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--1,Approved For Rel a~s~~9~ QUffm S01 Q A000600010047-2 offt"MW SECURITY INFOB ATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE. AGENCY BOARD OF NATIONAL ESTIMATES 19 November 1951 25X5 Colonel B. B, Talley, G-2 Captain Ray Malpass, ONI Colonel Edward H. Porter, AFOIN Colonel S. N, Lensing, JIG SUBJECT s SE-20: The Effect on the Communists of Certain US Courses of Action. 1. The enclosed terms of reference were agreed on by the IAC representatives meeting on 19 November. 2. All agencies are requested to contribute to the second part of the problem, i.e., "the Communist reaction to these courses of action"; part VII; and to every other section on which they have pertinent information. Specific responsibilities have been assigned as follows: OIR: I B, II D. III B, IV B, V B, VI B. VII B, Annex A. ONI2 AFOIN: 0/RR: 0/lea 3. It this office I A, V A, VI, Annex C. II A, B, C; III A. Annex A. I A, III A, VI. I A; IS At B, C; III A. IV A, Annex B. is requested that contributions be received in by the close of business Tuesday, 27 November 1951. DO,OUMtENT NO. NO CHANGE IN CLASS. ~J, ? DECLASSIFIED ''0 CLASS. CHANGED Tot G NEXT REVIEW DATE Hi 7j-2 TH : AU Executive Secreta 0 COAX( REVIEWERt_018557 ry 25X1A9a UAILI `O) proved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79SO1011A000600010047-2 Distribution "B" Approved For Relea a 200tM( l iNF 9SOl 1;A0006000.10047-2 SECURITY INr' Rt!ATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE A G E N C Y 19 November 1951 SUBJECTt TERMS OF REFERENCE: SE-20t TITE EFFECT ON THE CO',.U,UUNISTS OF CERTAIN US COURSES OF ACTION To estimate (1) the vulnerability of the Chinese-Communists to certain US courses of action, and (2) the Communist reaction to these courses of action in the Far East,* QUESTIONS BEARING ON THE PROBLEM I, MAJOR OFFENSIVE USING ALL AVAILABLE WEAPONS A, If the US should press the war more vigorously in Korea using all available weapons and, in conjunction with'this offensive, carry out bombing attacks on The questions except in the case of the shipping embargo and naval blockades of whether the UN would support US policy in this regard is beyond the scope of this paper, Approved For Release 2000/08/29: CIA-RDP79S01011A000600010047-2 Approved For Release 2'N WENII 79S01 1( A000600010047-2 military installations and lines of communications in Manchuria, what would be the vulnerability of the Chinese Communists to this course of action? B. -What reaction from the Communists could be expected? II. SHIPPING EK3ARGO AND NAVAL BLOCKADE* A. Full Embargo On EXncrts to Communist China- If the US; supported by its major allies,imposed a full embargo on exports to Communist China, what would be the vulnerability of the Communists to this course of action? B. Control of Ship trig. If the US, supported by its major allies, should institute a shipping embargo of Com- muniet China! what would be the vulnerability of the Communists to this course of action? (See Annex "A") C, Nava. Blockaded If the US, supported by its major al.l.ies, should institute a naval blockade of Communist China, what would be the vulnerability of the Communists. to this course of action? Include the following considerations # Con' in these measures the exclusion and inclusion of (1) Port Arthur and Dairen, and (2) Macao and Hong Kong. Approved For Release 20"PMWT*t79501011A000600010047-2 -Approved For ReI a 2" 1 79S01 QDA000600010047-2 lQ Enfor--ement of present trade restrictions; 2, A ,pacific blockade; 3, A complete blockade, including mining operations, D, What would be the Communist reaction to these courses IIIs. BOEING ATTACKS TTTROUGHOUT CHINA A? If the US should launch a systematic air and naval bombardment of Communist China, what would be the vulnerability of the Chinese Communists of this course of action? B,- What would be the reaction of the Communists to IV. SUPPORT OF GUERRILLA OPERATIONS A. What is the extent of the vulnerability of Communist China to US supported guerrilla activity? (See Annex "B") 1, Under present circumstances? 2Q In conjunction with the other courses of action discussed in this estimate? -3- Approved For Release 2C UN ENlIIA1 P79S01011A000600010047-2 Approved For Relea a 2000 8 'GI J 1AI9S01Q A000600010047-2 1U. B? What would be the reaction of the Communists to this course of action? V? CHINESE NATIONALIST ATTACK WITH US LOGISTIC SUPPORT A$ What is the vulnerability of Communist China to attacks by the Chinese Nationalists supported logistically by the US? 1. Under conditions of presently contemplated US aid with removal of restrictions on Nationalist operations against the mainland? Under conditions of greatly expanded US logistic support,, but not operational supports of the Nationalists? B. What would be the communist reaction to this course VI. CHINESE NATIOI!ALIST IIWVASION ViITH US LOGISTIC NAVAL AND 'ITR MOT A. If the US provided full logistic supports plus naval and and air support for the Chinese Nationalists,, what would be the Chinese Communist vulnerability to Chinese Nationalist invasion? Approved For Release 2000/08/29 P79S0101lA000600010047-2 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Rel a 200 C98'12RW46R S, 01 -1 A000600010047-2 B. What would be the Communist reaction to this course of VII. THE CUMULATIVE EFFECT OF SEVERAL OR ALL OF THESE COURSES 0 A ION A? What would be the cumulative vulnerability of Communist China if the US undertook several or all of the courses of action discussed above? B. What would be the Communist reaction to several or' all of these courses of action? A. Foreign trade data for Communist China by month during 19510 BQ The guerrilla situation in Communist China. C. Chinese Nationalist Capabilities. 5- CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 200 ~?- IA-RDP79S01011A000600010047-2