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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 ECONOMIC INTELLIGENCE REPORT 1955 RUBLE-DOLLAR PRICE RATIOS FOR INTERMEDIATE PRODUCTS AND SERVICES IN THE USSR AND THE US CIA/RR ER 60-16 June 1960 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND REPORTS 1 1 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 NOTICE This report has been loaned to the recipient by the Central Intelligence Agency. When it has served its pumose it should be destroyed or returned to the: CIA Librarian Central Intelligence Agency Washington 25, D. C. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 ECONOMIC INTELLIGENCE REPORT 1955 RUBLE-DOLLAR PRICE RATIOS FOR INTERMEDIATE PRODUCTS AND SERVICES IN THE USSR AND THE US CIA/RR ER 60-16 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND REPORTS Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 FOREWORD This report presents 1955 ruble-dollar price ratios for selected intermediate products and services produced in both the USSR and the US and is part of a larger project that has the followirlg purposes: (1) to construct the appropriate ruble-dollar ratios for making di- rect comparisons in common currencies of the major end-use sectors of Soviet gross national product (GNP) and US GNP, (2) to assess the value of the ruble in comparison with the dollar for various commodities and for various commodity groups, and (3) to furnish a catalog of 1955 ruble-dollar ratios. The ruble-dollar price ratios presented in this report provide a basis for assessing the value of the ruble in comparison with the dollar for various commodities and for various commodity groups. The ratios also may be useful for comparing the purchasing power of the ruble for selected commodity groups with the trade rate for Soviet merchandise or with the rate for tourist expenditure. The ratios may be useful in costing studies in which economic programs are initially estimated in either dollars or rubles and then Con- verted to the other currency for purposes of international compar- isons. These ratios have only limited application in GNP compar- isons, for intermediate products and services form only a small part of GNP. GNP is concerned primarily with final products and services, whereas intermediate products and services enter only in the compara- tively minor entry for additions to inventories and, to a lesser ex- tent, consumption. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Summary CONTENTS Page 1 I. Characteristics of Data 3 A. Comparability of Prices and Products 3 B. Coverage and Representativeness of Intermediate Products and Services 6 C. Characteristics of Ruble-Dollar Ratios 8 II. Comparison of 1950 and 1955 Ruble-Dollar Ratios 11 Appendix A. Methodology Appendixes 1. Individual Ruble-Dollar Ratios 15 15 a. Solid Fuels 15 b. Petroleum Products 15 c. Paper and Paperboard 17 d. Chemicals 18 e. Construction Materials 18 f. Iron and Steel Products 19 g. Nonferrous Metals 20 h. Rail Transport 20 i. Communications Services 22 j. Electric Power 23 2. Aggregate Ruble-Dollar Ratios 25 a. Formulas for Weighting Ratios 25 b. Derivations of Aggregate Ratios 26 Appendix B. Statistical Tables 31 Appendix C. Source References 69 Tables 1. USSR and US: Aggregate 1955 Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Selected Categories of Intermediate Products and Services - v - 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 2. USSR and US: Median, Unweighted, and Weighted 1955 Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios and Frequency Distribution of Ruble-Dollar Ratios for Intermediate Products and Services, by Category of Product or Service 3. USSR and US: Comparison of 1950 and 1955 Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for a Selected Sample of Intermediate Products 4. USSR and US: Prices and Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Solid Fuels, 1955 5. USSR and US: Specifications, Prices, and Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Petroleum Products, 1955 6. USSR and US: Specifications, Prices, and Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Paper and Paperboard, 1955 7. USSR and US: Specifications, Prices, and Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Chemicals, 1955 8. USSR. and US: Specifications, Prices, and Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Construction Materials, 1955 9. USSR and US: Specifications, Prices, and Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Iron and Steel Products, 1955 10. USSR and US: Specifications, Prices, and Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Nonferrous Metals, 1955 11. USSR and US: Calculation of Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Rail Freight Transport, 1955 12. USSR and US: Specifications, Prices, and Ruble-Dollar Price Ratio for Rail Passenger Service, 1955 13. USSR and US: Specifications, Prices, and Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Communications Services, 1955 14. USSR and US: Prices and Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Electric Power, 1955 15. USSR and US: Aggregate Ruble-Dollar Solid Fuels, 1955 16. USSR and US: Aggregate Ruble-Dollar Petroleum Products, 1955 17. USSR and US: Aggregate Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Price Ratios for Price Ratios for Paper and Paperboard, 1955 - vi - Page 12 32 33 37 38 40 142 47 48 50 51 52 53 54 57 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Page lb USSR and US: Aggregate Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Chemicals, 1955 58 19. USSR and US: Aggregate Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Construction Materials 1955 60 20. USSR and US: Aggregate Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Iron and Steel Products, 1955 61 21. USSR and US: Aggregate Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Nonferrous Metals, 1955 62 22. USSR and US: Aggregate Ruble-Dollar Price Ratio for Rail Freight Transport, 1955 63 23. USSR and US: Aggregate Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Communications Services, 1955 66 24. USSR and US: Aggregate Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Electric Power, 1955 67 Map USSR: Price Zones for Petroleum Products, 1955 inside back cover Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 1955 RUBLE-DOLLAR PRICE RATIOS FOR INTERMEDIAM PRODUCTS AND SERVICES IN THE USSR AND THE US Summary The 1955 ruble-dollar price ratios presented in this report are based on a comparison of 1955 wholesale ruble and dollar prices for intermediate products and services* common to the Soviet and US economies. These price comparisons reveal substantial variations in relative prices between the two countries. As indicated by a geometric mean of the Soviet-weighted and US-weighted ratios, 1 ruble is worth about 10 cents for intermediate products as a whole. In regard to the ratios for the various categories, 1 ruble is worth about 6 cents for solid fuels; 7 to 10 cents for chemicals, paper and paperboard, non- ferrous metals, and electric power; and about 15 to 20 cents for iron and steel products and construction materials. On the basis of in- dividual products, 1 ruble is worth approximately 55 cents for tool- steel bars, 25 cents for natural gas, 10 cents for motor fuel, and about 2 cents for cadmium. Because the necessary value weights for obtaining a mean ratio for all services were not available, an ag- gregate ruble-dollar ratio is limited to the product sample alone. The geometric mean of 9.6 for the aggregate ratio for total in- termediate products is, however, more than twice as high as the ag- gregate ratio of 3.6 for rail transport but more than a third less . than the aggregate ratio of 14.6 for electric power. The 1955 ruble-dollar ratios for intermediate products are in general much lower than those for 1950. The decreases in the ratios range from 5 percent for anthracite to 72 percent for mercury and calcium chloride (flake). The decline in the ratios from 1950 to 1955 resulted from decreases in prices for most intermediate products in the USSR during this period and from increases in the corresponding prices in the US. * Unless otherwise indicated, the term intermediate products and services as used in this report refers to commodities and services purchased for use in production. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 I. Characteristics of Data In the derivation of 1955 ruble-dollar ratios for the USSR and the US, ruble and dollar wholesale prices have been compared for 171 intermediate products and services. For services, however, prices also have been compared for selected services consumed by the final consumer. Although those final services consumed by households also have been counted in the consumption end-use sector of gross national product (GNP), it is convenient and of interest to consider household and enterprise rates together in this section. The following categories of intermediate products and services are represented: (1) solid fuels, (2) petroleum products, (3) paper and paperboard, (4) chemicals, (5) construction materials, (6) iron and steel products, (7) nonferrous metals, (8) rail transport, (9) communications services, and (10) electric power. Aggregate ruble-dollar ratios, usually based on both Soviet and US value weights, have been constructed for these categories of intermediate products and services and are shown in Table 1.* In general, data on value of output have been used as weights for combining the in- dividual ratios into aggregate ratios. The methodology underlying the calculations of individual and aggregate ruble-dollar ratios is given in Appendix A. The calculation of individual and aggregate ratios is given in Tables 4 through 24-.** A. Comparability of Prices and Products The ruble prices used in this comparison are those established on 1 July 1955, with the exception of those for communications services, which are average 1955 prices. Two reasons led to the choice of prices in effect on 1 July 1955. Pirst, 1 July 1955 represents the most re- cent date for which extensive information on wholesale prices by spe- cific commodity exists. Second, the prices introduced on this date were established for the period of the Sixth Five Year Plan (1956-60). Although the Sixth Five Year Plan was abandoned and although some price changes took place in 1956 and 1957 and early in 1958, it appears that 1955 prices are still in effect for most of the commodities for the Seven Year Plan (1959-65). The dollar prices are those of 1 July 1955 or are average 1955 prices. There were substantial price changes for a number of commodity groups in the US during 1955, but the difference between average 1955 dollar prices and 1 July 1955 dollar prices is not generally significant. Although the ruble prices used in this report came from a number of sources, most of such prices were drawn from the following: (1) a handbook of prices of materials and equipment used in or by con- struction organizations, Spravochnik tsen na stroiteltnyye materialy i oborudavaniye (Handbook of Prices for Construction Materials and Equipment), Moscow, 1956, and (2) a handbook of prices of commodities Table 1 follows on p. 4. ** Appendix B, pp. 32 through 67, below. -3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 used in the coal industry, Materialy i oborudovaniye primenyayemyye v ugol'noy promyshlennosti: spravochnik (Handbook (A.' Prices for Mate- terials and Equipment Used in the Coal Industry), Moscow, 1955. Par- ticular references to these sources and all additional sources are noted along with the ruble prices in Appendix A. Once rale prices were assembled, it was necessary to fix standards of comparison for Soviet and US items. Generally, items were accepted into the sample on the basis of the following two criteria: (1) comparability of physical characteristics and (2) com- parability of the price basis. In general, Soviet specifications for products were avail- able in sufficient detail to permit the ready designation of US counterparts. The degree of comparability achieved in the report as a whole is believed to be good, even though the degree of compara- bility varies by product group and ranges from virtual identity to rough approximation. Table 1 USSR and US: Aggregate 1955 Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Selected Categories of Intermediate Products and Services 2.1 Rubles per Dollar Category Weighted Ratio Soviet US WeiEhts Weights Solid fuels Petroleum products Paper and paperboard Chemicals Construction materials Iron and steel products Nonferrous metals Rail freight transport Rail passenger service 2/ Communications services 11 Electric power 2/ 17.0 10.5 9.6 11.0 12/ 4.9 5.4 12.0 6.3 5.2 14.2 18.2 11.8 10.1 13.0 . 5.5 5.9 13.6 3.6 6.3 5.7 15.0 a. For data and methodology, see Appendixes A and B. b. Estimated. c. The ratios are identical for both the USSR and the US be- cause they represent one item only. d. Including intermediate and final services. 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Usually the ruble prices for products are quoted free on board (f.o.b.) depot of seller -- that is, the prices represent those at the manufacturing site or at the freight depot in the city of manufacture and thus exclude all, or virtually all, outbound transport charges. The important exceptions to this practice were found in iron and steel and petroleum products, the prices of which are quoted f.o.b. depot of destination or depot of sales. Soviet prices for solid fuels, petro- leum products, and some construction materials as well as rates for electric power are differentiated by sales region. For prices dif- ferentiated by region, an attempt was made to derive a national aver- age price. Because US and Soviet prices are not always comparable, it has sometimes been necessary to adjust one of the prices. For example, US prices do not include transport charges for petroleum products or iron and steel products. Soviet prices have therefore been adjusted to exclude these chatges. US prices for paper and paperboard, however, include transport charges, and the Soviet prices have been adjusted to include these charges. The ruble and dollar prices for commodities are therefore of two types: most are f.o.b. depot of seller and exclude transport charges, and some are delivered prices and include transport charges. It is believed that in general the degree of price comparability achieved is good. Petroleum products as a group presented the greatest diffi- culty in the establishment of comparability of products and prices. Whereas, in general, comparability of petroleum products is good, compromises were made in the basic criteria for establishing com- parability. As to prices of petroleum products, all Soviet prices include transport charges and the cost of operating sales bases, and the turnover tax and an administrative surcharge are included in the prices for some unspecified products. An adjustment was made in the ruble prices to exclude transport charges. Because tax rates, sales base operating costs, and administrative surcharges are not available for specific products, however, these components could not be deducted from the ruble prices. It is estimated that the turnover tax alone may average as much as 50 percent of the ruble price for a given prod- uct* and that the turnover tax and sales costs combined may average as much as 60 percent of the price. The administrative surcharge, which represents operating costs of various organizations of the Minis- try of the Petroleum Industry, is believed to be a very small share of the price -- probably less than 1 percent. The preceding discussion of prices and comparability has been confined primarily to prices of products. A few remarks are neces- s4ry with respect to services. For electric power, ruble and dollar rates paid by comparable classes of users have been compared. For communications services, rates for services with the same general characteristics have been compared. Soviet basic freight rates for the US average lengths of haul have been compared with US rates de- rived from data on revenue' for the US average lengths of haul. Soviet * This percentage applies to the ruble price inclusive of tranSport charges. -5- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 basic passenger fares for an average distance of a Soviet passenger trip have been compared with US passenger fares for the same distance. The problems encountered in achieving comparability and the solutions adopted are discussed in greater detail, by product and ser- vice group, in Appendix A. The particular products and services and the corresponding prices selected for comparison are given in Tables 4 through 14.* B. Coverage and Representativeness of Intermediate Products and Services Because neither Soviet nor US data are available for the ag- gregate values of production for intermediate products and services, it is impossible to give an arithmetic evaluation of the extent to which the products and services priced in this report cover the cor- responding sectors of these two economies. Perhaps the best measure of coverage is reflected by an enumeration of the categories that have been omitted. The most important categories of intermediate products and services for which no ruble-dollar ratios have been con- structed are lumber and wood; rubber; leather products; and motor vehicle, water, and air transport. These categories were omitted because the necessary information on Soviet prices was not available. The relative importance of the various products and services for which ratios have been constructed differ in the two countries. Therefore, in order to obtain aggregate ruble-dollar ratios that take these differences into account, the individual ruble-dollar ratios for products and services have been weighted by their relative impertance in each country, except in those cases in which data were not avail- able for deriving weights. The aggregate ratios and the Soviet and US data used for combining the individual ratios into aggregate ratios are presented in Tables 15 through 24.