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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12\ CIA-RDP79RO1012AO02300010034-0 SEC ITY INFORMA TIOAq~j Intelligence Report '73i~03 No. 5818 DESTROY AFTER ARGENTINE ATTITUDE TOWARDS UN ACTION AND HEMISPHERE DEFENSE DEPARTMENT OF STATE Office of Intelligence Research Date : March 7 p 1952 review of this document by CIA has deievmi:sed that CIA has no objection to declass It co lairs information of CIA Interest that M "I remain classified at TS S Authority: Itf1 70.2 Q Il contains nothing of CIA Interest Dale 31 Ma& go i Reviewer MWA RI q- =-- -COPY N S$6URITY INFORMATION Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP79RO1012AO02300010034-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP79RO1012AO02300010034-0 SECRET Security Information This report was prepared from information available through March 4, 1952,. by the Division of Research for American Republics. TABLE OF CONTT!;NTS Page Abstract I Rio Treaty 1 _ ,^ II Argentine Support for US and U Action in Korea 1 - 2 III Argentine Return to the Third Position 2 - 5 IV Hemisphere Defense . . 5 - 6 V Peron's Attempts to Revive ABC Coalition 6 - 8 VI Conclusion g _ 9 This report is distributed by OIR/IDR, telephone extension 4148 or 4149. When it has outlived its usefulness please return it to OIR/IDR, Room 101, SA-1, SECRE2 Security Information Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP79RO1012AO02300010034-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 CIA-RDP79RO1012AO02300610034-0 SECRET. - , Security Information ABSTP~CT . . In the wake of tre attack' on South Korea in June 1950, Argentina anpeared about to abandon its traditional, isolationist attitude towardswbrld conflicts between the Great Powers and actually cooperate with 'the. US and the UN, ; 'A.rg } t~,ne. rat , ication of the Rio Treaty, which `had been tabled since 1945'' the Chazber is of Deputies, seemed to indicate that Argentina was also ready to ccoperate with the US in erecting an effective sys~em,of hemisphere defense. The basic anti-US sentiments of the ' Peron`Administration, .however, appear: to have been only temporarily pushed into the back ground by Argentine's immediate. desire for US assurances as to,. allocation ' of markets,,essential._, imports, credits and military _ supplies. .in the event that a,Th.ird World 1-Jar-was-Imminent. When it become evident that an all-out East-West conflict'was not at hand and that Argentine public opinion was adverse to active participation in Korea with the UN, Peron retreated to his former anti-US and isolationist policy. His backtracking was probably hastened by resistance within the Peronista Party and by the.insistence of the Opposition Union Civica Radical Party that Argentina maintain her traditional policy of keeping out of world conflicts between the greatowers.,: It was thought, that the virulent anti: -US campaign of the Peronista propaganda machine might drop off sharply.after the national elections of 1951. The de-cline has,been only relative, however, and the emphasis has been shifted to alleged sinister Tjj',rJesigns on the sovereignty and the economies of other Latin American countries. The present Peronista Dress and radio attack on US efforts to organize an effective defense system for the Western Hemisphere may reflect some fear of'~encirclement" as a result of US military assistance negotiations. Argentine propaganda media have also tried to promote a bloc of Latin American producers of strategic materials to secure