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, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 N? 137 ECONOMIC INTELLIGENCE REPORT SURVEY OF SOVIET ECONOMISTS AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH ORGANIZATIONS CIA/RR ER 60-23 September 1960 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Office of Research and Reports Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 NOTICE This -report has been loaned to the recipient by ?the Central Intelligence Agency. When it has served its purpose it should be destroyed or returned to the: CIA Librarian Central Intelligence Agency Washington 25, -D. C. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 ECONOMIC INTELLIGENCE REPORT SURVEY OF SOVIET ECONOMISTS AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH ORGANIZATIONS . CIA/RR ER 60-23 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Office of Research and Reports Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 FOREWORD The opportunities for contacts between Western and Soviet economists present a problem for those Western economists who have had no occasion to familiarize themselves with the-linstitutional organization of Soviet economic research activities or with the identification of individual:, Soviet economists associated with particular fields of interest or with specific research organizations. This report is designed to convey some feeling for the Soviet pattern of research activity and to identify the most recently observed interests and affiliations of some of the major Soviet economists. Not covered in this report are the great number of specialized institutes, the research activities of which are primarily? focused on detailed problems of industry, commerce., or agriculture rather than on the broader problems of general interest to most Western, economists. Also not covered in the report are the large number of presumably knowledgeable Soviet economists who for one reason or another have not distinguished themselves through numerous published works. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 CONTENTS I. Introduction . . . . . ..... . . . . ....... II. Recent Developments in Economic Research . . ..... . III. Coordination of Research Efforts . . . ..... IV. Location of Soviet Economists ..... . . ..... . . Page 1 2 5 7 A. Economic Research Organizations 7 1. Institute of Economics of the Academy of Sciences, USSR?' 2. Institute of World Economics and International Relations of the Academy of Sciences, USSR . . 11 3. Institute of Complex Transportation Problems of the Academy of Sciences, USSR 13 4. Institutes of Economics of the Academies of Sciences of the Union Republics 14 5. Scientific Research Economic Institute of Gosplan, USSR 15 6. Moscow State Economic Institute of the Ministry of Higher and Specialized Secondary Education, USSR 17 7. Moscow Financial Institute of the Ministry of Higher and Specialized Secondary Education, USSR 17 8. Scientific Research Institute of Finance of ,the Ministry of Finance, USSR . . . ....... 18 9: Moscow Institute of National Economy.Named.for G.V. Plekhanov 10. Scientific Research Institute for the Study of Market Forces of the Ministry of Foreign Trade, USSR . 11. All-UniOn. Scientific Research Institute of Agri- cultural Economics of the All-Union Academy of ? Agricultural Sciences Named for V.I. Lenin of the Ministry of Agriculture, USSR '12. Scientific Research Institute of Labor of the State Committee of the Council of:Ministers, USSR, on Questions of Labor,andWages 13. Moscow Economic Statistical Institute of the Ministry of Higher and Specialized:Secondary Education, USSR ? ? ... 19 20 22 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 I. Introduction ? SURVEY OF SOVIET ECONOMISTS - AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH ORGANIZATIONS The research actiVitSr" of Soviet econoMiste is 'Scattered among numerous scientific institutes and research departments subordinated.. to various parent organization e universities, national governmental bodies (Council of Ministers -- Sovet Ministrov, ministries; Gosplan -- -Goudarstvennyy'Planovyy Komitet State Planning COmmittee, and other state committees), regional governmental bodies (Councils of National Economy -- Sovety garodhogo KhozSraystva SovnarkhOzes), and even the Communist Party. -A number of leading economists are affiliated with more than one Organization. They may teach part tithe in a university, in .one of'the inetitutes-of the Ministry of Higher and Specialized Secondary Education, USSR (MinOterstvo Vysshego i Srednego Spetsiaitnogo Obrazovaniya SSSR),*:or in inStitutee'of other ministries that train' accountants, financial workers, planners, and managers ' In addition to their teaching activity, the economists may be engaged in the research plan of their own university or institute'or in the research:plan:of another organization, often an institute of the Academy of Sciences', USSR .(Alcademiya Nauk SSSR),_or the economic institute Of Gosplan. Further- more, :they may act'as'coneultants to one Of the economic ministries or state committee, such as the Ministry of Finance .(Ministerstvo Finansov), Gosplan, or the Central.StatiStical'Administration (reentral'- noye Statisticheekbye.UpraVleniye). The better'known'econoMists and, in general; the better quality re- search- tend to be concentrated in the Institute of Economics (Institut Ekonomiki) of the Academy of Sciences, USSR, which is subordinate to . the Council of Ministers of the USSR. The universities and the minis- terial economicjnstitlitet;k.the faculties of which devOte much Of their time to teaching;,generaily have not attracted:the-better research economists, although there-are notable exceptions.. Similarly, regional centers have been unable to.lureLthe,better economists away from the 'attraction that Moscow and Leningrad long lave held for the educated' 'elite in general and particularly 'from the greater Opportnnity in these cities for the economist to broaden his researCh contacts. - 'Nearly alleconomiC redearbh in the-USSR'is finariced directly' by ,the government and is controlled to one degree or both the , * Known as the Ministry of 'Higher Education-(Ministerstvo Vysshego ' Obrazovaniya) before 1959. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Party and the government. This research varies in content from the more generalized economic studies most often originating in the In- stitute of Economics of the Academy of Sciences, USSR, to the more specialized technical studies of the ministerial institutes, the locally oriented case studies of the regional. institutes, and the propa- ganda-laden output of the Academy of Social Sciences (Akademiya Obshchestvennykh Nauk), which is subordinated to the Central Committee (Tsentral'nyy Komitet) of the Communist Party. Much of the published results of Soviet economic research is propaganda or is an effort to fit reasonably effective research into an acceptable Marxian mold. II. Recent Developments in Economic Research Operating under the handicap of the Marxian ideology, Soviet,econo- mists have found themselves increasingly subjected to criticism as the state, in turn, has become increasingly 'concerned with problems of economic efficiency requiring greater refinement and sophistication in their solution. The inability of the economists to satisfy the growing demands of Party and state, which at first brought only recriminations for failure to provide theoretically well-founded answers to practical problems, has elicited since 1955 a series of more constructive re- sponses from the state. Specific steps have been.taken to bring about a closer correspond- ence between economic research and actual problems of economic policy- making. The development and application of new techniques of economic analysis, formerly. sufficient to brand the innovator as an ideological traitor, now are being encouraged. In the quest for greater, economic efficiency, the state has permitted a reopening of old ,controversies over policies in pricing and investment. The new concern for effi- ciency also has touched off considerable research to uncover ways of heightening work incentives for labor and management -- a subject pre- viously treated somewhat superficially by economic research organi- zations. All of these developments have been aimed at making the product of economic research organizations more useful in the guidance of economic planning. A State Scientific-Economic Council (Gosudarstvennyy Nauchno- Ekonomicheskiy Sovet) Was established in 1959, presumably to guide eco- nomic research along lines that would more directly support the imple- mentation of policy decisions. I.I. KUz'min,* a deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers and formerly Chairman of Gosplan, USSR, was ap- pointed to head the Council. This move to improve the coordination of economic research followed closely after the establishment of a Council * For an alphabetical listing of all the persons mentioned in this re- port, see the Index of Economists, pp. 29-30, below. - 2 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 of Economic Institutes (Sovet Ekonomicheskikh Inatitutov) that was to sharpen the