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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03400050019-1 COI~fMTiAL 92 79315.1 25 January 1954 MEMORANDUM FM: Mr. Allan Evens (OIR) Colonel W. H. Hennig, USA (G-2) Captain Allan L. Reed, USN (ONI) Colonel Charles F'. Gillis, USAF (AFOI1-2B2) Captain Ray Malpass, USN (JIG) SUBJECT : SNIE-11-54: Likelihood of General War with the USSR through 1957 1. The NSC has requested the IAC to prepare an estimate of the likelihood of general war (including Soviet attacks an the continental US) during the period through 1957. The RSC on 25 January indicated that this estimate is needed for P2=nlmv Board consideration 11 February in preparation for Council action on the 17th. The Board proposes to reccmmiend to the IAC that this request be not by drafting a very brief Special Estimate (sInE.ll-.54). 2. In view of the short time allowed for UC action, the Board has prepared the attached outline of main points for discus- sion with reference to the problem and suggests that they be used in lieu of formal terms of reference for this estimate. It is requested that your representative attend a meeting at 2:00 Wednesday, 27 January, to discuss these main points, to make oral contributions on as mater points as possible where agency positions are already cryatallil, and to indicate the points on which you feel written contributions must be prepared. The latest practicable deadline for such written contributions would be 12:00 Friday,, 29 January. 3. The attached outline breaks the problem dorm into the main topics and arguments used in previous NIE's and SE's dealing with the problem of likelihood of general war. Wherever agreed IAC positions are available an these topics, the outline contains quotations of the relevant texts, with an indication as to whether the agreed estimate extends as far as 1957 or only for a shorter period. It is the Board's view that the present language of NIE-95 (which extends only as far as mid-1955) as described in Section II and Section III of the attached outline could be extended through 1957 unless the critical economic and military factors listed in Section IV of the attached outline show significant changes in the period 1955-1957. The Board invites apecial attention to these It c U) o . iL U o w 0z5:09a zWsQ3:,- Z-cn=w n > < " LU CO I- :L Ui 0 n n a r c CONNTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03400050019-1 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03400050019-1 All. for the ptuposes of the d ai. u an 27 Jan=7 mid factors gents the retention of agreed language vhsrevvw there ham been no-significant change. 4. It vould therefore be appreciated if your a .wee tiw o xld meet with us is Rom ]h6 South Building at 2 OO W ee 27 b . PAWL A p B c Deputy As i .at Director Mtica1 Estimates Distribution "B6 ~IIDENTikk Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03400050019-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03400050019-1 C NHU MIi 6 C2~N"1 L I T LLIGEN0E. A0 E I1C7. MICE a TIQ A E&MMTES . SWECTs TOM (9 5 J r~ mv~w 1954 ~ K M n0?t ( V 'i tE =- a f TFR O ' 1957 t the l ood of g el (.l . . , Scviet stt ::e the *wt:~ ta!- ) dwtv t h I 'i FIiLd~l &U, s o for this ciatimto Is the nwid of the I= t 1 Sete f the pig threes. 1957 the t ete p ?a -? ww'Uy a p t n i rat on ea ental d f e;o % .b 1,r Nmed an, cwTunt rmtiama3 .1i1genae eetim.tward ? val.: e o l:y tf h 1955g TMe paragraph ncr r a N .t h, the USSR has a .a cmaebi l a e 89 twk' on the, ate tee ~ s it u :v-17 t t FXh. el b t y t,-" " to iwisr , wir :dwriaw, the period coed iremt or-tiamiep (thrm-Ch 1955)6. H umq It Is eei e that Via, r xi rer t f , .a ~,ti e ' , t om iie m e , a rest of e e ie of t e t, Uo not tcf d eit , ales to have that eye to eoww, de epltoje Savd,,-vt p e1sm- o1mr-ta" 1 " ea r =wesq there IS no aubetantial r . arm U61 stt the S; s .t od Its tic 2 t to the e 1 S d to u1timte objes .ve of dadmt , the -~uoo1do & 1 0 p., for Im. at h the defenv of ow vitale abo d pro- ooa4 1z a. rapid end orderly f in ,, p' ( ,. 