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July 6, 1955
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Approved For Release 2001/03/0SECI I DP79R00961A000200010020-3
6 July 1955
5 July 1955
MEMORANDUM FOR: Chairman, Intelligence Advisory Committee
FROM . Chairman, Scientific Estimates Committee
SUBJECT : Coordination of Guided Missiles Intelligence
1. In compliance with paragraph 3 of reference, the SEC has
considered the part which it can play in the coordination of guided
missiles intelligence activities. It is the considered opinion of
the SEC that, by further emphasizing and expanding in certain
respects its coordination effort in guided missiles intelligence,
it can fulfill the objectives of the proposed DCID 3/6 through ex-
isting organizations and mechanisms and by establishing ad hoc
subcommittees as required. *
2. With respect to the responsibilities outlined by paragraph
2 of the proposed DCID 3/6 (IAC-D-81/9), the SEC procedures for
implementation would be as follows:
a. "Providing recommendations for the over-all
coordinated guidance and support to the guided missiles
intelligence effort and to exercise such guidance as is
authorized by the IAC. " The SEC will proceed esserr
tially as it did in connection with the preparation of
NIE 11-6-54 when an ad hoc subcommittee was established.
As a committee of the IAC. the SEC will implement
guidance passed to it by the IAC.
The Joint Staff and Navy Members, being of the opinion that the
subject paper reflects too broad a concept of coordination of
the field of G. M. intelligence, take exception to the inclusion,
implied or otherwise, of such power of coordination by the
SEC, and are of the opinion that only the S&T phases of G. M.
intelligence can be undertaken by the SEC without a major
revision of DCID 3/4.
6 July 1955
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6 July 1955
b. "Recommending new techniques for the collection
and analysis of guided missile intelligence. " The SEC will
recommend proposals in fulfillment of this function.
c. "Providing continuing, coordinated requirements
to the collectors. Of The SEC will exercise this function as
it did during the preparation of NIE 11-6-54.
d. "Recommending the means to be established for
making available to the participating agencies all guided
missile intelligence information. " One of the basic policies
of DCID 3/4 is that "Full and free interchange of all
intelligence information and finished intelligence between
all agencies concerned is essential. " This policy in regard
to guided missiles will be implemented by continuing to
pass information through established formal channels and
to insure passage of information informally within the SEC
e. "Planning and coordinating intelligence research
according to the community's capabilities and needs. "
The SEC interprets this function to entail the establishment
of a community research plan in guided missile intelligence
by coordinating the individual research plans of the
member agencies. The purpose of the plan will be to
achieve proper scope and level of research in guided
missiles intelligence in accord with priorities established
by DCID 4/4. Fulfillment of portions of this research
plan which require the assistance of the Economic Intelli-
gence Committee and the Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence
Committee will be coordinated with those groups and
subsequently forwarded to them for implementation. The
SEC will likewise support those committees in the fulfill-
ment of their responsibilities.
f. "Review and coordination of intelligence on guided
missiles produced to serve as contributions to national
intelligence estimates and national intelligence surveys. "
The SEC will continue to review and coordinate contributions
for national intelligence purposes essentially in the same
manner as was used for NIE 11-6-54 and is currently
being done for National Intelligence Surveys.
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SECRET 6 July 1955
Approved For Release=2001/03/04: CIA- RDP79RO09 ;OO0 QIbQG2AA,B
6 July 1955
25X1 C
. "Production of coordinated intelligence studies on
guided missiles to be published under GMIC rubric. "
Such studies as deemed desirable by the SEC will be prepared
from departmental contributions and published under SEC
h. "Providing staff support when required by the IAC
with respect to international conferences and planning in
guided missiles intelligence. " The SEC, at IAC direction,
undertook staff support
will be accomplished in a similar manner,
25X1 C
3. The previous paragraph relates to the specific functions pro-
posed for GMIC. The SEC believes that experience alone will enable
the community to judge the necessity for all these functions and the
possible omission of other equally important spheres of activity.
Until experience can be gained through actual operation, the SEC pro-
poses to proceed as outlined above to accomplish the objectives of the
Draft DCID 3/6.
4. The SEC will require appropriate support from other IAC
subcommittees (Economic Intelligence Committee, Joint Atomic
Energy Intelligence Committee, Interagency Priorities Committee,
and the Interagency Defector Committee) in the accomplishment of
its guided missile intelligence mission. The SEC will request
assistance of the Joint Technical Intelligence Subcommittee of the
Joint Intelligence Committee. Requirements for support in special
intelligence and ELINT will be levied on the U. S. Communications
Intelligence Board through appropriate channels.
5. Regular SEC membership includes representatives of CIA,
the Departmenis of State, Army, Navy, and Air Force, the Joint Staff,
and the AEC. Ad hoc representation from the National Security Agency,
the FBI, and others will be requested as appropriate.
6. The SEC is in agreement that no changes in its charter are
required at the present time to accomplish the objectives of the pro-
posed DCID 3/6, if so directed by the IAC. The SEC believes that
DCID 4/4 provides the necessary priority for effective implementa-
tion. A considerable increase in the work load of the SEC is
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envisaged. as a result of the assumption of the proposed duties. The
SEC will report to the IAG periodically on the progress in the guided
missile field and will request guidance immediately on any problems
which SEC cannot itself resolve.
7. At the invitation of General Samford, the SEC visited A TIC
and was briefed by General Watson on the Air Force activities in
guided missile intelligence. Air Force activities in improving and
implementing methods for technical collection of guided missiles in-
telligence were particularly encouraging. At the present time, however,
the SEC is not in a position to evaluate further the activities of the Air
Force inasmuch as the assets and capabilities of the remainder of the
community have not yet been investigated in similar detail.
8. This memorandum has been forwarded to the EIC for comment.
/s/ 25X1A
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