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Publication Date: 
October 20, 1954
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Approved For Release 2007/02/',45~1~00971A000500010DUT~b GENTRAL INTELLIGENGE AGENC~t MEMQRANDU~Bdi F~?I3,: Mr a Allan Evans (OIR) Colonel VAT. H. Heanig, USA (G-~) Gaptaiu H. E. ~-iggin, USN (ANI) Colonel William S. Bogd, USAF (AFOII3-213~j Colonel Floyd E. Duna, USA (JIG) SUBJECT: Post-M?rtem of NIE Production far First Six Months of 1954 1. There is attached as Enclosure A a draft of consolidated findings on intelligence deficiencies noted in NHE production far the period 1 January - 30 June 1954. Tab A to the enclosure lists the estimates produced in We six-nnonth period on which the findings are based. 2. This review of intelligence deficiencies has base prepared in compliance with the IAG action of 11 May 1954 (IAG-M-151) directing Wet such a paper be psoduced semi-aaaaually for IAC noting and circulation by the DGI. 3, 2~lease review this draft for substance and have your representatives meet with us at iA:OA, Wednesday, 27 +October. in Room 132 South Building, I?eputy Assistant Director National Estimate s This me~-orandum may be downgraded to SECRET when attachm:eat 25X1 is removed. The classification of TAB A is SECRET z !VO CHAfh;a[ {N CLASS. t CJ LIECLAS81FtED SECRET ClASB. CliANGEfl Td: TS 4 ~ g 9 ATE : NEXT REVIEW G AUTFi: pHR~7~fl,-,~2s~ 20 October 1954 ~__ 1.n1 Approved For Release 2007/02/16 :CIA-RDP79R00971A000500010007-4 Approved For Release 2007/02/16 :CIA-RDP79R00971A0005C~Q~1Q~~ ~~ TGP SECR~'~ C~N'I.1t.~L I1~TE~I..IG~I~TCE AG~NC~ 2~3 Gctober 1954 SU$~7~~~': I'ost~-~ortem of NIA ~'roduction for the ~'eriod l ~Jnnua~ry to 30 June .1954 'The following is a review of intellige~act revoaled in the preparation of National Inta~lligence ~stianates d:~a:ring the first six months of 154. 'I'he~se deficiencies identify s,reas i.a which intelligence info:?naation ie inadequate due wither to cps in coll~r:ti~~n or in research and anallrais. No attempt is made to deal with the validity of substantive judgments resale in the estixxsates. No coYd~ir of priority is ixrplied in the listing of gaps witxaixs sections. The estimates upon which these eox~solidated findings are bas~:d arcs listed in Tab A. 1. General Since the intelligence deficiencies Hated in this report re~~'lect only the estimates undert~-ken during the sip-month pes,y,od being reviewed, the list is by no meatus compl~stQ. In spite of the subgtant3al intelligences iraforar~ation available, there continue to Lis: numerous areas in which significant data are lacP~ing. In geners,lr Approved For Release 2007/02/16 :CIA-RDP79R00971A000500010007-4 Approved For Release 2007/02/16 :CIA-RDP79R00971A000500010007-4 it will be noted mat #.hhe moat important intelligence deficiency fn the Savia*.t $loc is one of collection. a fact which esnphasixasa the necessity for full exploitation of available information as well as greater collection efforts. Ire rnoet other areas, notably in 'Western Europe, the over-all coverage is good and quantities of data are availables. 'the problem here is largely one of research aa~d analysis rather than collection. Z. Soviet bloc ~excludang Connmunist ~China~ C3aps in intelligence ors the Soviet Eloc continue to be those inhere~at ~o fleas restrictive security policies of the Comanun,ist states. 13owever, the anethods open to US s.ntelligence far explsiting the l:laxiited range of elate available are probably capable of further dasvelopxnasnt. In ges~~sral, the most significant gaps in this exploitabl+s area cox~tinua~ to lye theses relative to asconomic trends and certain s.spects of So~rigt military capabilities, particularly in the air. Estirr~aative ~aaosk is the period under review ixydicated a neasd for gra~ar.fiar collection efforts ox more efs~ctive and mare generally acceptsblas an~slytical xrethc~cls in the fallowing fields: a. Soviet Ecoxa~ Iutalligence on the Soviet economy coxntinues to be scaazty, bat collection efforts do not Approved For Release 2007/02/16 :CIA-RDP79R00971A000500010007-4 Approved For Release 2007/02/70?