focus of research on the more. pressing major economic problems as well as to facilitate an interchange of ideas among the numerous institutes. I.I. Kuz'min was replaced as head of the State Scientific-Economic Council in April 1960 by A.F. Zasyadko, another deputy chairman of the Council ?of Ministers. The mood of the political leadership has been relaxed to: permit research economists to shed some of the inhibitions of Marxian theory in favor of a more effective pragmatic approach to economic problems -- even to the extent of permitting a cautious adaptation of some Western economic concepts and tools to the analysis of their own problems. A major response of the economics profession to this new climate has been a rapidly growing interest in the application of mathematics to eco- nomic research, particularly in the :solution of problems of programing production, of enterprises and in the construction of interbranch and interregional economic balances. Although still in its infancy, the program to develop mathematical economics has been given considerable stimulus, by the keen interest of V.S. Nemehinov, an influential aca- demician of the Academy'of Sciences, USSR; by the capable work of mathematicians and economists under the direction of L.V. Kantorovich at Leningrad State University named for A.A. Zhdanov (Leningradskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet,imeni A.A. Zhdanova) and at the Institute of Mathematics (Institut Matematiki) of the Academy of Sciences, USSR; and by the plan to develop a large center for mathematical economics at the new Siberian Department (Sibirskoye Otdeleniye) of the Academy of Sciences, USSR, in Novosibirsk. Of the various recent developments in Soviet economic research, perhaps none is more revealing of the Party's liberalized attitude than the discussions of value and price during the last 5 years. These discussions, touched off by the remarks of the political leadership at the 20th Party Congress in February 1956, could not have occurred in the stricter ideological climate of a few years ago. A number of the foremost Soviet economists, mostly at the Institute of Economics. of the Academy of Sciences, USSR (Ya.A. Kronrod, M.Z. Bar, L.M. Gatovskiy, A.D. Kurskiy, T.S. Khachaturov, K.V. Ostrovityanov, D.D. Kondrashev, S.G. Strumilin, and M.V. Kolganov), and others (notably I.S. Malyshev of the Central Statistical Administration,,Sh.Ya. Turetskiy of the Moscow State Economic Institute -- Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Ekonomi- cheskiy Institut, and Z.V. Atlas of the Moscow Financial Institute -- Moskovskiy Finansovyy Institut -- of the. Ministry of Higher and Spe- cialized Secondary Education) have led a vigorous exchange of ideas on this .subject at several conferences and in numerous articles. The participants in the discussions, ranging from those who advocate radi- cal changes throughout the price structure by the planners in accordance with the Marxian concept of value to those who venture to suggest the - 3 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 inclusion'of a capital charge in prices, have as yet failed to ?convince the authorities of any workable substitute for the present system. The growing body of literature on the subject, nevertheless, is likely to influence eventual attempts to improve the price structure. The. Soviet quest for efficiency also has brought new life to the continuing debates as to appropriate criteria for investment choice. Investment conferences, numerous articles, and several decrees seeking to standardize investment' procedures attest to the growing attention in the last 5 years, to problems of increasing the productivity of invest- ment. From this' attention has come a new "typical method" for deter- mining the efficiency of proposed investments (by use of a recoupment period) that has the concurrence of the authorities. Considerable dis- agreement persists, however, on important basic issues in the invest- Ment discuesions-, particularly in areas hinging on the outcome of the price discussions. Some economists, notably L.V. Kantorovich and I.S. Malyshev, argue for the inclusion ofcapital charges in prices, ahd Kantorovich maintains that meaningful interbranch comparisons of the yield of investment Can be made if prices reflect scarcity values and planners' preferences in the assortment of goods produced. Most economists, however, believe that a price reform will take a more nearly Marxist line of including a. markup over labor costs and that recoupment periods must be determined by the planner's according to how much 'capital investment is allocated to each branch of the economy. In spite 6f " these and other disagreements, the recent attention.devoted to problems of investment may lead to improvements in an area Of decision-making ? that long has been guided by multiple criteria with A Strong element of subjectivity ahd often with contradictory results. - The efficiency drive 'by the Soviet leadership also has had a con- siderable impact on the conduct of research on problems of incentives . for both labor and management. Before 1955,. such work as was done bn these problems was handled by labor sections in a number of economic' research organizations.- ' Virtually nothing of general significance had been adcomplished by this Activity, and the government had made no move .to improve work incentives' since the wage reforms' immediately following World War II. With the decision in 1955 to initiate a thorough reform of wages and hours, the State Cbmmittee Of the Council of Ministers, USSR on Questions of Labor and Wages (Gosudarstvennyy KoMitet'' SoVeta ..Ministrov SSSR po Voprosaili Truda i Zarplata) Vas established-and given broad powers to inspect and control the 'work of ministries, departments, '.and;entarprises ori.questions of labor and wages. The Scientific Re- search Institute of Labor -(Nauchno-issIedovatel'skiy Institut Truda), 'established under this state committee, was given the task of conducting 'research on the 'problem of using incentives for raising labor productivity in industry.' ? When the Council of 'Economic Institutes was organized in' 1958,.the-InstitUte of Labor was given the job of coordinating the' ac- .tivity of other institutes in this area of research. - 4 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 The placing of research on the problem of work, incentives under the direction of the State Committee on Questions of,Labor and Wages..-- the governmental unit most directly responsible for, the structure of: wages, salaries, and premiums -- is perhaps one of the most clean-cut' indications of the increasing Soviet desire to utilize the product of economic research in the solution of current problems. The Scientific Research Institute of Labor,-in all likelihood, contributed the initial studies which formed the basis of the thorough revision of the wage. structure that has been introduced gradually since 1955 and.of the series of revisions of salaries and bonuses for Managerial-supervisory and engineering-technical employees. The thoroughness and originality of the effort being put into the efficiency drive is reflected particu- larly in the drastic revision of the bonus system -for managers and technicians announced in the fall of 1959 that broadens the criteria for bonus awards to include cost reduction in addition to the tradi- tional test Of fulfillment of production goals. III. Coordination of Research Efforts In spite.of the specialized character of most of the numerous eco- nomic institutes, an attempt 'is made to enlist and coordinate the participation of most of these research organizations in the investi- gation of one or another current major economic problem.* More than 100 scientific research departments, for example, have been charged with studying various aspects of the problem of raising labor produc- tivity. Academician S.G. Strumilin has been active in the general . coordination of this effort. Coordination-of the work on problems of production and national economic balances, is entrusted to four organi- zations: the Institute of Economics of the Academy of Sciences, USSR; * A Council of Economic Institutes was organized under the Scientific. Research Economic Institute of Gosplan, USSR (Nauchno-issledovatelskiy .Ekonomicheskiy Institut Gosplana SSSR SREI), at the end of 1958 to supervise this coordination effort. The Councili_s made up of members of the following organizations: SREI; Council for the Study of Produc- tive_Forces of the Academy of Sciences,. USSR (Sovet-po Izucheniyu Proizvodstvennykh Sil Akademii Nauk ,SSSR); Institute of Economics of the Academy of Sciences; Institute of World Economics and International Relations of the Academy of Sciences, USSR .(Institut Mirovoy Ekonomiki i MeZhdunarodnykh Otnoshenii Akademii Nauk SSSR);Moscow-State Econdmic Institute; Moscow_Engineering Economic. Institute named for .S. Ordzhoni- kidze (Moskovskiy Inzhenerno-Ekonomicheskiy Institute imeni S. Ordzhoni- kidze); Moscow Economic Statistical Institute-(Moskovskiy?Ekonomiko- Statisticheskiy Institut) Faculty of Economics pfAAoscow State University named for.