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Document Release Date: 
January 23, 2004
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Publication Date: 
August 24, 1960
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Approved For Release 2q NSC BRIEFING DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 25X1 24 August 1960 I. OAS decision of 21 August to apply sanctions o`h Dominican Republic brought prompt injured-innocence expression of "shock" from Trujillo's puppet, President Balaguer--but no indications regime will relinquish control or mend its ways. B. Haiti's foreign minister fears Trujillo may take some retalia- tory action against Haiti because of its refusal to support Dominicans at the OAS foreign ministers meeting--and this fear probably is well founded. C. Since the OAS decision, Chile, Guatemala, Me ico,_",and Panama have broken diplomatic relations with the Dominicans; eight other LA nations had halted diplomatic relations some time earlier. II. US Embassy reports pro-US Dominican dissidents elated over US stand at San Jos? conference. 25X1 25X1 A. Some leading dissidents gave Embassy memorandum of 23 August urging immediate boycott of Dominican exports, arguing this would least hurt Dominican people while most seriously affecting government. DIA and DOS review(s) completed. Approved For Release 20 11141031-1 -1 : - 001200080035-8 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 20a 1. Claims, correctly, that Trujillo family monopolizes production of leading export commodities (sugar, coffee, cacao, meat), and export income therefore largely benefits dictator. 2. Also says export commodities now?in country are valued at $40,000,000 to $50,000,000 and can be easily stored "for several months"--and then be valuable asset for new regime, since Trujillo expected to steal most available money. 3. States that "since dictator is conceited.person and always ready commit any kind of atrocity to obtain desires," sanctions must 25X1 be quick and drastic to halt his destruction of the country. as expressing belief Dominican armed forces will not support Trujillo in showdown. 1. But Embassy advises caution on this, noting report is first 25X1 III. Dominican Radio Caribe reported on 23 August that negotiations to obtain information services of TASS have been opened in order to "preven? information services from being silenced by imperialist interests opposing Dominican people"; and other reports suggest Trujillo may be seeking to align himself with USSR or Castro, or both. A. Trujillo, previously self-described as strongest anti-Communist in area, is vindictive man perfectly capable of such a switch. B. But Moscow likely to be cautious in responding to any Dominican overtures, especially in view of unanimous vote at OAS meeting. Approved For Release 2 001200080035-8 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/03/11 : CIA-RDP79R0089OA001200080035-8 Approved For Release 2004/03/11 : CIA-RDP79R0089OA001200080035-8