8 CONFIDE TIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03400050019-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03400050019-1 NOOF .w TOPB QUESTIONS BEAMO ON THE PRO s 10 We hwe consist t 1 7 rwoodsed that ( ej et attawk on the aao imeaw US) Might oath ono of the ftuouinG Uwe 3 A. The t taktW, the a tegie of?f ivd9 delit ?- tt y :nth t> ,tioo, fsdt .te al e the Krmlin a i t i o i p a t i n g t h a t ,it a decisively d @ , - - f e a t the US at thweby ove3 ti , at ob'e?,ti A B. The USMV anti on the, stmt a de tee i p ddb e .t r avdtdth tatf earn ai i tint a "I wrl the iz's 1. E . hoii that the us gLi ad to attack the U3SR and hoping to Cain the strategic adv=- ta a of surprise by attackind first; balleviM that the inarwaine .1itaa ' ' of the US er the whole Wootem oocUtio conotituted a Wave throat to Sovtet se wity' e tam. aut tegic int effite C a , ar tba US . t` erg the otbar mti of the West) awdenly in the eo ?se of a series of aa' ntiel TOP S Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03400050019-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03400050019-1 w . TOP SE tB Nw H. and cont anti not iut4mdad by site aide to refit in remsral t d i4e that so= anti, tn1 c a by the otb aide oo titIx4d a gave threat to its se ity or vital strategic in ?esta o (MB-959 'babas Sov,et Bloc Courses of Action then xj l955n 22 Septa 1953) A. We have said that ue believe it l.i .koly that -the Krwlin ui11 conclude that Soviet Bloc forces had a deieivo .ty 3uatif . the deliberate thitiation of g , unr In eipfttatlon of early victim. (I A above; .5, aa. 15 a 16) B. We also have said that the Kremlin is unl:Vcely to conclude that war was i ?t regardless of Soviet intentions that the West coalition was Increasing its militery to the point of constituting a grave threat to Soviet security or positions vital to Soviet soctity4 (I B ab ; 45s paras. 15 and 17) C. We also h a v e said holie t h a t the x . win try to avoid courses of action which in its 3udg mat might Involve substantial risk of general war (I 0 above; ...95,, ?aa. 3.6 and 19) although we have e k ed that a acres of actlons and o ter- aotioni Initiated by eih aided could n?r rm e ,less lea. to feral war evm though not intended by oit ? r side to have that effect, -.3- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03400050019-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03400050019-1 %IV TOP E 1D71Cu A LUt:es r..e it x'75 xiy based on the fola' 1nt he? conside7rt;tiCr3 Pertinent esti!t t eo%sr t.h por pd trough. 1.957 are quoted A Q Kregeln Outlook and.OWg!e,,Ivog 1... In 1ne cr .th Coiari st c cctrine 'C at per- rulers remrdn Drof me t coned that manent hosttt ty ea .its between the C st and froo prorlds, TheAbasic objettuess, there- fire,, Conti .e to be an -,oansion of their c Am spher? of -..)c sr and the eventual dcalmtion of the non-Communist uor1tL" (NB-93, para. 13) 2 The Kremlin also probably believes that (a) the struggle w i l l . oont3.nuo t b r o a u $ a ti l e Ustorleal epoch, with historical forces working Inevitably- to faacx the ro t e of C gat and the cue- 611ne of Icanitali ate a (b) "the fcrm of the global conf3 et is zot necessarily rd-U. tary, exeept pessibl7 in the fiml and tat c1y .c stage. -9"," ( 9 .5 j para. 34) TOP SL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03400050019-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03400050019-1 TOP SIMI ?a wee tai ti. 14 11 c i to exist d r x t- i,od f A th ri itA ob f t t:i. O?t of s ,m a., Srirf:y etth of t,. id polit3 $ U1 t'?c usaken thew t ? (See NI&& t ftsawlat Bloc C p bilities t t :i9, tv, per". 