hig e' fix prices:l'xo" m._e US, Peron has openly sought a revival of the ABC block as a preliminary to a Latin American confederation which under Argentine leadership would be a barrier, to. US, plans for defense of the Hemisphere. Although the Peronista press and radio have bitterly criticized US negotiations for military assistance agreements with other. Latin American countries, Peron may take the risk involved in"seeking a similar agreement if it aRpe^rs there is no other way to maintain Argentina's position vis a vis Brazil and Chile. Iffgranted, however, Argentine use of military assistance might not be in accordance, with SECRET Security Information Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP79RO1012AO02300010034-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP79RO1012AO02300010034-0 ...CRm, , Security Information. what the US may consider to be the-best interests of the Hemisphere. Although an armed attack on its neighbors seems unlikely, Argentina might use US arms to coerce those neighbors or to regain Argentinats er Arreden -..the ?alkiand Islands-or to make good Itgentine claims in-thp Antartic regions. The record of Argentine failure to cooperate ofectively with the US indicates that Argentine assurances Would be designed as a temporary expedient to achieve Argentina's immediate needs anQ?would be'subject to domestic political requirements. Security Information Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP79RO1012AO02300010034-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP79RO1012AO02300010034-0 SECPET Security Information 3NTINE'?ATTTTIJDE x0?~?t I S iJN . C'TION A T3: L'~~IISP '~ UEIt'EA? :`~:'.?"":; '?'.v`.L .a'ri ';ri?i ~~?t" :.{1: :tYi:?':~_i.7.':`..t .~ ,.? :>; .,?., ...:r ' :., 'lta"';Rio;:Tty f r' _ G ? r _ 'i ^.."';'?~?:.?i t l?cy'' '.L `? Y ?? . ?.'i~R?. '::. ' ::: ?' !i1 C. ~ i?~V. `::, , _ { r - Argentiif61-s ned 'the Rio Treaty,' with `?reservat`ions, on' ` Septeinber?2, .39`IvS'. F rho' r entire' Senate,:"appro~ved'ratification on Duty 22t''1948.:?:=:Itr` August 19 ?3 ' at-`w.P?s- tebled in the Chamber ofr. De Duties',, Altho'u h"tl e' Perb, isth-blac' hac1 `the-'necessary votes to secure approval, Peron.-a*-b aTently preferred not. to `risk an open ebate with the- Opposition" on ' 'ore1 'n policy`' unt31 "the _time'. 'was right On June 28, 1950 i1n"the `atinosphe e; of awr crisis, ' the ,Peronista block. ir.: the .`C'.ember of Deputies brought~'up,'annrgval of the Treaty and forced it' through .the :Chamber 'that'tsaire `day. The Oprosition' Union, Cfvica Radical (UCR) Deputies abstained from voting after the'ir.requests for more time to examfne.: fhe: s ,v ..t~ere::.cverri&len;:: UCR-leader'Arturo Frondizi connected Peronista zeal -for approval to thegreuting ,of the 425;000,?00.0. US Export-Import 1Bank: loan"arid decl red his Party t preferred the maintenance of the national dignity a't'whatever 'economic a-~_ a n l or s c ,a .: ' Peron ! s action -.,in securing, ratificetion? =of the Rio Treaty{ appears to' .have. been: mpt3 vated_' by .-Argentine-I's -.1mneLf ate =reds. 'If... lurid War III were imminer}t,::atifi?cation? would,- improve Argen'tijrats! Position ;in securing US aaurances as 't41?a2l.ddati6 ` of:'ets;' esseritial_imJaarts'and finanGia1credits as ;wel?~:?as armsshiprdents. The yv~:sit"~of Ass~.sta t Secretary of ,:State February . 