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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 -NIE 11-4-56 2 August 1956 IS # 033275 NATIONAL INTELLIGEATTSITAA A TE NUMBER 11-4-56 (Supersedes NIE 11-3-55) SOVIET CAPABILITIES AND PROBABLE COURSES OF ACTION THROUGH 1961 Submitted by the DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE The following intelligence organizations participated in the preparation of this estimate: The Central Intelligence Agency and the intelligence organizations of the Departments of State, the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, and The Joint Staff. Concurred in by the INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE on 2 August 1956. Concurring were the Special Assistant, In- telligence, Department of State; the Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Army; the Director of Naval Intelligence; the Director of Intelligence, USAF; the Deputy Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff; and the Atomic Energy Commission Representative to the IAC. The Assist- ant Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation, abstained, the subject being outside of his jurisdiction. TOP-SECRET COPT NO. 207 ISTANT DIRECTOR , ONE DOCUMEt.4T NO. NO CHANGE IN CLASS t DECLASSFED CLASS. CHANGED TO: NEXT REVIEW DATE: Ai 311--1. HI? 7/1,24 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07 : REVIEW CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 STAT , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 ? CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY DISSEMINATION NOTICE 1. This estimate was disseminated by the Central Intelligence Agency. This copy is for the information and use of the recipient indicated on the front cover and of per- sons under his jurisdiction on a need to know basis. Additional essential dissemination may be authorized by the following officials within their respective departments: a. Special Assistant to the Secretary for Intelligence, for the Department of State b. Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, for the Department of the Army c. Director of Naval Intelligence, for the Department of the Navy d. Director of Intelligence, USAF, for the Department of the Air Force e. Deputy Director for Intelligence, Joint Staff, for the Joint Staff f. Director of Intelligence, AEC, for the Atomic Energy Commission g. Assistant Director, FBI, for the Federal Bureau of Investigation h. Assistant Director for Central Reference, CIA, for any other Department or Agency 2. This copy may be retained, or destroyed by burning in accordance with appli- cable security regulations, or returned to the Central Intelligence Agency by arrange- ment with the Office of Central Reference, CIA. 3. When an estimate is disseminated overseas, the overseas recipients may retain it for a period not in excess of one year. At the end of this period, the estimate should either be destroyed, returned to the forwarding agency, or permission should be requested of the forwarding agency to retain it in accordance with IAC?D-69/2, 22 June 1953. The title of this estimate, when used separately from the text, should be classified: FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY WARNING This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws, Title 18, USC, Secs. 793 and 794, the trans- mission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. DISTRIBUTION: White House National Security Council Department of State Department of Defense Operations Coordinating Board Atomic Energy Commission Federal Bureau of Investigation Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 rDeclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 '11! TOP SECRET CON DEN11AL TABLE OF CONTENTS Page THE PROBLEM 1 CONCLUSIONS 1 DISCUSSION 6 Introduction: Soviet Developments in Perspective 6 I. INTERNAL POLITICAL DEVELOPMENTS 7 "Collective Leadership" 7 Party Reform 8 Relaxation of Internal Tensions 8 The Anti-Stalin Campaign 9 II. THE USSR'S RELATIONS WITH OTHER COMMUNIST BLOC STATES 11 Sino-Soviet Relations 11 Soviet-Satellite Relations 11 III. DEVELOPMENTS IN THE SOVIET ECONOMY 13 Economic Policy 13 Post-Stalin Policies 13 The Sixth Five-Year Plan 13 Economic Growth 13 Distribution of GNP 14 Developments in Industry 17 Investment 19 Labor Force 19 Productivity 19 Regional Distribution of Industry 20 Developments in Agriculture 20 Developments in Consumption 22 Developments in Foreign Trade 22 IV. SOVIET SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 24 Scientific Resources and Policy 24 Scientific and Technical Developments of Economic and Social Significance 25 Scientific and Technical Developments of Military Significance 26 Nuclear Weapons 26 Guided Missiles 27 Electronics 28 Biological Warfare 29 Chemical Warfare 29 e , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET TABLE OF CONTENTS?Continued Page V. SOVIET MILITARY STRENGTHS 30 Trends in Soviet Military Thinking 30 Trends in Strength and Effectiveness of Soviet Forces 31 Likelihood of Force Reductions 31 Effectiveness of Soviet Forces 33 Soviet Ground Forces 34 Soviet Air Forces 36 Soviet Naval Forces 38 VI. SOVIET MILITARY CAPABILITIES 41 Soviet Strategy for the Initial Phase of a General War. . 41 Strategic Air Capabilities 43 Surface-to-Surface Guided Missile Capabilities 43 Air Defense Capabilities 44 Offensive Capabilities in Western Europe 45 Offensive Capabilities in the Far East 45 Airborne Capabilities 45 Naval Capabilities 46 VII. THE SOVIET ESTIMATE OF THE WORLD SITUATION. 47 Ideological Factors 47 Internal Factors 47 External Factors 47 Future Trends 48 VIII. PROBABLE SOVIET COURSES OF ACTION 49 Present Soviet Objectives 49 General Aspects of Soviet Policy 49 War and "Coexistence" 49 Diplomacy and Propaganda 50 Communist Parties in the Free World 51 Trade and Economic Aid Policies 51 Disarmament 51 Courses of Action in Particular Areas 52 Europe 52 Asia 53 Middle East 54 Africa 55 Latin America 55 APPENDICES A. Tables of Military Strength 56 B. Estimated Soviet Total Defense Expenditures, 1950-1961 75 TOP SECRET ii Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET SOVIET CAPABILITIES AND PROBABLE COURSES OF ACTION THROUGH 1961 THE PROBLEM To examine the political, economic, scientific, and military strengths and weak- nesses of the USSR and to estimate probable Soviet courses of action through 1961. CONCLUSIONS General A. The changes in Soviet internal and ex- ternal policies over the last three years have resulted from the effort of the re- gime to cope with problems ignored or aggravated by Stalin's arbitrary personal rule, and to develop tactics and methods which the Soviet leaders deem better suited to advancing Soviet interests in a changing world situation. It is not clear where this process of change will ulti- mately lead; the current Soviet leaders are probably capable of even more flexi- bility than they have already demon- strated. But they have shown no in- clination to depart from the totalitarian character of the Soviet state or to aban- don their aim of expanding the Commu- nist sphere of power and their ultimate objective of achieving a Communist- dominated world. (Paras. 1-3) B. We believe that the principal objec- tives of Soviet policy over the next several years are: (1) to increase the economic strength and military capabilities of the Sino-Soviet Bloc; (2) to weaken the co- hesion of the non-Communist world, and particularly to disrupt NATO; (3) to cause a retraction of Western power and influence, and particularly to force with- drawal of US military power from its present deployment around the periphery of the Bloc; and (4) to expand Soviet in- fluence throughout the world by politi- cal, economic, and subversive means. (Para. 158) Probable Courses of Action C. In pursuing these objectives, the So- viet leaders probably intend to maintain for a considerable period the general posture of "peaceful coexistence" with the nbn-Communist world which they have been developing, especially since the spring of 1955. They will continue the effort to identify Bloc policies with peace, anticolonialism, and social and economic progress, and to label the Western Powers, especially the US, as opponents of these causes. This effort is intended to end the isolation of the USSR and the Com- munist parties which resulted from So- viet postwar policy, to facilitate Commu- nist political action in popular fronts with democratic groups, and thus to in- TOP SECRET 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 dl TOP SECRET 2 crease Soviet influence in the non-Com- munist world. (Paras. 161, 165, 167) D. The policy of peaceful coexistence re- flects the Soviet leaders' awareness of the dangers of nuclear war inherent in a policy of aggression as well as their ap- preciation of the political opportunities opened up by their present policy in many areas. Accordingly, we believe that the USSR will try to avoid courses of action which in its judgment would involve serious risk of general war. Nevertheless, insurrection or aggression by local Communist forces might occur if the Communists are presented with op- portunities which seem to them to in- volve minimal risk of large-scale conflict. Such aggression might even become probable if the Communists judge the po- litical condition of the non-Communist world to be such that local aggression would promote confusions and divisions rather than stimulate renewed vigilance and determination. (Paras. 159; 161, 163) E. The issues presented by the Chinese offshore islands and by Indochina appear at present to offer the greatest possibility of a Communist resort to armed action. On both issues the Communists might hope to justify resort to military action on grounds that would be accepted by considerable elements of world public opinion, and moreover might expect that the US would be deterred from armed intervention by the opposition of its allies and by the fear of alienating some im- portant states of Asia. For the present, however, the USSR apparently intends to curb tensions surrounding both issues, while encouraging by diplomacy and propaganda a gradual erosion of Western resolve to oppose Communist expansion in these areas. (Para. 178) F. The underdeveloped countries have emerged in the last year as particular targets of the new Soviet policy. We be- lieve that the USSR will vigorously pur- sue its recently expanded efforts to estab- lish wider economic as well as political relations with these countries. Estimated Soviet industrial production would per- mit considerable increases in exports of capital equipment and military end items without appreciable adverse effect on in- ternal Bloc programs, and even with some economic advantage. (Paras. 31, 60-63, 165b-c, 167) G. In particular, the USSR will almost certainly persist in a vigorous effort to displace Western influence in the Middle Eastern and adjacent African states and to align them with the Bloc. The USSR is using the Suez controversy and the Arab-Israeli conflict to enhance its influ- ence in the Arab world. We believe, how- ever, that the Soviet leaders recognize that vital Western interests are so deep- ly involved in the area that the USSR would be courting major political and possibly military risks if it supported the Arabs in violent courses of action affect- ing either issue. (Paras. 179-182) H. In Europe, the USSR will not relax its efforts to frustrate West German rearma- ment and to weaken NATO ties and de- fense efforts. On the central problem of Germany, we believe that for at least the next several years the USSR will in- sist on maintaining the division of the country. For some time to come the Soviet leaders will probably consider that even neutralization would not provide sufficient assurance against a reunified Germany's tacit alliance with the West. (Paras. 172-174) TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 -14 art ? TOP SECRET 3 Internal Political Developments I. At least for the time being, the prob- lem of providing a continuing effective leadership in the Soviet state to replace Stalin's one-man rule has apparently been resolved. Despite the evident pri- macy of Khrushchev, there seems to be a collective participation in policy formu- lation by at least the small group in the Communist Party Presidium. A key feature of this "collective leadership" is the apparent denial of control over the police power to any single leader. No firm estimate can be made as to whether the present apparent stability within the top leadership will continue indefinitely or whether one or another figure will eventually emerge in something like the absolute position held by Stalin. But even if a struggle for power should occur, we believe that it would be resolved with- out open violence and without basically weakening the regime's control. (Paras. 4-8) J. The recent repudiation of Stalin marks a new phase in the regime's attempt to convince the Soviet people, and world opinion as well, that it has departed from the evils of Stalin's rule. By providing greater security against police abuses, permitting broader contact with the non- Soviet world, and otherwise easing some- what the conditions of life in the USSR, the regime is attempting to cultivate more favorable attitudes towards itself and its goals. It is particularly interested in soliciting initiative on the part of the professional classes and party officials in order to advance its current efforts for greater economic efficiency and produc- tivity. However, the attempt to strike a new balance between. coercion and free- dom has not involved any weakening of the means of control, including the police apparatus. We believe that the regime could return to Stalin's harsher disci- pline, though at the cost of some disillu- sionment which would hamper it in the achievement of its goals. (Paras. 11-19) Soviet Military Strength and Capabilities K. There will probably be a decrease in the personnel strength of the USSR's active military establishment. The an- nounced reductions, which we believe would affect principally the ground forces, may reduce over-all active strength to about three million men, and possibly somewhat lower. However, the over-all effectiveness of Soviet forces for modern warfare will continue to increase, prima- rily due to the improved weapons becom- ing available in quantity, to changes in organization, and to adaptation of doc- trine and tactics designed to fit Soviet forces for nuclear warfare. (Paras. 98- 101) L. Current and prospective military pro- grams are likely to result in the following principal developments affecting Soviet military strength during the next five years: _ 1. The USSR's nuclear stockpile, rang- ing from very low-yield weapons to high- yield thermonuclear weapons, will con- tinue to grow rapidly. The upward re- vision' of our estimates of Soviet fission- able materials production and the Soviet test of a multimegaton weapon lead us to conclude that the USSR now has a significant multimegaton capability and will soon have a major one. (Paras. 76- 81) See the footnote by the Director of Naval Intel- ligence to Paragraph 76. TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: 1CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET 4 2. We estimate that the USSR now has about 1,300 aircraft in its Long-Range Air Force, including 35 BISON jet heavy bombers, 30 BEAR turbo-prop heavy bombers, 475 BADGER jet medium bomb- ers, and 760 BULL piston medium bomb- ers. Based on a judgment as to what Soviet planners probably estimate their requirements to be, and on recent in- creases in the number of air regiments, we now estimate that the USSR is build- ing toward a force of about 1,500 modern bomber-type aircraft by mid-1960. We also believe that in the light of probable Soviet optimum requirements, including those for attack on the continental US, a likely composition of this force would be about 800 jet and turbo-prop heavy bombers and 700 jet medium bombers.' Many unknown factors, for example the degree of future Soviet success in the guided missile field, could lead to Soviet decisions which would alter both the size of this force and the balance be- tween types of aircraft. Long-Range Aviation will probably acquire improved base and staging facilities and a sub- stantial inflight refueling capability. By 1961, a new medium bomber with "supersonic dash" capabilities may be in- troduced. (Paras. 115-118) 3. At present, the USSR could have a small number of ballistic missiles with ranges up to 900 n.m. These could carry small and medium-yield nuclear war- heads, and in the period 1958-1959 could be fitted with high-yield nuclear war- heads. By 1958-1959, the USSR could also have a small number of intermediate- range ballistic missiles (1,600 n.m.) , and 2The Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, De- partment of the Army, believes it unlikely that a force of this magnitude and composition would be developed. See his footnote to Paragraph 115. by 1960-1961, a small number of inter- continental ballistic missiles. (Para. 139) 4. The USSR will considerably strength- en its air defense capability, including by 1961 a fighter force more than 50 per- cent equipped with all-weather types, im- proved electronic equipment, and im- proved guided missiles and warheads. (Paras. 79, 113, 140-142) 5. A substantial increase will probably take place in Soviet submarine strength, which is now estimated at 445 vessels, about half of them being medium and long-range craft of postwar design. Sub- marine building rates will probably con- tinue to increase through 1957 but de- crease in 1958 due in part to the impact of the nuclear-powered submarine pro- gram and the probable adaptation of present submarines to missile weapons systems. If the estimated 1958 rate were maintained through the rest of the period, this would result in a mid-1961 force of approximately 900 submarines of all types, including about 800 long and me- dium-range boats of postwar design. However, we have no intelligence to in- dicate planned future Soviet submarine strength. The Soviet Navy will probably also acquire surface vessels equipped to launch guided missiles. (Paras. 120, 122, 124) 6. Soviet Army ground forces are being modernized to achieve improved fire- power, mobility, and combat effectiveness for both nuclear and non-nuclear war- fare. They are being supplied with a wide variety of new weapons and equip- ment, and will probably acquire guided missiles and tactical nuclear weapons. (Paras. 103, 108) TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: [CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET M. The size and composition of the USSR's military establishment will be subject to further modification as the period advances and the Soviet leaders reappraise their military requirements and strategy in the light of the capa- bilities of the new weapons, the world bal- ance of military forces, and the inter- national political situation. We believe, however, that the Soviet leaders will con- tinue to maintain formidable military power as a basis for their policy and to meet political and military contin- gencies. They will almost certainly not submit their military programs to the constraints of a comprehensive system of international inspection and control. Soviet capabilities for nuclear or non- nuclear warfare of large or small scale, including direct attack on the US, will increase considerably by 1961. (Paras. 94-95, 169) Developments in the Soviet Economy N. We now estimate that the present high rate of Soviet economic growth will decline only slightly by 1961, when it will still exceed six percent per year. As a result, Soviet gross national product (GNP) in 1961 will be nearly 50 percent above its 1955 level or about 45 percent as large as the projected US GNP; in 1955 it was about 37 percent as large as The Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, De- partment of the Army, does not concur in the cost study upon which this conclusion is based. He does not believe that there is sufficient in- formation available to estimate the relative mili- tary burden on the Soviet economy. See his footnote to Appendix B. See also the footnote by the Director of Naval Intelligence, attached to Appendix B. the actual US GNP. Since Soviet de- ,fense expenditures, despite the new weapons programs in prospect, will prob- ably increase less rapidly than GNP over this period, the relative military burden on the economy should decline slightly. 3 (Paras. 32-34, 37) 0. Present Soviet economic policy clearly envisages continued high priority for heavy industry, and we estimate that such production will increase by 70 per- cent or more during the next five years. The probable reduction in military man- power will facilitate this growth by pro- viding additions to the labor force. Agricultural production will grow more slowly, probably increasing by about one quarter; such growth would provide the basis for a continued improvement in Material welfare. (Paras. 27, 29, 40, 43, 53, 55) P. Soviet scientific and technical capabil- ities continue to expand rapidly. Soviet industrial technology has demonstrated that it is able to adapt and introduce the most advanced methods of production, although the average level of Soviet prac- tices still lags considerably behind that of the West. Moreover, the USSR almost certainly has the scientific and techno- logical capability necessary to develop weapons and military equipment which are generally equal to those of any other nation, and in the technological race there are times when in certain fields the USSR may well be ahead of the US and times when the US will outstrip the USSR. (Paras. 64, 72, 75) TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: ,CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET DISCUSSION INTRODUCTION ? SOVIET DEVELOPMENTS IN PERSPECTIVE 1. The three years since the death of Stalin have seen much change on the Soviet scene. The men who succeeded him have adopted external policies which they deem to be better calculated to advance Soviet world interests, and internal policies which they consider more adroit for maintaining the Communist Party's control of the governmental machinery and of the population. This development has re- flected their awareness of a changing world situation which had outmoded some of the tactics and policies pursued in the postwar period. In part, also, change in the USSR has probably been a consequence of long-term trends related to rapid industrialization, the spread of general education, and the creation of new social classes. The present leaders have sought to release Soviet domestic and foreign policy from the more rigid mold in which Stalin had cast it. Their modifications in his system have caused the Soviet scene to lose some of the static character it had ac- quired under the former dictator. It is not yet clear where this new Soviet flexibility will ultimately lead, but the fact of its emergence has become evident. To assess the problems confronting US policy it has become as im- portant to focus on what is changing as on what is constant in the Soviet challenge. 2. Stalin's successors were confronted with the urgent problem of governing effectively a totalitarian empire whose whole functioning was based upon the absolute power of one man. In addition, they were confronted with a number of problems in both internal and foreign policy which Stalin had either ignored or aggravated. Though the resulting process of review and adjustment is likely to con- tinue, an important stage in that process was reached at the Twentieth Party Congress of the Soviet Communist Party in February 1956, where the new leaders presented their policies and programs in comprehensive fashion. They also demonstrated their intention to effect changes by their move to discredit many aspects of Stalin's regime and to reduce dras- tically his historical stature. As will be evi- dent from the different sections of this paper which follow, the effort to correct abuses and errors in Stalin's system has affected almost every aspect of Soviet internal and external policy. 3. To date, however, the post-Stalin leaders have shown no inclination to depart from the totalitarian character of the Soviet state. Rather they are seeking to organize and de- velop the power of the system more effectively and to adapt it to changing conditions. Nor has the present leadership departed from the Communist conviction that the struggle be- tween the Communist and non-Communist worlds will continue. It adheres to the fun- damental Communist objectives of destroying free states and expanding the Communist sphere of power. Although the Soviet leaders are now relying more upon political and eco- nomic action than upon force or the explicit threat of force, they are pursuing their goals with undiminished vigor and apparently with high confidence. None of the changes that have come about on the Soviet scene since Stalin's death, important as these have been, suggest that the threat which Soviet and Communist power and purposes pose to the free world is likely to diminish during the period of this estimate. TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 4. TOP SECRET 7 I. INTERNAL POLITICAL DEVELOPMENTS "COLLECTIVE LEADERSHIP" 4. Stalin's power had become so absolute that all organs of party and state were subject to his personal control. Upon his death, his successors were confronted with the problem of reconstituting the supreme authority in the Soviet structure of power. The Presidium of the Communist Party Central Committee became the repository of the dictatorship. This 11-man body continues to exercise abso- lute power, and despite the more frequent meetings of the 133-man Central Committee and other Party bodies, the Presidium is clear- ly the initiator of policy and the final focus of decision.4 5. The Soviet leaders describe the arrange- ments which obtain at the highest level of power in the Presidium as "collective leader- ship." We have little specific information on the relationships among the highest Soviet leaders, but it is clear that these men are not of equal stature and authority. Khrushchev's public prominence and his hold on the key position of Party First Secretary, by means of which he has apparently been able to as- sign many of his proteges to important party and state posts, suggest that he is the domi- nant figure. For the present, however, wheth- er as the result of a balance of forces among the top leaders or of a voluntary agreement among them, there do appear to be limits to Khrushchev's power, and there is apparently collective participation in policy formulation. 6. A key feature of the relationship among the top leaders is the apparent subjection of the police power to collective control. Such an arrangement would be plausible, since it was Stalin's manipulation of the police power which enabled him to physically liquidate his opponents and brought about the excesses of the purge period. The present leaders, out of concern for the continuity and stability of the Soviet state itself, as well as for their indi- 4 An organizational chart of the Soviet Party and Government appears on the following page. vidual safety, would probably not wish to see such a period return. The very great stress given at the Twentieth Congress to the "col- lective leadership" formula as the original and correct party doctrine, which Stalin's "cult of personality" had allowed to fall into neglect, suggests that forces are at work to prevent the re-emergence of one-man rule. 7. We cannot estimate with firmness whether the present apparent stability within the top leadership will continue or whether one or an- other figure will emerge again in something like the absolute position held by Stalin. Even with collective control of the police power, there will almost certainly continue to be factional divisions, intrigues for position and influence, and disputes over policy. "Collec- tive leadership" might break down over a fun- damental divergence of view on some issue deemed crucial to the security or development of the Soviet state, or as the result of an attempt by one or a few members to acquire supreme power. Even if a struggle for su- preme power should occur, we believe that it would be resolved (as in the elimination of Beria and the demotion of Malenkov) without open violence involving large-scale use of police or military organs, and without weak- ening the regime's control. 8. The members of the Presidium not only appear to be sharing the policy-making power, but apparently are trying to bring to bear on their problems greater realism and more ex- pert knowledge. They have apparently broad- ened the circle of consultation, at least con- cerning the technical and practical aspects of policy. We believe that Soviet foreign policy,. economic planning, and military programs are now more strongly influenced than former- ly by the advice of specialists in these fields. This apparent freer participation and greater responsibility of professionals and experts has been one of the strengths of the post-Stalin regime. This development has probably great- ly improved the morale of higher officials in the Party, government, and armed forces. TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 UNCLASSIFIED USSR PARTY AND GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION PARTY GOVERNMENT PRESIDIUM SECRETARIAT MEMBERS BU LGANIN VOROSHILOV? ? KAGANOVICH MIKOYAN MOLOTOV-- --- ? PERVUKHIN-- SA BU ROV ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? FIRST SECRETARY KHRUSHCHEV ----Khrushchev ? ----- KIRICHENKO SECRETARIES MALENKOV SUSWV? ?Suslov CANDIDATES Shvernik Zhukov Muldiitdinov Brezhnev------Brezhnev Shepilov? ?Shepilov Fu rtseva? ? --- Furtseva Aristov Belyayev Pospelov -t. Central Committee Party Congress 25518 6.56 PRESIDIUM OF COUNCIL OF MINISTERS SUPREME SOVIET PRESIDIUM CHAIRMAN Bulganin ? ? --- ? FIRST DEPUTY CHAIRMEN Kaganovich Mikoyan Molotov Pervukhin ? Saburov ? DEPUTY CHAIRMEN Malenkov Kosygin Malyshev Tevosyan Khrunichev Kucherenko Matskevich Zavenyagin 48 Other ministers. 4 Other officials of ministerial rank. CHAIRMAN (CHIEF OF STATE) Voroshilov 16 DEPUTY CHAIRMEN (The Chairmen of the Sukreme Soviet Pre- sidiums in the 16 Rekublics.) SECRETARY Pegov MEMBERS ? ? Khrushchev ?Kirichenko Shvernik (In addition there re-es1:fTer mem- im'iortance?er Supreme Soviet ISoviet of the Union Soviet of Nationalities UNCLASSIFIED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET 8 PARTY REFORM 9. Beyond the stabilization of power at the very top level, one of the most important objectives of the new leadership has been to restore function and vitality to the whole structure of the Communist Party itself. The new leaders have apparently felt that Stalin's personal absolutism was causing the Party to degenerate into bureaucratic ineffectiveness. They regarded a revival of Party activism as necessary to make the Party a more effective instrument of policy implementation and mass persuasion, as well as to place themselves in closer touch with popular attitudes. Accord- ingly, the Central Committee and Party Con- gress are meeting at intervals prescribed by Party statutes. Local Party organizations are required to meet regularly and to adopt the "collective leadership" practiced at the top. There is renewed emphasis on practical criti- cism from below. The redefinition of Party doctrines and tactics at the Twentieth Party Congress in closer conformity with political realities, internal and external, was probably also designed to contribute to a revival of Party spirit. 10. The drive to revitalize the Party has taken place under the slogan of a return to "Lenin- ist norms of Party life." The myth surround- ing the name of Lenin, to which the new lead- ers have particularly attached themselves, probably in part to establish the legitimacy of their succession and in part to justify the changes being made in Stalin's system, has come to include the assertion that there was genuine "Party democracy" in Lenin's time. There was in fact freer discussion within the Party while Lenin lived and for a few years thereafter. But even under Lenin "Party de- mocracy" meant that debate and criticism was combined with strict discipline from the top. The new leadership, in dealing with the Len- inist concept of "Party democracy," has indi- cated that it will not permit criticism to im- pair discipline. RELAXATION OF INTERNAL TENSIONS 11. The claim of the leadership that it is reviving Party democracy reflects an acute awareness of one of the serious problems fac- ing the regime. The new leaders evidently believe that Stalin's policies of coercion and unpredictable terror, even against the Party itself, had done much to paralyze active par- ticipation and initiative. This was true not only within the Party but also within the government and economic administration and in the fields of art and science as well. Coer- cion was no longer believed to be the best way of achieving the regime's goals and Sta- lin's death provided an opportunity to alter his methods of obtaining compliance. The size and complexity of the Soviet economy and the problems of increasing productivity and improving technology called for more re- sponsibility and initiative on the part of man- agers, bureaucrats, and Party officials, as well as more cooperative attitudes on the part of the general population. 