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Document Release Date: 
October 19, 2006
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Publication Date: 
June 2, 1952
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"'pGertl6Y~ ~ 'Approved For Release 2006 - 9R00971A00040 g 25X1 ~,~,r~rnEfiTIA1i - i 2 June 1952 MEMORANDUM FOR THE DEPUTY DIRECTOR/INTELLIGENCE SUBJ3CT: Procedure for Reducing Intelligence Deficiencies in National Intelligence Estimates 1. We have reconsidered our proposed procedure for reducing intelligence deficiencies in NIE's, including the conduct of post- mortems, in the light of the decision of the Director not to refer the findings of the IAC representatives to the IAC as a body for possible formal action. 2. The attached draft reflects the changes required by that de- cision. This draft has been concurred in by Mr. Reber, with the possible exception of the wording of paragraph 7, which now reads, "By receipt of a copy of the Statement (of findings and recommenda- tions), the Assistant Director for Intelligence Coordination will be designated as the DCI's action officer." 3. There might be some virtue in discussing this draft with the IAD's, because the detailed mechanics of action to be taken by CIA and/or other agencies subsequent to the completion of a State- ment of Findings is not set forth. However, it is our view that the procedure specified is as far as ?/NE can take it. Detailed procedures for processing the Statement can be set down after trial runs have been made on several cases. 4. RECOMMItDATION: That you approve the attached procedure and authorize 0 NE too transmit copies to the IAC agencies for their cc: AD/IC (CON ICDENTIA.L' DAD A NE Approved For Release 200611 U/ It) : k - 00971A000400060046-7 Approved For Release 2006/10/19: CIA-RDP79R00971A000400060046-7 CONFIDENTIALI UST 26 t v 1952 RCOCEDUEE FCR REDUCING !ILIGEICE LE 'ICIENCI IN NATIONAL IMULIGRICE, T311ATES 1. When terns of reference are cirat ted, agencies ,will requesteed to : se ei'ta r at ee Itaw In their MUM rageat&ig which there is inde gaate intelligence. Each agent will. refer such items to appropre ate collection agencies vith a. x eVueat that needed intell.igen a be ne ed, when practicable t for F1se the estimate. 2. owing the preparation of the Integrated draft, im1w1 ciee that a dUac d contributions Will vr to the contributing a ncies for ela tionm This ay be done in vrf tfng or t ? h inrorml conference. elaboration vIJI be a matter of research. At th? t:byaa collection MW 'be nec"Reary. 3. i the time when the estimate U, hefo r IAO r aentati s, If the i .dequacy of available intelligence . 1 m 20 tained, the requirement. may be discussed either within the m t. ng Informally onside it. If a sub u t drat is cf ted, this draft will note the requirement with a ststermint that the a e late agency either has been or is theiVoy, arsted to clarify or ifr the point. Approved For Release 20t NJXDER'1I P79R00971A000400060046-7 ',Approved For Release 2006/10/19: CIA-RDP79R00971A000400060046-7 140pi *440 CONFIDENTIAL ~. After an estimate is finished, each agency will. U.ect comments from app iate sovroes and refer thew to the Assistant Director for National timates. On the Main of these cammutst supplemented by its a views, the Office of National Estimates a. Prepare a "Ceaneolidated Crititiu&" containing the em"nts received fimn agencies and also O/ views, with a ffummU7 indicating weak- senses in the conclusions or supporting evidence that are suggested either by the commts, or by O/NE Itself. Such a "Consolidated Critique" will be circulated to the agencies for inform. n tion. b. In addition, on its own initiative or at the request of arq of the participating IBC agencies, draft a proposed "Statement of Intelligence Deficiencies." This will include Intellige"ZO, da!icienciee pointed out in comments received from agencies and also those believed by 0/NE to exist. 48 E7' CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2006/10/19: CIA-RDP79R00971A000400060046-7 `gpproved For Release 2006/10/19: CIA-RDP79R00971AO00400060046-7 CONFIDENTIAL . Following circulation of a draft Statement, (under b), 0/NE will convene a meeting to be attended by re aentatives of the agencies, and of the Assistant Director for IntellIgenCe Coordinai. ti on, on. The purpose of this meeting will be (1) to determine whether o 4tiug intelligence is inadequate and In what respects; (2) to determine whether corrective action is needed in the collection or research fields. 6. After this meeting a Statement of findinga will, be forwarded to the Director of Central Intelligence. Thia State- ment be accompanied by recemmiesdat#ons for action, if appropriate, or by a statement that no specific action is eommendad and that each agency will take continuing action within the field of its responsibilities. Upon receipt of this Statement the Mrectw of Central Intelligence will f - it to the members of the IAC for information or action, as appropriate. 7. By receipt of a copy of the Statement.. the Awlatmt Director for Intelligence Coordination will be designated as the DCI's action officer. mar CONFIDENTTAIi Approved For Release 2006/10/19: CIA-RDP79R00971AO00400060046-7