** The list of products and services included in this report is less representative of either the Soviet or the US economy than one would desire, because the sample is of necessity restricted to those products and services that are comparable in the two countries. Never- theless, it is believed that the samples of items selected to repre- sent the various categories considered in this report are, in general, fairly representative of both the Soviet and the US economies. Uni- form representativeness, however, was not obtained for each category, and a few comments are necessary regarding certain categories. The sample of items in the category of solid fuels is more representative of the US than of the Soviet economy because both coke and peat, which have been omitted, are produced as a fuel in the USSR, whereas only coke is produced as a fuel in the US. It is be- lieved, however, that the over-all ratio for solid fuels as computed in this report is fairly reliable because peat prices are believed to Appendix B, pp. 32 through 52, below. ** Appendix B, pp. 53 through 67, below. - 6 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 approximate the average of the coal prices considered. It is also be- lieved that the ruble-dollar ratio for coke would closely approximate the aggregate ratio for solid fuels. The commodity coverage of petroleum products probably is more representative of the Soviet than of the US product mix. For the USSR the coverage is judged to be good; and for the US, fair. The refined products represented by ruble-dollar ratios account for about 60 percent of the total tonnage* of refined products produced in the USSR in 1955. From the US point of view, a number of petroleum prod- ucts have been omitted because of the lack of Soviet counterparts. The most important omissions are US regular (85-to-90 octane) and premium (93-to-98) motor gasolines. These gasolines together accounted for about 80 percent of the total tonnage of motor gasoline produced in the US in 1955, or about 30 percent of the total output of refined petro- leum products. US aviation gasoline having an octane rating of 115 to 145 and all grades of jet fuel also have been omitted. High-octane (100 and above) aviation gasolines (of which the above-mentioned grade 115 to 145 is a part) accounted for about 78 percent of the total ton- nage of aviation gasoline produced in the US in 1955. It is believed that the sample includes items representing the major portion of high- octane aviation gasolines, because grade 115 to 145 probably accounted for only a minor portion of total tonnage produced in this category in 1955. Even though US jet fuel has been omitted, the US price for jet fuel is very similar to the price of 41-to-43 gravity water-white kerosine, which has been compared with the Soviet jet fuels. Of the six groups of chemicals considered, coverage is be- lieved to be good only for three groups -- alkalies and chlorine, cyclic (coal-tar) crudes, and industrial inorganic chemicals. Cover- age for the remaining groups (industrial organic chemicals, plastic materials and synthetic resins, and fertilizers) is, at best, spotty. It is believed that the sample represents Soviet and US production of chemicals to about the same degree. It is interesting to note, how- ever, that even though the over-all sample appears to be deficient in terms of coverage, the US-weighted ruble-dollar ratio derived from it is almost identical with the ratio derived by applying the appro- priate Soviet and US price indexes for 1950-55 to the 1950 US-weighted ratio, which was based on a sample of ratios much superior to the 1955 sample in terms of coverage. Products of the iron and steel industry are represented only by those products considered to be rolled steel. It is believed, however, that ruble-dollar ratios for forgings and castings would be very close to the aggregate ratios obtained for rolled steel. The sample of products compared is representative of both Soviet and US output of rolled steel. Rolled, drawn, and alloyed nonferrous prod- ucts have not been included in the sample of nonferrous metals, but their ratios probably would closely resemble the over-all ratios for primary nonferrous metals. * Tonnages are given in metric tons throughout this report. -7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 The commodities included in the comparison of rail freight rates in Table 11* are those with the greatest loadings in the US in 1955. It is believed, however, that the sample is fairly repre- sentative of the bulk of rail freight traffic in both the USSR and the US. Because Soviet and US rates have been compared for US lengths of haul only, the ratios are more representative of US than Soviet rail freight transport. C. Characteristics of Ruble-Dollar Ratios Because the necessary value weights for obtaining a mean ruble-dollar ratio for all services were not available, an aggregate ruble-dollar ratio is limited to the product sample alone. About the only general observation relevant to the total sample is the wide dispersion of ratios extending from a low value of 1.8 for tool steel bars to a high of 67.3 for borax. The distribution of the ruble- dollar ratios within groups of products and services and for the sample as a whole is summarized in Table 2.** Although there is a marked bunching at the low end of the scale, there is considerable dispersion in the sample of ruble- dollar ratios for intermediate products. The greatest dispersion in the ratios is found within the categories of chemicals, nonfer- rous metals, and petroleum products.*** Because of the wide dispersion in the ruble-dollar ratios and the disparity in the number of observations among the component groups of intermediate products, the median and unweighted mean ratios were of questionable significance -- especially in determining a ratio for total intermediate products. For this reason, an attempt was made to obtain weighted average ratios for total intermediate products. In the absence of information on the value of output, value-added data were used as weights for combining the weighted mean ratios of the component groupst into aggregate ratios for intermediate products. The aggregate ratios obtained in this manner, the median ratio, and the unweighted mean ratio for total intermediate products all fall within a very nar- row range. * Appendix B, p. 48, below. ** Table 2 follows on p. 9. *** Inquiry into the kinds of items with ruble-dollar ratios of an unusually high magnitude -- for example, ratios of 25.0 and greater -- shows them to be various materials within the categories of chemicals and nonferrous metals. Among the chemicals are the following (with their ruble-dollar ratios): acetone (25.3), calcium chloride (30.1), and borax (67.3). Among the nonferrous metals are the following: cadmium (64.o), tin (48.1), and antimony (27.1). t The derivation of weighted ruble-dollar ratios for the component groups is explained in Appendix A. 8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Table 2 USSR and US: Median, Unweighted, and Weighted 1955 Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios and Frequency Distribution of Ruble-Dollar Ratios for Intermediate Products and Services by Category of Product or Service Ratio (Rubles per Dollar) Category Number of Ratios Median Unweighted Mean Weighted Mean 2/ Number of Ratios in Each Class Interval of 5 Rubles per Dollar Soviet Weights US Weights 0.0 to 4.9 5.0 to 9.9 10.0 to 14.9 15.0 to 19.9 20.0 to 24.9 25.0 to 29.9 30.0 and over Intermediate products Solid fuels 3 18.8 17.1 17.0 18.2 1 1 1 Petroleum products 50 10.8 11.5 10.5 11.8 1 19 21 5 4 Paper and paperboard 6 9.3 10.0 9.6 10.1 5 1 Chemicals 33 7.8 11.9 11.0 13.0 3 21 2 2 2 1 2 Construction materials 13 5.0 5.6 4.9 5.5 6 6 1 Iron and steel products 20 5.5 5.5 5.4 5.9 2 18 Nonferrous metals 9 13.0 23.8 12.0 13.6 2 3 1 1 2 Subtotal 134 8.6 11.0 8.7 12/ 10.5 1/ 12 71 29 88 2 4 Services _ Rail freight transport 29 3.4 3.5 3.6 25 4 Rail passenger service 1 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 1 Communications services 2/ 5 4.5 7.7 5.2 5.7 3 2 Electric power 2 14.6 14.6 14.2 15.0 1 I Subtotal /1 28 5 2 1 _ Total 171 40 .. 76 32 9 8 . 2 . 4 = Cumulative percentages 23.4 67.8 86.5 91.8 96.5 97.7 100.0 a. Aggregates for component categories from Table 1, p. 4, above. b. Aggregates for component categories combined on the basis of estimated value-added weights. c. Excluding home or private telephone subscriptions. -9- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 It is shown in Table 2 that the weighted mean ruble-dollar ratios based on Soviet weights differ from those based on US weights. The explanation lies basically in a negative correlation between rela- tive prices and relative quantities -- that is, goods and services that have lower relative prices tend to be produced in greater rela- tive quantities. Thus, when the price structure of one country is applied to the output structure of the other country, relatively high prices are applied to relatively large quantities and relatively low prices are applied to relatively small quantities. 1/* The gap be- tween the Soviet-weighted and the US-weighted ratios for total inter- mediate products is larger than the gap for any of the component groups except chemicals. The gaps between the two sets of ratios for both the total and the component groups probably would become larger as the sample number of ratios increases. This increase in size of gaps would be due to the tendency for the relative price structures and the product mixes to become increasingly dissimilar as the output of each country was considered in greater detail. Some other interesting observations can be made from the weighted mean ratios in Table 2: (1) the lowest weighted ruble- dollar ratios are those for construction materials and iron and steel products, whereas the highest are those for solid fuels; (2) the weighted ratios for construction materials are about one-half as high as the aggregate ratios for intermediate products; (3) the Soviet- weighted and the US-weighted ratios for solid fuels are almost twice as high as the respective Soviet and US aggregate ratios for total intermediate products; and (4) the weighted ratios for nonferrous metals are more than twice as high as those for iron and steel products. Thus it is clear that there are substantial variations in relative prices for intermediate products between the two countries. As indicated by a geometric mean of the Soviet-weighted and the US- weighted ratios for the various groups, a ruble is worth about 6 cents for solid fuels; 8 to 10 cents for petroleum products, paper and paperboard, chemicals, and nonferrous metals; and about 15 to 20 cents for construction materials and iron and steel products. For inter- mediate products in the aggregate, a ruble is worth about 10 cents. On an individual product basis a ruble is worth about 2 cents for cadmium, 10 cents for motor fuel, about 25 cents for natural gas, and about 55 cents for tool steel bars. Although the weighted ratios for intermediate services range from 3.6 to 15.0, the dispersion within ruble-dollar ratios for ser- vices is not as high as in the comparable groups of intermediate products. The weighted ratios for electric power are more than 2.5 times as high as those for communications services and 4 times as high as those for rail freight transport. As was the case with intermediate products, relative prices for intermediate services vary substantially between the USSR and the US. For example, a 1955 ruble is worth about 30 cents for rail freight transport, about 15 cents for rail passenger service, 20 cents for communications services, and 7 cents for electric power. * For serially numbered source references, see Appendix C. -10- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 II. Comparison of 1950 and 1955 Ruble-Dollar Ratios A large sample of 1950 ruble-dollar ratios has been compiled by the RAND Corporation, 2/ and other 1950 ratios have been compiled on the basis of other information as a need for these ratios has arisen. For purposes of comparison with the 1955 ratios constructed in this report, a sample of 1950 ratios has been selected. These 1950 ratios were selected for comparison with 1955 ratios when the commodity specifications and the price basis for an item were considered com- parable. The results are striking. In the short span of 5 years, about 30 percent of the items in the sample show decreases in the ratios of 40 to 60 percent; decreases of 60 percent or more are noted for another 8 percent of the sample; and the direction of the change is downward for all commodities except two. The decreases in the ratios range from 5 percent for anthracite to 72 percent for mercury and calcium chloride (flake). In Table 3* the ruble-dollar ratios for 1950 and 1955 are compared in terms of individual commodities. Although weights are not available for calculating the aggregate change in the ratios, the data in Table 3 demonstrate a substantial change in price relatives in the two countries between 1950 and 1955. The computed decreases in the ruble-dollar ratios between 1950 and 1955 are confirmed independently by other data. For example, a recent RAND report of Soviet prices of basic industrial goods shows a decline of about 11 percent between 1950 and 1955. 1/ Prices of basic industrial goods in the US rose about 15 percent between the same years.** These data imply that the ratio of Soviet prices to US prices for industrial goods fell by about one-fourth during this period. As noted in Table 3, ratios for two items, lead and cadmium, in- creased between 1950 and 1955. Soviet prices for lead in 1955 were almost 100 percent higher than in 1950, whereas US prices for lead increased only about 25 percent between 1950 and 1955. Between 1950 and 1955, Soviet and US prices for cadmium decreased. The Soviet price, however, decreased only about 10 percent, whereas the US price decreased about 22 percent. * Table 3 follows on p. 12. ** This statement is based on wholesale price indexes produced by the Bureau of Labor Statistics for coal, coke, gas, electric power, petroleum products, chemicals and allied products, rubber products, lumber and wood, pulp and paper products, iron and steel, nonferrous metals, and nonmetallic minerals from source)2/ combined on the basis of 1954 weielts from source J. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Table 3 USSR and US: Comparison of 1950 and 1955 Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for a Selected Sample of Intermediate Products Category and Item Ratio (Rubles per Dollar) Decrease 12/ (Percent) 1950 1955 2/* Solid fuels .2/ Anthracite 12.2 11.6 5 Bituminous coal 21.6 18.8 13 Lignite 23.5 21.0 11 Petroleum products 2/ Aviation gasoline 17.6 2/ 12.3 2/ 30 Automotive gasoline 20.3 2/ 16.6 2/ 18 Illuminating kerosine 17.3 10.6 39 Diesel fuel, light 12.1 2/ 8.8 2/ 27 Diesel fuel, heavy 10.4 9.0 2/ 13 Fleet mazut 20.0 13.3 34 Chemicals 1/ Alkalies and chlorine Chlorine 6.4 4.3 33 Sodium bicarbonate 13.1 7.7 41 Soda ash 15.7 8.9 43 Caustic soda, liquid 28.0 15.5 45 Caustic soda, cake 29.1 15.3 47 Cyclic (coal-tar) crudes Naphthalene 12.4 7.7 38 Benzene 21.7 11.9 45 Industrial organic chemicals, n.e.c. si Methanol 25.0 20.9 16 Acetone 36.3 25.3 30 Ethylene dichloride 2.4 2.1 12 Industrial inorganic chemicals, n.e.c. Nitric acid, weak 5.0 4.o 20 Nitric acid, concentrated 6.8 5.1 25 Ammonium sulfate 8.6 5.4 37 Footnotes for Table 3 follow on p. 14. -12- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Table 3 USSR and US: Comparison of 1950 and 1955 Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for a Selected Sample of Intermediate Products (Continued) Category and Item Chemicals (Continued) Industrial inorganic chemicals, n.e.c. B/ Ratio (Rubles per Dollar) Decrease 1950 1955 2/ (Percent) Ammonium nitrate 8.7 5.7 34 Sodium sulfate (salt cake) 10.5 7.6 28 Calcium carbide 11.0 6.9 37 Hydrochloric acid 11.3 5.1 55 Sulfuric acid, tower 12.4 6.7 46 Sulfuric acid, contact 14.3 7.7 46 Magnesium oxide 12.5 7.3 42 Synthetic ammonia, anhydrous 14.1 9.4 33 Aqueous ammonia 15.8 9.5 4o Ammonium chloride 19.2 7.8 59 Copper sulfate 15.1 8.3 45 Trisodium phosphate 18.0 6.4 64 Barium chloride 22.3 12.7 43 Hydrogen peroxide 24.9 8.8 65 Calcium chloride, solid 54.4 24.6 55 Calcium chloride, flake 108.3 30.1 72 Construction materials LI/ Roofing felt 1/ 5.5 4.2 24 Flat glass 8.4 5.1 39 Cement, hydraulic 10.6 6.9 35 Brick 6.2 4.4 29 Iron and steel products Rails 7.6 5.8 24 Rail accessories 6.7 5.1 2 /I- Buttweld standard pipe 8.8 5.4 39 Seamless line pipe 9.5 6.3 34 Seamless casing 9.6 6.2 35 Angles 8.3 5.8 30 Hot-rolled carbon bars 9.5 5.4 Li 43 Cold-finished carbon bars 10.0 5.3 47 Wire rod 8.1 5.2 36 -13- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Table 3 USSR and US: Comparison of 1950 and 1955 Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for a Selected Sample of Intermediate Products (Continued) Ratio .