12. Behind many of the regime's moves in the post-Stalin period lies an attempt to strike a new balance between coercion and initiative, between discipline and freedom, more con- ducive to the attainment of the goals of the Soviet state. These moves have included the amnesty of many persons sentenced to labor camps, an easing in some degree of the forced labor system, increased security of the citi- zen against arbitrary arrest, broader cultural exchanges with the West, and measures de- signed to continue a gradual rise in standards of living. Industrial managers, scientists, in- tellectuals, and professional people of all kinds have been the principal beneficiaries of these developments. But there are also signs that the Soviet people as a whole may be ac- quiring a more favorable attitude toward the regime as a result of slowly improving mate- rial conditions and the increase in personal security. There is apparently a widely held opinion among the Soviet people that their lot is improving. This probably represents a considerable psychological gain for the re- gime as compared with Stalin's last years, and eases the task of the Soviet leaders in solving their current internal problems. 13. On the other hand, the regime has not lost freedom of action vis-a-vis the Soviet people. It has control of the whole apparatus of police power, although this apparatus has been moved somewhat into the background. TOP SECRET I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: ICIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: TOP SECRET It has not made any irretrievable concessions and could impose on the Soviet people any course that it chose. But the mere fact that the new Soviet leaders have made gestures toward appeasing the Soviet people is a source of possible future difficulty. While they would not need to anticipate anything approaching a loss of control over the Soviet people if they returned to Stalin's harsher discipline, they could do so only at the cost of a measure of disillusionment and alienation which would hamper them in the achievement of their goals. The cost in these terms of such a reversion would probably increase the longer the present milder policy was continued. THE ANTI-STALIN CAMPAIGN 14. The intention to reduce the Stalin myth in some degree was manifest throughout the three-year period following the dictator's death. It was evidenced by emphasis on col- lectivity in leadership, by efforts to rebuild Lenin as the greater figure, and by growing attacks on the "cult of personality." This campaign led finally at the Twentieth Party Congress to attacks on Stalin himself, both implicit and explicit. We believe that this was the result of a deliberate decision by the leadership. 15. There were probably several motives be- hind this decision. The Soviet leaders prob- ably believed that the move would advance their current foreign policy in many respects. The attacks on Stalin were intended to blur the image of aggression and subversion which had become associated with Soviet policy, and to give the Soviet regime an appearance of respectability. The Soviet leaders probably estimated that the effects would be felt not only in neutralist countries but even in states belonging to the Western alliance. 16. However, considerations relating to in- ternal developments were almost certainly primary. The new leaders wished to repudiate Stalin's use of terror against the Soviet people and especially against the Party, to set up obstacles to a return to one-man rule, and to confirm the ascendancy of the Party as an in- stitution. Moreover, they apparently found it desirable to eliminate the absolute authority 9 attached to Stalin's past pronouncements in order to attain the desired flexibility in carry- ing out their new programs. The leadership probably hopes by these means to give the regime continuity and stability, and to free it from the hazards of a struggle for power to which a totalitarian state is subject. 17. Beyond this, there were probably motives which related to the attempt to improve the relationship between the regime and the peo- ple, by relying less on coercion and more on a voluntary response to attain the regime's goals. Probably the leaders felt that a dra- matic demonstration such as the direct attack on Stalin was necessary to win confidence in the genuineness of their intention to solicit initiative, eliminate the abuses of Stalin's sys- tem of terror, and improve the material lot of the Soviet people. 18. There are clearly some risks for the re- gime in the reduction of so authoritative a myth as that surrounding Stalin. These arise from the implication that Communist author- ity, including that embodied in the present leaders, lacks the integrity and omniscience which it has always claimed for itself. The present emphasis given to the Party as the real embodiment of authority and wisdom is intended to counter this danger. The essence of Stalin's errors is said to be that he placed himself above the Party. Among the popula- tion generally and especially among youth this rationalization has apparently failed to carry complete conviction and there has been some disillusionment, though this is probably temporary. On the other hand, there are mil- lions of ordinary Soviet people who have per- sonal knowledge of the injustices practiced in the Stalin era and who can be persuaded of Stalin's responsibility even though many may not absolve the present leaders of complicity. Among elite groups such as higher Party members, economic managers, government of- ficials, and the professional military, the move has apparently won approval, partly because they have intimate knowledge of Stalin's abuses, and partly because they welcome the promise of greater professional opportunities and enhanced security under the new leader- ship. TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET 19. We believe that over the long run the regime will continue to be confronted with the problem of obtaining the benefits of a greater measure of individual initiative and responsibility within the framework of a totali- tarian system. It will probably not be willing to depart very far from the methods which 10 Stalin developed for the manipulation of pow- er in the Soviet state. Probably the attempt to strike a new balance between discipline and initiative will either fall short of winning suf- ficient response or it will evoke trends which the regime will regard as unacceptable and requiring new measures of coercion. TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 f TOP SECRET 11 II. THE USSR'S RELATIONS WITH OTHER COMMUNIST BLOC STATES 20. The unique authority of Stalin as a "world historical personality" was a factor in the close integration of the Communist Bloc. His death probably required some redefinition of relations between the Bloc states on a less personal basis, although this was certainly less true of the USSR's relations with Com- munist China than of its relations with the East European regimes. We believe that despite some friction and confusion, especially in the European Satellites, the transition will be completed without serious disruption. Throughout the period of this estimate the Sino-Soviet Bloc will probably maintain its solidarity of interest and coordination of policy. SINO-SOVIET RELATIONS 21. The concert of action between the USSR and Communist China has remained strong. Close coordination has been evidenced in the campaign for increasing friendship and eco- nomic relations with non-Bloc nations. The intensity of Communist China's campaign to "liberate Taiwan" has been moderated, prob- ably in accordance with Soviet tactics to "re- duce international tensions." The Chinese Communists have frequently not followed the Soviet model on aspects of internal policy, but we believe that these divergences will not im- pair Sino-Soviet relations. The Chinese Com- munists continue to acknowledge frankly their dependence on Soviet aid and advice. The Soviet commitment to aid China's high priority program of industrialization was re- cently extended well into China's Second Five- Year Plan (1958-1962) at about the same an- nual level that has prevailed for the last five years. 22. We believe that the USSR and Communist China will continue to be closely linked not only by ideological bonds, but by common hostility to the US, by an interdependence involving Communist China's manpower and strategic location and the USSR's industrial and technical capabilities, and by the advan- tages of concerted diplomatic and economic activities. !There probably are and will con- tinue to be points of friction in the relation- ship, but not of such importance to either party as to overbalance the joint interest in maintaining it, or to permit outside influence to affect it basically. Peiping's continued dependence on Moscow for arms, industrial resources, and technical assistance will prob- ably give Moscow's views the greater weight on major questions of global policy. But Peiping's growing strength and prestige as an Asian power will probably give it increasing potential for influencing Moscow on Asian issues. SOVIET-SATELLITE RELATIONS 23. The current Soviet leaders apparently believe that Stalin's policy of dictation from Moscow of virtually all aspects of Satellite affairs was not to the over-all advantage of the USSR. They apparently blame the excessive rigidity of Moscow's control under Stalin for Yugoslavia's loss to the Bloc, although they probably believe that no other Satellite would be able to follow Yugoslavia's course. They apparently feel that a somewhat looser rein in internal matters which takes account of national differences and local problems will result in a sounder and more effective relation- ship. At the ? same time, such actions as the dissolution of the Cominform and the rehabili- tation of Satellite leaders purged for nation- alist deviation, which have the effect of depict- ing the Satellite regimes in an apparently more independent role, are useful steps in support of the USSR's current tactics in foreign policy. The appearance of a relaxation of Soviet con- trol in the Satellites not only suits the general "relaxation of tensions" theme, but it bears directly on the campaign to bring Yugoslavia back into the Bloc and on the effort to obtain contact and ultimately a "popular front" al- liance with Socialist parties throughout the world. 24. The general direction in which the redef- inition of the Soviet-Satellite relationship is moving now appears somewhat more clearly. There is apparently to be a much greater de- gree of inter-Satellite cooperation, although TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET inter-Satellite arrangements will still be under Moscow's ultimate control. The Satellite regimes are being permitted to expand eco- nomic relations with the West, thus increas- ing their own industrial and trading effec- tiveness. Concessions are also being made to Satellite national sentiment. They are no longer obliged to sacrifice their own prestige by applauding all things Soviet. Recent changes in Satellite leadership, the new, though discreet, emphasis on the existence of "separate national roads to socialism," and the withdrawal of the charges of deviation against Yugoslavia are further steps in this direction. The picture which emerges, if pres- ent trends continue throughout the period of the estimate, is one in which the Satellite regimes will enjoy a real if limited autonomy in domestic affairs, and one in which their dependence on Moscow will be more effec- tively masked. 25. There are some risks for the USSR in this post-Stalin course, particularly in the pos- sibility of exaggerated expectations in the Satellites. By permitting an atmosphere of expectant change to develop, Bloc leaders will probably stimulate new nationalist and reformist sentiment, even within the Satellite parties themselves, which could exceed the level that they anticipated or could safely allow. In the course of reversing Stalinist policies, particularly toward Yugoslavia, the USSR has weakened and in some cases de- stroyed the position of competent and de- pendable leaders. On the other hand, by seek- 12 ing to maintain in power many of the leaders who were identified with Stalinist policies, the USSR risks disillusioning those who believed in its promises of greater independ- ence and respect for national differences. Finally, the new policies will introduce a new element of complexity in Soviet-Satellite re- lations, with age-old controversies in Eastern Europe and differences in national tradition and temperament almost certainly increasing in importance. 26. Nevertheless, the basic instruments of Soviet domination ? a core of Communist careerists whose first loyalty is to Moscow, the functioning of Soviet advisers at key points in the Satellite armies and police sys- tems, the substantial economic dependence of the Satellites on the USSR imposed by Soviet- directed economic plans, and the presence or proximity of Soviet armed force ? will re- main. Dissatisfaction among the Satellite populations will continue and, in the short run, may even increase and dramatize itself in sporadic protest movements. Over the longer run, if the regimes find it possible to combine somewhat less stringent economic policies with effective discipline, an increas- ingly resigned and accommodating attitude may emerge among the Satellite populations. However, if active opposition should increase, we believe that the regimes would employ whatever measures were necessary to main- tain themselves in power, even at the cost of abandoning their current effort to conciliate the populations under their control. TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET 13 III. DEVELOPMENTS IN THE SOVIET ECONOMY ECONOMIC POLICY 27. Soviet economic policy continues to be directed toward the most rapid possible growth of the economy. The aim, stated at the 20th Party Congress, of overtaking the US in production, underscores this policy and projects it well beyond the period of this esti- mate. The USSR conceives of this competi- tion primarily in terms of heavy industrial output. Thus other sectors of the economy tend to be developed only to the extent that they support or at least do not hamper the growth of heavy industry. 28. Post-Stalin Policies. While in this most basic respect the present leaders have not altered Stalin's policy, they have apparently decided that several aspects of this policy were producing diminishing returns or even becom- ing self-defeating. First, agricultural stag- 'nation in the face of general population growth, and an even faster urban increase, focused attention upon the future adequacy of the food supply, upon the wasteful use of human and other resources in agriculture, and upon the need for a better diet. Secondly, the decline which the Soviet leaders probably anticipated in numbers of new industrial workers called for strenuous efforts to increase individual productivity if planned economic growth was to be achieved. Policy innova- tions since 1953 have concentrated upon re- solving these problems in order to insure further advances in heavy industry. 29. The Sixth Five-Year Plan. Soviet eco- nomic policy for most of the period of this estimate is outlined in the Sixth Five-Year Plan (1956-1960) , which was announced in January 1956 and approved by the 20th Party Congress in February. This plan, like its predecessors, stresses industrial growth, call- ing for a 65 percent increase in industrial output. A high rate of investment is to be maintained, still directed primarily into heavy industry. This overriding claim upon Soviet resources, plus the requirements of the defense program, means that the growth in consumption, although it will probably be con- siderable, will continue to lag behind the growth in total output. 30. However, since future growth also depends upon agricultural progress, the manifold at- tack on the agricultural problem will continue, involving the New Lands and corn schemes, better farming practices, higher investment priority, improved income incentives for col- lective farms and farmers, and stronger poli- tical controls. The increases in food and fiber output likely to be achieved should assist in- dustry by raising worker morale. However, increases in consumption on the scale cur- rently promised will not occur until the USSR achieves much more substantial increases in agricultural output than we now estimate to be likely. Gains in industrial productivity will be sought primarily through further professional and worker training, new meth- ods of organization and management, and in- troduction of the latest foreign and domestic technology, including some re-equipment. 31. The policy of expanding trade with under- developed countries, facilitated by offers of credit on easy terms, was accelerated sharply in 1955, and the USSR clearly intends to press this policy vigorously. The present level of industrial output and that which we estimate for the next five years will permit considerable increases in the currently small Soviet exports of capital equipment to countries outside the Bloc without appreciably affecting domestic programs. This factor, coupled with the availability of obsolescent materiel as a result of the Soviet re-equipment program, would permit substantial increases in Soviet exports of military end-items. By exporting capital goods and military end-items, the USSR could obtain foodstuffs and raw materials in short supply or costly to produce at home, and thus expect economic gains as well as political advantages. ECONOMIC GROWTH 32. The gross national product (GNP) of the USSR grew by an estimated 41 percent during TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET 14 the five-year period 1951-1955, an average annual increase of about 7 percent. 5 We estimate that during the six-year period 1956- 1961 Soviet GNP will grow at nearly the same annual rate and in 1961 will be almost 50 per- cent higher than in 1955. This growth will come chiefly from a further rise in the already high rate of capital investment, rapid gains in productivity, and substantial although slight- ly diminishing additions to the labor force. The rate of growth of industrial production will slacken off somewhat, but agricultural output will probably grow about twice as fast as in the 1951-1955 period. 33. The growth rate estimated above is higher than that projected in NIE 11-3-55 (published 17 May 55) . Whereas the previous estimate foresaw an increase of GNP of 42 percent in 1960 over 1954, with the growth rate falling to slightly less than 5 percent in the final year, it now appears that the GNP in 1960 will be about 50 percent above 1954, and that even in 1961 the growth rate will still exceed 6 per- cent. This revision is based upon the con- siderable amount of new data which has be- come available in recent months and which has led us to revise upward our previous estimates of the growth of consumption and therefore of GNP for the Fifth Five-Year Plan; upon the strong growth trends observed during 1955; and, most importantly, upon an analysis of the Sixth Five-Year Plan which The task of estimating Soviet GNP is compli- cated not only by incomplete data but by con- ceptual difficulties as well. The present esti- mates have benefitted from the increased statis- tical data made available in recent Soviet an- nouncements, although important gaps remain, particularly in the military sector, as Appendix B indicates. Of the conceptual problems, the most important relates to the composition of GNP by end use and arises from the absence of rental payments and capital charges in Soviet agriculture. This has been resolved by imputing a value from analogous relationships in the US economy. Since this rough procedure accounts for about 26 percent of our base-year estimate of Soviet consumption, the results can make no claim to complete accuracy. Despite this and other difficulties, however, we regard these esti- mates as a reasonably correct statement of the size, composition, and growth of the Soviet economy. TOP persuades us that most of the major industrial targets will be fulfilled. The planned reduc- tion in the armed forces, if largely carried out, will alleviate labor shortages, probably the most serious hindrance to achievement of these goals. 34. The growth rate of Soviet GNP is nearly twice that experienced by the US economy during the past five years and anticipated in the coming period. As a result, the relative size of the Soviet economy increased from about one third of the US economy in 1950 to about 37 percent in 1955 and will probably reach about 45 percent in 1961. However, the absolute gap between the two economies will continue to widen over this period. Roughly similar relationships obtain between the total outputs of the US and the NATO countries on the one hand and the Sino-Soviet Bloc on the other. (See Figure 1.) Based solely on a projection of present trends, the absolute gap between the Soviet and US GNPs would reach its widest point in the second half of the 1960's and would then begin to narrow. Distribution of GNP 35. In utilizing its growing output, the USSR will continue to increase the share devoted to investment. We estimate that investment allocations will rise from about 26 percent of GNP in 1955 to about 31 percent in 1961. (See Figure 2.) Because of the growth in GNP over this period, investment will be about 78 percent larger in the later year. Consump- tion will probably grow by about 40 percent, in part because of continued urbanization, though its relative share of GNP will fall from about 57 to about 54 percent. (For prospec- tive increases in per capita consumption, see Paragraph 55.) In contrast, the US in 1955 devoted about 66 percent of its GNP to con- sumption and 20 percent to investment. 36. In US prices, Soviet investment in 1955 was about $38 billion, or about 54 percent of US investment, while consumption was about $63 billion, or 24 percent of US consumption and about one fifth on a per capita basis. The dollar value of total defense expenditures in 1955 was about $37 billion, or virtually 100 percent of US defense expenditures. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 SECRET 180 China 35 Eu. Sats. 41 USSR 104 FIGURE 1 COMPARISON OF GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCTS (in Billions of 1955 Dollars at Market Prices) 1950 1955 574 Other NATO 252 US 322 258 China 56 Eu. Sats. 57 USSR 145 701 Other NATO 314 US 387 SECRET 370 China 76 Eu. Sats. 79 USSR 215 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 1961 876 Other NATO 392 US 484 15 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 SECRET 16 FIGURE 2 GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT OF THE USSR (By End Use in Billion 1953 Rubles at Factor Cost) 1950 1955 1961 772 Consumption 451 Investment 178 Defense 110 Administration 32 58% 23% 14% 4% 1,086 Consumption 623 Investment 284 Defense ? 151 Administration 29 NOTE: Details do not add to total because of rounding. SECRET 57% 26% 14% 3% 1,616 Consumption 876 Investment 505 Defense 204 Administration 30 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 54% 31% 13% 2% Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 ? TOP SECRET 17 37. An estimate of the ruble costs of past and projected military programs indicates that total defense expenditures will probably rise by about 37 percent between 1955 and 1961. 6 Since GNP will probably grow at an even higher rate (about 50 percent) , the relative military burden on the economy should de- cline slightly over this period. The detailed study of defense expenditures indicates that in 1955 not only was the dollar value of total Soviet defense expenditures approximately equal to US expenditures, but also that the dollar value of Soviet hard goods procurement was about equal to that of similar goods pro- cured by the US. 38. That the Soviet Union by expending 14 percent of its GNP in rubles can obtain defense goods and services equal in dollar value to those of the US, which is expending for the same activities 10.6 percent of a GNP two and one half times as large, is explained by two important economic conditions. First, the average level of real pay and subsistence provided to Soviet servicemen, like the general standard of living, is very much lower than in the US. Secondly, the Soviet armament in- dustry is one of the USSR's most efficient in- dustries. The dollar and ruble comparisons above do not mean that the Soviet armament industry is more efficient than the US arma- ment industry. On the contrary, it is likely that productivity (production per man) in the 6This estimate is based upon an inter-agency study, details of which appear in Appendix B. As explained there, a reduction of 1.2 million men in the armed forces would lower defense expenditures in 1961 by some 13-18 billion rubles; correspondingly, the increase in defense expend- itures between 1955 and 1961 would fall to about 27-30 percent. On the other hand, expenditures for the guided missile program have almost cer- tainly been understated in the study. The com- bined result of these two factors cannot be pre- dicted, but it is clear that they will offset each other to some extent. Note: The Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Army does not consider the costs derived in the inter-agency study to be a valid appraisal of the over-all costs of the Soviet military effort and does not concur in the find- ings of the study. (See footnote to Appendix B, Paragraph 1.) See also the footnote by the Director of Naval Intelligence attached to Appendix B, Paragraph 1. Soviet armament industry is lower than pro- ductivity in the corresponding US industry. However, the Soviet armament industry is very much more efficient than Soviet agri- culture and the consumer goods industries. While productivity in Soviet armament in- dustry approaches that of the US, Soviet pro- ductivity in consumer goods is much lower and agriculture is only about one-seventh that in the US. Consequently a ruble will buy only about seven cents worth of goods and services when spent for consumption goods and services but will purchase from 20 to 25 cents worth when spent for defense pur- poses. Thus, for example, if each country transfers a worker from agriculture to defense industry, the Soviet worker will produce near- ly as much armaments as the American work- er, but the loss of his production in agricul- ture is far less than the corresponding loss in the US and the sacrifice involved is less. DEVELOPMENTS IN INDUSTRY 39. Despite the present size of Soviet indus- trial output, only a moderate decline in its high growth rate is estimated in the coming five years. The major factors sustaining a continued high rate of growth, estimated at over 10 percent per year during the period of this estimate, will be continuing heavy capital investment, increases in the number and pro- ductivity of workers, and improvements in managerial and technical efficiency. We estimate that total industrial output will prob- ably increase by 65 percent or more in the Sixth Plan as compared with 77 percent in the Fifth. Output in 1961 will probably be 83 percent or more above the 1955 level. (See Table I for the estimated output of selected industrial commodities.) 40. Of particular interest is the trend in the output of heavy industry, which is basic to future growth, military strength, and capa- bility to export capital goods. In this sector, the increase during the Sixth Plan period will probably amount to 70 percent or more as against 84 percent during the Fifth. The rate of growth of heavy industry nevertheless remains strikingly larger than that of the US and will provide the USSR in 1960 with TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 SECRET 18 TABLE I ESTIMATED OUTPUT OF SELECTED INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS USSR 1950, 1955, and 1961: 1950 USSR US 1955 USSR 1955 US 1961 a USSR Electric Power (billion kwh) 90 170 655 363 Crude Petroleum (million tons) b 38 71 335 150 Coal (million tons) 261 391 450 633 Crude Steel (million tons) 27 45 106 73 Refined Copper (thousand tons) 302 462 1,052 746 Aluminum (thousand tons) 210 588 1,497 1,240 Cement (million tons) 10 22 51 63 Machine Tools (thousand units) ' 79 105 80 200 Freight Cars (thousand 2-axle equivalent units) 102 69 71 100 Trucks (thousand units) 294 329 1,190 447 Synthetic Ammonia (thousand tons) d 520, 753 2,859 1,596 Cotton Fabrics (million meters) 3,900 5,904 8,950 7,500 Washing Machines (thousand units) 0.3 87 4,237 616 Meat (thousand tons, slaughter wgt.) 3,075 4,000 12,241 5,200 ?The 1961 estimates, except in the case of meat, are a one-year projection from the official 1960 targets, which we estimate will be substantially achieved. b Figures in tons throughout the table are metric tons. US production of machine tools fluctuates considerably from year to year. The recent high was 110,000 units in 1952 and the peak output was 307,000 units in 1942. Moreover, the proportion of heavy, com- plex, and special purpose tools is higher in the US. 'Used mostly for nitrogenous fertilizer. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: ICIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET 19 an output equivalent to about 45 percent of US heavy industrial production. 41. We estimate that most announced Soviet targets for commodity output in 1960 will be fulfilled, particularly in producer goods, and that there will be a number of overfulfill- ments of production goals for major products. The most doubtful elements in heavy industry are the target for installing new generating capacity, which will probably not be met, and the goals for production of non-ferrous metals, which will be fulfilled only with considerable difficulty. Fulfillment of the plan for large increases in the production of machinery and equipment may require more than the addi- tional capital expenditures planned for this industry. Failure to reach overambitious agricultural goals will result in underfulfill- ments in light industry. 42. Investment. Of the total investment during the period 1955-1961, two-thirds will be devoted to industry, the same share which this sector received during the Fourth and Fifth Five-Year Plans. The division of this investment between heavy and light industry will continue at a 10:1 ratio. Heavy capital requirements for increasing output of electric power, petroleum, chemicals, metals, especial- ly non-ferrous, and construction materials, will necessitate a reduction in the investment priority previously accorded to the machine building and metal-working sector, where in- creases in output outstripped all others dur- ing the 1951-1955 period. The proportion of total investment devoted to transportation will be approximately the same as under the Fifth Five-Year Plan. Due to the emphasis on investment to provide more efficient func- tioning of all forms of transport, we believe that the transport requirements of the Soviet economy will be met. 43. Labor Force. Because the effect of low- ered wartime birth rates will soon begin to be felt in fewer entrants to the labor force, the USSR can expect population growth to provide fewer new workers, perhaps three million less, during the Sixth Plan than dur- ing the Fifth. Armed forces reductions of the size announced, however, would help to reduce this difference. The increase in the industrial labor force, which grew by 23 per- cent during the Fifth Plan, will fall to per- haps 20 percent in the Sixth.7 44. Productivity. Despite probable increases in the labor force resulting from a reduction in the strength of the armed forces, produc- tivity per worker will have to rise faster in the new plan than in the old if output targets are to be met and shorter working hours granted. Although the USSR recognizes that worker incentives influence productivity, im- mediate hopes are placed upon supplying the labor force with a larger volume of modern equipment. This policy is reflected in the investment program, which calls for greater increases in expenditures for new capital equipment than in expenditures for the con- struction of new plants, though the latter will still absorb the major share of investment funds. A considerable share of this capital equipment will be used to replace obsolescent machinery in existing plants at a much more rapid rate than heretofore. 