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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 L lora irAu. 71 IE 12-54 24 August 1954 fgEORIEf 11013 NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE ESTIMATE NUMBER 12-54 (Supersedes NIE-87) PROBABLE DEVELOPMENTS IN THE EUROPEAN SATELLITES THROUGH MID-1956 Z:T1 I; tcrq .; t . Submitted by the DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE The following intelligence organizations participated in the preparation of this estimate: The Central Intelligence Agency and the intelligence organizations of the Departments of State, the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, and The-Joint Staff. Concurred in by the INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE on 24 August 1954. Concurring were the Special Assistant, Intelligence, Department of State; the Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2, Department of the Army; the Director of Naval Intelligence; the Director of Intelligence, USAF; the Deputy Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff; the Atomic Energy Commission Representative to the IAC. The Assistant to the Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation, abstained, the subject being outside of its jurisdiction. 1 3c1 COPY N0.182 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, ONE ...TENT NO. IALNO .CHANCE IN CLASS. 0 DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: IS S NEXT REVIEW DATE: ?f,c:1/....%:S? .01 AUTH: HR 70-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A0039000-10001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 DISSEMINATION NOTICE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 1. This estimate was disseminated by the Central Intelligence Agency. This copy Is for the information and use of the recipient indicated on the front cover and of per- sons under his jurisdiction on a need to know basis. Additional essential dissemination may be authorized by the following officials within their respective departments: a. Special Assistant to the Secretary for Intelligence, for the Department of State b. Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2, for the Department of the Army c. Director of Naval Intelligence, for the Department of the Navy d. Director of Intelligence, USAF, for the Department of the Air Force e. Deputy Director for Intelligence, Joint Staff, for the Joint Staff f. Director of Intelligence, AEC, for the Atomic Energy Commission g. Assistant to the Director, FBI, for the Federal Bureau of Investigation h. Assistant Director for Collection and Dissemination, CIA, for any other De- partment or Agency 2. This copy may be retained, or destroyed by burning in accordance with appli- cable security regulations, or returned to the Central Intelligence Agency by arrange- ment with the Office of Collection and Dissemination, CIA. 3. When an estimate is disseminated overseas, the overseas recipients may retain It for a period not in excess of one year. At the end of this period, the estimate should either be destroyed, returned to the forwarding agency, or permission should be re- quested of the forwarding agency to retain it in accordance with IAC-D-69/2, 22 June 1953. WARNING This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws, Title 18, USC, Secs. 793 and 794, the trans- mission or revelation of which in any manner than unauthorized person is prohibited by law. DISTRIBUTION: White House National Security Council Department of State Department of Defense Foreign Operations Administration Operations Coordinating Board Atomic Energy Commission Federal Bureau of Investigation United States Information Agency Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 I fru. corrhaaivEgo... PROBABLE DEVELOPMENTS IN THE EUROPEAN SATELLITES THROUGH MID-1956 THE PROBLEM To estimate the current situation and probable developments in the European Satellites through mid-1956. CONCLUSIONS 1. The Kremlin almost certainly regards the maintenance of the Soviet position in Eastern Europe as essential for: (a) safe- guarding the military security of the USSR through possession of advanced bases and defensive positions outside So- viet frontiers; (b) adding to the economic and military resources of the USSR; (c) upholding the prestige of the USSR in its role as leader of the world Communist movement; and (d) checking the re- emergence of a powerful Germany allied with the West. We believe, therefore, that the Kremlin will continue to push for- ward its long-term plans for integration of the Satellite countries into the Soviet ,qystem, though almost -certainly not, dur- ing the period of this estimate, to the point of outright incorporation into the USSR. 2. The emergence of a new leadership in Moscow has not weakened Soviet control over the Satellites. This control remains virtually complete and is unlikely to di- minish or to be successfully challenged from within during the period of this esti- As used in this paper, the term "Satellites" means "European Satellites" and includes East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Ru- mania, Bulgaria, and Albania. mate. Although the principal obstacle to the Sovietization of Eastern Europe is and will continue to be the opposition of the Satellite populations to Communism and Soviet domination, this opposition alone will not seriously impair Soviet con- trol or threaten the stability of the Satel- lite governments. 3. The revisions of Satellite economic plans have not altered the Kremlin's basic aim of increasing as rapidly as prac- ticable the Satellites' contribution to So- viet economic power. These revisions are aimed primarily at removing the threats to future industrial growth by correcting the imbalances in the Satellite economies resulting from an overemphasis on heavy industry at the expense of agriculture and light industry. In essence, they provide for slowing down the expansion of heavy industry in 1954-1955 and for increasing the resources allotted to agriculture and consumer industries. Nevertheless, Sat- ellite economic policies will still be strong- ly oriented toward development of heavy industry. At the same time, defense out- lays will probably be maintained at ap- proximately present or only slightly high- er levels. We believe- that the revised economic programs will not result in any fekliii&EPEIValia? - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 1 _ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04 : CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 ? ? iawr cm? 'I ? II Usi significant improvement in the standards of living and that the Satellite govern- ments at the end of this period will be faced with much the same basic economic problems as at present. 4. By the end of 1953, the combined GNP (Gross National Product) of the Satellites had returned approximately to the level of 1938. We estimate that total Satellite GNP in 1953 was about two-fifths that of the USSR and that this ratio will remain substantially unchanged through 1956. During this period the growth rate will probably average about 4 percent annu- ally as compared with an average of 6 percent 5. The productive capabilities of the Sat- ellites constitute an important addition to Soviet economic strength and war po- tential in certain fields. The Satellites provide a substantial proportion of Soviet Bloc production of uranium ore; East Germany alone accounts for about 50 percent of total Bloc production. The Satellites also supply the USSR economy substantial quantities of industrial goods, 2 notably precision instruments, certain chemicals, selected items of machinery and transport equipment, and electrical equipment. 6. The Satellite armed forces have be- come a substantial element in the balance of military power in Europe. We esti- mate that the Satellite armies will reach an over-all peacetime strength of a_pprox- imately 1,265 000 men by mid-1955 and that no substantial increase is likely thereafter. The Satellite air forces now have an estimated TO&E strength of 3,600 aircraft of all types (Alwroximately 2,400, actual), and we estimate that by Triial1956?Ilrey will probably have a TO&E strength of 4,400-, of which 2,450 will probably be jet fighters. The Satellite naval forces have only minor capabilities. We believe that while the Satellite armed forces would probably fight well against traditional enemies, their reliability will remain sufficiently questionable during the period of this estimate to place a significant limitation upon their iliy usefulness in event of general war. DISCUSSION 8. We believe that the Kremlin will continue to push forward its long-term plans for in- tegration of the Satellite counifieriffria Soviet system, though almost certainly not, during the period of the estimate, to the point, of outright incorporation into the USSR. Dur- ing the next two years Soviet policy will prob- ably concentrate on perfecting the Soviet mechanism for directing over-all Satellite de- velopment and on consolidating the position already won, rather than on striking out on any new aggressive campaign of