(Rubles per Dollar) Category and Item 1955 Decrease -))/1950 2/ (Percent Iron and steel products 1/ (Continued) Hot-rolled carbon sheet Cold-rolled carbon sheet Electrical sheet Hot-rolled carbon strip Cold-rolled carbon strip Forging billets 9.3 9.7 8.7 7.8 11.2 7.6 5.6 7.7 5.5 6.4 5.6 5.3 4o 21 37 18 50 30 Nonferrous metals 1/ Copper cathodes 16.2 8.3 49 Lead ingots 14.o 21.9 +56 2/ Zinc ingots 12.6 1/ lo.8 14 Aluminum unalloyed ingots 17.7 9.3 47 Cadmium 56.2 64.o +14 E/ Tin 67.9 48.1 29 Mercury 47.2 13.0 72 Antimony 32.6 27.1 17 Magnesium 34.0 p/ 11.5 66 a. For data and methodology, see Appendix A. b. Unless otherwise indicated, the difference between the ratio for 1955 and the ratio for 1950 expressed as a percentage of the ratio for 1950. c. 1950 ruble prices from source g and 1950 dollar prices from source J. d. 1950 ruble prices from source fi and 1950 dollar prices from source J. e. Arithmetic mean for a number of grades. f. 1950 ruble prices from source 12/ and 1950 dollar prices from source 11/. g. Not elsewhere counted. h. Except for roofing felt, 1950 ruble prices are averages from source 12/, and all 1950 dollar prices from source i. 1950 ruble price from source 1.Y. j. Arithmetic mean of 1950 ruble-dollar ratios from source 12/. k. Arithmetic mean. 1. 1950 ruble-dollar ratios from source lg. m. Percentage increase. n. 1950 ruble price from source 11/ and 1950 dollar price from source 1.?./. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 APPENDIX A METHODOLOGY 1. Individual Ruble-Dollar Ratios This section contains a discussion of the methodology used in con- structing the ruble-dollar ratios for individual commodities and serv- ices, which are shown in Tables 4 through 14.* The four-digit industrial classifications used in the tables are the numbers appearing in the 1957 edition of the Standard Industrial Classification Manual.** a. Solid Fuels 1955 ruble-dollar ratios for anthracite, bituminous coal, and lignite have been computed by comparing Soviet weighted-average prices per unit of energy with the corresponding US unit prices, as shown in Table 4.*** It is believed that the price per unit of energy is a more reasonable basis for comparing prices of coal in the USSR and the US than the matching of prices of similar coals, mines, or producing areas in the two countries. Comparisons on the latter basis would fail to take into account significant differences in heat content between coals of the two countries. For the USSR the average price per unit of energy (kilocalorie) for anthracite, bituminous coal, and lignite has been derived by weight- ing the 1 July 1955 prices LV and heating values 22/ by the estimated physical production in all coal producing areas in order to arrive at a weighted average price and a weighted average heating value. The weighted average price was then divided by the weighted average heating value to obtain an average price per unit of energy. For the US, aver- age 1955 prices and average heating values developed by the Bureau of Mines 21/ were utilized in computing average prices per unit of energy. Soviet and US prices are f.o.b. mine or dispatching point. b. Petroleum Products 1955 ruble-dollar ratios have been constructed for 50 petroleum products by comparing 1 July 1955 ruble prices with average 1955 dollar prices. The petroleum products considered in this report include natural gas and those products refined from crude petroleum and coal tars. The US price for natural gas is the wellhead price from source 22/. Except in those cases in which Gulf Coast cargo prices have been used, * Appendix B, pp. 32 through 52, below. ** Washington, 1957, published by the Bureau of the Budget, Office of Statistical Standards, Technical Committee on Industrial Classification. *** Appendix B, p. 32, below. -15- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 the prices for refined petroleum products are sales prices, quotations, general offers, or posted prices of operators of product pipeline ter- minals and tanker terminals. The prices are f.o.b. refineries, pipeline terminals, or tanker terminals in the particular refining district where the product is made. Gulf Coast cargo prices are those of refiners sell- ing or quoting to other refiners, to export agents, or to operators of large tanker terminals. The US prices do not include taxes or inspection fees. El/ In the absence of Soviet data on wellhead prices for natural gas, it has been assumed that the price is approximately the same as the estimated cost of producing natural gas. The estimated cost of producing natural gas was calculated by applying a Soviet ratio Ely of cost of producing a standard fuel unit of coal and natural gas to the average cost of producing a standard fuel unit of coal. Available Soviet prices for refined petroleum products are wholesale-release prices f.o.b. the oil base of the Main Administration of Sales, the station of destination within the Ministry of Transportation (Railroads), or the port of destination. 22/ All of the ruble prices for refined petroleum products include awms that cover the cost of production, the cost of transportation, and the cost of operating sales bases. Prices for some unspecified products include the turnover tax as well as an ad- ministrative surcharge. E..& The administrative surcharge, which repre- sents operating costs of the various organizations of the Ministry of the Petroleum Industry, is considered to be of minor importance. In 1955, for all petroleum products marketed in the USSR, tax payments* were equal to about 50 percent of the receipts from sales; expenses of transportation and expenses of operating sales bases were equal to about 20 percent; and the f.o.b. refinery prices combined for all products marketed were equal to only about 30 percent of those receipts. 27/ It follows that, to achieve comparability between the Soviet and US prices, the ruble prices should be adjusted to exclude transport charges, the turnover tax, and costs of operating sales bases. Because rates of the turnover taxes and expenses of operating sales bases are not available for specific products, these components could not be deducted from the ruble prices. Soviet freight rates for rail transport of petroleum products in 1955 are available. Rail transport charges for specific products could therefore be calculated and the ruble prices adjusted accordingly. For marketing of virtually all of the major petroleum products, the USSR is divided into five price zones** in which prices vary be- cause of differences in production costs, the turnover tax, and trans- port charges. The lowest price is charged in Zone I, and a progres- sively higher price is charged in the remaining four zones as the average distance from Zone I increases. Prices in Zone I, adjusted to * Interpreted to include the turnover tax and the administrative sur- charge. The latter isJisually minor (less than 1 percent of wholesale prices), so that most of this percentage is assumed to be represented by the turnover tax. ** The price zones for petroleum products referred to in this report are those defined and numbered on the map, USSR: Price Zones for Petroleum Products, 1955, inside back cover. -16- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 exclude estimated average transport charges, have been used in construct- ing the ruble-dollar ratios because the principal refining centers of Baku and the Ural-Volga Region are located in Zone I. The average length of haul of petroleum products within Zone I was judged to be 1,000 kilometers (km). On the basis of Soviet freight rates for rail transport of the appropriate petroleum products, ELV the transport charge for a haul of 1,000 km was calculated and deducted from the ruble price of each product. A transport charge of 57 rubles per ton was deducted from the prices for gasoline, diesel fuel, and lubricants; 46 rubles for kerosine; and 39 rubles for motor fuel and furnace oil. These deductions may be overstated somewhat, for only rail, and not water, transport was considered. Charges for rail transport are higher than charges for water transport, which also is used to ship petroleum products. The effect of the omission of any adjustment for water trans- port is not considered to be significant, however, because it is esti- mated that more than 75 percent of the volume of freight in petroleum products moves by rail. Soviet specifications for most petroleum products are available in enough detail to facilitate the selection of comparable US items. In the instance of aviation gasoline, however, in 1955 the US did not produce a product comparable to Soviet grades 95 to 130 or 91 to 115. Synthesized blends of varying proportions of US aviation gasoline grades 100 to 130 and 91 to 96 were assumed and compared with these Soviet prod- ucts. The comparability thus achieved is considered to be only roughly approximate. Also, a jet fuel comparable to the Soviet jet fuels T-1 and TS-1 was not produced in the US in 1955. Certain US high-grade kerosines are similar in quality to and have been compared with Soviet jet fuels. In the US, data for lubricating oils are given for stocks used in blending final products, whereas in the USSR data are given for finished products. Nevertheless, comparisons of Soviet and US products have been made even though only rough approximations to comparability may have been achieved. US prices for residual fuel oils vary inversely with viscosity, whereas Soviet fuel oils of a given viscosity are mar- keted in the USSR at different prices depending on the sulfur content. The ruble prices thus vary inversely with sulfur content. Comparable specifications for sulfur content at different viscosities are not available for US fuel oils. Nevertheless, by considering all of the specifications of a given product and assuming various mixtures of US fuel oils, several comparisons have been made between Soviet and US fuel oils. The petroleum products compared and their specifications, ruble and dollar prices, and ruble-dollar ratios are shown in Table 5.* c. Paper and Paperboard 1955 ruble-dollar ratios for paper and paperboard are based on four major classes of paper (newsprint, book paper, fine paper, and coarse paper) and two major classes of paperboard (corrugated paper- board and fiberboard). * Appendix B, p. 33, below. -17 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 US prices are average annual wholesale prices for 1955, f.o.b. destination as constructed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 29/ Available Soviet prices are wholesale prices as of 1 July 1955, f.o.b. the shipper's railroad station. 30/ To obtain comparability with the US prices, the Soviet prices were adjusted to a delivered basis as follows. The average length of haul of paper and paperboard products was assumed to lie within the range of 1,000 to 2,000 km per ton. A transport cost was estimated for the median of this range on the basis of the basic rail transport tariff of 0.04 ruble per ton-kilometer (tkm) for paper and paperboard products for lengths of haul between 1,501 and 1,600 km. .11/ Therefore, a sum of 60 rubles per ton was added to the ruble price of each of the paper and paperboard products. Although Soviet and US products that were matched were gener- ally comparable in respect to the available descriptive information concerning their characteristics, the information is not sufficiently comprehensive to make a definitive determination of their physical comparability. In general, it is believed that US paper is of higher quality than Soviet paper. The paper and paperboard products compared and their specifications, ruble and dollar prices, and ruble-dollar ratios are shown in Table 6.* d. Chemicals 1955 ruble-dollar ratios have been constructed for 33 chemicals by comparing Soviet prices in effect on 1 July 1955 with US prices in effect in June 1955. The ruble and dollar prices are f.o.b. depot of seller. It should be pointed out that the products considered are essentially representative of industrial chemicals rather than the broader group commonly referred to in the US as chemicals and allied products. The major components of the chemicals and allied products that are excluded are drugs and pharmaceuticals, paints and paint materials, inedible fats and oils, and miscellaneous chemical products. The comparability of the chemicals considered in this section is based primarily on standards published in the USSR that state the analysis, purity percentage, and the amounts and types of impurity per- mitted for a given grade of a specific product. Where detailed speci- fications are not available, comparability is based on methods of manufacture and comparable industrial use. The chemicals compared and their specifications, ruble and dollar prices, and ruble-dollar ratios are shown in Table 7.** e. Construction Materials 1955 ruble-dollar ratios have been constructed for 13 construc- tion materials by comparing average Soviet and US prices in effect as of 1 July 1955. The ruble and dollar prices are f.o.b. depot of seller. Comparability of most of the products in this category is believed to be very good. * Appendix B, p. 37, below. ** Appendix B, p. 38, below. -18- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Soviet prices of most of the materials considered in this sec- tion are quoted on the basis of specific sales zones within the USSR. To obtain a single Soviet price for a given commodity, one of the fol- lowing criteria was used in deriving Soviet prices comparable to US average prices. (1) When Soviet prices were given for several zones, an average Soviet price was obtained. The average prices for brick and cement are based on zonal prices weighted by physical production. Average prices for construction gypsum, asbestos cement shingles, asbestos cement pipe, and lime have been estimated from the zonal prices. (2) When only Moscow prices were available, although the ma- terials might actually be zonally priced, it was assumed that the Mos- cow prices closely approximated the average Soviet prices. This criterion also was used for petroleum bitumen, roofing felt, flat glass, ready mixed concrete, and mineral wool. The construction materials compared and their specifications, ruble and dollar prices, and ruble- dollar ratios are shown in Table 8.* f. Iron and Steel Products Only those items considered to be rolled steel products have been included in this report. 1955 ruble-dollar ratios have not been constructed for such items as pig iron, forgings, castings, and electro- metallurgical products. The ruble-dollar ratios for rblled steel prod- ucts are based on a comparison of ruble prices of 1 July 1955 and dollar prices in July 1955. US prices for rolled steel products are those constructed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and are average f.o.b. mill prices with a selected number of "extras" added. Extras are added for such things as special shapes, sizes, classification, chemistry, and order quantity. The Bureau of Labor Statistics, in consultation with the American Iron and Steel Institute, has included extras most typical of a category in its average prices. To achieve comparability with the US prices, it has been neces- sary to make two adjustments in the ruble prices -- one for freight charges and one for extras. Available Soviet prices are All-Union delivered prices and as such include a charge for freight. Because the average Soviet transport charge for ferrous metals is estimated to be 5 percent of the delivered price, the delivered price for each type of rolled steel product has been reduced by this amount. Most size extras are included in the Soviet prices because, unlike the US pric- ing system for steel, in which one base price is given for broad cate- gories of products with extras for each size, the Soviet pricing system is composed of prices for each size of a given product. For example, in the US, prices for carbon structurals are quoted at so much per pound with extras added for each size, whereas in the USSR prices are quoted for each size of I-beam, angle, channel, or the like. In the USSR, extras such as classification, small lot sizes, and extra testing are not included in the price. The Soviet practice of extras, however, is not as refined as that in the US. The only adjustments in * Appendix B, p. 4o, below. - 19 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 the ruble prices believed to be necessary for extras were in the prices of cold-rolled sheet and plate, the prices of which have been increased by 5 rubles each to adjust for noncomparability of size extras. The degree of comparability achieved for extras is believed to be good. In general, Soviet and US specifications are available in enough detail to permit the matching of products that are reasonably comparable in all aspects. The iron and steel products compared and their specifications, ruble and dollar prices, and ruble-dollar ratios are shown in Table 9.