45. Just as Soviet priorities have produced an economic structure which appears lopsided in contrast with consumer-oriented econo- mies, so they have produced a pattern of technological progress which has been quite uneven in comparison to that of Western nations. Military production has received the most intensive development, and defense and defense-related industries have reached relatively advanced technological levels. In the making of ordinary steels, the best Soviet plants are fully comparable to US plants, al- though the industry as a whole is not. In The Sixth Five-Year Plan provides for an in- crease of only 10 percent in the industrial labor force. Planned increases in the industrial labor force appear to be customarily kept low in an- ticipation of gains in productivity to be made. When these gains do not materialize, labor short- ages are then relieved by above-plan allocations of labor. Thus though the Fifth Plan also called for only a 10 percent increase, in fact some 1.5 million above-plan workers were as- signed to industry during the course of the plan. These were drawn largely from the collective farms. Agriculture's higher priority probably will not permit similar transfers during the Sixth Plan, but armed force reductions would serve as another source of industrial labor. TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET metalcutting processes, the USSR is on a par with or not far behind the US in machinery design and process mechanization, but it has only just begun the application of automated control systems. Production processes are less advanced in metalforming machinery, electric power generation, coal mining, and the chemicals industry; and they lag badly in the low-priority consumer industries. On an over-all basis, the USSR's smaller quantity of modern equipment and lower level of tech- nology are probably the major factors ac- counting for a labor productivity in heavy industry which is less than half that of the US. 46. This lag is also a rough measure of the USSR's potential for increasing industrial productivity. The Sixth Five-Year Plan calls for a 50 percent increase in productivity. However the government has since promised a reduction in working hours which would re- quire a 71 percent increase in productivity per man-hour if this goal is to be reached. This we doubt can be achieved, but we esti- mate that productivity will -increase during the Sixth Five-Year Plan more than the 44 percent which we estimate was achieved dur- ing the Fifth. Productivity gains will result chiefly from modernization of plants and from introduction of advanced domestic and for- eign technology. The intensive efforts to im- prove planning, restore order to the wage system, and raise efficiency through greater plant specialization and better interplant co- operation ? problems which have received little attention in the past ? are intended to accomplish a comprehensive reform of Soviet industry and to make an important contribu- tion to productivity. Enlargement of the area of managerial initiative may also contribute to this result. On the other hand, a more active party role in the operation of industry may limit the importance of this factor. 47. In summary, we believe that the USSR will meet its announced 1960 targets for total industrial output and for most important heavy industrial commodities. Sufficient above-plan workers will probably be available to compensate for any failures to meet pro- ductivity goals, and the transition to a 41- hour work week could be slowed down if 20 necessary. Major shortfalls are expected only in some branches of light industry, where plan fulfillment will be prevented by insuffi- cient supplies of agricultural raw materials. 48. Regional Distribution of Industry. Soviet industry will probably undergo a regional shift of considerable importance during the Sixth Five-Year Plan, although the bulk will still be located in European Russia and the Urals. About half of the new capital invest- ment in 1956-1960 is scheduled to occur in the Urals and eastward, and by 1961 this area is to produce more iron and steel than did the entire USSR in 1950 and more electric power and cement than did the whole country in 1954. (See map on following page.) A large share of the new plants built in the next five years are to be located in this region, leaving industry in European USSR to rely heavily on re-equipment of existing plants and other im- provements in achieving planned increases in production. The construction of new rail lines will also be concentrated east of the Urals. 49. The development of this region is based upon the harnessing of the Siberian rivers with hydoelectric stations at Irkutsk, Novosi- birsk, and Bratsk, the exploitation of large iron and coal reserves, and development of the large but mainly low-grade deposits of non- ferrous metals in Kazakhstan. Movement to the interior may be in part intended to reduce the strategic vulnerability of Soviet industry, but considerations of future economic growth are probably of greater importance, since the little-developed resources of this area offer greater long-run potential than further de- velopment of the maturer regions of the Euro- pean USSR. DEVELOPMENTS IN AGRICULTURE 50. Soviet agriculture in 1955 showed the first significant response to the multiple programs for expanding output which were launched in the preceding two years. Good yields were obtained in the Ukraine, and gains resulting from a large expansion of acreage in the New Lands area were only partially offset by drought. These circumstances, in conjunc- tion with the corn program, raised grain and fodder production by about 15 percent over TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Krasnoufimsk GI, SIBERIA Kr noyarsk ratsk gnitogorsk Stalinsk Barnaul Irkutsk LakBnikcte Usf-Buk tar a KAZAKHSTAN Aktogay SECRET USSR: PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT IN KAZAKHSTAN AND SIBERIA, 1956-60 Iron and steel Lake Bavata,h Other metals (I. chino) Machinery ft Tractors and agricultural machinery Q' Chemicals 11 Oil refinery Planned railroad Selected existing railroad 0 200 400 600 Miles 0 200 400 600 Kilometers 60 70 80 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: TOP SECRET 21 1954. Potato output declined, however, and technical crops showed a mixed pattern, sugar beets and flax expanding rapidly but cotton production falling. Livestock numbers in- creased only slowly and meat production grew scarcely at all, but improved fodder supplies contributed to an increase of about 10 percent in milk production. 51. Further growth in agricultural output will almost certainly result from the higher prior- ity accorded to agriculture since 1953 and projected forward in the Sixth Five-Year Plan. State investment in this sector during 1956- 1960 is planned at twice the amount invested in 1951-1955 and will require 12 percent of total state investments as against only eight percent in 1952. Further adjustments in prices paid to collective farms and farmers appear to be in prospect in the continuing effort to provide the incentives which previous policies had neglected. In contrast to the period 1928-1952, when agriculture was called upon to provide a continual flow of workers to industry, agriculture will receive labor from the urban areas or at least hold its own. Most important of all, solution of agricultural prob- lems has been defined as the major task of the party membership. 52. Through local recruiting and transfers from urban areas, the party has built up its rural strength from 4.7 million members in 1947 to over three million in 1956. This re- inforcement has greatly increased the leader- ship's ability to execute its programs and may permit greater flexibility in adapting these programs to local conditions, a notably weak point in earlier agricultural campaigns. It has also made more feasible a resumption of the drive against private farming, evidenced in higher requirements for participation in communal labor and a decree "recommend- ing" that collectives "voluntarily" reduce the private plots and livestock holdings of their members. In contrast to Stalin's crude attacks, the present campaign is lubri- cated by higher incentives for communal work and is based on thorough political prep- arations. If it remains gradual, state con- trols over agriculture will probably become more effective, but any sudden acceleration runs the danger of provoking peasant resist- ance and a decline in output. The key ques- tion in this program is whether the new in- centive measures will elicit sufficient confi- dence among the peasants to induce them to regard the collective farm rather than their private holdings as the means to a tolerable and improving standard of living. A further pressure on the private sector is reflected in programs to increase state farm output, par- ticularly of commodities competitive with those sold by individual peasants in the free market. 53. Prediction is particularly hazardous in Soviet agriculture, but an increase of about one-fourth in the total value of farm output appears likely over the period 1955-1961 prin- cipally because of an increase in quality prod- ucts, such as meat, milk, and fibers. This rate of growth is about double that achieved during the Fifth Five-Year Plan but far be- low the Sixth's official target of 70 percent. Our estimate allows some success to the New Lands and corn programs, despite climatic dangers and high costs. Although some fur- ther acreage expansions can be expected, most of the gains in grain production will come from the improved yields which should result from a greater than two-fold increase in the combine park for small grains and, in the case of corn, from the use of hybrid seeds, further machinery supplies, and an accumu- lation of experience. We estimate that grain output in 1961 will probably be about 116 mil- lion tons against an estimated 1955 harvest of 100 million tons and an official 1960 target of 180 million. 54. Because current Soviet agricultural policy focuses upon higher outputs of livestock prod- ucts, two-thirds of this increase will be in fodder grains, in which unripened corn har- vested early in climatically inhospitable areas will play a major role. This program has already produced good results in the higher milk yields of cows wintered on this feed in 1955-1956. Increases of 25-30 percent in meat and milk production over the period 1955- 1961 are expected to result primarily from higher productivity per animal rather than from larger herds, although swine numbers probably will grow significantly since they do not compete seriously with cattle for the TOP SECRET I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: ICIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET limited meadow and pasture areas. These increases, while far below the official 1960 targets for a doubling of production, will nevertheless represent important gains. DEVELOPMENTS IN CONSUMPTION 55. Soviet per capita consumption rose at an average rate of about five percent per year during the Fifth Five-Year Plan and is ex- pected to rise at about four percent per year during the Sixth, raising the living standard by over one-quarter between 1955 and 1961. This is an appreciable improvement in mate- rial welfare, even though part of it is more apparent than real, reflecting merely the shift, associated with urbanization, from the con- sumption of goods made at home to purchase in the market. Although this living standard will still be low by Western criteria, it probably will not be a cause of serious dissatisfaction, since the Soviet citizen will almost certainly continue to experience steady improvements in material welfare. Neither will Soviet living standards appear as a mark against the So- viet system in the eyes of most Asians, Middle Easterners, and Africans, accustomed to much lower per capita levels of consumption. 56. The estimated gains in agricultural out- put will be the major factor in improving the living standard since agriculture provides the basis for about three-quarters of Soviet con- sumption. Per capita supplies of food and clothing in 1961 are expected to be 24 and 43 percent, respectively, above 1955 levels.8 The expansion of durable consumer goods output will exceed these rates. However, production will fall off from the high rates of 1953-1955, total output will be modest, and these goods will remain available only to upper-income groups. Historically, consumer goods produc- tion has suffered whenever industry has run short of resources, producer goods having a higher priority. An important improvement will occur in urban housing, where the very limited per capita space will rise by roughly one-quarter. 'The rise in the value of per capita consumption of agricultural products will run ahead of the in- crease in total agricultural output because of increases in the value added by processing and packaging. 22 57. In the distribution of personal income, the higher agricultural prices paid since 1953 have narrowed somewhat the gap between rural and urban incomes and will continue to do so during the coming five years. The lowest pension and wage rates are to be raised, and higher pension rates are to be cut. These measures will tend to reduce somewhat the extreme class differentiations which Stalin's economic and social policies had produced. DEVELOPMENTS IN FOREIGN TRADE 58. The expansion of Soviet foreign trade, which has been fairly rapid in recent years, leveled off in 1955 at about $6.3 billion, due primarily to the fact that trade with Sino-Soviet Bloc partners, which accounts for about four-fifths of the total, remained vir- tually unchanged. (See Table II.) New in- creases in trade within the Bloc are expected to result from Communist China's continuing need for Soviet assistance in its industrializa- tion program and the increasing coordination of the Soviet and East European Satellite economies. TABLE II INDEX OF VOLUME OF SOVIET FOREIGN TRADE (1951 = 100) Year Bloc Non-Bloc Total 1948 38 146 59 1949 55 110 66 1950 89 81 88 1951 100 100 100 1952 117 114 117 1953 141 120 136 1954 146 166 150 1955 148 172 152 59. In its trade with the Free World in 1955, the USSR substantially increased its exports as compared with 1954 and reduced its im- ports, notably of foodstuffs, thus converting a deficit into a rough balance of trade. West- ern Europe's share of Soviet trade with the Free World rose slightly to over four-fifths. The share of manufactured goods in Soviet exports continued to increase, and while the USSR remains a large net importer of capital TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 :Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET goods in its Free World trade, its own capital exports are rising. We estimate that Soviet trade with non-Bloc countries will rise during the next five years, with developed countries continuing to account for the major share. 60. The most important development in So- viet foreign economic relations in 1955 was the rapid acceleration of the USSR's cam- paign to establish the claim that it can be a major source of economic assistance to un- derdeveloped countries, although the volume of trade with these countries does not yet loom large in total Soviet trade. The most dramatic feature of this campaign, in which Communist China and the European Satel- lites are also participating, is Bloc offers of capital equipment, military goods, and related technical services. These offers include de- ferred payment at low interest rates, fre- quently in local currencies or exportable sur- pluses which the underdeveloped countries find unsalable in other markets at satisfac- tory prices. Bloc offers of medium and long- term credit now exceed one billion dollars, and credit agreements totaling more than $800 million have been reached with 12 coun- tries, including Yugoslavia ($299 million) , India ($158 million), Egypt ($175 million) , and Afghanistan ($122 million). 61. During the coming five years, Soviet trade with underdeveloped countries will probably exceed the 1955 level of about $200 million by several times, with a substantial share financed by credit. In the 1930's the USSR, seeking to industrialize rapidly, exchanged its low-cost foodstuffs and raw materials for cap-, ital equipment from Western Europe and the US. A quarter century of industrial growth, agricultural neglect, and exploitation of the most high grade and accessible raw materials has so reduced the cost of manufactured goods relative to those of food and raw materials in the Soviet Union that it is now economically profitable to export capital equipment in re- turn for the food and raw materials of other countries now seeking to industrialize. In addition to economic considerations, this stage of development coincides with a period in which the USSR can profit politically from such trade. The USSR's success in industrial development as against its poorer agricultural 23 record and prospects provides further motiva- tion for this kind of trade policy. 62. Soviet economic capabilities are adequate to support a considerable expansion of Soviet trade and credit programs with underdevel- oped countries in the next several years. So- viet shipments of capital goods and arms to all countries have more than doubled since 1950. Credit extensions by the USSR to non- Bloc countries amount at present to less than $500 million, or about one-third of one per- cent of Soviet GNP. The USSR has a capabil- ity for expanding exports of capital goods which is large relative to the probable require- ments of these countries, and the estimated 80 percent increase in production of machin- ery and equipment during the Sixth Five-Year Plan will further increase this capability. In addition, central planning and a state monop- oly of trade provide the USSR with an advan- tage over capitalist countries in the coordina- tion of internal and external policies, giving it great freedom in directing its foreign trade for maximum political as well as economic advantage. 63. While past policy has severely limited for- eign trade, historic Soviet fears of losing eco- nomic independence through reliance on for- eign sources appear to have been reduced by the strength of the Soviet economy and by the creation of the Bloc market. The Soviet lead- ers apparently realize that a marginal degree of reliance upon non-Bloc sources of supply, especially for products of advanced technolo- gy, for certain foods, and for some raw mate- rials, is preferable to a more rigid policy of autarky, since it offers the promise of more rapid rates of economic growth. In addition, they see opportunities in such trade programs for promoting neutralism in the underdevel- oped countries and encouraging political atti- tudes favorable to the USSR and its economic achievements under Communism. The fu- ture size of the trade and credit program with underdeveloped countries is likely to depend as much on conditions in and the policies of these countries as on Soviet willingness and ability to expand these exchanges.? 9For a more detailed assessment, see NIE 100-3- 56, "Sino-Soviet Policy and Its Probable Effects in Underdeveloped Areas" (24 April 1956) , espe- cially Paragraphs 23-35. TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 ? TOP SECRET 24 IV. SOVIET SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY" SCIENTIFIC RESOURCES AND POLICY 64. Soviet scientific and technical capabilities continue to expand rapidly. Although total Soviet scientific resources remain smaller than those of the US, and assets of the Sino- Soviet Bloc far smaller than those of the West, the USSR has been able to achieve near parity with the US in areas of critical military and industrial significance. By increasing the emphasis on science and technology and by controlling the allocation of scientific man- power and facilities, the Soviet regime has developed from a small original base aug- mented by past exploitation of Western science enough competence to provide expert scientific support for priority military and economic programs. 65. Trained Manpower. We estimate that the USSR as of mid-1956 has about 1,690,000 graduates of scientific and technical curricula given at the university level; about 915,000 of these are post-World War II graduates. The number of these graduates actually em- ployed in scientific and technical fields in the USSR (1,360,000) compares closely with that in the US. However, the USSR is now grad- uating substantially more trained scientists and engineers annually than the US. If pres- ent trends continue, by mid-1961 the USSR will have more graduates employed in scien- tific and technical fields than the US and about 60 percent more in physical sciences and engineering." 66. In the postwar period the quality of So- viet scientific training has been generally good and has approached and in some cases surpassed US levels. However, the number engaged in research and teaching in the NIE 11-6-56, "Capabilities and Trends in Soviet Science and Technology" is scheduled for early publication. 11- Numerical estimates of Soviet scientific person- nel are believed to be correct within plus or minus 10 percent. For detailed comparison of USSR and US scientific personnel, see graphics on the following page. physical sciences and engineering is substan- tially smaller in the USSR than in the US. 12 Moreover, the practical and experimental aspects of engineering training have been traditionally weak, although efforts are being made to overcome this. Weaknesses in scien- tific training will not, however, affect Soviet ability to achieve technological objectives to which priority is attached. 67. Scientific Facilities. Financial support, organizational direction, and the quality of laboratories are generally adequate for the effective utilization of scientific talent. Al- though complex research instruments are probably in shorter supply than in the US or UK, we believe that present Soviet research and development programs of major impor- tance are hampered only slightly by shortages or nonavailability of scientific instruments and equipment. On the other hand, pro- grams of lower priority are probably hampered to a greater extent. We believe that by 1961 the USSR will have made further substantial progress in research and development in elec- tronics, which is basic to instrumentation, and will have achieved near equality with the US in research instruments. 68. Basic Research. The quality of Soviet basic research in mathematics, and in many fields of physics and chemistry is believed about equal to that of the US. New evidence indicates striking progress over the past few years in such important fields as nuclear physics, geophysics, high-speed digital com- puters, high-temperature alloys, and the the- ory of automation. 69. Ideological obstacles to scientific research and development ? never of importance in the major industrial or war-supporting fields ? will probably diminish in consequence of the repudiation of both past doctrinal rigidity and an outwardly contemptuous attitude to- wards Western technology. Recognition of See the category "Scientific Workers" in the graphics on the following page. TOP SECRET I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: ICIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 US AND USSR COMPARISON OF MAJOR SCIENTIFIC GROUPS* (In Thousands) CONFIDENTIAL GRADUATES EMPLOYED IN SCIENTIFIC FIELDS Mid 1360 -1956 1240 Mid 1750 -1959 1435 Mid 2030 -1961 1590 Health Sciences 425 Health Sciences 395 Agricultural Sciences 365 Health Sciences 570 Health Sciences 525 Health Sciences 350 Agricultural Sciences 315 Health Sciences 470 Physical Sciences and Engineering 1240 Agricultural Sciences- 245 Physical Sciences and Engineering 1040 Agricultural Sciences -245 Agricultural Sciences-215 Physical Sciences and Engineering 765 Agricultural Sciences-180 Physical Sciences and Engineering 775 Physical Sciences and Engineering 695 Physical Sciences and Engineering 599 Soviet Union United States Soviet Union United States Soviet Union United States "SCIENTIFIC WORKERS" (Professional scientists in research institutions or teaching in higher educational institutions) Mid-1956 190 Health Sciences 60 Agricultural Sciences- 40 Physical Sciences and Engineering 90 280 Health Sciences 25 Agricultural Sciences-30 Physical Sciences and Engineering 225 Soviet Union United States 25530 6-56 SOVIET KANDIDATS AND AMERICAN Ph.D.'s IN SCIENTIFIC FIELDS** Mid-1956 79 Health Sciences 23 Agricultural Sciences 15 Physical Sciences and Engineering 41 57 Health Sciences 9 Agricultural Sciences 13 Physical Sciences and Engineering 35 Soviet Union United States * Numerical estimates of Soviet scientific personnel are believed to be correct to within plus or minus 10 percent. ** In the physical sciences, engineering and the health sciences, the quality of the kondidot degree is roughly equivalent to Of slightly below that of the US Ph.D. In agricultural and biological sciences it is closer to that of a US masters degree. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 rDeclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET their retarding effects in certain phases of biological and agricultural sciences was im- plicit in the recent demotion of Lysenko and in Soviet purchases of US hybrid corn. Weak- ness in these fields (and in agricultural ma- chinery) were probably caused, however, more by official emphasis on other areas of research and development than by ideological re- straints, and will probably be partly remedied by 1961. Agricultural research is now more intelligently directed than in the past toward solving the essential problems of increasing per acre crop yields and livestock production. There is an evident intention to profit from US experience in such fields of current Soviet emphasis as mineral fertilizers, chemicals to control crop and livestock pests, and crop breeding. 70. The Satellite scientific contribution to Soviet technological development is largely in optics, electronics, communication equipment, synthetic fibers, and pharmaceuticals. Its relative importance will probably diminish during the next five years because of increas- ing Soviet capabilities in these fields. 71. Nonprofessional technicians. The USSR is not as well supplied with technicians, me- chanics, and maintenance men as are the Western industrial countries, where broader sections of the population have acquired me- chanical skills over a longer period. Stand- ards of maintenance are also generally lower than in these countries. However, Soviet en- gineers have partly compensated for these deficiencies by building machines and equip- ment which are simple in design and easy to maintain and repair. Considerable progress has been made during the last decade in in- creasing the supply of nonprofessional tech- nical personnel, and the present emphasis on specialized training after lower school should significantly increase the number available by 1961. The 10-year lower school program of the USSR, which is gradually replacing the former seven-year curriculum, also includes a high proportion of scientific and technical sub- jects of use in training nonprofessional tec- nicians. 25 SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL DEVELOP- MENTS OF ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL SIGNIFICANCE 72. Soviet technology in heavy industry has demonstrated a familiarity with the most ad- vanced skills and a capability for adapting and introducing modern techniques, whether self-developed or borrowed, into their rapidly expanding industrial base. However, Soviet practices were initially backward, and the in- troduction of new techniques has often been slowed by reluctance to replace obsolete but still workable equipment. Thus, while the best Soviet practices in many industries can be generally considered equivalent to those of the West, the average level of Soviet practices still lags considerably behind that of the West. 73. The USSR plans to increase greatly the emphasis on automation in industrial tech- nology during the current Five-Year Plan al- though progress in this sphere will probably be less than in simple mechanization and re- equipment. In the technology of chemical production the USSR generally lags well be- hind US practice, but the USSR is now making a major effort to develop new techniques in petrochemistry. In the metals industry, ad- vances in rolling and finishing technology have lagged badly behind advances in most other divisions, although further progress is likely during the period of this estimate. So- viet ability to design metal-cutting machinery is believed to be comparable to that of the US, and with respect to ceramic tools for high- speed cutting the USSR is superior to the US. 74. Soviet medical science is generally ad- vanced, but behind that of the major Western countries in some areas of basic microbiologi- cal research. Clinical research and practices are nearly comparable to Western standards, and Soviet work in biochemistry, hematology, and physiology has been outstanding. Ac- complishments in the latter field continue to be applied to mental and physical condition- ing, and there has been a partial rehabilita- tion of the science of psychology from the rigid doctrinal bonds of the Stalin era. TOP SECRET [Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET 26 SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL DEVELOP- MENTS OF MILITARY SIGNIFICANCE 75. The USSR almost certainly has the scien- tific and technological capability necessary to develop weapons and military equipment which are generally equal to those of other na- tions, and in the technological race there are times when in certain fields the USSR may well be ahead of the US, and times when the US will outstrip the USSR. Though the USSR probably cannot carry out parallel programs simultaneously in all fields, its scientific resources are adequate to press vigorously programs in a variety of priority areas. Nuclear Weapons" 76. As a result of new evidence we have re- vised upward by a factor of about four our previous estimates of past and future Soviet production of U-235. The element of un- certainty in our current estimate of past pro- duction is very large, but the error probably does not exceed plus or minus 50 percent.14 15 Our estimate of future U-235 production is subject to further variables, such production being dependent primarily on Soviet plans and decisions and is therefore less reliable than the estimate of 1956 cumulative produc- tion. 77. A highly significant development during the past year was the airburst on 22 November 195E This test, together with the above revision in our fissionable materials " See NIE 11-2-56, "The Soviet Atomic Energy Program," 8 June 1956 (RESTRICTED DATA) for fuller details and dissents. " The Director of Naval Intelligence believes these estimates of U-235 production to be too high. He believes that for planning purposes a more prac- tical magnitude would be in a range below that of the minus 50 percent lower limit of this esti- mate. 15 The Deputy Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff, believes that the new intelligence does not adequately support the estimate of U-235 cumu- lative production. A more practical figure for planning would be one in the lower range of uncertainty approaching the minus 50 percent lower limit given for 1955. estimate, leads us to estimate that the USSR now has a significant multimegaton weapons capability and will have a major capability in the near future. The USSR could have be- gun developing an emergency capability stock- pile, and have perhaps 50X1 of the 22 November 1955 type by 1 July 1956 if it did not encounter fabrication difficulties. About this time, it Could be in full-scale pro- duction so that it could have converted a major portion of its U-235 stockpile by about 1 January 1957. 78. The USSR is now capable of increasing the yield of the 22 November 1955 type weap- ons by further developmenta150X1 advances. Future developments will prob- ably lead to increasing the nuclear efficiency, yields, and deliverability of high-yield weap- ons. We estimate that prototypes of high- yield missile warheads (though with yields will be5())(1 tested by 1957-1958. 79. Soviet interest in low-yield, small dimen- sion weapons is well established by Soviet mili- tary doctrine and by the large proportion of low-yield weapons or devices detonated in the test series of 1953-1958 any1 50X1 Improved efficiencies, which will permit more wide- spread use for air defense, are expected by 1959. 50X1 80. The USSR conducted its first under-50X1 water atomic test near Novaya Zemlya on 21 September 1955, which opens new vistas into the development of atomic weapons for a variety of naval uses, resulting in a significant increase in the over-all Soviet nuclear war- fare capability. 81. Available evidence indicates that the USSR is presently stockpiling and will con- tinue to stockpile a versatile family of nuclear weapons, ranging from very low-yield war- heads to high-yield thermonuclear weapons. We cannot determine with any degree of certainty the probable number of nuclear weapons of each type since this will depend TOP SECRET I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: ICIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 4 TOP SECRET on strategic and other factors. However, in order to provide an appreciation of Soviet stockpile capabilities a few arbitrary illustra- tive stockpiles under varying strategic as- sumptions are given below. It is emphasized that these are purely illustrative, as the USSR can utilize its fissionable material in any number of weapons combinations.16 Arbitrary Examples of Soviet Stockpile Alloca- tions as of Mid-1956. (a) Assuming overriding priority to high- yield weapons for attack on allied retaliatory strength and relatively less emphasis on vari- ous types of medium and low-yield weapons: High Yield Medium Yield Low Yield (b) Assuming roughly equal priority to high-yield and to various types of medium and low-yield weapons: High Yield Medium Yleld Low Yield I Arbitrary Examples of Soviet Stockpile Alloca- tions as of Mid-1961. (a) Assuming close to maximum emphasis on high-yield weapons; limited requirement for medium-yield; considerable requirement for low-yield weapons, primarily for air de- fense: (b) high, latter High Yield I Medium Ylci Low Yield Assuming roughly equal priority to medium, and low-yield weapons, the primarily for air defense: High Yield Medium Yield I Low Yield I , 82. Nuclear Power. The Soviets have dis- played considerable progress in nuclear elec- " For analysis of these various alternatives and the reasoning behind them, as well as for meth- ods of calculating other alternative stockpiles, see NIE 11-2-56. It should be noted that the dissents of the Director of Naval Intelligence and the Deputy Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff, also apply to these stockpile quan- tities 27 tric power reactor development. We estimate that it is capable of meeting the ambitious goals of the Sixth Five-Year Plan for 2,000- 2,500 MW of installed capacity by the end of 1960, but this achievement will require a very high priority effort. 