Sovietization. Primary concentration will probably be upon: a. Maintaining the system of controls which bind the Satellites to the USSR while attempt- ing to make Communist programs more palat- able to the populations; I. SOVIET AIMS IN THE SATELLITES 7. Soviet policy in the Satellites is directed toward developing them into a strong area of the Soviet empire which will increase Soviet power and strengthen the Soviet world posi- tion. The Kremlin almost certainly regards the maintenance of the Soviet position in Eastern Europe as essential for: (a) safe- guarding the military security of the USSR through possession of advanced bases and de- fensive positions outside Soviet frontiers; (b) adding to the economic and military resources of the USSR; (c) upholding the prestige of the USSR in its role as leader of the world Communist movement; and (d) checking the re-emergence of a powerful Germany allied with the West. writ-NT, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 SECRET 3 b. Continuing the development of Satellite heavy industrial potential, but at a reduced rate of growth which will permit greater em- phasis than in the past on agriculture, and which is based on a more realistic appraisal of Satellite material and human resources; c. Strengthening of the Soviet military posi- tion by modernizing airfield and radar net facilities, by increasing the combat effective- ness and political reliability of Satellite forces, and by qualitative improvement rather than enlargement of Soviet forces stationed in the Satellites. II. THE SYSTEM OF SOVIET CONTROL 9. Soviet control of the Satellites is based on the' Soviet armed forces stationed in Eastern Emp_c., on the MVD (Soviet security services) , on Soviet diplomatic, economic, and military missions in each Satellite, and is exercised through the Satellite Communist parties and governments. In addition, the USSR exercises direct administrative authority in many in- stances through Soviet citizens in key posi- tions or in command of ministries, armed forces, and industries. Through this system the USSR provides the Satellite governments with over-all policy guidance. When neces- sary, Satellite leaders are called to Moscow for instructions. Although Moscow permits and encourages programs of cultural, economic, and technical collaboration among the Satel- lites, the Soviet control system is designed to bind the Satellites individually to the USSR rather than to one another. Enforcement of obedience to Soviet wishes is assured by the system's military and police power. 10. The USSR continues to maintain strong combat-ready forces, totalling an estimated 531,000 army troops, 24,000 security troops, and 1,800 aircraft (estimated actual strength) in the Satellites, mostly in East Germany. Al- though the deployment of these forces is based primarily on strategic rather than internal security considerations, the mere presence or near proximity of Soviet fordes has had and is likely to continue to have the effect of re- straining potential resistance. The overt em- ployment of Soviet troops in suppressing the 17 June 1953 riots in East Germany demon- strated Soviet willingness to use these forces where necessary. In addition, the Satellite armed forces, which are being developed un- der close Soviet supervision, now total over 1,100,000 army troops, 300,000 security troops, and 2,400 aircraft (estimated actual strength) . This military development program provides the Soviet Union with important additional means of internal security, mass-indoctrina- tion of youth, and control. 11. Under MVD aegis the various Satellite security services have become in effect a part of the USSR's police mechanism in Eastern Europe. Since 1950 they have been reorgan- ized according to the MVD pattern, staffed by personnel deemed reliable by the MVD, and brought under MVD control through a system of advisers. The MVD headquarters in Mos- cow gives these services over-all policy guid- ance and exercises direct control over liaison between one Satellite service and another. As a result of this integration, the Soviet Gov- ernment now has a security service of dis- ciplined local nationals at its disposal in each Satellite. This service operates as an arm of the MVD in detecting and suppressing , all forms of subversion and in maintaining Soviet authority and the stability of the Satellite governments. Although some individual de- fections may still occur as an aftermath of the Beria purges, we believe that the effectiveness of the Satellite security services will not be impaired to any material extent. 12. The Satellite Comunist parties, the leaders of which are approved by the Kremlin, consti- tute the principal instrumentality for imple- menting Soviet .policy and for imposing Soviet ideological and institutional forms upon the Satellite populations. These parties provide the inner core of Satellite government leader- ship, play a leading role in managerial assign- ments, regulate the local control machinery, and direct the "voluntary activities" of the people. The complete subservience of the Sat- ellite Communist parties to the new Soviet rulers has been reaffirmed at the recent Satel- lite Communist Party congresses, which were attended by top-level Soviet officials (e.g., Khrushchev at the Polish and Czechoslovak SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 SECRET congresses, Mikoyan at the East German, Voroshilov at the Hungarian, Pospelov at the Bulgarian) . 13. The Soviet Union exercises control over the economic development of the Satellites by fixing over-all production goals and priorities, by regulating the trade relations of these countries with the USSR, and by supervising their trade with other areas. Satellite eco- nomic plans are prepared in accordance with general policies issued by the Soviet Union, but determination of detailed measures to ac- complish plan objectives is' probably super- vised only indirectly by Moscow. Now that Hungary and Czechoslovakia have readjusted the timing of their plans, all the Satellites, with the exception of Bulgaria, have long- term plans which are synchronized with the - next Soviet Five-Year Plan, 1956-1960. The machinery for coordination of planning is probably the Council of Economic Mutual Assistance (CEMA) which includes the USSR and Satellites as members and maintains a permanent headquarters in Moscow. Soviet control is exercised, in addition, through a system of tight bilateral trade and financial arrangements. 14. More subtle aspects of control in the trad- ing system arise from increased Satellite de- pendence upon Soviet sources of raw materials and certain capital goods, and integration of trading agreements with long-term plans. The effectiveness of this type of control has grown with the reorientation of Satellite trade toward the Soviet Union and the rapid in- crease in the volume of this trade. Soviet control is also exerted in some cases through joint companies (notably in Rumania, Hun- gary, and to a lesser extent in Bulgaria) and by extending long-term credit for such speci- fied purposes as industrial development proj- ects (notably in Poland) . The Soviet Govern- ment also maintains large economic missions in each Satellite, as well as advisers and in- spectors to monitor performance by ministries and industries on commitments under trading agreements, and if necessary, to assume direct supervision. 15. The Soviet pattern of intellectual, cul- tural, and religious life is being imposed upon the Satellites. The Satellite governments have a monopoly over the schools and mass- information media and have brought church organizations under the control of the state. The educational system has been reorganized to conform with that in the USSR; teaching staffs and libraries have been purged and cur- ricula revised to place emphasis on vocational training and Communist indoctrination. The power of the church has been broken down through the imprisonment of church leaders, the expropriation of church property, the severance of former administrative links with the outside world, and by progressively de- priving the church of its facilities to educate the youth. The cultural influence and auton- omy of family life have been disrupted by physically and psychologically exhausting work norms, material want and the necessity for the mother to work, obligatory political activities, and the exploitation of small chil- dren as unwitting informers on their parents. III. POLITICAL DEVELOPMENTS Internal Developments 16. The relationship between the Satellites and the USSR remains basically unchanged since the death of Stalin, but the new Soviet leadership has adopted a more flexible atti- tude toward the Satellites in some cases. The most conspicuous changes are the new eco- nomic policies- and the recent moves in East Germany, where the Soviet control commis- sion has been abolished and formal sovereign- ty granted. We believe, however, that such changes are merely a transformation of the facade of Soviet control and that they indicate a refinement rather than a reduction of actual control. 