* g. Nonferrous Metals 1955 ruble-dollar ratios presented for nonferrous metals relate only to nonferrous metals products obtained from primary smelting. Price comparisons have not been made for nonferrous metals products obtained from secondary smelting and for rolled, drawn, and alloyed nonferrous metals. The ruble-dollar ratios are based on a comparison of ruble and dollar prices in effect on 1 July 1955. The ruble and dollar prices are f.o.b. mill prices with the exception of the US prices for copper cathodes and cadmium, which are delivered prices. The share of freight charges in the delivered prices for copper cathodes and cadmium is so small, however, that even if these charges could be re- moved from the US price in some practicable manner, the effect on the ratio would be inconsequential. Comparability of the products included is believed to be very good. The nonferrous metals products compared and their specifications, ruble and dollar prices, and ruble-dollar ratios are shown in Table 10.** h. Rail Transport 1955 ruble-dollar ratios have been constructed for rail freight and rail passenger transport in the USSR and the US in 1955. Freight and passenger transport will be discussed in turn. (1) Freight Transport In a comparison of freight charges, where freight rates are used as prices, there is introduced an additional dimension that is not applicable to price comparisons appearing in the preceding sec- tions of this report. Because of the variability of unit freight rates according to length of haul, consideration must be given to the dis- tance that a commodity is hauled. It follows that two comparisons of Soviet and US freight rates should be made, one based on Soviet and US.unit rates for US lengths of haul and the other based on Soviet and US unit rates for * Appendix B, p. 42, below. ** Appendix B, p. 47, below. - 20 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Soviet lengths of haul. Problems in data, principally arising from differences between the structures of rail rates in the Soviet and US economies, have made it impractical to make both of these compari- sons. The structure of Soviet freight rates is complicated by the existence of basic freight rates, increased rates for transport over specific routes, additional charges for special handling or serv- ice, and exceptional or preferential rates. For example, penalty rates are added to basic rates during the navigation season for rail routes that parallel a functioning river route, and substantial re- ductions in basic rates are offered during the navigation season on shipments by rail and water combined. In the US the structure of freight rates is complicated by the existence of two basic types of rates -- a class rate and a commodity rate. The class rate prevails for those commodities for which a commodity rate has not been estab- lished. The class rate, which is generally higher than the commodity rate, is applicable to a "class" of products for the standard pattern of origins and destinations. Automobile tires may be shipped in class 45, whereas glass jars may be shipped in class 35. This dif- ference in rates means that the rate for tires would be 45 percent of a prescribed basic charge (class 100) between the origin and destina- tion and that the rate for glass jars would be 35 percent. The com- modity rate is a specific charge for a specific commodity moving be- tween a specified origin and destination. For example, because of the volume and frequency of shipments, a commodity rate may be established for carload shipments of cement between Richmond, Virginia, and Washington, D.C. Because Soviet base rates can be expressed for US average lenths of haul, whereas there are no basic or uniform US commodity rates that can be applied to Soviet lengths of haul, only a comparison of Soviet and US freight rates utilizing a US mix has been made. Soviet basic unit freight rates per ton-kilometer at US average lengths of haul have been compared with US average unit revenues per ton-kilometer. The justification for using data on revenue as representative of US rates for this comparison is that such data take into account both the class and the commodity rates applicable in the US. These data also em- body the effects of extras and exceptions, whereas the Soviet basic tariff does not. A sample of commodities with the greatest loadings in the US product mix has been selected from a 1-percent sample of freight terminations. This 1-percent sample, prepared by the Interstate Commerce Commission, 2/ provides an average US length of haul for each commodity and an average revenue per short ton - mile. The US average revenue for 1955 for each commodity was compared with the Soviet basic rate in effect on 1 July 1955 for the same commodity at the US average length of haul. The calculation of ruble-dollar ratios for rail freight rates is shown in Table 11.* * Appendix B, p. 48, below. - 21 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 (2) Passenger Service The ruble-dollar ratio presented for transport of passengers by rail is intended to represent an intermediate service on the assump- tion that travel for business reasons is charged as a cost of production. This ratio differs from the consumer-passenger ratio included in the consumption end-use sector of GNP as a final service. The primary difference in the two ratios stems from the type of service and the dis- tance selected to represent the intermediate and final aspects of the service. The consumer passenger ratio is based on a comparison of So- viet and US services and distances that are believed to be most repre- sentative of household expenditures. The passenger ratio, which is characterized as an intermediate service, is represented by the services and distances believed to be most representative of business travel. In the USSR, rail passenger rates consist of a basic fare for a type of service plus additional charges for such items as speed, baggage, reclining space, and sleeping cars. These surcharges, as well as the basic fare, vary with distances and types of service. The rate per kilometer decreases as the distance traveled increases. In the US, rates consist of a basic fare for a type of service plus ad- ditional charges for such item as reserved seats, pillows, parlor car seats, and pullman car space. Extra charges are not levied in the US for normal baggage and only rarely for speed. US rates are fairly uniform in regard to distance, but the rates vary by geographical region and type of service. Because of the very nature of rail passenger rates, a com- parison of them should take into account the variations in rates arising from both distance traveled and type of service. Ideally a comparison of unit passenger rates in the USSR and the US for each of the types of service should be made, one based on Soviet and US rates for US average distances and the other based on Soviet and US rates for Soviet average distances. Differences between the two economies, arising principally in types of service rendered and in traveling habits, make it difficult to define and measure comparability of passenger services. Therefore, to avoid the risk of introducing a wide range of error by comparing various types of service, rates have been compared for the service that is believed to be most representative of the business travel in each country, and the average distance of Soviet passenger trips has been used. The Soviet rate for the basic fare for "soft class" has been compared with the US fare for first class plus pull- man car seats, for a trip distance of 438 km. The distance represents the Soviet average length of haul for all passengers other than com- muters. la/ The services compared and their specifications, ruble and dollar prices, and ruble-dollar ratios are shown in Table 12.* i. Communications Services 1955 ruble-dollar ratios have been constructed for domestic communications services in the USSR and the US -- that is, the telephone, * Appendix B, p. 50, below. - 22 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16 : CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 telegraph, and postal services. Such special, functionalized communi- cations systems as those maintained by the military, police, and civil air fleet have not been considered. The ratios are based on a com- parison of charges for the various services that are used to approxi- mate average charges for the two countries in 1955. It should be pointed out that in dealing with a service, in comparison with a commodity, it is difficult, if not impossible, to measure differences in quality. Therefore, comparability of the com- munications services selected for comparison has been assumed on the basis that differences in quality cannot be measured and adjusted for. In both the USSR and the US, charges for long-distance tele- phone calls are based on distance spanned and time consumed in con- versation. Ideally, rates for identical calls should be compared for the two countries and the resulting ratios weighted together according to the relative importance of the different calls compared. Soviet data are not available for making such a comparison. Therefore, a comparison has been made of the rates in the two countries for a 3- minute call for eielt comparable distance units. An arithmetic mean of the ratios was taken as a representative ratio for long-distance telephone calls. In the US, subscription rates for home and business telephones vary by locality, numbers of telephones in the exchange, and type of service rendered. The variations in the structure of US rates and the lack of Soviet data have prevented a comparison of the various types of telephone services rendered in the two countries. Instead, the range of rates in effect in the US were examined, and average rates were selected by inspection for comparison with the Soviet rates for subscriptions for home and business telephones. In both the US and the USSR, there are three types of tele- grams. In the US the types are night letters, day letters, and full rate. In the USSR the types are common, urgent, and lightning. Be- cause Soviet data relating to telegraph service are so fragmentary, it has not been possible to relate Soviet classifications of tele- grams with those of the US. Instead, common telegrams, which are the most typical sent in the USSR, and full rate, the most typical in the US, have been selected to represent telegraph service in the two countries. The communications services compared and their speci- fications, ruble and dollar prices, and ruble-dollar ratios are shown in Table 13.* j. Electric Power 1955 ruble-dollar ratios have been constructed for two classes of consumers of electric power, as shown in Table 14.** The ratios are based on a comparison of Soviet and. US electric power rates for Appendix B, p. 51, below. ** Appendix B, p. 52, below. -23- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 industrial consumers and for residential and commercial consumers. The industrial class includes industry, railroad consumption, and other energy revirements, and the residential and commercial class also in- cludes rural and governmental consumption. In both the USSR and the US, rate structures for electric power sold to consumers vary considerably by geographic area and by type and quantity of power consumed. A comparison of Soviet and US power rates is further complicated by differences in methods of book- keeping and in defining categories and by the paucity of information related to the Soviet rate structure. Rates for industrial power in both countries are based on two types of charges: a use charge, based on the kilowatt-hours of electricity consumed during a billing period, and a demand charge, based either on the maximum power demanded during a billing period or on the maximum capacity of installed electrical equipment. Rates for industrial power differ for the two countries in that in the US the rate charged.industrial consumers decreases as the quantity consumed increases, whereas in the USSR the rate usually remains the same re- gardless of the amount of power consumed. In addition, rates in the USSR are often reduced to subsidize certain industries. Power rates for residential and commercial consumers in the US vary considerably from area to area and are presumed to reflect actual production and distribution costs. In addition, rates vary in relation to the amount of energy used. In contrast, rates vary considerably in the USSR by type of consumer but do not vary from area to area. The average 1955 rate for utility sales in the category "Large Light and Power" as defined by the Edison Electric Institute has been used to represent the power rate .charged industrial consumers in the US. llt/ For the USSR an average rate for electric power consumed by industry has been derived by weighting industrial rates of 1 July 1955 for those areas for which power rates were available 15./ by the estimated volume of energy sold to the corresponding area. In terms of kilowatt hours, it is estimated that 70 percent of the total in- dustrial purchases from powerplants of the Ministry of Electric Power Stations is represented in this calculation. It is estimated that the Ministry of Electric Power Stations supplied 75 percent of the total power consumed and that self-generated power accounted for the remaining 25 percent. Each industrial consumer in the USSR is charged a penalty for permitting a power factor under 0.85 and is given a bonus for having a higher power factor. The tendency was for consumers to permit poor power factors and therefore incur greater charges. Also, special consumers, such as some nonferrous metals plants, get special lower rates. This fact would tend to depress the total charges on industry. Because data are not available for making adjustments for these con- siderations, it has been assumed that they would offset each other. -24- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Some industrial plants and municipalities in each country generate their own power. This power has been arbitrarily priced at the amount that these enterprises would have paid if the power had been purchased from sources of public supply. The average 1955 power rate for residential and commercial consumers in the US has been derived by dividing the total kilowatt- hours consumed by residential, commercial, rural, and governmental consumers into the total revenue received from these consumers. 2.61 The average rate for consumption of electric power by resi- dential and commercial consumers in the USSR has been extimated at 40 kopeks per kilowatt-hour based on prices on 1 July 1955. Accord- ing to a Soviet source of 1955, Ei the rates for residential and commercial consumers in the USSR are divided into nine groups. The first and second groups of rates are basically for residential con- sumers, who are charged 40 kopeks per kilowatt-hour unless the con- sumer furnishes his own transformer, in which case he is charged 35 kopeks per kilowatt-hour. The remaining groups include agricul- tural consumers, who pay 19 kopeks per kilowatt-hour; street railroads, which pay 10 to 20 kopeks per kilowatt-hour; street and highway lighting, which pay 30 and 42 kopeks per kilowatt-hour, respectively; public buildings, stores, and office buildings, which pay 60 kopeks per kilowatt-hour; beauty parlors, cinemas, and the like, which pay 110 kopeks per kilowatt-hour; and churches, which pay 250 kopeks per kilowatt-hour. An average rate of 40 kopeks per kilowatt-hour for residential and commercial consumers is believed to be a valid esti- mate because the largest proportion of electric power consumed by this class probably would be accounted for by consumers in the first and second rate groups. Also, the lower rates charged some groups of consumers are offset by the higher rates charged other consumers. 2. Aggregate Ruble-Dollar Ratios a. Formulas for Weighting Ratios The US-weighted and Soviet-weighted 1955 ruble-dollar ratios for the various categories and subcategories of intermediate products and services have been computed by weighting the ratio for each indi- vidual product or service with the corresponding value of output of the product or service. When US-value weights are utilized, the cal- culation is as follows: E 11(P ) po 0 0 Po Cao When Soviet-value weights are utilized, the calculation is as follows: EPIC11 -25 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 In these formulas, g, and Qo represent US prices and quantities, and Pi and Q1 represent Soviet prices and quantities. It should be pointed out that although value weights were utilized in all calculations, they are expressed as percentages in Tables 15 through 24.