83. Nuclear Propulsion. The state of Soviet reactor technology also indicates that the USSR is capable of developing propulsion ap- plications. We estimate it could produce a reactor suitable for submarine or surface ship application by 1956-1957. The Soviet aircraft propulsion program probably will not progress beyond the research phase prior to 1958. Guided Missiles 18 50X1 50X1 84. We believe that the strategic requirements 50)(1 of the USSR have dictated a major effort in the field of guided missiles. From the evi- dence of a large number of personalities and activities associated with missile development, 50X1 recent statements of Soviet leaders, observed owvi air defense sites around Moscow, and other 5UX1 material, we have concluded that the USSR is engaged in an extensive guided missile pro- gram on a high priority. The USSR has an adequate economic base for a sizable produc- tion program; and we are convinced ? from our knowledge of Soviet exploitation of Ger- man missile experience and evidence of Soviet capabilities in related fields ? that the USSR has the basic scientific and technical capabili- ty to support a comprehensive research and bum development program. We believe that the USSR now has surface-to-air guided missiles in at least limited operational status, and could have guided missiles in limited opera- tional status in the other three categories (air- 5OX1 to-surface, air-to-air, and surface-to-surface) . 50X1 Soviet missile capabilities will continue to grow during the period of this estimate. How- ever, we have little firm information on the specific characteristics of the missile models " For fuller discussion of Soviet guided missiles, including estimates of the dates when various types of missiles might appear in operational use, see NIE 11-12-55, "Soviet Guided Missile Capa- bilities and Probable Programs," published 20 December 1955. This will be superseded by NIE 11-5-56, "Soviet Guided Missile Capabilities and Probable Programs," to be published in October 50X1 1956. TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 ? @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: TOP SECRET the USSR is presently developing, or may now have in operational use.19 Electronics 85. The magnitude, diversity, and past suc- cess of the Soviet research and development program in electronics indicate the probable development of new and improved electronic devices during the period of this estimate. Soviet air defense capabilities will probably be enhanced by continuing improvements in detection, warning, interception, and data- handling equipment. Air offensive capabili- ties are likely to be improved by an increase in accuracy of Soviet navigational equipment and bombing radars, which will probably be comparable in performance to Western equip- ment. Soviet research on communication theory will probably result in improvements in communication techniques, radar, com- puters, automatic guidance devices, and telemetering, and could lead over the next five years to development of a communication network exceedingly difficult to intercept or jam. a. Early Warning Radar (EW). The USSR has a large variety of EW radars in use, including World War II sets, native sets based on Western designs, and sets of purely native design. Most of the older sets will probably be replaced by the end of 1956. Soviet radar coverage is estimated to be fairly reliable against jet medium bombers at maximum ranges from 125 miles (up to 60,000 feet altitude) to 180 miles (up to 45,000 feet alti- tude). By 1958 the USSR will probably have developed one or more EW radars capable of detecting jet medium bombers at 65,000 feet up to a distance of about 200 miles, or under certain circumstances to as much as 300. The problem of low altitude coverage will still exist, but probably will be greatly lessened by the use of moving target indicators and gap-filler radars. b. Ground-Control Intercept Radar (GCI). We estimate that by 1958 the USSR will have GCI radars of new types as well as the follow- ing types now in use: (1) the V-beam sets 1? For estimates of the capabilities of Soviet forces to employ guided missiles, see Paragraphs 139-142. 28 which are probably capable of coverage on jet medium bombers at maximum reliable ranges of 75-110 nautical miles, and (2) the paired combinations of long-range azimuth indicating sets (GAGE) and height indicating sets (PATTY CAKE) , which collectively can provide GCI data. We believe that by 1961 GCI coverage will be increased to the order of 200 miles and perhaps beyond. Ranges of this sort would require the use of transponder beacons not now known to be installed in interceptor aircraft. By 1959, reliable alti- tude coverage will be achieved up to a maxi- mum of 60,000 feet, though at less than maxi- mum ranges. c. Airborne Intercept Radar (Al). Air- borne intercept radar is now in extensive use. The best equipment expected to be available during the next five years may have maxi- mum ranges against medium bombers of about 30 nautical miles for search and 20 for tracking, with range accuracy of plus or minus 25 yards and angular accuracy of plus or minus one degree. The best of the equip- ment currently available may approximate this performance. d. Blind Bombing and Navigational Radar. The USSR has operational an X-band (three centimeter) set, which will probably be im- proved. By the end of 1957 we estimate that the best Soviet blind bombing and navigation- al radar will be capable of operating at alti- tudes up to 60,000 feet, and will have a range of about 125 nautical miles for navigation. Bombing and navigation accuracies will be about equivalent to those of Western equip- ment. The use of frequencies higher than X-band is unlikely for the present, but may be achieved by mid-1960. e. Fire Control Radar. The WHIFF radar, the Soviet version of the SCR-584, will con- tinue to be used in quantity, and a new set, FIRE CAN, is coming into quantity use. Radar sets with even greater accuracies, range definitions, and reduced vulnerability to jam- ming might appear at any time. The X-band will probably be used for newly developed fire control radars. f. Electromagnetic Warfare. The USSR presently has the capability of seriously dis- rupting Western long-range radio communi- TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET cations and electronic navigational systems. Capabilities in related electronic fields indi- cate that the USSR is probably capable of electronic jamming at frequencies through 12,000 megacycles, and possibly considerably higher. By 1960 the USSR may have jam- ming equipment in operational use in fre- quency ranges through 30,000 megacycles. Evidence indicates that the USSR is now training in the use of "chaff." g. Microwave Communications. Microwave communication equipment is in wide use in East Germany, and we believe that existing fixed networks in the Soviet Union and some other Bloc areas are expanding. A recent marked decrease in Soviet orders for micro- wave relay sets from the Satellites probably indicates that Soviet expansion of microwave communications will be accomplished largely with Soviet equipment. By 1960, the esti- mated minimum channel capacity for long distance civil circuits will be 24, and the equip- ment will be suitable for relaying a signal many times without serious degradation. So- viet research in semiconductors indicates that by 1960 transistors will be used extensively in communication equipment, which will thus be much lighter and less power-consuming than present-day counterparts. Biological Warfare 86. The USSR has the technical knowledge, trained personnel, and facilities necessary for conducting an extensive program in BW re- search and development. Accumulated evi- dence indicates that the USSR is almost cer- tainly engaged in such a program, probably including antipersonnel, antilivestock, and possibly anticrop agents. The scope and magnitude of the program cannot be judged from the information available, but the organisms of at least four human diseases 29 (anthrax, tularemia, plague, and brucellosis) and two animal diseases (foot-mouth and rinderpest) are believed to have been inves- tigated as BW agents. 87. The USSR also has the facilities, person- nel, and materials needed for the large-scale production of BW agents, although we have no evidence of such production at present. We believe that it has a current capability for clandestine BW operations against person- nel, livestock, and certain crops, and a BW defensive capability generally comparable with that of Western countries. Soviet capa- bilities for clandestine and possibly for overt employment of BW agents will probably con- tinue to be expanded, and defensive capa- bilities improved. Chemical Warfare 88. During World War II, the USSR produced most of the standard chemical agents and auxiliary equipment for chemical warfare. The USSR is believed to have maintained some of its wartime toxic munitions stockpiles and continued some peacetime production of toxic CW agents. While present production figures are not known, the USSR has the materials and skills available to produce some 40,000 to 60,000 tons of toxic agents per year. These agents would consist primarily of mustard gas and such nerve gases as GA (Tabun) and, in small quantity, GB (Sarin) . Soviet CW armament reserves are believed sufficient to sustain large-scale operations for several months. Soviet defensive capabilities are believed comparable to those of Western countries. During the period of this estimate, the USSR will probably conduct research on new types of toxic agents, including the "V" agents and possibly certain psychogenic agents. TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET 30 V. SOVIET MILITARY STRENGTHS TRENDS IN SOVIET MILITARY THINKING 89. In the last few years Soviet strategic con- cepts and the Soviet military establishment have been undergoing a process of evolution, dictated both by the advent of nuclear weap- ons and advanced delivery systems and by the fact that the USSR's chief potential enemy, the US, lay beyond the reach of traditional Soviet military power. Whereas formerly So- viet forces were designed almost exclusively for massive land battles on the Eurasian con- tinent, they now include substantial long- range air and submarine forces designed pri- marily for the contingency of a conflict with the US which would not be limited to Eurasia. 90. Soviet military thinking through the end of World War II emphasized traditional Rus- sian/Soviet territorial objectives, Stalinist concepts of "permanently operating factors" determining the outcome of a war, and battle- tested methods of employing the various ele- ments of military power. In the immediate postwar period, the Soviet continental base position and the strengths and weaknesses of existing Soviet military, political, technologi- cal, and economic assets dictated an essen- tially "Eurasian" strategic concept. In assess- ing the world balance of military forces Soviet planners apparently recognized that their only significant military advantage lay in the preponderant Soviet capability for land oper- ations on the Eurasian continent. Soviet of- fensive planning probably reflected the belief that in the event of war it would be necessary to overrun rapidly as much of the Eurasian land mass as possible, particularly the strong economic and military base in Western Europe. 91. The USSR has probably continued to recognize in its military thinking the great importance of the Eurasian area for Soviet strategic interests and has therefore contin- ued to maintain and modernize large ground and tactical air forces. At the same time, the USSR evidently came to appreciate that the primary military threat which it faced was from growing US nuclear striking power. Consequently, emphasis was first given to the strengthening of Soviet air defenses, includ- ing the early production of jet interceptors and the creation of an early warning screen extending to the borders of the newly acquired Satellites. The USSR also undertook a pro- gram for strengthening and increasing the range of the Soviet submarine fleet in order to interdict overseas reinforcement of Eura- sian areas in event of war. Concurrently, the USSR embarked on an intensive research and development program for the production of new weapons systems in order to overtake and surpass Western technological achieve- ments and to acquire a capability for direct attack on the US. High priority was given to developing nuclear weapons, improved elec- tronic equipment, long-range bombers, and various types of guided missiles. 92. There is additional evidence of change in Soviet military thinking. It was only after World War II that the USSR began seriously to develop a strategic air capability. More- over, the formulation of new concepts was probably given freer rein by the emergence after Stalin's death in 1953 of an atmosphere more conducive to an objective re-examina- tion of strategic questions, and there has been considerable discussion of the significance of strategic surprise on the outcome of war, a factor which Stalin's pronouncements tended to play down. The nature of operations in the initial stage of a war, including surprise nuclear attacks, has been closely examined. 93. The concentrated effort given to the devel- opment of nuclear capabilities demonstrates that the Soviet leaders have for some time been aware of the significance of the new weapons. They have probably recognized that the US nuclear capability remains superior to that of the USSR, despite strenuous efforts made to build up the latter. This assessment, together with the great relative geographic advantage derived by the US from its deploy- ment of nuclear forces around the periphery of the Bloc, as well as on the more remote TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET bases in the continental US, has probably led the Soviet leaders to conclude that at present the USSR, even if it launched a surprise at- tack, would receive unacceptable damage in a nuclear exchange with the US. Therefore, the Soviet leaders have almost certainly con- cluded that their principal efforts must be directed toward countering Western strate- gic nuclear capabilities. Aside from employ- ing political means to this end (such as at- tempting to disrupt the alliances which pro- vide bases for deployment of US strategic air power) the Soviet leaders are attempting to counterbalance and surpass Western nuclear strength by developing as rapidly as possible their own strategic nuclear capability and their air defense. Nevertheless, they probably believe that,, at least during the period while the manned bomber remains the primary de- livery vehicle and while the US network of overseas bases is maintained, they will have to contend with a geographic disadvantage in the application of strategic air power. 94. Despite the formidable military strengths developed by the USSR, the Soviet leaders probably do not regard the deliberate initia- tion of general war as a presently admissible course of action. Moreover, they probably cannot now foresee whether military develop- ments over the next five years, including planned advances in their own offensive and defensive capabilities, will so affect the rela- tive balance of military power as to alter their view in this respect. They almost certainly expect that the continued existence of power- ful Western nuclear striking forces, and the likelihood that the West would use these forces in the event of general war, will make delib- erate Soviet initiation of general war a course of action involving unacceptable risks." At 20 The Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, De- partment of the Army, believes that, possibly by late 1958 or early 1959, the Soviet leaders may come to believe that their own nuclear capabili- ties have reached the point where the US would be inhibited from launching nuclear attacks, even in response to deliberate Soviet initiation of gen- eral non-nuclear war. Accordingly, he believes that the USSR might then adopt a strategy of undertaking such a war, and that the likelihood of this contingency is considerably greater than indicated in the text of Paragraph 94. 31 the same time, the Soviet leaders almost cer- tainly believe that the development of their own nuclear capabilities has reached a stage at which the West is also deterred from de- liberate initiation of general war. In our view, therefore, the USSR is maintaining, strengthening, and further developing its armed forces primarily for three purposes: (a) to deter the US from initiating war against the Bloc; (b) to support Soviet diplomacy and other forms of political warfare against the West; and (c) to provide a capability for fight- ing a general war successfully if it occurs, and also for engaging in, or supporting, lim- ited or localized wars. TRENDS IN STRENGTH AND EFFECTIVENESS OF SOVIET FORCES 95. In the course of the Soviet leaders' re- examination of their military situation, the roles of the various types of Soviet military forces, as well as the optimum balance among these forces, have clearly been under review. While the concept of maintaining balanced forces of all types has been evident in recent Soviet doctrihe and in pronouncements by Soviet military leaders, their statements and Soviet weapons programs have shown that long-range air and naval striking power is now given much more weight in this balance than it was at the end of World War II. At the same time, published Soviet materials on strategy and tactical doctrine, as well as the announced Soviet intention to reduce the size of the military establishment, point to main- tenance of smaller, more mobile, better- equipped field forces. A re-evaluation of force requirements in the light of the present world balance of power may have contributed to a Soviet decision to adjust the size of its active military forces to a lower level than that maintained heretofore. Likelihood of Force Reductions 96. Our last estimate in this series (NIE 11- 3-55, dated 17 May 1955) , as well as earlier ones, gave the personnel strength of Soviet military forces, excluding security forces, as about four million men. There are indica- tions, however, that our estimates of Soviet military personnel strength have not reflected TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET certain changes in Soviet force levels.21 We now believe it probable that these levels were substantially higher during the Korean War than we estimated, that a gradual reduction in force levels began in 1953, but that these levels as of May 1955 were probably somewhat higher than we then estimated.22 Moreover, we have added to our current strength esti- mate approximately 300,000 men ? including air defense control and warning, AAA, and surface-to-air missile personnel, as well as per- sonnel serving or training to serve surf ace- to-surf ace missiles. Therefore, Soviet mili- tary personnel strength for mid-1956 is esti- mated at about 4.3 million,23 including about 2.6 million army ground force personnel, about 825,000 air forces personnel, about 725,000 naval personnel, and up to 150,000 personnel whose subordination by service is not defi- nitely established.24 97. In August 1955, the USSR announced that by the end of that year it would reduce its armed forces by 640,000 men. In May 1956, the USSR announced that by May 1957 it would carry out a further reduction of 1.2 million men. The nature of our information on Soviet military personnel strengths is such that we can expect no firm, quantitative confirmation of these announced reductions. There has been evidence of selective weeding out in the Soviet forces during the past three " The reasons for this are given in the Note on Methodology accompanying Table 1, Appendix A. 22 That the actual personnel strength of the Soviet armed forces increased by an indeterminate amount just prior to and during the Korean War is indicated by: evidence that beginning in 1949, a number of Soviet cadre divisions in East Ger- many and the USSR were increased to normal peacetime strength; that a comparable increase occurred in total Soviet military personnel strength in Germany; that in 1951 two conscript classes were called up and a number of Soviet reserve officers were recalled to active duty; and that Soviet overt military expenditures increased sharply during the Korean War. 2a For detailed personnel strength estimates of Soviet and other Bloc military forces in mid- 1956, see Appendix A, Table 1. 24 There is some reason to believe that the total number of personnel in the last category may be as low as 85,000. For an explanation of this cate- gory, see Appendix A, Table 1, footnote 4. 32 years, apparently as part of an effort to economize and to improve personnel stand- ards. Fragmentary reports suggested the skeletonizing of some Soviet ground force units prior to 1955. More recently, the USSR has announced reductions in the terms of service for air, naval, and coast defense con- scripts. These actions may have been related to the Soviet announcement of August 1955, but we cannot confirm that 640,000 men have actually been released, and there is as yet no evidence that first-line combat units of any arm of service have been reduced in strength. 98. In spite of the lack of evidence on actual reductions, we believe there are factors which make force reductions logical from the Soviet point of view. We estimate, therefore, that a personnel reduction on the order of 640,000 men from the uncertain Korean War peak has probably been carried out, that the Soviet forces will probably be further reduced sub- stantially, and that the additional cut might be on the order of 1,200,000 men in accordance with the recent Soviet announcement. A per- sonnel reduction of the magnitude announced would ease the present manpower shortage caused by Soviet efforts to expand industry and agriculture simultaneously at a time when the lower birth rate of the war years is beginning to reduce the annual increment to the labor force. In addition, the USSR almost certainly saw various political advantages in such a move, as supporting its new policy line and demonstrating Soviet interest in disarma- ment without the USSR's becoming involved in a disarmament agreement or being required to disclose its force levels. The increasing cost of new weapons, which, if Soviet forces were maintained at present strength and equip- ment levels, would involve an increasing budg- etary burden, has probably argued for reduc- ing the size of a military force which together with other Bloc forces already enjoyed marked superiority in manpower over potential enemy forces. Finally, based on probable current Soviet strategic concepts, the effectiveness of new Soviet weapons systems, and the apparent Soviet belief that the likelihood of general war has diminished, it is reasonable to suppose that the Soviet leaders concluded that their TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET very large active forces exceeded their require- ments. 99. The mid-1957 order of magnitude of the Soviet armed forces,25 assuming full imple- mentation of the recently announced reduc- tion of 1.2 million men, would be approximate- ly three million. As indicated in Paragraph 97, we are not able to determine the extent and timing of the reductions announced in August 1955. It may be, therefore, that the three million total should be reduced by at least a portion of the announced 640,000 figure. 100. We have no direct evidence as to how the USSR would apportion personnel reduc- tions among the various services.26 We be- lieve, however, that the Soviet leaders would allocate the bulk of the cuts to the ground forces and the remainder between the naval and air forces.27 We estimate that during the period of this estimate, Soviet Long-Range Aviation, air defense forces, and modern sub- marine forces will suffer no personnel reduc- tions. These.elements, together with elements employing guided missiles, will probably re- ceive an increasingly large proportionate share of total Soviet military personnel. Neverthe- less, the Soviet leaders will probably continue to aim for balanced military forces capable of undertaking nuclear or non-nuclear warfare on either a large or small scale. 25 See the Note on Methodology accompanying Ap- pendix A, Table 1. "The Soviet announcement throws little light on this question, stating that it was intended "to demobilize 63 divisions and separate brigades, of which three air divisions and other military units, numbering more than 30,000 men, are lo- cated on the territory of the German Democratic Republic; to disband a number of military schools of the Soviet Army; and to put into reserve 375 warships of the Soviet Navy." "The Director of Intelligence, USAF, believes that the trend in the Soviet Air Force is toward an increase in military personnel requirements, as exemplified by rapid modernization of the force and by the recent significant increase in the number of Long-Range air regiments. In the absence of evidence of decreases in other air elements, he considers it highly unlikely that the Soviet Air Force will undergo personnel reduc- tions during the period of this estimate. 33 Effectiveness of Soviet Forces 101. During the period of this estimate, the effectiveness of Soviet forces for modern war- fare will almost certainly continue to increase, primarily due to the improved weapons be- coming available in quantity, to changes in organization, and to adaptation of doctrine and tactics to fit Soviet forces for nuclear warfare. There will be increases in numbers and types of nuclear weapons, aircraft (espe- cially bombers and all-weather fighters) , long- range submarines, and guided missiles. There will also be progressive modernization of ex- isting weapons and equipment, particularly those incorporating electronic guidance and control. 102. Limitations on the effectiveness of the Soviet armed forces during the period of this estimate will derive from deficiencies in the air defense system, together with lack of capa- bility for long-range amphibious and long- range surface naval operations. Logistical problems will continue to place a considerable limitation upon the Soviet capability to wage intensive warfare over an extended period. These problems are due to the vast size of the USSR, the great distances from interior sources of supply to several main operational areas, the relatively inadequate road and rail network, and the acute shortage of Bloc- registered shipping. 28 In order to offset these disadvantages the USSR has maintained large forces and military stockpiles in forward areas. Stockpiles of ammunition and of other types of supplies that are consumed at a relatively constant rate are probably sufficient to maintain a force of 300 line divisions to- gether with air and naval forces in Europe and Asia for an extended period (i. e., up to six months depending upon the scale of con- flict) ; POL stocks are probably sufficient for a somewhat shorter period. During the period of this estimate the Soviet logistical situation will probably improve as a result of continued stockpiling and the development of a more flexible and versatile transport system. How- ever, even in the absence of nuclear attack on the USSR, logistical problems will continue " For a breakdown of the Sino-Soviet Bloc mer- chant fleet, see Appendix A, Table 16. TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET to place a considerable limitation upon capa- bilities for extended offensive operations, espe- cially in the Far East. SOVIET GROUND FORCES 29 103. The Soviet Army ground forces have been reorganized and modernized since the end of World War II, and for the past three years their unit organization has been undergoing further changes to meet the requirements of modern warfare, nuclear or non-nuclear. Among the most significant recent changes in Soviet line divisions are: increases in the number of organic tanks, assault guns, anti- aircraft artillery, wheeled vehicles, and radios; introduction of improved models of such key items of equipment as medium and heavy tanks, antiaircraft and field artillery, mortars, rocket-launchers and small arms; a general increase in the caliber of artillery of all types; the introduction into units of certain new types of equipment such as armored and amphibian personnel and cargo carriers, am- phibious tanks and recoilless weapons; and increases in the authorized divisional person- nel strength. These changes are intended to increase mobility and fire power, and to pro- vide a capability for Soviet line divisions to disperse and concentrate rapidly without loss of command control. 104. During the past three years the Soviet Army ground forces have expanded their tac- tical doctrine and training to include training in the tactical employment of, and defense against, nuclear weapons. Small-unit train- ing has emphasized defense against nuclear attack. There is also evidence that Soviet offensive and defensive tactics envisage the use of tactical nuclear weapons in support of Soviet ground forces. Revised Soviet tactical doctrine emphasizes mobility and maneuver- ability, greater initiative, dispersion, deeper objectives, reconnaissance, and individual pro- tective measures. Soviet offensive doctrine emphasizes allocation of a substantial num- ber of nuclear weapons for use against enemy defensive positions, air facilities, reserves, nu- " See Appendix A, Tables 1 and 2 for detailed esti- mates of the strength and composition of Soviet and other Bloc ground forces. TOP Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 34 clear capabilities, and encircled enemy units. The assault following a nuclear attack would employ tanks and armored infantry in order to develop a maximum speed of exploitation. Doctrine for the defense emphasizes deep revetted trenches and other protective con- struction, dispersion in width and depth, and larger and more mobile reserves. However, the Soviet Army appears to regard nuclear weapons and tactics as supplemental to, and not replacements for, standard ground force weapons and tactics. 105. The present unit strength of Soviet Army ground forces is estimated at 175 line divi- sions plus 20 supporting artillery divisions, 70 AAA divisions, and 95 independent bri- gades.30 Our information on the strength and equipment of Soviet units in certain bor- der and peripheral areas is adequate, but only fragmentary information is available concern- ing units in the interior of the USSR. Soviet divisions in Eastern Europe have for several years been maintained at a peacetime estab- lishment of about 70 percent of authorized personnel strength, but at a high degree of combat readiness. The strength and combat readiness of line divisions in the Soviet in- terior are probably lower than those of Soviet divisions in Eastern Europe and Soviet border areas. Any reduced strength Soviet line divi- sions, however, probably have full equipment readily available and could be made combat ready in a very short period of time. 106. We believe the manpower strength of the Soviet Army ground forces has probably been reduced within the past several years and will probably be cut further within the next year. The effect of reductions to date on unit strength levels has probably been mainly in administrative and supporting elements; fur- ther reductions would probably result in the inactivation or skeletonizing of divisions, mainly in the interior of the USSR. Were the Soviet ground forces reduced by as much as a million men, and the present ratio between line and supporting units maintained, this would permit the retention of about 100 line divisions at 70 percent of authorized strength. " See Note on Methodology accompanying Table 1, Appendix A. SECRET @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET 35 Based on previous Soviet practice, we believe it more likely that a larger number of units would be maintained, with some of them skeletonized at full officer and equipment strengths and about 25 percent of over-all complement. On this basis, a possible force structure would be 140 line divisions, half at 70 percent strength and half skeletonized. 107. The gross mobilization potential of the Soviet Army ground forces will probably be affected relatively little by a reduction in strength-in-being. We estimate that there are at present sufficient trained reserves and stockpiled equipment to expand the Soviet Army ground forces to a total strength of 8.4 million men, including about 300 line divisions at the new tables of organization, by M+30 days, although there would probably be a con- siderable variation in combat readiness and effectiveness.31 Discharges into the reserves accompanying personnel cuts would corre- spondingly increase the trained manpower re- serve, but the time required for achieving com- bat readiness of the total reserve force would be lengthened. 