17. The Satellite leadership_gr.oups, which have become alnigat_simpletely reliable through a continuous process of selection and purging at the direction of Soviet authorities, have been left relatively unchanged by the new Soviet rulers. Although a few new per- sonalities have become more prominent, such as the new party first secretaries in Czecho- SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 SECRET slovakia, Rumania, and Bulgaria, virtually the same leaders are still in control in each Satel- lite, and there appears to be little change in their relative influence and power. Moves taken by the Satellites to give a_greater ap- pearance of "collective" leadership are prob- ably imitations of the Soviet pattern. There 4 has also been in alrriost all the Satellites ? in 4 conformity with changes made in the USSR ? a streamlining of the party secretariats through a reduction in size and a more precise definition of functions. In addition, Soviet ambassadors with long experience in the dip- lomatic service have been replaced in Czecho- slovakia, Poland, Rumania, Bulgaria, and '4 Hungary by men with extensive party ex- ?s4s perience. These developments seem to sup- port the conclusion that the new Soviet regime has assigned an even higher priority than in the past to strengthening the party apparatus in the Satellite countries. 18. The principal obstacle to the Sovietization of Eastern Europe is the continued opposition of the Satellite populations to Communism and Soviet domination. This opposition has been intensified by the loss of personal free- e. dom and a reduced standard of living, as well as by outraged religious and national feelings, but its effectiveness is severely constricted by the controls imposed on every aspect of the lives of the people. There is virtually no or- ganized active resistance and only little un- organized active resistance. The latter con- sists mainly of isolated raids by small armed bands and of individual acts of subversion and sabotage. On the other hand, passive re- sistance continues to be widespread and to constitute a drag on economic programs. The more prevalent forms of passive resistance are worker absenteeism, work slowdowns, crop- delivery evasion, increased church attendance, and whispering campaigns.2 19. The Satellite governments are attempting to alleviate unrest by providing a gradual im- A detailed estimate of Satellite resistance activi- ties and potentialities will be made in a succeed- ing NIE. See also the report of the Resistance Intelligence Committee, RIR-1, "Anti-Commu- nist Resistance Activities and Potential in Poland," 20 July 1954. 5 provement in standards of living. However, we believe that these governments will be un- able to satisfy consumer cravings on any sig- nificant scale or to give the individual a greater feeling of security. Popular opposi- tion therefore will probably continue to slow the process of Sovietization in Eastern Europe and to limit the economic, political, and mili- tary gains which the USSR can derive from control of the Satellites. Nevertheless, we be- lieve that, during the period of this estimate, Soviet authority over the Satellites will re- main intact, that the control system will be further improved, and that Soviet policies in the Satellites will be directed toward the corn- plgte Sovietization of this area. The opposi- trEiOnhe great majority of the Satellite pop- ulations will continue to delay this process, but, in the absence of general war, popular dissatisfaction will almost certainly not de- velop beyond the stage. of passive resistance and occasional acts of sabotage. Although East Germany's extensive ties with West Ger- many provide that state with a greater re- sistance potential than any other Satellite, a repetition of the June 17 riots is unlikely. External Developments 20. During the past year the USSR has made increasing use of the Satellites for political warfare moves. This has been evident in Sat- ellite efforts to further the Soviet proposal at the Berlin conference for a European security system. Especially noteworthy are the Polish and Czechoslovak appeals to French opinion which have pointed out the community of interest between Slavic Europe and France against revival of a nationalist Germany. Pursuant to Soviet wishes the Balkan Satel- lites have adopted a policy of seeking "normal- ization" of their long strained relations with Yugoslavia and with Greece and Turkey. There is also evidence of increasing utilization of the Satellites by the USSR to support the activities of Communist parties elsewhere in the non-Communist world. For example,Pm- land has been given substantial respoLsil_y3ilit for support of and guidame_to_the_Ltalia,n Communist Party, while Czechoslovakia ap- pears to have a large degree of responsibility for the parties of Central America. Moreover, SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 SECRET 6 the USSR has further extended its utilization of Satellite diplomatic and trade missions for either joint activities or independent Soviet operations in intelligence and political war- fare.? During the period of this estimate the USSR will almost certainly continue to use the Satellites to further its diplomatic and intelli- gence objectives in the non-Communist world. IV. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTS Current Economic Policy in the Satellites 21. In 1953, the Satellites undertook revisions of economic plans which ? like the plan re- visions in the USSR ? were aimed at increas- ing the production of agricultural commodi- ties, especially foodstuffs, and of manufac- tured consumer goods. The new Satellite plans also stressed expanding the production of basic raw materials and electric power. These plans provide for a modest shift of in- vestment from heavy industry to agriculture and light industry, improved exploitation of existing capacity, and a material incentives program involving concessions to both the collective and private sectors of agriculture and increased benefits to the industrial labor force. Statements by Soviet and Satellite spokesmen have suggested that the revised plans provide for more trade among the Satel- lites and for more specialization of production. However, further evidence of any recent in- tensification of the long-standing effort in this general direction is so far lacking. 22. The revision of existing programs was occa'sioned mainly by the adverse cumulative effects of overemphasis on heavy industry at the expense of aZiculture and light industry. While substantial results had been achieved in expanding production in the heavy indus- trial sectors, and in enlarging the nonagricul- tural labor force (by about two-fifths since 1948) , agricultural production had not only failed to recover to prewar levels but had even declined from the level attained in 1951. This lag in agriculture threatened to retard future industrial growth at a time when urbaniza- tion, population increases, industrialization, and the scarcity of foreign exchange made in- creased agricultural production most essen- tial. Moreover, the situation was further aggravated by the adoption of goals for the heavy machinery and equipment industries which could not be supported by the basic materials resources and electric power output of the Satellite economics. The new pro- grams are intended to remove these threats to continued long-range industrial expansion. 23. These tactical changes in Satellites eco- nomic policy do not alter the Kremlin's basic aim of increasing as rapidly as practicable the Satellites' contribution to Soviet economic power. The Satellites during the next two yeah will probably continue to place primary emphasis on expanding the production of basic materials and of energy, while slowing the expansion of heavy manufacturing indus- tries until the materials-supplying industries have caught up. At the same time, defense outlays will probably be maintained at ap- proximately present or slightly higher levels,3 and increased resources will be allotted to agriculture and consumer industries. We be- lieve that it is unlikely, however, that agricul- tural output will be increased significantly during this period. On the other hand, out- put of simple consumer durables will probably be increased. Satellite Economic Growth 4 24. By the end of 1953, the combined GNP (Gross National Product) of the Satellites had The percentages allocated to defense in the Sat- ellite state budgets are roughly one-half to two- thirds of the percentage of total budget given to defense in the USSR. The estimates of Satellite GNP in this section are considered generally reliable for analysis of trends of internal economic developments, but because of conceptual and statistical problems, they are less reliable in intercountry compari- sons. The probable margins of error of produc- tion estimates, based on the valuations of the re- sponsible analysts, imply that the GNP estimates are fairly reliable (considered accurate within a neighborhood of plus or minus 10 percent) . Estimates of trends are regarded more re- liable than the estimates of absolute magnitudes. Estimates of production of basic materials and energy, such as agricultural products, coal, and electric power, are considered more reliable than estimates of highly manufactured goods, for ex- ample, machinery of various types. Data for Al- bania, Bulgaria, and Rumania generally are less reliable than for the other Satellites. SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 SECRET returned approximately to the level of 1938.5 Total Satellite GNP in 1953 was an estimated 45 billion of 1951 US dollars or about two-fifths that of the USSR. We estimate that total Satellite GNP in 1956 will be 51 billion of 1951 US dollars and that the Satellite share of total Bloc GNP will remain , substantially un- changed during the period of this estimate. (See Figure 1.) Although the growth rate averaged about 6 percent annually from 1948 through 1953, it will probably average about 4 percent annually from 1954 through 1956. 