* Also, whereas ruble-dollar ratios based on Soviet weights are presented at various levels of aggregation, dollar-ruble ratios have been used in performing all calculations when Soviet weights were utilized, as required by the second for- mula above. b. Derivations of Aggregate Ratios Aggregate 1955 ruble-dollar ratios have been derived for most of the categories of intermediate products and services on the basis of both a Soviet and a US product mix. The derivations of the aggregate ruble-dollar ratios for solid fuels, petroleum prod- ucts, paper and paperboard, chemicals, construction materials, iron and steel products, nonferrous metals, rail freight transport, com- munications services, and electric power are shown in Tables 15 through 24. Data on value of production in 1955 have been used in deriving aggregate ratios based on each of the product mixes for the following categories: solid fuels, petroleum products, paper and paperboard, and iron and steel products. The aggregate ruble-dollar ratios for petroleum products are overstated because the ruble prices for refined petroleum products used in constructing the individual ratios include turnover taxes and sales costs. Because tax rates and sales costs are not available for specific products, the individual ruble prices could not be ad- justed to exclude them. The magnitude of taxes is revealed by the fact that for all petroleum products marketed in the USSR in 1955, tax payments were equal to about 50 percent of the receipts from sales. Al/ It is estimated that the turnover tax averaged 60 per- cent of the ruble price exclusive of transport charges. Soviet data suggest that the tax probably applied to most petroleum products in 1955. Sales costs are considered to be minor compared with the turn- over tax. If it is assumed that the turnover tax averaged 60 percent of the ruble price, adjusted to exclude transport charges; that the tax applied to all refined petroleum products in the sample**; and that the tax rate falls equally and uniformly on all products, the aggregate ruble-dollar ratios with the tax removed for all petroleum products for the Soviet and US product mixes would be 40 percent of * Appendix B, pp. 54 through 67, below. In some instances, data on output underlying the Soviet weights have been estimated from scattered data in numerous sources. In those instances, rather than citing the numerous sources, the data are noted as estimated. ** The ruble price for natural gas is a wellhead price and as such does not include the turnover tax. - 26 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 the ratios inclusive of the turnover tax. These assumptions have been made, and the aggregate ratios, lijusted to exclude the turn- over tax, are shown along with the ratios that include them in Table 16.* The adjusted ratios are not considered precise enough to be substituted for the unadjusted one. They are presented, how- ever, as an estimate of the impact of an adjustment for the turnover tax. Because data were not available to construct a satisfactory set of Soviet weights, the individual ruble-dollar ratios for chemi- cals have not been weighted on the basis of the Soviet product mix. It is estimated, however, that the Soviet-weighted ratio would be slightly lower than the US-weighted ratio, or about 11.0 rubles per dollar. This ratio would be the result of the fact that items with high ratios (chiefly basic organic chemicals) are, in terms of value, of less importance in the USSR than in the US. Data on value of shipments in 1954 have been used as weights for the US product mix because available data on value of production would not provide a complete set of weights. Individual ruble-dollar ratios were prepared for 13 items of construction materials, as shown in Table 8.** Because Soviet value weights were not known for all 13 items, however, 7 items basic to both Soviet and US construction practices were selected as a basis for the calculation of aggregate ratios. Data on value of produc- tion for 1955 have been used in constructing the aggregate ratio for the Soviet product mix. Data on value of shipments in 1954 have been used as weights for the US product mix because these data pro- vide a more complete set of weights than available data on value of production. Soviet weights for nonferrous metals were known for only three items in the sample -- copper, lead, and aluminum. The in- dividual ruble-dollar ratios for these items were combined with data on value of production in 1955, and the resulting aggregate ratio was adjusted to take into account the ratios for which weights were not available. For the US product mix, data on value of production in 1954 have been used as weights for copper, lead, zinc, and alu- minum. Data on value of consumption in 1954 have been used for cadmium, tin, mercury, antimony, and magnesium because in the US relatively large quantities of these items are imported in order to satisfy consumption requirements. Therefore, value of consump- tion better reflects the bill of purchases of US producers and the relative importance of the items composing it than does value of production. An aggregate ruble-dollar ratio for rail freight transport has been computed for the US product mix only. The individual ratios, based on a comparisola of Soviet and US rates for US average lengths * Appendix B, p. 54, below. ** Appendix B, p. 40, below. -27- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 of haul, have been combined with data on US revenue in 1955 to ob- tain an aggregate ratio. It sRould be pointed out that the aggre- gate ratio is based on a comparison of Soviet basic freight rates and US rates derived from revenue data. As noted above,* Soviet basic rates do not reflect total charges, whereas the US rates do. Therefore, the aggregate ratio presented for rail freight is under- stated. Another reason for the understatement of the ruble-dollar ratio is the fact that the commodities included in the sample of comparisons of rail freight rates are those commodities with the greatest loadings in the US in 1955 and are, by their nature, those commodities carrying the lowest rates in both countries. For the commodities having higher rates that have been omitted from the sample, the ruble rates would be much higher than the rateB for bulk goods included in the sample. The variation in rates between these groups, however, is not as great in the US as in the USSR. It is estimated that if an adjustment could be made for the factors of understatement, the aggregate ruble-dollar ratio might lie within the range of 5 to 6 rubles per dollar. It is believed that an aggregate ratio based on US lengths of haul and weighted by the Soviet product mix would be slightly lower and may approximate 4.5 to 5.0 rubles per dollar. Ruble-dollar rdtios for rail freight based on Soviet lengths of haul for the Soviet and US product mixes might well be higher than those based on US lengths of haul because Soviet average lengths of haul are longer than those in the US. In the US the rate per mile decreases as the length of haul increases, whereas in the USSR the rate may well increase as the length increases.** Ideally, an aggregate ruble-dollar ratio for rail passenger service should be based on a comparison of rates for each of the types of passenger service. It is difficult to define and measure comparability of passenger services, and it is believed that a wide range of error would be introduced by comparing each type of service rendered in the two countries. Also, Soviet and US data are not available in enough detail to provide a satisfactory set of weights for constructing aggregate ratios for the various types of services. Therefore, a ratio of 6.3 was constructed for a type and distance of passenger service characterized as an intermediate service, as shown in Table 12.*** This ratio, however, does not represent total rail passenger service. For example, a ratio of 8.8 has been constructed for passenger service characterized as a final service in the con- sumption end-use sector of GNP. Because the ruble portion of both * See h, (1), p. 20, above. ** Soviet freigbt rates per ton-kilometer decrease as the distance increases until some intermediate length of haul is attained; then the rate increases or remains constant as the mileage block increases. *** Appendix B, p. 50, below. - 28 - ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 of these ratios represents Soviet basic passenger rates only, the ratios may well understate the true ratio for the respective types of transport. This understatement would be due to the fact that more charges are added to basic rates in the USSR than in the US. For both the Soviet and US product mixes, aggregate ruble- dollar ratios for communications services and electric power result from combining the individual ratios with data on value of revenue in 1955 and data on value of consumption in 1955, respectively. 29 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 ? APPENDIX B STATISTICAL TABLES - 31 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Table L. USSR and US: Prices and Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Solid Fuels 1955 Standard Price Industrial Classification Rubles per Dollars per Ratio Number Category and Item a/ Million Kilocalories 12/ Million Kilocalories 2/ (Rubles per Dollar) 1111 Anthracite 14.14 1.22 11.6 1211 Bituminous coal 12.78 0.68 18.8 1212 Lignite 12.80 0.61 21.0 a. Comparability for each item in the USSR with each item in the US was established on the basis of heating values. b. The weighted average price per metric ton was derived by weighting prices 12/ by estimated physical production for all areas producing coal. The average price per metric ton was converted to price per kilocalorie by using average heating values from source c. Converted to dollars per kilocalorie by using average prices and average heating values from source !El. ? - 32 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Table 5 USSR and US: Specifications, Prices, and Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Petroleum Products 1955 ? Standard Industrial Specifications Prices 2/* Classification Rubles per - Dollars per Ratio Number Category and Item USSR US Thousand Cubic Meters Thousand Cubic Meters (Rubles per Dollar) 1311 Crude petroleum and natural gas Natural gas Comparability assumed Comparability assured l4/ 3.74 2/ 3.7 Rubles per Dollars per Metric Ton Metric Ton 2911 Petroleum refining Aviation gasoline B-100/130 Grade 100/130, Houston 968 65.30 14.8 B-95/130 Average of grades 100/130 and 91/96, Houston 841 63.43 (1./ 13.3 B-93/130 Average of grades 100/130 and 91/96, Houston 818 63.13 ,E1/ 13.0 B-91/115 Average of grades 100/130 and 91/96, Houston 658 61.07 1/ 10.8 B-70 Grade 80, New York 563 57.97 9.7 Automotive gasoline Average of A-66 and A-70 70 to 72 octane M, leaded, Gulf Coast cargoes 522 34.50 15.1 A-74 83 octane, Gulf Coast cargoes 658 35.70 18.4 Minimum octane number of 56 60 octane M and below, Oklahoma (Group 3) 416 . 36.70 11.3 Ligroine Tractor ligroine Motor gasoline, 60 octane M and below, Oklahoma 329 37.44 8.8 Kerosine Tractor kerosine Tractor fuel, Arkansas 246 32.60 7.5 Tractor kerosine, high octane Kerosine and/or No. I fuel, Baton Rouge 274 33.58 8.2 Illuminating kerosine 41 to 43 gravity, water white kerosine, Gulf Coast cargoes 324 30.54 10.6 Illuminating kerosine, heavy high-ignition-temperature kerosine for lighthouse lamps Kerosine and/or No. 1 fuel, Baton Rouge 402 33.58 12.0 (pironaft) Jet fuels T-1 and TS-1 41 to 43 gravity, water white kerosine, Gulf Coast cargoes 324 30.54 10.6 Diesel fuel, light Average of diesel fuels L and Z No. 2 fuel, Gulf Coast cargoes 245 27.90 8.8 Diesel fuel DL 43 to 47 diesel index gas oil, Gulf Coast cargoes 235 27.67 8.5 Diesel fuels DA, DZ, and DS 48 to 52 diesel index gas oil, Gulf Coast cargoes 255 28.07 9.1 * Footnotes for Table 5 follow on p. 36. -33- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 USSR and US: Specifications, Table 5 Prices, and Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Petroleum Products 1955 (Continued) Standard Industrial Classification Number Category and Item Specifications Prices 2/ Rubles per Metric Ton Dollars per Metric Ton Ratio (Rubles per Dollar) USSR US 2911 Diesel fuel, (Continued) heavy Motor fuels DT-1 (M-3), DT-2 (M-4), and 1)1-3 (M-5) Solar oil Average of No. 4 fuel, Baltimore, and No. 5 fuel, Baltimore No. 2 fuel oil, Houston 222 229 21?79 29.70 10.2 7.7 Lubricants Pale Neutral Oils Vis. at 1000 F Autotractor oil AK-15 (avtol 18) 2,000 Vis. No. 4 color, South Texas 683 47.04 14.5 Autotractor oil AK-10 (avtol 10) Average of 1,200 Vis. No. 3 to 4 color, South Texas, and 2,000 Vis. No. 4 color, South Texas 753 46.31 16.3 Autotractor oils AKZ-p-6 and AKZ-p-10 Average of 750 Vis. No. 3 to 4 color, South Texas, and 1,200 Vis. No. 3 to 4 color, South Texas 1,003 44.84 22.4 Diesel oils 011; Dp-8, Op-11, Op-i4 (all three with additive AZNII T5IATIM-1); and pp-8, Op-11, and Dp-14 (all three with additive T5I4TI4-339) 300 Vis. No. 3 color, Tulsa 1,001 42.88 23.3 Oil for low-speed diesel (motor), M and T 250 Vis. No. 3 color, Tulsa 455 41.4o 11.0 Automobile transmission oil 150 Vis. No. 3 color, Tulsa 275 39.19 7.0 Autotractor transmission oil, summer 86 to 110 Vis. No. 2 color, Tulsa 243 36.89 6.6 Autotractor transmission oil, winter 150 Vis. No. 3 color, Tulsa 275 39.19 7.0 Instrument oil (MVP) 60 to 85 Vis. No. 2 color, Tulsa 727 36.16 20.1 Industrial oil 12 (spindle 2) 60 to 85 Vis. No. 2 color, Tulsa 423 36.16 11.7 20 (spindle 3) 86 to 110 Vis. No. 2 color, Tulsa 423 36.89 11.5 30 (machine 1) 150 Vis. No. 3 color, Tulsa 423 39.19 10.8 45 (machine S) 180 Vis. No. 3 color, Tulsa 423 39.93 10.6 50 (machine SU) 250 Vis. No. 3 color, Tulsa 671 41.40 16.2 Leached 20V (spindle 3V) 86 to 110 Vis. No. 2 color, Tulsa 283 36.89 7.7 Leached 45V (machine SV) 200 Vis. No. 3 color, Tulsa 283 4o.66 7.0 Oil for high-speed machines L (Velosit) or for high-speed machines T (vaseline) 60 to 85 Vis. No. 2 color, Tulsa 447 36.16 12.4 - 31+ - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Table 5 (Continued) Standard Industrial Specifications Classification Number Category and Item USSR US Prices 2../ Rubles per Dollars per Ratio Metric Ton Metric Ton (Rubles per Dollar) 2911 Cylinder oil (Continued) 11 (cylinder 2) 250 Vis. No. 3 color, Tulsa 455 41.40 11.0 24 (Viskozin) 150 Vis. No. 3 color, Tulsa 320 39.19 8.2 Axle oil 200 Vis. No. 3 color, Tulsa 223 4o.66 5.5 Z and S 250 Vis. No. 3 color, Tulsa 253 41.40 6.1 Neutral Oil Solvent Oil for rolling mills 300 Vis. at 1000 F, 0 to 10 pour test 95 V.I., Gulf Coast cargoes 1,031 51.48 20.0 Lubes-Cylinder Stock Cylinder oil 38 (cylinder 6) 600 Flash, West Pennsylvania 554 42.62 13.0 52 (vapor) 630 Flash, West Pennsylvania 831 45.67 18.2 Residual and Fleet mazut others Fuel oils (furnace mazuts), low sulfur, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 with a sulfur content up to 0.5 percent (low sulfur boiler mazut) Fuel oils (furnace mazuts), sulfurous, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 with a sulfur content of from 0.5 to 1.0 percent, and fuel oils, high sulfur, 20, 40, 6o, 80, and 100 with a sulfur content of more than 1 percent (sulfurous boiler mazut) Petroleum paraffin, technical highly refined (A,B); medical; technical purified (G,D) Average of No. 5 fuel oil, Baton Rouge, and Bunker C fuel, Baton Rouge 211 15.85 13.3 Average of No. 2 fuel and No. 4 fuel, Baltimore 206 25.90 8.0 Average of No. 4 fuel and No. 6 fuel, no sulfur guarantee, Baltithore 142 18.65 7.6 Wax, melting point AMP, 30 higher than EMF, 133 to 135 fully refined, New York Domestic 2,443 188.49 13.0 - 35 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Table 5 USSR and US: Specifications, Prices, and Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Petroleum Products 1955 (Continued) Standard Industrial Specifications Classification Number Category and Item USSR US Prices 21 Rubles per Dollars per Ratio Metric Ton Metric Ton (Rubles per Dollar) 2911 Gasoline, solvent used in the Rubber solvent, Group 3 532 45.96 11.6 (Continued) rubber industry (Galosha) Gasoline, solvent used in the V.M. and P. naphtha, Group 3 429 45.96 9-3 paint industry (white spirit) a. Unless otherwise indicated, ruble prices are from source L42/ and have been adjusted to exclude transport charges. (See Appendix A, 1, b, p. 15, above.) Dollar prices are from source IQ/. b. It is assumed that the wellhead price of natural gas is approximately the same as the estimated average cost of producing natural gas, or 14 rubles per 1,000 cubic meters. c. LI] d. Average prices vary because the prices for the two types of gasoline have been weighted by different proportions in each case. - 36 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 USSR and US: Specifications, Table 6 Prices, and Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Paper and Paperboard 1955 Standard Industrial Classification Number Category and Item 2621 Paper V.11s, except building paper mills 2631 Newsprint Book paper Fine paper Coarse paper Paperboard mills Specifications USSR Newsprint, roll., 50 grams per square meter, delivered Typographic paper No. la, sheet, glazed, 60 grams per square meter, delivered Typewriter paper, machine finish, sheet, delivered Sulfate-cellulose (kraft) wrap- ping paper, roll, 65 grams per square meter, delivered US Newsprint, standard roll, de- livered contract price Grade "A," English finish, sheet, 59 grams per square meter, de- livered Wood bond No. 4, sheet, delivered 'Standard kraft roll, 65 grams per square meter, delivered Corrugated paper- Corrugated paperboard, sheet, 0.009 corrugating medium, sheet, board delivered delivered Fiberboard Book binder and box board, brown Box or chip board, ground wood sheet, delivered fiber, sheet, delivered Prices Rubles per Dollars per Ratio Metric Ton a/ Metric Ton Y (Rubles per Dollar) 1,246 2/ 139 2,860 315 2,690 325 1,860 189 1,960 139 1,440 151 9.0 9.1 8.3 9.8 9.5 a. Unless otherwise indicated, ruble prices are estimated from source _2/ and adjusted to a delivered basis. b. Unless otherwise indicated, dollar prices are from source c. 1950 price IV adjusted to 1955 by estimating a 15-percent reduction in prices between 1950 and 1955. - 37 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Table 7 USSR and US: Specifications, Prices, and Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Chemicals 