108. During the period of this estimate, the fire power, mobility, and combat-effectiveness of Soviet Army field forces will continue to increase as their reorganization and re-equip- ment progresses. We estimate that major ground force equipment is being produced at 10-15 percent of the capacity of those facilities presently engaged wholly or partly in the pro- duction of ground force equipment, and that production will continue at about this rate.32 We believe the Soviet program to develop ground force equipment will continue to re- flect the demands of tactical operations under both nuclear and non-nuclear warfare con- ditions. By 1961 the Soviet Army ground forces will probably have available new self- propelled artillery weapons, a variety of full- tracked carriers and amphibians, improved medium and heavy tanks, additional models si For detailed estimates of Soviet and other Bloc trained reserves and ground mobilization poten- tial, see Appendix A, Table 3. 82 For detailed estimates of current and future So- viet production of major ground force equip- ment, see Appendix A, Table 11. of rocket-launchers and recoilless weapons, and improved fire control and communica- tions equipment. It is also probable that during the period guided missiles will be added to the equipment of Soviet line units, and that some types of tactical nuclear weap- ons will become part of the Soviet ground force arsenal. 109. Airborne Forces. The USSR has sizable airborne forces in being, estimated to com- prise 10 divisions and a total strength of about 100,000 men. Soviet airborne capa- bilities are being increased through improve- ments in equipment and techniques, as well as by intensive small unit training. Im- proved personnel and cargo parachutes have been developed. Since 1953 the USSR has displayed two new assault-type helicopters, one with a normal payload estimated at 3,500 pounds (16 men with combat equipment) , and the other with a normal payload estimated at 8,800 pounds (40 men with combat equip- ment) . By 1961, the USSR could develop helicopters with payloads up to about 30,000 pounds. Approximately 500 CAB and COACH twin-engine piston transports are currently included in the Aviation of Airborne Troops. A new medium jet transport, the CAMEL, and a new twin-engine turbo-prop combat cargo aircraft which may be an assault transport have appeared. The USSR could convert BULL bombers retired from long-range avia- tion to troop and cargo carriers, and within the period will probably have substantial num- bers of transport aircraft with improved range and capacity. 110. Security Forces. Soviet internal security forces, controlled by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, number about 400,000. These troops are a select group, well trained and equipped, and provide a significant increment to Soviet military strength-in-being. However, their primary responsibility for maintaining in- ternal control would probably prevent their becoming available for combat operations out- side the USSR. About 150,000 are border troops, disposed along all accessible land and sea frontiers. The remaining 250,000 include troops responsible for suppressing any resist- ance in the country, for guarding labor camps TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 ? k TOP SECRET 36 and shipments of prisoners and strategic cargoes, and for maintaining the security of high-level government and military communi- cations. SOVIET AIR FORCES " 111. Although in World War II the USSR em- ployed its air forces" primarily in the ground support role, increasing emphasis has since been given to the development of the inter- ceptor and long-range bombing arms. In addition, statements by Soviet military leaders over the past several years have reflected their growing appreciation of air power. We esti- mate the over-all actual aircraft strength of Soviet military air units in mid-1956 at nearly 17,500. This is probably about 85 percent of authorized strength. Continued replacement of piston medium bombers by jet medium and jet and turbo-prop heavy bomber types and an increase in numbers of jet all-weather fighters will probably constitute the most significant improvements in Soviet Air Force strength during the period of this estimate. We estimate that over-all actual aircraft strength in Soviet operational units will re- main about the same during the period, reaching approximately 18,500 aircraft by mid-1961. 112. The Soviet aircraft industry has account- ed for about 95 percent of total Bloc aircraft production of fighter and bomber aircraft.34 We estimate that about 8,500 aircraft were produced by the USSR during 1955, of which about 5,000 were bombers and fighters. We estimate that during 1954 and 1955 the So- viet aircraft industry was operating at about) 25 percent of capacity. Production through 1961 is not expected to vary substantially from the 1954-1955 rate, although fluctua- tions are expected as new models are intro- duced.35 113. Soviet Fighter Aviation of Air Defense will be strengthened considerably during the 83 For detailed estimates of the aircraft strength of Soviet and other Bloc air forces during the period of this estimate, see Appendix A, Tables 4, 5, 6, and 7. " For comparisons of Soviet Bloc-NATO and USSR- US aircraft production, 1946-1955, see Appendix A, Tables 12 and 13. period of this estimate by the introduction of new fighters with improved performance, in- creases in numbers of fighters equipped with airborne intercept radar,, and the probable addition of air-to-air guided missiles to the armament of some fighters. Although the FRESCO day fighter is now the principal equipment of Soviet Fighter Aviation of Air Defense, the transonic FARMER day fighter and the FLASHLIGHT all-weather fighter are rapidly being phased into operational units. We estimate that an improved supersonic day fighter based on the FARMER will be in oper- ational use in 1957 and that a supersonic day and all-weather fighter will be introduced in 1959. By 1961, all-weather fighters will prob- ably comprise more than 50 percent of the total Soviet fighter force; we estimate that at present this force numbers about 9,300 jet fighters, including about 1,000 all-weather fighters, and that in mid-1961 total Soviet fighter strength will be about the same, but will include 4,800 all-weather fighters.36 114. We estimate that the Soviet leaders, in order to acquire a greater capability for stra- tegic air operations, have committed them- selves to a further build-up and moderniza- tion of Soviet Long-Range Aviation over the next few years. The BULL piston medium bomber, which is now obsolescent, is being re- placed by the BADGER jet medium bomber and the BISON jet and BEAR turbo-prop heavy bombers. The assignment of BADGER aircraft to operational units, which began in 1954, has proceeded more rapidly than pre- viously estimated, and will probably bring BADGER units to their full complement by mid-1957. The assignment of BISON and BEAR aircraft to operational units is believed to have begun in 1955 but has apparently proceeded more slowly than previously esti- mated. 115. Based on a judgment as to what Soviet planners probably estimate their requirements to be, and on recent increases in theriiimber of air regiments, we noNir-e-aixTiiie-1-17-1-at the USSR?i-g?aiilding toward a force of about " For estimated Soviet and Bloc aircraft produc- tion, 1955-1961, see Appendix A, Table 14. " For estimated performance characteristics of So- viet fighters see Appendix A, Table 8. TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 / TOP SECRET ? 1,500 modern bomber-type aircraft in Long- Range Aviation by mid-1960. We also believe that, in the light of probable Soviet optimum requirements, including those for attack on the continental US, a likely composition of this force by type would be about 800 heavy bombers (500 BISON and 300 BEAR) and about 700 BADGER medium bomb- ers. Soviet aircraft production facilities are more than adequate to meet this require- ment, although the proportion of aircraft pro- duction facilities assigned to heavy bomber production would have to be increased. Many unknown factors, including the degree of future Soviet success in the guided missile field, could lead to Soviet decisions which would alter both the size of this force and the balance between types of aircraft. More- over, the introduction of aircraft designed v.1. The Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, De- partment of the Army, does not concur in the estimate of heavy bomber strength contained herein, except in the case of those listed for mid-1956. 2. The force total of 1,500 bomber aircraft, and the distribution of these figures between the various types involved, is based almost entirely upon what US planners consider to be a near optimum requirement for an attack on the United States. There is no evidence that Soviet leaders have established a requirement on this order as a goal. Neither is there evidence that the Soviet leaders have established mid-1960 as the date by which this, or any other goal, is to be achieved. 3. The estimate that Soviet leaders will attempt to achieve such an optimum capability by mid- 1960 is not supported by the conclusion that Soviet policy will emphasize political and eco- nomic penetration, as expressed in Paragraphs B and C of the conclusions of this estimate, and in Paragraphs 158, 159, and 161 of the discussion. Neither is the development of such a force in consonance with the conclusions expressed in Paragraph 94 that the USSR will regard the risks involved in the deliberate initiation of general war as unacceptable. 4. Unless the USSR intends to initiate a general nuclear war in the period 1960-1961, it appears unlikely that the resources required to develop an optimum capability would be committed. The useful life of such a force would be limited, since it would face early obsolescence with the advent of Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, and even in the interim period would be highly vulner- able to improved US air defenses. It, therefore, seems more likely, in the absence of a decision primarily for tanker rol or the presence in operational units of sone bombers in al- ternative tank r-bomber riles could affect the size and comp6sition of /soviet Long-Range Aviation. Thu, the foil, wing table of esti- mated number of bombers in operational iation through the an be made at this ncertainty are con- units of Long-ange A period is the It that time, but the fa tors of siderably greater during BULL BADGER BISON BEAR mid- 1956 756 475 35 30 4 the later years: 3 7 id- id- mid- 957 1958 700 710 mid- mid- 1959 1960 1961 700 700 700 (400 500 500 300 300 300 This represents a considerable downward re- vision from our previous estimates of the num- ber of heavy bombers in operational units to initiate general war, that the USSR would establish something less than an optimum force as a goal for the purpose of deterrence, and would not produce the numbers of heavy bomb- ers cited herein. 5. Other factors militating against the accept- ance of the estimates of bomber strength includ- ed herein, are: a. There is no evidence that facilities current- ly producing BISONS are increasing produc- tion, or that the additional facilities required to meet this program are being converted to BISON production. b. Despite firm evidence that both BISON and BEAR production over the past year has fallen far short of that estimated just over a year ago (NIE 11-3-55), the BISON forecast for mid-1960 included herein represents an in- crease of 25 percent over the end strength estimated in NIE 11-3-55, and the BEAR fore- cast for mid-1958 and thereafter is unchanged. c. Adequate consideration has not been given to the plant capacity required to produce com- patible tankers and jet transports to meet probable requirements. 6. The Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, De- partment of the Army, therefore, concludes: a. That it is probably within the capability of the USSR to produce the aircraft estimated herein if Soviet leaders have already decided to do so, and have initiated steps, not now evident, to expand production. b. That it is unlikely that the force described herein will be developed. c. That there is insufficient evidence to war- rant a conclusion as to the future strength of Soviet Long-Range Aviation. TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: TOP SECRET in the period to mid-1958.38 This results from new evidence which indicates that, probably at least in part because of production difficul- ties, BISON and BEAR production during the past year has been at a considerably lower rate than previously estimated, with a total of only about 40 aircraft of each type pro- duced to 1 July 1956. 116. Soviet Long-Range Aviation will probably continue with its present aircraft types, ex- cept the BULL, throughout the period." Im- proved models of both the BADGER and the BISON will probably have appeared by the end of 1957. The USSR is capable of pro- ducing by 1961 a new medium bomber with "supersonic dash" capabilities, and such an aircraft may appear in units at about that time. We have no intelligence on Soviet de- velopment of a nuclear-powered bomber; we believe that such an aircraft will not be in operational units during the period of this estimate. 117. We now have evidence that the USSR is developing an inflight refueling system, and we believe that during the next few years it will achieve a substantial inflight refueling capability. We have no evidence of the exist- ence of a Soviet aircraft type designed pri- marily for tanker use. The BULL, BADGER, or CAMEL could be modified for use in the tanker role. Both BISON and BEAR aircraft could have been constructed to permit con- version within a matter of hours from a bomb- er to a tanker role, and vice versa. However, of known Soviet aircraft, only tanker versions of the BISON or the BEAR would be fully compatible with the BISON bomber. On the other hand, the USSR may elect to develop a new aircraft primarily for the tanker role. In any case, we estimate that in order to sup- port a heavy bomber striking force of the magnitude estimated for the 1960-1961 period, NIE 11-3-55, "Soviet Capabilities and Probable Courses of Action Through 1960" (17 May 1955), Paragraph 116, and NIE 11-56, "Soviet Gross Capabilities for Attack on the US and Key Over- seas Installations and Forces Through Mid-1959" (6 March 1956), Paragraph 20. " For estimated performance characteristics of Soviet bombers, see Appendix A, Table 9. 38 the USSR would probably require on the order of 350-400 aircraft employed in the tanker role. 118. Airfield construction in the USSR and the Satellites during the postwar period has kept pace with demands created by the in- troduction of high performance aircraft. Approximately 1,600 airfields are in use in the Soviet Bloc, of which about 285 (165 in the USSR and 120 in the Satellites) have hard surfaced runways of 5,000 feet or longer. Many of the military airfields now being built have runways at least 7,000 feet long, and some are 8,000 feet or more. Many airfields in the Satellites are being equipped with night lighting, radio navigation aids, radar, in- creased POL facilities, and improved struc- tures. We believe that similar improvements are being made on airfields in the USSR, and that the growing network of modern, well- equipped air facilities will keep pace with So- viet Bloc air capabilities during this period. We also believe that airfield construction will continue to be pressed in the Far East and in Soviet Arctic areas. 119. Combat effectiveness of Soviet military aviation is, on the whole, below that of the US. The chief limiting factors have been lower average crew proficiency, lower stand- ards of maintenance and training, and lack of certain aircraft types. During this period the increasing numbers of new or improved fighter and bomber types, together with train- ing appropriate to these types, will lead to a significant increase in combat effectiveness. With cumulative improvements in the capa- bilities of career personnel, over-all combat proficiency will almost certainly reach a high level during the period of this estimate. De- ficiencies in long-range, night and all-weather operations will continue to be reduced. SOVIET NAVAL FORCES " 120. During recent years the Soviet Navy has been greatly strengthened by an intense and rapid building program, concentrated on light " For detailed estimates of the strength, composi- sition, and dispositions of the Soviet and other Bloc naval forces in mid-1956 and mid-1961, see Appendix A, Table 10. TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET cruisers, destroyers, and submarines. The Soviet submarine fleet is now the largest in the world and is still growing; over half its strength consists of long-range craft of which a significant and increasing proportion are modern types. We estimate the main strength of the Soviet Navy in mid-1956 at 28 cruisers, 213 destroyer types, and 445 submarines. These totals include vessels Of pigtwar desien numbering 15 light cruisers, 95 fleet de- stroyers, 65 destroyer escorts, 202 long-range, and 22 medium-range submarines. During the past year, net destroyer strength has in- creased by approximately 70 and net sub- marine strength by approximately 70. 121. At the present time, the Soviet Navy is also estimated to include nearly 1,700 minor war vessels and a number of "overage" major war vessels. Fourteen major surface vessels, including battleships, light cruisers, and de- stroyers, are more than 20 years old, and 106 submarines are 15-20 years old. We believe the Soviet Navy's share of the announced force reductions would be taken largely from among these "overage" vessels, and from minor craft. However, we estimate that any decommis- sioned units the USSR chose to keep in re- serve status could again be ready for service by M+180. 122. Soviet naval construction is currently estimated at about 200,000 standard displace- ment tons, which represents slightly more than one-third of the capacity of Soviet ship- yards and one-fifth of total Bloc capacity.4' The USSR will probably continue to place primary emphasis on the construction of long- range submarines, although the construction of conventional cruisers and destroyers may also continue through the earlier years of the period. Battleships and carriers could be built in all fleet areas except the Far East, but there is no evidence of a Soviet intention to construct these types. It is probable that toward the end of the period, guided missiles and rockets will be adapted for naval use as surface-to-surface and surface-to-air weapons, " For detailed estimates of current and future Soviet naval vessel construction, see Appendix A, Table 15. 39 and unconventional vessel designs may appear as these weapons become available. 123. The Soviet Navy is now concentrating on the construction of two long-range submarine types, developed since World War II and equipped with snorkel. The "W" class has an operating radius under combat conditions of about 4,700 n.m.; the "Z" class about 6,700 n.m. By early 1956, an estimated 165 "W" and 18 "Z" class submarines had joined the fleets, as well as 13 postwar-designed, medium- range "Q" class boats. The building rate for 1956 is estimated at 82 "W", 8 "Z", and 18 "Q" class boats. 124. In view of the rate at which Soviet sub- marine construction facilities have been ex- panded in recent years, a substantial increase in the current submarine order of battle will probably take place over the next several years. Since estimated annual Soviet sub- marine building capacity is about 160 long and medium-range boats, the USSR could build about 800 over the next five years. How- ever, we estimate that actual production will be about 130 submarines in 1957, and that it will be reduced to about 105 boats in 1958, due to the impact of the estimated nuclear- powered submarine program. If production continued at the estimated 1958 rate for the remainder of the period, cumulative produc- tion to mid-1961, taken in conjunction with such factors as the phasing out of older types and the probable adaptation of present sub- marines to newer weapons systems, would re- sult in a force of approximately 900 boats of all types, including about 800 long and medium-range boats of postwar design. How- ever, we have no intelligence to indicate that the USSR will in fact produce this number of submarines or to indicate the planned future strength of the Soviet submarine force. 125. The operating efficiency of the Soviet Navy, while still below that of the US Navy in some fields, is quite high and will continue to improve during this period. Little is known of the operating efficiency of the submarine force, although in recent years training has been intensified, particularly in long-range operations. TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET 126. Several important developments in the Soviet Navy are likely during the period of this estimate. One is the probable appear- ance of some nuclear-powered submarines. The USSR also has the technical capability to construct or modify long-range submarines for launching guided missiles, and may al- ready have done so. We expect that an im- proved wakeless torpedo with acoustic homing device and influence exploder will probably be available around the middle of the period; we expect the appearance of an offensive sea mine employing acoustic, magnetic, and pres- sure-influence firing mechanisms in combina- tion; and we believe the USSR is at present capable of adapting nuclear warheads to mines and torpedoes. We estimate that early in the period Soviet antisubmarine forces will have improved sonar detection gear in association with attack computers for use with depth-charge throwers. 127. The principal weakness of the Soviet Navy derives from the wide separation of the sea frontiers of the USSR, and from its in- ability to control the sea routes between these areas. The USSR is thus deprived of the strategic mobility traditionally enjoyed by naval powers, and is compelled to maintain four separate fleets together with their sup- porting facilities. The inland waterway sys- tem connecting the White and Baltic Seas now permits the interchange of vessels up to the size of small destroyers and including all current submarine types. During this period, possibly by 1957, improvements in inland waterway systems will extend this interchange capability to reach the Black Sea. However, parts of these waterway systems are open 40 only on an average of five months a year be- cause of weather conditions. Increased use of the Northern Sea Route, which is open for a six to eight-week period in the summer, may also improve the situation. The lack of ade- quate supply lines to the Northern and Far Eastern areas is an additional handicap. Limitations on sustained offensive operations derive from the land-locked position of the fleets in the Baltic and Black Seas (contain- ing roughly 60 percent of Soviet naval strength) , the exits from which are controlled by the NATO Powers, and from the lack of advanced bases. Other current limitations are the lack of auxiliary vessels suitable for underway logistic support, the paucity of ex- perience in long-range operations, and the apparent lack of long-range reconnaissance aircraft. 128. Naval Aviation. Soviet naval aviation, comprising nearly 20 percent of total Soviet air strength, has increased in stature within the military establishment, and is now the second largest naval air force in the world. It receives a relatively high priority in the allocation of new aircraft, equipment, and weapons. Soviet naval aviation is engaged in a concentrated training program which stresses offensive operations against enemy naval forces and the air defense of naval bases and forces. During the period of this esti- mate, Soviet naval aviation is expected to re- main at approximately constant numerical strength, while continuing its modernization program. Improved jet light bombers and all-weather fighters will probably be intro- duced, and possibly long-range bombers for attack and reconnaissance. TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 ? I. TOP SECRET 41 VI. SOVIET MILITARY CAPABILITIES 129. The military strength of the Soviet Bloc is far superior to that of all other states on or near the Eurasian continent. These states could be defeated, separately or in combina- tion, unless US armed forces joined in their defense. However, the Soviet leaders could never be sure that the US would not join in the defense of these states or that it would confine its military intervention to a strictly localized area. Indeed, they probably esti- mate that, at least in certain areas, the US would not so confine its military action. Con- sequently, they must take into account the possibility that any localized or limited war would develop into general war. 130. It would be impossible, within the scope of this paper, to analyze the capabilities of the USSR and of the Bloc generally for lim- ited or localized war in various areas and in- volving various degrees of US military par- ticipation. In this section, therefore, we dis- cuss only Soviet military capabilities for gen- eral war and we consider them in the light of our estimate of probable Soviet strategy for the initial phase of such a war.42 SOVIET STRATEGY FOR THE INITIAL PHASE OF A GENERAL WAR 131. In view of the transition which is taking place in the Soviet military establishment, it is probable that the Soviet strategic concepts which would govern how the USSR would fight a general war are also in flux. However, the USSR must appreciate that US nuclear capabilities would be the principal element in the Western military threat to Soviet secu- rity in the event of general war. Consequent- ly, Soviet military strategy almost certainly places first emphasis on forestalling or at least neutralizing any US nuclear attack. 132. In planning for the contingency of gen- eral war, the Soviet leaders might hope that through their political action prior to the 42 It should be emphasized that we estimate (Para- graph 94) that the Soviet leaders probably do not regard the deliberate initiation of general war as a presently admissible course of action. time war broke out, the USSR would have imposed such inhibitions on the US as to prevent the latter from initiating the use of nuclear weapons. Such a development would be greatly to the Soviet advantage, especially while the US retains a substantial nuclear superiority, including a favorable geographical deployment of its nuclear strength vis-a-vis the USSR. More likely, however, the Soviet leaders would believe that the prospects for excluding US use of nuclear weapons would be too slight to risk the possibility that the US would deliver the first nuclear blow. Therefore, we believe Soviet war plans would provide that, given a decision to launch gen- eral war, it would be initiated by strategic nuclear attacks." " 1. The Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, De- partment of the Army, does not concur in the estimate that, given a decision to launch general war, it would be initiated by strategic nuclear attacks. 2. Since, as has been estimated in Paragraph 94, Soviet leaders probably do not now regard the deliberate initiation of general war as a pres- ently admissible course of action, such a war occurring during the period would probably re- sult from the enlargement of a limited or local- ized war. The enlargement would at some point reach a scale of war between the US and the USSR which would then be called general war. In this chain of events general war is not a ques- tion of decision, but one of definition. 3. The decision as to the initiation of strategic nuclear attacks, however, is one which must be made during the progress of enlargement. We believe that, in view of the mutual destruction inherent in such attacks, the USSR would avoid initiation of them by every means possible and seek instead to achieve its objectives through lim- ited warfare. 4. The Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, De- partment of the Army, believes that Soviet stra- tegic concepts emphasize maximum flexibility, and that war plans have probably been devel- oped to meet a number of contingencies rang- ing from a non-nuclear war through various de- grees of limitation on nuclear weapons to the extreme of an all-out nuclear exchange. That the latter is not the primary element of their strategy is indicated by the following facts: (Footnote continued on page 42) TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: TOP SECRET 133. The necessity of forestalling or neutraliz- ing a US attack would also make surprise in the initial nuclear attack a vital ingredient of Soviet strategy. In the Soviet view, sur- prise would be essential in order to reduce as much as possible the nuclear retaliation which could be launched against the USSR by Western forces deployed around the Soviet periphery and in the continental US. Con- sequently, we believe that preparations and redeployment of forces which could give warn- ing of the decision to proceed to general war would be held to a minimum in order to avoid compromising the initial air strikes. In coast- al areas, missiles launched from submarines could be an important supplement to nuclear attacks by aircraft, but limitations on target coverage and the risk of premature disclosure of intent would probably inhibit their large- scale use in an initial surprise attack. 134. The Soviet leaders would probably regard an attack by ground and tactical air forces against NATO forces in Western Europe at an early stage as essential to prevent NATO deployment and mobilization, and to disrupt action by NATO's tactical air forces. At pres- ent, the USSR has large ground and tactical air forces deployed in Germany which would not require reinforcement by additional units (Footnote continued from page 41) a. Soviet ground forces have been extensively modernized and re-equipped so as to improve their capability for mobile land warfare. b. The Soviet naval program, with its concen- tration on submarines, has been aimed pri- marily at developing a capability to interdict US reinforcement of Eurasia. c. There has been little or no evidence of extensive Soviet effort to develop the carrier task forces, or long-range amphibious forces essential to a strategy envisaging direct attack on the United States. d. The development of long-range airborne forces has apparently been accorded low pri- ority. e. The apparently low priority accorded the development of an inflight refueling capability. f. Low-yield nuclear weapons and devices have been predominant in the Soviet nuclear test program. g. There is substantial evidence of a major Soviet effort in the field of short and medium range surface-to-surface missiles. 42 in advance of offensive action. We believe that the USSR would plan to commit these forces to an offensive against NATO disposi- tions in West Germany as soon as possible, consistent with maintaining surprise for the initial air assault against the US and its overseas bases. Under the most favorable circumstances from the Soviet point of view, advances by these forces could be undertaken as soon as the West had obtained warning of the Soviet strategic air attack. However, dur- ing some phases of the annual training cycle, a period of several days might be required to deploy these forces for attack. Large num- bers of Soviet submarines would probably move to interdict US reinforcement of over- seas forces and in particular to isolate the European theater. 135. We believe that, in its planning for the initial phase of a general war, the USSR would not assign the same priority to campaigns in the Middle and Far East. Appropriate targets in these areas would, of course, be embraced in the Soviet plan of initial air attack, but campaigns by Soviet ground, am- phibious, or surface naval forces would prob- ably be delayed. The USSR might regard an attack to seize the Turkish Straits as of early high priority, but we believe that other major campaigns would be held up until the USSR could assess the results of the initial nuclear exchange. 136. In summary, we believe that Soviet plans for the initial phase of general war would be directed toward the following military objec- tives: a. To destroy or neutralize Western nuclear capabilities, wherever deployed, by massive nuclear attacks. b. To bring the USSR out of the initial exchange in the better relative position, by making a maximum air defense effort against Western nuclear air attacks. c. To destroy as much as possible of the ready NATO forces deployed in Western Eu- rope and to prevent mobilization of NATO's full potential. d. To interdict US reinforcement of over- seas forces and in particular to isolate the European theater. TOP SECRET kDeclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: A-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 YIP TOP SECRET 43 STRATEGIC AIR CAPABILITIES " 137. The USSR is now capable of undertaking concurrent air attacks with nuclear weapons against targets in the US, the UK, continental Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, Japan, Alaska, and the Asiatic island chain. This capability will improve during the period of the estimate, as the Soviet nuclear weapons stockpile and the number of high perform- ance, long-range bombers continue to grow. Present Soviet capabilities for attack on conti- nental US are restricted by the relatively small numbers of operational BISON and BEAR bombers, the limited availability of megaton- yield weapons, the limited capacity of forward bases, and the probable lack of a substantial operational infiight refueling capability. We estimate, however, that Soviet capabilities for air attack on continental US will increase substantially as the period advances. During the period of this estimate, the capacity of the forward staging areas and the Leningrad base complex could be increased sufficiently to permit the simultaneous launching of the entire long-range bomber force from these areas. Moreover, we believe that the USSR is now acquiring an inflight refueling capabil- ity adequate to permit the launching of a substantial number of jet heavy bombers from interior bases on two-way missions against the US. Toward the end of the period, high- yield nuclear weapons could be available for most of the Soviet long-range bombers. 