25. Since the war, about 20 percent of Satellite GNP has been devoted to investment - at least twice as much as prewar. The modifica- tion of economic programs in 1953 indicates that for at least the next two years the pro- portion of GNP devoted to investment may decline somewhat, but as GNP continues to rise the absolute level of investment for the Satellites as a whole will probably remain about the same. Assuming that sums allo- cated for defense remain at about the same level as in 1953 or increase only slightly, there will be increased scope for allocations to con- sumption. 26. A breakdown of Satellite GNP by sector of origin indicates the rising relative impor- tance of industry and the decline of agricul- ture.6 In absolute terms industry, transport and communications, and construction, have 5 NIE-87, published 28 May 1953, estimates that Satellite GNP had regained the prewar level by the end of 1951. This estimate has been revised using new price weights and more extensive com- modity reports which resulted in slightly dif- ferent GNP estimates. However, the revised estimates are within a few percentage points of those made for NIE-87. For a detailed breakdown by country, see Fig. 2. 7 grown rapidly above the 1938 level, while agri- culture remained well below prewar levels. These trends will probably continue through mid-1956 with only slight improvement in agriculture. ESTIMATED INDICES OF SELECTED SECTORS OF SATELLITE GNP' (1950=100) 1938 1950 1953 1956 Industry 110 100 137 168 Transport and Communications 100 100 134 172 Construction 118 100 131 165 Agriculture 118 2 100 93 100 1 Not including Albania. 2 1935-1939 average. 27. In 1953 Poland, East Germany, and Czech- oslovakia contributed over 80 percent of the total Satellite GNP, while Hungary, Rumania, and Bulgaria (in that order) accounted for less than 20 percent. Adjusted for territorial changes, the output of Bulgaria, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia in 1953 was well above that of 1938, while Poland's output was about at the same level, Rumania's slightly below, and East Germany's about 13 percent below 1938. We believe that Poland, East Germany, and Czechoslovakia will continue to account for over 80 percent of total Satellite GNP during this period. However, the shift of Soviet policy ? toward a more determined buildup of the East German economy will probably be reflected in growth of the Est German GNP at a ratei5T 6. to 8 percent a year - a more rapid rate than that expected in the other Satellites. By 1956 East Germany_will_probably outstrip Poland to become the most important contribuimip*/ Satellite GNP. PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF TOTAL SATELLITES GNP, BY COUNTRIES (NOT INCLUDING ALBANIA) Year European Satellites Czecho- East Bulgaria slovakia Germany Hungary Poland Rumania 1938 100 ? 2.2 16.4 36.3 5.6 32.8 6.7 1948 100 3.3 21.4 25.6 6.9 35.3 7.5 1950 100 3.1 20.4 27.3 7.2 35.3 6.7 1953 100 3.1 18.7 31.3 7.6 32.8 6.5 1956 ? 100 3.1 18.0 33.5 7.2 31.8 6.4 SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 SECRET Satellite Industry 28. The distinguishing feature of the indus- trialization programs imposed on the Satel- lites by the USSR has been the emphasis placed on heavy industries producing capital goods. Over-all Satellite industrial production was back to the 1938 level by 1951 and in 1953 it was about 25 percent above the prewar level. Within the industrial sector the most impressive growth has been in the production of machinery and equipment, chemicals, metals, energy, and building materials, gener- ally in that order. Output of the light and textile industries surpassed the prewar level in all the Satellites except East Germany, while production of forest products and pro- cessed foods generally failed to return to these levels. (See Figure 3.) During the period of this estimate over-all Satellite industrial pro- duction will probably increase about 23 per- 8 cent above the' 1953 level, with primary em- phasis continuing to be on heavy industrial development. 29. Satellite production of certain key indus- trial commodities will continue throughout the period of this estimate to constitute a maj- or contribution to the economic strength of , the Bloc, particularly in the following fields: a. Machinery and Equipment. Estimated Satellite production in 1953 of machine tools, metal working machinery, electric motors, and steam locomotives ranged from about one- half to about two-thirds that of the USSR, while production of freight cars was 43 per- cent, tractors 30 percent, and bearings 16 per- cent. We estimate that during the next two years Satellite output of these commodities, except metal working machinery and tractors, will increase at a faster rate than that of the USSR. ESTIMATED SOVIET AND SATELLITE PRODUCTION OF SELECTED MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT PRODUCTS 1953 AND 1956 Satellite Production as Commodity Units Satellites USSR Percent of USSR 1953 1956 1953 1956 1953 1956 Antifriction Bearings Millions 20 31 125 145 16 21 Tractors Thousands 36 49 120 175 30 28 Passenger Automobiles Thousands 37.6 51.0 '73.0 80.0 52 64 Steam Locomotives Units 1,135 1,345 2,310 2,430 49 55 Freight Cars Thousands of 2-Axle units 59.7 71.7 140.4 151.0 43 47 Machine Tools Thousands 46.3* 66.6 88.0 97.0 53* 69 Metal-working Machinery Thousands 6.7 9.1 10.5 19.0 64 47 Electric Motors Million 1950 rubles 2,405 3,480 3,852 5,136 62 68 * Bulgaria not included. Production data not available. However, output is relatively unimportant. b. Metals Production. Satellite output of finished steel and pig iron in 1953 was about 24 percent and 22 percent, respectively, of So- viet production. Satellite production of re- fined lead was about 54 percent, aluminum 19 percent, primary copper 11 percent of So- viet production. During the period of this estimate, the Satellite-USSR ratio of steel, iron, and copper production will probably ie- main about the same, while that of aluminum production will substantially increase, and lead substantially decrease. ESTIMATED SOVIET AND SATELLITE PRODUCTION OF SELECTED METALS 1953 AND 1956 (In 000's of metric tons) Satellite Production as Commodity Satellites USSR Percent of USSR 1953 1956 1953 1956 1953 1956 Finished Steel 6,700 8,890 27,600 34,200 24 26 Pig Iron 6,200 8,350 28,000 35,800 22 23 Primary Copper 33 50 310 480 11 10 Aluminum Ingot 58 200 310 625 19 32 Primary Lead 90 111 168 280 54 40 SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 A Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 SECRET c. Energy Production. Satellite production of lignite and brown coal in 1953- was almost 2.5 times that of the USSR, while production of hard coal and electric power was about one-half as much. Satellite production of 9 crude oil was approximately one-fifth that of the Soviet Union. Satellite production of syn- thetic petroleum products was about 6 times that of the USSR, but this ratio will be reduced to approximately 3.5 times by the end of 1956. ESTIMATED SOVIET AND SATELLITE PRODUCTION OF SELECTED ENERGY PRODUCTS 1953 AND 1956 (In billion kwh and million metric tons) Satellite Production as Commodity Satellites USSR Percent of USSR 1953 1956 1953 1956 1953 1956 Electric Power 63 86 133 192 47 45 Lignite and Brown Coal 226.4 280.8 92.0 118.0 246 238 Hard Coal 115.3 132.8 228.0 267.0 51 50 Synthetic Petroleum Products 1.8 2.5 0.3 0.7 600 357 Crude Oil 9.2 14.6 48.0 65.4 19 22 d. Chemicals Production. The Satellites produced in 1953 approximately 3 times as much calcium carbide as the USSR, slightly more caustic soda, and about the same amount of chlorine. In 1953 output of synthetic am- monia was about 86 percent, refined benzol 53 percent, and sulphuric acid 44 percent that of the USSR. During the period of this esti- mate the principal change in these percent- ages will be an increase of Satellite output of synthetic ammonia from 86 to 123 percent that of the USSR. ESTIMATED SOVIET AND SATELLITE PRODUCTION OF SELECTED CHEMICALS 1953 AND 1956 (In 000's of metric tons) Satellite Production as Commodity Satellites USSR Percent of USSR 1953 1956 1953 1956 1953 1956 Sulphuric Acid 1,211 1,564 2,750 3,660 44 43 Caustic Soda 403 510 387 540 104 94 Chlorine 294 381 295 377 100 101 Synthetic Ammonia 462 737 535 600 86 123 Calcium Carbide 1,015 1,264 340 445 299 284 Refined Benzol 143 164 271 376 53 44 Satellite Agriculture 30. In contrast to the rapid growth of indus- try, Satellite agriculture has lagged seriously since the postwar phase of recovery. Although the output of industrial crops returned to the prewar levels between 1948 and 1950, over-all agricultural production, owing to the low out- put of food crops and animal products, has not yet regained the prewar level of produc- tion. Over-all agricultural output in 1951 was an estimated 14 percent below the prewar level, but it slipped back in 1953 to approxi- mately 21 percent below that level. SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 SECRET 10 ESTIMATED INDICES OF SATELLITE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION 1935-1939 (1950=100) Average 1948 1951 1953 1956* ALL SATELLITES 118 85 102 93 100 Albania 92 99 107 101 104 Bulgaria 99 104 106 100 102 Czechoslovakia 110 83 100 95 96 East Germany 120 80 108 99 109 Hungary 108 93 112 95 100 Poland 119 80 92 86 93 Rumania 126 104 114 96 103 * These estimates assume continuation of current policies and average weather conditions. 