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'Approved For Releasquip05/08/22 : CIA-RDP79R00904A0001040025-2 CONFIDENTIAL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICE OF NATIONAL ESTE 14124CRANDirl FOR THE Di INCE .ADTIBCRY CCM 1 October 1953 SUBJECT : IAC Paley on Approval of Appendioes to NIE's REFERENCE: IA041.119 el Septetber 1953) as amended IA0,4120 (8 September 1953) ' 1. Pureuamt to IAC action an 1 September, the Board of National Estimaten has considered ,general polio; with respect to appendices to national intelligence estimates. 2. The findings of the Board are incorporated in the attached Staff Study*. 3. The Board recoormendss A. That IAC action of 4 September 1952 relating to appendices (IA04441 Revised, Item 2) be rescinded. b. That the IAC instruct the Board and the IAC rep. resentativos to hold the use of appendices and their length to a minintra consistent with the adequate presentation of estimates. 2. That such appendices as are found to be necessary be sated upon by the IAC in the same manner as amy other part of the estimate. 44 This matter has been placed on the agenda of the IAC mooting eoheduled for 1045 Tuesday, 6 October, Distribution "Au COATIDENTIAL S N Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP79R00 Acting Assistant Direct National Estimates 25X1 25X1 25X1 04A000100040025-2 Approved For Release 2005/08/22cMEET00904A000100040025-2 STAFF STUDY IAC POLICY REGARDING APPROVAL OF APPENDICES' TO NATIONAL INTELLIGCNCE ESTINATES THE PROBLUI 1 October 1953 To recommend a policy regarding IAC approval of the content of appendices to national intelligence estimates -FACTS BLARING OP Tee PROBLEM 1. On various ceeeeiene and with various degrees of formality the NSC Planning Board has expreened ite.desire to be supplied with IAC-coordinated supporting data of the sort which has beerepresented in the appendices to nationel intelligence estimates, 2, Between 11 November 1950 and 4 September 1952 the IAC approved twenty-one estimates containing appendioes (sometimes called enclosurev annex? or tab)e In throe eases these appendices consisted exclusively of quoted documentse; in aie caseso of tabular data only. In twelve cases they included additional text supple. menting the discussion within the estimate proper. (See Annexe) .3? At the IeC meeting on 4 September 1952 there WM objection to acting on a lengthy appendix (22 pages in dittov 8 pages in print) attached to NIL-690 1Probable Developments in North Africa." This materials, once part of the discussion in NI73-65 had been relegated to an appendix as not essential to the diecuseion, but nevertheless of use to the WSC Staff as backgroued information. The Approved For Release 2005/08/22 Mil:PIREMR00904A000100040025-2 ? CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Releazi2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP79R00904A00W040025-2 content of the appendix had been cleared with the IAC mpreseut,atives:, 4. IAC41.81 (Revised) records the action of the IAC x: ti matter as follows$ Approved ENIE17 as submitted s the ape dices to be disseminated with the estimate, With respect to the general questiareof issuing appendices to accompami Naos the Deputy Director (Intelligence) of CIA in consultation with the agencies will determine whether an appendix hall accompany a National Estimate, it being understood that such appendices would consist of background informatAen submitted by the agencies in. developing the estimate. Al- though formal IAC concurrence will not be given appendices they should be screened by the agencies and any serious disagreement taken into aecounto Actusuy the draft appendix to NI-69 wee published eapa- rateIy An N. format, but labeled as a Eemorandum for the NSC Senior Staffs with the notation that it was prepared by CIA in consultation with the IAG agencies. 6. Despite the decision recorded in IACaK-81 (Revised) the IACs sines 4 September 19520 has approved appendices in seven national intelligence estimates, (See Annex() In five cases these appendices consisted of tabular data only? The eerliest ease0 however a- the Appendices to 4IE-64? Part Is approved 26 November 1952 --Involved the informal, but personals action of the TAG members on 75 pages of ditto text (32 pages in print), The appen- dices to SE-38 (38 pages in ditto, 12 in print) were fornmaAy approved at an IAC meeting, 26 May 1951, 2 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP79R00904A000100040025-2 Approved For ReleaseZ05/08/22 : CIA-RDP79R00904A000100040025-2 CONFIDENTIAL 7? .At the IAC meeting an 2 September 1953 there was objection to IAC approval of the appendices to NIE-9041 with reference to the policy adopted on L. September 1952, It was