies up to 30 Mc. Both con- firmed and unconfirmed information has been included.) Meteorological Station (Each square represents a location North of 60? North Latitude at which a meteorological station has been reported. The absence of wire line facilities suggest. the probable use of radio communication facilities.) Wire Line (Only principal wire line facilities are shown. Telegraph and telephone lines, as such, are not depicted.) Submarine Cable (All of such lines are not shown and their presence on the map does not necessarily indicate that the facility is operational at this time.) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP79S0101 lA000900020012-6