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- "Approved,or Release 2006/10/31: CIA-RDP79R00971A000500020007-3 M~2t&?At~l3U23 F .: SE O TIE OF NATIONAL ESTNATES 4 December 1952 Mr. Allan Lena (ota) Colonel Gerald F. Lillard, USA (G-2) Captain Allan. L. Reed, USN (TI-L. _ . , 4 March 1952, and NTE-35/2, "Probable Develop-- rtesnts in Indochina through Mid-1953", published 29 August 1952 a 1. Procedure for Reducing Intelligence Def i-- ciencies in =Vs, dated 3 June 3.952 twin John A. Holbrook, USN (JIG) Fort-Tor ms 1 .-35{`1., "Probable Developments in Indochina through Mid-1952", published ENCLOSURE : A. List of Intelligence Deficiencies Revealed in the Preparation of NIE-35/i and NIE-35/2 1. You will recall that last Agri]., your representatives met with us and discussed a list of intelligence deficiencies which had been revealed in the preparation of NIE-35/1. (Office of National :intelligence memo dated 18 April,, with Enclosures. ) 2. The net result of these discussions were : a. A procedure was agreed upon (reference a); b. No formal action was taken on the list of defi- ciencies except to agree to their incorporation in the terrtl9 of reference to NI . -35/2 s' and e. Each agency informally undertook to take Steps to improve the collection from the field to enable it to make more adequate contributes to NIE-35/2. 'V9! E li C Approved For Release 2006/10/31: CIA-RDP79R00971A000500020007-3 Approved For Release 2006/10/31: CIA-RDP79R00971AO00500020007-3 SECRET 3. Us have now conducted a post-mortem on 1I.35,# and find that no appreciable ,gains were discernible in filling previously identified gaps. 4. The enclosed lisstt of deficiencies therefore bears a remarkable resemblance to the list discussed by your repre- aentatives last April. 5. The Board believes more positive steps need to be taken during the caning year to reduce the deficiencies in intelligence on Indochina. We are therefore submitting the attached list for your consideration and for subsequent discus. Sion in accordance with established procedure. 6. Please have your representative meet with us at 10x 00 Monday, December 15, in Room 346 South Building. D Asat.Director/Adm. Distribution VIB"= Approved For Release 2006/10/31: CIA-RDP79R00971AO00500020007-3 Approved For Release 2006/10/31: CIA-RDP79R00971A000500020007-3 N%Wpi NW 4 December 1952 ENCLOSURE a"A" LIST CF INTELLIGENCE DEFICIENCIES REVEAL IN TI PREPARATION of nT~_Ar~ ra loin order of r?riority A. Viet t_U.nh Deyel o nts I Bins considerable intelligence on the military, economic, and pzo-LIT a situation the ;,net Minh, the quality of such Intel- ligence is generally too low to support firm or conclusive estimates. This may be an Insoluble problem because of the great difficulties involved in the collection process. 1there at all possible, however, US estimates would profit from the following.. 1. bore reliable intelligence concerning the Viet Minh manpower situation. 2. Moro reliable intelligence concerning the state of morale among the Viet T?4inh leadership and Army, and among the population within Viet Minh-controlled territory. 3. t'jore reliable intelligence concerning the extent of consolidation of control over territories held by the Viet Minh; the political, economic and police instru- ments of control; the extent to which the regime is welcome and supported; the degree of power, if any, enjoyed by non-Communist Tarty leadership. 4. More reliable intelligence concerning the present role of 116--Chi-Minh; the other important figures in the Viet YZinh (bacl rounds., responsibilities, etc.). 5. More reliable intelligence concerning the frictions, If any, ttieh exist between the Viet I !inh and the Chinese Canmrnists; the effect of traditional Chinese- Indochinese ill.--feeling;; the existence, if any, of Approved For Release 2006/10/31: CIA-RDP79R00971A000500020007-3 Approved For Release 2006/10/31 : CIA-RDP79R00971A000500020007-3 Viet Minh "rationalist," as distinguished from "Communist," aspirations; the displacing, if any, of indigenous leader- ship and influence by Chinese pressure or personalities. 6. "'yore reliable intelligence concerning the relations, if any, between the Viet 1Linh and Soviets; the existence, if any, of frictions between Peiping and I loscow concern. lug superior influence over the Viet Minh. B. Chizxsge Gomun t Deyelomoents A situation somewhat similar to that discussed above exists 25X1 as far as Chinese Co riunistt support of the Viet Minh is concerned, There is here a gre ity of rewrtiw than there is the Viet Minh itse report ng. a , ver, the reliability of this Intelligence in for the 25X1 moat part poor, although reports on developments within China are generally superior to those concerning Viet ? `inh territories. Where at all possible, US estimates would profit from the following: I ;-lam reliable intelligence concerning Chinese Communist "advisors" with the Viet Ilinh; the number, training, status, function, and influence of these people. 2. riore reliable intelligence concerning Chinese Comrnznist "volunteers," if any, with the Viet Binh; the number, method of integration, corrnnnd relationships, training, status, function, and influence of these people. 3. tore reliable intelli7ence concerning Chinese Communist capabilities with respect to Indochina: Ob, transportation improvements, stockpiling, and air force and naval develop- ments; economic capabilities for riore active participation in Indochina.. . Tlore reliable intelligence concerning indications of Chinese Communist intentions with respect to Indochina. C. French Coelo Mqnt I-lore reliable intelligence would be helpful concerning: 1. Indications of French intentions with respect to Indochina, Approved For Release 2006/10/31: CIA-RDP79R00971A000500020007-3 Approved For Release 2006/10/31 : CIA-RDP79R00971A000500020007-3 Vr Reported exploratory negotiations for some Lind of sr et" .e-mentrt bet-,men French and Viet T h., Chinese,, r. dror : oviet officials-, if such negotiations have actually taken place,, the nature of them; if they have not, the source of the hors of such negotiationsa Sy LT Approved For Release 2006/10/31: CIA-RDP79R00971AO00500020007-3