1955 Standard Industrial Specifications 2/* Prices Classification Rubles per, Dollars per, Ratio Number Category and Item USSR US Metric Ton 11/ Metric Ton S/ (Rubles per Dollar) 2812 Alkalies and chlorine Chlorine 99.5 percent C12 280 64.61 4.3 Sodium bicarbonate 98 percent NaHCO3 USP, powdered 390 50.72 7.7 Soda ash Na2CO3 Dense 275 30.87 8.9 Caustic soda Liquid Liquid 924 59.54 15.5 Caustic soda Cake, 95 percent NaOH Cake, NaOH 98 percent 1,300 84.89 15.3 2814 Cyclic (coal-tar) crudes Naphthalene Crude Crude 1,195 154.35 7.7 Benzene 1,300 109.19 11.9 2818 Industrial organic chemicals, n.e.c. 2/ Methanol Synthetic, Grade I Synthetic 1,920 92.02 20.9 Acetone Synthetic, Grade I 3,900 154.35 25.3 Ethylene dichloride 97 Percent C2H4C12 425 198.45 2.1 2819 Industrial inorganic chemicals, n.e.c. 11/ Nitric acid, weak Grade B, 60 percent HNO3 58.5 to 68 percent HNO3 192 48.23 4.o Nitric acid, con- centrated Grade II, 96 percent HNO3 94.5 to 95.5 percent HNO3 489 95.09 5.1 Ammonium sulfate 250 46.28 5.4 Ammonium nitrate Grade C, 99.2 percent NH4NO3 Fertilizer grade 43o 74.94 5.7 Sodium sulfate (salt cake) Grade I 235 f./ 30.86 7.6 Calcium carbide Grade I Standard generator size 1,018 I/ 148.11 6.9 Hydrochloric acid Synthetic, technical, 31 percent 32 percent 170 33.06 5.1 Sulfuric acid, tower 75 percent 78 percent 137 20.50 6.7 Sulfuric acid, contact 92.5 percent 93 percent 190 24.63 7.7 * Footnotes for Table 7 follow on p. 39. - 38 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 4 Table 7 (Continued) Standard Industrial Specifications 21 Prices Classification Rubles per Dollars per., Ratio Number Category and Item USSR US Metric Ton 12/ Metric Ton 2/ (Rubles per Dollar) 2819 Magnesium oxide Grade I, 89 percent MgO Synthetic rubber grade 4,700 644.96 7.3 (Continued) Synthetic ammonia, anhydrous Grade B, 99 percent NH3 Fertilizer grade 900 95.32 9.4 Aqueous ammonia Technical, synthetic, 25 percent 25 percent 251 26.45 Ei 9.5 Ammonium chloride Grade A White granulated 900 115.76 7.8 Copper sulfate 98.2 percent cus04.51120 Crystals, 99 percent 2,250 270.11 8.3 Trisodium phosphate 95 percent, Na3PO4.12H20 Crystals 620 97.02 6.4 Barium chloride Grade A, 95 percent BaC12.2H20 Technical 1,680 132.30 12.7 Hydrogen peroxide 27.5 to 31 percent H202 35 percent 3,500 396.90 8.8 Calcium chloride, solid 67 percent, fused 73 to 75 percent, solid 690 28.10 24.6 Calcium chloride, flake 83 percent, dehydrated 77 to 80 percent, flake 895 29.75 30.1 Borax (sodium borate) 50.2 percent Na2B407 Granular, decahydrate 3,060 45.46 67.3 2821 Plastics materials, synthetic resins, and nonvulcanizable elastomers Polyvinyl chloride 6,800 684.00 Li 9.9 Urea resins 5,000 727.52 1/ 6.9 2871 Fertilizers Superphosphate Grade I 161 18.45 8.7 a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Where detailed specifications are not available, comparability is based on methods of Unless otherwise indicated, ruble prices are from source 48 Unless otherwise indicated, US prices are from source 49 Not elsewhere counted. Adjusted to basis of 100 percent. Adjusted on the basis of acetylene yield. Price quoted at $105.79 per metric ton, anhydrous basis. 211 - 39 - manufacture and comparable industrial use. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Table 8 USSR and US: Specifications, Prices, and Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Construction Materials 1955 Standard Industrial Classification Number Category and Item Prices Specifications Rubles Dollars Ratio USSR US per Unit per Unit (Rubles per Dollar) 2951 Paving mixtures and Petroleum bitumen, Grades 4 to 5 Asphalt binders and flux blocks 2952 Asphalt felts and coatings Roofing felt Soft roofing, Ruberoid ROM-500 Asphalt felt Soft roofing, roofing tar paper Tar felt T-350 3211 Flat glass Window glass, double strength, Window glass, double strength, Grade I quality A 3241 Cement, hydraulic Mark 40o Portland cement, bulk 3251 Brick and structural clay tile Brick Clay building brick, COST 1/ 530-54, standard clay brick, Mark 100, 25 by 12 by 6.6 centimeters Common red brick, 8 by 3.75 by 2.5 inches 290 per metric 22.43 per metric ton hi* ton b/ 1.4 per square 0.33 per square meter 2/ meter 1/ 1.4 per square 0.33 per square meter meter 9.8 per square 1.93 per square meter 2/ meter 1/ 12.9 4.2 4.2 5.1 144 per metric 20.9 per metric ton g/ ton hi 6.9 243 per 1,000 1/ 55.33 per 1,000 11/ 4.4 3273 Ready mixed concrete Commercial Grade 100 Redi-mix 119 per cubic 16.41 per cubic meter 1/ meter Ei 3274 Lime Lime, COST 1174-51 Lime, hydrated, building, 122.14 per metric 20.88 per metric finishing ton hi ton 2/ 3275 Gypsum products Plaster, base coat Alabaster (construction gypsum), Plaster, gypsum, base coat 120 per metric 16.47 per metric COST 125-41 ton 1/ * Footnotes for Table 8 follow on p. 41. ? -4o - 7.3 5.8 ton a/ 7.3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Table 8 (Continued) Standard Industrial Classification Number 3292 Category and Item Asbestos products Asbestos cement shingles Asbestos cement pipe 3296 Mineral wool Specifications USSR Mark II GOST 539-48, Mark VND-8 and VND-10 155 mm 305 mm US 3/16 inch 6 inches 12 inches Mineral wool, Grade II Mineral wool insulation Prices Rubles per Unit 3.9 per square meter i/ 11.73 per meter 38.53 per meter 315 per metric ton y/ Dollars per Unit 1.07 per square meter ?/ 4.97 per meter 7.77 per meter .1.1./ 83.77 per metric ton 12/ Ratio (Rubles per Dollar) 3.6 2.4 5.0 3.8 a. 22/ i. Gosudarstvennyy Obshchesoyuznyy Standart (All Union b. 23/ j. 2/ c. 2/ k. US price of $34.58 per 1,000 adjusted to compensate d. 256/ and Soviet brick. Soviet brick is roughly 1.6 times th e. 2_/ 1. 62/ f' 4/ in. 2/ n' / h. 22/ o. Standard). for difference in size of US e volume of US brick. fdi Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Table 9 USSR and US: Specifications, Prices, and Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Iron and Steel Products 1955 Standard Industrial Classification Number 3312 Category and Item Blast furnaces, in- cluding coke ovens, steel works, and rolling mills Rails Specifications USSR Open-hearth, No. 1, P-50 type, 12.5-meter lengths Rail accessories Two flanged tie plates Pipe and tube Buttweld stand- ard pipe Seamless line pipe Carbon, water or gas pipe with threads and couplings, ordi- nary strength, 1-1/4 inches (about 32 mm e) Carbon steel, first-class grade, St. 2 or 4,219-mm diameter, 6-mm wall thick- ness * Footnotes for Table 9 follow on p. 46. US Standard, carbon steel No. 1, open hearth with 8-percent seconds arising, 39-foot standard lengths with usual shorts, section No. 11525 (115 pounds per lineal yard), ASTM, 2/ AREA, d/ or equiv- alent specifications, controlled cooling, base quantity; extras comprise controlled cooling Standard section, low carbon, cold punched, AREA specifications or AISI base design to AREA spec- ifications, weight more than 12 pounds per tie plate, base quantity Black, carbon, threaded and coupled, 1-1/4-inch nominal dia- meter, random 1 length, weight 228 pounds per 100 feet, carload lots; jobbers and distributors discounts Carbon steel (electric weld or seamless), black, plain ends, 8-5/8-inch outside diameter, 0.250-inch wall thickness, ran- dom lengths, carload lots; job- bers and distributors discounts Prices Rubles per Dollars per Ratio Metric Ton 2/* Metric Ton 1.2/ (Rubles per Dollar) 618 631 927 1,034 Li/ 106 l/ 124 171 165 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 5.8 5.1 5.4 6.3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Table 9 (Continued) Standard Prices Industrial Specifications Classification Rubles per, Dollars per, Ratio Number Category and Item USSR US Metric Ton 2/ Metric Ton :12/ (Rubles per Dollar) 3312 (Continued) Seamless casing Heavy sections Light sections (bars and bar- size shapes) Hot-rolled carbon bars Seamless casing with threads and couplings, Class I, 168-mm (6-5/8-inch) diameter pipe with a wall thickness of 8 mm Angles, unequal leg, 150 by 100 mm, open-hearth St. 3 killed steel; this sample is represen- tative of the heavy section cate- gory -- that is, prices for such items as I-beams and channels are almost identical Hot-rolled carbon rounds, 38-mm diameter, open-hearth St. 3 killed steel Hot-rolled alloy Rounds and squares, hot-rolled bars alloy steel, type 35 KhM (0.40 carbon, 0.80 to 1.10 chrome, 0.15 to 0.25 molybdenum) Hot-rolled stain- Stainless steel round of 25-mm less bars diameter of type 1 Kh 18 N9 ?1/ Casing, oil well, carbon steel, Grade J-55, seamless, short threads and couplings, 7-inch outside diameter, 20 pounds per foot, carload lots; jobbers and distributors discounts Structural shapes, carbon steel, 6 by 4 by 1/2-inch angles, 30 feet long, ASTM specifica- tions, A-7, base quantity; the extra is size Hot-rolled carbon 1-1/2-inch (38-mm) rounds, 16 to 20 feet long, specifications C-1030, special quality, base quantity; extras comprise size, quality, and chemistry Hot-rolled alloy steel, 1-1/2- inch rounds, 18 to 20 feet long, specifications AISI 4140, open- hearth, annealed, machine straightened, base packaging, base quantity; extras comprise size, grade, straightness, and annealing Stainless steel, type 303, 3/8 by 2-inch flats, mill lengths, annealed, base packaging, base quantity; extras comprise size and annealing 808 130 6.2!/ 616 107 5.8 619 118 5.2 1,387 207 6.7 4,114 992 4.1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Table 9 USSR and US: Specifications, Prices, and Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Iron and Steel Products 1955 - (Continued) Standard Industrial Classification Number Category and Item Specifications USSR US 3312 (Continued) Tool steel bars High-speed tool steel High-speed tool rounds, 16 to 30-mm diameter, type R18 (FF1), 17.5 to 19.0 tungsten, 1.0 to 1.4 vanadi/m, 3.8 to 4.6 chrome High-speed tool steel, hot-rolled alloy, tungsten 18, chrome 4, vanadium 1, 1-inch rounds, 10 to 14 feet mill lengths, annealed; extras comprise size and anneal- Tool steel Alloy tool steel rounds, type 5KhVG (0.55 to 0.70 carbon, 0.90 to 1.20 manganese, 0.50 to 0.80 chrome, and 0.50 to 0.80 tungsten), 50-meter diameter Cold-finished Cold-finished bars with in- carbon bars creased manganese, type 150 (0.12 to 0.20 carbon, manganese less than 1.5, sulfur and phosphorous less than 0.040), 15.0 to 23.0-mm diameter rounds Wire rod Sheet 5-mm diameter, open-hearth, St.3 rimming grade Hot-rolled carbon Ordinary quality hot-rolled carbon sheet, 3 mm, open- hearth rimming grade, Mat 3 Cold-rolled carbon Cold-rolled carbon sheet, con- structional grade, normal draw- ing quality, thickness 0.8 to 0.95-mm, 0.10 to 0.20 carbon; size extra, 5 rubles - ing Alloy tool steel, oil hardening die steel, carbon 0.90, manganese 1.25, chrome 0.50, tungsten 0.50, 2-inch rounds, 10 to 14 feet mill lengths, annealed; extras comprise annealing and quantity Cold-finished, carbon steel, 5/8- inch rounds, 10 to 12 feet long, specifications H1112, standard quality, base quantity; extras comprise size, chemistry, and quality No. 5 coils, 0.218 inch, carbon steel, base quantity; the extra is size Hot-rolled carbon steel, 10 gauge, 48 inches (1,220 mm) wide by 120 inches (3,050 mm) long, sheared edge, cut length, base chemistry, commercial quality, base packaging, base quantity; extras comprise size, gauge, width, length, and cutting edge Prices Rubles per Dollars per Ratio Metric Ton 8/ Metric Ton 12/ (Rubles per Dollar) Cold-rolled sheet, carbon steel, 20 gauge, 36 by 120 inches, base chemistry, standard flatness and shearing, drawing quality, single paper wrapped on skids, base qual_ ity; extras comprise size, gauge, width, length, quality, and packag- ing -44- 19,380 3,549 5.5 2,071 1,157 1.8 1,006 191 5.3 607 117 5.2 635 113 5.6 1,062 138 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 7.7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Table 9 (Continued) Standard Industrial Classification Number ' 3312 (Continued) Category and Item Electrical Strip Hot-rolled Specifications USSR Electrical sheet, dynamo grade, 0.5 mm thick, 860 by 1,720 mm 1/ 2.5 to 3.5 mm thick, open-hearth (ordinary steel) St. 3 killed steel Cold-rolled (quality steel) Plate Blooms, billets, and slabs Carbon steel, 0.90 mm thick Plate (thick sheet), 6 to 9 mm, open-hearth St. 3 rimming grade carbon; size extra, 5 rubles Forging billets, 100 to 180 mm on a side, open-hearth St. 5 killed steel, base lengths 2/6 meters US Electrical sheet, alloy steel specifications, electrical grade, 240 gauge, 30 by 108 inches (2,750 mm) long, single paper wrapped on skids, base quantity; extras comprise gauge and packag- ing Hot-rolled, carbon steel, 10 gauge, 121y 240 inches, base chemistry, commercial quality, mill edge, base packaging, base quantity; extras comprise size and length Prices Rubles per Dollars per Ratio Metric Ton E./ Metric on 1.3./ (Rubles per Dollar) Carbon steel, coils, No. 4 temper, No. 2 finish, No. 3 edge, base chemistry, 6 inches (152 mm) by 0.050 inches (1.27 mm); extras comprise size and quantity Plate, carbon steel, 72 by 1/4 by 240 inches, ASTM specifications, A-7, base quantity; extras comprise thickness and physical requirement Forging carbon steel billets, 4 by 4 inches by 10 to 15 feet long, specifications C-l045, base quantity; extras comprise size and chemistry 1,21+4 225 5.5 750 118 6.4 998 5.6 585 109 5.4 564 107 5.3 - 45 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Table 9 USSR and US: Specifications, Prices, and Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Iron and Steel Products 1955 (Continued) a. Unless otherwise indicated, ruble prices are from source Li. b. Unless otherwise indicated, dollar prices are from source 7 c. American Society for Testing Materials. d. American Railway Engineers Association. e. The extra, "controlled cooling," is only 7-1/2 cents per 100 pounds. f American Iron and Steel Institute. g. Millimeters. h. In 1950 the price differential between 6-mm and 8-mm wall for 219-mm diameter pipe was 7.1 rubles. It has been assumed that the same differential would apply in 1955. i. The Soviet item is smaller than the US item with which it has been compared. j. Soviet prices are not available for stainless flats. This comparison, however, is believed to be a fair one. k. For strict comparability with the US type, the Soviet type 9KhVG should have been used. A 1955 price, however, is not available for this item. In 1950 the ruble prices for the 5 KhVG and the 9 KhVG were identical. 1. Comparability is only approximate because a Soviet item directly comparable to the US item with respect to size or grade is not produced. m. Soviet price data are not available for cold-rolled strip over 0.90 mm, and for this reason 0.90 mm was chosen for comparison. Cold-rolled strip 1.27 mm thick would be cheaper than 0.90 mm. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Table 10 USSR and US: Specifications, Prices, and Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Nonferrous Metals 1955 Standard Industrial Classification Number Category and Item 3331 Primary smelting and refining of copper Cathodes 3332 Primary smelting and refining of lead Ingots 3333 Primary smelting and refining of zinc 3334 3339 Ingots Primary production of aluminum Unalloyed ingots Primary smelting and refining of other nonferrous metals, n.e.c. 2/ Cadmium Tin Mercury Antimony Magnesium Specifications USSR US COST 2/ 546-41, Mark MO, Cu 99.95, Cathodes, electrolytic, delivered electrolytic copper Connecticut Valley COST 3778-47, Mark S-2, Pb 99.95 COST 3640-47, Mark TS-2, Zn 99.9, Pb 0.05; Mark TS-3, Zn 99.7, Pb 1.0 COST 3549-47, Mark A-2, Al 99.00 COST 1467-42, Mark KD-0, Cd 99.95, Pb 0.02, Zn 0.01, Cu 0.01 COST 860-41, Mark 0-1, Sn 99.9 COST 4658-49, Mark R-1, Hg 99.999 COST 1089-41, Mark SU-3, Sb 99.4 COST 804-49, Mark MG-1, mg 99.21 Ingots, common grade, St. Louis Ingots, prime western zinc, St. Louis Ingots, 99 percent plus f.o.b. shipping point Regular shapes, delivered Straits, spot, New York Domestic, bulk, carload lots, f.o.b. Laredo, Texas Ingots 99.8 percent Mg, f.o.b. Freeport, Texas ? Prices Rubles per, Dollars per, Ratio Metric Ton 21 Metric Ton L. (Rubles per Dollar) 6,600 7,150 2,975 1/ 4,76o 103,000 100,000 17,000 7,200 793.66 326.28 275.57 511.47 3,747.82 2,139.45 7,682.68 f/ 628.31 628.14 El 8.3 21.9 10.8 9.3 64.o 48.1 13.0 27.1 11.5 a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Unless otherwise indicated, ruble prices are from source 71. Unless otherwise indicated, dollar prices are from source 71/. Gosudarstvennyy Obshchesoyuznyy Standart (All-Union State Standard). Arithmetic mean of prices for Mark TS-2 and TS-3 (3,150 and 2,800 rubles per metric ton, respectively). Not elsewhere counted. 78/ - 47 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Table 11 USSR and US: Calculation of Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Rail Freight Transport 1955 Standard Industrial Classification Number Category and Item Metric Tons Originated in the US, 1955 1./* (Thousand Metric Tons) Freight Revenue Received by US Railroads, 1955 y (Thousand Dollars) US Average Short Line Haul per Uni,t of Weight 2/ US Revenue per Metric Ton (Dollars) Soviet Base Rate per Metric Ton for Average US Haul i/ (Rubles Average US Revenue per Metric Ton - Kilometer for Average US Haul 5/ (Dollars Soviet Rate per Metric Ton - Kilometer for Average US Haul 5/ (Rubles Ratio le (Rubles per Dollar) 4011 Rail freight transport Foodstuffs Wheat 280 1,904 523 6.80 19.30 0.0130 0.0368 2.8 Corn 165 968 544 5.87 20.00 0.0108 0.0360 3.3 Wheat flour 79 560 999 7.09 36.70 0.0071 0.0374 5.3 Potatoes (not sweet) 33 718 1,942 21.76 . 