66 a 67, 9 ImPmeLong TOM Dmelep=wt ?f he Siet Bloc w2d WWam Fmar P i iO - s is The Kremlin Mbbab27 esti tes that - 19 _28) Prlmrr tar to g y arcs &a the W WU r4lit o iti tti b0 w of the I d e Far Beat 3. Afri" l:i.ti . g i:-1 e, the mmOWO vice i v iatt Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03400050019-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03400050019-1 C. D s to e USSR of the IJ I.d to Of Power We believe that am C the pa ,od of this eaimate t h e Cemmmist vu1 V M contimw to consider Lem is as I a o b11 j, tmlving at a minlimm the o t' of aide- a ead dea tion in th9 USSR and at the tip carrying grit it the risk that the Soviet system its ux d be des ,? They 1MM that the US has i atraate .e a ? paww and naa l ea f2i.tiss, a lax g atowdo stook- p1leg and ate Industrial pots a o2though they probably esti to that the USM is making a beta nt :aal progmas Its di. tams in these rea at " ( 5g 4 16, =bw 9 t s s) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03400050019-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03400050019-1 I AV TOP SECRET TV. CRTTMAL FACTO INFLTJf ftG THE J ESTTYATE ? TEE 11 GARY BUMME A. 3 at Bloc Bean=ie B 1. L r . superiority of Western sc and-var tent 4 spit Soviet achij ta during the postwar afl the output of the USSR 3 t remeJn much l r than that of the M v amd the Output Of the entire Bloc in much l than that of the NATO states. We estimate that the vas about coo-third that of the NATO states. Theme die 'itioe i ratio term will wobably be reduced &lightly divIng the period of We satiate b although the disparities absolute s will be videned a evhat,. Bl output in the. in Industries - eaergyq minerals tclas and sa sub-- stantially below that of ' thNATO otat aw (N65 a paru. 28) quarter to ona--thi that of the US in 1952f, that the gross national .tot of the entire a aoua in . tome; of teal output of 11 t s of goods and ae me a hat d eleadi g o inditetore, of relative capacity to ;avduw .vM.Itary TOP SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03400050019-1 cadet gross national prodwilon about Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03400050019-1 TOP S esk1p ft 'peaoet ? Since the end of ' ld Y all i a MUCral product to anitary ug than ban any 9Ue state, %Ie astute that about of t Soviet mss tia p 4aot i.s now devoted to milltm7 outlays, and t bat thn pro. ion vM rams-in at least a ?v throu&b t period of this e at3 to o (Nn-65, pam. 7.9) J3hile Bloc v M probably Inamese at a high 9 the USSR o died a h 1r pp'tl t P of' t We st . to already so wwh greater that Western, superiority thm"fCTS dram s r a t e than that of t.: cle w Powers aM the ratio the Mae that t absolute gap tit the two X311 widen des it, the i v r rate of We m the Thm the West _ the ind ititt t atiy perior to the Stet Mrs nn tot (BF-460 9) ttea TabAit7? of the Sit 6CCMMY, spi amts ' LMUstry In to S to t der Industriol reglong ( i the D MIS) d 1 Pt Ill provide the bulk of S ,et i dm tir " ra s t4 d,i. pgr Soviet lnduat77 SM. , 6 to TOP Sd Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03400050019-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03400050019-1 TOP iEM= Vt8 i ~3~7 t -coned reglaral e:am Conti but the pw ction of many b is c for v and of t equlywnt r main ge phi ,y c ?e trated m ' (N 5,, 32) 195? the Bloc oem have achieved a r 1 l of se fief than at Mamuts certain Its= vM remain cif oub. atantia Importance to 31 ' al M a it produc ? These fUse include ci tr is tub .y also, tine vatvna rubber,, ? rp cork. If these 1t we or import ffbould ftass to a h1e s `r ott? a v d r , In tom. B1c b1nary and ui t tb spare pis,, waver re elons v d id s to sawaoW.R Pe m ,Tha Blee armed fames will ocstirm to No-, hx-apartM ... the comg1cated to ntles ai the min Bloc ` rrit r and the re2atively equate r aw ran z nt Met,,,' ('11M.650 - 53) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03400050019-1 ----- - y uc 41. 