31. Total agricultural collectivization contin- ues to be the acknowledged long-term goal of Satellite governments. However, the Satellite leaders of East Germany, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary, in deference to peasant opposition, have publicly committed themselves to allow voluntary withdrawals from the "coopera- tives." As a result, Czechoslovakia and Hun- gary have lost ground in their collectivization programs, the greater loss being sustained by Hungary, where about 33 percent of arable land was socialized? in December 1953 as against 39 percent six months earlier, and where there was a 42 percent net loss in mem- bership in "cooperatives" during this period. On the other hand, no steps have been taken by Bulgaria, Poland, or Rumania to permit the peasants to withdraw. Poland, in fact, with only about 21 percent of its arable land socialized (one of the smallest percentages among the Satellites) , has announced that agricultural collectivization in 1954 and 1955 will continue at the same tempo as in 1953 ? approximately 3,000 collectives per year. Bul- garia, which leads the Satellites in percentage (about 55) of arable land socialized, and Ru- mania (about 25 percent of arable land social- ized) have given no indication that they plan to push forward with collectivization for the present. We believe that these latter states ? along with Czechoslovakia (about 45 per- cent of arable land socialized) , East Germany (about 18 percent of arable land socialized) , and Hungary ? are likely in the immediate future to concentrate on making the present collectivized farms more efficient and also 6Including cooperatives and state farms. more attractive to the peasants and on in- creasing the level of mechanization. 32. Peasant opposition to the program of forced collectivization and compulsory de- liveries has been the principal deterrent to increased agricultural production. Other ma- jor factors contributing to the stagnation in Satellite agriculture are the reduction in size and quality of the agricultural labor force and the low level of investment in agriculture. Al- though East Germany, Poland, Czechoslo- vakia, and Hungary are endeavoring to over- come their agricultural labor shortages either by shifting labor from industry to agriculture or by halting the outflow of rural labor, the agricultural labor force for the Satellites as a whole will probably remain virtually static through mid-1956 (somewhat less than 22 million) . On the other hand, the nonagri- cultural labor force will probably increase dur- ing this period from an estimated 21 million to about 23 million. The revised plans pro- vide for significant additions of agricultural machinery, particularly for the machine trac- tor stations and, state farms. The shift of em- phasis to agriculture appears most likely to continue in Hungary, which has announced that state agricultural investment in 1953- 1955 will be 2.5 times that of the preceding three-year period. State agricultural invest- ment plans in the other Satellites range from a doubling in 1954 over the previous year in Rumania and Czechoslovakia down to a 36 percent increase in Bulgaria (1954 over 1953) and a 45 percent increase in Poland over the two-year period 1954-1955. Even these large percentage increases will leave total agricul- tural investment at a low level and it will probably be impossible to raise production suf- ficiently to meet planned goals. 33. The Satellites will probably continue to make only slow progress in applying modern methods to the development of their agricul- ture, and peasant opposition to agrarian poli- cies of Satellite governments will continue. Discrimination against the independent farm- ers in favor of the "cooperatives" with respect to taxes and compulsory delivery quotas, and uncertainty regarding future state measures for collectivization of agriculture will continue SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 SECRET to have a depressive effect on production. We believe that during the period of this estimate Satellite agricultural output will probably achieve only small advances (of the order of 8 percent) over the 1953 level, and that by the end of 1956 it will still be about 15 percent below prewar. During the same period the total population of the Satellites will probably increase about 3 percent (regaining the 1938 level). Foreign Trade 34. The most important development in Sat- ellite foreign trade has been its reorientation away from Western countries toward the Bloc. The trade of the Satellites with the West de- clined from more than four-fifths of their total trade before the war to less than one- third in 1951 and 1952. During the same period, Satellite trade with the USSR in- creased from one one-hundredth to over one- third of the total trade. Czechosloviakia, Po- land, and to an increasing extent East Ger- many also carry on an important trade with each other and with the other Satellites. Trade with China, although still a small per- centage of total trade of any of the Satellites, is increasing. Altogether the intra-Bloc (in- cluding China) trade of the Satellites has in- creased from about one-sixth of their total trade before the war to about two-thirds in 1951. (See Figure 4.) 35. The Soviet-styled programs of rapid in- dustrialization in the Satellites, plus tight So- viet economic controls, have played a decisive role in the postwar decline of Satellite trade with the West. Industrialization programs have greatly increased requirements within the Soviet Bloc for those industrial and agri- cultural raw materials which formed a large part of Eastern Europe's traditional exports to the West. At the same time Satellite in- vestment priorities have neglected the agri- cultural sector which provided a large part of these traditional exports. Moreover, the Satellites have exported large quantities of food and light industrial products to the USSR, thus aggravating shortages in the Sat- ellites and further limiting availabilities for export to the West. 11 36. The trade agreements and negotiations carried on by the Satellites with non-Commu- nist countries in the latter part of 1953 and the'first few months of 1954 indicate that the Satellites have been following a trading policy similar to that followed by the USSR. Three tendencies became evident in these negotia- tions: (a) an effort to expand trade relations with non-Communist countries; (b) an effort to increase imports of consumer goods into the Satellites; and (c) an effort to expand trade relations with areas which were former- ly not important trading partners of the Sat- ellites. Satellite trade with the West may in- crease during the period of this estimate. However, expansion of this trade will continue to be limited by the factors mentioned in para- graph 35. Moreover, we believe it is unlikely that the Soviet Union will permit trade be- tween the Satellites and the non-Communist world to expand to such an extent as to alter the basic economic orientation of the Satellites toward the USSR or to weaken their economic dependence upon the USSR. 37. In summary, economic development of the Satellite area as a whole has followed much the same pattern as in the USSR; i.e., a rapid development of basic producers' goods indus- tries and a neglect of agriculture and con- sumers' goods industries. Though the Satel- lites provide about 30 percent of the produc- tion of the Bloc (excluding Communist China) , their output parallels more than it complements that of the USSR. Soviet de- pendence on Satellite supplies to meet its own requirements, while not quantitatively great, is of . particular importance in certain fields, e.g., uranium ore, precision instruments, cer- tain chemicals, selected items of machinery and transport equipment, and electrical equip- ment. On the other hand, given the current low level of Bloc trade with the non-Commu- nist world, the Satellites are highly dependent on the USSR for a wide range of supplies. V. SCIENTIFIC DEVELOPMENTS 38. The scientific and technical capabilities of Eastern Germany and Czechoslovakia, and to a lesser extent Hungary and Poland, consti- tute substantial additions to those of the SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 ,04? 