64.91 0.0112 0.0333 3.0 Fresh meat, n.e.c. h/ 25 946 1,622 37.84 118.80 0.0233 0.0720 3.1 Food products, n.e.c. h/ 99 1,848 1,572 18.67 62.00 0.0119 0.0400 3.4 Coal and coke Anthracite 152 542 295 3.57 11.20 0.0121 0.0386 3.2 Bituminous coal 3,140 10,612 468 3.38 15.40 0.0072 0.0330 4.6 Coke 180 643 386 3.57 13.20 0.0092 0.0352 3.8 Petroleum products Gasoline 88 438 312 4.98 25.00 0.0160 0.0794 5.0 Fuel and road oil, n.e.c. h/ 90 507 468 5.63 21.00 0.0120 0.0452 3.8 Refined petroleum, n.e.c. h/ 82 1,153 1,056 14.06 49.00 0.0133 0.0460 3.5 Ores Iron Ore 1,434 2,155 222 1.50 7.80 0.0068 0.0339 5.0 Iron and steel Manufactured iron and steel 287 2,650 600 9.23 18.50 0.0154 0.0316 2.1 Iron and steel pipe, fittings ? 65 994 1,044 15.29 30.40 0.0146 0.0297 2.0 Scrap iron 227 918 214 4.04 10.30 0.0189 0.0490 2.6 * Footnotes for Table 11 follow on p. 49. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Table 11 (Continued) Standard Industrial Classification Number Category and Item Metric Tons Originated in the US, 1955kl/ (Thousand Metric Tons) Freight Revenue Received by US Railroads, 1955 12/ (Thousand Dollars) US Average Short Line Haul per Unit of Weight 2/ US Revenue per Metric Ton 51/ (Dollars) Soviet Base Rate per Metric Ton for Average US Haul i/ (Rubles) Average US Revenue per Metric Ton - Kilometer for Average US Haul (Dollars) Soviet Rate per Metric Ton Kilometer for Average US Haul 5/ (Rubles Ratio 5/ (Rubles per Dollar) 4011 Building materials (Continued) Gravel and sand, n.e.c. 561 733 135 1.31 5.20 0.0097 0.0398 4.1 Crushed stone 472 754 177 1.60 5.70 0.0090 0.0338 3.8 Portland cement 294 1,340 240 4.56 12.70 0.0190 0.0552 2.9 Lumber and shingles 231 4,019 2,113 17.40 53.10 0.0082 0.0247 3.0 Chemicals Fertilizers, n.e.c. 125 778 576 6.22 19.20 0.0108 0.0328 3.0 Phosphate rock 165 420 372 2.55 14.20 0.0069 0.0381 5.5 Sodium products 88 763 686 8.67 32.20 0.0126 0.0460 3.7 Chemicals, n.e.c. 12/ 94 1,550 1,349 16.49 57.80 0.0122 0.0436 3.6 Machinery and equipment Machinery and machines 28 919 1,324 32.82 82.00 0.0248 0.0619 2.5 Passenger automobiles 13 763 1,399 58.69 132.00 0.0420 0.0944 2.2 Vehicle parts, n.e.c. h/ 98 2,709 1,230 27.64 77.00 0.0225 0.0626 2.8 Miscellaneous Paperboard and fiberboard 60 858 1,212 14.30 50.10 0.0118 0.0409 3.5 Feed, n.e.c. 11/ 156 784 536 5.03 19.30 0.0094 0.0368 3.9 a. One percent sample. Data _2/ converted from short tons to metric tons. b. One percent sample. L./ c. One percent sample. Data L/ converted from miles to kilometers. d. Column 2 divided by column 1. e. Soviet freight rates from source 4_8_31. f. Column 4 divided by column 3. g. Column 7 divided by column 6. h. In this table (and in Table 22, p. 66, below), n.e.c. represents the categories for not n.e.c. as used in this table includes most of the specified items. ? otherwise specified (NOS) as used by the Interstate Commerce Commission. As such, the Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Table 12 USSR and US: Specifications, Prices, and Ruble-Dollar Price Ratio for Rail Passenger Service 1955 Standard Industrial Classification Number 4021 Category Prices Specifications Ratio Rubles 1./ Dollars bi (Rubles USSR US per Trip per Trip per Dollar) Rail passenger Adult one-way fare, Adult one-way fare, service soft car, basic first class, basic fare fare plus pullman seat space 97.05 15.33 6.3 a. Rate applicable to a distance block of 431 to 460 kilometers. 22/ b. Arithmetic mean of rates applicable to the East and Southeast, based on unpublished statistics from the Interstate Commerce Commission, applied to a trip distance of 438 kilometers. -50 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Table 13 USSR and US: Specifications, Prices, and Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Communications Services 2/ 1955 Standard Industrial Classification Number Category and Item Prices Specifications Rubles Dollars Ratio USSR US per Unit per Unit (Rubles per Dollar) 4811 Telephone communication (wire and radio) Telephone service Long-distance Long-distance N.A. N.A. 45 ??../ Home or private Home or private 300 _,/ 58 El/ 5.2 Business or enterprise Business or enterprise 500 s/ 122 El/ 4.1 4821 Telegraph communication (wire and radio) Telegraph service Telegram, common Telegram, full rate 5.25 2/ 1.32 f/ 4.0 4899 Communications services, n.e.c. First-class mail Letters Letters 0.40 h/ 0.03 13.3 Post cards Post cards 0.25 h/ 0.02 12.5 Including intermediate and final services. Arithmetic mean of ratios derived by comparing Soviet and US rates for a 3-minute call for eight distance units. f2/ It was assumed that the average rate increased between 1950 lt,g/ and 1955 in the same proportion as revenues from subscriptions for this period. 2/ Estimated from data on volume and revenue in source i2/. Not elsewhere counted. -51 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Table 14 USSR and US: Prices and Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Electric Power 2../ 1955 Standard Prices 12/ Industrial Classification Kopeks per Cents per Ratio Number Category and Item Kilowatt-Hour Kilowatt-Hour (Rubles per Dollar) 4911 Electric companies and systems Industrial consumers, including railroads 12.2 0.91 13.4 Residential and com- .mercial consumers, including rural and governmental consumers 4o .o 2.51 15.9 a. Including intermediate and final services. b. For sources and methodology used in deriving rates, see Appendix A. -52 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Table 15 USSR and US: Aggregate Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Solid Fuels - 1955 Standard Industrial Classification Number Category and Item . Ratio _al (Rubles per Dollar) Weights (Percent) Weighted Ratio (Rubles per Dollar) USSR 2/ US 2/ Soviet Weights US Weights Solid fuels 100.0 100.0 17.0 18.2 1111 Anthracite 11.6 19.4 9.0 1211 Bituminous coal 18.8 63.3 90.7 1212 Lignite 21.0 17.3 0.3 a. Price ratios from Table 4, p. 32, above. b. Based on prices derived from source 22/ multiplied by estimated physical production for all areas producing coal. -53- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Table 16 USSR and US: Aggregate Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Petroleum Products 1955 Standard Weights Weighted Ratio Industrial (Percent) (Rubles per Dollar) Classification Ratio W* Number Category and Item (Rubles per Dollar) USSR 12/ us .2/ Soviet Weights US Weights Petroleum products 100.0 100.0 10.5 (4.6) y 11.8 (4.9) 2/ 1311 Crude petroleum and natural gas 2/ 3.7 4.1 7.4 3.7 3.7 2911 Petroleum refining 95.9 92.6 11.4 (4.6) y 12.5 (5.0) y Aviation gasoline 7.2 5.6 12.3 1/ 12.3 f/ s-100/130 14.8 B-95/l30 13.3 B-93/130 13.0 B-91/115 10.8 B-70 9.7 Automotive gasoline 32.8 45.9 A-66 and A-70 15.1 A-74 18.4 Minimum octane number of 56 11.3 Ligroine 8.8 Negl. Negl. Kerosine 12.8 5.3 Tractor kerosine Tractor kerosine, high octane Illuminating kerosine Illuminating kerosine, heavy high-ignition- temperature kerosine for lighthouse lamps (pironaft) Jet fuels T-1 and TS-1 7.5 8.2 10.6 12.0 10.6 3.6 1.7 14.9 f/ 14.9 I/ 98i/ 9.8 5_/ Diesel fuel, light 13.4 5.0 8.8 I/ 8.8 1/ L and Z DL DA, DZ, and DS * Footnotes for Table 16 follow on p. 56. 8.8 8.5 9.1 - 54 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Table 16 (Continued) Standard Industrial Classification Number Category and Item Ratio 2/ (Rubles per Dollar) Weights (Percent) Weighted Ratio (Rubles per Dollar) USSR 22/ US 2/ Soviet Weights US Weights 2911 Diesel fuel, heavy 4.1 12.9 9.0 f/ 9.0 1/ (Continued) Motor fuels DT-1 (M-3), DT-2 (M-4), and DT-3 (M-5) 10.2 Solar oil 7.7 Lubricants 8.7 2.9 12.4 y 12.4 f/ Autotractor oil, AK-15 (avtol 18) 14.5 Autotractor oil, AK-10 (avtol 10) 16.3 Autotractor oils, AKZ-p-6 and AKZ-p-10 22.4 Diesel oils D-11; Dp-8, Dp-11, Dp-14 (ail three with additive AZNII T5IATI4-1); and Dp-8, Dp-11, and Dp-14 (all three with additive T5IATIM-339) 23.3 Oil for low-speed diesel (motor), M and T 11.0 Automobile transmission oil 7.0 Autotractor transmission oil, summer 6.6 Autotractor transmission oil, winter 7.0 Instrument oil (MVP) 20.1 Industrial oil 12 (spindle 2) 11.7 20 (spindle 3) 11.5 30 (machine 1) 10.8 45 (machine S) 10.6 50 (machine SU) 16.2 Leached 20V (spindle 3V) 7.7 Leached 45V (machine SV) 7.0 Oil for highspeed machines L (Velosit) or for highspeed machines T (vaseline) 12.4 - 55 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Table 16 USSR and US: Aggregate Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Petroleum Products 1955 . (Continued) Standard Weights Weighted Ratio Industrial (Frcent) (Rubles per Dollar) Classification Ratio 2/ Number Category and Item (Rubles per Dollar) USSR 12/ us 2/ Soviet Weights US Weights 2911 (Continued) Cylinder oil 11 (cylinder 2) 24 (Viskozin) 38 (cylinder 6) 52 (vapor) 11.0 8.2 13.0 18.2 Axle oil 5.5 Z and S 6.1 Oil for rolling mills 20.0 Residual and others Fleet mazut 13.3 Fuel oils (furnace mazuts), low sulfur, 20, 4o, 60, 80, and 100 with a sulfur content up to 0.5 percent (low sulfur boiler mazut) 8.0 Fuel oils (furnace mazuts), sulfurous, 20, 4o, 60, 80, and 100 with a sulfur content of from 0.5 to 1.0 percent, and fuel oils, high sulfur, 20, 4o, 60, 80, and 100 with a sulfur content of more than 1 percent (sulfurous boiler mazut) 7.6 Petroleum paraffin, technical highly refined (A, B); medical; technical purified (G, D) 13.0 Gasoline, solvent used in the rubber industry (Galosha) 11.6 Gasoline, solvent used in the paint industry (white spirit) 9.3 16.9 15.0 10.5 I/ 10.5 1/ a. Price ratios from Table 5, p. 33, above. b. Based on 1955 values of production computed from estimated production multiplied by estimated average prices. c. Based on estimated average prices, derived from physical quantities and value of consumption, multiplied by estimated production. 2/LY d. See Appendix A, 2, b, p. 26, above. The ratios in parentheses reflect adjustment to exlude the turnover tax. e. Represented by natural gas only. f. Arithmetic mean of ruble-dollar ratios. g. Arithmetic mean of ratios for tractor and illuminating kerosines combined with the ratio for jet fuel. -56- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Table 17 USSR and US: Aggregate Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Paper and Paperboard 1955 Standard Industrial Classification Number Category and Item Ratio 2/ (Rubles per Dollar) Weights (Frcent) Weighted Ratio (Rubles per Dollar) USSR12/ US 2/ Soviet Weights US Weights Paper and paperboard 100.0 100.0 9.6 10.1 2621 Paper mills, except building paper mills 80.4 60.8 9.1 9.1 Newsprint 9.0 12.4 5.3 Book paper 9.1 22.9 25.0 Fine paper 8.3 15.5 12.4 Coarse paper 9.8 29.6 18.1 2631 Paperboard mills 19.6 39.2 11.7 11.7 Corrugated paperboard 14.1 11.3 18.8 Fiberboard 9.5 8.3 20.4 a. Price ratios from Table 6, p. 37, above. b. Based on production data estimated from source 156/ multiplied by average prices from Table 6. c. Based on production data estimated from source 2.2 multiplied by average prices from Table 6. -57- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Table 18 USSR and US: Aggregate Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Chemicals 1955 Standard Weighted Ratio Industrial (Rubles per Dollar) Classification Ratio 21* Weights for the US 12/ Number Category and Item (Bibles per Dollar) (Percent) Soviet Weights US Weights Chemicals 100.0 11.0 2/ 13.0 2812 Alkalies and chlorine 5.8 8.9 Chlorine Sodium bicarbonate Soda ash Caustic soda, liquid Caustic soda, cake 4.3 7.7 8.9 15.5 15.3 2.0 0.1 2.3 0.6 0.8 2814 Cyclic (coal-tar) crudes 1.4 Naphthalene Benzene 7.7 11.9 9.8 21./ 2818 Industrial organic chemicals, n.e.c. 2/ 33.2 20.9 11 Methanol Acetone Ethylene dichloride 20.9 25.3 2.1 2819 Industrial inorganic chemicals, n.e.c. 2/ 22.9 9.1 Nitric acid Ammonium sulfate Ammonium nitrate Sodium sulfate (salt cake) Calcium carbide Hydrochloric acid * Footnotes for Table 18 follow on p. 59. 5.4 5.7 7.6 6.9 5.1 - 58 - 0.5 1.6 2.6 0.5 1.7 1.0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Table 18 (Continued) Standard Industrial Classification Number Category and Item Ratio 2/ (Rabies per Dollar) Weights for the US 12/ (Percent) Weighted Ratio (Rabies per Dollar) Soviet Weights US Weights 2819 Sulfuric acid, tower 6.7 1.0 (Continued) Sulfuric acid, contact 7.7 5.4 Magnesium oxide 7.3 0.5 Synthetic ammonia, anhydrous 9.4 5.1 Aqueous ammonia 9.5 0.2 Ammonium chloride 7.8 0.2 Copper sulfate 8.3 0.6 Trisodium phosphate 6.4 0.4 Barium chloride 12.7 0.3 Hydrogen peroxide 8.8 0.3 Calcium chloride, solid 24.6 0.1 Calcium chloride, flake 30.1 0.5 Borax (sodium borate) 67.3 0.4 2821 Plastics materials, .synthetic resins, and nonvulcanizable elastomers .23.3 9.2 Polyvinyl chloride 9.9 18.0 Urea resins 6.9 5.3 2871 Fertilizers 13. 4 8.7 Superphosphate 8.7 a. Price ratios from Table 7, p. 38, above. b. Based on 1954 value of shipments from source c. Estimated. See Appendix A, 2, b, p. 26, above. d. Arithmetic mean of ratios. e. Not elsewhere counted. f. Median ratio. g. Arithmetic mean of ratios for weak and concentrated nitric acid. h. Estimated on the basis of 1947 data. i. Based on value weights for mixed and superphosphate fertilizers. -59- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Table 19 USSR and US: Aggregate Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Construction Materials 1955 Standard Industrial Classification Number Category and Item Ratio (Rubles per Dollar) Weights (Percent) Weighted Ratio (Rubles per Dollar) USSR12/ US 2/ Soviet Weights US Weights Construction materials 100.0 100.0 4.9 5.5 2952 Asphalt felts and coatings 4.2 5.5 14.7 3211 Flat glass 5.1 9.3 19.0 3241 Cement, hydraulic 6.9 24.5 30.7 3251 Brick and structural clay tile 4.4 46.3 9.2 3274 Lime 5.8 5.1 3.6 3275 Gypsum products 7.3 2.4 10.5 3292 Asbestos products 3.7 2/ 6.9 12.3 a. Price ratios from Table 8, p. 40, above. b. Based on estimated value of production. 2?_/ c. Based on 1954 values of shipments from source 22/. d. Arithmetic mean of ratios for asbestos cement shingles and asbestos cement pipe. -6o- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Table 20 USSR and US: Aggregate Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Iron and Steel Products 1955 Standard Industrial Classification Number Category and Item Ratio (Rubles per Dollar) Weights (Percent) Weighted Ratio (Rubles per Dollar) USSR US us sj Soviet Weights US Weights 3312 Blast furnaces, including coke ovens, steel works, and roiling mills 100.0 100.0 5.4 5.9 Rails 5.8 _ 5.2 1.1 5.8 5.8 Rail accessories 5.1 1.3 0.5 5.1 5.1 Pipe and tube IIIP 13.1 14.4 5.9 5.7 Buttweld standard pipe 5.4 4.4 9.4 Seamless line pipe and seamless casing 6.3 d/ 8.7 5.0 Heavy sections 5.8 11.4 2.!.1 5.8 5.8 Light sections (bars and bar-size shapes) 33.8 21.6 4.8 5.3 Hot-rolled carbon bars 5.2 21.2 9.1 Hot-rolled alloy bars 6.7 6.3 4.9 Hot-rolled stainless bars 4.1 1.5 0.9 Tool steel bars 3.6.2/ 4.o 3.2 Cold-finished carbon bars 5.3 0.8 3.5 Wire rod 5.2 5.5 5.2 5.2 Sheet 15.3 35.9 6.2 6.8 Hot-rolled carbon 5.6 8.1 13.8 Cold-rolled carbon 7.7 5.7 20.4 Electrical 5.5 1.5 1.7 Strip 2.6 5.1 6.1 5.8 Hot-rolled (ordinary steel) 6.4 1.7 1.2 Cold-rolled (quality steel) 5.6 0.9 3.9 Plate 5.4 9.7 L2 5.4 5.4 Blooms, billets, and slabs 5.3 2.1 2.1 5.3 5.3 a. Price ratios from Table 9, p. 42, above. b. Based on estimated production data and estimated average prices. c. Based on value derived from production data 100/ and average prices from Table 9. d. The ratios for seamless line pipe and seamless casing are about the same. The ratio for seamless line pipe is used for both items. e. Arithmetic mean of ratios for tool steel and high-speed tool steel. -61 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Table 21 USSR and US: Aggregate Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Nonferrous Metals 1955 Standard Industrial Classification Number Category and Item Nonferrous metals 3331 Primary smelting and refining of copper 3332 Primary smelting and refining of lead Ratio 2/ (Rubles per Dollar) USSR12/ US .91 Soviet Weights US Weights 100.0 100.0 12.0 2/ 13.6 Weights (Percent) Weighted Ratio (Rubles per Dollar) 8.3 38.9 31.6 21.9 28.8 8.6 3333 Primary smelting and refining of zinc 10.8 3334 Primary production of aluminum 9.3 3339 Primary smelting and refining of other nonferrous metals, n.e.c. 2/ Cadmium Tin Mercury Antimony Magnesium ? 64.o 48.1 13.0 27.1 11.5 32.3 11.2 38.1 0.8 7.2 0.7 0.4 1.4 a. Price ratios from Table 10, p. 47, above. b. Based on average prices from Table 10 and estimated data on production. c. Based on 1955 value derived from data on production and consumption and average prices. 