'st . y d f a. United pr a t Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03400050019-1 TOP SE 1. Over-an superiority of Ueat scientific .sets. scientific amts of the (tom :bar s quality of t o r19 facilities, u,p- mmt9 Wo- fin"c a ) greater t o hi r die of its soientifio and to m of the tJ SR.q a the assets of the West as. a vale are for greater t twee of the B1ov0 Howe ,r'o the is , adiag at effort to reduft this dis h, e it wi o b b 1 y centium to devaU nw-rm the gap between it sW the We.? even t to ff to s this disparity, is 1i iy to mima amts to it s than US M. TbareforO8, the difference be%veen Sit wid L scientific capabilities In t period not siifi.t as the over-an Omparlarity at the M In sole tific an t d ? 'a? 37) ors lentifio assets of the 14eat (umbers it7 of trained n1? fadilitias,, Lad ,- nt) are now far ater thm them of the Stet Bloao and t GM' n1 v W rmain grftter awer the fifteen years. f aver the R is expanding at nart . 10 TOP IMCM Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03400050019-1 IDeclassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03400050019-1 TOP SECRET Waste= ftwere pmbably will ,s mint` ad0e96, t ? aantg In, el to be better able to t a to totnvs into q dt7, o tim MO q .f? , re r v tbe Bloc ray en to emmeaivOy this salaxtia to ter mnitoxy and o pmbImme - narrming the range of t xee dUdnishing the pmbab.Ufty of basic m t e advmwes, ao (SE-460, pam. U) . 2r UnlikeMood that during the pd of this eatdte Soviet i e d lop &W ;dd, ly n vmpon si{ LI"I tly alters the wr ,&. power e0 S psi a s 0111tary t t xd v .4 Mobab37 load Irmlin t avoid totel VW glad 1Q The relatively =mU etek of st n bcabes 1?f, s vM- 1953 about ( . ei O) mid-1957 abaut ?~2 (p ib _ 73354,1 ) o (659 p a 50) U g mWarlarity the Usast ? the 'Moe TOP S RET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03400050019-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03400050019-1 TOP SET. was of atomic weapons. It Is likely that tba West a d g t h e period of this e eti to , r mper1cm to the Soviet Bloc in capabilities f tactic use at a es whether in general or in local ." (S E-469 para. 16) 20 Comparative erdevelop . defense system o. i st Western atonic attack. ' 'le 9 m? Bloc d fors continue to be bampered by o a deficiencies in experience ? training ui nt .fig o ? . &Sz defence ooott (M-65 para. 53) Continued inability to eff ti y at k the US in order tons (a) el ` the major tbmt of atomic at k; (b) prevwt the rob ti. Wustrial and lta potent d USSR now has the a apabilit' to undertake t air opratione against _ the s the ,, vaa- t1ftntal ape, the ddle Este Ja ea and the off. Share Wand QWn of .Asia. However, operations agminst the US valid be difficult, than tho against the other araw. The M SR bas the con bili to re-seh all parts of the US and to att pit the delivery of its f, a ile of a c ;e o f ers even a TOP SWUM Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03400050019-1 r Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03400050019-1 CO I E TIAI eta .dT J aid reach on3,v the extrwo n, axa owner a aims vithoit aarla lin n with aerial refueling and der ranp wtte ion uee, attack up= the altrategle n air i a i . area and up= most -of t prImIpLI e' gic bases almost certainly ,cl involve th Itaft of t attacking &Lwaraft and most of the ve. am- way eeicaem Until it has a beavy bomber a i& f OPIMUGMI t, the MW UM not have the g ility toreh moat of the et tegi ,ly lepar. taut a e In the US an tvo=wW missions, A he bmbar bawd a t which has been men M&t be graduation and my be ble for x?a tied use with the trod of this eeti to ,a ( 4 4 Nabable eantimad P r e s e n c e of sipuicant NATO fie In SUPOP and the t 'use iemee With to tie atmic e whiff amad be used 7 a0zinst the Soviet aised fa-me. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/04: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03400050019-1