--M.V. Lomonosov (Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet imeni Lomonosova).; Institute of Complex Transportation Problems (Institut Kompleksnykh Transportnykh Problem); and the Scientific Research Institute of Finance (Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Finansovyy Institut) of the Minis- try of Finance, USSR. -5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 SREI Gosplan; the Moscow State Economic Institute of the Ministry of Higher and Specialized Secondary Education; and the Economics Faculty of Moscow State University. A.I. Petrov of SREI Gosplan is involved in this coordination effort. Similarly, work on the problems of methodology of planning is dis- tributed among SREI Gosplan; the Institute of Economics of the Academy of Sciences, USSR; the Moscow State Economic Institute of the Ministry of Higher and Specialized Secondary Education; the Moscow Financial Institute of the Ministry of Higher and Specialized Secondary Education; Moscow State University; other economic institutes; and specialists in Gosplan, the Ministry of Finance, the Central Statistical Administration, some sovnarkhozes, and some enterprises. P.S.. Ivanov of SREI Gosplan is engaged in the work of coordinating this area of research. A.N. Yefi- mov, director of SREI Gosplan, has been active in the coordination of the work of eight scientific research establishments on the problem of using the balance method of planning interbranch relationships. Coordi- nation of the work of more than 30 institutes on the problem of economic effectiveness of capital investment lies with the Institute of Economics of the Academy of Sciences, USSR. T.S. Khachaturov has been active in this effort. The study of problems of economic competition between the USSR and the US is distributed among the Institute of World Economics and International Relations of the Academy of Sciences, USSR; SREI Gosplan; the Scientific Research Institute of Labor of the State Com- mittee of the Council of Ministers on Questions of Labor and Wages, the Scientific Research Institute for the Study of Market Forces (Kon'yunk- turnyy Institut) of the Ministry of Foreign Trade; and the Institute of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Foreign Trade (Institut Vneshney Toitovli Ministerstva Vneshney Torgovli). The relationship of all of this research activity to the actual de- cisions of Soviet economic planners is difficult to generalize. In the solving of specific problems within well-defined lines of general eco- nomic policy, the research work of the many specialized institutes and the regional economic institutes and much of the applied research of SREI Gosplan probably are used extensively in lower level economic decision-making. In the formulation of major decisions on economic policy, however, economic research probably bears little influence ex- cept for feasibility studies such as the recent work of M.M. Sokolov of Moscow State University with regard to the recent abolition of the machine tractor stations (MTS's) that served the equipment needs of the collective farms. Some of the economic research Undoubtedly is too far out of touch with current policy to be of use to the planners, such as ,the work of I.D. Laptev a few ?years ago that focused on measures to strengthen the MTS1s after the decision had been made to abolish the system. Some of the current thought arising from basic research in the economic institutes, however, undoubtedly is transmitted to individuals Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 in decision-making positions by those economists who hold both re- search and consulting positions and by those who have moved from re- search to government positions or in the opposite direction, such as the Director of the Institute of Economics of the Academy of Sciences, USSR, K.N. Plotnikov, who formerly was a Deputy Minister of Finance. IV. Location of Soviet Economists A. Economic Research Organizations. , 1. Institute of Economics of the Academy of Sciences, USSR The Institute of Economics of the Academy of Sciences, USSR, the citadel of Soviet economics, has a broader charter and a larger num- ber of better known economists than any Of the other economic institutes. The institute always has had more than its share of the few Soviet'econo- mists included among the small number of scientists elected as academi- cians or corresponding members of the Academy Of. Sciences*, USSR.* As in most of the institutes of other subject disciplines associated with the Academy of Sciences, USSR, the economic research activity of this institute emphasizes the more theoretical aspects of major economic problems. . Its work is divided among_seVensections, as follows.: Economic Policy, Industrial Economics, Agricultural Economics, Economics of the Peoples' Democracies, Economics of the Distribution of Productive Forces, Economic Statistics, and History of Economics and Economic Doctrine. The institute publishes the leading Soviet theoreti- cal economic journal, Voprosy ekonomiki (Problems of Economics). The ideological hazards of theoretical as opposed to applied research in some of the above fields have caused much of the work of this institute to be rather obviously too cautious and devoid of operational * Of the 172 academicians and 351 corresponding members of the Academy in 1958, only 7 academicians and 13 corresponding members were economists. The academicians were I.I. Kuz'minov, P.P. Maslov, V.S. Nemchinov, K.V. Ostrovityanov, S.G. Strumilin, I.A. Trakhtenberg, and Ye. S. Varga. The corresponding members were A.A. Arzumanyan, V.N. Avdeyev, V.P. Diya- chenko, T. S. Khachaturov, L.A. Leont'yev, N.N. Nekrasov, B.N. Nikolaye- vich, A. I. Pashkov, M.V. Ptukha, D./a. Rozenberg, D. P. Shepilov, M.K. Smit-Falkner, and V.N. Starovskiy. Those academicians and corresponding members not cited elsewhere in this study represent scholars whose names have not been attached to pub- lications or associated with ?research institutions during the past 5 years. They may be either economists of advanced age who are profes- sionally inactive or economists who are engaged in activities in which publicity is not desired. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 significance -- a tendency often lamented in the annual Soviet re-View of activities of the academy. In an attempt 'to secure a more creative development of economic theory and a bolder posing of the economic problems of building a Communist society,' the .Presidium of the Academy of Sciences in March 1959 resolved to raise its economic institutes (the Institute of Economics and the Institute of World Economics and International Relations). from their present organizational position in the Department of Economics, Philosophi;:and Law .(0tdeleniye Ekonomi- cheskikh, Filosofskikh i Pravovykh Nauk)-to that of a separate .depart Leading specialists of planHing and ed6nomic agencies wereto be appointed to a bureau that would direct, the research activities of the institutes along more productivecharmers: As late as April 1960, this resolution apparently had not been carried out. The prominent economist, V.S. Nemehinov, who resigned in March 1959 as head of the Department of Economics,-Thilosophy, and Law, was replaced by a philosopher, PN. Fedo- seyev. A few of the economists who have been active in directing or performing some of the more recent research work of the Institute of Economics are as follows Plotnikov, K.N.? Director of the .Institute of Eco- nomics; on the editorial board of 'VoprOsy ekonomiki; former Deputy Minister of,Finance; former Di- rector of the Institute of Finance, Ministry, of Finance; member of an economic delegation to the US, 1959; soviet representative on ECAFE.(Economic Commission' for Asia and the ..Far East), Bangkok, 1955-57. Bakulev, G.D. Industrial planning, also at Moscow State University.- Batyrev, V. M. ? .,Expert on banking and finance. Belov, A.A. the section studying the distri- t-' bution.of productive forces; re- cently concerned witirtax and pric- ing.problems.Y Leading specialist in problems of national balances and, central plan- ning; also associated with Gosplan; ,ra, participant in.the recent discus- . -sion on, price and value. ? , Borodin, In the section on agricultural eco- nomics.. , , Bor, M. Z. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 - Dmitriyev, Doctor-of Economic Science, Pro- -..febsor of Economic Statistics. -D'yachenk0 v.p,. Rimer director of the institute; on the editorial board of Voprosy , ekOtioniiki; corresponding member.of the Academy of Sciences, USSR; ' ? Specialist in banking and finance. Gatovskiy, L.M. Former director of the institute; currently a deputy director; chief editor. Of Voprosy ekonomiki. Karotamm,,N.G Recent-work in investment problems; ?. on the editorial board of Voprosy ekonomiki. Khachaturov, T.S Recent Director of the Institute of Complex Transportation Problems;. on the editorial board of Voprosy ? ekOnOmiki; leading specialist in investment. and transportation eco- nomics; corresponding member of the "Academy of Sciences, .USSR. Khromov, P.A. Former director of the institute; interested in problets of regional planning. Kochetov, ',V. Expert On transport statistics; in l957. was head of the Department of StatiStiCs of the Moscow Transport ?