122/ See Appendix A, 2, b, p. 26, above d. The weighted ratio for copper, lead, and aluminum of 10.6 adjusted to 12.0 to take into account the effect of the ratios, all of which were higher than 10.6, for which weights were not available. e. Not elsewhere counted. - 62 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Table 22 USSR and US: Aggregate Ruble-Dollar Price Ratio for Rail Freight Transport 1955 Standard Industrial Classification Number Category and Item Ratio 2/* (Rubles per Dollar) Weights for the US 12/ (Percent) Weighted Ratio for US Weights (Rubles per Dollar) 4011 Rail freight transport 100.0 3.6 Foodstuffs Wheat 2.8 4.3 Corn 3.3 2.2 Wheat flour 5.3 1.3 Potatoes (not sweet) 3.0 1.6 Fresh meat, n.e.c. 3.1 2.2 Food products, n.e.c. 3.4 4.2 Coal and coke Anthracite 3.2 1.2 Bituminous coal 4.6 24.1 Coke 3.8 1.5 Petroleum products Gasoline 5.0 1.0 Fuel and road oil, n.e.c. 3.8 1.2 Refined petroleum, n.e.c. 3.5 2.6 Footnotes for Table 22 follow on p. 65. - 63 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Table 22 USSR and US: Aggregate Ruble-Dollar Price Ratio for Rail Freight Transport 1955 (Continued) Standard Industrial Classification Number Category and Item Ratio 2/ (Rubles per Dollar) Weights Weighted Ratio for the US 12/ for US Weights (Percent) (Rubles per Dollar) 4011 Ores (Continued) Iron ore 5.o 4.9 Iron and steel Manufactured iron and steel 2.1 6.0 Iron and steel pipe, fittings 2.0 2.3 Scrap iron 2.6 2.1 Building materials Gravel and sand, n.e.c. 4.1 1.7 Crushed stone 3.8 1.7 Portland cement 2.9 3.0 Lumber and shingles 3.0 9.1 Chemicals Fertilizers, n.e.c. 2/ 3.0 1.8 Phosphate rock 5.5 1.0 Sodium products 3.7 1.7 Chemicals, n.e.c. 2/ 3.6 3.5 -64- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Table 22 (Continued) Standard Industrial Classification Number 4011 (Continued) Category and Item Machinery and equipment Machinery and machines Passenger automobiles Vehicle parts, n.e.c. 2/ Miscellaneous Paperboard and fiberboard Feed, n.e.c. Weights Weighted Ratio Ratio 2/ for the US 12/ for US Weights (Rubles per Dollar) (Percent) (Rubles per Dollar) 2.5 2.2 2.8 3.5 3.9 2.1 1.7 .6.2 2.0 1.8 a. b. c. Price ratios from Table 11, p.-48, above. Based on 1955 revenue data. 102/ See Table 11, footnote h. -65- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Table 23 USSR and US: Aggregate Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Communications Services 1955 sw Standard Industrial Classification Ratio 21 Numbet. Category and Item (Rubles per Dollar) Weights (Percent) USSR 2/ US 2/ Communications services 100.0 4811 Telephone communication (wire and radio) 42.5 Weighted Ratio (Rubles per Dollar) Soviet Weights 100.0 5.2 84.9 4.3 Long-distance 4.5 20.6 29.5 Home or private 5.2 3.1 30.3 2/ Business or enterprise 4.1 18.8 25.1 2/ US Weights 5.7 4.6 4821 Telegraph communication (wire and radio) Telegrams 4.0 28.0 2.2 4.o 4.o 4899 Communications services, n.e.c. 1/ First-class mail Letters Post cards 29.5 12.9 13.2 13.2 13.3 25.4 11.4 e 12.5 4.1 1.5 id a. Including intermediate and final services. b. Price ratios from Table 13, p. 51, above. c. Based on revenue data derived by multiplying average rates from Table 13 by corresponding volume data estimated from source 103/. d. Unless otherwise indicated, based on revenue data from source e. Estimated number of full-year subscribers 105/ multiplied by average rates from Table 13. f. Not elsewhere counted. g. Estimated distribution of first-class mail 106/ into letters and post cards multiplied by average rates from Table 13. -66- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Table 24 USSR and US: Aggregate Ruble-Dollar Price Ratios for Electric Power 1955 Standard Weights Weighted Ratio Industrial (Percent) (Rubles per Dollar) Classification Ratio 12/ Number Category and Item (Rubles per Dollar) USSR US 1/ Soviet Weights US Weights 4911 Electric companies and systems Industrial consumers, including railroads Residential and commercial, including rural and govern- mental consumers 100.0 100.0 13.4 62.5 34.5 le/ 15.9 37.5 65.5 2/ 14.2 15.0 a. Including intermediate and final services. b. Price ratios from Table 14, p. 52, above. c. Based on values derived by multiplying estimated net consumption 107/ by average rates from Table 14. ? d. Based on values derived by multiplying net consumption, based on unpublished statistics from the Federal Power Commission and on source 108/, by average rates from Table 14. e. 109/ -67- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 APPEND DC C SOURCE REFERENCES 1. Organization for European Economic Cooperation. An Inter- national Comparison of National Products and the Purchasing Power of Currencies, by Milton Gilbert and Irving Kravis, Paris, 1953, p. 1-60. 2. RAND Corporation. RM-1443, A Comparison of 1950 Wholesale Prices in Soviet and American Industry, by Norman M. Kaplan and William L. White, I May 55. 3. Ibid., RM-1919, Prices of Basic Industrial Goods in the USSR, 1950 to 1956, by Lynn Turgeon and Abram Bergson, 12 Jun 57, p. 13. 4. Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1957, Washington, 1957, p. 327. 5. Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Bulletin no 1214, Whole- sale Prices and Price Indexes, 1954-56, Sep 57, p. 39-45. 6. USSR, Ministerstvo Finansav. Tsennik dlya sostavleniya amet v tsenakh deystvuyushchikh na 1 Yanvarya 1950 (Price List for Making Estimates, in Prices Effective 1 January 1950), pt 1, Moscow, 1950, p. 415-417. USSR. Spravochnik metallurga po tsvetnym metallam (Metal- lurgist Handbook of Nonferrous Metals) vol 1, Moscow, 1953, p. 799-828. 7. Interior, Bureau of Mines. Minerals Yearbook 1951, 1954, p. 316. Ibid., Minerals Yearbook 1950, 1953, p. 363-364. Ibid., Information Circular no 7538, Average Heating Values of American Coals by Rank and by States, Dec 49, p. 2. 8. USSR. Spravochnik-tsennik na osnovnyye stroitel'nyye, tekhnicheskiye i vspomogatel'nyye materialy proizvodstvenno- tekhnicheskogo naznacheniya, instrumenty i avtozapchasti v tsenakh 1950 goda (Handbook of Prices of Basic Construction and Technical Materials, Tools, and Auto Spare Parts, in 1950 Prices), Baku, 1950, vol 2, pt 1, p. 128. (hereafter referred to as USSR. Spravochnik-tsennik) 9. Platt's Oil Price Handbook and Oilmanac for 1950, Cleveland, 1951. 10. USSR. Spravochnik-tsennik (8, 11. Oil, Paint, and Drug Reporter, 12. RAND Corporation. RM-1443 (2, 13. Engineering News-Record, 6 Jul 14. Stroitel'naya promyshlennost', 15. RAND Corporation. RM-1443 (2, 16. Ibid., p. 162-163. 17. USSR, Ministerstvo Ugol'noy Promyshlennosti. Nomenklaturnyy spravochnik i tseny na materialy i oborudovaniye primenyayemyye v ugol'noy promyshlennosti: gruppa II: tsvetnyye metally (Nomenclature Handbook and Prices for Materials and Equipment Used in the Coal Industry: Group II: Nonferrous Metals), Moscow, 1950, p. 261-262. above) p. 172. 13 Feb 50. above), p. 129-130. 50, P. 93, 97, 98. no 8, Aug 55, p. 39. above), p. 138-144. -69- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 18. Interior, Bureau of Mines. Minerals Yearbook, 1951, 1954, p. 791. 19. Nedolyzhenko, l.A. Voprosy planirovaniya tsen v ugol'noy promyshlennosti SSSR (Questions of Planning Prices in the Coal Industry of the USSR), Moscow, 1955, P. 52-62. 20. USSR. Spravochnik metallurga po tsvetnym metallam (Metal- lurgist Handbook of Nonferrous Metals), vol 1, Moscow, 1953, p. 799-828. 21. Interior, Bureau of Mines. Information circular no 7538 (7, above). Ibid., preprint from Bureau of Mines Minerals Yearbook, 1956, "Coal -- Pennsylvania Anthracite." Ibid., "Coal -- Bituminous and Lignite." 22. Bureau of Statistics, American Gas Association. 1956 Gas Facts: A Statistical Record of the Gas Utility Industry, New York, 1956, p. 28. 23. Platt's Oil Price Handbook and Oilmanac, 1955, New York, 1956, p. 292. 24. Probst, A. "Voprosy razvitiya toplivnogo khozyaystva SSSR" (Problems in the Development of the USSR Fuel Economy), Voprosy ekonomiki, no 1, Jan 56, p. 17-32. 25. USSR, Ministerstvo Ugol'noy Promyshlennosti. Materialy i oborudovaniye primenyaemyye v uol'noy promyshlennosti: spravochnik (Handbook fof Pricef for Materials and Equipment Used in the Coal Industry), Moscow, 1955, vol 1, materials pt 2, p. 130-132. (hereafter referred to as USSR, Ministerstvo Ugol'noy Promyshlennosti. Spravochnik) USSR, Ministerstvo Finansov. Spravochnik tsen na stroitel'nyye materialy i oborudovaniye (Handbook of Prices for Construction Materials and Equipment), Moscow, 1956, pt 1, p. 702-703. (hereafter referred to as USSR, Ministerstvo Finansov. Spravochnik) 26. Broyde, I.M. Organizatsiya raschetov v neftyanoy promyshlennosti: izdaniye vtoroye, ispravlennoye i dopolnennoye (Structure of Accounts in the Petroleum Industry), 2d ed, revised and supple- mented, Moscow, 1955, p. 114. 27. Ibid., p. 113. 28. Arkhangellskiy, A.S., et al. Spravochnik po tarifam zhelezno- dorozhnogo transporta?THandbook of Railroad Tariffs), Moscow, 1955, P- 283. 29. Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Bulletin no 1214 (5, above), p. 278-280. 30. USSR, Ministerstvo Finansov. Spravochnik (25, above), p. 858-865. 31. Arkhangellskiy, et al., op. cit. (28, above), p. 121. 32. Interstate Commerce Commission, Transport Economics and Statistics Bureau. ICC Statement MS-1, Carload Waybill Statis- tics, 1955, Distribution of Freight Traffic and Revenue Averages by Commodity Classes, Washington, 1956, p. 4. (hereafter referred to as ICC. ICC Statement MS-1) 33. USSR Tsentral'noye Statisticheskoye Upravleniye. Transport i svyaz' SSSR: statisticheskiy sbornik (Transport and Communi- cations in the USSR: A Statistical Compilation), Moscow, 1957, P. 41. -70- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 34. Edison Electric Institute. Statistical Bulletin for the Year 1955, New York, May 56, p. 2. 35. USSR, Ministerstvo Elektrostantsiy. Sbornik tarifov na elektricheskuyu i teplovuyu energiyu (Compilation of Rates for Electrical and Thermal Energy), Moscow, 1956, p. 3-59. 36. Edison Electric Institute. Statistical Bulletin for the Year 1955, New York, May 56, p. 2. 37. USSR, Ministerstvo Elektrostantsiy. Sbornik tarifov na elektricheskuyu i teplovuyu energiyu (Compilation of Rates for Electrical and Thermal Energy), Moscow, 1956, p. 3-59. 38. Broyde, op. cit. (26, above). 39. Nedolyzhenko, op. cit. (19, above), 40. USSR. Spravochnik metallurga po tsvetnym metallam (Metallurgist Handbook of Nonferrous Metals), vol 1, Moscow, 1953, p. 7q9-828. 41. Interior, Bureau of Mines. Information circular no 7538 (7, above). Ibid., preprint from Bureau of Mines Minerals Yearbook, 1956, "Coal -- Pennsylvania Anthracite." Ibid., "Coal -- Bituminous and Lignite." 42. USSR, Ministerstvo Ugol'noy Promyshlennosti. Spravochnik (25, above). USSR, Ministerstvo Finansov. Spravochnik (25, above). 43. Platt's Oil Price Handbook and Oilmanac, 1955, p. 292. 44. American Gas Association. 1956 Gas Facts: A Statistical Record of the Gas Utility Industry, New York, 1956, p. 28. 45. USSR, Ministerstvo Finansov. Spravochnik (25, above). p. 858-865. 46. Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Bulletin no 1214, (5, above), p. 278-280. 47. USSR. Spravochnik-tsennik (8, above), pt 2, p. 275. 48. USSR, Ministerstvo Ugol'noy Promyshlennosti. Spravochnik .(25, above), p. 164-196. 49. Oil, Paint, and Drug Reporter, 27 Jun 55. 50. Modern Plastics, Jan 56, p. 95. 51. Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Price and Price Relatives for Individual Commodities, Aug 55, p. 4. 52. Stroitel'naya pramyshlennost', no 8, Aug 55, p. 40. 53. Engineering News-Record, 10 Feb 55, p. 75. Ibid., 8 Dec 55, p. 101. 54. Stroitel'naya promyshlennost', no 8, Aug 55, p. 40. 55. Engineering News-Record, 10 Feb 55, p. 80. Ibid., 8 Dec 55,.p. 107. 56. Stroitel'naya promyshlennost', no 8, Aug 55, p. 39. 57. Engineering News-Record, 10 Feb 55, p. 78. Ibid., 8 Dec 55, p. 104. 58. USSR, Gosudarstvennyy Komitet Soveta Ministrov SSSR po Delam Stroitel'stva. Tsennik no 1: srednikh rayonnykh smetnyh tsen na materialy, detaly i konstruktsii (Price Handbook No. 1: Average Rayon Estimate Prices of Materials, Components, and Structures), Moscow, 1956, pt 1, p. 95. (hereafter referred to as USSR. Tsennik no 1) 59. Engineering News-Record, 29 Sep 55, p. 135. 60. USSR, Ministerstvo Promyshlennosti Stroitel'nykh Materialov. Preyskurant optovykh tsen na stroitel'nyye materialy (Price List -71 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 of Wholesale Prices for Construction Materials), no 18-05, Moscow, 1955, p. 7-10. (hereafter referred to as USSR. Preyskurant, no 18-05) 61. Engineering News-Record, 29 Sep 55, p. 135. 62. Stroitel'naya promyshlennost', no 8, Aug 55, 63. Engineering News-Record, 10 Feb 55, p. 75. Ibid., 8 Dec 55, p. 101. 64. USSR. Preyskurant, no 18-05 (60, abdve), p. 12-15. 65. Commerce and Labor. Construction Review, Mar 56, p. 31. 66. USSR. Preyskurant, no 18-05 (60, above), p. 17-18. 67. Commerce and Labor. Construction Review, Mar 56, p. 31. 68. USSR, Ministerstvo Promyshlennosti Stroitel'nykh Materialov. Preyskurant optovykh tsen na stroitel'nyye materialy (Price List of Wholesale Prices for Construction Materials), no 18-04, Moscow, 1955, p. 8. 69. Commerce and Labor. Construction Review, Mar 56, p. 31. 70. USSR. Tsennik no 1 (58, above), p. 58. 71. Engineering News-Record, 10 Feb 55, p. 76. Ibid., 8 Dec 55, p. 102. 72. Stroitel'naya promyshlennost', no 8, Aug 55, p. 4o. 73. Engineering News-Record, 10 Feb 55, p. 82. Ibid., 8 Dec 55, p. 108. 74. USSR, Ministerstvo Ugol'noy Promyshlennosti. Materialy i oborudovaniye primenyayemyye v ugol'noy promyshlennosti, spravochnik: dopolneniyeniye k 1 chasti: 1 toma (Handbook of Prices Used in the Coal Industry: Supplement to.Volume 1, Part 1), Moscow, 1955, p. 9-53. (hereafter referred to as USSR, Ministerstvo Ugol'noy Promyshlennosti. Dopolneniye) 75. Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Prices and Price Relatives for Individual Commodities, Washington, Aug 55, P? 39. P. 5 76. USSR, Ministerstvo Ugol'noy Promyshlennosti. Dopolneniye (74, above), p. 101. 77. Steel, 7 Jan 57, p. 185. 78. E. and M.J. Metal and Mineral Markets, New York, 4 Aug 55, p. 1. 79. Ibid., 30 Jun 55, p. 1. 80. ICC. ICC Statement MS-1 (32, above), p. 4. 81. Ibid. 82. Ibid. 83. USSR, Ministerstio Putey Soobshcheniya. Tarifnoye rukovodstva (Tariff Handbook), no 1, Moscow, 1955. Ibid., no 3, Moscow, 1955. Arkhangel'skiy, op. cit. (28, above). 84. Ibid., Ofitsial'nyy ukazatel' passazhirskikh soobshcheniy ?(Official Guide for Passenger Transport), Moscow, 1956, P. 694. 85. USSR, Ministerstvo Svyazi. gorodskoy telefonnoy seti Moscow, 1958, p. 24. Federal Communications Comm Spisok abonentov Moskovskoy (Moscow City Telephone Book), ission. Interstate Message Toll Telephone Rates Effective October 1953, Schedule I, Washington, 1953. -72- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 86. USSR, Ministerstvo Svyazi. Telefonyy spravochnik (Telephone Directory), Moscow, 1954, p. 1-6. 87. National Association of Railroad and Public Utilities Com- mission. Compilation of Local Service Telephone Rates in the US in Effect June 1953, Washington, May 53. 88. Federal Communications Commission. Statistics on the Communi- cations Industry in the US for the Year Ended 31 Dec 55, Washington, 1957, p. 24, 33. (hereafter referred to as FCC. Communications Statistics for 1955.) 89. Vestnik svyazi, no 11, 1954, p. 21. Ibid., no 7, 1955, p. 24. Ibid., no 10, 1955, p. 18-19. 90. FCC. Communications Statistics for 1955 (89, above), p. 116. 91. USSR, Ministerstvo Svyazi. Spisok abonentov Frunzenskoy gorodskoy telefonnoy seti (Frunze City Telephone Book), Frunze, May 56, p. 112. 92. Nedolyzhenko, op. cit. (19, above). 93. Interior, Bureau of Mines. Preprint from Bureau of Mines Minerals Yearbook, 1956, "Coal -- Pennsylvania Anthracite." Ibid., "Coal -- Bituminous and Lignite." 94. American Petroleum Institute. Petroleum Facts and Figures, 12th ed, New York, 1956, p. 202-292. 95. USSR, Tsentral'noye Statisticheskoye Upravleniye. Promyshlennost' SSSR: statisticheskiy sbornik (Industry of the USSR: A Statistical Compilation), Moscow, 1957, p. 269. 96. Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1957, Washington, 1957, p. 706. 97. Ibid., Census of Manufactures: 1954, vol 2, Industry Statistics, pt 1, Washington, 1957, p. 28A-11 -.28H-26. 98. USSR, Ministerstvo Finansov. Spravochnik (25; above), p. 3, 5-12, 35-63, 82-85. USSR, Tsentral'noye Statisticheskoye Upravleniye. Promyshlennost' SSSR: statisticheskiy sbornik (Industry of the USSR: A Statistical Compilation), Moscow, 1957, p. 278-315. 99. Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Census of Manufactures: 1954 (97, above), p. 29A-15 - 32E-14. 100. American Iron and Steel Institute. Annual Statistical Report, American Iron and Steel Institute, 1955, New York, 1956, p. 64-78. 101. Interior, Bureau of Mines. 1954 Minerals Yearbook, vol 1, Metals and Minerals (Except Fuels), Washington, 1958, p. 133-1340. 102. ICC. ICC Statement MS-1 (32, above). 103. USSR, Tsentral'noye Statisticheskoye Upravleniye. Narodnoye khozyaystvo SSSR (The National Economy of the USSR), Moscow, 1956, p. 184. 104. FCC. Communications Statistics for 1955 (89, above), p. 32, 116. 105. FCC. Communications Statistics for 1955 (89, above), p. 11. 106. Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Statistical Abstract of the United States: 1956, Washington, 1956, p. 521. 107. Economic Commission for Europe. Annual Bulletin of Electric Energy Statistics for Europe, Geneva, Oct 56, vol 1, p. 39. 108. Edison Electric Institute. Statistical Bulletin for the Year 1955, New York, May 56, p. 2. 109. Ibid. -73- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9 USSR Price Zones for Petroleum Products, 1955 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS, JANUARY, BOUNDARY ????????-? ? ? -????????? Union republic (S.S.R.) Autonomous republic (ASSR) Oblast* or kray Autonomous oblast (AO) National okrug (NO) El Not included in the basic price zoning arrangement SULFUROUS MAZUT zone Li Next lower price zone In oblast not named on the map has the some name a 28816 5-60 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/16: CIA-RDP79R01141A001700020001-9