1950;?:and? the' Export-Ihiport: Bank 'l'oan ha,4 also helped by improving US-Argentine re1?ations' .which had detor4drated in 1948-1949. The Peronista press mace haste to justify ,the Administration Is desertion of its vaunted Third,...Posi.tion..and.. it seemed--as',thOu gh'Argentina was about to support the,_US with more than II. rr_, .ne'-Sti dirt for US:?erid ,;UN?:Aution aim Korea,. In the perioYiimmediately fQllotir rr , rata fica t on. - g i ? of.:tlge R~.o Treaty, Arger)t3r;e official stites eiits,-:the .Pernnista'=press' anti' Peron-s own speeches inclic~ted : rnroyal of , and ;:support for : ,UN. aril+,US' action I. ' Republica .Ar ennagmarA-.,4 -Diputados, -,M6' r 10-de 'Sesiones June 28, 1950. Security Information Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP79RO1012AO02300010034-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP79RO1012AO02300010034-0 SECRET 2 Security Information in Korea.1 In early July 1950, Peron- told::ra group of visiting US, newspapermen that he believed the.:: US was. acting very intelligently and that the UN. could count - ?on the support of the metn~ier nations to give effect to"its"decisions. 2 In an official reply to the. Secretary General of'the UN, made public on July 18, 1954,-Argentina:: stated that she was at the disposal of the Unified. Command ;and'wo4d fulfill her commitments under the United Nations Charter'.3'' Although Cr$a,.an Administration daily, -had suggested on July 16.': that, contingents of volunteer troops would be sent to Korea ForeignMinister':Paz,in his press conference`bn,the day the Argentine reply,was::made?public, assured the, Argentine public. that "consultation.of'the people" would precede. -involvement- in military action. abroad.4 This brief oeri od--to July 18, 1950--was the., high tide of Argentine, pro-UN sentiment." To? (March, 1952) the sum of direct Argentine assistance. for thew UN `in' Korea been to send a shipment of canned?meat to Korea. hixd Position tine Return to the 1' e A III n rg _ . The. Argentine reaction to the. prospect of, actual participation in?,.Korea indicated th,?t it was, not an issue populer..enough6to create widespread public support for .abandonment of isolationism. On July, :18,' 1950,lPeron. backtracked with a declaration that ""In the` face of the present difficult international situation- Argentina. will adopt only... the attitude dictated by her people `Argen'tina ' has? her ~ own plans' 9-Or' the present and future, 'and: whatever she -does must redound .to `the' benefit of her ? own interests,. and.not to. those ofd. some-` one,.eIse. Thereafter the. Administration :and its propaganda.machine'_ lamd. .no'reasing Stress on the Third Posi.tion`:as Argentinats salvation..inwhat, i' 1. T-559 and T-561, BuenosAires,.June 29, 1950. (Restricted ;_; T-564, Buenos Aires;'?Tune 30, 1950. (Restricted) ...Weeka No. 26, Buenos Aires, June 30, 1950.? Confidential). D-7 Buenos Aires,.July 5, 1950..,:(Rest 3. D-71, Buenos .Aires, July 18,. 1951. {Rest_,~?rcted) ). .1950. (Restricted July 20 . Buenos Air s D 86 , e , - , 4. 5. D-966, Buenos Aires, December :15~ 1951. Restricted). 6. D-86, Buenos Aires, July ,20, 1950. (Restricted . Weeka?-N6.." .28,. Buenos Aires:, 'July 14, 1950. (Confidential. ?. 