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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A005800020010-7 [COMMAND NAME--'The SING PAO DAILY NEWS--believed to havt the largest circulation of all Chinese dailies in Hong Kong--said Oct. 25 that the new name for the U.S. Command in Formosa was badly chosen and gave the Chinese Communists more ammuniT0E-in theiTpropaganda attacks on the United States. The paper said that new name 'U.S. alwan Defense Command, tended to suggest that Taiwan was part of American territory. The paper said if 'U.S. Taiwan' meant the United States and China, then the Americans should not use the word Taiwan in this connection. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A005800020010-7 - BBB 1 - CHINA NON-CO&UNIST Oct. 26 1955 CHIANG: REPAY DEBT TO MAINLAND PEOPLE Review 0 this det 1 .0, It w,s?not mg of CIA interest Taipei, AFP, in English Morse to Agency Offices, Oct. 25 1955, OMMT--VIT Dee ? (Excerpt) Taipei, Oct. 25--President Chiang Kai-shek today urged the 8 million Tav:.wan population to repay the sacred debt owed to the mainland people who liberated them 10 years ago from the yoke of Japanese occupation in striving for the freedom of the mainland Chinese now under the Communist yoke. Speaking at an impressive mass manifestation of allegiance, Free China's leader said: We must recall that it was the people on the mainland who 10 years ago sacrificed much to save you. Today, the province of Taiwan is enjoying freedom, equality, security, and happiness, and the people on the mainland are living under conditions 10 times, 100 times, nay, 1,000 times worse than your plight 10 years ago. They are staring at us with both eyes. They want us to deliver them from Communist tyranny. Don't forget the mainland brothers. They saved you years ago. We must liberate them. We must, in Taiwan, work hard, as they did 10 years ago. We must unite, observe the law, and obey the dictates of President Chiang Kai-shek concluded his address from the presidential mansion by saying: "I firmly believe that in the .nearest future we shall accomplish our task of restoring the mainland to the Chinese rule. Previously, President Chiang Kai-shek received a pledge of allegiance handed to him on behalf of the entire 8 million Taiwan Population by Provincial Assembly Speaker Huang Chao-ching and speakers of the 21 city and hsien councils. The oath, written on a scroll, said: The people of Taiwan want to unite our hearts and strengthen under your wise and enlightened leadership, and ye shall disown any one who may share a different purpose with us. We--representing the people of Taiwan--hereby present this oath to show our allegiance, so that it will be lived up to forever; and may our words go down in history as our solemn pledge of this memorable day.'. - 0 - Declassified and Approved ForRelease2013/06/04 : CIA-RDP79R01012A005800020010-7 - BBB 2 4- CHINA: NON-COMMUNIST Oct. 26, 1955 'At the very time when the Americans are calling on the Chinese Communists to abandon the use of force in the Formosan Straits they set up this new command in Taiwan, thereby giving the Chinese Communists something with which to attack them,' the newspaper said. 'The Americans have themselves tb blame for this badly chosen name because the very name suggests that it is a battle command and it is set up in anticipation of trouble in the Formosan Straits.'" (Hong Kong, AFP, English, Oct. 25, 1955, 1132 GT--d) ITALIAN MISSION--A group of 14 Italian professors, journalists, writers, ( and painters, including a woman, arrived in Hong Kong Oct. 25 after a visit - to Communist China. :As members-of a 2U-man .cultural delegation, they Isent-:i to Peking on Sept. 24 at the invitation of the Chinese Institute for Promotion of Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries. The leader of the delegation, Prof. PIETRO CALAMANDREI, said his group made two proposals on cultural exchange which received sympathetic support from the Chinese. One proposal was for immediate exchange of scientific publications, becks, ) scientific information, artistic troupes, and exhibitions of paintings' and 1, films. .The second proposal dealt with exchange of professors but this, Calamandrei added, could not be realized before normalizationIffrelations between Italy and China. (Hong Kong, AFP, English, Oct. 25) 1955, 1118 GMT--W) U.N. POWER BLOCS--The greatest hurdle in the way of peace making activities of the U.N. organization is the existence of power blocs, saidB, ADARKAR, Indian Government Commissioner in Hong Kong when he spoke at a public mectim Oct. 24 sponsored by the U.N. Association of Hong Kong to mark the tenth anniversary of the U.N. organization. Adarkar said the existence of power blocs was "indeed an unfortunate development" but it must be remembered; he added, that it was nota result of U.N. Activities. The emergence of power blocs he explained, was, a continuation of the balance of power doctrine which had prevailed in international politics for many decades. Adarkar stressed the achievements of the United Nations as an instrument of peace and said the anniversary was a fitting time for all ditizensof the United Nations to 'declare our unflinching loyalty to this organization; which was the only hope for mankind for its surviVal." (Hong Kong,' AFP, English, Oct. 25, 1955, 1123 .GMT--W) RECOGNITION OF VIETNAM--The Chinese Nationalist Government is expected to extend formal recognition to the new Vietnam Republic Oct. 26 when President Ngo Dinh Diem proclaims the new republic as a result of the Oct, 23 referendum. The step will be taken in line with the established nationalist policy of joining all resolutely anti-Communist nations such as the Philippines, South Korea, and South Vietnam against Communist infiltration, according to "reliable sources. . (Taipei, AFP, English, Oct. 25, 1955 1000 GMT--W) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A005800020010-7