-Economic Institute (MOskovskiy .Transportno-Ekonomicheskiy Institut); also was reported as a member of the Scientific Methodological Council (Nauchno-MetodicheskiySovet) of the Central Statistical Administration. Kolganov, M.V, Participant in national inoOMe. ? studies; has been involved in the ,recent discussions on price and "value; also active in affairs at Moscow State University. Former deputy ,director of the in- stitute; Currently chief of the seCtion on the distribution of productive forces; a major partici- qpant In the recent discussion on price and value KozeItskiy, N.N. (Professional specialty not ob- served:) Kondrashev, Kozlov, M.I: In the section on agricultural eco- nomics. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Kronrod, ya.A. Major contributor of studies on the larger aspects of the economics of socialism, social.product, and the ? economic law of socialism; major ? participant in the recent discus- sions on price and value; interested in mathematical economics. .Kulikov, A.G. On the editorial board of Voprosy ekonomiki. Kurskiy, A.D. (Professional specialty not observed.) Laptev, I.D. Former,director of the institute.; specialist in agricultural economics; transferred in the summer of 1958 to the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Science named for V.I. Lenin of the ? Ministry of Agriculture (Vsesoyuznaya Akademiya.Sellskokhozyaystvennykh Nauk imeni V.I. Lenina Ministerstva Selyskogo Khozyaystva). Linkun, DLL. Former director of the institute; cur- rently a deputy director. Manevich, Ye, Recent work in labor economics; was chief of the former section on the economics of industry and labor. Maslova, N. S. Specialist in labor productivity and industrial economics. Moiseyev, M.I. Does research for the institute; cor- responding member of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Science named for,V..I. Lenin; specialist in collec- tive farm problems and agricultural planning. Nemchinoy, V.S. Academician of the Academy of Sciences, . USSR; former head of the Department of Economics, Philosophy, and Law; specialist in labor economics and. sta- tistics; Chairman of the Council for the Study of Productive Forces. Notkin, A.I. Specialist in the theory of capital formation and labor economics; partici- ? pant_in the recent discussions on price . and value. Ostrovityanov, K.V. -Academician of the Academy of Sciences, : USSR; a vice-president of the academy; chief editor of Vestnik akademii nauk SSSR (Herald of the Academy-of Sciences, USSR); specialist in political economy; active in affairs at Mosaow State University. -10 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Pashkov, A.I. -Political economist and sociologist;. 'corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences, USSR- Petrov, V.I. Transport economist; currently at the Institute of Complex Transporta- tion Problems. Ryabushkin, T-V. Chief of the section on economic - statistics; on the editorial board .of Vestnik statistiki (Herald of Statistics), major contributor to :Soviet work on index theory; in- terested in mathematical economics member of the Scientific Methodo- logical Council of the Central Sta- tistical Administration. Samin' Labor economist. Semyenova S.I. Member of the section on agricultural economics. Strumilin, S.G. Dean of Soviet economists; Academician of the Academy of Sciences, USSR; specialist in labor economics, eco- nomic history, statistics; and other ?' fields; member of the Scientific Methodological Council of the Cen- ? tral Statistical Administration. Vasyutin, V.F. Professor, chief of the section on economic statistics (in 1957). Venzher, V.G. In the section on agricultural eco- nomics; specialist in agrarian problems and planning. Yevstaf'yev, G.V. Chief of the section on industrial ? economics. 2. Institute of World Economics and International Relations of the Academy of Sciences, USSR ? The Institute of World Economics and International Relations of the Academy of Sciences, USSR, is concerned with economic research on capitalist economies and imparts a strongly ideological flavor in its research: Itwas originally. the Institute of World Economy and World Politics (Institut MirovogoahOzyaystva i Mirovoy Politiki) under the direction 'ofYe.S. Varga. from 1924:to 1947 and subsequently existed as a section (Economics of Contemporary Capitalism Section) of the Institute of Economics from 1947 to 1956. Emerging under its present title in 1956, the Institute of World Economics and International Relations is now divided into six geographic and six functional sections, the latter Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 being General Problems of Imperialism, Problems of American Imperi- alism, Workers! Movement in Capitalist Countries, Agrarian Problems in Contemporary Capitalism, National Colonial Problems, and Current Conditions in Capitalistic Economies. This institute also has not escaped attention in the general spirit of criticism directed at re- search activities in recent years. 1.1. Kuz'min, for example, at the February 1959 Party Congress, accused the institute of inadequate con- cern for the problems of expanding economic cooperation with capital- ist countries. A few of the economists active in the recent work of the institute are as follows: Arzumanyan, Aboltin, ?Alekseyevi A.M. Director of the ?institute; a former deputy director of the Institute of Economics; corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences, USSR; on the editorial board of the jour- nal of this institute, Mirovaya ekonomika i mezhdunarodnyye otno- sheniya (World Economics and In- ternational Relations -- WEIR); specialist in international rela- tions and problems of the working class in capitalist economies; leader of the delegation of Soviet economists to the US in November 1959; former professor at Moscow State University. Deputy director of the institute; ,wrote an article for AEA (American Economics AssoCiation) on "Eco- nomic Aspects of Peaceful Coexistence Between Two Systems." Specialist in finance and capitalist economies; coordinator of research on problems of economic competition with the West; concerned with prob- lems of comparison of the over-all economic potential of Communist and Free World Blocs; on the editorial board of WEIR; most recently identi- fied with SREI Gosplan. -12 - J. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Bechin, A.I. Belyakov, A.S. Kazakevich, V.D. Khavinson, Ya.S. Kolontai, V.M. Lemin, I.M. Lyubimov, V. V. Manyakyan, A. A. Mendel' son, L. Nikitin, Rubenshtein, M.I. Skorov, G.Ye. Sokolov, I.A. Solodovnikov, V. Varga, Ye.S. Formerly chief of a section of the ? Institute of Economics dealing with general problems of foreign coun- tries; specialist in the economics of capitalist countries; on the editorial board of WEIR; a deputy director of the institute. On the editorial board of WEIR. Specialist in US finance; former pro- fessor at Columbia and Cornell Uni- versities. Chief editor of WEIR. In the US section; member of dele- gation of Soviet economists to the US in November 1959. On the editorial board of WEIR. On the editorial board of WEIR. On the editorial board of WEIR. Chief of the section on general prob- lems of imperialism; specialist in ? economic cycles; prolific writer -- more than 60 books. In the US section; interested in ? mathematical economics. Chief of the US section; specialist in economic planning, internal trade, and international trade; member of delegation of Soviet economists to the US, 1959. ' On the editorial board of WEIR. Deputy chief editor of WEIR. , A deputy director of the institute. Former director of the institute; Academician of the. Academy of Sciences, USSR; still participates in the affairs of the institute; senior Soviet expert on economics of capitalism. . 3. Institute of Complex Transportation Problems of the Academy of Sciences, USSR ? The Institute of Complex Transportation Problems of the Academy of Sciences, USSR, which was established within the last several years to study problems in coordinating the development of the Soviet - 13 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 transport system and ways of obtaining the most efficient use of exist- ing facilities, is one of a number of specialized institutes, labora- tories, and commissions in the Department of Technical Sciences (Otdel- eniye Tekhnicheskikh Nauk) of the Academy of Sciences, USSR. This in- stitute has been a target of major criticism during most of its short life. krecent change of directors may have been a response to this dissatisfaction. T.S. Ithachaturov, the former director, has been active in fields other than transport, however, and may have been freed of the directorship to work on broader problems of investment and industrial development at the Institute of Economics. A number of transport economists continue to work in the Institute of Economics rather than in the Institute of Complex Transportation Problems. , The new. director of the latter institute is I.I. Belousov. Professor I.V. Vasil'yevskiy is in charge Of research on Western transportation; V.I. Petrov works on carrier coordination problems; and V.I. Dmitriyev works on freight traffic planning. 