138. We are unable to estimate what propor- tion of the available force of Soviet bomber aircraft might be launched against the US and what proportion against overseas targets. The Soviet planners would attempt to dis- tribute these initial attacks in such a way as to insure the optimum combination of weight and surprise against all areas where US and UK retaliatory capability was de- ployed. Nearly all of the heavy bomber force would almost certainly be used against the continental US in an attempt to destroy as much of US war-making potential as possible " For a fuller discussion of this subject, see NIE 11-56, "Soviet Gross Capabilities for Attack on the US and Key Overseas Installations and Forces Through Mid-1959," published 6 March 1956. consistent with the assignment of first priority to US retaliatory capabilities. The scale of attack with bomber aircraft would also de- pend upon the availability and effectiveness of other forms of delivery which could appear as the period progresses. SURFACE-TO-SURFACE GUIDED MISSILE CAPABILITIES " 139. We estimate that in view of the extensive Soviet guided missile program and the stage of development estimated to have been reached, Soviet missile capabilities will grow rapidly during the period. If the USSR in fact develops the surface-to-surface guided missiles which we have estimated to be within its capabilities, the following possibilities for attack would exist during the period, and missiles might replace or supplement bomber aircraft for attack against some areas: a. Short and Medium-Range Missiles (up to ? 900 n.m.). In 1956, the USSR could have a small number of ballistic missiles able to reach, from launching sites within the USSR, all of Western Europe (except the Iberian peninsula) , the UK, and the Middle East ex- cept the southern part of the Arabian penin- sula. In the Far East, these weapons could reach targets in Japan and Alaska. If the USSR elected to employ launching sites on the periphery of the Bloc, these ranges could be extended to cover Ireland, much of Spain, the Tunisian, Libyan, and Egyptian coasts, much of the Southeast Asian peninsula, Lu- zon, Taiwan, and the Ryukyus. These mis- siles could carry small and medium-yield nuclear warheads, and in the period 1958- 1959 could be fitted with high-yield nuclear warheads. At present, it would also be tech- nically feasible for the USSR to attack targets within the US with missiles launched from submarines, and the USSR could have for this purpose a subsonic guided missile with a nuclear warhead and a range of 500 nautical miles. 4.5 Material in this section is based on NIE 11-6-54, published 5 October 1954, and NIE 11-12-55, published 20 December 1955. A new estimate on Soviet guided missile developments, NIE 11- 5-56, will appear in October 1956. TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 ?? TOP SECRET b. Intermediate Range Missiles (1600 n.m.). In 1958-1959,46 the USSR could have a small number of ballistic missiles, able to reach, from launching sites within the USSR, tar- gets in Greenland, Iceland, Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, most of India, Luzon, Taiwan, the Ryukyus, Japan, Alaska, and part of Canada. The use of launching sites on the periphery of the Bloc would extend these ranges to include all of continental Asia and the Philippines. These missiles probably could be equipped with large-yield nuclear warheads. c. Intercontinental Missiles ( 5500 n.m.). In 1960-1961,46 the USSR could have a small number of ballistic missiles equipped with large-yield nuclear warheads able to reach, from launching sites within the USSR, the major target areas of the western world in- cluding all of the US. AIR DEFENSE CAPABILITIES 140. The Soviet leaders probably believe that the defense of the USSR against nuclear at- tack would depend in large measure upon the success of an initial Soviet assault on Western retaliatory capabilities. But the USSR has large air defense forces whose task would be to reduce the effectiveness of counterattack by Western forces which escaped destruc- tion in the initial Soviet attacks. The air defense system of the USSR provides for the employment of the 3,350 aircraft in the Soviet Aviation of Air Defense and for the poten- tial employment of the remaining 7,700 Soviet and Satellite fighters. In addition, the Chi- nese Communists and North Koreans have about 1,800 fighters which could make some contribution to the defense of the Soviet Far East. We believe that the air defense role " These dates are estimated to be the earliest probable dates by which the several missile types could have been operationally tested and be ready for series production. By these dates, small quantities of missiles could have been pro- duced and placed in the hands of trained per- sonnel of one operational unit, thus constituting a limited capability for operational employment. However, an additional period, which would vary according to missile type, would be required be- fore missiles could be produced in quantity and additional units trained and deployed. 44 of the fighters of Tactical and Naval Aviation would be given priority in the early stages of a general war. We estimate that Soviet PVO and field forces now possess a total of over 17,000 antiaircraft artillery pieces, and that significant developments in both high and low altitude weapons have been made over the last several years. The USSR still relies heavily upon radar-directed antiaircraft ar- tillery, but guided missiles are now being added to the air defenses of Moscow and prob- ably to other areas of key strategic impor- tance in the USSR. By the end of the period, we estimate that surface-to-air missiles will have largely replaced heavy antiaircraft artil- lery in the static defense of the more import- ant strategic targets. Even earlier, the air- to-air missile will probably have enhanced the capabilities of fighter defense forces. 141. We estimate that Soviet air defense capa- bilities in areas of dense air defense concen- tration (European USSR, Eastern Europe, and the Maritime-South Manchuria area of the Far East) are as indicated below. Capabili- ties in other areas are probably considerably less. a. Against bombers between 5,000 and 35,000 feet in daylight and clear weather, we believe the air defense system is capable of inflicting severe losses on high-speed jet bombers. At higher altitudes this capability would begin to diminish, and above 45,000 feet would fall off markedly. Against bomb- ers penetrating peripheral areas at high speed and minimal altitude the effectiveness of the defenses would be very low. b. Against multiple-pronged penetrations utilizing altitude stacking, diversionary tac- tics, and electronic countermeasures, we be- lieve the air defense system is subject to dis- ruption and saturation, which would progres- sively reduce its effectiveness. c. Against air attacks conducted under poor visibility conditions, we believe the air defense system is at present capable of offering only limited resistance, owing to the inadequacy of equipment and training for all-weather opera- tions. The rapid introduction of all-weather fighters into operational units and the advent of surface-to-air missiles are, however, giving TOP SECRET IDeclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET 45 the USSR an increasing capability in this field. 142. During the period of this estimate, Sovief air defense capabilities will almost certainly be substantially increased, due to greater operational experience and the introduction into the defensive forces of additional super- sonic and all-weather fighters, new fighter types, improved early warning and GCI equip- ment, electronic countermeasures, additional guided missiles, and improved missile types. Despite these improvements, however, we esti- mate that Soviet air defenses will still be vul- nerable to exploitation by penetration forces. OFFENSIVE CAPABILITIES IN WESTERN EUROPE 143. We have estimated above that, should the USSR seek to initiate a surprise nuclear attack against Western retaliatory capabili- ties, the USSR would plan to defer mobili- zation or redeployment of major forces for other campaigns until after the initial as- sault. Once the initial nuclear attacks were launched, the highest priority would probably be given to a ground, air, and naval offensive against Western Europe in order to destroy the bases and forces concentrated there, to prevent a NATO build-up, and to isolate the area. The forces in East Germany and ad- jacent areas would under present conditions probably be regarded by the Soviet command- ers as adequate to initiate such an offensive. These forces are capable of rapid movement and the tactical employment of nuclear weapons. 144. Air support of Bloc offensive operations in Western Europe could come from the ap- proximately 5,200 aircraft presently stationed in East Germany and the Satellites, with re- inforcements available from the nearly 4,900 aircraft stationed in the Western USSR. However, a large proportion of these aircraft are fighter interceptor types in units which currently have an air defense responsibility as well as a tactical support role. This re- sponsibility would probably to some degree limit the availability of fighter aircraft for tactical support in the initial phase of the land campaign. The estimated increase in Satellite air defense capabilities during this period will probably reduce this limitation. Even at present, however, the USSR and the Satellites have about 1,600 jet light bombers available in East Europe and Western USSR for use against targets in Europe. OFFENSIVE CAPABILITIES IN THE FAR EAST 145. Soviet capabilities for long-continued full-scale war in the Far East are consider- ably limited by the capacity of the Trans- Siberian railway, the only route by which supplies in large amounts could be brought from other parts of the USSR. The USSR has about 30 divisions in the Far East, to- gether with nearly 4,000 aircraft and a sizeable naval force, and with stockpiles of supplies sufficient for a considerable period of combat. These Soviet forces could, alone or in conjunction with Chinese Communist forces, renew hostilities in Korea. They could probably launch an invasion of Japan with an initial airborne assault of one division and an initial amphibious assault of up to three divisions, with a follow-up waterborne force of five or six divisions. The same amphibious lift could be employed in other areas of the Far East within range of land-based aircraft. Airborne and amphibious attacks on a smaller scale could also be launched against Alaska. AIRBORNE CAPABILITIES 146. Utilizing only those transports subordi- nate to the Aviation of Airborne Troops, the USSR could lift about 9,000 airborne troops with one drop on D-Day, or about 14,000 with two drops, within a radius of 500 n.m. In a five-day operation approximately 23,000 to 25,000 troops could be lifted. This lift capac- ity could be increased by about 1,800 troops for every 100 aircraft made available from the 3,000 transports of Soviet Civil Aviation and other components of military aviation, and could be further augmented by the use of the 100 large helicopters of the Aviation of Air- borne troops. We estimate that Soviet air- lift capabilities will probably increase through 1961, but at least during the early part of the period most airborne troops would have to be carried by the low-performance CAB TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET 46 transport (with characteristics approximat- ing the C-47), and this would place a limita- tion on the effectiveness of airborne opera- tions. The allocation to airborne use of BULL aircraft converted for transport purposes could increase the Soviet capability to trans- port troops by air by an additional 5,000 to 6,000 troops per 100 aircraft converted. NAVAL CAPABILITIES 147. At the present time, the principal of- fensive capabilities of the Soviet Navy are in submarine warfare, operations of cruiser- destroyer task forces, air operations utilizing shore-based naval aircraft, and mine warfare. These capabilities will continue to improve throughout the period due to the building program, technological development, and in- tensive training. The Soviet Navy will re- main capable of mounting short-haul am- phibious lifts of considerable strength, but will have little or no significant long-haul amphibious capability during the period of this estimate. a. The Soviet submarine force will greatly increase its capability to undertake offensive patrols and mining operations along most of the world's strategically situated sea lanes, and possibly to launch guided missile attacks against land targets. b. Major Soviet surface units and support- ing shore-based naval aircraft will probably continue to increase their capability to un- dertake offensive operations in Bloc coastal areas, especially in the Baltic and Black Seas, and to protect the seaward flank of ground campaigns. The advent of ship-launched guided missiles, as well as air-to-surface guided missiles, would further enhance these capabilities. c. From existing airfields, Bloc jet light bombers coukl range over the entire North Sea and the English Channel; seaport areas of France, the UK, and Scandinavia; all but the western end of the Mediterranean; and the Pacific Ocean area embracing Japan, Oki- nawa, and central Luzon. d. The USSR has an extensive capability to employ mine warfare, possibly including nu- clear mines, to interfere seriously with allied sea communications. In the European area, this effort could include all the ports and ap- proaches of the UK and Western Europe. In the Far East, most of the vital allied port areas and sea lanes around the perimeter of the Bloc could similarly be attacked. TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET 47 VII. THE SOVIET ESTIMATE OF THE WORLD SITUATION IDEOLOGICAL FACTORS 148. The Soviet leaders' view of the world sit- uation is strongly influenced by Communist ideological conceptions and these remain basically intact. This predisposes them to view Western actions and developments in terms of an irreconcilable struggle between the Communist and non-Communist worlds. While this conception in part determines So- viet long-term objectives, it does not impose rigidity in choice of tactical objectives and methods. Stalin's successors have demon- strated an ability to respond realistically to the actual play of political forces in the world. They have made it a principal point of criti- cism of Stalin's leadership that he was too narrow and inflexible in his tactics. A more practical appraisal of the world situation seems to characterize the present Soviet leadership, even though the world is still viewed in terms of the historical forecasts contained in official Communist ideology. INTERNAL FACTORS 149. In the preceding sections of this estimate we have considered political, economic, and military factors in the Soviet situation which will affect the USSR's position and capabilities vis-a-vis the non-Communist world over the next several years. The Soviet leaders' own weighing of these factors appears to convince them of the general strength of their position. They apparently believe that they are able to cope effectively with the internal political problems Stalin left them, that they can over- come weaknesses which might slow the growth of the Soviet economy, and that the USSR's industrial strength is now such as to permit them a freer hand in domestic and foreign policy. They probably also believe that the Soviet military establishment is adequate, now that the USSR has acquired a nuclear capability, at least to deter resort to major military action by the Western Powers. Con- sequently, the Soviet leaders are likely to approach foreign policy decisions during the course of this estimate with a sense of confi- dence in the strength and potentialities of the Soviet system. EXTERNAL FACTORS 150. Paramount in Soviet calculations regard- ing the non-Communist world is almost cer- tainly the enormous physical strength and potential of the US as the principal restraint upon Soviet freedom of action in the inter- national sphere. References to the US in the speeches of the Soviet leaders at the 20th Party Congress revealed a continuing aware- ness of the great gap which still separates So- viet industrial capacity from that of the US. In the military sphere, the Soviet leaders, despite the gains they have made in advanced weapons, almost certainly believe that at pres- ent the USSR should not deliberately incur the hazards of general war with the US. Moreover, they probably consider that thus far the ability of the Western alliance to main- tain a common purpose toward the USSR in the face of distractions and Soviet divisive maneuvers, though weakened, has not been fundamentally shaken. 151. Consequently, taking presently existing power factors alone into consideration, the Soviet leaders must see formidable obstacles to their ambitions and certain potential haz- ards in the international situation. While they probably believe that the current leaders of the US realize the dangers of nuclear war, and would exercise caution to avoid such a war, they recognize that the US remains firm- ly committed to resist the expansion of Com- munist power. Moreover, their stated fear of the influence of "aggressive-minded" leaders in the US may be in some degree real. They probably feel therefore that there is a back- ground of latent danger against which they must calculate, in each instance, the particu- lar risks attending the policy decisions they make. In particular, they will try to weigh the gains which they hope to achieve against the dangers of setting in train a course of events which could lead to general war. TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET 48 FUTURE TRENDS 152. While factors of physical power almost certainly occupy a central position in their estimate of the world situation, the Soviet leaders are also sensitive to other factors which weigh in the balance of forces between the Sino-Soviet Bloc and the West. They are peculiarly disposed by their Marxist training to view the world as in an historically deter- mined process of change. Consequently, they are likely to give particular weight to what they believe to be the emergent forces which are transforming the present situation. In this perspective of change, the prospects prob- ably appear more favorable to them than the power situation, in its present aspect, would alone lead them to conclude. 153. Soviet expectations for change appear to be fixed particularly upon the quickening im- pulse toward nationalism in the countries of Africa and Asia. The Soviet leaders appear to believe that domination of this area would, over the longer term, tip the balance of world power in their favor. Over the shorter term, they almost certainly believe that native na- tionalist and anticolonial movements can be manipulated to damage Western interests, some of which are of critical economic and strategic importance, and to encourage differ- ences among the Western states themselves. 154. The Soviet leaders appear to believe also that there are forces at work within the West- ern alliance system itself which, if assisted by their own actions, could lead to a decline in its vigor and unity. They have probably rec- ognized that aggressive actions by the Sino- Soviet Bloc tended to increase the willingness of non-Communist nations to follow US leadership. They probably now believe that the more amicable posture displayed by the USSR over the last year, including apparent willingness to negotiate some issues, offers of mutually advantageous trade, and greatly broadened cultural exchanges, have gone far toward dispelling the image of Soviet aggres- sive intentions which has been the principal motivation for the Western alliance. They may calculate that the steps which they have recently taken to repudiate Stalin will further diminish anti-Communist feelings in the non- Communist world and complicate the efforts of the Western powers to maintain a common front against Soviet policies. They probably regard France as particularly vulnerable, ex- pecting that the absence of an evident Soviet military threat, combined with the revival of German power and the continuing diversion of French resources to colonial problems, will make it increasingly difficult to maintain a parliamentary combination strongly commit- ted to NATO. 155. The Soviet leaders have recently adopted a more realistic appraisal both of the ability of capitalist countries to achieve further in- dustrial growth and of the Soviet need to learn from the West. Nevertheless, they still maintain that long-term trends point to eventual economic crisis in capitalist coun- tries. The view that state intervention in economic activity could avert capitalist de- terioration was again repudiated at the 20th Party Congress. Instead it was affirmed that only such artificial stimulants as rearmament and the temporary absence of Germany and Japan from world markets had sustained capitalist economic activity over the last several years, and that with these stimulants becoming exhausted, capitalism's general de- generatory trend would continue. 156. In sum, the Soviet leaders probably esti- mate that they are entering a period in their relationship with the non-Communist world in which the tide of events is running in their favor. They probably believe that Western power and unity are becoming increasingly vulnerable to Soviet political action, and that many Asian and African governments and peoples will become more and more susceptible to the political and economic allurements which the Bloc can provide. While the Soviet leaders may not expect major defections from the non-Communist world during the course of this estimate, they probably believe that more and more states will move toward some closer degree of cooperation with the Sino- Soviet Bloc. In short, the Soviet leaders prob- ably believe that a more fluid situation is de- veloping in the political alignments of the world, and that additional opportunities for the expansion of Soviet influence will appear. TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET 49 VIII. PROBABLE SOVIET COURSES OF ACTION PRESENT SOVIET OBJECTIVES 157. We believe that the developments within the USSR and the Soviet estimate of the world situation which have been discussed in the foregoing sections have led the Soviet leaders to assess their over-all situation somewhat as follows: The balance of military power in the world, including the possession of large nu- clear capabilities by both sides, is rapidly be- coming such that neither side could emerge from a general war without grave -destruction; likewise, neither side is capable of applying sufficient pressure to the other side to force it to make vital concessions. On the other hand, as a result of the more amicable posture assumed by the USSR over the last year, the lines dividing the Communist and non-Com- munist worlds have tended to blur, many un- committed states are entering into closer re- lations with the Bloc, and there are some prospects of division within the Western alli- ance itself. Finally, the Soviet economy is continuing its rapid growth, and gives prom- ise of sustaining the expanding range of com- mitments the regime has undertaken. 158. We believe that Soviet policy during the course of this estimate will be conditioned by these considerations. At the same time, we believe that the Soviet leaders remain com- mitted to the view that the struggle between the Communist and non-Communist worlds is irreconcilable and that the relationship be- tween the two can never remain in a balance which is stable and mutually advantageous. Consequently, we believe that the Soviet lead- ers will push forward during the course of this estimate to achieve the following general ob- jectives: a. To increase the economic strength and military capabilities of the Sino-Soviet Bloc; b. To weaken the cohesion of the non-Com- munist world, and particularly to disrupt NATO; c. To cause a retraction of Western power and influence, and particularly to force with- drawal of US military power from its present deployment around the periphery of the Bloc; d. To expand Soviet influence throughout the world by political, economic, and subver- sive means. GENERAL ASPECTS OF SOVIET POLICY War and "Coexistence" 159. As we have indicated above, we believe that the USSR, largely because of the deter- rent of nuclear destruction, will attempt to avoid during the period of this estimate courses of action which in its judgment would involve serious risk of general war. The So- viet leaders would almost certainly regard open attacks across recognized state frontiers by Soviet, Communist Chinese, or European Satellite forces as involving such risk. More- over, for the next few years, the political gains the Communists hope to make by dissociat- ing themselves from aggression and violence would seem to argue against actions which would compromise their general posture. 160. There is a possibility that, as- Soviet nu- clear capabilities more nearly approach those of the US, the Soviet leaders might come to estimate that the US would no longer be will- ing to accept the risk of employing nuclear weapons against the USSR except in retalia- tion to a Soviet nuclear attack. Under these circumstances the USSR might be willing, to- ward the end of the 1956-1961 period, while refraining from nuclear attack on the US, to undertake major attacks with conventional forces and weapons to overrun key areas on the Eurasian continent. However, we regard this possibility as a remote one.47 161. We believe it much more likely that the Soviet leaders intend to maintain for a con- siderable period the general posture of peace- ful coexistence with the non-Communist world 47 The Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, De- partment of the Army, considers this possibility to be considerably more likely than is indicated in the text. See his footnote to Paragraph 132. TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET which they have been developing for some years but with particular effort since the spring of 1955. A principal object of the 20th Party Congress was apparently to validate and affirm this policy, to bolster it with theoretical justifications, and to clear away remaining obstacles to its further development. The modifications of tactical doctrine made at the Congress ? favoring cooperation with So- cialists and other "progressive" forces, deny- ing the inevitability of war, and acknowledg- ing the possibility of revolution by peaceful and parliamentary means ? suggest that the Soviet leaders think of their present policy as designed for a fairly long period. They have internal problems which could be eased during a period of relaxed international tension. Moreover, both the deterrents to a policy of aggression arising from the threat of nuclear war as well as the political opportunities open in many areas to a "coexistence" policy would seem to argue for continuance of the present policy for at least some years. 162. On the other hand, the Soviet leaders ap- pear to believe that the element of threat should not be eliminated from their policy. They evidently consider that fear as well as persuasion can advance their objectives in some areas. Moreover, the Soviet leaders probably believe that a "soft" line contains some dangers to the Communist movement itself. Their warnings against ideological re- laxation indicate that they realize that the discipline and spirit of Communist parties may suffer in an atmosphere of reduced tensions. Restiveness in the Soviet popula- tion or in the Satellites could develop as a re- sult of the anti-Stalin campaign and might lead the Soviet leaders again to emphasize an alleged external threat as a control device. In sum, while we believe that it is the present intention of the Soviet leaders to maintain an atmosphere of detente for a considerable peri- od, contingencies could arise internally or ex- ternally which would lead them to revert to a policy involving greater tensions and risks. 163. It is possible that, at any time during the period of this estimate, armed outbreaks under Communist sponsorship or aggression by local Communist armed forces could occur, espe- T 0 P Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ICIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 50 cially if the Communists are presented with opportunities which seem to them to involve minimal risk of large-scale conflict. Local aggression might even become probable if the Communists judge the political condition of the non-Communist world to be such that local aggression would promote confusion and divisions rather than stimulate renewed vigil- ance and determination. Diplomacy and Propaganda 164. The USSR's current policies call for heavy reliance upon more conventional meth- ods of diplomacy. Attempts to influence gov- ernments by establishing an identity of inter- ests between them and the USSR is the hall- mark of the present policy. Thus "bourgeois" governments in former colonial areas which were once described as "lackeys of imperial- ism" now qualify as "progressive" if they re- ject Western defense support or follow a neu- tralist foreign policy. The Bloc's trade and credit program provides inducements for them to do so, even though resulting economic gains may in some cases strengthen govern- ments with anti-Communist domestic policies. Similarly, the government of West Germany, once characterized as "fascist," is now con- ceded respectability and recognition. These tactical shifts indicate that the USSR, in the pursuit of its foreign policy objectives, is now relying upon its ability to influence govern- ments directly, largely through bilateral dip- lomatic approaches, rather than upon sub- versive actions against those governments. At the same time Soviet propaganda is sup- porting these diplomatic tactics by attempting to raise popular pressures for cooperation with the USSR. 165. A number of themes have emerged in So- viet propaganda, diplomacy, and political ac- tion which are likely to continue to receive principal emphasis. They are intended to end the political isolation of the Communists which resulted from the USSR's postwar poli- cy, and to lay the groundwork for an increase of Communist political influence in the non- Communist world. a. Peace. Recognizing that the desire to avoid nuclear war constitutes an increasingly SECRET @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET 0 powerful political motivation throughout the world, the USSR will continue the effort to represent itself as the foremost protagonist of peace and to associate the US with war dan- ger. At the same time, it will emphasize its desire for good relations with the US. It will thus seek to give the impression that US? Soviet relations are becoming less tense and to reduce the sense of urgency throughout the world for defensive arrangements directed against the Bloc. b. Anticolonialism. The USSR will con- tinue its effort to ride the wave of nationalist feeling and colonial revolt in Asia, the Middle East, and Africa, and to identify the US with colonialism. The immediate aim is to deny certain critical areas to Western influence and bases, and in some cases to sap the economic and military strength of certain Western powers. c. Social and Economic Progress. The Com- munists are making a special effort, particu- larly in underdeveloped countries, to convince Socialists and other political elements inter- ested in social change and economic develop- ment that Communist methods insure the most rapid economic growth and the surest road to realization of social justice. d. The Popular Front. The Communists are also trying to convince various non-Com- munist groups that joint action with Commu- nists on democratic principles is possible. Their immediate aim is to narrow the base of popular support in a number of key countries for pro-Western foreign policies. Ultimately they hope to acquire control of such mass movements by infiltration. Communist Parties in the Free World 166. The Communist parties in the free world are adapting their tactics to current changes in Soviet foreign policy. The present Soviet leaders are permitting greater flexibility of political maneuver and a larger degree of na- tional autonomy than did Stalin; the Soviet leaders evidently believe that in this new re- lationship the Communist parties will be a more useful adjunct to Soviet political war- fare against the free world. These tactical shifts and in particular the denigration of 51 Stalin have evidently caused some confusion in the Communist parties. We believe, how- ever, that for some time to come they will continue to accept Moscow's leadership and to adapt themselves to the main lines of Soviet foreign policy, with only minor variations. We believe that the present Stalinist genera- tion of Communist Party leaders would be likely to do this on purely ideological grounds, even should Moscow conclude that it no longer needed direct control and could rely merely on the influence it exercises as the fountain- head of Communist doctrine. It is possible that ultimately, though we think not in any short period, new leadership in these parties might conclude that their aspirations to power in their respective countries would be better served if they acquired a genuinely independ- ent national character. Trade and Economic Aid Policies 167. The USSR will almost certainly continue to emphasize trade and economic assistance programs as means to further its foreign policy goals. During the last year, the USSR has greatly increased efforts to develop eco- nomic ties with underdeveloped countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America, and has also pressed for an expansion of trade with West- ern Europe. It aims to displace Western in- fluence in underdeveloped countries in order to bring them into closer relationship with the USSR and where possible into economic dependence upon it. More generally, the USSR wishes to portray itself as a respectable and business-like member of the world com- munity as a step toward breaking down trade and other barriers between the Communist and non-Communist worlds. The doctrinal rationalization for broader economic relations with the non-Communist world, the policy statements of the Soviet leaders, and the terms and amounts of credit which have al- ready been offered all indicate that the USSR has undertaken an important shift in foreign economic policy which is intended to continue for a number of years at least. Disarmament 168. We believe that the USSR considers the disarmament issue to be one of the most im- TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07 CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET portant areas of propaganda and diplomatic maneuver in support of its current policy. It gives the USSR opportunities to document its efforts for "peace" and to probe potential divisions within the free world. Consequent- ly, we believe that the USSR will continue the effort begun in 1955 to give the appearance of a constructive and flexible attitude on this issue. 