12 [S ECRE USSR. In particular, the electronics and communications research capabilities of East Germany, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary, and the optics research capabilities of East Ger- many are of considerable value to the Soviet Union. These countries, particularly East Germany, and to a lesser extent Czechoslo- vakia and Poland, also have chemical research facilities for the development of new or im- proved products which are of economic or po- tential military use. East Germany has also made advances in medical research which may increase the Soviet Union's biological warfare potential. 39. The electronics industries of East Ger- many, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary have con- tributed to the development of the elaborate broadcast jamming system in operation throughout the Satellite countries as well as the USSR. The system now is capable of covering all regularly used parts of the radio frequency spectrum up to 30 mc/s. These three Satellites possess the capability to de- velop jamming equipment in other parts of the frequency spectrum, up to and including the microwave regions. 40. The Satellites have undertaken programs to increase their scientific and technological capabilities by enlarging enrollments in higher educational institutions, by reorganizing acad- emies of science, and by granting preferential treatment to scientists. Although Satellite scientific and technological facilities will be? better organized and will improve in quality in the next two years, Satellite capabilities will become less essential to the USSR because of the growth of Soviet capabilities in the areas in which the Satellites are now making important contributions. However, the USSR will continue to furnish the direction and con- trols that it deems necessary to orient selected Satellite scientific capabilities to Soviet ends. 41. Satellite Contribution to Soviet Nuclear Program. Although East Germany and Czech- oslovakia have supplied special equipment for the Soviet nuclear energy program on a spe- cific order basis (e.g., calcium metal of high ,purity, fine drawn nickel wire, fine woven nickel wire mesh, vacuum pumps, and electric motors) , the main contribution of the Satel- lites to the Soviet nuclear program is in ura- nium ores and concentrates. We estimate that East Germany is currently providing about half of Bloc production of urani- um. The other Satellites are less important sources; the largest producer after East Germany is Czechoslovakia. Although East German uranium production has probably reached its peak, uranium from that area will probably be sufficient to meet a substantial proportion of Soviet requirements during the period of this estimate. Elsewhere in the Sat- ellites, new uranium deposits are still being developed. The USSR, however, is not de- pendent upon Satellite sources. If necessary the Soviet atomic energy program could prob- ably be supported at its present level of opera- tion from internal Soviet sources alone. Never- theless, the USSR will almost certainly wish to continue its rapid and large-scale exploita- tion of Satellite ores in order to accumulate maximum reserves. VI. MILITARY DEVELOPMENTS The Strategic Importance of the Satellites to the USSR 42. Soviet control of the Satellites has in ef- fect moved the Soviet military frontier into Central Europe. In view of the strategic im- portance of this region, the USSR has given priority to its development for military opera- tions. The USSR derives such strategic ad- vantages as advance air and ground bases, highly developed road, rail, and waterway communications, and a substantial productive capacity which can be harnessed to the support of Soviet military operations, More- over, the USSR has acquired a large geo- graphic buffer in which to maintain a forward deployment of its military forces and to de- velop an extensive air defense system. Satel- lite capability for jamming, added to that of the USSR, would constitute a serious threat to Western long-range radio communications in time of war. The Satellites also possess an extensive radar warning screen which is being continually expanded and improved. This net could provide a significant additional margin SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 SECRET 13 of time for warnings of air attack from the west against the USSR. The Satellites have also provided the USSR additional naval base and port facilities. Soviet Forces in the Satellites' 43. Of an estimated 531,000 Soviet troops (plus 24,000 security troops) stationed in the Satellites, approximately 415,000 (22 line di- visions) are located in East Germany, while the remaining 140,000 (8 line divisions) are located in Austria, Hungary, Poland, and Ru- mania. Soviet air units based in the Satel- lites and in the Soviet zone of Austria have an estimated TO&E strength of about 2,200 air- craft (estimated strength about 1,800) . This includes about 1,330 jet fighters and 180 jet light bombers. Soviet Naval Forces in the Satellites are confined largely to East Ger- many, and are composed of small patrol and mine vessels. We believe that Soviet forces in the Satellites are not likely to increase in size during ? the period of this estimate, although re-equipment may improve their combat ef- fectiveness. Satellite Ground Forces8 44. The Satellite ground forces have become a substantial element in the balance of mili- tary power in Europe. Their present strength is estimated at A ,115,000 men organized in 82 line divisions, of which 6 are armored and 13 mechanized. These forces are supplemented by Satellite security troops which total about 306,000 men. The Sat- ellite ground forces, with the exception of the East German, have probably reached nearly the desired peacetime strength level. East Germany was set back in its military development program by the 17 June riots, and will probably increase the Garrisoned People's Police (Kasernierte Volkspolizei- KVP) from its present strength of about 100,,r. 000 to about 175,000 by m1d-1955. In addi- tion, the Rumanian Army will show an in- crease during this period from about 215,000 7 For more detail on Soviet military dispositions in the Satellites, see Appendix, Table 1. 8 For detailed figures on ground forces in each country, see Appendix, Table 2. tr.2.2a_t2. j__...,bo.at_2...9.2z.0.91, We estimate, there- fore, that the Satellite ground forces will reach an over-all peacetime strength of approxi- mately 1.,6_520110_men, organized into about 93 line divisions (8 armored and 18 mechanized) , by mid-1955. No substantial increase in strength is likely to occur thereafter. We esti- mate that the Satellite security forces will re- main at about their present level of strength. 45. The USSR controls these Satellite forces by direct Soviet staffing in Poland and by large Soviet military missions in all other countries. These missions vary from approximately 500 officers in the case of Albania to about 2,000 in Bulgaria. General officers possessing ex- tensive combat and command experience have recently been appointed as Soviet military attaches in all the Satellites except East Ger- many. Soviet control is being reinforced by the selection of a politically reliable officer corps, and by the use of Soviet methods, mili- tary doctrine, organization, and equipment. Moreover, with the exception of East Germany and Albania, the Satellites are bound to the USSR by a system of mutual assistance pacts. 46. The Satellite armies are equipped largely with Soviet World War II material of good quality, but they would require substantial amounts of additional supplies and equipment for sustained combat. They are dependent upon the USSR for tanks, self-propelled guns, heavy artillery, and some light artillery. The Satellites are now manufacturing for their use noncombat vehicles, light artillery, small arms, and ammunition. Czechoslovakia is the only Satellite now producing armored fight- ing vehicles, but its production is negligible (an estimated 60 tanks of the Soviet T-34 type annually) . A relatively small proportion of Satellite divisions is motorized and mech- anized and major deficiencies in motor trans- port, heavy armor, artillery, and communica- tion equipment will continue for the period of this estimate. 