4. Institutes of Economics of the Academies of Sciences of the Union Republics Each of the Union Republics except the-Moldavian SSR and the RUSR has an Academy of Sciences, the activities of which are super- vised by the Academy of Sciences, USSR: Most of these Academies of Sciences contain an Institute of Economics. In lieu of having academies, the Moldavian .SSR has a research affiliate and the RSFSR has 10 affili- ates and a Siberian Department, all subordinated directly to the Academy of Sciences, USSR. The recently established Siberian Department in Novosibirsk has an Institute of Economics and Organization of Production (Institut Ekonomiki i Organizatsii Proizvodstva) under the direction of G.A. Prudenskiy, but the affiliates generally do not contain Institutes of Economics. Although the Institutes of Economics of the Academies of Sciences of the various Union Republics are charged with work on prob- lems of national Significance, such as problems of raising labor produc- tivity and of improving the criteria of investment, and although their work is coordinated to some 'degree with that of other institutes,* they generally are concerned only withlocal aspects of such problems. Typical of the organization and work that might be found in these institutes is that of the Institute of Economics of the Belorussian Academy of Sciences. * Much of this coordination is performed'. by the Council for Coordinating the Scientific Work (Sovet po Koordinatsii Nauchnoy Deyatel'nosti) of the Academies of Sciences of the Union Republics, Which is under the Academy of Sciences, USSR. The Chairman of this council is A.N. Nesmeyanoy, President of the Academy of Sciences, USSR. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Its .staff of about 50 workers is distributed among four sectionsi\as follows: ,Political Economy, Economics of Heavy Industry, Economics of Light Industry, and Geographical Distribution ,of Production. The following Major studies published by the institute in the last few years illustrate the specialized nature of research: Development of Belorussian. Industry, Prospects for Beet Growing and Development of the Sugar Industry in the Belorussian SSR Essays on the Economic Geography of the Belorussian SSR, ProblemS'ofIncreasing Labor Pro-. ductivity and Reducing Costs In the Peat Industry of the Belorus- sian SSR, and On Cooperation in.the Processing and Organization of Combined Production in Motor ,Vehicle and Tractor Industry Enterprises of the Belorussian SSR:. The location of the Institutes of Economics of the Acade- mies of Sciences of the Union Republics and the Directors of the in- stitutes, where known, are as follows: Location - Director of the Institute of the Institute Academy of Economics : of Economics Ukrainian Kiev Nesterenko A.A. Uzbek Tashkent Dzhamalov, 0M3. Turkmen Ashkhabad Annaklychev, A.A., Tadzhik . Stalinabad N.A. Lithuanian Vil'nyus Meshkauskas, K. Latvian Riga Dzerve; P,P. Kirgiz Frunze LaiIiyev, D.S. Kazakh Alma-Ata Tolybekov, S,Ye:, Georgian Tbilisi Gugushviii, P. Estonian Tartu. Antons;i.R.I. Belorussian Minsk Kovalevskiy, G.T. .Azerbaydzhan Baku Guseynov, G. T. Armenian Yerevan Marykhyan, A.O. 5. Scientific Research Economic Institute of Gosplan, USSR The Scientific Research Economic Institute of Gosplan, USSR, created in 1955 along with other, institutes,* quickly has * The 'ScientificResearch Institute of Labor under the State Commit- tee of the Council of Ministers on Questions of Labor and Wages and the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Agricultural Economics (Vsesoyuznyy Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy Institut Ekonomiki Sel'skogo- Khozyaystva) of the All-Union Academy .of Agricultural Sciences. -15 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 becothe one of the most active and influential of the many Soviet in- stitutes of economic research. Its broad charter -- to generalize on the experience of planning the national economy and to suggest meth- ods of resolving planning problems -- permits it to participate in nearly all aspects of economic research. .The institute is charged specifically with planning and coordinating research work in problems of constructing national economic balance's, in developing methods of determining norms for labor and materialsi in promoting interbranch and interregional economic relationships, in problems of technical progress and methods of determining the economic effectiveness of new techniques, and in problems of planning in the countries of the Soviet Bloc and of economic competition between Bloc and non-Bloc countries. In addition; the institute is charged with promoting scientific propaganda on the progress of the socialist economy and with the organization of 'conferences on the most important problems of planning. The institute is organized into the following four re- search areas: the Department of Methodology and General Planning, the Department of Industry, the Department of Agriculture, and the Department for the Distribution of Productive Forces. A few of the approximately 300 scientific workers in the institute are as follows: Yefimov, A. N. . 'Alekseyev, Ambartsumov, A.M. Bogomolov; 0.T: Braginskiy, Ivanov,' P. S. Ioffe, Ya.A. KrSrlov, P.N. Lyubimov, N.P. Muromtsev, M.N. Director of.the institute.' Head of the Section 'on economic competition; formerly with the Institute of World EconoMics and International Relations. (Professional. specialty not ob- served,) Interested in economic competition. Chief of the section on statistics. Monitors work on the methodology of planning;.bn the editorial board of Planovoye khozyaystvo (Planned Economy); a deputy chairman of Gosplan. Specialist in comparative economic systems. , Chief of the Section on statistics in 1957. 'Senior scientific worker; interested in statistics'. , Chief.of the sectiOn!dealing with foreign economies and foreign eco- nomic literature. , , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Obolenskiy, K. P. 1-trov, A. I. Tolkachev, Val'yuzhenich, Ye.N. Vinogradov, N Yeremeyev, K.L- Zaremba, Specialist in economic indexes; on . the editorial board of Planovoye khozyaystvo. A deputy director of,the institute; specialist in measurement of in-, dust production; coordinator , of research on production and national economic planning; on the editorial board of Planovoye khozyaystvo. A.deputy director,of the institute. Agricultural economit. (Professional ,specialty not ob- served.) - Labor economist. (Professional specialty not ob- served.) 6. Moscow State Economic Institute of the Ministry of Higher and Specialized Secondary Education, USSR The Moscow State Economic Institute of the Ministry of Higher and Specialized Secondary Education, USSR, created in 1945 from the old Moscow Planning Institute (MOskovskiy Planovyy Institut) of Gosplan, is primarily an educational establishment supplying techni- cally trained personnel for Gosplan and for ministerial and industrial positions. By contrast, university departments of economics mainly train Party economie 'specialists: The institute trains economists in the following five faculties: - General Economics "(political economy, economic planning, and labor), Economics of Industry and Transport, Economics of Agriculture, Economics of Finance, and Economics and Plan- ning of State Supplies. Although the faculty is primarily pedagogical, a few of its members, 'such as A.M. Birman, I.G. Malyy, and Sh.Ya. Turet- skiy, are regular contributors to the Soviet basic economic research effort. I.G.,Malyy heads the Department of Statistics and N.S. Buzulu- kov is the director of the institute. N.S. BuzulukoValso is the chief editor of Ekonomicheskiye nauki (Economic Sciences), a journal of the Ministry of Higher and Specialized Secondary Education, USSR. -7.. Moscow Financial Institute of the Ministry of Higher and Specialized Secondary Education, USSR - The Moscow Financial Institute of the Ministry of Higher and Specialized Secondary Education, USSR, is one ofa number of pedagogical institutes of finance and other specialties operated by this ministry in MoscOW-and elsewhere _-(such as the Leningrad Financial Economic -17- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Institute -- Leningradskiy Finansovo-Ekonomicheskiy Institut). This group of institutes should be distinguished from the specialized scientific research institutes subordinate to other ministries, such as the Scientific Research Institute of Finance subordinate to the Ministry of Finance, USSR. The Moscow Financial Institute of the Ministry of Higher and Specialized Secondary Education was organized in 1946 by combining the Moscow Financial Economic Institute (Mos- kovskiy. Finansovo-Ekonomicheskiy Institut) and the Moscow Credit Eco- nomic Institute (Moskovskiy Kreditno-Ekonomicheskiy Institut). In 1953 the Moscow Financial Institute had five faculties, as follows: Finance Economic, Credit Economic, Accounting Economic, International Finance, and Accounting and Computer Work. The number of faculties has since been reduced to three, as follows: Finance, Credit and Banking, and Accounting. In addition to performing the teaching duties associated with a student body of approximately 1,500, the members of the faculties maintain contacts with banks, government agencies, and financial departments of enterprises. A few of the fac- ulty members are as follows: Atlas, Z.V. Margulis, A. Maslov, P. P. Rusovskiy Scharrer Usoskin, M. Professor of Money. Professor of Accounting. Chairman of the Department of Sta- ? tistics; Academician of the Academy of Sciences, USSR. Specialist in Banking; also serves as consultant to Gosbank and to the Ministry of Finance. Specialist in problems of capital investment. On the editorial board of Den'gi i kredit (Money and Credit); expert on banking. 