~; $R00971A000500010007-4 '~,,` ` appear to be capable of any radical improvement at presents Agencies having intelligence production responsibilities in this field should e~eamine the possibility of more effective collection efforts in the Satellite area which might yield data of significance for the USSIE~ as wall as for the Satellites themselves, There is also a need for more agreema~nt among the agencies on the axaalytical methods to be employed in working from limited data, especially in each fiti~ asp the calculation of gross natitanal product and rates of econoxxaic growth, comgarisons of the magnitude of Soviet economic achieveYraents with those of Western countries, and emmti~~.tea of the proportion of Soviet economic resources allocated to military purpo,aeso b, Soviet Aircrafte There is urgent need for more. sad more reliable. data on Soviet aeronautical research and development programs; actual aircraft production; and the capabilitiea~ og rxevv Soviet aircraffi types. especially long-range bombers sad all weather interceptorso It should also be possible to get rx~ore agreement artaong the agencies concerned oa methods of evaluating such data as Approved For Release 2007/02/16 :CIA-RDP79R00971A000500010007-4 Approved For Release 2007/02/16 :CIA-RDP79R00971A000500010007-4 ~` '~'~' Tt~P S~CIt,]~T are available. This u-ould result in metre expeditious processing than heretofore. c. Soviet Airfield Development. Ara intensified effort is required to collect more information on the develapment of Soviet airfields, especially those capable of supporting long-range bombers for attacks on the US and its overseas installations. d. Soviet Air Logistics. A greater collection effort is needed far information bearing on the Soviet logistic capability to support continuing air operations in variaus theaters, ~srith special emphasis on the long?rangc: air force and the air defense system. e. ~iuided IViissiles. There is a continuing and urgent need for more effective collection anal a greater analytical effort ova all a~pec2s of the Sovief guided missile program. 3. ~'ar ~a~t The mmat important defficiencies in this area recurred in one form or mnother in the preparation of many of the estimates Approved For Release 2007/~Z/'f6 `CI~P79R00971A000500010007-4 Approved For Release 2007/02/16. ~~qq DpP79R00971A000500010007-4 pa~oduced du~cing this pex~iode Certain of the gaps listen ayes ,probably of an unknowable nature. others could be clased by greater cr~lla~ction efforts, while the rer~nainder could be narrowed by improved analysis o? available da~.o Sinv-Soviet Ii,elativns o Mor? re~liable- iaformativn is x~eceasary on these questions: What is Peiping"s role in the formulation and execution of ma,~vr Comuiuniat laolicies in Asia? What division s~f reapvnaibilities s.xista with respect tv ~vrth Korea, Indochina, and the ,Asia.n Communist Parties? Are there any n;.s~jor diff+areaces ove~x de aired atxategy ox tiaaning? Fvr example, which partnex? was chiefly responsibAe for then ~ommuaist decision for an ~-rmistice in k~orea? In Indochina? Fvr whet roasans? What is the extr~xt and nature of Soviet e~conosr~ic and military aasa~iatance, particularly overland, tv Coxnrnunfat China? ~Iha-~k is they extent and nature of Sc~~iet influence or contra! in the Chinese Concamu~nist Partly and Governaneaat? b, Chinese Communist Av:x,~atic Y3evelelrmertta-b The work done by the XAC agencies in preparing NlE 13-54 '"Carnmunist China?a Power Potential through 1957," Approved For Release 2007/02/16 :CIA-RDP79R00971A000500010007-4 Approved For Release 2007/02/16 :CIA-RDP79R00971A000500010007-4 ~..r resulted in better coverage then hitherto of developments within Communist China, 'klowevar. the preparation of this and other estimates during this period revealed that our intelligence coverage on Communist China is still very inadequate on a numbq~r of questions. as is to a lesser extent our analysis of available data, We have to rely almost completely on Chinese Communist public staternesnte for our estimates of economic developgnents in mainland China, Cur information is inadequate to permit s.n agreed eatinnate on the capacity of the mainland transportation system, In agriculture we lack reliable information on production, the rate of collectivisation. m~a~l peasant reactions to the regime's agricultural policya ~-Ve knour that soanle kind of dieciplini~g of party and govern~scaent personnel at the highest level has been occurring, but we have no firrs~ or detailed evidence concerning palicy or persona.laty differences within Communist China?s top leadership, Lastly, the preparation of Nllr 13-54 has revealed that more reliable intelligence is need~sd on the question of public attitudes in China toward the regime, Approved For Release 2007/02/16 :CIA-RDP79R00971A000500010007-4 Approved For Release 2007/02/16 :CIA-RDP79R00971A000500010007-4 phis du