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Approved For Releas -006/10/31: CIA-RDP79R00971AO00500020006-4 SECRET ITY INF'tlAT ION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OTT ICE CF NATIONAL ESTID 4 December 1952 b 9r` 4oaANDtfl4 FOR s t?Zr. Allan na (OIR) Colonel Gerald F. Lillard, USA (G-2) Captain Allan L. Reed, USN (ONI) Colonel Jack E. Thomas, USAF (AFOIN..2A) Captain John A. Holbrook, USTI (JIG) SUBJECT : Po it4brtem: NIE.-47, "Conmiunist Capabilities and Intentions in Asia Through Mid-1953", published 31 October 1952; NIE-55,/1, "Ccanist Capabilities and Probable Courses of Action in Korea", published 30 July 1952; and NIE-58, "Relations Between the Chinese Ccrcunist Regime and the USSR: Their Present Character and Probable Future Courses", published 10 September 1952 REF ENCE Procedure for Reducing Intelligence Deficiencies in dated 3 June 1952 1. The attached List of Intelligence Deficiencies revealed in the preraration of ME-47, NM-55/1, and 2 -558, are submitted for your consideration in accordance with referenced procedure. 2. Please have your representative rteot with us at 10:00 Tuesday, December 16, in Room 146 South Building. D Aast.Director//Adm. Distribution "gift Approved For Release 2006/10/31: CIA-RDP79R00971AO00500020006-4 Approved For Relea 2006/10/31: CIA-RDP79R00971AO005500020006-4 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 4 December 1952 LIST OF INTELLIGENCE DE PICIE, NGIES REWAM IN T Ill', R~ TION OF NIEIS 47, 5 AND In the prenaration of NIE's 47, 55/1, and 58, several intelligence deficiencies were revealed. These deficiencies are of varying importance. For the most part, they are related to three general questions: what are the political and economic effects of the Korean war on Comamxnist Chine, how do the 17S;R and Comrxunist China jointly administer and maintain the war effort in Forea, and what is the precise nature of Sino-Soviet political relations? The following outline specifics the points on which NE, Is 47, 55/1, and 5g, wore weakened by the lack of adequate intel- ligence, ?fir of these items have previously been cited in the post mortem on SE-2?, some are weaknesses which the IAC agencies are currently in the process of correcting, and certain of the items may be of an "unknowable" nature. We feel, never- theless,, that examination of these weaknesses may reveal new procedures for improving existing intelligence on these questions. The items are not listed In any order of proposed priority, and they are not to be regarded as intelligence requirements for collection purposes. A. The Fo7 i cal and E4, is Effect ? of the K can tJr o Communi tChina 1. 'That has been the effect of the Korean war in Communist on: a. Popular support of the regime? b. Popular attitudes toward the USSR? US? Japan? Chinese Nationalists? a. National consciousness and chauvinism? d. Class structure? e. Party structure and discipline" Approved For Release 2006/10/31: CIA-RDP79R00971AO00500020006-4 Approved For Releas006/10/31: CIA-RDP79R00971A000O50~0020006-4 2. :That has been the effect to date of the Korean war in Corn mmiat China on: a. The viability of the economy? b. The rehabilitation and expansion of productive capacity? a. The economic dependence on the USSR? On what termsrm has Coranunist China been receiving, economic aid from the USSR? B. The Sins-Soviet 1 a Effort in Korea 5. What is the nature of joint Slno-Soviet military direc- tion of the Korean war? What is the relation of the :'oviet Air Force to the Voroan war and the CCAF? ''hat combat experience have CCAF pilots actually had? tJhat degree of combat pro- ficiency have CCAF pilots demonstrated in Korea? What is the Sino-Soviet capability to support: (a) intensified hostilities,, and (b) a general war in the Far East? a. That is the productive capacity of the Soviet Far East? Of Commmmist China? b. ghat are the capabilities of the soviet supply channels into Asia? The capability of the Trans- Siberian RR and of the Unnohurian RR's? Other supply channels? c. What effect would a prolonged and intensified war effort in Korea have upon Communist China's economy? d. That capability does Communist China have to support a prolonged and intensive air offensive in Korea? How large, and where, are Communist China's aviation POL stockpiles? e. tthere are Soviet Far Fast stockpiles located,, and what is their level? Approved For Release 2006/10/31: CIA-RDP79R00971A000500020006-4 Approved For Releas006/10/31: CIA-RDP79R00971A000020006-4 f. What is the amphibious capability of the Soviet F`w East forces, particularly with respect to large unit and combined operations training? 6. How important is Cormmist China's eoonon in the total Coammmist economic support of the Yorean war? 7. On what terms has Cormnmist China been receiving mi l- tary aid from the USSR? G. The ldng of Sin Soviet Fblitic l Re1ationia 8. What are Comumist intentions frith respect to an armistice in Korea? Is there any divergence of view, Chinese and Soviet, on this question? 9. ".That influence does the USSR exert in the key centers of the Chinese Coamnuni,st rogime? a. In the regime's security agencies? Army? Party? Govcrnzaent? Economy? b. U hat key personalities in the regime, if any, may be said to be "I?1U.scovites "? 10. -That influence (political, economic, and military) does the USSR exert in the border areas of Cnmiunist China? a. b. :that is the nature of political relations among G==ist China, the USSR, and Mongolia? `,'hat influence does the US R (or Mongolia) exert in ifianchuria? in Inner 'Abngoliaa? in Sinkiang? 11. What relations of primary influence exist between Con nuniat China? and the USER? a. In doctrine concerning revolutions in Ate? b. In the strategic direction of Co:; runist activities in Southeast Asia? In Japan? c. In North Korea? To what degree has the presence of Chinese Comaunist troops affected Soviet influence there? Approved For Release 2006/10/31: CIA-RDP79R00971AO00500020006-4 Approved For Release 2006/10/31 : CIA-RDP79R00971A000500020006-4 12. To what degree, if any, are the Chinese Comnnxnists more Impatient and aggressive concerning foreign policy ambitions than the Soviets? D. Other bluest ion,,, The following intelligence weaknesses were also revealed in the preparation of NIE's 47, 55/1, and 58: 13. To what degree does public opinion in Communist China coniditon the regime's determination of policy? 14. What is the state of Communist China's air defenses In 'Manchuria, and north China? Elsewhere in China? To what extent would a redeployment of the CLAP improve these defenses? 15. What trends exist in Co aumist China's armed force mobilization programs? Are the armed forces growing larger, smaller, or remaining; static in their numerical strength? 16. What phasing programs have been set for the modernization of Chinese Communist armed forces with Soviet equipment? Approved For Release 2006/10/3.1: CIA-RDP79R00971AO00500020006-4