7. D-71, Buenos Aires, July 18, 1950... ?? -Restreted) . J 105, Buenos' Aires, July 24, 1950. {Re- tricted). ? SECRET Security Information Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP79RO1012AO02300010034-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP79RO1012AO02300010034-0 ",SECRET-- Security Information ?3escri~bed,a :'a sti gl e beWeen 'the' US ariii `soviet `Russia tor :world donirat1,t7n.;, The.: obvibZs'-burboso `of "the:`tdri1inistratiori`'s. tactics :.has ,bc en to ~re.inf'o'ce r ubli`c''resistaiice- to any abandonment of isolationi In November; X95?;=,Juan':'Otex~oy 'Argentine Ambassador 'to Moscow; is reporter to. .have, toad-- thee: Brazilian press that , 1--w iatis taking, place inn, Korea is -a re?p tftion-'of f that which occurred on' o~tYier `occasions, since it concerns an,extremely wealthy re ion and is, thus sought. after. by governments of `'other'- cotntries.; It Since: January 2951, ? the" theifiehat~the stru le in, Kox'es ' is a prel:imiftary to. an :inevitable war between.the imperialist'ic.;foroes of ,Communism and capitalism; .spearheaded by the`Soviet' the US respectively, ~has"be?en .increasing1y;,emphasized by? all the :propaganda media- at, the'dj_-SO.osal -of -the Peron Administration. _ Ain article ,ln an August ?195] : issue of El L der, they organ of ftiriister of the I'riterior :Borlengl i, _-state& that the US-was locking ?to other countries "for; "human material" ::to eight its battles and 'thus save US .lives.The article cony] uded :by declaring that "Even.. though` Pa#~ Amen can . sol dari ty; has not.been denied by any .of the Latin American coiix~tre"s, i,t is yu to evident that; our s~ tuation and our obligations and responsibilities in.,-,the;event`of:,another. war"'cannot. be considered` on t e.?samep.].gne as those of:.the United- States aril the'ir' allies `and' Tur?opean dependents.." The articles -szgned'4Descartes- vhich Embassy Buenos Aire.s believe. are ..authorized, if. not; written by: 1'? i cn, have consistently defended the `.Third Position with more brickbats for the; US than for ?. the Soviet Union:.... Descartes has: written that World, War III is:: inevitable :iecause the l?preparation"s, have -reached a?'st ge :inhere the -wiser course.. of.. avoidance~?-of-`taar :taorxld.-bring-economic aisrster (to'the Us).. ,According ::?.to Descartes: capitalisiii'and ccmmunisin are tioutli to disappear. ..The a .,th3 rd ,Grand followers.--of Peron ! thus 'have no' reason for engy grog in every one will "lose and 'wYiic'i has o'. meaning for the Pa'ronistcs;:.who':Y 3ve -s?ol' 'ed, `all their : probl iris, - - +.? rrc. c. SLCi avtr .~.~,. uc.3a.w._a~.a..s. wi.9.v ,.u ... ,,. ~..f ._.r/Jv"p ~v-u..aii_-___ ?.aitai)? 2. _FBIS - November 21, 1950. (Restricted), 3'' D-295'x,. Buenos=. Ai.,res?,' August 29, 195]. c1.osure'Nosif ;: 4 D-401, Buenos Aires, September 14, 1951 En'cl sure. No. Restric 5. ti3 ' 2 7 1951 : Enclp. u re tricted . SECRET Security .:Tip .brmation,. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP79RO1012AO02300010034-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A002300010034-0 Security Information::: In meetings of the UN General Assembly prior to the last session the Argentine delegation has usually given good to the~'US?'on East-Test issues after : ~iak ng ` it cl'e'zr`''tha t the, Argentine position- was independently takent During the Sixth Session of ,the General= .. Assembly. in-: Paris (?la#.e. 19SI and early 1952) there. ?was a? noticeable change in .the, Argentine vof dig record. Argentina held. more- closely, to its Third Position' ths'ti-,before and on `important matters pertaining:::` to the East,-Nest' :conflict frequently abstained-, from,- voting Argentine isolationism in conflicts involving the Great Powers.. has deep roots in the Argentine oast The nation yae akept?: t.