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Approved For Release 2001/08/31 :CIA-RDP79S0101000600010025-6 CONFIDENTIAL SEtURITY INMURMATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND REPORTS Contribution to SE20 CI di IP-255 THE EFFECT ON THE COENUNISTS OF CERTAIN US COURSES OF ACTION State Dept. declassification & release instructions on file 27 NovetbGr 1951 W AR N'iN 0 DOCUMENT NO 2.) NO CHANGE IN CLASS. 0 0 DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S NEXT REVIEW DATE: "fre2 2 s9.9 4> Kt( Millis NH 10-2 DATEs I 3 Feig?LREVIEWERL 018557 THIS DOCUMT CONTAINS INF TION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DAWSNSE OF THE UNITED STATESI, WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE IS, SECTIONS 793 AND 794 OF THE U.S. CODEt AS ANENDFM. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REV- ELATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY All UN- AUTHORIZE) PERSON IS PROHIBITE0 BY LU1. i% cP 4410,e01.1"146. TS> -s -o 1st Quarter o Volume Value < CD a m 1 Animals and arrinval products, inedible o United States 8885 X Belgium - Luxembourgl 34782 6323 -, m 74 248 (7) France Germany, West]: la) 63020 11269 U/ CD Italy - r..) 0 Netherlands 35 134 0 _. Sweden". 1990 , 0 United Kingdom 636 03 -- C.4 7.% 2. Animals and nnirnal products, edible ? 0 United States 556 > . Belgium - Lumntourgl x O France ' 75 97 -o Germany, West"- -4 co Italy 24 22 cn 0 ther Nelands 2334 180 _. 0 _. Swedenl _. United Kingdom 2674 0 Belgium - Luxembourg"- 0 > gs 3. Vegetable food products and 13verages ocn United States 1709 0 0-% 0 France 22690 2438 r..) Germany, Nest"- 3581 al & Denmark Italy 33522 42,1; Netherlands 32371 2256 Sweden]. United Kingdom .191 CONFIDENTIAL Srr,17111! : CIA-RDP79S01011A000600010025-6 4 'Vegetable products, ineditiel except fibers and wood United States Belgium Luxembotuzi ? Denmark France Germany, Vest-i? Netherlands Sweden1 ?Uni.ted Kingdom 5. Textile fibert and manufactures United States Pei gime - Luxembo"xrg France Germanys West Italy? Sweden -United Kin,gdom 6. Wood and paper' United States Belgian' - Luxembourg Netherlands ? Sweden 7. Nonmetallic minerals United States Sweden 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 2,9,11a8 Value Volume Value 112 193 3039 556 87 69 2168 2047 275 331 1148 1.81 2361 342 391 6936 1567 22 70 56 70 80 440 75 344 155 426 313 99 85 525 33.6 233 33 3 221 95 245 25 15 3? 1 ? 18 -OM 71 29 ? ?71 4086 275 887 3.235 733 8503 78 784 398 529 16 316 270 5 29 2 185 16 . 201 14 21 35 CONFIDENTIAL ? V.:CURRY ZF?ERMA.1-14 RDP79S010 '4000600010025-6 CIAlle IP-255 CORFIDERTIAL .t-C,A41,1aIN CHINA'S EXPORTS, 1951 (contizmed) 1st Quarter ?Annex A -Table 2 (continued 2nd Quarter , 1st Half _0> Volume Value Volume Value Volnme Value -0 n 0 < M 8. NietAls and manufactures except a. machinery and Nehicles United States - Germanys West Sweden - 9. Ritchinary United States 10. Cheti'cale and -related products - United States -France ? Be lgium - Luxemtourg G e r a i a n y 2 West Italy - Netherlands Sweden Computed from official statistics. ?1Total for groups 1 through 4. 1058 - 697 $5 77 9 ? 368 317 . 38 1977 26 482 5985 62 130 179 12 2576 64 1 .208' 89 3 399 ' 46 1568 77 ' 10 55 : 1119 3234 la 10 - 576 406 3 38 7 _2307526 0 59 139 140 234 CON7'c'TTIAL U) -(1) n.) 0 0 _. 0 ,i ^ -o -o a 1. a 9, 2 3. o , -% 4. Co 5. 0 5, 6. "0 ^ 7 -4 ? CD (i) o8. 05 9. 0 r9n. 12. AnivAls and Apirel pro- ducts, edible Vegetable food products and beverages Anima.) and vegetable products, inedible' Rubber & manufactures Textile fibers and manufactures Wood and paper Nonmetallic minerals Metals & manufactures, ex- cept machinery 8c vehicles Machinery Vehicles & transportation equipment Chemicals & related products Miscellaneous Annex A, Table 3 Total North Cliirm, Middle China South China Total China Macao Chine & Macao 559 5099 5053 14854 164 6 5750 1235 237 351 499 313 1 1907 521 3809 505 TOTAL 33178 (thousands of U.S. dollars) 8454 - ? 7867 8712 1291 loco 2 10354 20506 2741 23247 if n 12142 27160 119 27279 hn, -3388 2379 257 ???? 970 4745 421he 6 93 10373 454 2967 368 1069 43 459 194 64 132 35 3398 451 9059 2805 83772 9728 99 10827 0 CO C.4 0 3335 1 j32 0 CD 653 a 196 t5 0 0 0 36 8 4849 thE 1l$64 6 93500 *Source: Monthly State Despatches from Hong Kong on Honz Korea Trade with Communist Controlled Areas. 'except rubber, ?pod, and fibers. (Columns may not add up to totals due to roun Approved For Release 2001/08/31 CIAIER IP-255 1. Animn1R snd primAl p,o? ducts, edible 2. Vegetable food prodfacts and beverages 3. kiliTTIR3 and vegetable products, inedible' .4.0 i Rubber & riar-nfactm-es 5 Taztile fibers and plArleactures S. Metals & manufactures, ex- 6. Wood and paper 7. Nonmetallic minerals cept machinery & vehicles 5 9. Machinery 0 0 2 10. Vehicles & transportation o equipment 0 08 U. Chemicals & related products r..) & 12. Miscellaneous TOTAL *Source: Monthly State Despatches from Hong Kong on Hc_2azif2w_, ControlledAreas. with asuRni DCHOWIN HONG KONG EXPORTS TO CHINAAO MACAO* in the first half. of 1951 North China antArc pIUll'A Middle outh China Annex A, Table 4 Total Total China Macao China & Macao -a -a . (thour-tmvis of U.S. dollars) 1177 283 5392 6937 2212 1043 17461 5945 ocr) 3035 20412 3406 67310 1355 1370 912 258 1823 995 276 438 297 224 5433 411 23793 15 1037 128 53858 4643 3148 2716 20328 6070 3891 26401 5382 126607 1377 - 3584 1313 59508 13403 6355 3035 38227 12312 7150 52246 9199 207710 465 2014 1449 815 1454 908 1102 1802 763 2295 8545 1030 22644 1842 3 a. m 55981 9, I. x -0 E 2'762 co 603231 sa co 14857 (2, 72637 433 ca 40029 0, 8 1.,N5 (Iii o 0 o 9445.? 0 0 60791 8 o 10229 (,!: 230254 lexcept rubber, wood, and fibers. (Carr-min aa.y not add up to totals due to rounding) C 0 N F 1 Di sEi;rdelAL SEX fain' IFJEMAT/C.iii_