agreed: (a) to refer these appendices back to the IAC repreeentatives for review "with the objective of IAC approval"; (b) to reconsider general policy with respect to appendices in the near futurev DISCUSSION 8? Appendices to national intelligence estimates ore justi- fiable as an editorial device for eegregating basic data which is needed' to support or amplify the discussion., but which would unduly encumber the discussion. if ineorporated in it, It may be desirable to reduce this practiee to a minim% but experience has shorn that there certainly will be future occasions when it will be necessary or desirable to resort to it, Coneequontly there should be.no rigid rule against the ues of appendices, At the same time it would be proper to require that their use be clearly warranted in each cameo 90 A recurring need for the use of appendices can be antici- pated in the projected seriee of annual estinetes of Soviet capebilitiee of the NIE-611/NIE-90 type0 The basic estimates of Soviet strengths and weaknesses which constitute the substance of the appendices to NIE-64 and NIE-90 are an integral part of the' subject,, essential to its dieeussione Moreover, as establishedin these OUNFIDESTIAL Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP79R00904A000100040025-2 ? CONFIDENTIAL Approved For ReleasV05/08/22:CIA-RDP79R00904A0001440025-2 documents9 they under/4' most other national, intelligence esttnateL, Consequently they require the stamp of Ifie approval and cannot be dismissed as "working papers," 10,, At the sane time it should bc noted that the 20 August draft appendices to 14:03-90 (99 pages in ditto, including tables) were 1f1Ore voluminous than the Bosrd considers to be noce6zary or desirable,, This bulk was at least- in part the result of insistema by the 3everal LIG agenoica upon the inclusion. of additional data, An agreeiTopnt that such appendime should be more selective in corrten? and nom ,ti?rsccinot in presenUtton would /be weleorzed by the 13oard? li,? The 310.3 aation of 4 !::fr'eptember 1952 appaars to have boen based In part on...an amllogy betwen SCA,C.1 action in approldng mit:tonal ? estimatez.,; and a al3S rule that JUST approval of the r3comendations in a given paper is not to be taken toirpiy JOS approval of tiltc, supporting argument, This role i6 necessary to prevent .5cmte obacure passage being cited in another context as binding 'becawie JCZ-approvedr, Tht. analomr is imperfeeti, however,; inasmuch as JC3 pape.rs are action papers in which the recommendations alone are operative, Nett-N1 apc.r(riMdp wtterePs the fumtion of nationai intelliErnce estimatee is to,- Inform mi evory yert the paper serves that purpose tho 44i)r-endices.,, 12? -it is arg--,d (114-41-119) that IAC approval of baL371,11A,.11 111.1-.a those found in the apyendices to NIL-64. and NIL-90 wou.,1d. hincier Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP79R00904A000100040025-2 -Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP79R00904A000100040025-2 S100 CONFIDENTIAL or preclude Departmental modification of such estimates for Departmental Purposes on the basis of new evidence. This objection presupposes unwarranted bureaucratic and hierarchical rigidity. No estimate can ever be more binding than an established judgment . as or a cereaxaluate? teetiayS eubjeat to modifidation by new evidence or even by well-founded reconsideration of old evidence. Frequent revision of basic data is undesirable, but justifiable revision of such data by the Competent and responsible Departmental agency should not be precluded by the existence of an NIB. If the departure from a published NIL is a eatterof precision in detail, not seriously affecting the NIE9s conclusions, no prior or subsequent IAC action should be necessary pending the scheduled revision of the NIL. If it is a matter of greater import, a revision of the NIL5 or At least the publication of a slant, would seem to be indicated, 13, It is also argued that, insofar as concerns military data, NIL appeedices are unnecessary to meet the requirements of the NSC Plannine Board Inasmuch as the content of corresponding JIC estimates Is available to the Planning Board through its ,XS adviser, As S practical matter, however, J/0 estimates arO'not made directly available to t!le NSC Planning Board. The JCS adviier, as an aceomsneation? might indeed obtain frocithe Joint Staff answers to speed:tie intelligence wariee, but such a proeedtre would be inconvenient for all at:monied arid would not sem the purpose of making the Planning Board generally veil informed Approved For Release 2005/08/22CIA-RDP79R00904A000100040025-2 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For ReleaV05/08/22 : CIA-RDP79R00904A00019a/40025-2 CONFIDENT/AL In slush mattars. In point of Talmage, moreover, the function of the JCS adviser is to provide operational information and policy adrift fromtha 308 point of view, not intelligence. For the natio- faction of its intelligetoe requiramenta the Planning Board looks to its designated intelligence adviser, the Deputy DirectOr/lntel- Uganda, OIL, and normany empeets its Intelligence documentation to consist or integrated national estimates that is, /AC-approved estimates, not JIG estimates or Etpartmantal "vorking papsren. 