-'of `World War I by Fxesident' Irigbjtezi"arid very-reluctaritly onto-add ..World' Wer `II only after. the.;,outcome was. ~cle ly evi ien't. The:UC t block :ins the Chamber' ?. of Deputies hasp consistently` advocated: an isolationist policy for Argentina and in so doing 'hasut pressur Or' .the ,dministrarti~on to pe maintain a..simi,ar::p'os.itian becauseY bf isolat apaeal _to'the '. - masses to .the e-xtre se:? riatiohalists and to an imuor'tant- sector of "the Peronista???Party r~' Redibaltleadera have made it; clear that: their adiafra~ion ,.. for the ' has t~infi'uenced their to~'support..,the., the Far -East. On September 1 :;1~S0Dell piano` ''Radical -representative on 'the Chiambers y .Foreign Affairs-,Committee, 'declared that if Chinese' leaders arneareci bound. to Moscow it :ties: because of extern e? oiti Lions;.. In: '.the' ' ?;' December 27, .19'51 debate .'.in . the' Chamber -over approval of 'the` apanes~e Peace Treaty,' Frandiz ,the`. leader''o'f"'the Radical bloc, described the ,Treaty as figuring conspicuously in the., strategic, plans. .-f a: sossible ``. future Ia He stated-?'flotl-f r that Ar r. entines should. have nothiin ' , g a g ..,; do with the struggle`--f-or, domination` over' Asia : and the, Pacifia` O een.2 It is qu stior ble.?if: Peron would have given .even ;vocal support ~' ` to UN action in Ko ` rea -had he-More'sen''`thet ubl~:~c?~;rea,ction :-against': Argentire vow , e ;x3 ement':= .Elie abi-%ity to suppgrt,,.tYie,.,UN--even die he wish to do so -has been me retunecribed` by the forces ,:of isolationism 4Rm and national? to ,prgeritinA4 Cringi so' National, 3, a:de;t'Se ipne September 950. 2. Republ ca lrgen ina,. Cozig ~eso`'Naci6tal,' Diar o de a Tones: December SECRET Security Information Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A002300010034-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP79RO1012AO02300010034-0 ~~it 1. r'1%f:> - ? .L -. ", f.~ ?~. , -, t. ~.. S :i~~', :~ ..~ ,{ Hem~spYiere'Defense`' fit. 'sr+_ ,. ~'.~..u+ ~i;~,'.. 3,. ~. ,-~? ` '?? j The 'eron ; Admir}istration is brief enthusiasm 'for~~the Rio Th ety ` or -ugh t rie~a assurances of rgerstine solidhr ty for measures to be :taken in _ r~'efen'se of . the es tern Iemisphere r: ' T lose as"sur~aii'c~es' Piave silica ' 1d 0 Security' Information pla`ce' MoD g zarre .some. ,ch tchat:2... ' . '. :' _ " Descartes;' hoa-desc ' es. the. UAT .as a':me a ins' riairient' of" the. US and.' the Aygentryines to'a on)t sf'~ci' ferent rc',cvF'l ?~rThe'''Peron,s`bn'press`~'inc udi*+O Conference convened,;,' It .a , ,~ ,, , pparentJ:y.'was, -secured=irr,gdod part~by tactful US handling of- both- the Argentine delegation and the issues !resented before the conference. :'+ t 1 i' f' i. +' + ?? ? ? ? ? s'2 Argentine agreement .to_?meas?gyres taken to tighten he disphere defent was, however, wc& erred by, the, reservtion:`th6t'- .se`-'of'its armed forces , Conference of Foreign,; I .n ste3^s ifi Washing ton' etas; not as'sUred i he i'" the really of f ectiue; r eiiti e co Aeration at t~4e`"I ar h-April 1951 AMerzcan`; ggver`rinien~s have --publ4 cly: interpretad `the under?akings~ in A s~mi1 or sense Peronista 'gas's a? ?tacks on the Corference,'Yiowever,,,, h6ve sia~rorted neutrality anc eondejnne'd;:US teresn mil .tary cooperatzon as an affront to I tin rnericar~ soVereignty Only in Guate-al.a'has "anotherofficial prop aganda?m'-chineebeeti turned :against the US position. Military and economic differences'we:r headlined?'in an attempt to portray Argentine as successfully opposing the United States on these two aspects of hemisphere,, cooperation..:. The--Argentine - .theme." -VW~comatCommunism- in too raise the levels ,of ?,lu ring ,pyqaying ;~~fa3.r!' prices - o Latin ier caii' i 1 prodticers`G~as later ireque ttly c tad ?an support" of a i~aw `ma eras'` nroducer'hi ~~. uric?a~ :ni ran+ ,r~~' iaartrrq -4 y ?? .. . ,. + '~ t : *' . neighbors Bdiiv3atand Chile, have been enecuraged'to `riot ,on'al e their Lst American:x~esentz ant over econo iz 'losse's a 1 egedly suffered l9's"a" esult`:of`,'nfl; tad p ices .for US expo is fb'lloidng 'crld _ar''II . ''has b en ;carefully cultivated~ y Ar ant ne. pro a nc iec1'ia. Argentina t: -10 vfrll 1. D-1239, Buenos Aires, February i,;:I95 "-(Secret). 2. D-1060, Buenos Aires, January'10,,--195 (Restricted). D-1092.p Buenos Aires, January 14, 1952. (Unclassified). ' SECRET Security Information Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP79RO1012AO02300010034-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A002300010034-0 0 Security 7nforiaatipa.. SECRET . tin. and copper resources to? end !'Yankee explpitation.!"':_: Even-.through; nationalization wou d nbt cut off ;U3 supplies` pf these_. two.,vital materials . proOuction might= cenceivablyy decrease - and prices mig) t besubstan ally increased. Argentine propaganda has also urged Latin American countries to reserve their supplies of raw materials for the future, and?,to hold.,,;. ; out for higher prices from the US. '~? One. Of. most "uhsavory,1episodes . in the obstructionist campaign , directedfromrthe Casa osada was the exploitatioi .of the. ,alleged :-Benson.. plot. ; This. myth of raid 1951 was " head'J fined b ,the ' rams press; and radio in. a deliberate' attempt to dis.9redit the Armed Forces.of the US and disrupt hemispheric cooperation. Tl'iis deliberate , lfe; ,-.given: .; quasi-offie1a3 `sanction t. lien . 1rsed ;by the Colw nist : esca'rte3s, who, r ,f not Peron .'himself,. at the ? vent' At has; ~'eron e, bl easing.. .. r: V. Peron's Attempts to Revive ABC Coalition Ano er Peron attempt to interfere' with US plans tor developing....r,. .? ,.,. an effective`'systemo defense for the Western Hemisphere. has: been. his,. 0group; (Argeritina, ';Brazil and. Chile , appeals, fora revival ;of the"' The-Argentine =Pires3:dent suggested union .of the, tl'iree countries. as .a: . . solution to their problems ifs duly' 1950.; 4 2n' late":August 191,;;he warned that victory` i . a 'third: world war by ;the ~ Do ~,a~r urtaint"; we . willbe uncongtieable ::n3 f . ' ..... 2. D-1046, Buenos'Aires,''December,28, 1951,:;;:; ~(Restr cted),.:,?....,?..,-, ?,.. _ D-3875, Buenos Aires, June'1, 1951. L(Restst ._ icted,DD-1939,) Buenos ' .. Aires June 14,:1951. (Confidential) _ i 3. D-1724, -Buenas-.Aires, Flay 4, .3952. (Restr.acted}... 'D-109.5,. Buenos r...... w. N Aires, June 7, 1951. (:Restricted) : D-1959, Buenos Aires., June 14f: 1951:(Con fidential). D-1139, Buenris Aires, January.l$.;.,1952 (Re4 ; .. 5. D-392, Rio de Janeiro, September 5, 1951. Enclosure No. 1. (Restrict Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A002300010034-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A002300010034-0 0 0 Security Ip1 cTr4ation On December 20, 1951, Descartes expanded this theme by suggesting that Argentina, Brazil and Chile unite as a preliminary to the formation -a '`Sau~tks;, An ericar3.e federatisn; spr ad n = :northwa d".and;1 tng ng .together: all not, oneof": ,at n; oarig n.;,; xhe .oiumn s . returned: fax this thenie1 -te i ? anuary 952., when lie f tad, alleged ~ JB` .designs. or ;Canada .as pro[o:.;that. I~atiri American; countries t:nte ,3n order' rtoratect such. a =='themselves against ;the, ;US;2 ohs fact:. hat, Peron 's plans; or oonfederat SSn ;or even. an ABC:'bloc under .Argentine lea ership: appear to hive little,'-chance',,of a.:ucceeding .should anot.:be peir n teed:;" to.;..