8. Bcientific. Research Institute of Finance of the Ministry of Finance, USSR The Scientific Research Institute of Finance of the Min- istry of Finance, USSR, located in Moscow, was established in 1936 to provide solutions for pressing financial problems. Since- then this institute has acquired a number of duties including the implementation and the dissemination of the achievements of leading financial workers and of basic research in finance and the'collecting and interpreting of statistical. material on the, budget, taxes, credit, money., circulation, and .wagesin Soviet Bloc- and major non-Bloc countries., In addition to its major publications -- usually generalizations experiences - 18 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 in the financial system -7 the institute publishes periodic surveys of financial and currency conditions in foreign cOuntries. The work of the institute is divided among the following four sections: Budgetary Finance; Finance of Branches of the Economy of the USSR;. Credit and Monetary Circulation in the USSR; and Finance, Money., and Credit in Foreign States. The director of the institute, A.V. Ba- churin, also is on the editorial board of the journal of the Ministry of Finance, Finansy $SSR (Finances of the USSR), and a faculty member at Moscow State University. An economist with the Ministry of Finance, V. Barmin, also is active in the work of the institute. 9. Moscow Institute of National Economy-Named for G.V. Ple- khanov The Moscow Institute of National Economy named for G.V. Plekhanov (Moskovskiy.Institut Narodnogo Khozyaystva imeni G.V. Ple- khanova), the basic organization for handling training and research in the economics of trade and commerce during the early years of the Soviet state, gave up various aspects of its research and training programs during the early 1930s to a number of newly .formed special- ized institutes. This institute is still regarded, however, as one of the main institutes for the investigation of problems of internal trade. Originally under the Ministry of Higher Education, the in- stitute was subordinated to the Ministry of Trade; USSR, from 1953 until the abolition of that ministry in 1958.* The pedagogical effort -- a large part of the total activity of the institute -- is organized into the following four faculties: Management, Economics. of Trade, Theoretical Economics, and Technology. A.I. Fefilov, a former editor of the journal Sovetskaya torgovlya (Soviet Trade); is the director of the institute. B.I. PashkoV is Dean of the Faculty of Economics of Trade. P.K. Druzhinin, a professor at the institute, is a specialist it trade statistics. 10. Scientific Research Institute for the Study of Market Forces of the Ministry of Foreign Trade, USSR The Scientific Research Institute for the Study of Market Forces of the Ministry of Foreign Trade, USSR, located in Moscow, per- forms research in the economics of foreign trade and trade policies of foreign states. This institute, the director of which is N.V. Orlov, supplies the Ministry of Foreign Trade with information on the condi- tions of commodity markets it order to aid the carrying out of foreign * The research institutes of the various ministries that have been abolished during the last several years generally have been placed under Gosplat, under the remaining ministries,- under committees of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, or under the sovnarkhozes. -19 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 trade operations. The institute is divided into the following six sections: Economics of Foreign States, Commodity Markets, Prices, Foreign Commercial Information, Statistics, and Study of Foreign Firms. The institute regularly publishes Byulleten' stranoy kom- mercheskoy informatsii (Bulletin of Foreign Commercial Information) and a series of occasional papers devoted to more complete studies of commercial conditions. The journal of the Ministry of Foreign Trade, Vneshnyaya torgovlya (Foreign Trade), also provides an outlet for the work of this institute. The Ministry of Foreign Trade also has an Academy of Foreign Trade (Akademiya Vneshney Torgovli) in Moscow that is almost exclusively devoted to educational activities and, in addition, an Institute of Foreign Trade in Leningrad that specializes in training more advanced students and engages in a limited amount of research work.. Virtually all of the theoretical work in international eco- nomics., however, is conducted by the Institute of World Economics and International Relations of the Academy of Sciences, USSR.* 11. All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Agricultural Economics of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences Named for V.I. Lenin of the Ministry of Agriculture, USSR t - The AllrUnion Scientific Research Institute of Agricul- tural Economics of: the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences named for V.I. Lenin of the Ministry of Agriculture, USSR, established in April 1955 in Moscow; has a broad system of affiliates and sup- porting centers anda,large 'staff of 800, of which about 350 are scientific workers.- The mission of this institute -- the study of the broader problems of agricultural development not covered by the large number of more specialized 'institutes in Moscow or by the zonal in- stitutes and experimental stations in each oblast, kray, and autono- mous republic --,is well illustrated by the summary plan of work for the institute in 1959, which set forth 15 basic research themes, as followsimprovements in patterns of agricultural production among oblasts; appraisal of agricultural measures and systems of economic collective and state farms of different zones; appkaisal of -land and measures for improving its utilization; improvements of the organization of meat production; improvements in the utilization of labor resoUrces:in agriculture; problems of the guaranteed money wage and standardization of labor; 'improvements in the utilization of agricultural equipment; problems of -reducing costs and perfecting agricultural prices; problems of complex mechanization, automation, and the iritroduCtiOn of new equipment in agriculture; economic basis for capital investment and the obtaining of material-technical supplies in agriculture;,:progressive forms of economic accounting and wage * See IV, A, 2, p. 11, above. - 20 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 payments in state farms; improvement in the patterns of specializa- tion on state farms; heightening the economic effectiveness of,pro= duction in the new lands; improvement in.planning, accounting, and introduction of cost accountability (khozraschet) on collective farms; and strengthening and developing collective farm forms of - property. Extensive recent criticism of the_accomplishmenteof institute indicates that its research plans are considerably more : impressive than its ability to produce acceptable solutions to major Soviet agricultural problems.. The press has accused the institute of inadequate attention to virtually every one of the themes in its 1959' program. This criticism of the institute's research activity, however, overlooks its positive contribution to the Lenin All-Union Academy in the accomplishment of the academy's role of coordination and direction of all agricultural research in the large network of agricultural. : organizations throughout the USSR. search A feW -of the economists associated with the Scientific Re- Institute of Agricultural Economics are as follows: Tulupnikov,A.P Director of the institute; member of the Scientific Methodological Council of the Central Statistical Administration. Boyev, V. Chief of the section on prices. Gavrilov, V. A deputy director of the institute. Kolesnev,,S.G. Academician of the All-Union Academy - of Agricultural Sciences. Laptev,'I.D. ' Academician of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences; Academic Secretary of the Department of Economics and Organization of Agri- cultural Production of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences (hence, superior to Tulupnikov, whose in- stitute is in this department). Laza, G.M. Corresponding member of the All- Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences; on the editorial board of the journal of the Ministry of Agriculture,. Ekonomika sel'skogo khozyaystva (Economics of Agricul- ture). MoiseyeY,,M. ,Corresponding member,of,the,A11- Union .Academy. of Agricultural _ Sciences. -21 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Nemchinov, V.S. Obolenskiy, K.P. Okhapkin, K. - Romanenko I.N. Tikhomirov, M. Academician of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences (for other positions, see pp. 3, 8, and 10, above). Associated with the Agricultural Section of Gosplan (chief, 1956), and with this institute in 1955 and 1959. Chief of the section on setting norms for wages and labor. Corresponding member of the All- Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Corresponding member of the All- Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences. 