24. The LISC Planning Board values the supporting data cot.. tained In BlE appendioas (a) as auhatantiation for and further at. planation of the ganeralized aromas lathe discussion, (S) for the better general information of its mothers, (c) as a general body of reference data conveniettly available use in Planning Board discussions. The llannlog Board *considers that thin data, to be of value, should be as yell coordinated and authoritative as any other part of the eatimata. Intelligenoe data deemed aart4y of BSC Planning Board oonsidaratiaa should he worthy of IAC con- sideration and approval. 154 IAC coordination or much biaxial estimates as are oontainod in the appendices to NIE-64 and EIE.90 is of important valme to all cow:yarned, both produoars api reaipients? as enuring duaponsidera- tion of political, ecotomlo mad ecientifio faotore in primarily - 6 CIINFIDENIIAL Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP79R00904A000100040025-2 Approved For ReleasZ05/08/22 : CIA-RDP79R00904A0001V0025-2 compurriAL military estimates, and vice-vera, A periodic IAC review of these matters, as envisaged in the NIEe6101E-90 series, is essential to the disoharge of the statutory responsibility of the DCI for coordi- nation* The DCI and the IAG cannot acquit themselves of this responsbility by the publication of unapproved appendices as *working papers** 3.60 As a practical matters it is likely that reeponeibilitY for such *working papers* would be attributed to the I40 in egy case, no matter what rules the IAC might adopt? The typical recipient would assume that supporting data related to a national intelligence estimate and published. by CIA bore e4 lay inprematur, regardless of the ruble printed on the cover* The IAC can delegate its authority to the nworking level* with respect to appendices, but it cannot escape eesponaibi1ity0 RECOMMENDATIONS 170 The Board of National Estimates reeommendst & That 1A0 action of 4 September 1932 relative to appendices (IAC44,81 Beliolsedp item 4) be resoinded. Do That the In instruct the Board and the IAG representa4res to hold the use of appendloes and their length to a ninkisa consistent with the adequate presentation of estimates. c? That such appendices as are found to be necessary be acted upon by the IAC in the same manner as any other part of the estimate? - 7 - Approved For Release 2005/08/22a:CEMPA00904A000100040025-2 et% 'Approved For Releasia05/08/22 : CIA-RDP79R00904A000100040025-2 CONFIDENIXAL CENT RAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICE OF NATIONAL =MATES 2 October 1953 MEMORANDUM FOR THE INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Please insert the attached Annex to your copy of Memorandum for the IAC, "IAC Policy on Approval of Appen- dices to ME's", dated 1 October 1953. Distribution "A" CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP79R00904A000100040025-2 'Approved For Releavw,3005/08/22 ? CIA-RDP79R00904A0001Z0.1040025-2 0016;IDENIAL MEN PUBLISHED ESTIMATES CONAINIIIG LIC-AP' ? Dit APEENDICFS Date latiebild BOW. 73?' ?f PP. in t2g. 11132. tiPe of ?SM. 1.5 !Welker 1950 NIE-3 10 13 text 21 November 1950 VIE-7 5 10 text 8 January 1951 NIE-34 4. 4 tablas only 10 hammy 1951 132-18 5 7 text 22 Amery 1953. N13-21 3 2 documentary 10 April 1951 1'IE-27 6 3 text 20 April 1951 NIE-19 6 1 dootsrentary 22)y 1951, $E-5 8 5 text 6 August 1951 SE-9 12 2 text 7 August 1951 !IE-35 5 1 tables only 14 September 1951 NIE-41 6 1 tablas only 7 Noveskar 1951 1IE-33 8 3 tables only 22 December 1951 SE:.20 3 5 text 26 March 1952 SE-24 3 4 text 1 April 1952 1IE..27/2. 7 4 text 28 April 1952 SE-25 3 1 tables only 30 April 1952 111E-60 4 11 text 29!W 1952 IE-52 11 7 text 5 Jrcte 1952 SE-27 14 4 text 30 Ju3y 1952 NIE-55/1 8 4 tables only 10 September 1952 mi-58 5 4 documentary 22 November 1952 N/E-64 (1) 8 26 November 1952 Appendices 32 text 11. December 1952 NIE-21/1 4 1 tables only' 3 April 1953 riE-so 9 4 tables only 16 April 1953 1413-59 3D 3 tables only 24 April 1953 SE-38 7 28 My 1953 WIE-87 9 6 tables only 4 Zane 1953 NIE-91 8 4 tables only 32 Awe 1953 SE-38 App, 12 text g CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP79R00904A000100040025-2