~b cure the main point.--that Argentine -: propagazd4,. has.,cons4.s en ly attempted to-.einbarraos ?,US ; #,empt5. ,to, organ ze< an, ;e tem .of..he sphere , ..defense. ?' . `... = ... ;. :The 'eroniata: press;, has bitterly crIticized,~UB:"ne of ations with other< Iat3ri-:l ryfean:.governments" fox .b teral~ military as1 ce ;; ..agreement 'as, authorized; by'-`the. 19 ...: its:has del iterate y attempted .- o ..obstruct.. the .-cons.ummatior~ : of ,these agreements it ,charges! :that :they. W 11. ;ead to., U Se Ii~vas :ori of the..~..gn3ng aountryt s sovereign ., .Where the ..U negotiat ..ons with Iexico,:br.oke ddown the pro- amggp rt''nd ' n3stratx _ ere: Buenos. Aires 'S e# exploited . it.witih obvious?:pleasure 4Theygave the,.iZnpxessiarn to-the e Argentine; pz bljc that .the:Mexican-US negot ations- broke down 1cause Mexico refused, to send. .troops . abroad,?.would. not,:perm t ;US trgops.ton Mexican soil and rejected US demands which would "gravely -affect' Mexie agriculture and industry. The Peronista press empba,si.zed,Mexicof,s alleged defense of her sovereignty and criticized the`Pentegon`f`or its " rur e" demaric?'s in :retu 'n ;or; xf~ terry. aid.., On .:Fe3bri ryt28, 1952 "Des cartes assured .hia. re a.ders -.,that r ,,since Latin , Arica. was. prg.te cted by.sits-is oletec posiitior},, confine, tai defens .,could be?=beet iss ed ' . by :individual action-of; each country without the costly . vd .of ,tbe US 4 ., Argent na ..he got been i~ -r t t aye; a. mill tart' ;assistance ~g a nto;; Fore gn::Mini star. Remorzno has. :, xprs::ssod" : h -fear... tha# , as a consequence, -the bal,anee of ?9Wer Southern $q]}th ,Ames ca w~ l be all :~tb ,Argentiuakdisadva~itage~ Argent a leas tttediti;ona ly relten~ that :I ti Demo cia:;.:Buenos;?Aires.,> Decem ter 20, 1 51~ ;: p=lO 8~ Buenos ...._ ,... , ;AireDecem1)er ?26,, -19:51.. eistricte : ;. Democgacia, Buenos; Aires, January 24~ 1 S y.?.." x.1171, Buenos Aires, } ~ ~ Ste' T: ~ - ~ ?~.. '._`=.`.{ ._.. Security formation 3. D-1314, Buenos Aires, February 27, 1952. (Unc].assified).- 4. I-A Democracig, Buenos Aires, February 28, 1952. _ . D-1134, Bue.nos,Aires, January 17,.1952. (Confidential). Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12: CIA-RDP79R01012A002300010034-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP79RO1012AO02300010034-0 SEEMT... : Security Information solat on ,si ` vrhfo a`-.he; -has. nurtkire :woulsI :die: a `atrongaO, drrfng' factor. 'Inathe.;short 'ruin=tYie perhaps most useful to Per~?n as`'a scapegoat fir .his.:econarn c difficult es:= Over th ...l'orf rur. he. may feel that a , . y that he 'cannot. otherwise forestall, closerBrazilian' `and Chilean` ties'" with the USA Perim may eventually feel, forced to seek'srmilar' agreements such action would alienate the nationalistic and isoletionist'sentiments he .has cultivated and depended upon for public -support. If. Peron decided to take that-.risk, Argentina might be able to qualify for military assistance under US legislation and would probably give the necessary assurances. Domestic political needs might main rule, hotirever, as regards carrying out such., a,q ree. ~ent)). _once -Peron had. secured what he wanted in the way of 'military assist r'iee...; Strengthened Argentine Armed Farces :might ;n'ot,necessarily' be used in what the : US would conceive to be'the':best. riterests