47. Although the Satellite armies have been reorganized to conform to the Soviet pattern, the various national units still exhibit marked differences in training, equipment, and mo- rale. Their combat effectiveness is greatly SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 SECRET 14 inferior to that of equivalent Soviet units. The combat effectiveness of these forces will Improve, but will remain only fair. It is un- likely that many of the divisions would be suitable for offensive operations. Moreover, in case of war the Satellite forces would be de- pendent upon the USSR for logistical support. 48. The questionable political reliability of the Satellite armies places a significant limitation upon their military usefulness. At present the Kremlin could probably not rely upon the majority of the Satellite armies in a general war except for employment in sec- ondary roles or in a defensive capacity. How- ever, against traditional enemies (e.g., Poles and Czechs against Germans, or Bulgarians against Yugoslays, Greeks, and Turks) Sat- ellite armies would probably fight well, at least if victory appeared likely. Although tight Communist control and continued in- doctrination, coupled with intensive efforts to win the youth, will probably increase the po- litical reliability of the Satellite armed forces, we believe that their reliability will remain sufficiently uncertain for the period of this estimate to limit their usefulness, particularly the forces of East Germany. 49. The Satellite ground forces do not form a single coordinated organization. There is no reliable evidence of. the existence of combined staffs or commands among the ground forces. No combined high-level maneuvers of Satellite or Soviet-Satellite forces have been conducted. However, a trend toward coordination is in- dicated by Soviet efforts to standardize organ- ization, tactics, and training as well as equip- ment and weapons in all the Satellite armed forces. In the event of general war, the Satel- lite forces would receive over-all direction from the Soviet high command, and might be placed directly under Soviet officers. 50. Satellite ground force reserves are esti- mated at more than 2,300,000 men fully trained in the use of Soviet weapons and tactics. These men receive frequent refresher training and could be quickly mobilized in the event of war. In addition, there are about three million men who served before or during World War II. These men would require ex- tensive refresher training before they could be effectively integrated into the new Soviet trained divisions. Satellite Air Forces and Airfields' 51. The Satellite air forces now have an esti- mated TO&E strength of 3,600. aircraft of all types (approximately 2,400 actual), and we estimate that by mid-1956 they will probably have a TO&E strength of 4,409,.of which 2,450 will probably be jet fighters. Total personnel strength is estimated at about 89,000. Piston fighters continue to be replaced by jet fighters (there were an estimated 940 jet fighters in April 1954 compared to about 700 in April 1953) , and other equipment is being modern- ized. An estimated 40 jet light bombers of the IL-28 type have been introduced into the Po- lish Air Forces as a part of the jet re-equip- ment' program. Other Satellite air forces have not yet received these bombers, but some will probably be supplied with a few during the period of the estimate. 52. While substantial progress has been made in the build-up of Satellite air strength, the current operational capabilities of these forces are unevenly developed. Emphasis will prob- ably be placed on the strengthening of the Satellite fighter and light bomber establish- ments. During the period of this estimate the Satellite air forces will probably constitute a significant increment to Soviet air power in Europe. 53. Intensive Soviet training of carefully se- lected Satellite pilots assures Soviet control and identity of doctrines, techniques, and tac- tics. Soviet policy appears to be directed to- ward the attainment of a high degree of co- ordination between the air force of each Sat- ellite and the Soviet Air Force, and the inte- gration of the Satellite air forces into the Soviet air defense system. There has been little coordination among the individual Sat,.- ellite air forces. We estimate that this policy is likely to continue through mid-1956. 54. The over-all political reliability of the Satellite air forces, like that of the Satellite armies, is questionable. Since the Polish de- For strength figures in aircraft and personnel by country, see Appendix, Table 3. SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 SECRET 15 fections of last year, the USSR has strength- ened its control over flying activities in all Satellite air forces. Concomitantly, there have been increased efforts to improve per- sonnel selections and political indoctrination. Emphasis has also been placed upon the role of the air forces in the air defense of each Satellite, thus stressing the national interest of the air effort. These measures will proba- bly increase the political reliability of the Satellite air units. Nevertheless, for the pe- riod of this estimate the reliability of such forces will remain dubious enough to restrict their usefulness, especially in a general war situation. 55. Until 1953 virtually all combat type air- craft and parts for their logistical support were furnished to the Satellites by the USSR. During 1953 Czechoslovakia, and to a lesser degree Poland, increased their production of aircraft and engines, and together these countries accounted for about 10 percent of total Bloc combat aircraft production. We estimate that during the next two years Czech and Polish production will probably be ade- quate to meet all Satellite normal peacetime requirements for jet fighters and ground- attack aircraft. 56. An extensive program of 'airfield improve- ment and construction is being continued in all the Satellites. Principal emphasis has shifted from East Germany to Poland, but other Satellites continue to pursue a vigorous airfield construction effort. There are over 400 airfields available to Soviet forces in the Satellites, including 44 with a minimum run- way length of 8,000 feet, 24 of 7,000 to 8,000 feet, and 35 of 6,000 to 7,000 feet, or a total of 103 airfields with the minimum capability of supporting sustained operations for MIG's and IL-28's. Runways now being built are at least 7,000 feet long and many are 8,000 or more. One airfield, now under construction in East Germany, has an 11,500 feet runway, an extra thickness of concrete, and large POL storage facilities. Many Satellite fields are being equipped with night lighting, radio navigation aids, radar, increased POL facili- ties, and improved structures. This growing network of modern well-equipped air facili- ties, as it progresses toward completion, will add materially to Soviet Bloc air capabilities. Satellite Naval Forces" 57. Owing to their small size, their meager equipment, and the unreliability of the per- sonnel, the Satellite navies lack the capability of making more than a minor contribution to Soviet naval strength. However, Satellite ports and bases provide the USSR with a con- siderable extension of naval logistic and oper- ational facilities. Development of Satellite naval installations will probably continue to be limited to improvement of existing coastal defense fortifications and to possible expan- sion of existing operating bases. Satellite naval and river forces are controlled by Soviet officers and are being developed according to the Soviet pattern to permit their operation as adjuncts to the Soviet Black Sea and Baltic naval forces. But despite these measures, the questionable reliability of the Satellite naval forces will continue during this period to re- strict their usefulness. A Soviet destroyer has been turned over to Bulgaria and a few ships (mine and escort types) given to Poland. By 1955 the Polish and East German navies will probably have the capability of providing appreciable assistance to the Soviet Navy in such fields as minesweeping, minelaying, escort, and coastal defense. The Rumanian and Bulgarian navies, however, will be capable of rendering only minor assistance. Satellite shipbuilding facilities are largely devoted to the construction and repair of merchant vessels. 58. Poland has developed a naval air arm of one composite air division comprising an esti- mated 40 aircraft (actual strength), includ- ing 30 jet fighters and 10 piston-type light bombers. By mid-1956 its strength will prob- ably be about 150 aircraft with an increase in the percentage of jet light bombers and fighters. The effectiveness of this air arm will probably remain limited during the period of this estimate. " For detailed figures on Satellite naval strength, see Appendix, Table 4. SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 SECRET 16 PRODUCTION CHARTS FOR PARAGRAPH 55 ESTIMATED CZECH AND POLISH AIRCRAFT PRODUCTION 1952-1956 Country Aircraft Power Plant Czechoslovakia MIG-15 jet fighter RD-45 MIG-15 Bis jet fighter 17K-1 MIG-17 jet fighter 17K-1A IL-28 light bomber 17K-1 IL-10 attack AM-42 Poland MIG-15 jet fighter RD-45 MIG-15 Bis jet fighter 17K-1 MIG-17 1952 1953 1954 1955 21 432 267 422 340 60 48 395 300 3 42 210 50 150 1956 475 10 75 jet fighter VK-1A 25 ESTIMATED CZECH AND POLISH AERO-ENGINE PRODUCTION 1952-1956* Country Engine Power Rating 1952 1953 1954 1955 Czechoslovakia RD-45 5,000 lbs. 52 1,080 668 VK-1 6,000 lbs. 1,055 850 VK-1A 7,000 lbs. ... 