12. Scientific Research _Institute, of Labor of the State Com- mittee of the Council of Ministers, USSR, on Questions of Labor and Wages The Scientific Research Institute of Labor of the State Committee of the Council ofMinister's, USSR,. on Questions of Labor and Wages and its parent organization, the state committee, both located in Moscow, were created in 1955 to give greater emphasis to labor and wage problems that formerly were handled, mainly by Gosplan. Before July 1957 the work of the Institute appeared Mainly in Sotsialistiche- skiy trud (Socialist Labor), the monthly journal of the state commit- tee. Since that time the institute has issued its own monthly publi- cation, Byulleten'.nauchnoy informatsii: trud i tarabotnaya plata (Bulletin Of Scientific Information on Labor and Wages). In addition to its own research program, this institute has been charged by the 'Council of Economic Institutes (under SREI, Gosplan) with the co- -Ordination-of all' basic research work of other organizations on the general problem of explbiting reserves for the growth of labor produc, tivity in industry; Because of the large number of research organizations en- gaged in labor and wage research, other institutes have been assigned tasks of coordinating basic research on other major labor topics. In 1959, about 190 scientific research institutes (attached to the Academy of Sciences, USSR; to the Academies of the various Union Re- publics; to Gosplan USSR; to the Gosplans of the various Union Re- publics; to state committees; to sovnarkhozes; and to higher educational institutions) and 850 norm-setting research organizations were en- gaged in one or another of about 600 separate labor and wage topics. Coordination of research on the basic theme of improving the methodology -22 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 of planning labor productivity in industry is charged to the Moscow Engineering Economic Institute named for S. Ordzhonikidze and to the Moscow State Economic Institute; on the basic theme of labor productivity in Agriculture, to the Institute Of Economics of the Academy of Sciences,., USSR; and on the theme of statistical measure- ment of labor productivity, to the Moscow Economic Statistical In- stitute. The greateStconcentration'of research on labor and wage problems, nevertheless,: Is in the Scientific Research Institute of Labor. Thisinttitute has drawn up a basic research plan containing nine major divisions for the period of the Seven Year Plan (1959-65), as follows: labor productivity, labor 6rganiation, technical labor norms, organization of wages, improvement in the organization and mechanization of the:management of labor, labor resources and their distribution and utilization, raising the material well-being of workers, labor problems in countries of the Soviet Bloc, and labor problems of.non7Bloc countries. . A f01,7 Of the'econotiSts recently notedin this institute are as follows: Aron Ye. In the section on labor in capital- ist countries. Kapustin, Ye.I A deputy director of the institute. Karapetyan, A.Kh. Interested in mathematical eco- nomics. ' Kats, A.I. Specialist on productivity. Petrochenko, P.F. .A deputy director of-the institute. Pisarev, I.yu. Research on real income and labor. welfare. Shishkin, N. I. Research on problems of distribu- tion and utilization of labor. Shkurkov Chief of the section on wages. ? .13. Moscow Economic Statistical Institute of the Ministry of ? Highei-and Specialized Secondary Education, USSR The Moscow Economic Statistical Institute of the Ministry of Higher and Specialized Secondary Education, USSR, primarily a- training center for Statisticians for industry, agriculture, trade and-transport positions, is included in this report because of its central role in coordinating SOViet research in statistical method- ology by virtue both of being a member of the Council of Economic Institutes and, of its specific assignment as coordinator of research on problems of measuring labor productivity. -23 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 ,The senior facility members of the' institute are as follows: Ovsiyenko, V:Ye.f Baklanov, G.I. . Yevst,igneyev, G. P. Zhebrak, M. Eli. Kuznetsova, Maks imova, V. N. ? Novikov, V.S. 7 Director of the institute. -; Chief of the Department of -trial Statistics.: Chief of the Department of Machine Accounting. Chief of the Department of Book- keeping Accounting. Chief of the Department of Trade -and Transport Statistics. Chief of the Department of Agri- ,-cultural ',Statistics. Deputy director of the institute. ? 14. Moscow State University Named for M.V. Lomonosov The economics faculty of Moscow State University named for M.V. Lomonosov -- like faculties at all Soviet universities and in- stitutes of higher learning -- must fulfill an annual research plan in addition to its teaching duties. Illustrative of the content of such plans is the Seven Year Plan for scientific research by the various departments or chairs (kafedra) of the economics faculty of Moscow State University, for the period 1959-65., - All departments are to participate in work on problems of the law of development of the socialist society, which include problems of the theory of commodity production and the law of value under so- cialism, problems of differential land rents, and ,khozraschet'(cost accounting) as a method of economizing.. The Department of Economics of Foreign Countries and some of the members of the Department' ofPo- litical Economy are to study the laws and peculiarities of the trans- formation from capitalism to socialism in the European Satellites. The Department of Agricultural Economics and some members of the Department of Political Economy will work on the long-term strengthen- ing and development of the kolkhoz economy, including, problems of specialization and distributiori-of agriCilltural production, factors of growth of labor productivity, and the -Calculation of costs of agri- cultural-production. Various departments of the economics faculty will workon the problem of new techniques ,and their utilization by ,the basic sec- tors of industry. Data from the economics institutes and project , planning institutes will be, studied and systematized,' This work will, beheaded by the Department of Economics and Planning of Industry, ? ?,f Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 The Department of Statistics and the Department of Accounting and Analysis of Economic Activity of Socialist Enterprises will work on the problem of uncovering economic reserves. This work will include research on the problems of. raising the productivity of labor, lower- ing the cost of production, improving the utilization of productive ?capacity, materials, and the like. ' Some of the approximately 60 members of the economics faculty are as follows: Sokolov, M.M. Atlas, Z.V. Dean of the economics faculty since 1954; also head of the Department of Economics and Planning of Socialist Agriculture since 1947. Specialist in finance, Department ?of Political Economy. Bachurin, A.v. Specialist in finance; also Director of the Scientific Research Insti- tute of Finance. Bakulev, G.D. Specialist in the. economic planning of industry. Boyarskiy, A.Ya. Specialist in,statistics and mathe- matical economics; member of the Scientific Methodological Council of the Central Statistical Adminis- ' tration. Dragilev, M. S.' Chief of the section on capitalism. "Khudokormov, G.N. (Professional specialty not ob- served.) Kolganov, M.V. Specialist in national income, ? pricing, and value theory. Koshelev, F. P. Professor in the Department of Political Economy. Kumachenko Y (Professional specialty not ob-, served.) Lyapunov (Professional specialty not ob- served.) Osad'ko, M.P. Interested in wage problems in agriculture. Ostrovityanov, K.V. In the Department of Political Economy. Polyanskiy Specialist in economic history. Rudenko, G.F. (Professional specialty not ob- served.) -25- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Savenskiy, D.V. Spiridonova, N.S. Tatur, S,K. Tsagolov, N.A. Chief, of the Department of Statis- tics; member of the Scientific Methodological Council of the Central Statistical Administra- tion. (Professional specialty not ob- served.) Chief, of the Department of Ac- counting and Analysis' ofEconomic Activity of Socialist Enterprises. Chief of the Department of Politi- cal Economy. 15. Leningrad State University Named for A.A. Zhdanov The economics. faculty of Leningrad State University named for A.A. Zhdanov -- like faculties of .universities in the major cities throughout the USSR-- engages in scientific work, much of which is directed at problems of the sovnarkhoz or specific enterprises in its region. 