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Approved For, Release 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP79RO1012A000300030021-1 CENTRAL, INTELLIGFJICE AGENCY Office of National Estimates 18 December 1950 SUBJECT NIE 1O COMMUNIST CHINA r r0 The Problem? Tg st to the outcome of the struggle between Commmist and Nationalist io -ell, the courses of action which the Chinese Ccmuzr~i sts are likely to follow elation to the USSR and the non-Co mumi a, to r1 r3 __ /tea +%m ?m.+*it T nation it ca apable of playing a we e of eliminating effe lets Republic of C Communist world? Is China? Is it capable 1-defined role in the Ave opposition with of early with and 1and9 suet trot of Republic o regime on Formosa by otherwise? What is thout increased US ai' n guerrilla operatic or a part of the Chi China control and/or e capability of the , to resist attack, military tttack, sub- tionaliat Government, o re-invale the main- are the support of and to what xtent is that control the Nationalist gone or support limited eventually regain con- xtent doe;i the Poople0s p peoples of China, affected by the What are e objectives of the hinese Commmist regime? To what extent are the object ves of the Chinese Co ists identical with Soviet.Conmunist objectives? If those obj ctives are not identical, does the Chinese Commun st regime: have either the propensity or the capability to follow an independent course of action? What are the most likely points of disagreement between the Chinese Communists and the USSR? Even if these disagreements do not bring about a Soviet-Chirese Communist break, will they weaken the ties between the two regimes? Approved For Release 2001/O -RDP79R01012A000300030021-1 Approved Fo( Release 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP79R010' 00300030021-1 ~/ SECRET 1, Stability of the, Chinese Communist regime- OIR A. Politic . composition. 1. Ascendant or dominant influences in governanont,, 2? Role and political orientation of armed forces and political police. QIR B, Internal stability. 1. Extent of/~pacification of opposition, forces with n- mainlayynd China0 2, Ability of the Chinese C gist regime to control or hold popular support through Internal seovrity mechanisms or other means, 3, Mediate economic problems and of ?ect on political stability., C C. Prospects of scouring Formosa or containing the Nationa lst government on Formosa. 1, Chinese Nationalist military capabilities with and without Increased US aids 2 i, a.. To defend Form. sae, b,, To maintain organized or guerrilla forces on ?W n1 1 of China. c. To conduct amphibious assault,, Extent of defection or subversion on Formosa,, 3. Communist capabilities for ? mphibieau.s as .ualt,, 4. Prospects for continued and effective US pro- CiR 5? tection of Formosa,. Prospects of UN solution of Formosa question,, CI. IIa Conn ist China's objectivesa A. Aims of Chinese Connwism as exemplifi in actions and writing prior to fraccess of revolution,, B. Objectives tech emerge from internal and external policies since success of revolution, 0, Relation of abcr to Soviet objectives? 1 v Those which are identical with or similar to those of USSR. 2. Those which appear at variance with or in con- flict with Soviet objectives., Approved For Release 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP79R01012A000300030021-1 Approved For-..Re ease 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP79R0101W00300030021-1 ~~++ SECRET In. Communist China's capabilities. G-2 A. The Soviet program of support OM B. External economic and political factors which en- large or limit Chinese Communist capabilities a 1. Role of overseas Chinese 2. Effectiveness of pressure from other Asian Governments. 3. Vulnerability to economic warfare. 4. Vulnerability to air bombardment and naval blockada. G-22 C6 Mediate military capabilitiess especially capa- bilities to execute canpaigns In., 1. Korea 2. Indochina 3. Japan 4,, Other areas of South Asia and South Seas. OIR IV. Probable future relations between Communist China and USSR. A. Capabilities of Coimmmist China for pursuing independent courses of action. 1. Control over internal instruments of power. 2. Degree of economic independarnr;e of USSR. 3u Possibilities of outside aid. Conditions under which Cam st China might choose to pursue an independent or anti-Soviet course of action. C,, Developments which would weaken USA-Chinese ties without promoting open break D,, Degree to which USSR would be willing to adjust differences in interest of maintaining partnership., E. Conditions or developments which would tend to strengthen Chinese ties with the 1YSSR, F,. Conclusions as to likelihood of joint policy or conflict. Resc-rved V? Probable tISSRCChinese intentions and courses of action likely to be fofowed in 1951 -52 vied-as vis W -3- Approved For Release 2001/08 -RDP79R01012A000300030021-1 Approved ForRe~lease 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP79R0101 A 00300030021-1 L Korea B? Porno Cn Hong Kong and Macao D., Southeast Asia E. Japan F < India and other m .ddle f the aroad powers G ,East-West power struggle generally G--2 Amex Detailed analysis of Chinese Communist Immediate military oapabili- tie s to execute campaigns in., 1. Korea 2 Indochina 3. Japan 4,, Other areas of South Asia and South Sew. Approved For Release 2001/08/14P79R01012A000300030021-1