150 AM-42 1,975 hp. 120 990 750 . . Poland RD-45 5,000 lbs. 7 105 525 125 1./K-1 6,000 lbs. 375 17K-1A 7,000 lbs. 1956 . 50 1,190 190 65 *It is believed that aircraft and engine production estimates through mid-1954 are within a few percent of being correct. Estimates of the number of aircraft produced of each type are based principally upon floor space, labor force, efficiency of the industry, date of first production, and on actual aircraft counts. There is some question as to whether the current output of fighters consists of the MIG- 15 with the RD-45 engine or the MIG-15 Bis with the 17K-1 engine. It is believed that those fighters now being produced in Czechoslovakia are equipped with VK-1 engines while those produced in Poland, and earlier models in Czechoslovakia, are equipped with RD-45 engines. Estimates of future production are based on assumptions that the present scale of production effort will not change sub- stantially and that newer aircraft types now being produced in the USSR will gradually replace older models in the Satellites after the Soviets begin production of new types of replacements for their present models. Estimates of engine output are based on requirements to keep pace with airframe output. SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 SECRET 17 APPENDIX, TABLE 1 SOVIET FORCES ESTIMATED TO BE STATIONED IN THE SATELLITES 1 JULY 1954 Country Army Number of Troops Line Divisions Security Troops Soviet-Manned Aircraf t 2 Fighters Light Bombers Jet Piston Jet I Piston Attack Transport Reconaissance Jet Piston TOTAL E. Germany 400,000 22 15,000 740 90 330 90 1,250 Poland 35,000 2 2,000 150 130 10 30 320 Czechoslovakia 500 Hungary 30,000 2 1,500 110 90 0 0 0 00 200 Soviet Zone of Austria 33,000 2,500 220 10 230 Albania 500 . Rumania 30,000 ' 2,000 110 50 30 190 Bulgaria 2,000 1,000 TOTAL 531,000 30 24,000 1,330 180 510 140 30 2,190 1 Includes units of the Air Forces of the Soviet Army and Naval Aviation. 2 Approximate figures based on authorized (TO&E) strength. SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 SECRET 1938 1953 1956 ALL SATELLITES* 13459 CIA, 8-54 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04 : CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 SATELLITES* ESTIMATED GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT 1938, 1953, and 1956 (Billions of /95/ US Dollars) 7.3 1.0 1.4 1.6 1938 1953 1956 1938 BULGARIA 8.4 9.2 II 1953 1956 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 16:1 14.0 17.1 1938 1953 1956 EAST GERMANY SECRET Figure 1 16.3 14.6 14.7 3.4 2.5 31 3.0 2.9 33 \ - 1938 1953 1956 1938 1953 1956 1938 1953 1956 HUNGARY POLAND Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 RUMANIA *Excludes Albania, SECRET 100% Trade Services Agriculture Transportation and Communications Construction Industry ? _ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 1k44.1.S'.9.4 Ai-1A 35.1 , 432. , r. SATELLITES* ESTIMATED DISTRIBUTION OF GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT BY SECTOR OF ORIGIN, 1938 and 1953 (In Percent) 1938 1953 .3 k?1075 4-2.7 4 I. 19.6 .?, h,7 0.4 ' ' 35.11 . ? 4441 10 , 1938 1953 \ \ $1:574 44.1 30.4 1938 1953 ALL SATELLITES* BULGARIA CZECHOSLOVAKIA 13460 CIA, 8.54 109 ef$', 52.4 0 ? t 54.1 ' t 1938 1953 EAST GERMANY SECRET '\?N 335 1938 Figure 2 `7\ 4.6k ?4\"!. ? 8 ?:. \\N 4,4 341 24.5 in3A:t 4 If, 5 ggi -r, 49.9 Y?.372 32.3.) 7474, 4 .t.41 24.7 2273' 1953 1938 1953 1938 1953 HUNGARY POLAND RUMANIA *Excludes Albania Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 100% SECRET INDUSTRY SUBSECTORS Energy Metals Machinery and Equipment Chemicals Building Materials Forest Products Food Processing Light and Textile Declassified and Approved For Release 2013;01/04-: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 100 MAUMEE= r 4 V A inENNEMERM Engig.WM V A V A ir!MErimemmeml 94 129 '7 d d A 1,MISMBMU 240 224 96 211 149 104 98 groi 105 124 161 WIMMEIMS 7 EAST GERMANY Energy Metals Machinery and Equipment Chemicals Building Materials Forest Products Food Processing Light and Textile 34 16o * 152 183 173 158 279 SATELLITES* ESTIMATED PRODUCTION INDICES 1938 and 1953 1950=100 vegificiar NEM 13 , ossessontan ,v BULGARIA 13461 CIA, 8-54 136 125 111 99 113 131 // KEY 1938 1953 wimo 370 418 987 100 84 30 V A r 125 A IMMENNEMAN 101 ,,MSW/Mlaniin POLAND 66 7 4 V A % r , A MIMI 4 V A 157 144 132 118 113 103 100 150 135 159 97 MMEME gag 95 N9MIN 111111.11.1.11111, HUNGARY 101 119 118 108 SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 153 178 171 RNMM / =ME =MEI 7 A A V 4 Figure 3 64 100 MN Et=INEMMIN IUMWMO 123 121 80 130 126 93 109 99 99 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 100 93 100 130 136 v4v4r4r4r4v44r4 Emeil r 1 lifi A 172 159 181 "EMEN 101 MENNENNEEM A RUMANIA 98 116 119 150 136 *Excluding Albania **Zero or negligible Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 SECRET Figure 4 SATELLITES ESTIMATED GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF TRADE 1936-38 AVERAGE and 1951 On Percent) CHINA 1 ? CHINA 1 ? 100% USSR ,'N,N2.1\s`c USSR 1 SATELLITES NON-BLOC 31 SATELLITES 1936-38 1951 EXPORTS 13462 CIA, 8-54 NON-BLOC 1936-38 1951 IMPORTS SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 SECRET 18 APPENDIX, TABLE 2 1 ESTIMATED DEVELOPMENT OF SATELLITE GROUND FORCES 1954-1956 July 1954 July 1956 Percent of Total Total Popula- Country Total Security tion (Army Army Troops & Security) DIVISIONS 0.) g- 0 Trained & Partially Trained Reserves Total Army Percent Total Increase Security I (Army & TroopsSecurity) DIVISIONS E. Germany 100,000 25,000 .68 _ 0 3 Poland 250,000 65,000 1.22% 0 5 Czechoslovakia 170,000 40,000 1.86% 2 4 Albania 30,000 10,000 3.15% 0 0 Hungary 150,000 38,000 1.97% 1 1 Rumania 215,000 78,000 1.78% 1 8 0 Bulgaria 200,000 50,000 3.25% 2 0 TOTAL 1,115,000 306,000 1.5% 13 (Mean Average) 4 7 30,000 12 17 550,000 8 14 415,000 3 ' 3 37,500 12' 14 300,000 12 13 450,000 12 14 550,000 63 82 2,332,500 175,000 25,000 60 0 4 8 12 250,000 65,000 0 2 4 13 19 170,000 40,000 0 2 4 8 14 30,000 10,000 0 0 0 3 3 150,000 38,000 0 1 2 11 14 290,000 78,000 25.6 1 2 12 15 200,000 50,000 0 2 2 12 16 1,265,000 306,000 1% 8 18 67 93 (Mean Average) The figures on the strengths of Satellite armies are considered fairly reliable; the margin of probable error is less than 10 percent. Information on the Rumanian Army is more limited than on the others, and strength estimates for that army have a slightly lower reliability. 'Includes 1 Cay. Div. 'Includes 2 Mnt. Div. SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04 : CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 SECRET APPENDIX, TABLE 3 1 19 ESTIMATED SATELLITE AIR FORCES JULY 1954 COUNTRY Fighters Light Bombers Transport TO&E Actual Reconnais- sance TO&E Actual Total TO&E Actual Personnel Jet TO&E Actual Piston TO&E Actual Attack TO&E Actual Jet TO&E Actual Piston TO&E Actual E. Germany ?. . 150 80 . .. ... 150 80 6,500 Poland 2 630 300 330 260 60 40 100 50 20 20 40 30 1,180 700 20,000 Czechoslovakia ,440 260 250 200 30 30 30 30 750 520 18,000 Hungary 220 200 .? 80 90 ? 40 40 30 20 370 350 18,000 Albania 10 10 ... 10 10 ? 200 Rurdania 220 160 120 80 40 30 30 20 40 30 450 320 12,000 Bulgaria 270 110 100 90 130 110 ? 120 70 30 20 40 20 690 420 14,000 TOTAL 1,780 1,030 260 180 910 740 60 40 300 190 140 110 150 110 3,600 2,400 88,700 1 The figures for actual aircraft strengths noted above are considered to be fairly reliable, particularly for the principal Satellites such as Poland, Czechoslovakia, and East Germany; the evidence for the remaining countries is less firm. 2 Includes Polish Naval Air Arm consisting of 40 TO&E (30 estimated actual) jet fighters and 20 TO&E (10 estimated actual) piston light bombers. ?Does not include approximately 130 single engine trainer types carried in so-called "night light bomber" units of the Bulgarian Air Force. SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 SECRET 20 APPENDIX, TABLE 4 ESTIMATED SATELLITE NAVAL FORCES JULY 1954 Country Destroyer Submarines Patrol Mine Amph. LCU Auxiliary Personnel East Germany 3625 (12) 18 (29) 2 9,200 Poland 1 3 15 12 15 9 8,800 Albania 14 3 800 Rumania 42 3? 23 4 2 7,500 Bulgaria 1 31' 20 4 4,900 TOTAL 119 57 15 17 31,100 The figures on the strength of the East German Sea Police, and on the Polish Navy are considered re- liable. The figures on the Rumanian, Bulgarian, and Albanian navies are of a lesser order of relia- bility, but are believed to be generally accurate. 2Eight under operational control of border. police. Overage or obsolete. Twenty-nine are ex-PT boats. 5 These vessels are small district and harbor patrol craft, not strictly seagoing patrol vessels. NOTE: The figures in parentheses indicate vessels under construction. SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9 CONFIDENTIAL sEeRist, tfeRET CONFIDENTIAC Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79R01012A003900010001-9