'The economics? faculty of Leningrad State University, however, is currently of special interest, because of the initiative it has taken in promoting the application of mathematical methods in Soviet economics. Working closely with the mathematics-mechanics faculty and the calculator-computer center 'at the university, the economics faculty has created a Laboratory for the Utilization of Mathematical Methods in Economics. A major activity of this. laboratory is its educational section, which prepares specialists in economic calculation. Its stu- dents have been drawn from final-year students in the, university; from scientific workers in Gosplan and the Siberian Department of the Academy of Sciences,. USSR;, and from the European Satellites. The pioneer laboratory at Leningrad State University is the major training ground for mathematical economists who will supply the needs of the growing number of institutes that are beginning to employ mathematical methods in economic analysis. The research plan of the Institute of Economics of the Siberian Department of-the Academy of Sciences, USSR, envisiOns the development of this institute as a major center for research in methods of utilizing mathematics in interbranch balances for regional economic planning and in the study of problems of the effectiveness of capital investment. Other organi- zations that have begun to explore the use of mathematical methodology in economic research are SREI Gosplan; the Institute of Complex Trans- portation Problems; Moscow State Economic Institute; the Institute of Electronic Managerial Machines (Institut Elektronnykh Upravlyayushchikh Mashin) of the Academy of Sciences, USSR; and the Economics Section of the Council for Cybernetics (Sovet po Kibernetike) of the Academy of Sciences, USSR. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Some of the economists who have been most active in pro- moting the development of mathematical economics in these organizations are as follows: A.Ya. Boyarskiy of Moscow State University; S.M. Nikitin of the Institute of World Economics and International Relations; V.D. Belkdn of the Laboratory of Managerial Machines and Systems (LaboratoriYa UpraVlyayushchikh Mashin i?Sistem): of the Academy of Sciences, USSR; A.Kh'.- Karapetyan Of the Scientific Research,In- stitute of Labor; Ya.A, Kronroclof the Institute of Economics I.G. Malyy of Moscow State Economic Institute; and V.A. Sobol' of the Central Statistical Administration. L.V. Kantorovich, mathematician and corresponding member of.. the Academy of Sciences, USSR, and his assistant, PiA.-Korbut of Leningrad State University, have been major advocates of the use of linear programing in economics. - NoVo-, zhilov and V.A. Zalgaller, also ofLeningrad State University, also have been active in this field,- :? , Some of the mPmbers of the economids faculty of Leningrad ' State University are as follows: Vorotilov, V.A. Aleshin, I.V. Andreyev, Blaykhman, L.S. Korbut, A.A. Kotov, I.V. Novozhilov, V.V. Zaostrovtsev, P.G. Zalgalle r, V. A. -.Dean of the economics faculty.' Specialist in the theory of socialism. Assistant dean, economics faculty. In the Department of Branches Of the Economy. ' Mathematical economics. (Professionalspecialty not ob- served.) Mathematical economics. (Professional specialty not ob- served.) Mathematical economics. B. Government Ministries, Councils, and Committees Although Most Soviet economic research is conducted by insti- tutes and educational organizations such as those included in this report, some prominent economists directly associated with government Ministries, councils; Committees, and the like, command attention either for their own research activity or for their role in influenc- ing the research work of others. Leading personnel in the Central Statistical Administration, which has no economic institute attached to it, are particularly il- lustrative of this group of economists. The Director of the Central -27 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Statistical Administration, V.N.-'Starovskiy, is'the deansof Soviet statisticians and a,corresponding,member of the Academy of Sciences, USSR He is an active participant in economic-statistical conferences and is in closecontact with the statistical research conducted by ' the Central Statistical Administration. A deputy director of the Central Statistical Administration, I.S. yialyshev, has been a major.- contributor to.the'loody of Soviet literature on the law of value in a planned economy. Another deputy director, V.F. Monakhov, is on the editorial board of the journal.of the Central Statistical Administra- tion, Vestnik statistiki (Herald of Statistics) Still another deputy directbr,. LM. VolodarskiY, is on the editorial board of the journal of Gosplan, Planovoye.khozyaystvo. WA:.Sobol', the chief editor of. Vestnik statistiki, Chiefcf the National Income Section Of the .Central Statistical Administration and a major contribUtbr to work on national income.' .Other leading personnel of this organization who have contributed to discussions of current Soviet econothic problems are.I-I. Kalinin,. Chief, of the Section-of CommUnal Housing Statistics; A.F. Ul'yanova, Chief of the Section of Labor and WageStatistics; I.Ya. Matyukha,.Chief of the Section of Budget Statistics; V.V. Dzha- paridze, Deputy Chiefcf the Industrial.Statistics.Section; and . A.A. BelyakoV, Chief of the Section on.Statistics-of Material Supplies and Inventories. - 28 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Aboltin, V., 12 . Alekseyev, A. M. , 12, 16 Ale.shin, I. V: ? 27 Ambartsumov, A. M., :16 Andreyev, B. 56 27 AnnaklYchev, y 15 Antons, R. I , 15 Aron, ' Ye . , 23 Arzumanyan, , 7, 12 Atlas, Z. V, , 3, 18, 25 Avdeyev, V N. , 7 - Bachurit, A, V. , 19, 25 Baklanov, ? G. I. , 21' Bakulev, G. D., 8; 25 Ba 'V -; 19 Batyrev,' V. M., 8 Bechin, A. I. ; 13' Belkin, V. D. , 27 - Belbusov, 1.1.', 14 Belov, A. A. , 8 . Belyakov, A. A, , 28' Belyakov, A. S. , 13 Birman, A. M. , 17 BlaykhMan L. S. , 27 Bogomolov, O. T. , 16 : Bar, M. Z.., 1, 8 Borodin, I. A-, 8 Boyarskiy, A. Ya. , 25; 27. Boyev, V., 21 _ BraginskiY, B. I. , 16. Buzulukoy, N. S., 17 - Dmitriyev, M. V. 9 Dmittiyev, V. I., 14 Dragilev, M, S., 25 , Druzhinin P. K,; 19 ' yachenko, V. P. ; 7, 9 Dzerve,. P. P. , ' Dzhamalov; O. B. , .15 . Dzhaparidze, V. 76 28 Fedoseyev, P, N., -8 Fe filov, A. I. , 19 Gatovskiy, L. M. ,, 3, 9 Gavrilov, V,, 21 Gugushvili, P., 15 INDEX OF ECONOMISTS -2 Gus eynov, G, T. , 15 Ioffe, Ya ?A. 16 Ivanov, P. S. , 6, 16 ' Kalinin, 28 Kantorovich, L;V. , 4, 'rt: Kapustin, Ye . 23 ' Ka rapetyan, 23 KarOtatm, N, -9 Kats,. A-I., 23? Kazakevich, v. b7, 13. Khachaturov, ? t.Z. , '6, Khavinson; Ya . S. , 13 Khromov, P. A, ?, 9 Khudokormov, G. N. , 25 Kochetov, I. V. , :9 Kolesnev, S. G., 21 Kolgan0v, M.7. , 3, 9, 25 Kolbntay, V. M. , 13 ? Kondrashev, D. D. , 3; 9 .Korbut, , 27 Koshelev, F. P. , 25 . Kotov, I. V. , 27 ? Kovalevskiy, G. T.., 15 Kozel ' skiy; N, N. , 9 Kozlov, M. I. , 9 Kronrod, Ya .A.', 3, 10 27. Krylov, P.N. , 16 Kulikov, A. G. , 10 Kumachenko; Ya., 25 Kurskiy, A. D. , 3, 10 Kuz 'min, I. I, , 2, 3, 12 Kuz 'Mlnov, . I. , Kuznetsova, T. M. , 24 Lailiyev, D. S. , 15 Laptev, I. D, , 6, lb 21 Lemin, I. M. , 13 Leont ' yev, L.A. , 7 Lihkun, N. I. , 10 Loza, G.M. , 21 Lyapunov, 25 Lyubimov, N. P., 16 Lyubimov, V. V. , 13 Maksimova, V. N. 24 MAlyshev, I. S. , 3, 4, 28 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2 Malyy, I.G., 17, 27 Manevich, Ye.L., 10 Manyakyan, A.A., 13 Margulis, A., 18 Marykhyan, A. 0., ,15 Maslov, P. P., 7, 18 Maslova, N.S., 10 Matyukha, I.Ya., 28 Mendel' son, L., 13' Meshkauskas, K., 15 Moiseyev, M.I?, 10, 21 Monakhov, V.F., 28 Muromtsev, M.N., 16 Nekrasov, N. N., 7 . Nem.chinov, V. S., 3, 7, 8, 10, 22 Nesmeyanov, A.N., 14 Nesterenko, A.A., 15 Nikitin,. S.M., 13, 27. Nikolayevich, Notkin) 10 NovikoV, V.S? 24 Novozhilov, V.V., 27 Obolenskiy, K.P., 17,. 22. Okhapkin, K.,, 22 Orlov, N. V., 19 ? Osadlko, M.P., 25 Ostrovityanov, K.V., 3, 7, 10, Ovsiyenko, V.Ye., 24 Pashkov, A.I. 7, 11 Pashkov) B.I., 19 Petrochenko, P.F., Petrov, A.I., 6, 17 Petrov, V.I., 11,:. 14. Pisarev, I.Yu., 23 Plotnikbv, K. N., 7, 8 Polyanskiy, 25 Prudenskiy, G.A., 14 Ptukha, M.V., 7 Romanenko, I.N.,-22 Rozenberg, D.ya., 7. Rubenshtein, 13 Rudenko, G.F., 25 Rusovskiy, 18 Ryabushkin, T.V., 11 Sallin, 11 - Savenskiy, D.V., 26 Scharrer, 18 Semenova, S.I. 11 Shepilov, 7 Shishkin, N.I? 23 Shkurkov,.23 Skorov, G.Ye., 13 Smit-Falkner, M. K., 7 Sobol', V.A., 27, 28 Sokolov, I.A?, 13. Sokolov; M,M., 6, 25 Solodovnikov, V,, 13 Spiridonova, N.S., .26 Starovskiy, V., N., 7, 28 Strumilin, S.G., 3, 5, 7, Tatur, S.K., 26 ? Tikhomirov, M. I., 22 Tolkachev, A.S., 17 Tolybekov, S?Ye., 15 Trakhtenberg, I,A., 7 Tsagolov, N.A., 26 Tulupnikov, A.P., 21 Turetskiy, Sh.Ya? 3, .17 Ultyanova, A.F., .28 Uso skin, M., 18 Val'yuzhenich, Ye.N., 17 Varga, Ye:S. 7, 11,, 13 , Vasillyevskiy, I.V. 14 VaSyutin, V.F? 11 Venzher) 11 Vinogradov; N.V., 17. Voiodarskiy, ?L.M., 28 Vorotilov, V.A.; 27 Yefimov, A.N.,6, 16 Yeremeyev, yevstaf'yev, G.V.,'11 Yevstigneyev, G.P., 24 Zalgaller, V.A.) 27 ? Zaostrovtsev, P.G., 27 Zaremba, S.A., ,17 Zasyadko, A.F., 3 Zhebrak, 24 11 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700090001-2