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Approved for Relea 999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1 11A 00600020005-7 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY JAN 21 1952 21 January 1952 SUBJECT: SE-21i PROBABLE DEVEIAPMtNTS IN THE REPUBLIC OF PANAMA THROUGH MID41952 THE PROBLEM To estimate probable developments in the Republic of Panama through mid-2952 with special reference to Communist and other anti-US developments which might adversely affect US interests in Panama,, CONO JIJSIONS 1o Economics socials and political conditions in the Republic of Panama are fundamentally unsound and are susceptible of Communist exploitation over the long term,,. As a political movements howevers Communism in Panama is weak and ineffective, In no circumstances could the Communists themselves seise power in Panama, or otherwise seriously endanger US strategic interests there, during the period of this estimate and for some time thereafter, a NC,SHANGE IN CLASS. 'n ECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED T0[ TS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE: Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP7 01tffl'4 0020005-7 DATE., 8 a, REVIEWER:_018557 Approved For Releas)999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1011 900600020005-7 2? Panama is suffering an economic depression attributable primarily to the postwar reduction of US expenditures in the Canal 2cneo Panamanian officials and businessmen look to the United States for economic assistance and are likely to exaggerate the Communist danger in order to obtain Ito 3. The principal, danger to US interests in Panama is the rapid rise of the ultra-nationalistic (anti--US) Patriotic Front Party. This Party is non-Communist, but is subI ject to Communist penetration and influence. 40 Civil disorders in Panama are probable in connection with the presidential election to be held on 11 May 1952, The principal candidates in this election are Jose Rem?n9 who is favorably disposed toward the United 3tates8 and Roberto Chiarie who is not unfavorably disposed but is supported by the Patriotic Front Party and the Communists, The outcome of this contest depends on several unpredictable factors,, 5. Remon, as President, could probably control the situation as long as he had the support of the National Police, 6. Chiari, as President, could probably free his administra- tion of dependence on the Patriotic Front and the Communists if he had the support of the National Police and the active cooperation of the United States. Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S0101lA000600020005-7 Approved For Releases 999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO101 WO0600020005-7 If Chiari became President in circumstances which rendered him completely dependent on the continued support of.the Patriotic Fronts Communist penetration of the administra- tion would ensue and a situation might eventually develop like that in Guatemalan DISCUSSION BASIC FACTORS IN THE SITUATION PANAMANIAN'DEPENDENCE ON THE UNITED STATES 8. Informed Panamanians realise that close relations between Panama and the United States are inescapable9 not only because of US strategic interest in the Canal and US occupation of the Canal Zoncg but also because of Panamass economic dependence on the United States, At the same time they are extremely sensitive to any supposed infringement of the juridical sovereignty of Panama. Any Panamaniannia government must strike a nice balance between satisfaction of the popular demand for the assertion of Panamanian sovereignty and accomodation to the realities of the situation. All0 however nationalistic their antecedents9 have made this accomodation. Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01011A000600020005-7 Approved For Relea5) 999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO101'1,00600020005-7 BASIC ECONOMIC CONDITIONS 9. Panama's economic development has been limited by sparsity of population, meagerness of natural resources, and dearth of capital, Foreign trade is almost exclusively with the United States* Although most of the working population are engaged in agriculture, foodstuffs are the principal import (70%)b Exports consist largely (62%) of one crop, bananas, controlled by two US firms. There is an adverse balance of trade in the order of $309000,000 annually. This adverse balance is normally offset by dollar earnings in the Canal Zone. Thus the economy of Panama is highly sensitive to the level of US activity in. the Zone. BASIC. SOCIAL CONDITIONS 10o The population of Panama is classified as white, 19% Negro, and 65% mestizo. Racial tension exists with respect to the Negro minority, who are contract laborers imported from the British West Indies and their descendants. A few white families control most Panamanian economic activity above the level of subsistence farming, The principal employers of wage labor are the United States (in the Canal Zone) and the United Fruit Company. Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S0101lA000600020005-7 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1011A,, J0600020005-7 BASIC POLITICAL CONDITIONS 110 Panamanian politics are essentially a contest for the perquisites of office among the few families which dominate the economic and social life of the country, Consequently they are based on personalities rather than on issues and are characterized by kaleidoscopic shifts in alignment amongst the many personal factions involved4 Political activity is limited largely to the principal cities, Panama and Colon. THE PATRIOTIC FRONT PARRTL_(PFP 12. The personal politics of Panama are increasingly influenced by the development of an ultra.-nationalistic youth movement now organized as the Patriotic Front Party. The rank and file of this Party are young workers and studentsg mostly excitable teenagers; the leaders are older and more experienced agitators who have developed the organized mob into an effective political weapon. The Party?s violently anti-US line is addressed to depressed social elements allegedly suffering the consequences of Yankee imperialism, 13 This ultranationalistic youth movement was initiated by Arnulfo Arias in 19444 Its violent demonstrations were the primary factor in Panamanian rejection of the Defense Sites Agreement in 1948, Although instrumental in elevating Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CI RDP79S0101lA000600020005-7 Approved For Releas 1 99/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1011A0 0600020005-7 Arnulfo Arias to the Presidency in 1949, it was primarily responsible for his violent overthrow in 19514 The dominant,p though coverts influence in the Patriotic Front now appears to be that of Harmodio Arias, the master mind among old line Panamanian politicianse COMMUNISM IN PANAMA 14. The Communist apparatus in Panama is undoubtedly in effective communication with Moscow. There are some indications that the channel is through the Czech Legation at Caracas. The Communist-controlled Federation of Workers (FSTP) also has connections with the CTAL and WFTUo 15. As a political movement in Its own name, Communism in Panama is weak and ineffective. The (Communist) People9s Party has only some 700 members,-of whom no more than 50 could be regarded as a hard core. Panamanian Communists are mostly intellectuals who remain as individualistic as' other Panamanian politicians. (Many have been expelled from the Party in the course of its internal dissensions, but retain their Communist ideology and intellectual influence.) In some circumstances, however, the Party may be able to command proletarian support through its control of the Workers Federation and its influence among the Negro employees of the Canal, Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S0101lA000600020005-7 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1011A 0600020005-7 l6p The most dangerous aspect of Communism in Panamanian politics is the influence of individual Communists (both Party members and expellees) among the intelligentsiab Communism in this guise is not regarded as an alien menace, but rather is intellectually fashionable. In this way Communism exerts a. strong influence upon both teachers and students at all levels of the Panamanian educational system and, through theme threatens to control and direct the ultra-nationalism of the Patriotic' Front0 THE NATIONAL POLLCE The only armed force of the Republic of Panama is the National Po1iceo the present active strength of which is 29453,, The Police are fairly well equipped with small arms and control the only considerable stock of arms in Panama,, Their morale is good: they are unlikely to become divided by political partisanship.' 18