169. Nevertheless, the USSR will almost cer- tainly continue to reject Western proposals for a comprehensive disarmament scheme in- volving effective inspection and control. The Soviet leaders are not likely to repose the confidence in Western intentions which would be necessary for them to agree to set up such a system. In any case, they would not wish to deny themselves the option of resort to mili- tary action or to abandon the element of threat which is always present in their policy, even in its current phase. Moreover, the So- viet leaders almost certainly regard the kind and scale of inspection procedures required by the Western Powers not only as dangerous to their security, but as conflicting with their desire to maintain a controlled society. 170. What Soviet policy has aimed at is a loosely-drawn pledge of mutual disarmament without significant inspection features. The Soviet leaders have probably had two princi- pal motives. First, they hoped that the effect of such an agreement would be to encourage an atmosphere of relaxation in the West which would tend to undermine NATO poli- cies, cause a rapid degeneration of Western military effort, and create a climate inhibiting the possible use of nuclear weapons by the West. Secondly, they wished to obtain cer- tain important economic advantages for the USSR. A reduction in the size of the Soviet military establishment would assist them to absorb the high cost of current programs for the introduction of new weapons and would make available an important increment of manpower to ease their current labor short- age. A further relaxation of tensions would also enable them more easily to carry costly new weapons programs. 171. The Soviet leaders have evidently now concluded that a disarmament agreement TOP Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 52 with the Western Powers cannot be obtained because of two Western conditions the USSR could not accept. These were the insistence on comprehensive inspection and control and the idea that, beyond a certain minimum re- duction of forces, political settlements, par- ticularly in Germany, must be included. The Soviet leaders have therefore decided to take unilateral measures of reduction which they probably believe will place the Western gov- ernments under pressure from their public opinion and parliaments to follow the Soviet example. We believe that the USSR, for the economic and political reasons mentioned in the preceding paragraph, in fact wishes to reduce the pace of armaments competition, but without necessarily impeding its own de- velopment of advanced weapons, and is aim- ing at a political atmosphere conducive to such a result. The Soviet leaders may also hope that, in the longer run, the reduction of armament effort would be carried further in Western countries than in the USSR, and would gradually lead toward a position of Soviet military superiority. COURSES OF ACTION IN PARTICULAR AREAS Europe 172. The USSR's recently increased activity in the underdeveloped areas of Asia and the Middle East does not mean that it intends to neglect Europe as a principal area of Soviet political ambitions and diplomatic activity. The failure of the USSR to prevent the ratifi- cation of the Paris Agreements in the spring of 1955 brought about a reorientation of Soviet policy in Europe. Recognizing that West Ger- man rearmament could no longer be delayed by threats or the pretense of Soviet willing- ness to negotiate German reunification with the Western Powers, the USSR sought to shelve Four Power negotiations on the German question, and to rely instead upon the effect of its shift to a generally conciliatory posture to obtain both a delay in German rearmament and a weakening of NATO ties and effort. 173. The diplomatic and propaganda cam- paign against NATO under the slogan of "peaceful coexistence" employs several gam- SECRET @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET 53 bits. A European security pact to supersede both NATO and the Warsaw Pact is one which the USSR is likely to continue to pro- mote. The Soviet leaders will probably prefer for the present to work through bilateral con- tacts rather than by further great power con- ferences. The weaker or more remotely placed members of NATO ? such as Iceland, Greece, or Turkey ? which may have regional or local interests difficult to reconcile within NATO, are likely to be special targets of Soviet propa- ganda and diplomatic activity. The USSR probably believes that the withdrawal of its cooperation even by a small state would have effects on NATO morale and unity far ex- ceeding the loss of strength involved. Finally, the Soviet leaders hope that the popular front alignments promoted by Communist parties or the USSR's own cultivation of Socialist parties can bring about changes in the poli- cies of key NATO states. France is clearly a principal target in this connection. 174. Germany. We believe that no departure from the policy on Germany to which the USSR adhered in the 1955 Geneva meetings, and which amounted to an insistence upon maintaining the present division of the coun- try, is likely during the next several years. The Soviet leaders almost certainly believe that the alignment of a reunited Germany with the West would seriously impair the USSR's military position in Europe, diminish its ability to influence European developments in the future, and complicate the mainte- nance of Soviet authority in the Eastern Euro- pean Satellites. For some time to come they are unlikely to consider that any formula for neutralization would provide assurance against a reunified Germany's tacit alliance with the West. Consequently, the Soviet leaders probably believe that they have at present no alternative to the policy they have been following in Germany, which is to con- solidate the Communist regime in East Ger- many while insisting that reunification is now a problem for the two German regimes them- selves. In view of the complexities of the German problem, they probably have not clearly formulated the course which they will follow beyond the next year or two. They probably believe that eventually the West Ger- mans can be induced to make independent approaches to Moscow which would greatly complicate the relations of the West German government with its NATO partners. 175. Yugoslavia. The restoration of good re- lations with Yugoslavia has been a principal feature of the USSR's post-Stalin policy in Europe. While the Soviet leaders probably regarded a renewed alignment of the Tito regime with the Bloc as a maximum objective, they probably also considered that a number of lesser purposes justified the sharp and in some respects awkward turn in policy. At a minimum, they aimed to arrest the develop- ment of Yugoslav ties with the Western Pow- ers, and to disrupt Yugoslavia's pact with Greece and Turkey, at least insofar as it rep- resented an adjunct to NATO. They probably also hope that Tito's willingness to cooper- ate with the USSR will encourage neutralist tendencies in uncommitted states of the Mid- dle East and South Asia, and will ease the way to useful contacts with Socialist circles in Western Europe. The Soviet leaders will probably continue their efforts to woo Yugo- slavia by a favorable trade and credit policy, by possible sacrifice of other anti-Titoist per- sonalities in the Satellites, and by emphasiz- ing Yugoslavia's independence and equality. However, they would almost certainly regard the granting of an equal measure of inde- pendence to the Satellites as too high a price to pay for Yugoslavia's complete realignment with the Bloc. Asia 176. In Northeast Asia the principal objective of Soviet policy remains to detach Japan from the sphere of US influence, although as long as Japan does not become an important power factor in Asia, the USSR is unlikely to make significant concessions to achieve this objec- tive. In concert with Communist China, the USSR will almost certainly continue efforts to "normalize relations" with Japan as a step toward broader official and unofficial contacts. The USSR will probably not greatly enlarge the limited concessions it has already prof- fered Japan in current negotiations, since the Soviet leaders are unlikely to have a very high opinion of the present or prospective strength TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 ? TOP SECRET 54 of Japan's bargaining position. They prob- ably believe that there is potential political instability in Japan on which both Soviet foreign policy and the Japanese Communist Party, especially through its influence in other political organizations, can work gradually but effectively. Most importantly, in the So- viet view, Japan's critical need for markets and for raw materials will in the long run make Communist trade solicitations increas- ingly more attractive, and create frictions be- tween Japan and the West. Probably the Soviet leaders expect that over a period of several years forces in Japan favoring a more independent and nationalist course in foreign policy and trade will become increasingly in- fluential, and that the effect will be, at a minimum, to move Japan away from close ties with the US. 177. In South and Southeast Asia the USSR will continue the intensified effort launched with the Khrushchev-Bulganin trip to India, Burma, and Afghanistan to extend Soviet in- fluence on the government-to-government level, and to build up popular support for pro- Soviet policies. In these states the USSR has a number of assets which it will try to build upon to encourage increasingly anti-Western policies, and a closer economic orientation toward the Bloc. In many of these states there exist real or imagined grievances against the Western Powers and distrust of their poli- cies, key and influential figures who have been impressed by Communist achievements in eco- nomic development, territorial claims which could be supported by the USSR to win favor among popular and official elements, student groups under Communist influence, and eco- nomic pressures which the USSR is in a posi- tion to alleviate. The propaganda image the USSR will seek to convey will be that of a stable government in possession of irresistibly growing power, abjuring violence and dedi- cated to the broadening of the "zone of peace" in the interest of human welfare. It is in this area that the USSR will give particular scope to "competitive coexistence" with the West, on the level of trade and economic aid and of political ideas as well. The Soviet leaders apparently regard India as a key target in the area. TOP Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 178. While we believe that it is the present intention of the USSR to avoid confronting the free world with an armed challenge, po- tentially critical issues such as the Chinese offshore islands and Indochina could develop in such a way as to bring about such a chal- lenge. On both issues the Communists might hope to justify resort to military action on grounds that would be accepted by consider- able elements of world public opinion, and moreover might expect that the US would be deterred from armed intervention by the op- position of its allies and by the fear of alienat- ing some important states of Asia. For the present, however, the USSR apparently in- tends to curb tensions surrounding both is- sues, while encouraging by diplomacy and propaganda a gradual erosion of Western resolve to oppose Communist expansion in these areas. We believe that Communist China now shares this view. But there can be no assurance that Peiping would always accept Soviet guidance concerning what it considers its vital interests in Taiwan and the offshore islands, should the USSR counsel restraint. On balance, however, we think Communist China would not undertake ma- jor risks without Soviet assent and assurance of support. Middle East 179. A concurrence of developments over the past year ? the conclusion of the Baghdad Pact, rising tensions over the Arab-Israeli is- sue, and the growing ambitions of Nasser to assert Egyptian hegemony over the Arab world ? combined to provide the USSR an opportunity to inject its influence forcefully into the Middle East by offering arms to cer- tain Arab states. The USSR's immediate ob- jective was to prevent an extension and con- solidation of the Western military position. This makes disruption of the Baghdad Pact a primary target, and to this end the USSR is encouraging the nationalist impulses against the West already present. Moreover, it is seeking to improve relations with key mem- bers of the Baghdad Pact, such as Turkey and Iran, by removing long-standing sources of SECRET @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET 55 irritation on the diplomatic level, encourag- ing closer official contacts, and expanding trade relations. 180. The USSR is using the Arab-Israeli con- flict and the Suez controversy to enhance its influence in the Arab world. We believe, how- ever, that the Soviet leaders recognize that vital Western interests are so deeply involved in the area that the USSR would be courting major political and possibly military risks if it supported the Arabs in violent courses of action affecting either issue. Soviet policy probably aims, therefore, at achieving recog- nition for the USSR as a major interested power participating equally with the three Western Powers in regulating the affairs of the area. Although the USSR will not want to jeopardize its posture as an advocate of peace it will try to appear as a supporter of Arab nationalism both within and outside the UN. 181. The USSR's ultimate aim is to replace Western influence in the area, and to deprive Western states of the economic advantages they have enjoyed through exclusive arrange- ments affecting the exploitation and distribu- tion of oil. The Soviet leaders may not en- visage the adherence of Middle Eastern states to the Communist sphere in the next few years, but they probably believe that these states can be persuaded to align themselves increasingly with the USSR on international issues. Moreover, they probably believe that the sympathy which the USSR is winning as a result of its current policies will enhance the influence of donlestic Communist forces in some Arab states. Africa 182. The USSR's increased activity in the Middle East has been accompanied by a more active policy in those areas of Africa open to Soviet influence by diplomacy or propa- ganda. In North Africa, the USSR has re- frained from open support of Arab national- ist revolt in order not to compromise its effort to influence developments in France to the detriment of NATO. However, the USSR's presently enhanced influence in Cairo ? long the headquarters of emigre nationalist groups from Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco ? may permit it to exploit unrest in French North Africa more effectively by encouraging and supporting the propaganda and subversive activities of these groups. At the same time, the USSR will probably continue to employ direct approaches to native governments, such as Libya and the Sudan, to establish and ex- pand a diplomatic and economic foothold in the area. There are indications that the Soviet leaders intend to devote increasing at- tention to all of Africa as an area for Soviet penetration and subversion in the future. Latin America 183. The USSR will almost certainly attempt through broadened economic, diplomatic, and cultural exchanges with Latin American coun- tries to extend its influence into the Western hemisphere and to encourage frictions among the American states. Toward this end the USSR will attempt to exploit existing resent- ments in Latin America against US import barriers and US competition in world mar- kets, and will present itself as a trading part- ner willing and able to accept Latin American raw material exports and to act as a source of supply for capital equipment. Bloc trade with Latin America remains at low levels, but it has increased by a substantial percentage in the last year or two, largely due to an expansion of Satellite trading contacts. In addition to the economic and diplomatic of- fensive, the USSR will almost certainly con- tinue its efforts through local Communist parties and front groups, appealing particu- larly to labor, students, and intellectuals, to promote anti-US sentiment, to embarrass US business interests, to obstruct economic and military cooperation of Latin American gov- ernments with the US, and to encourage the formation of governments amenable to Com- munist influence. TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET 56 APPENDIX A Tables of Military Strength TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 k SECRET 57 TABLE 1 ESTIMATED ACTUAL STRENGTH OF BLOC ACTIVE MILITARY PERSONNEL, MID-1956 ARMY GROUND FORCES AIR FORCES NAVAL FORCES SUBORDI- NATION UNKNOWN SECURITY TOTALS (Not including Security) USSR (total) 2,600,000 825,000 2 725,0008 up to 150,000 7 400,000 4,300,000 EE Satellites (total) 1,085,000 102,600 37,100 326,000 1,224,700 Albania 30,000 300 800 10,000 Bulgaila 170,000 17,000 5,100 45,000 Czechoslovakia 170,000 22,000 45,000 East Germany 100,000 7,000 11,000 45,000 Hungary 150,000 11,500 38,000 Poland 250,000 32,8008 11,000 65,000 Rumania 215,000 12,000 9,200 78,000 Communist Asia (total) 3,138,000 98,200 47,300 541,000 3,283,500 Communist China 2,531,000 80,7000 40,300 500,000 North Korea 350,000 17,500 7,000 Viet Minh 257,000 41,000 7 Bloc Totals 6,823,000 1,025,800 809,400 up to 150,000 1,267,000 8,808,200 Figures based primarily on order-of-battle, and do not take into account announced Soviet and Satel- lite reductions. For methodology, see accompanying note. For estimate of mid-1957 Soviet armed forces personnel strength, assuming full implementation of announced reductions, see paragraph 99. For purposes of this table, an estimated 108,200 naval aviation personnel are included in the total of Soviet air forces personnel. Does not include MVD naval forces, which for purposes of this table are carried in Soviet Security Forces total. Air defense control and warning personnel and personnel serving or training to serve surface-to-air and surface-to-surface missiles. The Director of Intelligence, USAF, believes this total includes 51,000 air defense control and warning personnel, 55,000 surface-to-air missile personnel, and 43,000 surface- to-surface missile personnel, all of whom are air forces personnel. The Assistant Chief of Staff, Intel- ligence, Department of the Army, believes the total should be only about 86,000, including 51,000 air defense control and warning personnel, 35,000 surface-to-air missile personnel, and a small number of surface-to-surface missile personnel, all of whom are ground forces personnel. Including naval aviation personnel. 'Including naval aviation personnel. Regional troops, organized in 35 regional battalions. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: 1CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 IDeclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 a- SECRET TABLE 1 (continued) Note on Methodology ? 1. Figures on over-all military personnel strengths are based essentially on unit order of battle. To this base, estimative factors are applied for average personnel strength per unit and average number of administrative and supporting personnel per unit or area. Soviet ground units are estimated at about 70 percent of T/O strength; most Soviet air and naval units are estimated at full T/O strength. The resulting over-all personnel strength estimates are subject to a consider- able margin of error. In addition, personnel strength estimates based on order of battle can lag considerably behind actual changes in strength, since the basic unit identifications are accumulated over relatively long periods. Of the 190 Soviet line divisions identified since postwar demobilization in mid-1947, 163 have been reidentified since 1 January 1953, by in- telligence establishing the existence of division headquarters or one or more subordinate divi- sional elements, or by observation of the con- tinued presence of ground elements at the locations of previously identified units. The total identified in any one year is much small- er, however, and there can be no certainty that a given division or other unit last identi- fied during 1953 is still operational in 1956. 2. Because of these limitations, we consider that our over-all personnel strength figures 58 represent order-of-magnitude rather than pre- cise measures of actual strength at given dates. Thus, while there is evidence to sug- gest that increases in the personnel strength of the Soviet armed forces occurred in 1949- 1952, and that reductions occurred after 1953, in the absence of quantitative confirmation our strength estimates have not reflected these fluctuations. For this reason, our estimates of Soviet armed forces personnel strength prior to the reductions are more likely to have erred on the low side than on the high side. 3. The principal usefulness of this method of analysis is to provide a basis for judging the approximate present strength of Soviet forces. Except for providing a point of de- parture and being suggestive of Soviet prac- tice, it does not provide a firm basis for future estimates of over-all strength. Other consid- erations, such as probable future requirements or changes in Soviet policy based on political and economic factors, must be taken into account in making estimates for the future. At present, we believe it probable that future reductions in over-all Soviet military person- nel strength will occur and that the cut might be on the order of 1,200,000 men, in accord- ance with announced Soviet intentions. Since we are unable at this time to make more than a tentative estimate of the size and composi- tion of Soviet forces following such a reduc- tion, detailed future personnel strength esti- mates have been omitted from Table 1. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 C-) (?' 7j 0 0 wa) -0 w (^ T) 7) a_ - 5. N.) CD o TABLE 2 ?O) o) ESTIMATED STRENGTH OF BLOC GROUND FORCES IN LINE DIVISIONS, MID-1956t Country Rifle Divisions Mechanized Divisions Tank Divisions Cavalry Divisions Airborne Divisions Total Divs. No. T/O Actual No. T/O Actual No. T/0 Actual No. T/O Actual No. T/O Actual USSR' 95 13,050 9,000 45 15,400 10,000 20 13,660 9,500 5 5,000 3,500 10 9,000 7,000 175' Communist China 119 18,213 15,000 3 7,852 4,500 3 5,938 4,000 125 East Germany 4 11,500 9,000 3 14,000 11,000 7 Poland 12 11,500 9,000 5 14,000 11,000 17 Bulgaria 12 11,500 8,500 12 Czecho- rn t11 slovakia 8 11,500 8,000 4 14,000 10,000 2 11,500 7,500 14 CD tzi A Hungary 9 11,500 8,000 1 14,000 9,000 1 11,500 8,000 t 11 A W tzl Rumania North 12' 11,500 8,000 1 14,000 8,500 1 11,500 9,000 14 Pi tli I-3 Korea 18 10,600 9,000 18 H Viet Minh 14 11,000 11,000 14 Total 303 59 27 8 10 407' o 0N -r. o0_ o 0 -1 o m -0 > p p 8 < (D a 15: 71 o (T) a) w (D @ ,-,th -< -, n.) o 0 CO 'Does not take into account announced Soviet and Satellite reductions. For estimate of possible Soviet divisional structure following reduc- tions, see paragraph 106. -,i =Actual strengths of Soviet divisions vary. The figures shown are based on units at about 70 percent of T/O strength. 'Estimated dispositions of Soviet line divisions: Occupied Europe, 28; Northwest USSR, 14; Western USSR, 48; Southwestern USSR, 18; Southern USSR, 27; Central USSR, 10; Soviet Far East, 30. 'Including two Mountain Divisions. 'Estimated break-down by major groupings: USSR, 175; Communist China, 125; European Satellites, 75; North Korea and Viet Minh, 32. CIDeclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: IA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 SECRET 60 ?. TABLE 3 ESTIMATED BLOC TRAINED RESERVES, MID-1956 AND MID-1961, AND GROUND MOBILIZATION CAPACITY, MID-1956 COUNTRY TRAINED RESERVES GROUND MOBILIZATION CAPACITY - MID-1956 Mid-1956 Mid-1958 Mid-1961 M+30 Days Personnel Div. M+80 Days Personnel Div. M+360 Days Personnel Div. USSR 6,900,000 7,700,000 8,900,000 8,400,000 300 17,000,000 500' Satellites 3,325,000 4,035,000 5,060,000 2,905,000 123 4,800,000 195 2 Albania 65,000 85,000 110,000 80,000 4 100,000 6 Bulgaria 575,000 675,000 800,000 500,000 20 700,000 28 Czecho- slovakia 625,000 725,000 850,000 500,000 25 1,000,000 40 East Germany 85,000 125,000 300,000 225,000 9 300,000 14 Hungary 475,000 575,000 700,000 400,000 18 700,000 28 Poland 825,000 1,000,000 1,250,000 650,000 25 1,100,000 44 Rumania 675,000 850,000 1,050,000 550,000 22 900,000 35 Communist China 1,000,000 2,000,000 2,500,000 125 5,000,000 155 North Korea Negligible 327,000 18 360,000 24 Viet Minh Negligible 300,000 16 300,000 20 It is estimated that 200 divisions will be utilized to provide replacement units or individual replace- ments for combat losses. Units in excess of this number could be provided but would lack equipment unless provided by the USSR. SECRET I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: ICIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07 CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 SECRET TABLE 4 ESTIMATED ACTUAL AIRCRAFT STRENGTH OF BLOC AIR UNITS MID-1956 - MID-19611 61 MID-56 MID-57 MID-58 MID-59 MID-60 MID-61 'USSR EE SAT CCAF/ NKAF USSR USSR EE CCAF/ SAT NKAF USSR USSR EE CCAF/ USSR SAT NKAF FIGHTER Jet (Day) 8,257 1,600 1,580 7,628 6,953 2,120 1,750 6,020 5,248 4,506 1,880 1,435 Jet (A/W) 1,046 55 30 1,707 2,382 100 200 3,316 4,087 4,829 790 645 Piston - 50 180 - - - 100 - - - - 90 ATTACK Jet 416 - 90 567 680 395 290 945 945 945 710 360 Piston 523 866 190 416 265 495 40 - - - - - LIGHT BOMBER Jet 2,938 165 401 3,168 3,168 385 700 3,168 3,168 3,168 660 780 Piston - 60 260 - - 20 - - - - - - MEDIUM BOMBER 8. Jet 475 - - 700 700 - - 700 700 700 - 20 Piston 769 - 20 380 190 - 40 - - - - 30 HEAVY BOMBER 8 Jet 35 - - 90 220 - - 400 500 500 - - Turbo-prop 30 - - 130 250 - - 300 300 300 - - TRANSPORT Medium - - - 29 98 - - 141 255 330 - 25 Light 1,681 115 140 1,656 1,586 145 210 1,544 1,428 1,354 165 185 HELICOPTERS Large 235 15 - 350 450 85 40 550 600 600 115 80 RECONNAIS- SANCE Jet Fighters 77 - 40 115 115 110 50 115 115 115 145 56 Jet Light Bmrs 506 - - 605 605 60 50 605 605 605 140 56 Piston 162 85 10 172 172 - 10 172 - 172 172 - 10 UTILITY/Liaison Jet 54 - - 115 115 - - 115 115 115 - - Piston 109 210 40 115 115 130 55 115 115 115 - 60 TANKERS 4 TOTALS 17,313 3,221 2,981 17,943 18,064 4,045 3,535 18,206 18,353 18,354 4,605 3,832 BLOC TOTAL 23,515 25,644 26,791 'Tables 4, 5, 6, and 7 do not take into account the possible effect on the air forces of the announced Soviet force reductions. 2 At present this force consists of fighters only. We estimate that a jet attack type will be introduced. 8 For a discussion of the factors which may affect the present medium and heavy bomber estimates, especially in the later years, see paragraph 115. 'Tankers are not shown in specific numbers since they have not been identified in operational units. For a discussion of Soviet inflight refueling capabilities and probable tanker requirements, see para- graph 117. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07 CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 SECRET 62 TABLE 5 ESTIMATED GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF SOVIET ACTUAL AIRCRAFT STRENGTH BY TYPE MID-1956 AIRCRAFT EASTERN TYPE EUROPE 1 NORTH- WESTERN USSR 2 WESTERN USSR 3 W. CENTRAL USSR 4 CAUCASUS USSR 5 E. CENTRAL USSR 6 FAR EAST 7 TOTAL FIGHTER Jet (Day) 1,020 1,249 1,941 1,010 1,067 418 1,552 8,257 Jet (A/W) 75 184 269 204 131 37 146 1,046 TOTAL 1,095 1,433 2,210 1,214 1,198 455 1,698 9,303 ATTACK Jet 114 ? ? ? 75 ? 227 416 Piston 184 ? 113 ? ? 113 113 523 TOTAL 298 ? 113 ? 75 113 340 939 LIGHT BOMBER Jet 330 400 1,039 136 245 54 734 2,938 MEDIUM BOMBER Jet ? 63 355 42 ? ? 15 475 Piston ? 83 328 83 55 ? 220 769 TOTAL ? 146 683 125 55 ? 235 1,244 HEAVY BOMBER Jet ? 8 27 ? ? ? ? 35 Turbo-prop ? ? 30 ? ? ? 30 4 TOTAL ? 8 57 ? ? ? ? 65 TRANSPORT Medium ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Light 115 155 438 381 61 58 473 1,681 TOTAL 115 155 438 381 61 58 473 1,681 HELICOPTERS Large 5 45 85 60 5 ? 35 235 RECONNAIS- SANCE Jet Fighter 51 ? 26 ? ? ? ? 77 Jet Light Bomber 68 74 185 22 45 22 90 506 Piston ? 51 8 ? 26 ? 77 162 TOTAL 119 125 219 22 71 22 167 745 UTILITY/Ln Jet Light Bomber ? 18 18 ? ' ? ? 18 54 Piston (Misc.) 14 8 29 ? ? ? 58 109 TOTAL 14 26 47 76 163 1,976 2,338 4,891 1,938 1,710 702 3,758 17,313 '4. 1 East Germany, Poland, Hungary, and Rumania. Northern, Leningrad, and White Sea Military Districts. Baltic, Belorussian, Carpathian, Kiev, Odessa, and Tauric Military Districts. 4 Moscow, South Ural, Volga, Voronezh, and Ural Military Districts. North Caucasus and Transcaucasus Military Districts. East Siberian, Turkestan, and West Siberian Military Districts. Far East and Transbaikal Military Districts. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 .15 SECRET 63 TABLE 6 ESTIMATED SOVIET ACTUAL AIRCRAFT STRENGTH BY ROLE WITHIN MAJOR COMPONENTS MID-1956 TYPE AIRCRAFT TACTICAL (FRONTAL) AVIATION FTR. AVIATION OF AIR DEFENSE LONG- RANGE AVIATION NAVAL AVIATION AVIATION OF ABN. TROOPS TOTALS FIGHTER Day 3,949 2,834 ? 1,474 8,257 A/W 396 418 ? 232 ? 1,046 TOTAL 4,345 3,252 ? 1,706 ? 9,303 ATTACK Jet 416 ? ? ? ? 416 Piston 447 ? ? 76 ? 523 TOTAL 863 76 939 LIGHT BOMBER Jet 2,285 653 2,938 MEDIUM BOMBER Jet ? ? 475 ? 475 Piston ? ? 756 13 769 TOTAL 1,231 13 1,244 HEAVY BOMBER Jet ? ? 35 ? ? 35 Turbo-prop ? ? 30 ? ? 30 TOTAL 65 65 TRANSPORT Medium ? ? ? ? Light 713 94 214 162 498 1,681 TOTAL 713 94 214 162 498 1,681 HELICOPTERS Large 50 85 100 235 RECONNAISSANCE Jet Fighter 77 ? ? ? ? 77 Jet Light Bomber 396 ? ? 110 ? 506 Piston ? ? ? 162 ? 162 TOTAL 473 272 745 UTILITY/Ln Jet ? ? 54 ? 54 Piston 100 ? ? 9 ? 109 TOTAL 100 63 163 8,829 3,346 1,510 3,030 598 17,313 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 SECRET TABLE 7 ESTIMATED SOVIET ACTUAL AIRCRAFT STRENGTHS BY ROLE WITHIN MAJOR COMPONENTS MID-1961 64 FTR. TACTICAL AVIATION LONG- AVIATION (FRONTAL) OF RANGE NAVAL OF TYPE AIRCRAFT AVIATION AIR DEFENSE AVIATION AVIATION ABN. TROOPS TOTALS FIGHTER Day 2,158 1,448 900 4,506 A/W 2,154 1,899 776 4,829 TOTAL 4,312 3,347 1,676 9,335 ATTACK Jet 869 76 945 Piston TOTAL 869 76 945 LIGHT BOMBER Jet 2,419 749 3,168 MEDIUM BOMBER Jet ? ? '700 ? ? 700 Piston ? ? ? ? ? ? TOTAL 700 700 HEAVY BOMBER dr Jet ? ? 500 ? ? 500 Turbo-prop ? ? 300 ? ? 300 TOTAL 800 800 TRANSPORT Medium Jet 58 17 25 ? ? 100 Medium Piston 57 ? ? 29 144 230 Light Piston 605 '75 185 144 345 1,354 TOTAL 720 92 210 173 489 1,684 HELICOPTERS Large 125 125 350 600 RECONNAISSANCE Jet Fighter 115 ? ? ? 115 Jet Light Bomber 490 ? ? 115 ? 605 Piston ? ? ? 172 ? 172 TOTAL 605 287 892 UTILITY/Ln fti Jet 58 ? ? 57 ? 115 Piston 86 ? ? 29 ? 115 TOTAL 144 86 230 9,194 3,439 1,710 3,172 839 18,354 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 SECRET 65 TABLE 8 ESTIMATED PERFORMANCE OF SOVIET FIGHTER AIRCRAFT Year Into AIRCRAFT Operational Combat Combat Use Maximum Speed Ceiling Radius naut. Sea Level 35,000 ft. 40,000 ft. ft. miles DAY FIGHTERS FRESCO A & B Current 620 555 552 53,900 610 FRESCO C Current 635 570 569 57,900 500 FARMER Current 695 745 605 61,400 180 1 FARMER (Improved) 1957 700 850 800 62,000 400 DF-59 1959 740 1,050 1,000 65,000 400 ALL-WEATHER FIGHTERS FRESCO D Current 635 570 569 57,700 500 FLASHLIGHT A Current 615 545 540 50,300 420 FLASHLIGHT C 1957 620 560 555 51,800 465 AWF-59 1959 740 1,050 1,000 65,000 400 'Internal fuel only. gm. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TABLE 9 ESTIMATED PERFORMANCE OF SOVIET LONG-RANGE AIRCRAFT (Calculated in accordance with US Mil-C-5011A Spec) > P P Es) < (D a_ 15 71 CD (T) a) cn (D 01 (\.) o (71.) o co o --,i . . w til 1-3 CONDITIONS BULL MODIFIED BULL BADGER 1957 2 BADGER BISON 1956 2 BISON 1961 3 BISON BEAR Combat Radius/Range (naut. miles) 2200/4300 3000/5800 2450/4800 3300/6500 2550/5000 3450/6800 540/ 1497,0500 / 41,500 43,600 2500/4700 3400/6400 2750/5300 3700/7200 2800/5600 3800/7600 540/ 19,000 475/ 44,500 46,500 3000/5600 4100/7600 3200/6300 4300/8500 3300/6500 4400/8700 145947,0050/ 0 / 46,200 49,000 3500/6600 4750 3900/7600 5300 4100/8200 5600 495/ 2 500 413,4 / 40,000 40,700 a. 25,000 lb. bomb load one refuel 1 b. 10,000 lb. bomb load one refuel c. 3,500 lb. bomb load one refuel Speed/Alt. (kn./ft.) 1700/3100 2300/4200 1950/3500 2650/4700 350/ 30,000 310/ 30,000 36,500 2000/3600 2700/4900 2300/4100 3100/5500 360/ 0,00 33400 / 35,000 37,500 1500/2900 2050/3900 1700/3400 2300/4600 545/ 12,500 475/ 41,000 45,000 1900/3700 2550/5000 2100/4200 2850/5700 550/ 1427,5000 / 43,000 46,000 a. Max. speed/ optimum alt. b. Target speed/ alt. Combat Ceiling (ft.) 1Refueling estimates based on the assumption that the USSR develops and produces compatible tankers which will provide approximately 35 percent increase in radius/range. 2 Improvements include the replacement of the 18,000 lb. thrust engines with those having a thrust of 20,500 lbs. 3 Improvements include higher thrust engines and a higher gross weight. O r i 0 7 J a 7 j 0 T1 ? w T1 w CO a) CO a) 71 0_ 71 0_ . o5 o5' _. _. oo TABLE 9 - continued > ,- > ,- 0 ' 0' 0 0-) ESTIMATED SOVIET LONG-RANGE AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE UNDER OPTIMUM MISSION PROFILE 0 (/) O)) 0) a) CD D (Calculated in accordance with US Mil-C-5011A Spec except that fuel reserves are 0) D 0 7,: reduced to permit a maximum of 30 minutes loiter at sea level, and aircraft o Rj? o (DN operate at altitudes permitting maximum radius/range) o a) 0 0 a- 0 -1 -1 . 0 01961 `< > P P Es) < a) a ah -, 70 a) (T) a) cn (I) l) ?01 _e -. N.) o o co o --,i w n 0 Pi tii q 00 -1 0 N..) p > P P Es) < a) a (3: 70 a) (T) W a) cn tli a) 0 @ Pi tt CY, H 9 N.) o o co o --,i CONDITIONS BULL MODIFIED BULL BADGER 1957 2 BADGER BISON 1956 2 BISON 1961 8 BISON BEAR 4 MEDIUM BOMBER Combat Radius/Range (naut. miles) 2500/4800 3400/6500 2800/5400 3800/7300 2900/5700 3900/7700 540/ 1497,050/0 42,400 44,600 52,600 53,200 54,600 2800/5300 3800/7200 3100/6100 4200/8200 3200/6400 4300/8600 540/ 1497'050/0 45,500 47,500 55,200 56,000 57,000 3200/6100 4300/8200 3500/6800 4700/9100 3600/7000 4954000;9400 1497,050/0 47,000 50,000 56,000 57,500 58,500 3800/7200 5100/- 4250/8300 5750/- 4500/8900 6419050:- 241,1600/0 42,100 41,300 48,200 50,200 51,200 a. 25,000 lb. bomb load one refuel' b. 10,000 lb. bomb load one refuel c. 3,500 lb. bomb load one refuel Speed/Alt. (kn./ft.) 1800/3300 2400/4500 2050/3700 2750/5000 350/ 30,000 310/ 30,000 36,500 2150/4000 2900/5400 2450/4600 3350/6200 360/ 30,000 340/ 35,000 37,500 1600/3100 2200/4200 1850/3700 2500/5000 545/ 1427,550/0 41,500 45,500 2050/4000 2750/5400 2300/4500 3100/6100 550/ 12,500 470/ 43,500 46,500 1950/4000 2200/4600 1085/ 35,000 a. Max. speed/ optimum alt. b. Target speed/ alt. Combat ceiling (ft.) 57,500 Terminal Target Altitude (ft.) 5 a. 25,000 lb. bomb load b. 10,000 lb. bomb load c. 3,500 lb. bomb load 41,500 42,000 42,500 43,000 49,500 51,000 51,500 53,000 61,000 62,500 " (See footnotes on preceding page.) 4 it is estimated that in 1961 the USSR will introduce a new medium bomber with supersonic dash capabilities (Mach 1.2-1.5). 5Service ceiling at maximum power with one hour fuel reserves plus bomb load aboard. No range figure is associated with this altitude. lialIDHS clO,L TABLE 10 ESTIMATED BLOC NAVAL FORCES, MID-1956, MID-1961 MODERN VESSELS 2 FLEET BALTIC NORTHERN BLACK SEA PACIFIC TOTALS BLOC TOTAL COUNTRY USSR Satellites USSR USSR Satellites USSR Communist China' USSR Communist China Satellites & Ships '56 '61 '56 '61 '56 '61 '56 '61 '56 '61 '56 '61 '56 '61 '56 '61 '56 '61 '56 '61 s) MAJOR SURFACE VESSELS (D Heavy Cruisers 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 6 2 0 0 6 2 Light Cruisers 8 10 0 0 5 9 5 8 0 0 2 7 1 0 20 34 1 0 21 34 0 2 cn Destroyers 51 45 1 0 29 42 28 36 1 1 33 49 4 4 141 172 6 5 147 177 Escort Destroyers 14 16 0 6 11 20 14 31 0 0 26 34 0 0 65 101 0 6 65 107 Li TOTAL (MAJOR VESSELS) 75 71 1 6 45 71 49 75 1 1 63 92 5 4 232 309 7 11 239 320 CI (S1 ' 1-3 18 MINOR SURFACE VESSELS TOTAL 903 1,000 90 169 198 225 194 215 66 66 386 400 204 204 1,681 1,840 360 439 2,041 2,279 co SUBMARINES' Long Range' 40 150 0 0 85 270 55 103 0 0 22 120 0 0 202 643 0 0 202 643 Long Range 11 0 0 0 13 0 1 0 0 0 7 0 4 0 32 0 4 0 36 0 Medium Range' 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22' 162' 0 0 22 162 Medium Range 9 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 10 4 0 0 10 4 Short Range 31 21 6 6 0 0 14 3 0 0 28 18 4 4 73 42 10 10 83 52 TOTAL (SUB- MARINES) 94 178 6 6 98 270 70 106 0 0 58 138 8 4 339 851 14 10 353 861 (See footnotes on following page.) C7) 00 LallOaS c10,1, TABLE 10 ? Continued ESTIMATED BLOC NAVAL FORCES, MID-1956, MID-19611 OVERAGE VESSELS 2 FLEET BALTIC NORTHERN BLACK SEA .. PACIFIC TOTALS BLOC TOTAL COUNTRY USSR Satellites USSR USSR Satellites Communist USSR China 4 Satellites & China USSR Communist Ships '56 '61 '56 '61 '56 '61 '56 '61 '56 '61 '56 '61 '56 '61 '56 '61 '56 '61 '56 '61 OVERAGE MAJOR SURFACE VESSELS Battleships/Monitors 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 4 4 Heavy Cruisers 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 Light Cruisers 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 1 2 3 Destroyers 1 15 1 2 3 7 2 7 5 4 2 11 0 0 8 40 6 6 14 46 TOTAL (OVERAGE MAJOR VESSELS) 4 20 1 2 3 7 5 12 5 4 2 11 0 1 14 50 6 7 20 57 OVERAGE SUBMARINES Long Range 8 11 0 0 16 17 10 2 0 0 9 3 0 4 43 33 0 4 43 37 Medium Range 3 6 3 1 0 0 8 1 3 2 18 0 4 4 29 7 10 7 39 14 Short Range 11 10 0 0 5 , 3 10 11 3 3 8 0 1 0 34 24 4 3 38 27 TOTAL (OVERAGE SUBMARINES) 22 27 3 1 21 20 28 14 6 5 35 3 5 8 106 64 14 14 120 78 1Does not take into account the possible effect on the naval forces of the announced Soviet force reductions. See paragraph 121. 2 Modern vessels include surface ships 20 years of age and less (from date of completion), and submarines 14 years of age and less. Over- age vessels include surface ships more than 20 years of age, and submarines 15-20 years of age. Submarines are excluded entirely from- the estimated future order of battle at 20 years. Surface vessels are not excluded because of age. These are included until it becomes apparent that they are no longer fulfilling type assignments, at which time they are assigned to the Miscellaneous Auxiliary (AG) cate- gory. 3 Construction rates of minor combatant vessels are uncertain and probably will be limited to only slightly more vessels than will be needed to fulfill replacement needs. 4 There is no reliable information upon which to estimate future augmentation to the Chinese Communist Navy. The Chinese Communists do have a significant shipbuilding capacity and this factor should be considered when analyzing mid-1961 estimates. 1 For a discussion of the factors which may affect future Soviet submarine strength, see paragraph 124. Includes 19 unassigned in 1956. ' Includes 159 unassigned in 1961. 'Postwar design and construction. laHoas clOI C.O Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 SECRET 70 TABLE 11 ESTIMATED PRODUCTION OF MAJOR GROUND FORCE WEAPONS 1956-1961 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 Medium Tanks 4,000 4,000 2,5001 3,500 4,000 4,000 Heavy Tanks 800 800 800 800 3001 500 Assault Guns SU - 85 300 450 450 450 600 600 SU - 122 600 600 800 800 800 800 SU - 152 400 400 200 0 0 0 Amphibious Tanks 150 300 300 0 0 0 Light Tanks 100 250 350 350 300 300 57-mm AA 1,500 1,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 85-mm AA 0 0 0 0 0 0 100-mm AA- 1,000 1,000 500 250 250 250 122-mm AA 150 150 150 100 100 100 57-mm Self-propelled Anti-Tank 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 85-mm M 1945 2,000 1,000 500 500 500 500 85-mm Self-propelled Anti-Tank 500 750 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 100-mm M 1955 2,000 4,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 122-mm M 1954 500 500 500 500 500 500 122-mm M 1955 200 300 500 500 500 500 122-mm Howitzer 2 500 200 200 200 200 200 152-mm Howitzer M 1955 100 200 500 500 500 500 152-mm Gun-howitzer 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 203-mm Howitzer 0 0 0 0 0 0 203-mm Gun-howitzer M 1955 100 150 200 200 100 100 Mortars 82-mm 2,000 1,000 500 500 500 500 120-mm 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 160-mm (new) 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 240-mm 250 300 300 300 300 300 'Indicates estimated introduction of a new model. 'Probably will be replaced by a new model of approximately same caliber. If so, production will be in- creased in later portion of period. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 SECRET 71 TABLE 12 AIRCRAFT PRODUCTION IN SOVIET BLOC AND NATO COUNTRIES 1946-1955 1946- 1951 1952- 1955 POST- WAR TOTAL SOVIET BLOC Fighters (Units) 20,371 18,630 39,001 Bombers (Units) 8,432 5,941 14,373 All Others (Units) 28,190 16,261 44,451 Total Aircraft Production 311 304 615 Wt. (million pounds) NATO Fighters (Units) 14,746 22,302 37,048 Bombers (Units) 3,431 5,954 9,385 All Others (Units) 85,429 38,928 124,357 Total Aircraft Production 337 629 966 Wt. (million pounds) TABLE 13 AIRCRAFT PRODUCTION IN USSR AND US 1946-1955 1946-1951 1952-1955 Postwar Total Units Weight 1 Units Weight1 Units Weight USSR Fighters 19,872 83,411 . 16,776 97,778 36,648 181,189 Bombers 8,432 138,391 5,198 121,721 13,630 260,112 All Others 26,000 84,265 13,553 46,895 39,553 131,160 US Fighters 8,116 53,057 15,245 144,435 23,361 197,492 Bombers 2,626 64,497 5,168 145,085 7,794 209,582 All Others 73,464 117,594 31,097 240,012 104,561 357,606 ? 'Airframe weight is in thousands of pounds. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 A ? g? ? Bombers SECRET 72 TABLE 14 ESTIMATED SOVIET BLOC AIRCRAFT PRODUCTION 1955 THROUGH 1961 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 USSR 1,239 1,153 857 1,412 1,278 876 739 Heavy 31 114 292 351 188 167 172 Medium 381 499 180 180 180 177 20 Lt/Attack 827 540 385 881 910 532 547 Fighters 3,800 3,509 4,059 4,447 3,383 3,133 4,327 All Others Fighters All Others Bombers 3,597 3,425 3,580 3,658 3,658 3,583 3,583 SATELLITES 659 402 - 450 823 960 960 960 1,100 1,146 1,295 1,390 1,404 1,416 1,416 TOTAL SOVIET BLOC 1,239 1,153 857 1,412 1,278 876 '739 Heavy 31 114 292 351 188 167 172 Medium 381 499 180 180 180 177 20 Lt/Attack 827 540 385 881 910 532 547 Fighters 4,459 3,911 4,509 5,270 4,343 4,093 5,287 All Others 4,697 4,571 4,875 5,048 5,062 4,999 4,999 TABLE 15 ESTIMATED TOTAL USSR NAVAL VESSEL CONSTRUCTION, 1956-1961 Major Surface Vessels 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 Cruisers 3 3 2 2 2 2 Destroyers 16 16 8 8 8 8 Escort Destroyers 10 10 6 6 6 6 Minor Surface Vessels 1 20+ 20+ 20+ 20+ 20+ 20+ Submarines (Long Range) 90 105 75 75 75 75 (Medium Range) 18 26 30 30 30 30 I It is unrealistic to estimate exactly the future building rate of minor surface vessels, but it will be ade- quate to replace existing units as they become obsolete or are transferred to the Satellites or to Com- munist China. Building activity in the smaller yards is constant and indicates a gradual build-up of minor surface vessels in the Soviet Navy. This gradual build-up is represented in round figures in Table 10. SECRET I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: ICIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 LO/8O/ 1.0Z -1A-09 ? TABLE 16 ESTIMATED COMPOSITION OF BLOC MERCHANT FLEETS MID-1956 - MID-1961 (Ocean-going vessels, 1,000 G.R.T. and up) NORTHERN FLEET Mid-1956 USSR SATELLITE TOTAL Non-Tanker No. GRT 87 Tanker No. GRT 6 Total No. GRT 93 Non-Tanker No. GRT Tanker No. GRT Total No. GRT Non-Tanker No. GRT 87 Tanker No. GRT 6 Total No. GRT 93 233,375 7,485 240,860 233,375 7,485 240,860 Mid-1957 107 6 113 107 6 113 291,436 7,485 298,921 291,436 7,485 298,921 Mid-1958 117 6 123 117 6 123 336,246 7,485 343,731 336,246 7,485 343,731 Mid-1959 119 6 125 119 6 125 cI 343,246 7,485 350,731 343,246 7,485 350,731 CD Mid-1960 121 6 127 121 6 127 tmj CD 350,246 7,485 357,731 350,246 7,485 357,731 n Mid-1961 123 6 129 123 6 129 W 357,246 7,485 364,731 357,246 7,485 364,731 Li 1-3 1-3 BALTIC FLEET USSR SATELLITE 1 TOTAL Non-Tanker Tanker Total Non-Tanker Tanker Total Non-Tanker Tanker Total No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. GRT GRT GRT GRT GRT GRT GRT GRT GRT Mid-1956 157 11 168 82 2 84 239 13 252 479,389 16,733 496,122 318,958 12,462 331,420 798,347 29,195 827,542, Mid-1957 166 11 177 96 2 98 262 13 275 511,235 16,733 527,968 388,515 12,462 400,977 899,750 29,195 928,945 Mid-1958 170 11 181 106 2 108 276 13 289 528,591 16,733 545,324 430,190 12,462 442,652 958,781 29,195 987,976 Mid-1959 173 11 184 118 2 120 291 13 304 538,147 16,733 554,880 482,181 12,462 494,643 1,020,328 29,195 1,049,523 Mid-1960 176 11 187 129 2 131 305 13 318 547,703 16,733 564,436 530,356 12,462 542,818 1,078,059 29,195 1,107,254 Mid-1961 179 11 190 140 2 142 319 13 332 557,259 16,733 573,992 581,007 12,462 593,469 1,138,266 29,195 1,167,461 1 Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia C+3 LO/8O/ 1.0Z -1A-09 ? C/1 t'll 0 P:1 tri 1-3 USSR TABLE 16 - Continued BLACK SEA FLEET TOTAL w Lzi 0 W tli 1-3 -0 CI 0) 0 (III o 0 o CD CD_ 7:1 CD CT) (1) CD 01 _10) CO SATELLITE a Non-Tanker No. GRT Mid-1956 111 385,911 Mid-1957 116 397,981 Mid-1958 119 405,651 Mid-1959 122 433,238 Mid-1960 124 438,708 Mid-1961 126 444,178 Tanker No. GRT 43 288,223 47 320,223 53 380,223 59 440,223 65 500,223 71 560,223 Total No. GRT 154 674,134 163 718,204 172 785,874 181 873,461 189 938,931 197 1,004,401 Non-Tanker Tanker No. No. GRT GRT 17 50,008 Total No. GRT 17 50,008 19 54,208 21 58,408 23 62,608 25 66,808 26 68,008 Non-Tanker No. GRT 128 435,919 135 452,189 140 464,059 145 495,846 149 . 505,516 152 512,186 Tanker No. GRT 43 288,223 47 320,223 53 380,223 59 440,223 65 500,223 71 560,223 Total No. GRT 171 724,142 182 772,412 193 844,282 204 936,069 214 1,005,739 223 1,072,409 19 54,208 21 58,408 23 62,608 25 66,808 26 68,008 2 Bulgaria, Hungary, Rumania USSR , FAR EAST FLEET TOTAL COMMUNIST CHINA Non-Tanker No. GRT Tanker No. GRT Total No. GRT Non-Tanker Tanker No. No. GRT GRT Total No. GRT Non-Tanker No. GRT Tanker No. GRT Total No. GRT Mid-1956 348 19 367 108 10 118 456 29 485 1,180,354 63,805 1,244,159 280,678 13,834 294,512 1,461,032 77,639 1,538,671 Mid-1957 372 19 391 118 13 131 490 32 522 1,256,174 63,805 1,319,979 305,148 23,084 328,232 1,561,322 86,889 1,648,211 Mid-1958 381 19 400 125 14 139 506 33 539 1,283,674 63,805 1,347,479 325,980 25,934 351,914 1,609,654 89,739 1,699,393 Mid-1959 386 19 405 128 15 143 514 34 548 1,289,674 63,805 1,353,479 332,480 28,784 361,264 1,622,154 92,589 1,714,743 Mid-1960 391 19 410 131 16 147 522 35 557 1,295,674 63,805 1,359,479 338,980 31,634 370,614 1,634,654 95,439 1,730,093 Mid-1961 396 19 415 134 17 151 530 36 566 1,301,674 63,805 1,365,479 345,480 34,484 379,964 1,647,154 98,289 1,745,443 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET APPENDIX B ESTIMATED SOVIET TOTAL DEFENSE EXPENDITURES, 1950-1961 1. The estimates of Soviet total defense ex- penditures contained in Paragraph 37 are based on a study conducted by the IAC Ad Hoc Military Cost Study Committee., 2 This study has been undertaken for three major purposes. The first is to measure over time the economic burden placed on the USSR by its defense establishment through calculation of a ruble total which can be compared with gross national product. The second is to examine these expenditures in detail in order to permit closer analysis of the composition and trends within this total. The third is to measure the dollar value of Soviet defense "The Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, De- partment of the Army, does not consider the costs derived in the interagency study to be a valid appraisal of the over-all costs of the Soviet military effort and does not concur in the find- ings of the study. He believes that its basic weakness is a lack of sufficient information, pointing out that few current prices are avail- able for items procured by the Soviet armed forces and arguing that the derivation of prices by the indirect methods employed is too inaccu- rate. He further believes that the evidence as to whether the armed forces do or do not pay the turn-over tax is not conclusive. Lastly, he regards the information available on costs of such important programs as guided missiles, atomic energy, and research and development as almost nil. 2 The Director of Naval Intelligence believes that although the text states: (a) the results of this analysis are tentative and subject to error, (b) important gaps remain in statistical data avail- able, particularly in the military sector, and (c) the comparison of the value of defense ex- penditures in the USSR and the US may be a crude one, the discussion as a whole gives an impression of reliability which is more favor- able than the methods and information used can justify. Because of the tenuous nature of much of the evidence used and other important defi- ciencies in intelligence, he believes that conclu- sions drawn from this study may not be valid, and that comparisons between USSR and US de- fense expenditures should be used with caution. 75 expenditures in order to obtain some com- parison, albeit a crude one, of the value of defense expenditures in the USSR and the US. 2. The estimates presented here include all known Soviet defense expenditures, irrespec- tive of whether these expenditures are made from the announced military budget or from other sources. For purposes of this study, total expenditures have been categorized as follows: a. Major programs, consisting of tanks, artillery, weapons, ammunition, construction and refitting of naval vessels, mines, torpe- does, military aircraft, aerial bombs, ground radar, guided missiles, atomic energy, military research and development, communication facilities and equipment, and associated initial and operating spare parts; b. Support, consisting of a variety of main- tenance, operating and training expenses, such as for POL, purchased transportation, construction for the maintenance and replace- ment of facilities (including barracks) , a variety of heterogeneous equipment, civilian pay, medical supplies, printing and publish- ing, retirement pay, personnel costs for cer- tain KGB personnel, and the support of DOSAAF (paramilitary activities) ; and c. Military personnel, consisting of the pay and allowances, food, clothing and miscellane- ous personnel supplies for the active uni- formed personnel of the Ministry of Defense, the militarized components of the MVD, and the reserve program. 3. Because the analysis was conducted in far greater detail than previous work in this field and took into account many factors not pre- viously examined, we believe that the results are considerably better grounded than our earlier estimates. Nevertheless, they remain tentative and subject to error. While a pre- TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET 76 cise margin of error cannot be determined, it is unlikely that it exceeds 25 percent in either direction for total expenditures or the major subtotals. Furthermore, several compensat- ing tendencies serve to reduce the margin of error associated with total expenditures, per- haps to as low as plus or minus 10 percent. 4. The ruble totals are the sums of individual estimates of the value of as complete a list of defense goods and services as possible. These individual estimates are in turn, with some exceptions, the result of applying ruble prices obtained directly or derived in a num- ber of ways to physical estimates of goods and services devoted to defense purposes. The re- liability of the results is therefore affected by the reliability both of the estimates of the physical quantities and the prices applied to them. On the first count, there is some evi- dence to suggest that physical estimates of end-item procurement have tended to be high but that military manpower may have been understated in recent years (see Paragraph 96 of estimate). On the second count, the four basic valuation procedures employed, listed in descending order of reliability, are as follows: a. Application of ruble prices obtained di- rectly from Soviet sources. The major items valued in this fashion are personnel pay, sub- sistence, and clothing; automotive equipment and tractors; petroleum products; transporta- tion; construction; some miscellaneous sup- plies and services; civilian wages; pensions; reserves; MVD-KGB personnel costs; and some research and development. b. Use of a small sample of ruble prices to obtain ruble/dollar ratios which were then used to convert dollar prices of other items back into rubles. For example, if comparable medium tanks cost 225,000 rubles in the USSR and 50,000 dollars in the US, the re- sulting 4.5/1 ruble/dollar ratio was applied to the US heavy tank price of 105,000 dollars to obtain a value of 472,500 rubles for the com- parable Soviet heavy tank. This procedure was used in the valuation of aircraft, ship- building, and armored vehicles. c. The third procedure is actually a sub- category of the second but is distinguished here because the smaller price samples avail- able probably result in lower reliability. Items in this category are communications equip- ment and installations, ammunition, elec- tronics, and certain weapons (principally towed artillery, small arms, and mortars). d. In those cases in which physical esti- mates were not available or for which prices could not be obtained, values were estimated by the use of partial Soviet data and modified US values or factors, which were converted to rubles by estimated ruble/dollar ratios. This procedure was used to value atomic energy, guided missiles, some research and develop- ment, some equipment spares, and other mis- cellaneous items. 5. Table I shows the share of estimated total defense expenditures accounted for by each of these four types of valuation procedures in 1950, 1955, and 1961. It will be evident that, apart from the effect of possible errors in physical estimates, which become more likely for future years, the reliability of the final result also declines over the period because items which must be valued by less reliable procedures acquire increasing importance in total expenditures. TABLE I Share of Estimated Total Defense Expenditures Obtained by Various Valuation Procedures 1950 1955 1961 Type 1 60 48 41 Type 2 22 27 31 Type 3 7 8 6 Type 4 11 17 22 Total 100 100 100 6. In order to permit comparison with gross national product, total defense expenditures originally calculated in 1951 rubles (see Table II) have to be expressed in terms of 1953 rubles at factor cost 3 and adjusted slightly The valuation basis for the original derivation of the various series was 1951 market prices. These series were then converted to 1953 factor costs by two adjustments. The first of these, to obtain 1953 market prices, was accomplished by applying the following indexes (1951 = 100) : (a) For military pay, MVD-KGB pay, and pensions ? none. (Footnote continued on page 77) TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET over time to account for the changes in rela- tive prices which are considered in the calcu- lation of GNP growth. The results of this computation are 110 billion rubles in 1950, 151 billion in 1955, and 204 billion in 1961, indicating that defense expenditures absorbed about 14 percent of GNP in 1950 and the same share in 1955 and will take about 13 percent in 1961. 7. In Table II, total defense expenditures in 1951 rubles are broken down into categories which show the cost of various types of mili- tary activities and variations in the relative importance of these activities over time. 8. The series reflects an over-all 37 percent in- crease between 1955 and 1961 with a sharply rising trend for the years 1955 through 1958, when the total cost reaches 204 billion 1951 rubles. Beginning with 1958 the series re- mains relatively constant at about 200 billion rubles for two years until 1960, when another sharp .rise begins, reaching about 230 billion rubles in 1961. 9. Over the period, procurement (including spare parts) for major programs increases more rapidly than the total. In 1955 this category accounts for 90 billion rubles, or 54 percent of the total. By 1961 this same cate- gory increases to 143 billion rubles, or 62 per- cent of total defense expenditure. Among the major programs, ground equipment expendi- tures display relative constancy through the period 1955-1961, reflecting the continuing modernization of forces which have already (Footnote continued from page 76) (b) For food ? a retail food price index of 78. (c) For clothing ? a retail price index of 95. (d) For reserve pay ? a money wage index of 106. (e) For all other categories (including mili- tary hard goods) ? an investment cost index of 95. The second adjustment, 1953 market prices into 1953 factor costs, was made by reducing the per- tinent categories ? food, clothing, and POL ? by 18 percent. The values of these categories are first reduced by 50 percent to remove the turnover tax. The result is then increased by two-thirds to account for imputed factor re- turns. Since wholesale prices were used for these goods in this study, the appropriate de- duction is slightly larger. 77 attained considerable size. The fairly level trend for the naval program is due primarily to growing expenditures on submarines coun- terbalanced by declining expenditures on sur- face vessels. During the same period the air equipment and the "other" category (which includes guided missiles, atomic energy, and research and development) show significant increases, 101 percent and 81 percent respec- tively. Support expenditures increase 26 per- cent during the period, from 23 billion rubles in 1955 to 29 billion rubles in 1961, and ac- count for a relatively constant share of 13 percent of total defense expenditures. Per- sonnel expenditures show only a modest eight percent increase and therefore decline as a share of total expenditures from 32 percent in 1955 to 25 percent in 1961. 10. As was mentioned in Paragraph 3 above, the strength estimates which were used as the basis for personnel costs in Table II for the years 1951-1954 were probably too low. Fur- thermore, at least some portion of the an- nounced Soviet personnel cut of 640,000 men probably took place during 1955. It also ap- pears that military end-item procurement may have been overestimated for the 1954- 1956 period. 11. In addition, the calculations in Table II are incomplete in two other respects, the effects of the reduction in military manpower discussed in Paragraphs 97-100 and the esti- mated costs of the guided missile program. At minimum, the announced reduction of 1.2 million men, if carried out, would lead to a reduction in direct personnel costs (pay, food, clothing, etc.). Depending on whether the cut were made on a slice or largely on a cadre basis, the result would be an ultimate reduc- tion in annual expenditures of from 11.5 to 9.5 billion 1951 rubles. To this should prob- ably be added a reduction in operating costs and probably some decrease in procurement. However, in the absence of information con- cerning the details of the reduction, these amounts cannot be estimated with any pre- cision. Again depending on various assump- tions as to how the cut would be made, the reduction in annual expenditures for other than for personnel might range between 5.5 TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 a. TOP SECRET 78 TABLE II COMPOSITION OF ESTIMATED TOTAL DEFENSE EXPENDITURES 1950-1961 (Billion 1951 Rubles) 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 MAJOR PROGRAMS 53.5 61.1 63.2 67.2 75.2 90.2 100.8 111.1 119.7 122.2 134.9 142.6 Ground 12.7 13.4 14.9 15.3 15.3 15.2 15.2 14.6 14.7 14.9 14.8 15.0 Naval 10.9 10.5 9.0 10.6 13.4 15.4 15.9 17.2 13.8 14.0 14.2 14.5 Air 14.5 19.9 19.0 18.8 20.2 26.1 30.0 39.6 45.1 40.0 47.0 52.4 Other 15.4 17.3 20.3 22.5 26.3 33.5 39.7 39.7 46.1 53.3 58.9 60.7 SUPPORT 18.6 19.5 20.6 21.8 22.5 23.0 24.6 25.9 26.8 27.8 28.3 29.0 MILITARY PERSONNEL 50.2 51.5 52.2 52.5 53.8 54.2 55.9 56.6 57.2 57.6 58.1 58.3 Pay 25.1 25.9 26.3 26.4 27.2 27.4 28.6 29.1 29.5 29.8 30.0 30.1 Other 25.1 25.6 25.9 26.1 26.6 26.8 27.3 27.5 27.7 27.8 28.1 28.2 TOTAL" 122.3 132.1 136.0 141.5 151.5 167.4 181.3 193.6 203.7 207.6 221.3 229.9 a See Paragraph 2 above for definitions of categories. 'The calculations made in the basic study and presented in this table were obtained in terms of 1951 prices. Since comparison with gross national product required conversion to 1953 factor costs, the total in this table differs from the total expenditures-given in connection with GNP in Paragraph 6 above. TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET and 8.5 billion 1951 rubles for a total range of from 15 to 20 billion 1951 rubles. 4 12. Recent unofficial Soviet statements have associated a 15 percent cut in budgeted mili- tary expenditures with the recent announce- ment of manpower reductions. This amount, 15.3 billion 1956 rubles, falls roughly in the center of the range given above, which is from 13 to 17 billion rubles when converted from 1951 to 1956 rubles. 13. We believe that something like 17 billion 1951 rubles is a better estimate of the ulti- mate annual savings from the reductions con- sequent upon a manpower cut of 1.2 million than the smaller amount based on personnel costs alone. If, then, these reductions are carried out on schedule, the projection in Table II should be lowered by this amount an- nually in 1958-1961 and by smaller amounts in 1956 and 1957. 14. On the other hand, an increase in the estimated costs of the guided missiles program is likely in the near future. The present esti- mates are taken from NIE 11-6-54 (5 October 1954) and NIE 11-5-55 (12 July 1955) and run from 2.0 billion 1951 rubles in 1954 and 4.3 billion in 1955, to 13.0 billion in 1960, and 9.0 billion in 1961. New estimates, however, are currently being developed for NIE 11-5- 56, and preliminary results suggest that sub- stantial upward revisions may occur. 15. The combined result of these two factors cannot be predicted, but it is clear that they will offset each other to some extent. For this reason, we do not feel that the error in estimated total expenditures which results from the omission of these two factors vitiates the usefulness of the result. Introduction of these factors into Table II would, of course, significantly alter the pattern of costs shown there, particularly as between major programs and military personnel. 16. For purposes of comparison with the US, estimated Soviet defense expenditures have been converted to dollars and presented in The range in the footnote to Paragraph 37, 13- 18 billion rubles, expresses these same amounts in 1953 factor costs in order to achieve com- parability with the GNP calculations. 79 Table III in order to indicate the costs which the US would incur in reproducing the Soviet defense effort. The results show that the dollar value of total Soviet expenditures was 93 percent above US defense expenditures in 1950, that US rearmament closed this gap and put US expenditures 35 percent above the So- viet estimate in 1952, that the continued growth of Soviet expenditures and a decline in US expenditures produced virtual equality in 1955, and that the dollar value of estimated Soviet expenditures will rise to $48 billion in 1961. TABLE III Dollar Value of US and Estimated USSR Defense Expenditures, 1950-1961 Billion 1955 Dollars Year 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 US USSR 15 22 42 48 44 38 36 38 29 31 31 33 35 37 40 41 43 44 46 48 17. In Table IV, Soviet and US defense ex- penditures in 1955 for major programs, sup- port, and military personnel are compared in dollar terms. Expenditures for major pro- grams, consisting mainly of hard goods pro- curement, are virtually equal, although pro- curement has a considerably different prod- uct composition in the two countries. The lower Soviet value for support reflects pri- marily the lower civilian wage bill resulting from estimates of less extensive maintenance and operating practices in the USSR as well as the extra costs incurred by the US by virtue of its overseas bases. Since Soviet military manpower exceeded US manpower in 1955, application of US costs per man in both coun- tries results in a higher dollar value for Soviet military personnel costs. TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 TOP SECRET 80 TABLE IV Dollar Value of US and Estimated USSR Defense Expenditures in 1955 " Billion 1955 Dollars US USSR Major Programs 17.4 16.4 Support 9.7 4.4 Military Personnel 10.7 16.6 Total 37.8 37.4 See Paragraph 2 above for definitions of cate- gories. US data have been arranged in as com- parable a fashion as possible. Or TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4 --r-o-LaTsEcRol' )E,,NTIA111 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP79R01012A006600040012-4